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path: root/users/tazjin/nixos/modules
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/nixos/modules')
6 files changed, 130 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/desktop.nix b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/desktop.nix
index 12a42b8faa4b..afd41f0bddf1 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/desktop.nix
+++ b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/desktop.nix
@@ -10,43 +10,65 @@
       pulse.enable = true;
-    redshift.enable = true;
     blueman.enable = true;
+    libinput.enable = true;
     xserver = {
-      enable = true;
-      xkb.layout = "us";
-      xkb.options = "caps:super";
-      libinput.enable = true;
-      displayManager = {
-        # Give EXWM permission to control the session.
-        sessionCommands = "${pkgs.xorg.xhost}/bin/xhost +SI:localuser:$USER";
-        lightdm.enable = true;
-        # lightdm.greeters.gtk.clock-format = "%H:%M"; # TODO(tazjin): TZ?
-      };
-      windowManager.session = lib.singleton {
-        name = "exwm";
-        start = "${config.tazjin.emacs}/bin/tazjins-emacs --internal-border=0 --border-width=0";
+      enable = true; # wayland doesn't work otherwise ...?!
+      displayManager.gdm = {
+        enable = true;
+        wayland = true;
-  # Set variables to enable EXWM-XIM and other Emacs features.
-  environment.sessionVariables = {
-    XMODIFIERS = "@im=exwm-xim";
-    GTK_IM_MODULE = "xim";
-    QT_IM_MODULE = "xim";
-    CLUTTER_IM_MODULE = "xim";
-    EDITOR = "emacsclient";
-  };
+  services.displayManager.sessionPackages = [ pkgs.niri ];
+  programs.xwayland.enable = true;
+  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
+    # core packages
+    niri
+    xwayland-satellite
+    swaylock
+    # support tooling
+    alacritty
+    fuzzel
+    qt5.qtwayland
+    swayidle
+    waybar
+    wdisplays
+    wl-clipboard
+    wl-mirror
+    xfce.xfce4-appfinder
+    depot.users.tazjin.niri-reap
+  ];
   # Do not restart the display manager automatically
   systemd.services.display-manager.restartIfChanged = lib.mkForce false;
+  # pipewire MUST start before niri, otherwise screen sharing doesn't work
+  systemd.user.services.pipewire.wantedBy = [ "niri.service" ];
+  systemd.user.services.pipewire.before = [ "niri.service" ];
+  # enable "desktop portals", which are important somehow
+  xdg.portal = {
+    enable = true;
+    extraPortals = with pkgs; [
+      xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
+      xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
+    ];
+    config.common.default = "*";
+  };
+  # swaylock needs an empty PAM configuration, otherwise it locks the user out
+  security.pam.services.swaylock = { };
+  # enable theming support for Qt that is compatible with Chicago95 theme
+  qt.enable = true;
+  qt.platformTheme = "qt5ct";
   # If something needs more than 10s to stop it should probably be
   # killed.
   systemd.extraConfig = ''
diff --git a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/fonts.nix b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/fonts.nix
index ee1b84e581f1..36b4cbe969ce 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/fonts.nix
+++ b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/fonts.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 # Attempt at configuring reasonable font-rendering.
-{ pkgs, ... }:
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
   fonts = {
     packages = with pkgs; [
+      font-awesome
-      noto-fonts-emoji
+      noto-fonts-color-emoji
+      noto-fonts-monochrome-emoji
     fontconfig = {
diff --git a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/geesefs.nix b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/geesefs.nix
index c45ee528f6a2..60ee821e2fe2 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/geesefs.nix
+++ b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/geesefs.nix
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
       mkdir -p $STATE_DIRECTORY/tazjins-files $STATE_DIRECTORY/cache
-      ${depot.third_party.geesefs}/bin/geesefs \
+      ${pkgs.geesefs}/bin/geesefs \
         -f -o allow_other \
         --cache $STATE_DIRECTORY/cache \
         --shared-config $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/geesefs-tazjins-files \
diff --git a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/home-config.nix b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/home-config.nix
index bda8f7a44014..9aa1cab46d66 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/home-config.nix
+++ b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/home-config.nix
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   users.users.tazjin = {
     isNormalUser = true;
     createHome = true;
-    extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" "video" "adbusers" ];
+    extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" "video" "adbusers" "yggdrasil" ];
     uid = 1000;
     shell = pkgs.fish;
     initialHashedPassword = "$2b$05$1eBPdoIgan/C/L8JFqIHBuVscQyTKw1L/4VBlzlLvLBEf6CXS3EW6";
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
   nix.settings.trusted-users = [ "tazjin" ];
+  home-manager.backupFileExtension = "backup";
   home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
-  home-manager.users.tazjin = depot.users.tazjin.home."${config.networking.hostName}";
+  home-manager.users.tazjin = with depot.users.tazjin;
+    home."${config.networking.hostName}" or home.shared;
diff --git a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/homepage.nix b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/homepage.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65191d6e7087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/homepage.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# serve tazjin's website & blog
+{ depot, config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  extraConfig = ''
+    location = /en/rss.xml {
+      return 301 https://tazj.in/feed.atom;
+    }
+    ${depot.users.tazjin.blog.oldRedirects}
+    location /blog/ {
+      alias ${depot.users.tazjin.blog.rendered}/;
+      if ($request_uri ~ ^/(.*)\.html$) {
+        return 302 /$1;
+      }
+      try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ =404;
+    }
+    location = /predlozhnik {
+      return 302 https://predlozhnik.ru;
+    }
+    # redirect for easier entry on a TV
+    location = /tv {
+      return 302 https://tazj.in/blobs/play.html;
+    }
+    # Temporary place for serving static files.
+    location /blobs/ {
+      alias /var/lib/tazjins-blobs/;
+    }
+  '';
+  config = {
+    services.nginx.virtualHosts."tazj.in" = {
+      enableACME = true;
+      forceSSL = true;
+      root = depot.users.tazjin.homepage;
+      serverAliases = [ "www.tazj.in" ];
+      inherit extraConfig;
+    };
+    services.nginx.virtualHosts."y.tazj.in" = {
+      enableSSL = true;
+      useACMEHost = "y.tazj.in";
+      root = depot.users.tazjin.homepage;
+      inherit extraConfig;
+    };
+    services.nginx.virtualHosts."git.tazj.in" = {
+      enableACME = true;
+      forceSSL = true;
+      extraConfig = "return 301 https://code.tvl.fyi$request_uri;";
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/physical.nix b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/physical.nix
index d469da7e5ae0..92b22112d4f4 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/physical.nix
+++ b/users/tazjin/nixos/modules/physical.nix
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ in
     environment.systemPackages =
       # programs from the depot
       (with depot; [
-        users.tazjin.screenLock
-        users.tazjin.chase-geese
+        users.tazjin.chase-geese
+        users.tazjin.eaglemode
+        users.tazjin.screenLock
       ]) ++
       # programs from nixpkgs
@@ -45,6 +46,9 @@ in
+        go
+        gopls
+        gotools
         gtk3 # for gtk-launch
@@ -71,6 +75,7 @@ in
         pulseaudio # for pactl
+        radicle-node
@@ -97,6 +102,13 @@ in
     # run manually patchelfed binaries
     environment.stub-ld.enable = false;
+    # Enable yggdrasil network.
+    services.yggdrasil = {
+      enable = true;
+      persistentKeys = true;
+      settings.IfName = "ygg0";
+    };
     programs = {
       fish.enable = true;
       mosh.enable = true;