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path: root/nix/buildkite/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nix/buildkite/default.nix')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/nix/buildkite/default.nix b/nix/buildkite/default.nix
index 5c46dcb333..9abba9408a 100644
--- a/nix/buildkite/default.nix
+++ b/nix/buildkite/default.nix
@@ -25,65 +25,114 @@ let
-  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommandNoCC writeText;
+  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand writeText;
   inherit (depot.nix.readTree) mkLabel;
+  inherit (depot.nix) dependency-analyzer;
 rec {
-  # Creates a Nix expression that yields the target at the specified
-  # location in the repository.
-  #
-  # This makes a distinction between normal targets (which physically
-  # exist in the repository) and subtargets (which are "virtual"
-  # targets exposed by a physical one) to make it clear in the build
-  # output which is which.
-  mkBuildExpr = target:
+  # Create a unique key for the buildkite pipeline based on the given derivation
+  # or drvPath. A consequence of using such keys is that every derivation may
+  # only be exposed as a single, unique step in the pipeline.
+  keyForDrv = drvOrPath:
+    let
+      drvPath =
+        if lib.isDerivation drvOrPath then drvOrPath.drvPath
+        else if lib.isString drvOrPath then drvOrPath
+        else builtins.throw "keyForDrv: expected string or derivation";
+      # Only use the drv hash to prevent escaping problems. Buildkite also has a
+      # limit of 100 characters on keys.
+    in
+    "drv-" + (builtins.substring 0 32
+      (builtins.baseNameOf (unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath))
+    );
+  # Given an arbitrary attribute path generate a Nix expression which obtains
+  # this from the root of depot (assumed to be ./.). Attributes may be any
+  # Nix strings suitable as attribute names, not just Nix literal-safe strings.
+  mkBuildExpr = attrPath:
       descend = expr: attr: "builtins.getAttr \"${attr}\" (${expr})";
-      targetExpr = foldl' descend "import ./. {}" target.__readTree;
-      subtargetExpr = descend targetExpr target.__subtarget;
-    if target ? __subtarget then subtargetExpr else targetExpr;
+    foldl' descend "import ./. {}" attrPath;
   # Determine whether to skip a target if it has not diverged from the
   # HEAD branch.
-  shouldSkip = parentTargetMap: label: drvPath:
+  shouldSkip = { parentTargetMap ? { }, label, drvPath }:
     if (hasAttr label parentTargetMap) && parentTargetMap."${label}".drvPath == drvPath
     then "Target has not changed."
     else false;
-  # Create build command for a derivation target.
-  mkBuildCommand = target: drvPath: concatStringsSep " " [
+  # Create build command for an attribute path pointing to a derivation.
+  mkBuildCommand = { attrPath, drvPath, outLink ? "result" }: concatStringsSep " " [
+    # If the nix build fails, the Nix command's exit status should be used.
+    "set -o pipefail;"
     # First try to realise the drvPath of the target so we don't evaluate twice.
     # Nix has no concept of depending on a derivation file without depending on
     # at least one of its `outPath`s, so we need to discard the string context
     # if we don't want to build everything during pipeline construction.
-    "(nix-store --realise '${drvPath}' --add-root result --indirect && readlink result)"
+    #
+    # To make this more uniform with how nix-build(1) works, we call realpath(1)
+    # on nix-store(1)'s output since it has the habit of printing the path of the
+    # out link, not the store path.
+    "(nix-store --realise '${drvPath}' --add-root '${outLink}' --indirect | xargs -r realpath)"
     # Since we don't gcroot the derivation files, they may be deleted by the
     # garbage collector. In that case we can reevaluate and build the attribute
     # using nix-build.
-    "|| (test ! -f '${drvPath}' && nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr target}' --show-trace)"
+    "|| (test ! -f '${drvPath}' && nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr attrPath}' --show-trace --out-link '${outLink}')"
+  # Attribute path of a target relative to the depot root. Needs to take into
+  # account whether the target is a physical target (which corresponds to a path
+  # in the filesystem) or the subtarget of a physical target.
