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path: root/web/panettone/src/panettone.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/panettone/src/panettone.lisp')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/web/panettone/src/panettone.lisp b/web/panettone/src/panettone.lisp
index cef3572214..37d194d0f9 100644
--- a/web/panettone/src/panettone.lisp
+++ b/web/panettone/src/panettone.lisp
@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
    "Render the argument, or the elements of the argument, as markdown, and return
    the same structure"))
-(defmethod render-markdown ((markdown string))
-  (cdr
-   (assoc :markdown
-          (cl-json:decode-json
-           (drakma:http-request
+(defun request-markdown-from-cheddar (input)
+  "Send the CL value INPUT encoded as JSON to cheddar's
+  markdown endpoint and return the decoded response."
+  (let ((s (drakma:http-request
             (concatenate 'string
@@ -20,25 +19,19 @@
             :method :post
             :content-type "application/json"
             :external-format-out :utf-8
-            :external-format-in :utf-8
-            :content (json:encode-json-to-string
-                      `((markdown . ,markdown)))
-            :want-stream t)))))
+            :content (json:encode-json-to-string input)
+            :want-stream t)))
+    (setf (flexi-streams:flexi-stream-external-format s) :utf-8)
+    (cl-json:decode-json s)))
+(defmethod render-markdown ((markdown string))
+  (cdr (assoc :markdown
+              (request-markdown-from-cheddar
+               `((markdown . ,markdown))))))
 (defmethod render-markdown ((markdown hash-table))
-   (cl-json:decode-json
-    (drakma:http-request
-     (concatenate 'string
-                  *cheddar-url*
-                  "/markdown")
-     :accept "application/json"
-     :method :post
-     :content-type "application/json"
-     :external-format-out :utf-8
-     :external-format-in :utf-8
-     :content (json:encode-json-to-string markdown)
-     :want-stream t))))
+   (request-markdown-from-cheddar markdown)))
 (defun markdownify-comment-bodies (comments)
   "Convert the bodies of the given list of comments to markdown in-place using
@@ -63,7 +56,8 @@
 (defvar *title* "Panettone")
-(setf (who:html-mode) :html5)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+  (setf (who:html-mode) :html5))
 (defun render/nav ()
   (who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
@@ -75,14 +69,16 @@
          (who:htm (:a :href "/" "All Issues")))
      (if *user*
-          (:form :class "form-link log-out"
-                 :method "post"
-                 :action "/logout"
-                 (:input :type "submit" :value "Log Out")))
+          (:div :class "nav-group"
+           (:a :href "/settings" "Settings")
+           (:form :class "form-link log-out"
+                  :method "post"
+                  :action "/logout"
+                  (:input :type "submit" :value "Log Out"))))
           (:a :href
               (format nil
-                      "/login?original-uri=~A"
+                      "/auth?original-uri=~A"
                       (drakma:url-encode (hunchentoot:request-uri*)
               "Log In"))))))
@@ -90,6 +86,10 @@
 (defun author (object)
   (find-user-by-dn (author-dn object)))
+(defun displayname-if-known (user)
+  (or (when user (displayname user))
+      "unknown"))
 (defmacro render ((&key
                      (footer t)
                      (header t))
@@ -135,35 +135,26 @@
     (when message
       (who:htm (:div :class "alert" (who:esc message))))))
-(defun render/login (&key message (original-uri "/"))
-  (render (:footer nil :header nil)
-    (:div
-     :class "login-form"
-     (:header
-      (:h1 "Login"))
-     (:main
-      :class "login-form"
-      (render/alert message)
-      (:form
-       :method :post :action "/login"
-       (:input :type "hidden" :name "original-uri"
-               :value original-uri)
-       (:div
-        (:label :for "username"
-                "Username")
-        (:input :type "text"
-                :name "username"
-                :id "username"
-                :placeholder "username"))
-       (:div
-        (:label :for "password"
-                "Password")
-        (:input :type "password"
