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Diffstat (limited to 'nix')
41 files changed, 1220 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/nix/OWNERS b/nix/OWNERS
index a742d0d22b..a640227914 100644
--- a/nix/OWNERS
+++ b/nix/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-inherited: true
-  - Profpatsch
diff --git a/nix/bufCheck/default.nix b/nix/bufCheck/default.nix
index 039303ba68..ec98cfc376 100644
--- a/nix/bufCheck/default.nix
+++ b/nix/bufCheck/default.nix
@@ -1,9 +1,26 @@
-# Check protobuf syntax and breaking.
+# Check protobuf breaking. Lints already happen in individual targets.
-{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
-pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "ci-buf-check" ''
-  ${depot.third_party.bufbuild}/bin/buf check lint --input .
-  # Report-only
-  ${depot.third_party.bufbuild}/bin/buf check breaking --input "." --against-input "./.git#branch=canon" || true
+  inherit (depot.nix) bufCheck;# self reference
+  script = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "ci-buf-check" ''
+    export PATH="$PATH:${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.buf ]}"
+    # Report-only
+    (cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && (buf breaking . --against "./.git#ref=HEAD~1" || true))
+  '';
+script.overrideAttrs (old: {
+  meta = lib.recursiveUpdate old.meta {
+    # Protobuf check step executed in the buildkite pipeline which
+    # validates that changes to .proto files between revisions
+    # don't cause backwards-incompatible or otherwise flawed changes.
+    ci.extraSteps.protoCheck = {
+      alwaysRun = true;
+      label = ":water_buffalo: protoCheck";
+      command = pkgs.writeShellScript "ci-buf-check-step" "exec ${depot.nix.bufCheck}/bin/ci-buf-check";
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/README.md b/nix/buildGo/README.md
index 37e0c06933..e9667c039a 100644
--- a/nix/buildGo/README.md
+++ b/nix/buildGo/README.md
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ buildGo.nix
 This is an alternative [Nix][] build system for [Go][]. It supports building Go
-libraries and programs, and even automatically generating Protobuf & gRPC
+libraries and programs.
 *Note:* This will probably end up being folded into [Nixery][].
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ Given a program layout like this:
 ├── lib          <-- some library component
 │   ├── bar.go
 │   └── foo.go
-├── api.proto    <-- gRPC API definition
 ├── main.go      <-- program implementation
 └── default.nix  <-- build instructions
@@ -44,11 +42,6 @@ The contents of `default.nix` could look like this:
 { buildGo }:
-  api = buildGo.grpc {
-    name  = "someapi";
-    proto = ./api.proto;
-  };
   lib = buildGo.package {
     name = "somelib";
     srcs = [
@@ -58,7 +51,7 @@ let
 in buildGo.program {
   name = "my-program";
-  deps = [ api lib ];
+  deps = [ lib ];
   srcs = [
@@ -105,22 +98,6 @@ in buildGo.program {
   | `src`     | `path`         | Path to the source **directory**              | yes       |
   | `deps`    | `list<drv>`    | List of dependencies (i.e. other Go packages) | no        |
-  For some examples of how `buildGo.external` is used, check out
-  [`proto.nix`](./proto.nix).
-* `buildGo.proto`: Build a Go library out of the specified Protobuf definition.
-  | parameter   | type        | use                                              | required? |
-  |-------------|-------------|--------------------------------------------------|-----------|
-  | `name`      | `string`    | Name for the resulting library                   | yes       |
-  | `proto`     | `path`      | Path to the Protobuf definition file             | yes       |
-  | `path`      | `string`    | Import path for the resulting Go library         | no        |
-  | `extraDeps` | `list<drv>` | Additional Go dependencies to add to the library | no        |
-* `buildGo.grpc`: Build a Go library out of the specified gRPC definition.
-  The parameters are identical to `buildGo.proto`.
 ## Current status
 This project is work-in-progress. Crucially it is lacking the following features:
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/default.nix b/nix/buildGo/default.nix
index 92951b3cb2..c93642a127 100644
--- a/nix/buildGo/default.nix
+++ b/nix/buildGo/default.nix
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ let
-  inherit (pkgs) lib go runCommand fetchFromGitHub protobuf symlinkJoin;
+  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand fetchFromGitHub protobuf symlinkJoin go;
+  goStdlib = buildStdlib go;
   # Helpers for low-level Go compiler invocations
   spaceOut = lib.concatStringsSep " ";
@@ -41,8 +42,6 @@ let
   xFlags = x_defs: spaceOut (map (k: "-X ${k}=${x_defs."${k}"}") (attrNames x_defs));
-  pathToName = p: replaceStrings [ "/" ] [ "_" ] (toString p);
   # Add an `overrideGo` attribute to a function result that works
   # similar to `overrideAttrs`, but is used specifically for the
   # arguments passed to Go builders.
@@ -50,16 +49,52 @@ let
     overrideGo = new: makeOverridable f (orig // (new orig));
+  buildStdlib = go: runCommand "go-stdlib-${go.version}"
+    {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ go ];
+    } ''
+    mkdir $HOME
+    goroot="$(go env GOROOT)"
+    cp -R "$goroot/src" "$goroot/pkg" .
+    chmod -R +w .
+    GODEBUG=installgoroot=all GOROOT=$NIX_BUILD_TOP go install -v --trimpath std
+    mkdir $out
+    cp -r pkg/*_*/* $out
+    find $out -name '*.a' | while read -r ARCHIVE_FULL; do
+      ARCHIVE="''${ARCHIVE_FULL#"$out/"}"
+      PACKAGE="''${ARCHIVE%.a}"
+      echo "packagefile $PACKAGE=$ARCHIVE_FULL"
+    done > $out/importcfg
+  '';
+  importcfgCmd = { name, deps, out ? "importcfg" }: ''
+    echo "# nix buildGo ${name}" > "${out}"
+    cat "${goStdlib}/importcfg" >> "${out}"
+    ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (dep: ''
+      find "${dep}" -name '*.a' | while read -r pkgp; do
+        relpath="''${pkgp#"${dep}/"}"
+        pkgname="''${relpath%.a}"
+        echo "packagefile $pkgname=$pkgp"
+      done >> "${out}"
+    '') deps)}
+  '';
   # High-level build functions
   # Build a Go program out of the specified files and dependencies.
   program = { name, srcs, deps ? [ ], x_defs ? { } }:
     let uniqueDeps = allDeps (map (d: d.gopkg) deps);
     in runCommand name { } ''
-      ${go}/bin/go tool compile -o ${name}.a -trimpath=$PWD -trimpath=${go} ${includeSources uniqueDeps} ${spaceOut srcs}
+      ${importcfgCmd { inherit name; deps = uniqueDeps; }}
+      ${go}/bin/go tool compile -o ${name}.a -importcfg=importcfg -trimpath=$PWD -trimpath=${go} -p main ${includeSources uniqueDeps} ${spaceOut srcs}
       mkdir -p $out/bin
       export GOROOT_FINAL=go
-      ${go}/bin/go tool link -o $out/bin/${name} -buildid nix ${xFlags x_defs} ${includeLibs uniqueDeps} ${name}.a
+      ${go}/bin/go tool link -o $out/bin/${name} -importcfg=importcfg -buildid nix ${xFlags x_defs} ${includeLibs uniqueDeps} ${name}.a
   # Build a Go library assembled out of the specified files.
@@ -76,8 +111,8 @@ let
       # This is required for several popular packages (e.g. x/sys).
       ifAsm = do: lib.optionalString (sfiles != [ ]) do;
       asmBuild = ifAsm ''
-        ${go}/bin/go tool asm -trimpath $PWD -I $PWD -I ${go}/share/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -gensymabis -o ./symabis ${spaceOut sfiles}
-        ${go}/bin/go tool asm -trimpath $PWD -I $PWD -I ${go}/share/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -o ./asm.o ${spaceOut sfiles}
+        ${go}/bin/go tool asm -p ${path} -trimpath $PWD -I $PWD -I ${go}/share/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -gensymabis -o ./symabis ${spaceOut sfiles}
+        ${go}/bin/go tool asm -p ${path} -trimpath $PWD -I $PWD -I ${go}/share/go/pkg/include -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -o ./asm.o ${spaceOut sfiles}
       asmLink = ifAsm "-symabis ./symabis -asmhdr $out/go_asm.h";
       asmPack = ifAsm ''
@@ -88,7 +123,8 @@ let
         mkdir -p $out/${path}
         ${srcList path (map (s: "${s}") srcs)}
-        ${go}/bin/go tool compile -pack ${asmLink} -o $out/${path}.a -trimpath=$PWD -trimpath=${go} -p ${path} ${includeSources uniqueDeps} ${spaceOut srcs}
+        ${importcfgCmd { inherit name; deps = uniqueDeps; }}
+        ${go}/bin/go tool compile -pack ${asmLink} -o $out/${path}.a -importcfg=importcfg -trimpath=$PWD -trimpath=${go} -p ${path} ${includeSources uniqueDeps} ${spaceOut srcs}
       '').overrideAttrs (_: {
         passthru = {
@@ -108,33 +144,14 @@ let
   # named "gopkg", and an attribute named "gobin" for binaries.
   external = import ./external { inherit pkgs program package; };
-  # Import support libraries needed for protobuf & gRPC support
-  protoLibs = import ./proto.nix {
-    inherit external;
-  };
-  # Build a Go library out of the specified protobuf definition.
-  proto = { name, proto, path ? name, goPackage ? name, extraDeps ? [ ] }: (makeOverridable package) {
-    inherit name path;
-    deps = [ protoLibs.goProto.proto.gopkg ] ++ extraDeps;
-    srcs = lib.singleton (runCommand "goproto-${name}.pb.go" { } ''
-      cp ${proto} ${baseNameOf proto}
-      ${protobuf}/bin/protoc --plugin=${protoLibs.goProto.protoc-gen-go.gopkg}/bin/protoc-gen-go \
-        --go_out=plugins=grpc,import_path=${baseNameOf path}:. ${baseNameOf proto}
-      mv ./${goPackage}/*.pb.go $out
-    '');
-  };
-  # Build a Go library out of the specified gRPC definition.
-  grpc = args: proto (args // { extraDeps = [ protoLibs.goGrpc.gopkg ]; });
   # Only the high-level builder functions are exposed, but made
   # overrideable.
   program = makeOverridable program;
   package = makeOverridable package;
-  proto = makeOverridable proto;
-  grpc = makeOverridable grpc;
   external = makeOverridable external;
+  # re-expose the Go version used
+  inherit go;
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/example/default.nix b/nix/buildGo/example/default.nix
index 08da075e18..6756bf39e2 100644
--- a/nix/buildGo/example/default.nix
+++ b/nix/buildGo/example/default.nix
@@ -19,13 +19,6 @@ let
-  # Example use of buildGo.proto, which generates a Go library from a
-  # Protobuf definition file.