+  targetAttrPath = target:
+    target.__readTree
+    ++ lib.optionals (target ? __subtarget) [ target.__subtarget ];
+  # Given a derivation (identified by drvPath) that is part of the list of
+  # targets passed to mkPipeline, determine all derivations that it depends on
+  # and are also part of the pipeline. Finally, return the keys of the steps
+  # that build them. This is used to populate `depends_on` in `mkStep`.
+  #
+  # See //nix/dependency-analyzer for documentation on the structure of `targetDepMap`.
+  getTargetPipelineDeps = targetDepMap: drvPath:
+    # Sanity check: We should only call this function on targets explicitly
+    # passed to mkPipeline. Thus it should have been passed as a “known” drv to
+    # dependency-analyzer.
+    assert targetDepMap.${drvPath}.known;
+    builtins.map keyForDrv targetDepMap.${drvPath}.knownDeps;
   # Create a pipeline step from a single target.
-  mkStep = headBranch: parentTargetMap: target:
+  mkStep = { headBranch, parentTargetMap, targetDepMap, target, cancelOnBuildFailing }:
       label = mkLabel target;
       drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext target.drvPath;
-      shouldSkip' = shouldSkip parentTargetMap;
       label = ":nix: " + label;
-      key = hashString "sha1" label;
-      skip = shouldSkip' label drvPath;
-      command = mkBuildCommand target drvPath;
+      key = keyForDrv target;
+      skip = shouldSkip { inherit label drvPath parentTargetMap; };
+      command = mkBuildCommand {
+        attrPath = targetAttrPath target;
+        inherit drvPath;
+      };
       env.READTREE_TARGET = label;
+      cancel_on_build_failing = cancelOnBuildFailing;
       # Add a dependency on the initial static pipeline step which
       # always runs. This allows build steps uploaded in batches to
       # start running before all batches have been uploaded.
-      depends_on = ":init:";
-    };
+      depends_on = [ ":init:" ]
+      ++ getTargetPipelineDeps targetDepMap drvPath
+      ++ lib.optionals (target ? meta.ci.buildkiteExtraDeps) target.meta.ci.buildkiteExtraDeps;
+    } // lib.optionalAttrs (target ? meta.timeout) {
+      timeout_in_minutes = target.meta.timeout / 60;
+      # Additional arguments to set on the step.
+      # Keep in mind these *overwrite* existing step args, not extend. Use with caution.
+    } // lib.optionalAttrs (target ? meta.ci.buildkiteExtraStepArgs) target.meta.ci.buildkiteExtraStepArgs;
   # Helper function to inelegantly divide a list into chunks of at
   # most n elements.
@@ -142,7 +191,21 @@ rec {
       # Can be used for status reporting steps and the like.
       postBuildSteps ? [ ]
-    , # Build phases that are active for this invocation (i.e. their
+      # The list of phases known by the current Buildkite
+      # pipeline. Dynamic pipeline chunks for each phase are uploaded
+      # to Buildkite on execution of static part of the
+      # pipeline. Phases selection is hard-coded in the static
+      # pipeline.
+      #
+      # Pipeline generation will fail when an extra step with
+      # unregistered phase is added.
+      #
+      # Common scenarios for different phase:
+      #   - "build" - main phase for building all Nix targets
+      #   - "release" - pushing artifacts to external repositories
+      #   - "deploy" - updating external deployment configurations
+    , phases ? [ "build" "release" ]
+      # Build phases that are active for this invocation (i.e. their
       # steps should be generated).
       # This can be used to disable outputting parts of a pipeline if,
@@ -150,45 +213,50 @@ rec {
       # eval contexts.
       # TODO(tazjin): Fail/warn if unknown phase is requested.
-      activePhases ? [ "build" "release" ]
+    , activePhases ? phases
+      # Setting this attribute to true cancels dynamic pipeline steps
+      # as soon as the build is marked as failing.
+      #
+      # To enable this feature one should enable "Fail Fast" setting
+      # at Buildkite pipeline or on organization level.
+    , cancelOnBuildFailing ? false
-      # Currently the only known phases are 'build' (Nix builds and
-      # extra steps that are not post-build steps) and 'release' (all
-      # post-build steps).
-      #
-      # TODO(tazjin): Fully configurable set of phases?
