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path: root/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice
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13 files changed, 2306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/bigtable.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/bigtable.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15128986ff56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/bigtable.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::proto;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use async_stream::try_stream;
+use bigtable_rs::{bigtable, google::bigtable::v2 as bigtable_v2};
+use bytes::Bytes;
+use data_encoding::HEXLOWER;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use nix_compat::nixbase32;
+use prost::Message;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_with::{serde_as, DurationSeconds};
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::{instrument, trace};
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+/// There should not be more than 10 MiB in a single cell.
+/// https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/schema-design#cells
+const CELL_SIZE_LIMIT: u64 = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
+/// Provides a [PathInfoService] implementation using
+/// [Bigtable](https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/)
+/// as an underlying K/V store.
+/// # Data format
+/// We use Bigtable as a plain K/V store.
+/// The row key is the digest of the store path, in hexlower.
+/// Inside the row, we currently have a single column/cell, again using the
+/// hexlower store path digest.
+/// Its value is the PathInfo message, serialized in canonical protobuf.
+/// We currently only populate this column.
+/// Listing is ranging over all rows, and calculate_nar is returning a
+/// "unimplemented" error.
+pub struct BigtablePathInfoService {
+    client: bigtable::BigTable,
+    params: BigtableParameters,
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    /// Holds the temporary directory containing the unix socket, and the
+    /// spawned emulator process.
+    emulator: std::sync::Arc<(tempfile::TempDir, async_process::Child)>,
+impl BigtablePathInfoService {
+    #[cfg(not(test))]
+    pub async fn connect(params: BigtableParameters) -> Result<Self, bigtable::Error> {
+        let connection = bigtable::BigTableConnection::new(
+            &params.project_id,
+            &params.instance_name,
+            params.is_read_only,
+            params.channel_size,
+            params.timeout,
+        )
+        .await?;
+        Ok(Self {
+            client: connection.client(),
+            params,
+        })
+    }
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    pub async fn connect(params: BigtableParameters) -> Result<Self, bigtable::Error> {
+        use std::time::Duration;
+        use async_process::{Command, Stdio};
+        use tempfile::TempDir;
+        use tokio_retry::{strategy::ExponentialBackoff, Retry};
+        let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        let socket_path = tmpdir.path().join("cbtemulator.sock");
+        let emulator_process = Command::new("cbtemulator")
+            .arg("-address")
+            .arg(socket_path.clone())
+            .stderr(Stdio::piped())
+            .stdout(Stdio::piped())
+            .kill_on_drop(true)
+            .spawn()
+            .expect("failed to spawn emulator");
+        Retry::spawn(
+            ExponentialBackoff::from_millis(20)
+                .max_delay(Duration::from_secs(1))
+                .take(3),
+            || async {
+                if socket_path.exists() {
+                    Ok(())
+                } else {
+                    Err(())
+                }
+            },
+        )
+        .await
+        .expect("failed to wait for socket");
+        // populate the emulator
+        for cmd in &[
+            vec!["createtable", &params.table_name],
+            vec!["createfamily", &params.table_name, &params.family_name],
+        ] {
+            Command::new("cbt")
+                .args({
+                    let mut args = vec![
+                        "-instance",
+                        &params.instance_name,
+                        "-project",
+                        &params.project_id,
+                    ];
+                    args.extend_from_slice(cmd);
+                    args
+                })
+                .env(
+                    "BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST",
+                    format!("unix://{}", socket_path.to_string_lossy()),
+                )
+                .output()
+                .await
+                .expect("failed to run cbt setup command");
+        }
+        let connection = bigtable_rs::bigtable::BigTableConnection::new_with_emulator(
+            &format!("unix://{}", socket_path.to_string_lossy()),
+            &params.project_id,
+            &params.instance_name,
+            false,
+            None,
+        )?;
+        Ok(Self {
+            client: connection.client(),
+            params,
+            emulator: (tmpdir, emulator_process).into(),
+        })
+    }
+/// Derives the row/column key for a given output path.
+/// We use hexlower encoding, also because it can't be misinterpreted as RE2.
