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path: root/users/wpcarro/scratch
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/wpcarro/scratch')
24 files changed, 1363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/.envrc b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/.envrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff7eea1f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/.envrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/.gitignore b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96261d3fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/debug.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/debug.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e39ff13742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/debug.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+open Types
+(* Print x prefixed with tag and return x unchanged. *)
+let print (f : 'a -> string) (tag : string) (x : 'a) : 'a =
+  Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" tag (f x);
+  x
+let rec ast (tree : Types.value) : string =
+  match tree with
+  | ValueLiteral (LiteralBool x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "ValueLiteral (LiteralBool %s)" (string_of_bool x)
+  | ValueLiteral (LiteralInt x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "ValueLiteral (LiteralInt %s)" (string_of_int x)
+  | ValueVariable x ->
+     Printf.sprintf "ValueVariable %s" x
+  | ValueFunction (x, body) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "ValueFunction (%s, %s)" x (ast body)
+  | ValueApplication (f, x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "ValueApplication (%s, %s)" (ast f) (ast x)
+  | ValueVarApplication (f, x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "ValueVarApplication (%s, %s)" f (ast x)
+  | ValueBinder (k, v, x) ->
+      Printf.sprintf "ValueBinder (%s, %s, %s)" k (ast v) (ast x)
+let rec value (x : value) : string =
+  match x with
+  | ValueLiteral (LiteralInt x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "Int %d" x
+  | ValueLiteral (LiteralBool x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "Bool %b" x
+  | ValueVariable x ->
+     Printf.sprintf "Var %s" x
+  | ValueFunction (name, x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "Fn %s %s" name (value x)
+  | ValueApplication (f, x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "App %s %s" (value f) (value x)
+  | ValueVarApplication (name, x) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "App %s %s" name (value x)
+  | ValueBinder (name, x, body) ->
+     Printf.sprintf "Bind %s %s %s" name (value x) (value body)
+let rec type' (t : _type) : string =
+  match t with
+  | TypeInt -> "Integer"
+  | TypeBool -> "Boolean"
+  | TypeVariable k -> Printf.sprintf "%s" k
+  | TypeArrow (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (type' a) (type' b)
+let quantified_type (q : quantified_type) : string =
+  let QuantifiedType (vars, t) = q in
+  if List.length vars == 0 then
+    Printf.sprintf "%s" (type' t)
+  else
+    Printf.sprintf "forall %s. %s" (String.concat "," vars) (type' t)
+let substitution (s : substitution) : string =
+  FromString.fold (fun k v acc -> Printf.sprintf "%s\"%s\" |-> %s;" acc k (type' v)) s ""
+  |> Printf.sprintf "{ %s }"
+let env (s : env) : string =
+  FromString.fold (fun k v acc -> Printf.sprintf "%s\"%s\" |-> %s;" acc k (quantified_type v)) s ""
+  |> Printf.sprintf "{ %s }"
+let inference (Inference (s, t)) =
+  Printf.sprintf "type: %s; sub: %s" (type' t) (substitution s)
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/expr_parser.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/expr_parser.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..797592931a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/expr_parser.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * CLI REPL for an s-expression Lambda Calculus.
+ *
+ * Lambda Calculus Expression Language:
+ *
+ *   Helpers:
+ *     symbol     -> [-a-z]+
+ *     string     -> '"' [^"]* '"'
+ *     boolean    -> 'true' | 'false'
+ *     integer    -> [1-9][0-9]*
+ *
+ *   Core:
+ *     expression -> funcdef
+ *     binding    -> '(' 'let' symbol expr expr ')'
+ *     funcdef    -> '(' 'fn' symbol expr ')'
+ *     funccall   -> '(' ( symbol | funcdef) expr ')'
+ *     literal    -> string | boolean | integer
+ *     variable   -> symbol
+ *
+ * Example Usage:
+ *   $ ocamlopt types.ml str.cmxa inference.ml parser.ml expr_parser.ml && ./a.out
+ *   repl> true
+ *   tokens: [ "true" ]
+ *   ast: ValueLiteral (LiteralBool true)
+ *   Boolean
+ *   repl>
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************)
+open Parser
+open Inference
+open Debug
+open Prettify
+open Vec
+type literal = LiteralBool of bool | LiteralInt of int
+let ( let* ) = Option.bind
+let map = Option.map
+let tokenize (x : string) : token vec =
+  let xs = Vec.create () in
+  let i = ref 0 in
+  while !i < String.length x do
+    match x.[!i] with
+    | ' ' -> i := !i + 1
+    (* strings *)
+    | '"' ->
+      let curr = ref "\"" in 
+      i := !i + 1;
+      while x.[!i] != '"' do
+        curr := !curr ^ "?";
+        i := !i + 1
+      done;
+      curr := !curr ^ "\"";
+      Vec.append !curr xs;
+      i := !i + 1
+    | '(' ->
+        Vec.append "(" xs;
+        i := !i + 1
+    | ')' ->
+        Vec.append ")" xs;
+        i := !i + 1