-  exampleProto = buildGo.proto {
-    name = "exampleproto";
-    proto = ./thing.proto;
-  };
   # Example use of buildGo.program, which builds an executable using
   # the specified name and dependencies (which in turn must have been
   # created via buildGo.package etc.)
@@ -39,7 +32,6 @@ buildGo.program {
   deps = [
-    exampleProto
   x_defs = {
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/example/thing.proto b/nix/buildGo/example/thing.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f6d6575e0..0000000000
--- a/nix/buildGo/example/thing.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-syntax = "proto3";
-package example;
-message Thing {
-  string id = 1;
-  string kind_of_thing = 2;
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/external/default.nix b/nix/buildGo/external/default.nix
index f713783a58..42592c67e4 100644
--- a/nix/buildGo/external/default.nix
+++ b/nix/buildGo/external/default.nix
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ let
+    unsafeDiscardStringContext
   inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand go jq ripgrep;
@@ -102,7 +103,9 @@ let
   analysisOutput = runCommand "${name}-structure.json" { } ''
     ${analyser}/bin/analyser -path ${path} -source ${src} > $out
-  analysis = fromJSON (readFile analysisOutput);
+  # readFile adds the references of the read in file to the string context for
+  # Nix >= 2.6 which would break the attribute set construction in fromJSON
+  analysis = fromJSON (unsafeDiscardStringContext (readFile analysisOutput));
 lib.fix (self: foldl' lib.recursiveUpdate { } (
   map (entry: mkset entry.locator (toPackage self src path depMap entry)) analysis
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/external/main.go b/nix/buildGo/external/main.go
index a77c43b371..4402a8eb86 100644
--- a/nix/buildGo/external/main.go
+++ b/nix/buildGo/external/main.go
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import (
-	"io/ioutil"
@@ -74,8 +73,8 @@ func findGoDirs(at string) ([]string, error) {
 	goDirs := []string{}
-	for k, _ := range dirSet {
-		goDirs = append(goDirs, k)
+	for goDir := range dirSet {
+		goDirs = append(goDirs, goDir)
 	return goDirs, nil
@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ func analysePackage(root, source, importpath string, stdlib map[string]bool) (pk
 func loadStdlibPkgs(from string) (pkgs map[string]bool, err error) {
-	f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(from)
+	f, err := os.ReadFile(from)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/nix/buildGo/proto.nix b/nix/buildGo/proto.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c37f758ce..0000000000
--- a/nix/buildGo/proto.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# This file provides derivations for the dependencies of a gRPC
-# service in Go.
-{ external }:
-  inherit (builtins) fetchGit map;
-rec {
-  goProto = external {
-    path = "github.com/golang/protobuf";
-    src = fetchGit {
-      url = "https://github.com/golang/protobuf";
-      rev = "ed6926b37a637426117ccab59282c3839528a700";
-    };
-  };
-  xnet = external {
-    path = "golang.org/x/net";
-    src = fetchGit {
-      url = "https://go.googlesource.com/net";
-      rev = "ffdde105785063a81acd95bdf89ea53f6e0aac2d";
-    };
-    deps = [
-      xtext.secure.bidirule
-      xtext.unicode.bidi
-      xtext.unicode.norm
-    ];
-  };
-  xsys = external {
-    path = "golang.org/x/sys";
-    src = fetchGit {
-      url = "https://go.googlesource.com/sys";
-      rev = "bd437916bb0eb726b873ee8e9b2dcf212d32e2fd";
-    };
-  };
-  xtext = external {
-    path = "golang.org/x/text";
-    src = fetchGit {
-      url = "https://go.googlesource.com/text";
-      rev = "cbf43d21aaebfdfeb81d91a5f444d13a3046e686";
-    };
-  };
-  genproto = external {
-    path = "google.golang.org/genproto";
-    src = fetchGit {
-      url = "https://github.com/google/go-genproto";
-      # necessary because https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1923
-      ref = "main";
-      rev = "83cc0476cb11ea0da33dacd4c6354ab192de6fe6";
-    };
-    deps = with goProto; [
-      proto
-      ptypes.any
-    ];
-  };
-  goGrpc = external {
-    path = "google.golang.org/grpc";
-    deps = ([
-      xnet.trace
-      xnet.http2
-      xsys.unix
-      xnet.http2.hpack
-      genproto.googleapis.rpc.status
-    ] ++ (with goProto; [
-      proto
-      ptypes
-      ptypes.duration
-      ptypes.timestamp
-    ]));
-    src = fetchGit {
-      url = "https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go";
-      rev = "d8e3da36ac481ef00e510ca119f6b68177713689";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/nix/buildLisp/default.nix b/nix/buildLisp/default.nix
index 9d6ce4edda..0d68a2818b 100644
--- a/nix/buildLisp/default.nix
+++ b/nix/buildLisp/default.nix
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   inherit (builtins) map elemAt match filter;
-  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommandNoCC makeWrapper writeText writeShellScriptBin sbcl ecl-static ccl;
+  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand makeWrapper writeText writeShellScriptBin sbcl ecl-static ccl;
   inherit (pkgs.stdenv) targetPlatform;
@@ -154,8 +154,7 @@ let
             implementation = old.implementation or defaultImplementation;
             brokenOn = old.brokenOn or [ ];
-            # TODO(sterni): https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/issues/405
-            targets = lib.subtractLists (brokenOn ++ [ "ccl" implementation.name ])
+            targets = lib.subtractLists (brokenOn ++ [ implementation.name ])
               (builtins.attrNames impls);
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ let
       lispNativeDeps = allNative native lispDeps;
       filteredSrcs = implFilter implementation srcs;
-    runCommandNoCC name
+    runCommand name
         LD_LIBRARY_PATH = lib.makeLibraryPath lispNativeDeps;
         LANG = "C.UTF-8";
@@ -476,7 +475,7 @@ let
           } $@
-      bundled = name: runCommandNoCC "${name}-cllib"
+      bundled = name: runCommand "${name}-cllib"
           passthru = {
             lispName = name;
@@ -514,7 +513,6 @@ let
       # See https://ccl.clozure.com/docs/ccl.html#building-definitions
       faslExt =
-        /**/
         if targetPlatform.isPower && targetPlatform.is32bit then "pfsl"
         else if targetPlatform.isPower && targetPlatform.is64bit then "p64fsl"
         else if targetPlatform.isx86_64 && targetPlatform.isLinux then "lx64fsl"
@@ -641,7 +639,7 @@ let
         else null;
-    lib.fix (self: runCommandNoCC "${name}-cllib"
+    lib.fix (self: runCommand "${name}-cllib"
         LD_LIBRARY_PATH = lib.makeLibraryPath lispNativeDeps;
         LANG = "C.UTF-8";
@@ -708,7 +706,7 @@ let
         else null;
-    lib.fix (self: runCommandNoCC "${name}"
+    lib.fix (self: runCommand "${name}"
         nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
         LD_LIBRARY_PATH = libPath;
diff --git a/nix/buildLisp/tests/argv0.nix b/nix/buildLisp/tests/argv0.nix
index bc29337d06..ca5f2b9741 100644
--- a/nix/buildLisp/tests/argv0.nix
+++ b/nix/buildLisp/tests/argv0.nix
@@ -1,36 +1,58 @@
-{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
-depot.nix.buildLisp.program {
-  name = "argv0-test";
-  srcs = [
-    (pkgs.writeText "argv0-test.lisp" ''
-      (defpackage :argv0-test (:use :common-lisp :uiop) (:export :main))
-      (in-package :argv0-test)
-      (defun main ()
-        (format t "~A~%" (uiop:argv0)))
-    '')
-  ];
-  deps = [
-    {
-      sbcl = depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "uiop";
-      default = depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "asdf";
-    }
-  ];
-  passthru.meta.ci = {
-    extraSteps.verify = {
-      label = "verify argv[0] output";
-      needsOutput = true;
-      command = pkgs.writeShellScript "check-argv0" ''
-        set -eux
-        for invocation in "$(pwd)/result/bin/argv0-test" "./result/bin/argv0-test"; do
-          test "$invocation" = "$("$invocation")"
-        done
-      '';
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  # Trivial test program that outputs argv[0] and exits
+  prog =
+    depot.nix.buildLisp.program {
+      name = "argv0-test";
+      srcs = [
+        (pkgs.writeText "argv0-test.lisp" ''
+          (defpackage :argv0-test (:use :common-lisp :uiop) (:export :main))
+          (in-package :argv0-test)
+          (defun main ()
+            (format t "~A~%" (uiop:argv0)))
+        '')
+      ];
+      deps = [
+        {
+          sbcl = depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "uiop";
+          default = depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "asdf";
+        }
+      ];
-  };
+  # Extract verify argv[0] output for given buildLisp program
+  checkImplementation = prog:
+    pkgs.runCommand "check-argv0" { } ''
+      set -eux
+      checkInvocation() {
+        invocation="$1"
+        test "$invocation" = "$("$invocation")"
+      }
+      checkInvocation "${prog}/bin/argv0-test"
+      cd ${prog}
+      checkInvocation "./bin/argv0-test"
+      cd bin
+      checkInvocation ./argv0-test
+      set +x
+      touch "$out"
+    '';
+  inherit (prog.meta.ci) targets;
+(checkImplementation prog).overrideAttrs (_: {
+  # Wire up a subtarget all (active) non-default implementations
+  passthru = lib.genAttrs targets (name: checkImplementation prog.${name});
+  meta.ci = { inherit targets; };
diff --git a/nix/buildManPages/OWNERS b/nix/buildManPages/OWNERS
index f16dd105d7..2e95807063 100644
--- a/nix/buildManPages/OWNERS
+++ b/nix/buildManPages/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-inherited: true
-  - sterni
diff --git a/nix/buildkite/default.nix b/nix/buildkite/default.nix
index 5c46dcb333..9abba9408a 100644
--- a/nix/buildkite/default.nix
+++ b/nix/buildkite/default.nix
@@ -25,65 +25,114 @@ let
-  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommandNoCC writeText;
+  inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand writeText;
   inherit (depot.nix.readTree) mkLabel;
+  inherit (depot.nix) dependency-analyzer;
 rec {
-  # Creates a Nix expression that yields the target at the specified
-  # location in the repository.
