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path: root/web/panettone/src/util.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/panettone/src/util.lisp')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/panettone/src/util.lisp b/web/panettone/src/util.lisp
index 9fd9ceaa79..4c3c4f1aa6 100644
--- a/web/panettone/src/util.lisp
+++ b/web/panettone/src/util.lisp
@@ -5,3 +5,35 @@
    (when-let ((str (uiop:getenvp var)))
      (try-parse-integer str))
+(defun add-missing-base64-padding (s)
+  "Add any missing padding characters to the (un-padded) base64 string `S', such
+that it can be successfully decoded by the `BASE64' package"
+  ;; I apologize
+  (let* ((needed-padding (mod (length s) 4))
+         (pad-chars (if (zerop needed-padding) 0 (- 4 needed-padding))))
+    (format nil "~A~v@{~A~:*~}" s pad-chars "=")))
+(defun and-where (clauses)
+  "Combine all non-nil clauses in CLAUSES into a single S-SQL WHERE form"
+  (let ((clauses (remove nil clauses)))
+    (if (null clauses) t
+        (reduce (lambda (x y) `(:and ,x ,y)) clauses))))
+(defun and-where* (&rest clauses)
+  "Combine all non-nil clauses in CLAUSES into a single S-SQL WHERE form"
+  (and-where clauses))
+(defmacro define-build-time-var
+    (name value-if-not-in-build &optional (doc nil))
+  `(defvar ,name
+     (or (when-let ((package (find-package :build)))
+           (let ((sym (find-symbol ,(symbol-name name) package)))
+             (when (boundp sym) (symbol-value sym))))
+         ,value-if-not-in-build)
+     ,doc))
+(defun ->dir (dir)
+  (if (char-equal (uiop:last-char dir) #\/)
+      dir
+      (concatenate 'string dir "/")))