+    | _ ->
+        let token = ref "" in
+        while !i < String.length x && not (String.contains "() " x.[!i]) do
+          token := !token ^ String.make 1 x.[!i];
+          i := !i + 1
+        done;
+        Vec.append !token xs
+  done;
+  xs
+let parse_symbol (p : parser) : string option =
+  let* x = p#curr in
+  if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[-a-z][0-9]*") x 0 then
+    begin
+      p#advance;
+      Some x
+    end
+  else
+    None
+let parse_variable (p : parser) : Types.value option =
+  let* x = parse_symbol p in
+  Some (Types.ValueVariable x)
+let parse_literal (p : parser) : Types.value option =
+  match p#curr with
+  | Some "true" ->
+     p#advance;
+     Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralBool true))
+  | Some "false" ->
+     p#advance;
+     Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralBool false))
+  | Some x ->
+     (match int_of_string_opt x with
+      | Some n ->
+         p#advance;
+         Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralInt n))
+      | _ -> 
+        if String.starts_with ~prefix:"\"" x then
+          begin
+            p#advance;
+            Some (ValueLiteral (LiteralString x))
+          end
+        else
+          parse_variable p)
+  | _ -> None
+let rec parse_expression (p : parser) : Types.value option =
+  parse_binding p
+and parse_funccall (p : parser) : Types.value option =
+  match (p#curr, p#next) with
+  | (Some "(", Some "(") ->
+     p#advance;
+     let* f = parse_funcdef p in
+     let* x = parse_expression p in
+     p#expect ")";
+     Some (Types.ValueApplication (f, x))
+  | (Some "(", _) ->
+     p#advance;
+     let* f = parse_symbol p in
+     let* x = parse_expression p in
+     p#expect ")";
+     Some (Types.ValueVarApplication (f, x))
+  | _ -> parse_literal p
+and parse_funcdef (p : parser) : Types.value option =
+  match (p#curr, p#next) with
+  | (Some "(", Some "fn") ->
+     p#advance;
+     p#advance;
+     let* name = parse_symbol p in
+     let* body = parse_expression p in
+     p#expect ")";
+     Some (Types.ValueFunction (name, body))
+  | _ -> parse_funccall p
+and parse_binding (p : parser) : Types.value option =
+  match (p#curr, p#next) with
+  | (Some "(", Some "let") ->
+     p#advance;
+     p#advance;
+     let* name = parse_symbol p in
+     let* value = parse_expression p in
+     let* body = parse_expression p in
+     Some (Types.ValueBinder (name, value, body))
+  | _ -> parse_funcdef p
+let print_tokens (xs : string vec) : unit =
+  xs 
+  |> Vec.map (Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"")
+  |> Vec.join ", "
+  |> Printf.sprintf "tokens: [ %s ]"
+  |> print_string 
+  |> print_newline
+let parse_language (x : string) : Types.value option =
+  let tokens = tokenize x in
+  print_tokens tokens;
+  parse_expression (new parser tokens)
+let main =
+  while true do
+    begin
+      print_string "repl> ";
+      let x = read_line () in
+      match parse_language x with
+      | Some ast ->
+         (match ast |> Debug.print Debug.ast "ast" |> do_infer with
+          | None ->
+             "Type-check failed"
+             |> print_string
+             |> print_newline
+          | Some x ->
+             x
+             |> Prettify.type'
+             |> print_string
+             |> print_newline)
+      | None ->
+         "Could not parse"
+         |> print_string
+         |> print_newline
+    end
+  done
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/inference.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/inference.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e00904a09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/inference.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ * WIP implementation of the Hindley-Milner type system primarily for learning
+ * purposes.
+ *
+ * Wish List:
+ * - TODO Debug this inference (let f (fn x x) f)
+ ******************************************************************************)
+open Types
+open Debug
+ * Library
+ ******************************************************************************)
+let ( let* ) = Option.bind
+let set_from_list (xs : string list) : set =
+  xs |> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> FromString.add x true acc) FromString.empty
+(* Map union that favors the rhs values (i.e. "last writer wins"). *)
+let lww (xs : 'a FromString.t) (ys : 'a FromString.t) : 'a FromString.t =
+  FromString.union (fun k x y -> Some y) xs ys
+let emptyEnv : env = FromString.empty
+let rec free_type_vars (t : _type) : set =
+  match t with
+  | TypeVariable k -> FromString.singleton k true
+  | TypeInt -> FromString.empty
+  | TypeBool -> FromString.empty
+  | TypeString -> FromString.empty
+  | TypeArrow (a, b) -> lww (free_type_vars a) (free_type_vars b)
+let i : int ref = ref 0
+let make_type_var () : _type =
+  let res = Printf.sprintf "a%d" !i in
+  i := !i + 1;
+  TypeVariable res
+exception OccursCheck
+let bind_var (k : string) (t : _type) : substitution =
+  if t == TypeVariable k then FromString.empty
+  else if FromString.exists (fun name _ -> name == k) (free_type_vars t) then
+    raise OccursCheck
+  else FromString.singleton k t
+let rec instantiate (q : quantified_type) : _type =
+  let (QuantifiedType (names, t)) = q in
+  match t with
+  | TypeInt -> TypeInt
+  | TypeBool -> TypeBool
+  | TypeString -> TypeString