-  #
-  # This makes a distinction between normal targets (which physically
-  # exist in the repository) and subtargets (which are "virtual"
-  # targets exposed by a physical one) to make it clear in the build
-  # output which is which.
-  mkBuildExpr = target:
+  # Create a unique key for the buildkite pipeline based on the given derivation
+  # or drvPath. A consequence of using such keys is that every derivation may
+  # only be exposed as a single, unique step in the pipeline.
+  keyForDrv = drvOrPath:
+    let
+      drvPath =
+        if lib.isDerivation drvOrPath then drvOrPath.drvPath
+        else if lib.isString drvOrPath then drvOrPath
+        else builtins.throw "keyForDrv: expected string or derivation";
+      # Only use the drv hash to prevent escaping problems. Buildkite also has a
+      # limit of 100 characters on keys.
+    in
+    "drv-" + (builtins.substring 0 32
+      (builtins.baseNameOf (unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath))
+    );
+  # Given an arbitrary attribute path generate a Nix expression which obtains
+  # this from the root of depot (assumed to be ./.). Attributes may be any
+  # Nix strings suitable as attribute names, not just Nix literal-safe strings.
+  mkBuildExpr = attrPath:
       descend = expr: attr: "builtins.getAttr \"${attr}\" (${expr})";
-      targetExpr = foldl' descend "import ./. {}" target.__readTree;
-      subtargetExpr = descend targetExpr target.__subtarget;
-    if target ? __subtarget then subtargetExpr else targetExpr;
+    foldl' descend "import ./. {}" attrPath;
   # Determine whether to skip a target if it has not diverged from the
   # HEAD branch.
-  shouldSkip = parentTargetMap: label: drvPath:
+  shouldSkip = { parentTargetMap ? { }, label, drvPath }:
     if (hasAttr label parentTargetMap) && parentTargetMap."${label}".drvPath == drvPath
     then "Target has not changed."
     else false;
-  # Create build command for a derivation target.
-  mkBuildCommand = target: drvPath: concatStringsSep " " [
+  # Create build command for an attribute path pointing to a derivation.
+  mkBuildCommand = { attrPath, drvPath, outLink ? "result" }: concatStringsSep " " [
+    # If the nix build fails, the Nix command's exit status should be used.
+    "set -o pipefail;"
     # First try to realise the drvPath of the target so we don't evaluate twice.
     # Nix has no concept of depending on a derivation file without depending on
     # at least one of its `outPath`s, so we need to discard the string context
     # if we don't want to build everything during pipeline construction.
-    "(nix-store --realise '${drvPath}' --add-root result --indirect && readlink result)"
+    #
+    # To make this more uniform with how nix-build(1) works, we call realpath(1)
+    # on nix-store(1)'s output since it has the habit of printing the path of the
+    # out link, not the store path.
+    "(nix-store --realise '${drvPath}' --add-root '${outLink}' --indirect | xargs -r realpath)"
     # Since we don't gcroot the derivation files, they may be deleted by the
     # garbage collector. In that case we can reevaluate and build the attribute
     # using nix-build.
-    "|| (test ! -f '${drvPath}' && nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr target}' --show-trace)"
+    "|| (test ! -f '${drvPath}' && nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr attrPath}' --show-trace --out-link '${outLink}')"
+  # Attribute path of a target relative to the depot root. Needs to take into
+  # account whether the target is a physical target (which corresponds to a path
+  # in the filesystem) or the subtarget of a physical target.
+  targetAttrPath = target:
+    target.__readTree
+    ++ lib.optionals (target ? __subtarget) [ target.__subtarget ];
+  # Given a derivation (identified by drvPath) that is part of the list of
+  # targets passed to mkPipeline, determine all derivations that it depends on
+  # and are also part of the pipeline. Finally, return the keys of the steps
+  # that build them. This is used to populate `depends_on` in `mkStep`.
+  #
+  # See //nix/dependency-analyzer for documentation on the structure of `targetDepMap`.
+  getTargetPipelineDeps = targetDepMap: drvPath:
+    # Sanity check: We should only call this function on targets explicitly
+    # passed to mkPipeline. Thus it should have been passed as a “known” drv to
+    # dependency-analyzer.
+    assert targetDepMap.${drvPath}.known;
+    builtins.map keyForDrv targetDepMap.${drvPath}.knownDeps;
   # Create a pipeline step from a single target.
-  mkStep = headBranch: parentTargetMap: target:
+  mkStep = { headBranch, parentTargetMap, targetDepMap, target, cancelOnBuildFailing }:
       label = mkLabel target;
       drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext target.drvPath;
-      shouldSkip' = shouldSkip parentTargetMap;
       label = ":nix: " + label;
-      key = hashString "sha1" label;
-      skip = shouldSkip' label drvPath;
-      command = mkBuildCommand target drvPath;
+      key = keyForDrv target;
+      skip = shouldSkip { inherit label drvPath parentTargetMap; };
+      command = mkBuildCommand {
+        attrPath = targetAttrPath target;
+        inherit drvPath;
+      };
       env.READTREE_TARGET = label;
+      cancel_on_build_failing = cancelOnBuildFailing;
       # Add a dependency on the initial static pipeline step which
       # always runs. This allows build steps uploaded in batches to
       # start running before all batches have been uploaded.
-      depends_on = ":init:";
-    };
+      depends_on = [ ":init:" ]
+      ++ getTargetPipelineDeps targetDepMap drvPath
+      ++ lib.optionals (target ? meta.ci.buildkiteExtraDeps) target.meta.ci.buildkiteExtraDeps;
+    } // lib.optionalAttrs (target ? meta.timeout) {
+      timeout_in_minutes = target.meta.timeout / 60;
+      # Additional arguments to set on the step.
+      # Keep in mind these *overwrite* existing step args, not extend. Use with caution.
+    } // lib.optionalAttrs (target ? meta.ci.buildkiteExtraStepArgs) target.meta.ci.buildkiteExtraStepArgs;
   # Helper function to inelegantly divide a list into chunks of at
   # most n elements.
@@ -142,7 +191,21 @@ rec {
       # Can be used for status reporting steps and the like.
       postBuildSteps ? [ ]
-    , # Build phases that are active for this invocation (i.e. their
+      # The list of phases known by the current Buildkite
+      # pipeline. Dynamic pipeline chunks for each phase are uploaded
+      # to Buildkite on execution of static part of the
+      # pipeline. Phases selection is hard-coded in the static
+      # pipeline.
+      #
+      # Pipeline generation will fail when an extra step with
+      # unregistered phase is added.
+      #
+      # Common scenarios for different phase:
+      #   - "build" - main phase for building all Nix targets
+      #   - "release" - pushing artifacts to external repositories
+      #   - "deploy" - updating external deployment configurations
+    , phases ? [ "build" "release" ]
+      # Build phases that are active for this invocation (i.e. their
       # steps should be generated).
       # This can be used to disable outputting parts of a pipeline if,
@@ -150,45 +213,50 @@ rec {
       # eval contexts.
       # TODO(tazjin): Fail/warn if unknown phase is requested.
-      activePhases ? [ "build" "release" ]
+    , activePhases ? phases
+      # Setting this attribute to true cancels dynamic pipeline steps
+      # as soon as the build is marked as failing.
+      #
+      # To enable this feature one should enable "Fail Fast" setting
+      # at Buildkite pipeline or on organization level.
+    , cancelOnBuildFailing ? false
-      # Currently the only known phases are 'build' (Nix builds and
-      # extra steps that are not post-build steps) and 'release' (all
-      # post-build steps).
-      #
-      # TODO(tazjin): Fully configurable set of phases?
-      knownPhases = [ "build" "release" ];
       # List of phases to include.
-      phases = lib.intersectLists activePhases knownPhases;
+      enabledPhases = lib.intersectLists activePhases phases;
       # Is the 'build' phase included? This phase is treated specially
       # because it always contains the plain Nix builds, and some
       # logic/optimisation depends on knowing whether is executing.
-      buildEnabled = elem "build" phases;
+      buildEnabled = elem "build" enabledPhases;
+      # Dependency relations between the `drvTargets`. See also //nix/dependency-analyzer.
+      targetDepMap = dependency-analyzer (dependency-analyzer.drvsToPaths drvTargets);
       # Convert a target into all of its steps, separated by build
       # phase (as phases end up in different chunks).
       targetToSteps = target:
-          step = mkStep headBranch parentTargetMap target;
+          mkStepArgs = {
+            inherit headBranch parentTargetMap targetDepMap target cancelOnBuildFailing;
+          };
+          step = mkStep mkStepArgs;
           # Same step, but with an override function applied. This is
           # used in mkExtraStep if the extra step needs to modify the
           # parent derivation somehow.
           # Note that this will never affect the label.
-          overridable = f: mkStep headBranch parentTargetMap (f target);
+          overridable = f: mkStep (mkStepArgs // { target = (f target); });
           # Split extra steps by phase.
           splitExtraSteps = lib.groupBy ({ phase, ... }: phase)
-            (attrValues (mapAttrs (normaliseExtraStep knownPhases overridable)
+            (attrValues (mapAttrs (normaliseExtraStep phases overridable)
               (target.meta.ci.extraSteps or { })));
           extraSteps = mapAttrs
             (_: steps:
-              map (mkExtraStep buildEnabled) steps)
+              map (mkExtraStep (targetAttrPath target) buildEnabled) steps)
         if !buildEnabled then extraSteps
@@ -204,7 +272,7 @@ rec {
         release = postBuildSteps;
-      phasesWithSteps = lib.zipAttrsWithNames phases (_: concatLists)
+      phasesWithSteps = lib.zipAttrsWithNames enabledPhases (_: concatLists)
         ((map targetToSteps drvTargets) ++ [ globalSteps ]);
       # Generate pipeline chunks for each phase.
@@ -215,10 +283,10 @@ rec {
           then acc
           else acc ++ (pipelineChunks phase phaseSteps))
         [ ]
-        phases;
+        enabledPhases;
-    runCommandNoCC "buildkite-pipeline" { } ''
+    runCommand "buildkite-pipeline" { } ''
       mkdir $out
       echo "Generated ${toString (length chunks)} pipeline chunks"
@@ -238,9 +306,7 @@ rec {
         # Include the attrPath in the output to reconstruct the drv
         # without parsing the human-readable label.
-        attrPath = target.__readTree ++ lib.optionals (target ? __subtarget) [
-          target.__subtarget
-        ];
+        attrPath = targetAttrPath target;
@@ -264,10 +330,6 @@ rec {
   #     confirmation. These steps always run after the main build is
   #     done and have no influence on CI status.
-  #   postBuild (optional): If set to true, this step will run after
-  #     all primary build steps (that is, after status has been reported
-  #     back to CI).