+fn derive_pathinfo_key(digest: &[u8; 20]) -> String {
+    HEXLOWER.encode(digest)
+impl PathInfoService for BigtablePathInfoService {
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        let mut client = self.client.clone();
+        let path_info_key = derive_pathinfo_key(&digest);
+        let request = bigtable_v2::ReadRowsRequest {
+            app_profile_id: self.params.app_profile_id.to_string(),
+            table_name: client.get_full_table_name(&self.params.table_name),
+            rows_limit: 1,
+            rows: Some(bigtable_v2::RowSet {
+                row_keys: vec![path_info_key.clone().into()],
+                row_ranges: vec![],
+            }),
+            // Filter selected family name, and column qualifier matching the digest.
+            // The latter is to ensure we don't fail once we start adding more metadata.
+            filter: Some(bigtable_v2::RowFilter {
+                filter: Some(bigtable_v2::row_filter::Filter::Chain(
+                    bigtable_v2::row_filter::Chain {
+                        filters: vec![
+                            bigtable_v2::RowFilter {
+                                filter: Some(
+                                    bigtable_v2::row_filter::Filter::FamilyNameRegexFilter(
+                                        self.params.family_name.to_string(),
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                            },
+                            bigtable_v2::RowFilter {
+                                filter: Some(
+                                    bigtable_v2::row_filter::Filter::ColumnQualifierRegexFilter(
+                                        path_info_key.clone().into(),
+                                    ),
+                                ),
+                            },
+                        ],
+                    },
+                )),
+            }),
+            ..Default::default()
+        };
+        let mut response = client
+            .read_rows(request)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("unable to read rows: {}", e)))?;
+        if response.len() != 1 {
+            if response.len() > 1 {
+                // This shouldn't happen, we limit number of rows to 1
+                return Err(Error::StorageError(
+                    "got more than one row from bigtable".into(),
+                ));
+            }
+            // else, this is simply a "not found".
+            return Ok(None);
+        }
+        let (row_key, mut cells) = response.pop().unwrap();
+        if row_key != path_info_key.as_bytes() {
+            // This shouldn't happen, we requested this row key.
+            return Err(Error::StorageError(
+                "got wrong row key from bigtable".into(),
+            ));
+        }
+        let cell = cells
+            .pop()
+            .ok_or_else(|| Error::StorageError("found no cells".into()))?;
+        // Ensure there's only one cell (so no more left after the pop())
+        // This shouldn't happen, We filter out other cells in our query.
+        if !cells.is_empty() {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError(
+                "more than one cell returned from bigtable".into(),
+            ));
+        }
+        // We also require the qualifier to be correct in the filter above,
+        // so this shouldn't happen.
+        if path_info_key.as_bytes() != cell.qualifier {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError("unexpected cell qualifier".into()));
+        }
+        // Try to parse the value into a PathInfo message
+        let path_info = proto::PathInfo::decode(Bytes::from(cell.value))
+            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("unable to decode pathinfo proto: {}", e)))?;
+        let store_path = path_info
+            .validate()
+            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("invalid PathInfo: {}", e)))?;
+        if store_path.digest() != &digest {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError("PathInfo has unexpected digest".into()));
+        }
+        Ok(Some(path_info))
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.root_node = ?path_info.node))]
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        let store_path = path_info
+            .validate()
+            .map_err(|e| Error::InvalidRequest(format!("pathinfo failed validation: {}", e)))?;
+        let mut client = self.client.clone();
+        let path_info_key = derive_pathinfo_key(store_path.digest());
+        let data = path_info.encode_to_vec();
+        if data.len() as u64 > CELL_SIZE_LIMIT {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError(
+                "PathInfo exceeds cell limit on Bigtable".into(),
+            ));
+        }
+        let resp = client
+            .check_and_mutate_row(bigtable_v2::CheckAndMutateRowRequest {
+                table_name: client.get_full_table_name(&self.params.table_name),
+                app_profile_id: self.params.app_profile_id.to_string(),
+                row_key: path_info_key.clone().into(),
+                predicate_filter: Some(bigtable_v2::RowFilter {
+                    filter: Some(bigtable_v2::row_filter::Filter::ColumnQualifierRegexFilter(
+                        path_info_key.clone().into(),
+                    )),
+                }),
+                // If the column was already found, do nothing.