-      knownPhases = [ "build" "release" ];
       # List of phases to include.
-      phases = lib.intersectLists activePhases knownPhases;
+      enabledPhases = lib.intersectLists activePhases phases;
       # Is the 'build' phase included? This phase is treated specially
       # because it always contains the plain Nix builds, and some
       # logic/optimisation depends on knowing whether is executing.
-      buildEnabled = elem "build" phases;
+      buildEnabled = elem "build" enabledPhases;
+      # Dependency relations between the `drvTargets`. See also //nix/dependency-analyzer.
+      targetDepMap = dependency-analyzer (dependency-analyzer.drvsToPaths drvTargets);
       # Convert a target into all of its steps, separated by build
       # phase (as phases end up in different chunks).
       targetToSteps = target:
-          step = mkStep headBranch parentTargetMap target;
+          mkStepArgs = {
+            inherit headBranch parentTargetMap targetDepMap target cancelOnBuildFailing;
+          };
+          step = mkStep mkStepArgs;
           # Same step, but with an override function applied. This is
           # used in mkExtraStep if the extra step needs to modify the
           # parent derivation somehow.
           # Note that this will never affect the label.
-          overridable = f: mkStep headBranch parentTargetMap (f target);
+          overridable = f: mkStep (mkStepArgs // { target = (f target); });
           # Split extra steps by phase.
           splitExtraSteps = lib.groupBy ({ phase, ... }: phase)
-            (attrValues (mapAttrs (normaliseExtraStep knownPhases overridable)
+            (attrValues (mapAttrs (normaliseExtraStep phases overridable)
               (target.meta.ci.extraSteps or { })));
           extraSteps = mapAttrs
             (_: steps:
-              map (mkExtraStep buildEnabled) steps)
+              map (mkExtraStep (targetAttrPath target) buildEnabled) steps)
         if !buildEnabled then extraSteps
@@ -204,7 +272,7 @@ rec {
         release = postBuildSteps;
-      phasesWithSteps = lib.zipAttrsWithNames phases (_: concatLists)
+      phasesWithSteps = lib.zipAttrsWithNames enabledPhases (_: concatLists)
         ((map targetToSteps drvTargets) ++ [ globalSteps ]);
       # Generate pipeline chunks for each phase.
@@ -215,10 +283,10 @@ rec {
           then acc
           else acc ++ (pipelineChunks phase phaseSteps))
         [ ]
-        phases;
+        enabledPhases;
-    runCommandNoCC "buildkite-pipeline" { } ''
+    runCommand "buildkite-pipeline" { } ''
       mkdir $out
       echo "Generated ${toString (length chunks)} pipeline chunks"
@@ -238,9 +306,7 @@ rec {
         # Include the attrPath in the output to reconstruct the drv
         # without parsing the human-readable label.
-        attrPath = target.__readTree ++ lib.optionals (target ? __subtarget) [
-          target.__subtarget
-        ];
+        attrPath = targetAttrPath target;
@@ -264,10 +330,6 @@ rec {
   #     confirmation. These steps always run after the main build is
   #     done and have no influence on CI status.
-  #   postBuild (optional): If set to true, this step will run after
-  #     all primary build steps (that is, after status has been reported
-  #     back to CI).
-  #
   #   needsOutput (optional): If set to true, the parent derivation
   #     will be built in the working directory before running the
   #     command. Output will be available as 'result'.
@@ -294,8 +356,8 @@ rec {
     steps = [
-        inherit (step) branches;
         inherit prompt;
+        branches = step.branches or [ ];
         block = ":radio_button: Run ${label}? (from ${parent.env.READTREE_TARGET})";
@@ -309,7 +371,7 @@ rec {
   # Validate and normalise extra step configuration before actually
   # generating build steps, in order to use user-provided metadata
   # during the pipeline generation.
-  normaliseExtraStep = knownPhases: overridableParent: key:
+  normaliseExtraStep = phases: overridableParent: key:
     { command
     , label ? key
     , needsOutput ? false
@@ -317,12 +379,8 @@ rec {
     , branches ? null
     , alwaysRun ? false
     , prompt ? false
-      # TODO(tazjin): Default to 'build' after 2022-10-01.
-    , phase ? if (isNull postBuild || !postBuild) then "build" else "release"
-      # TODO(tazjin): Turn into hard-failure after 2022-10-01.