+  | TypeVariable k ->
+      if List.exists (( == ) k) names then make_type_var () else TypeVariable k
+  | TypeArrow (a, b) ->
+      TypeArrow
+        (instantiate (QuantifiedType (names, a)), instantiate (QuantifiedType (names, b)))
+let quantified_type_ftvs (q : quantified_type) : set =
+  let (QuantifiedType (names, t)) = q in
+  lww (free_type_vars t) (names |> set_from_list)
+let generalize (env : env) (t : _type) : quantified_type =
+  let envftv =
+    env |> FromString.bindings
+    |> List.map (fun (_, v) -> quantified_type_ftvs v)
+    |> List.fold_left lww FromString.empty
+  in
+  let names =
+    lww (free_type_vars t) envftv
+    |> FromString.bindings
+    |> List.map (fun (k, _) -> k)
+  in
+  QuantifiedType (names, t)
+let rec substitute_type (s : substitution) (t : _type) : _type =
+  match t with
+  | TypeVariable k as tvar ->
+     (match FromString.find_opt k s with
+      | Some v -> substitute_type s v
+      | None -> tvar)
+  | TypeArrow (a, b) -> TypeArrow (substitute_type s a, substitute_type s b)
+  | TypeInt -> TypeInt
+  | TypeBool -> TypeBool
+  | TypeString -> TypeString
+let substitute_quantified_type (s : substitution) (q : quantified_type) : quantified_type =
+  let (QuantifiedType (names, t)) = q in
+  let s1 =
+    FromString.filter (fun k v -> List.exists (fun x -> k != x) names) s
+  in
+  QuantifiedType (names, substitute_type s1 t)
+let substitute_env (s : substitution) (env : env) : env =
+  FromString.map (fun q -> substitute_quantified_type s q) env
+let compose_substitutions (xs : substitution list) : substitution =
+  let do_compose_substitutions s1 s2 = lww s2 (FromString.map (substitute_type s2) s1) in
+  List.fold_left do_compose_substitutions FromString.empty xs
+let rec unify (a : _type) (b : _type) : substitution option =
+  match (a, b) with
+  | TypeInt, TypeInt -> Some FromString.empty
+  | TypeBool, TypeBool -> Some FromString.empty
+  | TypeString, TypeString -> Some FromString.empty
+  | TypeVariable k, _ -> Some (bind_var k b)
+  | _, TypeVariable k -> Some (bind_var k a)
+  | TypeArrow (a, b), TypeArrow (c, d) ->
+      let* s1 = unify a c in
+      let* s2 = unify (substitute_type s1 b) (substitute_type s1 d) in
+      let s3 = compose_substitutions [s1; s2] in
+      s1 |> Debug.substitution |> Printf.sprintf "s1: %s\n" |> print_string;
+      s2 |> Debug.substitution |> Printf.sprintf "s2: %s\n" |> print_string;
+      s3 |> Debug.substitution |> Printf.sprintf "s3: %s\n" |> print_string;
+      Some s3
+  | _ -> None
+let print_env (env : env) =
+  Printf.sprintf "env: %s\n" (Debug.env env)
+  |> print_string
+let print_val (x : value) =
+  Printf.sprintf "val: %s\n" (Debug.value x)
+  |> print_string
+let print_inference (x : inference option) =
+  match x with
+  | None -> "no inference\n" |> print_string
+  | Some x ->
+     Printf.sprintf "inf: %s\n" (Debug.inference x)
+     |> print_string
+let rec infer (env : env) (x : value) : inference option =
+  print_env env;
+  print_val x;
+  let res = match x with
+  | ValueLiteral lit -> (
+      match lit with
+      | LiteralInt _ -> Some (Inference (FromString.empty, TypeInt))
+      | LiteralBool _ -> Some (Inference (FromString.empty, TypeBool))
+      | LiteralString _ -> Some (Inference (FromString.empty, TypeString)))
+  | ValueVariable k ->
+      let* v = FromString.find_opt k env in
+      Some (Inference (FromString.empty, instantiate v))
+  | ValueFunction (param, body) ->
+      let typevar = make_type_var () in
+      let env1 = FromString.remove param env in
+      let env2 = lww (FromString.singleton param (QuantifiedType ([], typevar))) env1 in
+      let* (Inference (s1, t1)) = infer env2 body in
+      Some (Inference (s1, TypeArrow (substitute_type s1 typevar, t1)))
+  | ValueApplication (f, x) ->
+      let result = make_type_var () in
+      let* (Inference (s1, t1)) = infer env f in
+      let* (Inference (s2, t2)) = infer (substitute_env s1 env) x in
+      let* s3 = unify (substitute_type s2 t1) (TypeArrow (t2, result)) in
+      Some (Inference
+              ( compose_substitutions [s3; s2; s1],
+                substitute_type s3 result ))
+  | ValueVarApplication (name, x) ->
+      let* v = FromString.find_opt name env in
+      let t1 = instantiate v in
+      let typevar = make_type_var () in
+      let* (Inference (s2, t2)) = infer env x in
+      let* s3 = unify (substitute_type s2 t1) (TypeArrow (t2, typevar)) in
+      Some (Inference
+              ( compose_substitutions [s2; s3],
+                substitute_type s3 typevar ))
+  | ValueBinder (k, v, body) ->
+      let* (Inference (s1, t1)) = infer env v in
+      let env1 = FromString.remove k env in
+      let tg = generalize (substitute_env s1 env) t1 in
+      let env2 = FromString.add k tg env1 in
+      let* (Inference (s2, t2)) = infer (substitute_env s1 env2) body in
+      Some (Inference (compose_substitutions [s1; s2], t2)) in
+  print_inference res;
+  res
+let do_infer (x : value) : _type option =
+  let* Inference (_, t) = infer FromString.empty x in
+  Some t
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/parser.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/parser.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc66f2506e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/parser.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Defines a generic parser class.