-                :name "password"
-                :id "password"
-                :placeholder "password"))
-       (:input :type "submit"
-               :value "Submit"))))))
+(defun render/settings ()
+  (let ((settings (model:settings-for-user (dn *user*))))
+    (render ()
+      (:div
+       :class "settings-page"
+       (:header
+        (:h1 "Settings"))
+       (:form
+        :method :post :action "/settings"
+        (:div
+         (:label :class "checkbox"
+          (:input :type "checkbox"
+                  :name "enable-email-notifications"
+                  :id "enable-email-notifications"
+                  :checked (model:enable-email-notifications-p
+                            settings))
+          "Enable Email Notifications"))
+        (:div :class "form-group"
+         (:input :type "submit"
+                 :value "Save Settings")))))))
 (defun created-by-at (issue)
   (check-type issue model:issue)
@@ -171,11 +162,8 @@
     (:span :class "created-by-at"
            "Opened by "
            (:span :class "username"
-                  (who:esc
-                   (or
-                    (when-let ((author (author issue)))
-                      (displayname author))
-                    "someone")))
+                  (who:esc (displayname-if-known
+                             (author issue))))
            " at "
            (:span :class "timestamp"
@@ -192,12 +180,12 @@
            (:a :href (format nil "/issues/~A" issue-id)
                 (:span :class "issue-subject"
-                       (who:esc (subject issue))))
+                       (render-inline-markdown (subject issue))))
                (:span :class "issue-number"
                       (who:esc (format nil "#~A" issue-id)))
                " - "
                (created-by-at issue)
-               (let ((num-comments (length (issue-comments issue))))
+               (let ((num-comments (length (model:issue-comments issue))))
                  (unless (zerop num-comments)
                     (:span :class "comment-count"
@@ -205,7 +193,21 @@
                             (format nil "~A comment~:p" num-comments))))))))))))))
-(defun render/index (&key issues)
+(defun render/issue-search (&key search)
+  (who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
+    (:form
+     :method "get"
+     :class "issue-search"
+     (:input :type "search"
+             :name "search"
+             :title "Issue search query"
+             :value search)
+     (:input
+      :type "submit"
+      :value "Search Issues"
+      :class "sr-only"))))
+(defun render/index (&key issues search)
   (render ()
      (:h1 "Issues")
@@ -217,17 +219,19 @@
       :class "issue-links"
-      (:a :href "/issues/closed" "View closed issues"))
+      (:a :href "/issues/closed" "View closed issues")
+      (render/issue-search :search search))
      (render/issue-list :issues issues))))
-(defun render/closed-issues (&key issues)
+(defun render/closed-issues (&key issues search)
   (render ()
      (:h1 "Closed issues"))
       :class "issue-links"
-      (:a :href "/" "View open isues"))
+      (:a :href "/" "View open isues")
+      (render/issue-search :search search))
      (render/issue-list :issues issues))))
 (defun render/issue-form (&optional issue message)
@@ -251,7 +255,8 @@
                        :name "subject"
                        :placeholder "Subject"
                        :value (when editing
-                                (subject issue))))
+                                (who:escape-string
+                                  (subject issue)))))
                (:textarea :name "body"
@@ -292,33 +297,38 @@
         :class "comment-info"
         (:span :class "username"
-               (who:esc (displayname (author comment)))
+               (who:esc
+                 (displayname-if-known (author comment)))
                " at "
                (:a :href (concatenate 'string "#" fragment)
                    (who:esc (format-dottime (created-at comment))))))))))
 (defmethod render/issue-history-item ((event model:issue-event))
-  (let ((user (find-user-by-dn (acting-user-dn event))))
+  (let ((user (find-user-by-dn (acting-user-dn event)))
+        (fragment (format nil "event-~A" (id event))))
     (who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