+                true_mutations: vec![],
+                // Else, do the insert.
+                false_mutations: vec![
+                    // https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/writes
+                    bigtable_v2::Mutation {
+                        mutation: Some(bigtable_v2::mutation::Mutation::SetCell(
+                            bigtable_v2::mutation::SetCell {
+                                family_name: self.params.family_name.to_string(),
+                                column_qualifier: path_info_key.clone().into(),
+                                timestamp_micros: -1, // use server time to fill timestamp
+                                value: data,
+                            },
+                        )),
+                    },
+                ],
+            })
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("unable to mutate rows: {}", e)))?;
+        if resp.predicate_matched {
+            trace!("already existed")
+        }
+        Ok(path_info)
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        let mut client = self.client.clone();
+        let request = bigtable_v2::ReadRowsRequest {
+            app_profile_id: self.params.app_profile_id.to_string(),
+            table_name: client.get_full_table_name(&self.params.table_name),
+            filter: Some(bigtable_v2::RowFilter {
+                filter: Some(bigtable_v2::row_filter::Filter::FamilyNameRegexFilter(
+                    self.params.family_name.to_string(),
+                )),
+            }),
+            ..Default::default()
+        };
+        let stream = try_stream! {
+            // TODO: add pagination, we don't want to hold all of this in memory.
+            let response = client
+                .read_rows(request)
+                .await
+                .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("unable to read rows: {}", e)))?;
+            for (row_key, mut cells) in response {
+                let cell = cells
+                    .pop()
+                    .ok_or_else(|| Error::StorageError("found no cells".into()))?;
+                // The cell must have the same qualifier as the row key
+                if row_key != cell.qualifier {
+                    Err(Error::StorageError("unexpected cell qualifier".into()))?;
+                }
+                // Ensure there's only one cell (so no more left after the pop())
+                // This shouldn't happen, We filter out other cells in our query.
+                if !cells.is_empty() {
+                    Err(Error::StorageError(
+                        "more than one cell returned from bigtable".into(),
+                    ))?
+                }
+                // Try to parse the value into a PathInfo message.
+                let path_info = proto::PathInfo::decode(Bytes::from(cell.value))
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("unable to decode pathinfo proto: {}", e)))?;
+                // Validate the containing PathInfo, ensure its StorePath digest
+                // matches row key.
+                let store_path = path_info
+                    .validate()
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("invalid PathInfo: {}", e)))?;
+                let exp_path_info_key = derive_pathinfo_key(store_path.digest());
+                if exp_path_info_key.as_bytes() != row_key.as_slice() {
+                    Err(Error::StorageError("PathInfo has unexpected digest".into()))?
+                }
+                yield path_info
+            }
+        };
+        Box::pin(stream)
+    }
+/// Represents configuration of [BigtablePathInfoService].
+/// This currently conflates both connect parameters and data model/client
+/// behaviour parameters.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+pub struct BigtableParameters {
+    project_id: String,
+    instance_name: String,
+    #[serde(default)]
+    is_read_only: bool,
+    #[serde(default = "default_channel_size")]
+    channel_size: usize,
+    #[serde_as(as = "Option<DurationSeconds<String>>")]
+    #[serde(default = "default_timeout")]
+    timeout: Option<std::time::Duration>,
+    table_name: String,
+    family_name: String,
+    #[serde(default = "default_app_profile_id")]
+    app_profile_id: String,
+impl BigtableParameters {
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    pub fn default_for_tests() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            project_id: "project-1".into(),
+            instance_name: "instance-1".into(),
+            is_read_only: false,
+            channel_size: default_channel_size(),
+            timeout: default_timeout(),
+            table_name: "table-1".into(),
+            family_name: "cf1".into(),
+            app_profile_id: default_app_profile_id(),
+        }
+    }
+fn default_app_profile_id() -> String {
+    "default".to_owned()
+fn default_channel_size() -> usize {
+    4
+fn default_timeout() -> Option<std::time::Duration> {
+    Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(4))
+impl ServiceBuilder for BigtableParameters {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        _context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
+        Ok(Arc::new(
+            BigtablePathInfoService::connect(self.clone()).await?,
+        ))
+    }
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for BigtableParameters {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(mut url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        // parse the instance name from the hostname.