+ ******************************************************************************)
+open Vec
+exception ParseError of string
+type token = string
+type state = { i : int; tokens : token vec }
+class parser (tokens : token vec) =
+  object (self)
+    val mutable tokens = tokens
+    val mutable i = ref 0
+    method advance = i := !i + 1
+    method prev : token option = Vec.get (!i - 1) tokens
+    method curr : token option = Vec.get !i tokens
+    method next : token option = Vec.get (!i + 1) tokens
+    method consume : token option =
+      match self#curr with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some x as res ->
+          self#advance;
+          res
+    method expect (x : token) =
+      match self#curr with
+      | Some y when x = y -> self#advance
+      | _ -> raise (ParseError (Printf.sprintf "Expected %s" x))
+    method matches (x : token) : bool =
+      match self#curr with
+      | None -> false
+      | Some y ->
+          if x = y then
+            begin
+              self#advance;
+              true
+            end
+          else false
+    method exhausted : bool = !i >= Vec.length tokens
+    method state : state = { i = !i; tokens }
+  end
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/prettify.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/prettify.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7903ad3694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/prettify.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+open Types
+(* Pretty-print the type, t. *)
+let rec type' (t : _type) : string =
+  match t with
+  | TypeInt -> "Integer"
+  | TypeBool -> "Boolean"
+  | TypeVariable k -> Printf.sprintf "%s" k
+  | TypeArrow (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (type' a) (type' b)
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/register_vm.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/register_vm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a573048e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/register_vm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+  Rewriting the Python implementation of the register VM in OCaml to see how
+  how much imperative/mutative programming OCaml allows.
+  Note: Some of this code is intentionally not written in a functional style
+  because one of the goals was to see how similar this OCaml implementation
+  could be to the Python implementation.
+  Conclusion: It's pretty easy to switch between the two languages.
+  Usage: Recommended compilation settings I hastily found online:
+  $ ocamlopt -w +A-42-48 -warn-error +A-3-44 ./register_vm.ml && ./a.out
+  Formatting:
+  $ ocamlformat --inplace --enable-outside-detected-project ./register_vm.ml
+ *)
+open Vec
+type reg = X | Y | Res
+type binop = int -> int -> int
+type ast =
+  | Const of int
+  | Add of ast * ast
+  | Sub of ast * ast
+  | Mul of ast * ast
+  | Div of ast * ast
+type opcode0 =
+  | Op0AssignRegLit of reg * int
+  | Op0AssignRegReg of reg * reg
+  | Op0BinOp of binop * reg * reg * reg
+  | Op0PushReg of reg
+  | Op0PopAndSet of reg
+  | Op0Null
+type opcode1 =
+  | Op1AssignRegLit of int * int
+  | Op1AssignRegReg of int * int
+  | Op1BinOp of (int -> int -> int) * int * int * int
+  | Op1PushReg of int
+  | Op1PopAndSet of int
+  | Op1Null
+type opcodes0 = opcode0 vec
+type opcodes1 = opcode1 vec
+let registers : int vec = Vec.make 8 0
+let stack : int Stack.t = Stack.create ()
+let reg_idx (r : reg) : int = match r with X -> 0 | Y -> 1 | Res -> 2
+let reg_name (r : reg) : string =
+  match r with X -> "x" | Y -> "y" | Res -> "res"
+let print_opcodes0 (xs : opcodes0) : opcodes0 =
+  let print_opcode x =
+    match x with
+    | Op0AssignRegLit (r, x) -> Printf.printf "%s <- %d\n" (reg_name r) x
+    | Op0AssignRegReg (dst, src) ->
+        Printf.printf "%s <- $%s\n" (reg_name dst) (reg_name src)
+    | Op0PushReg src -> Printf.printf "push $%s\n" (reg_name src)
+    | Op0PopAndSet dst -> Printf.printf "%s <- pop\n" (reg_name dst)
+    | Op0BinOp (_, lhs, rhs, dst) ->
+        Printf.printf "%s <- $%s ? $%s\n" (reg_name dst) (reg_name lhs)
+          (reg_name rhs)
+    | Op0Null -> ()
+  in
+  Vec.iter print_opcode xs;
+  xs
+let rec compile (ast : ast) : opcodes0 =
+  let result : opcodes0 = Vec.create () in
+  (match ast with
+   | Const x -> Vec.append (Op0AssignRegLit (Res, x)) result;
+   | Add (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( + ) lhs rhs result
+   | Sub (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( - ) lhs rhs result
+   | Mul (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( * ) lhs rhs result
+   | Div (lhs, rhs) -> compile_bin_op ( / ) lhs rhs result);
+  result
+and compile_bin_op (f : binop) (lhs : ast) (rhs : ast) (result : opcodes0) =
+  lhs |> compile |> Vec.append_to result;
+  Vec.append (Op0PushReg Res) result;
+  rhs |> compile |> Vec.append_to result;
+  Vec.append (Op0PopAndSet X) result;
+  Vec.append (Op0AssignRegReg (Y, Res)) result;
+  Vec.append (Op0BinOp (f, X, Y, Res)) result
+let compile_registers (xs : opcodes0) : opcodes1 =
+  let do_compile x =
+    match x with
+    | Op0AssignRegLit (dst, x) -> Op1AssignRegLit (reg_idx dst, x)
+    | Op0AssignRegReg (dst, src) -> Op1AssignRegReg (reg_idx dst, reg_idx src)
+    | Op0PushReg src -> Op1PushReg (reg_idx src)
+    | Op0PopAndSet dst -> Op1PopAndSet (reg_idx dst)
+    | Op0BinOp (f, lhs, rhs, dst) -> Op1BinOp (f, reg_idx lhs, reg_idx rhs, reg_idx dst)
+    | Op0Null -> Op1Null
+  in
+  Vec.map do_compile xs
+let eval (xs : opcodes1) : int =
+  let ip = ref 0 in
+  while !ip < Vec.length xs do
+    match Vec.get_unsafe !ip xs with
+    | Op1AssignRegLit (dst, x) ->
+        Vec.set dst x registers;
+        ip := !ip + 1
+    | Op1AssignRegReg (dst, src) ->
+        Vec.set dst (Vec.get_unsafe src registers) registers;
+        ip := !ip + 1
+    | Op1PushReg src ->
+        Stack.push (Vec.get_unsafe src registers) stack;
+        ip := !ip + 1
+    | Op1PopAndSet dst ->
+        Vec.set dst (Stack.pop stack) registers;
+        ip := !ip + 1
+    | Op1BinOp (f, lhs, rhs, dst) ->
+        let lhs = Vec.get_unsafe lhs registers in
+        let rhs = Vec.get_unsafe rhs registers in
+        Vec.set dst (f lhs rhs) registers;
+        ip := !ip + 1
+    | Op1Null -> ip := !ip + 1
+  done;
+  Vec.get_unsafe (reg_idx Res) registers
+Add (Mul (Const 2, Div (Const 100, Const 2)), Const 5)
+|> compile |> print_opcodes0 |> compile_registers |> eval |> print_int
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/register_vm.py b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/register_vm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..302bce5a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/register_vm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Silly proof-of-concept register VM.