        :class "event"
-       :id
-       (who:esc (displayname user))
-       (if (string= (field event) "STATUS")
-           (who:htm
-            (who:esc
-             (switch ((new-value event) :test #'string=)
-               ("OPEN" " reopened ")
-               ("CLOSED" " closed ")))
-            " this issue ")
-           (who:htm
-            " changed the "
-            (who:esc (string-downcase (field event)))
-            " of this issue from \""
-            (who:esc (previous-value event))
-            "\" to \""
-            (who:esc (new-value event))
-            "\""))
+       :id fragment
+       (who:esc (displayname-if-known user))
+       (switch ((field event) :test #'string=)
+         ("STATUS"
+          (who:htm
+           (who:esc
+            (switch ((new-value event) :test #'string=)
+              ("OPEN" " reopened ")
+              ("CLOSED" " closed ")))
+           " this issue "))
+         ("BODY" (who:htm " updated the body of this issue"))
+         (t
+          (who:htm
+           " changed the "
+           (who:esc (string-downcase (field event)))
+           " of this issue from \""
+           (who:esc (previous-value event))
+           "\" to \""
+           (who:esc (new-value event))
+           "\"")))
        " at "
        (who:esc (format-dottime (created-at event)))))))
@@ -328,7 +338,7 @@
         (issue-status (status issue)))
     (render ()
-       (:h1 (who:esc (subject issue)))
+       (:h1 (render-inline-markdown (subject issue)))
        (:div :class "issue-number"
              (who:esc (format nil "#~A" issue-id))))
@@ -359,30 +369,49 @@
                      (:open "Close")
                      (:closed "Reopen"))))))
        (:p (who:str (render-markdown (body issue))))
-       (let* ((comments (issue-comments issue))
-              (events (issue-events issue))
+       (let* ((comments (model:issue-comments issue))
+              (events (model:issue-events issue))
               (history (merge 'list
                               :key #'created-at)))
          (markdownify-comment-bodies comments)
-         (who:htm
-          (:ol
-           :class "issue-history"
-           (dolist (item history)
-             (render/issue-history-item item))
-           (when *user*
-             (render/new-comment (id issue))))))))))
+         (when (or history *user*)
+           (who:htm
+            (:ol
+             :class "issue-history"
+             (dolist (item history)
+               (render/issue-history-item item))
+             (when *user*
+               (render/new-comment (id issue)))))))))))
 (defun render/not-found (entity-type)
   (render ()
-    (:h1 (who:esc entity-type) "Not Found")))
+    (:h1 (who:esc entity-type) " Not Found")))
 ;;; HTTP handlers
+(defun send-email-for-issue
+    (issue-id &key subject (message ""))
+  "Send an email notification to all subscribers to the given issue with the
+given subject an body (in a thread, to avoid blocking)"
+  (let ((current-user *user*))
+    (bordeaux-threads:make-thread
+     (lambda ()
+       (pomo:with-connection *pg-spec*
+         (dolist (user-dn (model:issue-subscribers issue-id))
+           (when (not (equal (dn current-user) user-dn))
+             (email:notify-user
+              user-dn
+              :subject subject
+              :message message))))))))
+(defun link-to-issue (issue-id)
+  (format nil "https://b.tvl.fyi/issues/~A" issue-id))
 (defun @auth-optional (next)
   (let ((*user* (hunchentoot:session-value 'user)))
     (funcall next)))
@@ -391,73 +420,97 @@
   (if-let ((*user* (hunchentoot:session-value 'user)))
     (funcall next)
-     (format nil "/login?original-uri=~A"
+     (format nil "/auth?original-uri=~A"
-(defun @txn (next)
-  (pomo:with-transaction ()
-    (catch
-        ;; 'hunchentoot:handler-done is unexported, but is used by functions
-        ;; like hunchentoot:redirect to nonlocally abort the request handler -
-        ;; this doesn't mean an error occurred, so we need to catch it here to
-        ;; make the transaction still get committed
-        (intern "HANDLER-DONE" "HUNCHENTOOT")
-      (funcall next))))
+(defun @db (next)
+  "Decorator for handlers that use the database, wrapped in a transaction."