-  #
   #   needsOutput (optional): If set to true, the parent derivation
   #     will be built in the working directory before running the
   #     command. Output will be available as 'result'.
@@ -294,8 +356,8 @@ rec {
     steps = [
-        inherit (step) branches;
         inherit prompt;
+        branches = step.branches or [ ];
         block = ":radio_button: Run ${label}? (from ${parent.env.READTREE_TARGET})";
@@ -309,7 +371,7 @@ rec {
   # Validate and normalise extra step configuration before actually
   # generating build steps, in order to use user-provided metadata
   # during the pipeline generation.
-  normaliseExtraStep = knownPhases: overridableParent: key:
+  normaliseExtraStep = phases: overridableParent: key:
     { command
     , label ? key
     , needsOutput ? false
@@ -317,12 +379,8 @@ rec {
     , branches ? null
     , alwaysRun ? false
     , prompt ? false
-      # TODO(tazjin): Default to 'build' after 2022-10-01.
-    , phase ? if (isNull postBuild || !postBuild) then "build" else "release"
-      # TODO(tazjin): Turn into hard-failure after 2022-10-01.
-    , postBuild ? null
+    , softFail ? false
+    , phase ? "build"
     , skip ? false
     , agents ? null
@@ -330,12 +388,12 @@ rec {
       parent = overridableParent parentOverride;
       parentLabel = parent.env.READTREE_TARGET;
-      validPhase = lib.throwIfNot (elem phase knownPhases) ''
+      validPhase = lib.throwIfNot (elem phase phases) ''
         In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}):
         Phase '${phase}' is not valid.
-        Known phases: ${concatStringsSep ", " knownPhases}
+        Known phases: ${concatStringsSep ", " phases}
@@ -349,35 +407,16 @@ rec {
+        softFail
-      # //nix/buildkite is growing a new feature for adding different
-      # "build phases" which supersedes the previous `postBuild`
-      # boolean API.
-      #
-      # To help users transition, emit warnings if the old API is used.
-      phase = lib.warnIfNot (isNull postBuild) ''
-        In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}):
-        Please note: The CI system is introducing support for running
-        steps in different build phases.
-        The currently supported phases are 'build' (all Nix targets,
-        extra steps such as tests that feed into the build results,
-        etc.) and 'release' (steps that run after builds and tests
-        have already completed).
-        This replaces the previous boolean `postBuild` API in extra
-        step definitions. Please remove the `postBuild` parameter from
-        this step and instead set `phase = ${phase};`.
-      ''
-        validPhase;
+      phase = validPhase;
       prompt = lib.throwIf (prompt != false && phase == "build") ''
         In step '${label}' (from ${parentLabel}):
-        The 'prompt' feature can only be used by steps in the "release"
+        The 'prompt' feature can not be used by steps in the "build"
         phase, because CI builds should not be gated on manual human
@@ -386,11 +425,26 @@ rec {
   # Create the Buildkite configuration for an extra step, optionally
   # wrapping it in a gate group.
-  mkExtraStep = buildEnabled: cfg:
+  mkExtraStep = parentAttrPath: buildEnabled: cfg:
+      # ATTN: needs to match an entry in .gitignore so that the tree won't get dirty
+      commandScriptLink = "nix-buildkite-extra-step-command-script";
       step = {
+        key = "extra-step-" + hashString "sha1" "${cfg.label}-${cfg.parentLabel}";
         label = ":gear: ${cfg.label} (from ${cfg.parentLabel})";
-        skip = if cfg.alwaysRun then false else cfg.skip or cfg.parent.skip or false;
+        skip =
+          let
+            # When parent doesn't have skip attribute set, default to false
+            parentSkip = cfg.parent.skip or false;
+            # Extra step skip parameter can be string explaining the
+            # skip reason.
+            extraStepSkip = if builtins.isString cfg.skip then true else cfg.skip;
+            # Don't run if extra step is explicitly set to skip. If
+            # parameter is not set or equal to false, follow parent behavior.
+            skip' = if extraStepSkip then cfg.skip else parentSkip;
+          in
+          if cfg.alwaysRun then false else skip';
         depends_on = lib.optional
           (buildEnabled && !cfg.alwaysRun && !cfg.needsOutput)
@@ -402,9 +456,25 @@ rec {
             "echo '~~~ Preparing build output of ${cfg.parentLabel}'"
           ${lib.optionalString cfg.needsOutput cfg.parent.command}
-          echo '+++ Running extra step command'
-          exec ${cfg.command}
+          echo '--- Building extra step script'
+          command_script="$(${
+            # Using command substitution in this way assumes the script drv only has one output
+            assert builtins.length cfg.command.outputs == 1;
+            mkBuildCommand {
+              # script is exposed at <parent>.meta.ci.extraSteps.<key>.command
+              attrPath =
+                parentAttrPath
+                ++ [ "meta" "ci" "extraSteps" cfg.key "command" ];
+              drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext cfg.command.drvPath;
+              # make sure it doesn't conflict with result (from needsOutput)
+              outLink = commandScriptLink;
+            }
+          })"
+          echo '+++ Running extra step script'
+          exec "$command_script"
+        soft_fail = cfg.softFail;
       } // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.agents != null) { inherit (cfg) agents; })
       // (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.branches != null) {
         branches = lib.concatStringsSep " " cfg.branches;
diff --git a/nix/buildkite/fetch-parent-targets.sh b/nix/buildkite/fetch-parent-targets.sh
index 8afac1e5ec..08c2d1f3ab 100755
--- a/nix/buildkite/fetch-parent-targets.sh
+++ b/nix/buildkite/fetch-parent-targets.sh
@@ -2,43 +2,54 @@
 set -ueo pipefail
 # Each Buildkite build stores the derivation target map as a pipeline
-# artifact. This script determines the most appropriate commit (the
-# fork point of the current chain from HEAD) and fetches the artifact.
+# artifact. To reduce the amount of work done by CI, each CI build is
+# diffed against the latest such derivation map found for the
+# repository.
-# New builds can be based on HEAD before the pipeline for the last
-# commit has finished, in which case it is possible that the fork
-# point has no derivation map. To account for this, up to 3 commits
-# prior to HEAD are also queried to find a map.
+# Note that this does not take into account when the currently
+# processing CL was forked off from the canonical branch, meaning that
+# things like nixpkgs updates in between will cause mass rebuilds in
+# any case.
 # If no map is found, the failure mode is not critical: We simply
 # build all targets.
+readonly REPO_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
 : ${DRVMAP_PATH:=pipeline/drvmap.json}
 : ${BUILDKITE_TOKEN_PATH:=~/buildkite-token}
-SECOND=$(git rev-parse "$FIRST~1")
-THIRD=$(git rev-parse "$FIRST~2")
-function most_relevant_builds {
+# Runs a fairly complex Buildkite GraphQL query that attempts to fetch all
+# pipeline-gen steps from the default branch, as long as one appears within the
+# last 50 builds or so. The query restricts build states to running or passed
+# builds, which means that it *should* be unlikely that nothing is found.
+# There is no way to filter this more loosely (e.g. by saying "any recent build
+# matching these conditions").
+# The returned data structure is complex, and disassembled by a JQ script that
+# first filters out all builds with no matching jobs (e.g. builds that are still
+# in progress), and then filters those down to builds with artifacts, and then
+# to drvmap artifacts specifically.
+# If a recent drvmap was found, this returns its download URL. Otherwise, it
+# returns the string "null".
+function latest_drvmap_url {
     set -u
     curl 'https://graphql.buildkite.com/v1' \
          --silent \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat ${BUILDKITE_TOKEN_PATH})" \
-         -d "{\"query\": \"query { pipeline(slug: \\\"$BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG/$BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG\\\") { builds(commit: [\\\"$FIRST\\\",\\\"$SECOND\\\",\\\"$THIRD\\\"]) { edges { node { uuid }}}}}\"}" | \
-         jq -r '.data.pipeline.builds.edges[] | .node.uuid'
+         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+         -d "{\"query\": \"{ pipeline(slug: \\\"$BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG/$BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG\\\") { builds(first: 50, branch: [\\\"%default\\\"], state: [RUNNING, PASSED]) { edges { node { jobs(passed: true, first: 1, type: [COMMAND], step: {key: [\\\"pipeline-gen\\\"]}) { edges { node { ... on JobTypeCommand { url artifacts { edges { node { downloadURL path }}}}}}}}}}}}\"}" | tee out.json | \
+        jq -r '[.data.pipeline.builds.edges[] | select((.node.jobs.edges | length) > 0) | .node.jobs.edges[] | .node.artifacts[][] | select(.node.path == "pipeline/drvmap.json")][0].node.downloadURL'
-mkdir -p tmp
-for build in $(most_relevant_builds); do
-    echo "Checking artifacts for build $build"
-    buildkite-agent artifact download --build "${build}" "${DRVMAP_PATH}" 'tmp/' || true
+readonly DOWNLOAD_URL=$(latest_drvmap_url)
-    if [[ -f "tmp/${DRVMAP_PATH}" ]]; then
-        echo "Fetched target map from build ${build}"
-        mv "tmp/${DRVMAP_PATH}" tmp/parent-target-map.json
-        break
-    fi
+if [[ ${DOWNLOAD_URL} != "null" ]]; then
+    mkdir -p tmp
+    curl -o tmp/parent-target-map.json ${DOWNLOAD_URL} && echo "downloaded parent derivation map" \
+            || echo "failed to download derivation map!"
+    echo "no derivation map found!"
diff --git a/nix/dependency-analyzer/default.nix b/nix/dependency-analyzer/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ec8d7b5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/dependency-analyzer/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+{ lib, depot, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (builtins) unsafeDiscardStringContext appendContext;
+  #
+  # Utilities
+  #
+  # Determine all paths a derivation depends on, i.e. input derivations and
+  # files imported into the Nix store.
+  #
+  # Implementation for Nix < 2.6 is quite hacky at the moment.
+  #
+  # Type: str -> [str]
+  #
+  # TODO(sterni): clean this up and expose it
+  directDrvDeps =
+    let
+      getDeps =
+        if lib.versionAtLeast builtins.nixVersion "2.6"
+        then
+        # Since https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1643, Nix apparently »preserves
+        # string context« through a readFile invocation. This has the side effect
+        # that it becomes possible to query the actual references a store path has.
+        # Not a 100% sure this is intended, but _very_ convenient for us here.
+          drvPath:
+          builtins.attrNames (builtins.getContext (builtins.readFile drvPath))
+        else
+        # For Nix < 2.6 we have to rely on HACK, namely grepping for quoted
+        # store path references in the file. In the future this should be
+        # replaced by a proper derivation parser.