+def compile_binary_op(op, ast):
+    result = []
+    for x in compile(ast[1]):
+        result.append(x)
+    result.append(PUSH_REG)
+    result.append(RES)
+    for x in compile(ast[2]):
+        result.append(x)
+    result.append(ASSIGN_REG_REG)
+    result.append(Y)
+    result.append(RES)
+    result.append(POP)
+    result.append(X)
+    result.append(op)
+    return result
+def compile(ast):
+    result = []
+    if ast[0] == 'CONST':
+        result.append(ASSIGN_REG_LIT)
+        result.append(RES)
+        result.append(ast[1])
+    elif ast[0] == 'ADD':
+        result += compile_binary_op(ADD, ast)
+    elif ast[0] == 'SUB':
+        result += compile_binary_op(SUB, ast)
+    elif ast[0] == 'MUL':
+        result += compile_binary_op(MUL, ast)
+    elif ast[0] == 'DIV':
+        result += compile_binary_op(DIV, ast)
+    elif ast[0] == 'RETURN':
+        result.append(RETURN)
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Cannot compile unknown AST node: {}'.format(ast[0]))
+    return result
+# opcodes
+ADD = 0x2
+SUB = 0x3
+MUL = 0x4
+DIV = 0x5
+SWAP = 0x6
+RETURN = 0x7
+PUSH_REG = 0x8
+POP = 0x9
+# register indices
+X = 0x0
+Y = 0x1
+RES = 0x2
+registers = [0x0] * 8
+stack = []
+def reg_name(i):
+    if i == X: return 'x'
+    if i == Y: return 'x'
+    if i == RES: return 'res'
+def print_instructions(xs):
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(xs):
+        if xs[i] == ASSIGN_REG_LIT:
+            # print('ASSIGN_REG_LIT {} {}'.format(reg_name(xs[i + 1]), xs[i + 2]))
+            print('{} <- {}'.format(reg_name(xs[i + 1]), xs[i + 2]))
+            i += 3
+        elif xs[i] == ASSIGN_REG_REG:
+            # print('ASSIGN_REG_REG {} {}'.format(reg_name(xs[i + 1]), reg_name(xs[i + 2])))
+            print('{} <- ${}'.format(reg_name(xs[i + 1]), reg_name(xs[i + 2])))
+            i += 3
+        elif xs[i] == ADD:
+            print('add')
+            i += 1
+        elif xs[i] == SUB:
+            print('sub')
+            i += 1
+        elif xs[i] == MUL:
+            print('mul')
+            i += 1
+        elif xs[i] == DIV:
+            print('div')
+            i += 1
+        elif xs[i] == PUSH_REG:
+            print('push ${}'.format(reg_name(xs[i + 1])))
+            i += 2
+        elif xs[i] == POP:
+            print('{} <- pop'.format(reg_name(xs[i + 1])))
+            i += 2
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Cannot print instruction: {}'.format(xs[i]))
+def eval(instructions):
+    print_instructions(instructions)
+    ip = 0
+    cont = True
+    while ip < len(instructions):
+        if instructions[ip] == ASSIGN_REG_LIT:
+            r = instructions[ip + 1]
+            x = instructions[ip + 2]
+            registers[r] = x
+            ip += 3
+        elif instructions[ip] == ASSIGN_REG_REG:
+            r_dst = instructions[ip + 1]
+            r_src = instructions[ip + 2]
+            registers[r_dst] = registers[r_src]
+            ip += 3
+        elif instructions[ip] == ADD:
+            registers[RES] = registers[X] + registers[Y]
+            ip += 1
+        elif instructions[ip] == MUL:
+            registers[RES] = registers[X] * registers[Y]
+            ip += 1
+        elif instructions[ip] == SUB:
+            registers[RES] = registers[X] - registers[Y]
+            ip += 1
+        elif instructions[ip] == MUL:
+            registers[RES] = registers[X] * registers[Y]
+            ip += 1
+        elif instructions[ip] == DIV:
+            registers[RES] = registers[X] / registers[Y]
+            ip += 1
+        elif instructions[ip] == SWAP:
+            r1 = instructions[ip + 1]
+            r2 = instructions[ip + 2]
+            registers[r1], registers[r2] = registers[r2], registers[r1]
+            ip += 3
+        elif instructions[ip] == RETURN:
+            ip += 1
+            cont = False
+            return registers[RES]
+        elif instructions[ip] == PUSH_REG:
+            src = instructions[ip + 1]
+            stack.append(registers[src])
+            ip += 2
+        elif instructions[ip] == POP:
+            dst = instructions[ip + 1]
+            registers[dst] = stack.pop()
+            ip += 2
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Cannot eval instruction: {}'.format(instructions[ip]))
+    return registers[RES]
+def main():
+    ast = ['ADD',
+           ['MUL',
+            ['MUL', ['CONST', 2], ['CONST', 3]],
+            ['DIV', ['CONST', 5], ['CONST', 5]]],
+           ['ADD',
+            ['SUB', ['CONST', 10], ['CONST', 1]],
+            ['MUL', ['CONST', 2], ['CONST', 2]]]]
+    print('result: {}'.format(eval(compile(ast))))
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/shell.nix b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/shell.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec339eb91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/shell.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{ pkgs, ... }:
+pkgs.mkShell {
+  buildInputs = with pkgs; [
+    ocaml
+    ocamlPackages.utop
+    ocamlformat
+  ];
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/tests.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/tests.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..828cbd16f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/tests.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+open Expr_parser
+open Type_parser
+open Inference
+type test = { input : string; expect : string; }
+(* type sub_test = { s1 : string; s2 : string; s3 : string } *)