+  (pomo:with-connection *pg-spec*
+    (pomo:with-transaction ()
+      (catch
+          ;; 'hunchentoot:handler-done is unexported, but is used by functions
+          ;; like hunchentoot:redirect to nonlocally abort the request handler -
+          ;; this doesn't mean an error occurred, so we need to catch it here to
+          ;; make the transaction still get committed
+          (intern "HANDLER-DONE" "HUNCHENTOOT")
+        (funcall next)))))
 (defun @handle-issue-not-found (next)
   (handler-case (funcall next)
     (model:issue-not-found (err)
-       (format nil "Issue #~A" (model:id err))))))
+       (format nil "Issue #~A" (model:not-found-id err))))))
-(defroute login-form ("/login" :method :get)
-    (original-uri)
-  (if (hunchentoot:session-value 'user)
-      (hunchentoot:redirect (or original-uri "/"))
-      (render/login :original-uri original-uri)))
+(defroute auth-handler ("/auth" :method :get :decorators (@auth-optional)) ()
+  (if-let ((code (hunchentoot:get-parameter "code")))
+    (let ((user (fetch-token code)))
+      (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'user) user)
+      (hunchentoot:redirect (or (hunchentoot:session-value 'original-uri) "/")))
-(defroute submit-login ("/login" :method :post)
-    (&post original-uri username password)
-  (if-let ((user (authenticate-user username password)))
-      (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'user) user)
-      (hunchentoot:redirect (or original-uri "/")))
-    (render/login :message "Invalid credentials"
-                  :original-uri original-uri)))
+      (when-let ((original-uri (hunchentoot:get-parameter "original-uri")))
+        (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'original-uri) original-uri))
+      (hunchentoot:redirect (authn:auth-url)))))
 (defroute logout ("/logout" :method :post) ()
   (hunchentoot:delete-session-value 'user)
   (hunchentoot:redirect "/"))
-(defroute index ("/" :decorators (@auth-optional)) ()
-  (let ((issues (model:list-issues :status :open)))
-    (render/index :issues issues)))
+(defroute index ("/" :decorators (@auth-optional @db)) (&get search)
+  (let ((issues (model:list-issues :status :open
+                                   :search search)))
+    (render/index :issues issues
+                  :search search)))
+(defroute settings ("/settings" :method :get :decorators (@auth @db)) ()
+  (render/settings))
+(defroute save-settings ("/settings" :method :post :decorators (@auth @db))
+    (&post enable-email-notifications)
+  (let ((settings (model:settings-for-user (dn *user*))))
+    (model:update-user-settings
+     settings
+     'model:enable-email-notifications enable-email-notifications)
+    (render/settings)))
 (defroute handle-closed-issues
-    ("/issues/closed" :decorators (@auth-optional)) ()
-  (let ((issues (model:list-issues :status :closed)))
-    (render/closed-issues :issues issues)))
+    ("/issues/closed" :decorators (@auth-optional @db))
+    (&get search)
+  (let ((issues (model:list-issues :status :closed
+                                   :search search)))
+    (render/closed-issues :issues issues
+                          :search search)))
 (defroute new-issue ("/issues/new" :decorators (@auth)) ()
 (defroute handle-create-issue
-    ("/issues" :method :post :decorators (@auth @txn))
+    ("/issues" :method :post :decorators (@auth @db))
     (&post subject body)
   (if (string= subject "")
        (make-instance 'model:issue :subject subject :body body)
        "Subject is required")
-      (progn
-        (model:create-issue :subject subject
-                            :body body
-                            :author-dn (dn *user*))
-        (hunchentoot:redirect "/"))))
+      (let ((issue
+              (model:create-issue :subject subject
+                                  :body body
+                                  :author-dn (dn *user*))))
+        (send-irc-notification
+         (format nil
+                 "b/~A: \"~A\" opened by ~A - https://b.tvl.fyi/issues/~A"
+                 (id issue)
+                 subject
+                 (irc:noping (cn *user*))
+                 (id issue))
+         :channel (or (uiop:getenvp "ISSUECHANNEL")
+                      "#tvl"))
+        (hunchentoot:redirect
+         (format nil "/issues/~A" (id issue))))))
 (defroute show-issue
-    ("/issues/:id" :decorators (@auth-optional @handle-issue-not-found))
+    ("/issues/:id" :decorators (@auth-optional @handle-issue-not-found @db))
     (&path (id 'integer))
   (let* ((issue (model:get-issue id))
          (*title* (format nil "~A | Panettone"
@@ -465,14 +518,14 @@
     (render/issue issue)))
 (defroute edit-issue
-    ("/issues/:id/edit" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found))
+    ("/issues/:id/edit" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db))
     (&path (id 'integer))
   (let* ((issue (model:get-issue id))
          (*title* "Edit Issue | Panettone"))
     (render/issue-form issue)))
 (defroute update-issue
-    ("/issues/:id" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @txn)
+    ("/issues/:id" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db)
