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path: root/users/tazjin/homepage/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/homepage/default.nix')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/homepage/default.nix b/users/tazjin/homepage/default.nix
index 8f53eba67e..b46f9d4917 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/homepage/default.nix
+++ b/users/tazjin/homepage/default.nix
@@ -5,60 +5,79 @@
 # elements for things such as blog posts and projects.
 # Content for the blog is in //users/tazjin/blog instead of here.
-{ depot, lib, ... }@args:
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }@args:
 with depot;
 with nix.yants;
   inherit (builtins) readFile replaceStrings sort;
-  inherit (third_party) writeFile runCommandNoCC;
+  inherit (pkgs) writeFile runCommand;
   # The different types of entries on the homepage.
-  entryClass = enum "entryClass" [ "blog" "project" "misc" ];
+  entryClass = enum "entryClass" [
+    "blog"
+    "project"
+    "note"
+    "misc"
+  ];
   # The definition of a single entry.
   entry = struct "entry" {
     class = entryClass;
-    title = string;
-    url = string;
+    title = option string;
+    url = option string;
     date = int; # epoch
     description = option string;
   escape = replaceStrings [ "<" ">" "&" "'" ] [ "&lt;" "&gt;" "&amp;" "&#39;" ];
-  postToEntry = defun [ users.tazjin.blog.post entry ] (post: {
+  postToEntry = defun [ web.blog.post entry ] (post: {
     class = "blog";
     title = post.title;
     url = "/blog/${post.key}";
     date = post.date;
+    description = post.description or "Blog post from ${formatDate post.date}";
-  formatDate = defun [ int string ] (date: readFile (runCommandNoCC "date" {} ''
-    date --date='@${toString date}' '+%Y-%m-%d' > $out
+  formatDate = defun [ int string ] (date: readFile (runCommand "date" { } ''
+    date --date='@${toString date}' '+%Y-%m-%d' | tr -d '\n' > $out
-  formatEntryDate = defun [ entry string ] (entry: entryClass.match entry.class {
-    blog = "Blog post from ${formatDate entry.date}";
-    project = "Project from ${formatDate entry.date}";
-    misc = "Posted on ${formatDate entry.date}";
-  });
+  entryUrl = defun [ entry string ] (entry:
+    if entry.class == "note"
+    then "#${toString entry.date}"
+    else entry.url
+  );
+  hasDescription = defun [ entry bool ] (entry:
+    ((entry ? description) && (entry.description != null))
+  );
+  entryTitle = defun [ entry string ] (entry:
+    let
+      optionalColon = lib.optionalString (hasDescription entry) ":";
+      titleText =
+        if (!(entry ? title) && (entry.class == "note"))
+        then "[${formatDate entry.date}]"
+        else lib.optionalString (entry ? title) ((escape entry.title) + optionalColon);
+    in
+    lib.optionalString (titleText != "")
+      ''<span class="entry-title ${entry.class}">${titleText}</span>''
+  );
   entryToDiv = defun [ entry string ] (entry: ''
-    <a href="${entry.url}" class="entry ${entry.class}">
-      <div>
-        <p class="entry-title">${escape entry.title}</p>
-        ${
-          lib.optionalString ((entry ? description) && (entry.description != null))
-          "<p class=\"entry-description\">${escape entry.description}</p>"
-        }
-        <p class="entry-date">${formatEntryDate entry}</p>
-      </div>
+    <a href="${entryUrl entry}" id="${toString entry.date}" class="entry">
+      ${entryTitle entry}
+      ${
+        lib.optionalString (hasDescription entry)
+        "<span class=\"entry-description\">${escape entry.description}</span>"
+      }
-  index = entries: third_party.writeText "index.html" (lib.concatStrings (
+  index = entries: pkgs.writeText "index.html" (lib.concatStrings (
     [ (builtins.readFile ./header.html) ]
     ++ (map entryToDiv (sort (a: b: a.date > b.date) entries))
     ++ [ (builtins.readFile ./footer.html) ]
@@ -67,9 +86,12 @@ let
   pageEntries = import ./entries.nix;
   homepage = index ((map postToEntry users.tazjin.blog.posts) ++ pageEntries);
   atomFeed = import ./feed.nix (args // { inherit entry pageEntries; });
-in runCommandNoCC "website" {} ''
+runCommand "website" { } ''
   mkdir $out
   cp ${homepage} $out/index.html
   cp ${atomFeed} $out/feed.atom
-  cp -r ${./static} $out/static
+  mkdir $out/static
+  cp -r ${depot.web.static}/* $out/static
+  cp -rf ${./static}/* $out/static