about summary refs log tree commit diff
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-02-08 r/484 feat(web/blog): Add Nix-based static blog generatorVincent Ambo6-0/+232
2020-02-08 r/483 feat(ops/nixos/nugget): Install i3lockVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-02-08 r/482 chore(third_party): Expose pandocVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-02-07 r/481 docs(nix/yants): Fix screenshot URLsVincent Ambo1-5/+5
2020-02-07 r/480 chore: Exclude //third_party from ripgrep searchesVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-02-07 r/479 feat(tools/emacs): Bump EXWM to recent masterVincent Ambo1-1/+14
2020-02-07 r/478 feat(ops/nixos/nugget): Enable pcscd & install Yubikey toolsVincent Ambo1-0/+8
2020-02-05 r/477 feat(tools/emacs): Install ace-linkVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-02-04 r/476 feat(ops/nixos/nugget): Enable U2F hardware supportVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-01-29 r/475 refactor(fun/wcl): Use portable unix-opts libraryVincent Ambo2-1/+2
2020-01-29 r/474 feat(third_party/lisp): Add derivation for unix-optsVincent Ambo1-0/+17
2020-01-29 r/473 fix(nix/buildLisp): Ensure SBCL uses UTF-8 encodingVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-01-29 r/472 fix(fun/wcl): Use 'eql' for byte comparisonsVincent Ambo1-4/+4
2020-01-29 r/471 docs(nix/buildLisp): Update the README with actual docsVincent Ambo2-12/+87
2020-01-28 r/470 fix(fun/wcl): Count words correctly if file starts with whitespaceVincent Ambo1-2/+3
2020-01-28 r/469 feat(fun/wcl): Add a simple 'wc' clone in LispVincent Ambo2-0/+46
2020-01-27 r/468 feat(web/tazblog_lisp): Implement retrieval of blog posts from DNSVincent Ambo2-0/+100
2020-01-27 r/467 fix(emacs-pkgs/nix-util): Don't leave sly build out-links aroundVincent Ambo1-1/+1
2020-01-27 r/466 refactor(lisp/dns): Return dns-answer from query functionsVincent Ambo2-2/+10
2020-01-27 r/465 docs(lisp/dns): Add initial README fileVincent Ambo1-0/+75
2020-01-27 r/464 feat(lisp/dns): Support CNAME & NS record RDATAsVincent Ambo2-378/+64
2020-01-27 r/463 refactor(lisp/dns): Refactor structure of lookup-generic callsVincent Ambo1-9/+12
2020-01-26 r/462 refactor(third_party/lisp): Use buildLisp.bundled for built-in libsVincent Ambo14-74/+36
2020-01-26 r/461 feat(nix/buildLisp): Add 'bundled' function for built-in librariesVincent Ambo1-0/+8
2020-01-26 r/460 chore(lisp/dns): Remove unused dependenciesVincent Ambo1-2/+0
2020-01-26 r/459 Merge branch 'feat/dns-lisp'Vincent Ambo5-31/+812
2020-01-26 feat(lisp/dns): Export struct fieldsVincent Ambo1-3/+3
2020-01-26 feat(lisp/dns): Introduce enum for DNS types & decode RDATAVincent Ambo1-2/+21
2020-01-26 chore(lisp/dns): Add 'message.lisp' to build instructionsVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-01-26 feat(lisp/dns): Use new DNS deserialiser in dns:lookup-genericVincent Ambo1-152/+52
2020-01-26 r/458 feat(emacs.d): Add interactive 'scrot-select' screenshot functionVincent Ambo1-0/+6
2020-01-26 feat(lisp/dns): Implement qname compression parsingVincent Ambo1-270/+29
2020-01-26 refactor(lisp/dns): Introduce structured QNAME representationVincent Ambo1-31/+51
2020-01-26 feat(lisp/dns): Check in initial DNS message implementationVincent Ambo1-0/+931
2020-01-26 refactor(lisp/dns): Split package into multiple filesVincent Ambo4-31/+182
2020-01-26 r/457 feat(fun): Add copy of my avatarVincent Ambo1-0/+0
2020-01-25 r/456 feat(ops/nixos/nugget): Install unzipVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-01-24 r/455 chore(buildLisp): use lib.optionalString where applicableedef1-4/+1
2020-01-24 r/454 chore(buildGo): use lib.optionalString where applicableedef1-1/+1
2020-01-24 r/453 feat(emacs.d): Add notmuch-depot-apply-patch helper functionVincent Ambo1-0/+21
2020-01-22 r/452 feat(third_party/lisp): Add 'lisp-binary' package and dependenciesVincent Ambo3-0/+64
2020-01-22 r/451 feat(third_party/lisp): Add 'iterate' and 'quasiquote-2.0' packagesVincent Ambo3-3/+35
2020-01-22 r/450 Merge commit '47f60d0996ed57d3a3c00b25ddbd8fea04096f90' as 'third_party/lisp/...Vincent Ambo8-0/+895
2020-01-22 Squashed 'third_party/lisp/quasiquote_2/' content from commit cac90875d1Vincent Ambo8-0/+895
2020-01-22 r/449 chore(build): Build Lisp DNS library in CIVincent Ambo1-0/+1
2020-01-22 r/448 feat(lisp/dns): Check in very early DNS-over-HTTPS clientVincent Ambo3-0/+45
2020-01-22 r/447 feat(emacs.d): Add key binding for counsel-notmuchVincent Ambo1-1/+3
2020-01-22 r/446 fix(fun/gemma): Give Hunchentoot the trailing slash it desiresVincent Ambo1-1/+1
2020-01-22 r/445 refactor(fun/gemma): Make acceptor available in a variableVincent Ambo1-4/+7
2020-01-22 r/444 fix(third_party/lisp/bordeaux-threads): Use native condvars on SBCLVincent Ambo1-1/+0