+let ( let* ) = Option.bind
+let tests = [
+    { input = "((fn x x) 10)"; expect = "Integer"; };
+    { input = "(let f (fn x x) f)"; expect = "a -> a"; };
+(* let sub_tests = [ *)
+(*     { *)
+(*       s1 = "{b |-> b -> Int}"; *)
+(*       s2 = "{a: Bool, b: Int, c: Bool}"; *)
+(*       s3 = "{a: Bool, b: Int -> Int, c: Bool}"; *)
+(*     } *)
+(* ] *)
+exception FailedAssertion
+exception TestError
+let main =
+  tests
+  |> List.iter (fun { input; expect } ->
+         Printf.sprintf ":t %s == %s\n" input expect |> print_string;
+         match (parse_language input, parse_input expect) with
+         | Some ast, Some expected ->
+            (match do_infer ast with
+             | Some actual ->
+                if actual != expected then
+                  begin
+                    print_type actual;
+                    raise FailedAssertion
+                  end
+                else
+                  print_string "Test passed.\n"
+             | _ -> raise TestError)
+         | _ -> raise TestError);
+  print_string "All tests pass!"
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/type_parser.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/type_parser.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99cc8bbc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/type_parser.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Type Expression Language:
+ *
+ * Helpers:
+ *   symbol   -> [a-z]
+ *
+ * Core:
+ *   type     -> function
+ *   function -> ( variable | literal ) '->' type
+ *   literal  -> 'Integer' | 'Boolean'
+ *   variable -> symbol
+ ******************************************************************************)
+open Types
+open Prettify
+open Parser
+open Inference
+open Vec
+type side = LHS | RHS
+let ( let* ) = Option.bind
+let printsub (s : substitution) =
+  s |> Debug.substitution |> print_string |> print_newline
+let tokenize (x : string) : token vec =
+  let xs = Vec.create () in
+  let i = ref 0 in
+  while !i < String.length x do
+    match x.[!i] with
+    | ' ' -> i := !i + 1
+    | _ ->
+       let beg = !i in
+       while (!i < String.length x) && (x.[!i] != ' ') do
+         i := !i + 1
+       done;
+       Vec.append (String.sub x beg (!i - beg)) xs
+  done;
+  xs
+let rec parse_type (p : parser) : _type option =
+  parse_function p
+and parse_function (p : parser) : _type option =
+  match p#next with
+  | Some "->" ->
+     let* a = parse_literal p in
+     p#advance;
+     let* b = parse_type p in
+     Some (TypeArrow (a, b))
+  | _ -> parse_literal p
+and parse_literal (p : parser) : _type option =
+  match p#curr with
+  | Some "Integer" | Some "Int" -> p#advance; Some TypeInt
+  | Some "Boolean" | Some "Bool" -> p#advance; Some TypeBool
+  | Some _ -> parse_variable p
+  | None -> None
+and parse_variable (p : parser) : _type option =
+  match p#curr with
+  | Some x when String.length x = 1 -> p#advance; Some (TypeVariable x)
+  | _ -> None
+let print_tokens (xs : string vec) =
+  xs
+  |> Vec.map (Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"")
+  |> Vec.join ", "
+  |> Printf.sprintf "tokens: [ %s ]"
+  |> print_string 
+  |> print_newline
+let print_type (t : _type) =
+  t |> Debug.type' |> Printf.sprintf "type: %s" |> print_string |> print_newline
+let parse_input (x : string) : _type option =
+  let tokens = tokenize x in
+  print_tokens tokens;
+  parse_type (new parser tokens)
+(* Continually prompt until user provides a parseable type expression *)
+let rec read_type (arg : side) : _type =
+  let prompt = match arg with
+    | LHS -> "lhs> "
+    | RHS -> "rhs> " in
+  print_string prompt;
+  let x = read_line () in
+  match parse_input x with
+  | None ->
+     print_string "Failed to parse input.\n";
+     read_type arg
+  | Some ast ->
+     print_type ast;
+     ast
+let main =
+  while true do
+    begin
+      let lhs = read_type LHS in
+      let rhs = read_type RHS in
+      match unify lhs rhs with
+      | None ->
+         Printf.printf "Cannot unify \"%s\" with \"%s\"\n" (Debug.type' lhs) (Debug.type' rhs)
+      | Some x -> printsub x
+    end
+  done
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/types.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/types.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0acd05737c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/types.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+type literal 
+  = LiteralInt of int 
+  | LiteralBool of bool
+  | LiteralString of string
+(* Lambda Calculus definition *)
+type value =
+  | ValueLiteral of literal
+  | ValueVariable of string
+  | ValueFunction of string * value
+  | ValueApplication of value * value
+  | ValueVarApplication of string * value
+  | ValueBinder of string * value * value
+module FromString = Map.Make (String)
+type _type =
+  | TypeInt
+  | TypeBool
+  | TypeString
+  | TypeVariable of string
+  | TypeArrow of _type * _type
+type quantified_type = QuantifiedType of string list * _type
+type set = bool FromString.t
+type substitution = _type FromString.t
+type env = quantified_type FromString.t
+type inference = Inference of substitution * _type
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/vec.ml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/vec.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..549078c5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/compiler/vec.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * Similar to Python's list
+ *
+ * - mutable
+ * - dynamically resized
