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path: root/users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver/src/Transmission.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver/src/Transmission.hs')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver/src/Transmission.hs b/users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver/src/Transmission.hs
index 66dbeb9ce749..3238780af70f 100644
--- a/users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver/src/Transmission.hs
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver/src/Transmission.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Json.Enc qualified as Enc
 import Label
 import MyPrelude
 import Network.HTTP.Types
+import OpenTelemetry.Attributes (ToAttribute (toAttribute))
 import OpenTelemetry.Trace qualified as Otel hiding (getTracer, inSpan, inSpan')
 import Optional
 import Postgres.MonadPostgres
@@ -48,18 +49,20 @@ scientificPercentage =
               | otherwise -> Right $ Percentage $ ceiling (f * 100)
--- | Fetch the current status from transmission, and remove the tranmission hash from our database
--- iff it does not exist in transmission anymore
+-- | Fetch the current status from transmission,
+--  and remove the transmission hash and torrent file from our database iff it does not exist in transmission anymore
 getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus ::
   ( MonadTransmission m,
     MonadThrow m,
     MonadLogger m,
     MonadPostgres m,
-    MonadOtel m
+    MonadOtel m,
+    HasField "groupId" info Int,
+    HasField "torrentId" info Int
   ) =>
-  Map (Label "torrentHash" Text) () ->
-  (Transaction m (Map (Label "torrentHash" Text) (Label "percentDone" Percentage)))
-getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus knownTorrents = do
+  Map (Label "torrentHash" Text) info ->
+  (Transaction m (Label "knownTorrentsStale" Bool, (Map (Label "torrentHash" Text) (Label "percentDone" Percentage))))
+getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus knownTorrents = inSpan' "getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus" $ \span -> do
   let fields = ["hashString", "percentDone"]
   actualTorrents <-
     lift @Transaction $
@@ -76,14 +79,36 @@ getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus knownTorrents = do
         <&> Map.fromList
   let toDelete = Map.difference knownTorrents actualTorrents
-  execute
-    [fmt|
-    UPDATE redacted.torrents_json
-    SET transmission_torrent_hash = NULL
-    WHERE transmission_torrent_hash = ANY (?::text[])
-  |]
-    $ Only (toDelete & Map.keys <&> (.torrentHash) & PGArray :: PGArray Text)
-  pure actualTorrents
+  if
+    | Map.null toDelete -> do
+        addEventSimple span "We know about all transmission hashes."
+        pure (label @"knownTorrentsStale" False, actualTorrents)
+    | otherwise -> inSpan' "Delete outdated transmission hashes" $ \span' -> do
+        addAttribute
+          span'
+          "db.delete-transmission-hashes"
+          ( toDelete
+              & Map.toList
+              & Enc.list
+                ( \(k, v) ->
+                    Enc.object
+                      [ ("torrentHash", Enc.text k.torrentHash),
+                        ("groupId", Enc.int v.groupId),
+                        ("torrentId", Enc.int v.torrentId)
+                      ]
+                )
+              & jsonAttribute
+          )
+        _ <-
+          execute
+            [fmt|
+          UPDATE redacted.torrents_json
+          SET transmission_torrent_hash = NULL,
+              torrent_file = NULL
+          WHERE transmission_torrent_hash = ANY (?::text[])
+        |]
+            $ Only (toDelete & Map.keys <&> (.torrentHash) & PGArray :: PGArray Text)
+        pure (label @"knownTorrentsStale" True, actualTorrents)
 getTransmissionTorrentsTable ::
   (MonadTransmission m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadOtel m) => m Html
@@ -204,9 +229,9 @@ doTransmissionRequest' req = inSpan' "Transmission Request" $ \span -> do
   case resp.result of
-    TransmissionResponseFailure err -> appThrowTree span (nestedError "Transmission RPC error" $ singleError $ newError err)
+    TransmissionResponseFailure err -> appThrow span (AppExceptionTree $ nestedError "Transmission RPC error" $ singleError $ newError err)
     TransmissionResponseSuccess -> case resp.arguments of
-      Nothing -> appThrowTree span "Transmission RPC error: No `arguments` field in response"
+      Nothing -> appThrow span "Transmission RPC error: No `arguments` field in response"
       Just out -> pure out
 -- | Contact the transmission RPC, and do the CSRF protection dance.
@@ -226,7 +251,7 @@ doTransmissionRequest ::
   (TransmissionRequest, Json.Parse Error output) ->
   m (TransmissionResponse output)
 doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser) = do
-  sessionId <- getTransmissionId
+  sessionId <- getCurrentTransmissionSessionId
   let textArg t = (Enc.text t, Otel.toAttribute @Text t)
   let encArg enc = (enc, Otel.toAttribute @Text $ enc & Enc.encToTextPretty)
   let intArg i = (Enc.int i, Otel.toAttribute @Int i)
@@ -257,7 +282,7 @@ doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser) = do
       (body <&> second fst & Enc.object)
   -- Implement the CSRF protection thingy
   case resp & Http.getResponseStatus & (.statusCode) of
-    409 -> do
+    409 -> inSpan' "New Transmission Session ID" $ \span' -> do
       tid <-
           & Http.getResponseHeader "X-Transmission-Session-Id"
@@ -266,9 +291,21 @@ doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser) = do
           & unwrapIOError
           & liftIO
           <&> NonEmpty.head
-      setTransmissionId tid
+      addAttributes span' $
+        HashMap.fromList
+          [ ("transmission.new_session_id", tid & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & toAttribute),
+            ("transmission.old_session_id", sessionId <&> bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & fromMaybe "<none yet>" & toAttribute)
+          ]
+      updateTransmissionSessionId tid
       doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser)
-    200 ->
+    200 -> do
+      addAttributes span $
+        HashMap.fromList
+          [ ("transmission.valid_session_id", sessionId <&> bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & fromMaybe "<none yet>" & toAttribute)
+          ]
         & Http.getResponseBody
         & Json.parseStrict
@@ -292,15 +329,15 @@ doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser) = do
             case Json.eitherDecodeStrict' @Json.Value (resp & Http.getResponseBody) of
               Left _err -> pure ()
               Right val -> logInfo [fmt|failing transmission response: {showPrettyJson val}|]
-            appThrowTree span err
-    _ -> liftIO $ unwrapIOError $ Left [fmt|Non-200 response: {showPretty resp}|]
+            appThrow span (AppExceptionTree err)
+    _ -> appThrow span $ AppExceptionPretty [[fmt|Non-200 response:|], pretty resp]
 class MonadTransmission m where
-  getTransmissionId :: m (Maybe ByteString)
-  setTransmissionId :: ByteString -> m ()
+  getCurrentTransmissionSessionId :: m (Maybe ByteString)
+  updateTransmissionSessionId :: ByteString -> m ()
 instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTransmission (AppT m) where
-  getTransmissionId = AppT (asks (.transmissionSessionId)) >>= tryTakeMVar
-  setTransmissionId t = do
+  getCurrentTransmissionSessionId = AppT (asks (.transmissionSessionId)) >>= readIORef
+  updateTransmissionSessionId t = do
     var <- AppT $ asks (.transmissionSessionId)
-    putMVar var t
+    writeIORef var (Just t)