+          drvPath: builtins.concatLists (
+            builtins.filter builtins.isList (
+              builtins.split
+                "\"(${lib.escapeRegex builtins.storeDir}/[[:alnum:]+._?=-]+.drv)\""
+                (builtins.readFile drvPath)
+            )
+          );
+    in
+    drvPath:
+    # if the passed path is not a derivation we can't necessarily get its
+    # dependencies, since it may not be representable as a Nix string due to
+    # NUL bytes, e.g. compressed patch files imported into the Nix store.
+    if builtins.match "^.+\\.drv$" drvPath == null
+    then [ ]
+    else getDeps drvPath;
+  # Maps a list of derivation to the list of corresponding `drvPath`s.
+  #
+  # Type: [drv] -> [str]
+  drvsToPaths = drvs:
+    builtins.map (drv: builtins.unsafeDiscardOutputDependency drv.drvPath) drvs;
+  #
+  # Calculate map of direct derivation dependencies
+  #
+  # Create the dependency map entry for a given `drvPath` which mainly includes
+  # a list of other `drvPath`s it depends on. Additionally we store whether the
+  # derivation is `known`, i.e. part of the initial list of derivations we start
+  # generating the map from
+  #
+  # Type: bool -> string -> set
+  drvEntry = known: drvPath:
+    let
+      # key may not refer to a store path, …
+      key = unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath;
+      # but we must read from the .drv file.
+      path = builtins.unsafeDiscardOutputDependency drvPath;
+    in
+    {
+      inherit key;
+      # trick so we can call listToAttrs directly on the result of genericClosure
+      name = key;
+      value = {
+        deps = directDrvDeps path;
+        inherit known;
+      };
+    };
+  # Create an attribute set that maps every derivation in the combined
+  # dependency closure of the list of input derivation paths to every of their
+  # direct dependencies. Additionally every entry will have set their `known`
+  # attribute to `true` if it is in the list of input derivation paths.
+  #
+  # Type: [str] -> set
+  plainDrvDepMap = drvPaths:
+    builtins.listToAttrs (
+      builtins.genericClosure {
+        startSet = builtins.map (drvEntry true) drvPaths;
+        operator = { value, ... }: builtins.map (drvEntry false) value.deps;
+      }
+    );
+  #
+  # Calculate closest known dependencies in the dependency map
+  #
+  inherit (depot.nix.stateMonad)
+    after
+    bind
+    for_
+    get
+    getAttr
+    run
+    setAttr
+    pure
+    ;
+  # This is an action in stateMonad which expects the (initial) state to have
+  # been produced by `plainDrvDepMap`. Given a `drvPath`, it calculates a
+  # `knownDeps` list which holds the `drvPath`s of the closest derivation marked
+  # as `known` along every edge. This list is inserted into the dependency map
+  # for `drvPath` and every other derivation in its dependecy closure (unless
+  # the information was already present). This means that the known dependency
+  # information for a derivation never has to be recalculated, as long as they
+  # are part of the same stateful computation.
+  #
+  # The upshot is that after calling `insertKnownDeps drvPath`,
+  # `fmap (builtins.getAttr "knownDeps") (getAttr drvPath)` will always succeed.
+  #
+  # Type: str -> stateMonad drvDepMap null
+  insertKnownDeps = drvPathWithContext:
+    let
+      # We no longer need to read from the store, so context is irrelevant, but
+      # we need to check for attr names which requires the absence of context.
+      drvPath = unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPathWithContext;
+    in
+    bind get (initDepMap:
+      # Get the dependency map's state before we've done anything to obtain the
+      # entry we'll be manipulating later as well as its dependencies.
+      let
+        entryPoint = initDepMap.${drvPath};
+        # We don't need to recurse if our direct dependencies either have their
+        # knownDeps list already populated or are known dependencies themselves.
+        depsPrecalculated =
+          builtins.partition
+            (dep:
+              initDepMap.${dep}.known
+              || initDepMap.${dep} ? knownDeps
+            )
+            entryPoint.deps;
+        # If a direct dependency is known, it goes right to our known dependency
+        # list. If it is unknown, we can copy its knownDeps list into our own.
+        initiallyKnownDeps =
+          builtins.concatLists (
+            builtins.map
+              (dep:
+                if initDepMap.${dep}.known
+                then [ dep ]
+                else initDepMap.${dep}.knownDeps
+              )
+              depsPrecalculated.right
+          );
+      in
+      # If the information was already calculated before, we can exit right away
+      if entryPoint ? knownDeps
+      then pure null
+      else
+        after
+          # For all unknown direct dependencies which don't have a `knownDeps`
+          # list, we call ourselves recursively to populate it. Since this is
+          # done sequentially in the state monad, we avoid recalculating the
+          # list for the same derivation multiple times.
+          (for_
+            depsPrecalculated.wrong
+            insertKnownDeps)
+          # After this we can obtain the updated dependency map which will have
+          # a `knownDeps` list for all our direct dependencies and update the
+          # entry for the input `drvPath`.
+          (bind
+            get
+            (populatedDepMap:
+              (setAttr drvPath (entryPoint // {
+                knownDeps =
+                  lib.unique (
+                    initiallyKnownDeps
+                      ++ builtins.concatLists (
+                      builtins.map
+                        (dep: populatedDepMap.${dep}.knownDeps)
+                        depsPrecalculated.wrong
+                    )
+                  );
+              }))))
+    );
+  # This function puts it all together and is exposed via `__functor`.
+  #
+  # For a list of `drvPath`s, calculate an attribute set which maps every
+  # `drvPath` to a set of the following form:
+  #
+  #     {
+  #       known = true /* if it is in the list of input derivation paths */;
+  #       deps = [
+  #         /* list of derivation paths it depends on directly */
+  #       ];
+  #       knownDeps = [
+  #         /* list of the closest derivation paths marked as known this
+  #            derivation depends on.
+  #         */
+  #       ];
+  #     }
+  knownDrvDepMap = knownDrvPaths:
+    run
+      (plainDrvDepMap knownDrvPaths)
+      (after
+        (for_
+          knownDrvPaths
+          insertKnownDeps)
+        get);
+  #
+  # Other things based on knownDrvDepMap
+  #
+  # Create a SVG visualizing `knownDrvDepMap`. Nodes are identified by derivation
+  # name, so multiple entries can be collapsed if they have the same name.
+  #
+  # Type: [drv] -> drv
+  knownDependencyGraph = name: drvs:
+    let
+      justName = drvPath:
+        builtins.substring
+          (builtins.stringLength builtins.storeDir + 1 + 32 + 1)
+          (builtins.stringLength drvPath)
+          (unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath);
+      gv = pkgs.writeText "${name}-dependency-analysis.gv" ''
+        digraph depot {
+        ${
+          (lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
+          (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value:
+            if !value.known then ""
+            else lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n"
+              (knownDep: "  \"${justName name}\" -> \"${justName knownDep}\"")
+              value.knownDeps
+          )
+          (depot.nix.dependency-analyzer (
+            drvsToPaths drvs
+          ))))
+        }
+        }
+      '';
+    in
+    pkgs.runCommand "${name}-dependency-analysis.svg"
+      {
+        nativeBuildInputs = [
+          pkgs.buildPackages.graphviz
+        ];
+      }
+      "dot -Tsvg < ${gv} > $out";
+  __functor = _: knownDrvDepMap;
+  inherit knownDependencyGraph plainDrvDepMap drvsToPaths;
diff --git a/nix/dependency-analyzer/examples/ci-targets.nix b/nix/dependency-analyzer/examples/ci-targets.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..597abd4109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/dependency-analyzer/examples/ci-targets.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  depot.nix.dependency-analyzer.knownDependencyGraph
+    "depot"
+    depot.ci.targets
+).overrideAttrs (old: {
+  # Causes an infinite recursion via ci.targets otherwise
+  meta = lib.recursiveUpdate (old.meta or { }) {
+    ci.skip = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nix/dependency-analyzer/examples/lisp.nix b/nix/dependency-analyzer/examples/lisp.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..775eb9ab57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/dependency-analyzer/examples/lisp.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+depot.nix.dependency-analyzer.knownDependencyGraph "3p-lisp" (
+  builtins.filter lib.isDerivation (builtins.attrValues depot.third_party.lisp)
diff --git a/nix/dependency-analyzer/tests/default.nix b/nix/dependency-analyzer/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79ac127e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/dependency-analyzer/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    assertEq
+    it
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.dependency-analyzer)
+    plainDrvDepMap
+    drvsToPaths
+    ;
+  knownDrvs = drvsToPaths (
+    builtins.filter lib.isDerivation (builtins.attrValues depot.third_party.lisp)
+  );
+  exampleMap = plainDrvDepMap knownDrvs;
+  # These will be needed to index into the attribute set which can't have context
+  # in the attribute names.
+  knownDrvsNoContext = builtins.map builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext knownDrvs;
+runTestsuite "dependency-analyzer" [
+  (it "checks plainDrvDepMap properties" [
+    (assertEq "all known drvs are marked known"
+      (builtins.all (drv: exampleMap.${drv}.known) knownDrvsNoContext)
+      true)
+    (assertEq "no unknown drv is marked known"
+      (builtins.all (entry: !entry.known) (
+        builtins.attrValues (builtins.removeAttrs exampleMap knownDrvsNoContext)
+      ))
+      true)
+  ])
diff --git a/nix/emptyDerivation/OWNERS b/nix/emptyDerivation/OWNERS
index a742d0d22b..a640227914 100644
--- a/nix/emptyDerivation/OWNERS
+++ b/nix/emptyDerivation/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-inherited: true
-  - Profpatsch
diff --git a/nix/lazy-deps/default.nix b/nix/lazy-deps/default.nix
index 3cce48d8a5..fbdb30b38e 100644
--- a/nix/lazy-deps/default.nix
+++ b/nix/lazy-deps/default.nix
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 # evaluation, and expects both `git` and `nix-build` to exist in the
 # user's $PATH. If required, this can be done in the shell
 # configuration invoking this function.
-{ pkgs, ... }:
+{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
   inherit (builtins) attrNames attrValues mapAttrs;
-  inherit (pkgs.lib) concatStringsSep;
+  inherit (lib) fix concatStringsSep;
   # Create the case statement for a command invocations, optionally
   # overriding the `TARGET_TOOL` variable.
@@ -28,20 +28,21 @@ let
   invocations = tools: concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues (mapAttrs invoke tools));
+fix (self:
 # Attribute set of tools that should be lazily-added to the $PATH.
-  # The name of each attribute is used as the command name (on $PATH).