-    , postBuild ? null
+    , softFail ? false
+    , phase ? "build"
     , skip ? false
     , agents ? null
@@ -330,12 +388,12 @@ rec {
       parent = overridableParent parentOverride;
       parentLabel = parent.env.READTREE_TARGET;
-      validPhase = lib.throwIfNot (elem phase knownPhases) ''
+      validPhase = lib.throwIfNot (elem phase phases) ''
         In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}):
         Phase '${phase}' is not valid.
-        Known phases: ${concatStringsSep ", " knownPhases}
+        Known phases: ${concatStringsSep ", " phases}
@@ -349,35 +407,16 @@ rec {
+        softFail
-      # //nix/buildkite is growing a new feature for adding different
-      # "build phases" which supersedes the previous `postBuild`
-      # boolean API.
-      #
-      # To help users transition, emit warnings if the old API is used.
-      phase = lib.warnIfNot (isNull postBuild) ''
-        In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}):
-        Please note: The CI system is introducing support for running
-        steps in different build phases.
-        The currently supported phases are 'build' (all Nix targets,
-        extra steps such as tests that feed into the build results,
-        etc.) and 'release' (steps that run after builds and tests
-        have already completed).
-        This replaces the previous boolean `postBuild` API in extra
-        step definitions. Please remove the `postBuild` parameter from
-        this step and instead set `phase = ${phase};`.
-      ''
-        validPhase;
+      phase = validPhase;
       prompt = lib.throwIf (prompt != false && phase == "build") ''
         In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}):
-        The 'prompt' feature can only be used by steps in the "release"
+        The 'prompt' feature can not be used by steps in the "build"
         phase, because CI builds should not be gated on manual human
@@ -386,11 +425,26 @@ rec {
   # Create the Buildkite configuration for an extra step, optionally
   # wrapping it in a gate group.
-  mkExtraStep = buildEnabled: cfg:
+  mkExtraStep = parentAttrPath: buildEnabled: cfg:
+      # ATTN: needs to match an entry in .gitignore so that the tree won't get dirty
+      commandScriptLink = "nix-buildkite-extra-step-command-script";
       step = {
+        key = "extra-step-" + hashString "sha1" "${cfg.label}-${cfg.parentLabel}";
         label = ":gear: ${cfg.label} (from ${cfg.parentLabel})";
-        skip = if cfg.alwaysRun then false else cfg.skip or cfg.parent.skip or false;
+        skip =
+          let
+            # When parent doesn't have skip attribute set, default to false
+            parentSkip = cfg.parent.skip or false;
+            # Extra step skip parameter can be string explaining the
+            # skip reason.
+            extraStepSkip = if builtins.isString cfg.skip then true else cfg.skip;
+            # Don't run if extra step is explicitly set to skip. If
+            # parameter is not set or equal to false, follow parent behavior.
+            skip' = if extraStepSkip then cfg.skip else parentSkip;
+          in
+          if cfg.alwaysRun then false else skip';
         depends_on = lib.optional
           (buildEnabled && !cfg.alwaysRun && !cfg.needsOutput)
@@ -402,9 +456,25 @@ rec {
             "echo '~~~ Preparing build output of ${cfg.parentLabel}'"
           ${lib.optionalString cfg.needsOutput cfg.parent.command}
-          echo '+++ Running extra step command'
-          exec ${cfg.command}
+          echo '--- Building extra step script'
+          command_script="$(${
+            # Using command substitution in this way assumes the script drv only has one output
+            assert builtins.length cfg.command.outputs == 1;
+            mkBuildCommand {
+              # script is exposed at <parent>.meta.ci.extraSteps.<key>.command
+              attrPath =
+                parentAttrPath
+                ++ [ "meta" "ci" "extraSteps" cfg.key "command" ];
+              drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext cfg.command.drvPath;
+              # make sure it doesn't conflict with result (from needsOutput)
+              outLink = commandScriptLink;
+            }
+          })"
+          echo '+++ Running extra step script'
+          exec "$command_script"
+        soft_fail = cfg.softFail;
       } // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.agents != null) { inherit (cfg) agents; })
       // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.branches != null) {
         branches = lib.concatStringsSep " " cfg.branches;