                    ;; NOTE: this should be a put, but we're all HTML forms
                    ;; right now and those don't support PUT
                    :method :post)
@@ -490,7 +543,7 @@
 (defroute handle-create-comment
-     :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @txn)
+     :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db)
      :method :post)
     (&path (id 'integer) &post body)
   (flet ((redirect-to-issue ()
@@ -503,20 +556,65 @@
         :issue-id id
         :body body
         :author-dn (dn *user*))
+       (let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
+         (send-email-for-issue
+          id
+          :subject (format nil "~A commented on b/~A: \"~A\""
+                           (displayname *user*)
+                           id
+                           (subject issue))
+          :message (format nil "~A~%~%~A"
+                           body
+                           (link-to-issue id))))
 (defroute close-issue
-    ("/issues/:id/close" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @txn)
+    ("/issues/:id/close" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db)
                          :method :post)
     (&path (id 'integer))
   (model:set-issue-status id :closed)
+  (let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
+    (send-irc-notification
+     (format nil
+             "b/~A: \"~A\" closed by ~A - ~A"
+             id
+             (subject issue)
+             (irc:noping (cn *user*))
+             (link-to-issue id))
+     :channel (or (uiop:getenvp "ISSUECHANNEL")
+                  "#tvl"))
+    (send-email-for-issue
+     id
+     :subject (format nil "b/~A: \"~A\" closed by ~A"
+                      id
+                      (subject issue)
+                      (displayname *user*))
+     :message (link-to-issue id)))
   (hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/issues/~A" id)))
 (defroute open-issue
-    ("/issues/:id/open" :decorators (@auth)
+    ("/issues/:id/open" :decorators (@auth @db)
                         :method :post)
     (&path (id 'integer))
   (model:set-issue-status id :open)
+  (let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
+    (send-irc-notification
+     (format nil
+             "b/~A: \"~A\" reopened by ~A - ~A"
+             id
+             (subject issue)
+             (irc:noping (cn *user*))
+             (link-to-issue id))
+     :channel (or (uiop:getenvp "ISSUECHANNEL")
+                  "#tvl"))
+    (send-email-for-issue
+     id
+     :subject (format nil "b/~A: \"~A\" reopened by ~A"
+                      id
+                      (subject issue)
+                      (displayname *user*))
+     :message (link-to-issue id)))
   (hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/issues/~A" id)))
 (defroute styles ("/main.css") ()
@@ -528,17 +626,15 @@
 (defun migrate-db ()
   "Migrate the database to the latest version of the schema"
-  (model:ddl/init))
+  (pomo:with-connection *pg-spec*
+    (model:migrate)))
-(defun start-panettone (&key port
-                          (ldap-host "localhost")
-                          (ldap-port 389)
-                          postgres-params
-                          session-secret)
-  (connect-ldap :host ldap-host
-                :port ldap-port)
+(define-build-time-var *static-dir* "static/"
+    "Directory to serve static files from")
-  (apply #'model:connect-postgres postgres-params)
+(defun start-panettone (&key port session-secret)
+  (authn:initialise-oauth2)
+  (model:prepare-db-connections)
   (when session-secret
@@ -547,12 +643,18 @@
   (setq hunchentoot:*session-max-time* (* 60 60 24 90))
   (setq *acceptor*
-        (make-instance 'easy-routes:routes-acceptor :port port))
+        (make-instance 'easy-routes:easy-routes-acceptor :port port))
+  (push
+   (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
+    "/static/"
+    (util:->dir *static-dir*))
+   hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
   (hunchentoot:start *acceptor*))
 (defun main ()
   (let ((port (integer-env "PANETTONE_PORT" :default 6161))
-        (ldap-port (integer-env "LDAP_PORT" :default 389))
         (cheddar-url (uiop:getenvp "CHEDDAR_URL"))
         (session-secret (uiop:getenvp "SESSION_SECRET")))
     (when cheddar-url (setq *cheddar-url* cheddar-url))
@@ -560,9 +662,10 @@
     (setq hunchentoot:*log-lisp-backtraces-p* nil)
     (start-panettone :port port
-                     :ldap-port ldap-port
                      :session-secret session-secret)
+    (format t "launched panettone on port ~A~%" port)
      (find-if (lambda (th)
                 (string= (sb-thread:thread-name th)
@@ -571,9 +674,8 @@
  (setq hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* nil)
- ;; to setup an ssh tunnel to ldap+cheddar for development:
- ;; ssh -NL 3899:localhost:389 -L 4238:localhost:4238 whitby.tvl.fyi
+ ;; to setup an ssh tunnel to cheddar+irccat for development:
+ ;; ssh -N -L 4238:localhost:4238 -L 4722:localhost:4722 whitby.tvl.fyi
  (start-panettone :port 6161
-                  :ldap-port 3899
                   :session-secret "session-secret")