-  # It must contain the keys 'attr' (containing the Nix attribute path
-  # to the tool's derivation from the top-level), and may optionally
-  # contain the key 'cmd' to override the name of the binary inside the
-  # derivation.
+# The name of each attribute is used as the command name (on $PATH).
+# It must contain the keys 'attr' (containing the Nix attribute path
+# to the tool's derivation from the top-level), and may optionally
+# contain the key 'cmd' to override the name of the binary inside the
+# derivation.
-pkgs.writeTextFile {
-  name = "lazy-dispatch";
-  executable = true;
-  destination = "/bin/__dispatch";
+pkgs.runCommandNoCC "lazy-dispatch"
+  passthru.overrideDeps = newTools: self (tools // newTools);
+  passthru.tools = tools;
   text = ''
@@ -68,8 +69,23 @@ pkgs.writeTextFile {
     exec "''${TARGET_TOOL}" "''${@}"
-  checkPhase = ''
-    ${pkgs.stdenv.shellDryRun} "$target"
-    ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map link (attrNames tools))}
-  '';
+  # Access this to get a compatible nix-shell
+  passthru.devShell = pkgs.mkShellNoCC {
+    name = "${self.name}-shell";
+    packages = [ self ];
+  };
+  ''
+    # Write the dispatch code
+    target=$out/bin/__dispatch
+    mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target")"
+    echo "$text" > $target
+    chmod +x $target
+    # Add symlinks from all the tools to the dispatch
+    ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map link (attrNames tools))}
+    # Check that it's working-ish
+    ${pkgs.stdenv.shellDryRun} $target
+  ''
diff --git a/nix/nint/OWNERS b/nix/nint/OWNERS
index f16dd105d7..2e95807063 100644
--- a/nix/nint/OWNERS
+++ b/nix/nint/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-inherited: true
-  - sterni
diff --git a/nix/nix-1p/README.md b/nix/nix-1p/README.md
index bdb49c7def..309eddb51e 100644
--- a/nix/nix-1p/README.md
+++ b/nix/nix-1p/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+> [!TIP]
+> Are you interested in hacking on Nix projects for a week, together
+> with other Nix users? Do you have time at the end of August? Great,
+> come join us at [Volga Sprint](https://volgasprint.org/)!
 Nix - A One Pager
@@ -9,6 +14,9 @@ Unless otherwise specified, the word "Nix" refers only to the language below.
 Please file an issue if something in here confuses you or you think something
 important is missing.
+If you have Nix installed, you can try the examples below by running `nix repl`
+and entering code snippets there.
 <!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-refresh-toc -->
 **Table of Contents**
@@ -16,6 +24,7 @@ important is missing.
 - [Language constructs](#language-constructs)
     - [Primitives / literals](#primitives--literals)
     - [Operators](#operators)
+        - [`//` (merge) operator](#-merge-operator)
     - [Variable bindings](#variable-bindings)
     - [Functions](#functions)
         - [Multiple arguments (currying)](#multiple-arguments-currying)
@@ -46,8 +55,7 @@ Nix is:
     any dependency between operations is established by depending on *data* from
     previous operations.
-    Everything in Nix is an expression, meaning that every directive returns
-    some kind of data.
+    Any valid piece of Nix code is an *expression* that returns a value.
     Evaluating a Nix expression *yields a single data structure*, it does not
     execute a sequence of operations.
@@ -110,23 +118,52 @@ rec { a = 15; b = a * 2; }
 Nix has several operators, most of which are unsurprising:
-| Syntax               | Description                                                                 |
-| `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`   | Numerical operations                                                        |
-| `+`                  | String concatenation                                                        |
-| `++`                 | List concatenation                                                          |
-| `==`                 | Equality                                                                    |
-| `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=` | Ordering comparators                                                        |
-| `&&`                 | Logical `AND`                                                               |
-| <code>&vert;&vert;</code> | Logical `OR`                                                           |
-| `e1 -> e2`           | Logical implication (i.e. <code>!e1 &vert;&vert; e2</code>)                 |
-| `!`                  | Boolean negation                                                            |
-| `set.attr`           | Access attribute `attr` in attribute set `set`                              |
-| `set ? attribute`    | Test whether attribute set contains an attribute                            |
-| `left // right`      | Merge `left` & `right` attribute sets, with the right set taking precedence |
-Make sure to understand the `//`-operator, as it is used quite a lot and is
-probably the least familiar one.
+| Syntax                    | Description                                                                 |
+| `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`        | Numerical operations                                                        |
+| `+`                       | String concatenation                                                        |
+| `++`                      | List concatenation                                                          |
+| `==`                      | Equality                                                                    |
+| `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`      | Ordering comparators                                                        |
+| `&&`                      | Logical `AND`                                                               |
+| <code>&vert;&vert;</code> | Logical `OR`                                                                |
+| `e1 -> e2`                | Logical implication (i.e. <code>!e1 &vert;&vert; e2</code>)                 |
+| `!`                       | Boolean negation                                                            |
+| `set.attr`                | Access attribute `attr` in attribute set `set`                              |
+| `set ? attribute`         | Test whether attribute set contains an attribute                            |
+| `left // right`           | Merge `left` & `right` attribute sets, with the right set taking precedence |
+### `//` (merge) operator
+The `//`-operator is used pervasively in Nix code. You should familiarise
+yourself with it, as it is likely also the least familiar one.
+It merges the left and right attribute sets given to it:
+{ a = 1; } // { b = 2; }
+# yields { a = 1; b = 2; }
+Values from the right side take precedence:
+{ a = "left"; } // { a = "right"; }
+# yields { a = "right"; }
+The merge operator does *not* recursively merge attribute sets;
+{ a = { b = 1; }; } // { a = { c = 2; }; }
+# yields { a = { c = 2; }; }
+Helper functions for recursive merging exist in the [`lib` library](#pkgslib).
 ## Variable bindings
@@ -323,10 +360,18 @@ let attrs = { a = 15; b = 2; };
 in with attrs; a + b # 'a' and 'b' become variables in the scope following 'with'
+The scope of a `with`-"block" is the expression immediately following the
+semicolon, i.e.:
+let attrs = { /* some attributes */ };
+in with attrs; (/* this is the scope of the `with` */)
 ## `import` / `NIX_PATH` / `<entry>`
-Nix files can import each other by using the `import` keyword and a literal
+Nix files can import each other by using the builtin `import` function and a
+literal path:
 # assuming there is a file lib.nix with some useful functions
@@ -334,6 +379,8 @@ let myLib = import ./lib.nix;
 in myLib.usefulFunction 42
+The `import` function will read and evaluate the file, and return its Nix value.
 Nix files often begin with a function header to pass parameters into the rest of
 the file, so you will often see imports of the form `import ./some-file { ... }`.
@@ -569,31 +616,33 @@ but have the modification above be reflected in the imported package set:
-  overlay = (self: super: {
-    someProgram = super.someProgram.overrideAttrs(old: {
+  overlay = (final: prev: {
+    someProgram = prev.someProgram.overrideAttrs(old: {
       configureFlags = old.configureFlags or [] ++ ["--mimic-threaten-tag"];
 in import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ overlay ]; }
-The overlay function receives two arguments, `self` and `super`. `self` is
+The overlay function receives two arguments, `final` and `prev`. `final` is
 the [fixed point][fp] of the overlay's evaluation, i.e. the package set
-*including* the new packages and `super` is the "original" package set.
+*including* the new packages and `prev` is the "original" package set.
 See the Nix manual sections [on overrides][] and [on overlays][] for more
+details (note: the convention has moved away from using `self` in favor of
+`final`, and `prev` instead of `super`, but the documentation has not been
+updated to reflect this).
 [currying]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currying
-[builtins]: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-builtins
+[builtins]: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/builtins
 [nixpkgs]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
 [lib-src]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/lib
 [nixdoc]: https://github.com/tazjin/nixdoc
-[lib-manual]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-functions-library
-[channels]: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-channels
-[trivial builders]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders.nix
-[smkd]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-stdenv
-[drv-manual]: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-derivation
+[lib-manual]: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#sec-functions-library
+[channels]: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/command-ref/files/channels
+[trivial builders]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders/default.nix
+[smkd]: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#chap-stdenv
+[drv-manual]: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/derivations
 [fp]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/fixed-points.nix
-[on overrides]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-overrides
-[on overlays]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays
+[on overrides]: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#chap-overrides
+[on overlays]: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#chap-overlays
diff --git a/nix/readTree/README.md b/nix/readTree/README.md
index f8bbe2255e..5d430d1cfc 100644
--- a/nix/readTree/README.md
+++ b/nix/readTree/README.md
@@ -52,14 +52,17 @@ true;` attribute merged into it.
 `readTree` will follow any subdirectories of a tree and import all Nix files,
 with some exceptions:
+* If a folder contains a `default.nix` file, no *sibling* Nix files will be
+  imported - however children are traversed as normal.
+* If a folder contains a `default.nix` it is loaded and, if it
+  evaluates to a set, *merged* with the children. If it evaluates to
+  anything other than a set, else the children are *not traversed*.
+* A folder can opt out from readTree completely by containing a
+  `.skip-tree` file. The content of the file is not read. These
+  folders will be missing completely from the readTree structure.
 * A folder can declare that its children are off-limit by containing a
   `.skip-subtree` file. Since the content of the file is not checked, it can be
   useful to leave a note for a human in the file.
-* If a folder contains a `default.nix` file, no *sibling* Nix files will be
-  imported - however children are traversed as normal.
-* If a folder contains a `default.nix` it is loaded and, if it evaluates to a
-  set, *merged* with the children. If it evaluates to anything else the children
-  are *not traversed*.