+ * - O(1) read
+ * - O(1) write
+ * - O(1) append (average case)
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************)
+type 'a vec = {
+  mutable length: int;
+  mutable capacity: int;
+  mutable xs: 'a array;
+ * Constructors
+ ******************************************************************************)
+let make (size : int) (seed : 'a) : 'a vec = { 
+  length = size;
+  capacity = size;
+  xs = Array.make size seed;
+let create () = {
+  length = 0;
+  capacity = 0;
+  xs = [||];
+let from_array (xs : 'a array) : 'a vec = {
+  length = Array.length xs;
+  capacity = Array.length xs;
+  xs = xs;
+let from_list (xs : 'a list) : 'a vec = 
+  match xs with
+  | [] -> create ()
+  | y::ys -> 
+    let result = {
+      length = List.length xs;
+      capacity = List.length xs;
+      xs = Array.make (List.length xs) y;
+    } in
+    List.iteri (fun i x -> Array.set result.xs i x) xs;
+    result
+ * Miscellaneous
+ ******************************************************************************)
+let append (x : 'a) (v : 'a vec) =
+  if v.capacity = 0 then
+    begin
+      v.length <- 1;
+      v.capacity <- 1;
+      v.xs <- [|x|];
+    end
+  else if v.length = v.capacity then
+    begin
+      (* According to Wikipedia, Python uses 1.25 as the growth factor *)
+      let new_cap = v.capacity |> float_of_int |> Float.mul 1.25 |> ceil |> int_of_float in
+      let new_xs = Array.make new_cap x in
+      Array.iteri (fun i x -> Array.set new_xs i x) v.xs;
+      v.capacity <- new_cap;
+      v.xs <- new_xs;
+      Array.set v.xs v.length x;
+      v.length <- v.length + 1;
+    end
+  else
+    begin
+      Array.set v.xs v.length x;
+      v.length <- v.length + 1;
+    end
+let get (i : int) (v : 'a vec) : 'a option =
+  if i >= v.length then
+    None
+  else
+    Some v.xs.(i)
+let get_unsafe (i : int) (v : 'a vec) : 'a =
+  v.xs.(i)
+let set (i : int) (x : 'a) (v : 'a vec) : unit =
+  if i < v.length then
+    Array.set v.xs i x
+let length (v : 'a vec) : int = 
+  v.length
+let update (i : int) (f : 'a -> 'a) (v : 'a vec) : unit =
+  match get i v with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some x -> set i (f x) v
+let iter (f : 'a -> unit) (v : 'a vec) : unit =
+  let n = ref 0 in
+  while !n < v.length do
+    f v.xs.(!n);
+    n := !n + 1;
+  done
+let join (sep : string) (v : string vec) : string =
+  if length v = 0 then
+    ""
+  else
+    let i = ref 1 in
+    let result = ref v.xs.(0) in
+    while !i < v.length do
+      result := !result ^ sep ^ v.xs.(!i);
+      i := !i + 1;
+    done;
+    !result
+let map (f : 'a -> 'b) (v : 'a vec) : 'b vec =
+  let result = create () in
+  iter (fun x -> append (f x) result) v;
+  result
+let append_to (dst : 'a vec) (xs : 'a vec) : unit =
+  iter (fun x -> append x dst) xs
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/.gitignore b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f970225ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/Cargo.lock b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28aa1250ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+version = 3
+name = "itoa"
+version = "1.0.2"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "112c678d4050afce233f4f2852bb2eb519230b3cf12f33585275537d7e41578d"
+name = "proc-macro2"
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+checksum = "0a2ca2c61bc9f3d74d2886294ab7b9853abd9c1ad903a3ac7815c58989bb7bab"
+dependencies = [
+ "unicode-ident",
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+checksum = "bbe448f377a7d6961e30f5955f9b8d106c3f5e449d493ee1b125c1d43c2b5179"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro2",
+name = "rust"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "serde",
+ "serde_json",
+name = "ryu"
+version = "1.0.10"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "f3f6f92acf49d1b98f7a81226834412ada05458b7364277387724a237f062695"
+name = "serde"
+version = "1.0.137"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "61ea8d54c77f8315140a05f4c7237403bf38b72704d031543aa1d16abbf517d1"
+dependencies = [
+ "serde_derive",
+name = "serde_derive"
+version = "1.0.137"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "1f26faba0c3959972377d3b2d306ee9f71faee9714294e41bb777f83f88578be"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "syn",
+name = "serde_json"
+version = "1.0.81"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "9b7ce2b32a1aed03c558dc61a5cd328f15aff2dbc17daad8fb8af04d2100e15c"
+dependencies = [
+ "itoa",
+ "ryu",
+ "serde",
+name = "syn"
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+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "58dbef6ec655055e20b86b15a8cc6d439cca19b667537ac6a1369572d151ab13"
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+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "unicode-ident",
+name = "unicode-ident"
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+checksum = "c4f5b37a154999a8f3f98cc23a628d850e154479cd94decf3414696e12e31aaf"
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/Cargo.toml b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76235d11d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "rust"
+version = "0.1.0"
+edition = "2021"
+serde_json = "1.0.81"
+serde = { version = "1.0.137", features = ["derive"] }
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/README.md b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ff7dd97ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Rust
+Watch me fumble around as I learn Rust.