 * The `default.nix` of the top-level folder on which readTree is
   called is **not** read to avoid infinite recursion (as, presumably,
   this file is where readTree itself is called).
diff --git a/nix/readTree/default.nix b/nix/readTree/default.nix
index ba3363d8d6..4a745ce33c 100644
--- a/nix/readTree/default.nix
+++ b/nix/readTree/default.nix
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The TVL Authors
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# Provides a function to automatically read a a filesystem structure
+# Provides a function to automatically read a filesystem structure
 # into a Nix attribute set.
 # Called with an attribute set taking the following arguments:
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ let
   readDirVisible = path:
       children = readDir path;
-      isVisible = f: f == ".skip-subtree" || (substring 0 1 f) != ".";
+      # skip hidden files, except for those that contain special instructions to readTree
+      isVisible = f: f == ".skip-subtree" || f == ".skip-tree" || (substring 0 1 f) != ".";
       names = filter isVisible (attrNames children);
     listToAttrs (map
@@ -80,22 +81,45 @@ let
   importFile = args: scopedArgs: path: parts: filter:
       importedFile =
-        if scopedArgs != { }
+        if scopedArgs != { } && builtins ? scopedImport # For tvix
         then builtins.scopedImport scopedArgs path
         else import path;
       pathType = builtins.typeOf importedFile;
     if pathType != "lambda"
-    then builtins.throw "readTree: trying to import ${toString path}, but it’s a ${pathType}, you need to make it a function like { depot, pkgs, ... }"
+    then throw "readTree: trying to import ${toString path}, but it’s a ${pathType}, you need to make it a function like { depot, pkgs, ... }"
     else importedFile (filter parts (argsWithPath args parts));
   nixFileName = file:
     let res = match "(.*)\\.nix" file;
     in if res == null then null else head res;
-  readTree = { args, initPath, rootDir, parts, argsFilter, scopedArgs }:
+  # Internal implementation of readTree, which handles things like the
+  # skipping of trees and subtrees.
+  #
+  # This method returns an attribute sets with either of two shapes:
+  #
+  # { ok = ...; }    # a tree was read successfully
+  # { skip = true; } # a tree was skipped
+  #
+  # The higher-level `readTree` method assembles the final attribute
+  # set out of these results at the top-level, and the internal
+  # `children` implementation unwraps and processes nested trees.
+  readTreeImpl = { args, initPath, rootDir, parts, argsFilter, scopedArgs }:
       dir = readDirVisible initPath;
+      # Determine whether any part of this tree should be skipped.
+      #
+      # Adding a `.skip-subtree` file will still allow the import of
+      # the current node's "default.nix" file, but stop recursion
+      # there.
+      #
+      # Adding a `.skip-tree` file will completely ignore the folder
+      # in which this file is located.
+      skipTree = hasAttr ".skip-tree" dir;
+      skipSubtree = skipTree || hasAttr ".skip-subtree" dir;
       joinChild = c: initPath + ("/" + c);
       self =
@@ -103,19 +127,17 @@ let
         then { __readTree = [ ]; }
         else importFile args scopedArgs initPath parts argsFilter;
-      # Import subdirectories of the current one, unless the special
-      # `.skip-subtree` file exists which makes readTree ignore the
-      # children.
+      # Import subdirectories of the current one, unless any skip
+      # instructions exist.
       # This file can optionally contain information on why the tree
       # should be ignored, but its content is not inspected by
       # readTree
       filterDir = f: dir."${f}" == "directory";
-      children = if hasAttr ".skip-subtree" dir then [ ] else
-      map
+      filteredChildren = map
         (c: {
           name = c;
-          value = readTree {
+          value = readTreeImpl {
             inherit argsFilter scopedArgs;
             args = args;
             initPath = (joinChild c);
@@ -125,9 +147,15 @@ let
         (filter filterDir (attrNames dir));
+      # Remove skipped children from the final set, and unwrap the
+      # result set.
+      children =
+        if skipSubtree then [ ]
+        else map ({ name, value }: { inherit name; value = value.ok; }) (filter (child: child.value ? ok) filteredChildren);
       # Import Nix files
       nixFiles =
-        if hasAttr ".skip-subtree" dir then [ ]
+        if skipSubtree then [ ]
         else filter (f: f != null) (map nixFileName (attrNames dir));
       nixChildren = map
@@ -154,9 +182,23 @@ let
-    if isAttrs nodeValue
-    then merge nodeValue (allChildren // (marker parts allChildren))
-    else nodeValue;
+    if skipTree
+    then { skip = true; }
+    else {
+      ok =
+        if isAttrs nodeValue
+        then merge nodeValue (allChildren // (marker parts allChildren))
+        else nodeValue;
+    };
+  # Top-level implementation of readTree itself.
+  readTree = args:
+    let
+      tree = readTreeImpl args;
+    in
+    if tree ? skip
+    then throw "Top-level folder has a .skip-tree marker and could not be read by readTree!"
+    else tree.ok;
   # Helper function to fetch subtargets from a target. This is a
   # temporary helper to warn on the use of the `meta.targets`
diff --git a/nix/readTree/tests/default.nix b/nix/readTree/tests/default.nix
index fcca141714..6f9eb02eff 100644
--- a/nix/readTree/tests/default.nix
+++ b/nix/readTree/tests/default.nix
@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ let
   traversal-logic = it "corresponds to the traversal logic in the README" [
+    (assertEq "skip-tree/a is read"
+      tree-tl.skip-tree.a
+      "a is read normally")
+    (assertEq "skip-tree does not contain b"
+      (builtins.attrNames tree-tl.skip-tree)
+      [ "__readTree" "__readTreeChildren" "a" ])
+    (assertEq "skip-tree children list does not contain b"
+      tree-tl.skip-tree.__readTreeChildren
+      [ "a" ])
     (assertEq "skip subtree default.nix is read"
       "the default.nix is still read")
diff --git a/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/a/default.nix b/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/a/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..186488be3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/a/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+_: "a is read normally"
diff --git a/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/b/.skip-tree b/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/b/.skip-tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34936b45d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/b/.skip-tree
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+b subfolder should be skipped completely
diff --git a/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/b/default.nix b/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/b/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7903f8e95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/readTree/tests/test-tree-traversal/skip-tree/b/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+throw "b is skipped completely"
diff --git a/nix/renderMarkdown/default.nix b/nix/renderMarkdown/default.nix
index 8d6b31cfcc..8759ada0fe 100644
--- a/nix/renderMarkdown/default.nix
+++ b/nix/renderMarkdown/default.nix
@@ -3,6 +3,19 @@
 with depot.nix.yants;
-defun [ path drv ] (file: pkgs.runCommandNoCC "${file}.rendered.html" { } ''
-  cat ${file} | ${depot.tools.cheddar}/bin/cheddar --about-filter ${file} > $out
+  args = struct "args" {
+    path = path;
+    tagfilter = option bool;
+  };
+defun [ (either path args) drv ]
+  (arg: pkgs.runCommand "${arg.path or arg}.rendered.html" { }
+    (
+      let
+        tagfilter = if (arg.tagfilter or true) then "" else "--no-tagfilter";
+      in
+      ''
+        cat ${arg.path or arg} | ${depot.tools.cheddar}/bin/cheddar --about-filter ${tagfilter} ${arg.path or arg} > $out
+      ''
+    ))
diff --git a/nix/sparseTree/OWNERS b/nix/sparseTree/OWNERS
index fdf6d72040..2e95807063 100644
--- a/nix/sparseTree/OWNERS
+++ b/nix/sparseTree/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-inherited: true
-  - sterni
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nix/sparseTree/default.nix b/nix/sparseTree/default.nix
index 16fc9b6103..35fa459e1c 100644
--- a/nix/sparseTree/default.nix
+++ b/nix/sparseTree/default.nix
@@ -2,22 +2,33 @@
 # and directories if they are listed in a supplied list:
 # # A very minimal depot
-# sparseTree ./depot [
-#   ./default.nix
-#   ./depot/nix/readTree/default.nix
-#   ./third_party/nixpkgs
-#   ./third_party/overlays
-# ]
+# sparseTree {
+#   root = ./depot;
+#   paths = [
+#     ./default.nix
+#     ./depot/nix/readTree/default.nix
+#     ./third_party/nixpkgs
+#     ./third_party/overlays
+#   ];
+# }
 { pkgs, lib, ... }:
-# root path to use as a reference point
-# list of paths below `root` that should be
-# included in the resulting directory
-# If path, need to refer to the actual file / directory to be included.
-# If a string, it is treated as a string relative to the root.
+  # root path to use as a reference point
+  root
+, # list of paths below `root` that should be
+  # included in the resulting directory
+  #
+  # If path, need to refer to the actual file / directory to be included.
+  # If a string, it is treated as a string relative to the root.
+  paths
+, # (optional) name to use for the derivation
+  #
+  # This should always be set when using roots that do not have
+  # controlled names, such as when passing the top-level of a git
+  # repository (e.g. `depot.path.origSrc`).
+  name ? builtins.baseNameOf root
   rootLength = builtins.stringLength (toString root);
@@ -45,7 +56,6 @@ let
       withLeading = p: if builtins.substring 0 1 p == "/" then p else "/" + p;
       fullPath =
-        /**/
         if builtins.isPath path then path
         else if builtins.isString path then (root + withLeading path)
         else builtins.throw "Unsupported path type ${builtins.typeOf path}";
@@ -64,7 +74,7 @@ in
 # TODO(sterni): teach readTree to also read symlinked directories,
   # so we ln -sT instead of cp -aT.
-pkgs.runCommandNoCC "sparse-${builtins.baseNameOf root}" { } (
+pkgs.runCommand "sparse-${name}" { } (
     ({ src, dst }: ''
       mkdir -p "$(dirname "$out${dst}")"
diff --git a/nix/stateMonad/default.nix b/nix/stateMonad/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..209412e099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/stateMonad/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Simple state monad represented as
+#     stateMonad s a = s -> { state : s; value : a }
+{ ... }:
+rec {
+  #
+  # Monad
+  #
+  # Type: stateMonad s a -> (a -> stateMonad s b) -> stateMonad s b
+  bind = action: f: state:
+    let
+      afterAction = action state;
+    in
+    (f afterAction.value) afterAction.state;
+  # Type: stateMonad s a -> stateMonad s b -> stateMonad s b
+  after = action1: action2: state: action2 (action1 state).state;
+  # Type: stateMonad s (stateMonad s a) -> stateMonad s a
+  join = action: bind action (action': action');
+  # Type: [a] -> (a -> stateMonad s b) -> stateMonad s null
+  for_ = xs: f:
+    builtins.foldl'
+      (laterAction: x:
+        after (f x) laterAction
+      )
+      (pure null)
+      xs;
+  #
+  # Applicative
+  #
+  # Type: a -> stateMonad s a
+  pure = value: state: { inherit state value; };
+  # TODO(sterni): <*>, lift2, …
+  #
+  # Functor
+  #
+  # Type: (a -> b) -> stateMonad s a -> stateMonad s b
+  fmap = f: action: bind action (result: pure (f result));
+  #
+  # State Monad
+  #
+  # Type: (s -> s) -> stateMonad s null
+  modify = f: state: { value = null; state = f state; };
+  # Type: stateMonad s s
+  get = state: { value = state; inherit state; };
+  # Type: s -> stateMonad s null
+  set = new: modify (_: new);
+  # Type: str -> stateMonad set set.${str}
+  getAttr = attr: fmap (state: state.${attr}) get;
+  # Type: str -> (any -> any) -> stateMonad s null
+  modifyAttr = attr: f: modify (state: state // {
+    ${attr} = f state.${attr};
+  });
+  # Type: str -> any -> stateMonad s null
+  setAttr = attr: value: modifyAttr attr (_: value);
+  # Type: s -> stateMonad s a -> a
+  run = state: action: (action state).value;
diff --git a/nix/stateMonad/tests/default.nix b/nix/stateMonad/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3cb5c99b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/stateMonad/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    it
+    assertEq
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.stateMonad)
+    pure
+    run
+    join
+    fmap
+    bind
+    get
+    set
+    modify
+    after
+    for_
+    getAttr
+    setAttr
+    modifyAttr
+    ;
+  runStateIndependent = run (throw "This should never be evaluated!");
+runTestsuite "stateMonad" [
+  (it "behaves correctly independent of state" [
+    (assertEq "pure" (runStateIndependent (pure 21)) 21)
+    (assertEq "join pure" (runStateIndependent (join (pure (pure 42)))) 42)
+    (assertEq "fmap pure" (runStateIndependent (fmap (builtins.mul 2) (pure 21))) 42)
+    (assertEq "bind pure" (runStateIndependent (bind (pure 12) (x: pure x))) 12)
+  ])
+  (it "behaves correctly with an integer state" [
+    (assertEq "get" (run 42 get) 42)
+    (assertEq "after set get" (run 21 (after (set 42) get)) 42)
+    (assertEq "after modify get" (run 21 (after (modify (builtins.mul 2)) get)) 42)
+    (assertEq "fmap get" (run 40 (fmap (builtins.add 2) get)) 42)
+    (assertEq "stateful sum list"
+      (run 0 (after
+        (for_
+          [
+            15
+            12
+            10
+            5
+          ]
+          (x: modify (builtins.add x)))
+        get))
+      42)
+  ])
+  (it "behaves correctly with an attr set state" [
+    (assertEq "getAttr" (run { foo = 42; } (getAttr "foo")) 42)
+    (assertEq "after setAttr getAttr"
+      (run { foo = 21; } (after (setAttr "foo" 42) (getAttr "foo")))
+      42)
+    (assertEq "after modifyAttr getAttr"
+      (run { foo = 10.5; }
+        (after
+          (modifyAttr "foo" (builtins.mul 4))
+          (getAttr "foo")))
+      42)
+    (assertEq "fmap getAttr"
+      (run { foo = 21; } (fmap (builtins.mul 2) (getAttr "foo")))
+      42)
+    (assertEq "after setAttr to insert getAttr"
+      (run { } (after (setAttr "foo" 42) (getAttr "foo")))
+      42)
+    (assertEq "insert permutations"
+      (run
+        {
+          a = 2;
+          b = 3;
+          c = 5;
+        }
+        (after
+          (bind get
+            (state:
+              let
+                names = builtins.attrNames state;
+              in
+              for_ names (name1:
+                for_ names (name2:
+                  # this is of course a bit silly, but making it more cumbersome
+                  # makes sure the test exercises more of the code.
+                  (bind (getAttr name1)
+                    (value1:
+                      (bind (getAttr name2)
+                        (value2:
+                          setAttr "${name1}_${name2}" (value1 * value2)))))))))
+          get))
+      {
+        a = 2;
+        b = 3;
+        c = 5;
+        a_a = 4;
+        a_b = 6;
+        a_c = 10;
+        b_a = 6;
+        b_b = 9;
+        b_c = 15;
+        c_c = 25;
+        c_a = 10;
+        c_b = 15;
+      }
+    )
+  ])
diff --git a/nix/tag/default.nix b/nix/tag/default.nix
index 0038404460..2955656323 100644
--- a/nix/tag/default.nix
+++ b/nix/tag/default.nix
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ let
   # Like `discrDef`, but fail if there is no match.
   discr = fs: v:
     let res = discrDef null fs v; in
-    assert lib.assertMsg (res != null)
+    assert lib.assertMsg (res != { })
       "tag.discr: No predicate found that matches ${lib.generators.toPretty {} v}";
diff --git a/nix/tag/tests.nix b/nix/tag/tests.nix
index bcc42c758a..e0085b4837 100644
--- a/nix/tag/tests.nix
+++ b/nix/tag/tests.nix
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ let
   inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    assertThrows
@@ -50,6 +51,10 @@ let
         { int = lib.isInt; }
       ] "foo")
       { def = "foo"; })
+    (assertThrows "throws failing to match"
+      (discr [
+        { fish = x: x == 42; }
+      ] 21))
   match-test = it "can match things" [
diff --git a/nix/utils/OWNERS b/nix/utils/OWNERS
index f16dd105d7..2e95807063 100644
--- a/nix/utils/OWNERS
+++ b/nix/utils/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-inherited: true
-  - sterni
diff --git a/nix/utils/default.nix b/nix/utils/default.nix
index a29f346519..0c6c88fafd 100644
--- a/nix/utils/default.nix
+++ b/nix/utils/default.nix
@@ -43,21 +43,6 @@ let
     else builtins.throw "Don't know how to get (base)name of "
       + lib.generators.toPretty { } p;
-  /* Retrieves the drvPath attribute from a given derivation, but ensures that
-     the resulting string only depends on the `.drv` file in the nix store and
-     not on its realised outputs as well.
-     Type: drv -> string
-  */
-  onlyDrvPath = drv:
-    let
-      inherit (drv) drvPath;
-      unsafeDrvPath = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext drvPath;
-    in
-    builtins.appendContext unsafeDrvPath {
-      ${unsafeDrvPath} = { path = true; };
-    };
   /* Query the type of a path exposing the same information as would be by
      `builtins.readDir`, but for a single, specific target path.
@@ -167,7 +152,6 @@ in
-    onlyDrvPath
diff --git a/nix/utils/tests/default.nix b/nix/utils/tests/default.nix
index d5159a8433..344a1771d7 100644
--- a/nix/utils/tests/default.nix
+++ b/nix/utils/tests/default.nix
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ let
-    onlyDrvPath
   assertUtilsPred = msg: act: exp: [
@@ -92,19 +91,9 @@ let
       (storePathName cleanedSource)
-  onlyDrvPathTests = it "correctly updates the string context of drvPath" [
-    (assertEq "onlyDrvPath only produces path dependencies"
-      (builtins.all
-        (dep: dep.path or false)
-        (builtins.attrValues
-          (builtins.getContext (onlyDrvPath depot.tools.cheddar))))
-      true)
-  ];
 runTestsuite "nix.utils" [
-  onlyDrvPathTests
diff --git a/nix/writeTree/OWNERS b/nix/writeTree/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b381c4e660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/writeTree/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/nix/writeTree/default.nix b/nix/writeTree/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c7c2a130f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/writeTree/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (lib) fix pipe mapAttrsToList isAttrs concatLines isString isDerivation isPath;
+  # TODO(sterni): move to //nix/utils with clearer naming and alternative similar to lib.types.path
+  isPathLike = value:
+    isPath value
+    || isDerivation value
+    || (isString value && builtins.hasContext value);
+  esc = s: lib.escapeShellArg /* ensure paths import into store */ "${s}";
+  writeTreeAtPath = path: tree:
+    ''
+      mkdir -p "$out/"${esc path}
+    ''
+    + pipe tree [
+      (mapAttrsToList (k: v:
+        if isPathLike v then
+          "cp -R --reflink=auto ${v} \"$out/\"${esc path}/${esc k}"
+        else if lib.isAttrs v then
+          writeTreeAtPath (path + "/" + k) v
+        else
+          throw "invalid type (expected path, derivation, string with context, or attrs)"))
+      concatLines
+    ];
+  /* Create a directory tree specified by a Nix attribute set structure.
+     Each value in `tree` should either be a file, a directory, or another tree
+     attribute set. Those paths will be written to a directory tree
+     corresponding to the structure of the attribute set.
+     Type: string -> attrSet -> derivation
+  */
+  writeTree = name: tree:
+    pkgs.runCommandLocal name { } (writeTreeAtPath "" tree);
+# __functor trick so readTree can add the tests attribute
+  __functor = _: writeTree;
diff --git a/nix/writeTree/tests/default.nix b/nix/writeTree/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5858ee96e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/writeTree/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (pkgs) runCommand writeText writeTextFile;
+  inherit (depot.nix) writeTree;
+  checkTree = name: tree: expected:
+    runCommand "writeTree-test-${name}"
+      {
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.lr ];
+        passAsFile = [ "expected" ];
+        inherit expected;
+      } ''
+      actualPath="$NIX_BUILD_TOP/actual"
+      cd ${lib.escapeShellArg (writeTree name tree)}
+      lr . > "$actualPath"
+      diff -u "$expectedPath" "$actualPath" | tee "$out"
+    '';
+depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets {
+  empty = checkTree "empty" { }
+    ''
+      .
+    '';
+  simple-paths = checkTree "simple"
+    {
+      writeTree = {
+        meta = {
+          "owners.txt" = ../OWNERS;
+        };
+        "code.nix" = ../default.nix;
+        all-tests = ./.;
+        nested.dirs.eval-time = builtins.toFile "owothia" ''
+          hold me owo
+        '';
+      };
+    }
+    ''
+      .
+      ./writeTree
+      ./writeTree/all-tests
+      ./writeTree/all-tests/default.nix
+      ./writeTree/code.nix
+      ./writeTree/meta
+      ./writeTree/meta/owners.txt
+      ./writeTree/nested
+      ./writeTree/nested/dirs
+      ./writeTree/nested/dirs/eval-time
+    '';
+  empty-dirs = checkTree "empty-dirs"
+    {
+      this.dir.is.empty = { };
+      so.is.this.one = { };
+    }
+    ''
+      .
+      ./so
+      ./so/is
+      ./so/is/this
+      ./so/is/this/one
+      ./this
+      ./this/dir
+      ./this/dir/is
+      ./this/dir/is/empty
+    '';
+  drvs = checkTree "drvs"
+    {
+      file-drv = writeText "road.txt" ''
+        Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere.
+      '';
+      dir-drv = writeTextFile {
+        name = "dir-of-text";
+        destination = "/text/in/more/dirs.txt";
+        text = ''
+          Climb the mountain just a little bit to test that it’s a mountain.
+          From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the mountain.
+        '';
+      };
+    }
+    ''
+      .
+      ./dir-drv
+      ./dir-drv/text
+      ./dir-drv/text/in
+      ./dir-drv/text/in/more
+      ./dir-drv/text/in/more/dirs.txt
+      ./file-drv
+    '';