+## Usage
+$ nix-shell /depot -A users.wpcarro.scratch.rust
+$ cargo new json && cd ./json
+$ cargo run json
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/shell.nix b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/shell.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98e2dbf4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/shell.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, ... }:
+pkgs.mkShell {
+  buildInputs = [
+    pkgs.cargo
+  ];
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/display/mod.rs b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/display/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8384631091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/display/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+use std::fmt;
+pub struct Person {
+    pub fname: String,
+    pub lname: String,
+    pub age: i8,
+impl fmt::Display for Person {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "{}, {} ({} years old)", self.lname, self.fname, self.age)
+    }
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/json/mod.rs b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/json/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3307b394e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/json/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_json::{json, Value};
+// From the serde_json docs:
+// > There are three common ways that you might find yourself needing to work
+// > with JSON data in Rust.
+// >
+// > 1. As text data. An unprocessed string of JSON data that you receive on an
+// >    HTTP endpoint, read from a file, or prepare to send to a remote server.
+// > 2. As an untyped or loosely typed representation. Maybe you want to check
+// >    that some JSON data is valid before passing it on, but without knowing
+// >    the structure of what it contains. Or you want to do very basic
+// >    manipulations like insert a key in a particular spot.
+// > 3. As a strongly typed Rust data structure. When you expect all or most of
+// >    your data to conform to a particular structure and want to get real work
+// >    done without JSON’s loosey-goosey nature tripping you up.
+// So let's take a look at all three...
+// Types
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
+struct Person {
+    fname: String,
+    lname: String,
+    age: u8,
+// Functions
+// 1) Reading/writing from/to plain text.
+//    TL;DR:
+//    - read:  serde_json::from_str(data)
+//    - write: x.to_string()
+pub fn one() {
+    let data = json!({
+        "fname": "William",
+        "lname": "Carroll",
+        "age": 30,
+    })
+    .to_string();
+    println!("result: {:?}", data);
+// 2) Parse into a loosely typed representation; mutate it; serialize it back.
+//    TL;DR:
+//    - read:  serde_json::from_str(data)
+//    - write: x.to_string()
+pub fn two() {
+    let data = r#"{"fname":"William","lname":"Carroll","age":30}"#;
+    let mut parsed: Value = serde_json::from_str(data).unwrap();
+    parsed["fname"] = json!("Norm");
+    parsed["lname"] = json!("Macdonald");
+    parsed["age"] = json!(61);
+    let result = parsed.to_string();
+    println!("result: {:?}", result);
+// 3) Parse into a strongly typed structure.
+//    TL;DR:
+//    - read:  serde_json::from_str(data)
+//    - write: serde_json::to_string(x).unwrap()
+pub fn three() {
+    let data = r#"{"fname":"William","lname":"Carroll","age":30}"#;
+    let mut read: Person = serde_json::from_str(data).unwrap();
+    read.fname = "Norm".to_string();
+    read.lname = "Macdonald".to_string();
+    read.age = 61;
+    let write = serde_json::to_string(&read).unwrap();
+    println!("result: {:?}", write);
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/main.rs b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..671b330930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_json::{json, Value};
+mod display;
+mod json;
+mod rc;
+mod stdin;
+// Main
+fn main() {
+    rc::example();
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/rc/mod.rs b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/rc/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67251ca6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/rc/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Playing around with Rust's "smart pointers". Starting off with a wrapper type
+// that allows multiple readers (owners?) of some data.
+use std::rc::Rc;
+pub fn example() {
+    let five = Rc::new(5);
+    let x = Rc::clone(&five);
+    let y = Rc::clone(&five);
+    let z = Rc::clone(&five);
+    println!("result: {}", *x + *y + *z)
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/stdin/mod.rs b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/stdin/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4be95afa45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/rust/src/stdin/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use std::io::Write;
+use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
+// Example of piping-in a string defined in Rust to a shell command.
+pub fn example() {
+    let input = "Hello, world!";
+    let mut cat = Command::new("cat")
+        .stdin(Stdio::piped())
+        .spawn()
+        .ok()
+        .unwrap();
+    cat.stdin
+        .take()
+        .unwrap()
+        .write_all(&input.as_bytes())
+        .unwrap();
+    let output = cat.wait_with_output().unwrap();
+    println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));