+        let instance_name = url
+            .host_str()
+            .ok_or_else(|| Error::StorageError("instance name missing".into()))?
+            .to_string();
+        // … but add it to the query string now, so we just need to parse that.
+        url.query_pairs_mut()
+            .append_pair("instance_name", &instance_name);
+        let params: BigtableParameters = serde_qs::from_str(url.query().unwrap_or_default())
+            .map_err(|e| Error::InvalidRequest(format!("failed to parse parameters: {}", e)))?;
+        Ok(params)
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/combinators.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/combinators.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb5595f72b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/combinators.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use nix_compat::nixbase32;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::{debug, instrument};
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+use super::PathInfoService;
+/// Asks near first, if not found, asks far.
+/// If found in there, returns it, and *inserts* it into
+/// near.
+/// There is no negative cache.
+/// Inserts and listings are not implemented for now.
+pub struct Cache<PS1, PS2> {
+    near: PS1,
+    far: PS2,
+impl<PS1, PS2> Cache<PS1, PS2> {
+    pub fn new(near: PS1, far: PS2) -> Self {
+        Self { near, far }
+    }
+impl<PS1, PS2> PathInfoService for Cache<PS1, PS2>
+    PS1: PathInfoService,
+    PS2: PathInfoService,
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        match self.near.get(digest).await? {
+            Some(path_info) => {
+                debug!("serving from cache");
+                Ok(Some(path_info))
+            }
+            None => {
+                debug!("not found in near, asking remote…");
+                match self.far.get(digest).await? {
+                    None => Ok(None),
+                    Some(path_info) => {
+                        debug!("found in remote, adding to cache");
+                        self.near.put(path_info.clone()).await?;
+                        Ok(Some(path_info))
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    async fn put(&self, _path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        Err(Error::StorageError("unimplemented".to_string()))
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        Box::pin(tokio_stream::once(Err(Error::StorageError(
+            "unimplemented".to_string(),
+        ))))
+    }
+pub struct CacheConfig {
+    pub near: String,
+    pub far: String,
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for CacheConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(_url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        Err(Error::StorageError(
+            "Instantiating a CombinedPathInfoService from a url is not supported".into(),
+        )
+        .into())
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for CacheConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        let (near, far) = futures::join!(
+            context.resolve(self.near.clone()),
+            context.resolve(self.far.clone())
+        );
+        Ok(Arc::new(Cache {
+            near: near?,
+            far: far?,
+        }))
+    }
+mod test {
+    use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
+    use crate::{
+        pathinfoservice::{LruPathInfoService, MemoryPathInfoService, PathInfoService},
+        tests::fixtures::PATH_INFO_WITH_NARINFO,
+    };
+    const PATH_INFO_DIGEST: [u8; 20] = [0; 20];
+    /// Helper function setting up an instance of a "far" and "near"
+    /// PathInfoService.
+    async fn create_pathinfoservice() -> super::Cache<LruPathInfoService, MemoryPathInfoService> {
+        // Create an instance of a "far" PathInfoService.
+        let far = MemoryPathInfoService::default();
+        // … and an instance of a "near" PathInfoService.
+        let near = LruPathInfoService::with_capacity(NonZeroUsize::new(1).unwrap());
+        // create a Pathinfoservice combining the two and return it.
+        super::Cache::new(near, far)
+    }
+    /// Getting from the far backend is gonna insert it into the near one.
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_populate_cache() {
+        let svc = create_pathinfoservice().await;
+        // query the PathInfo, things should not be there.
+        assert!(svc.get(PATH_INFO_DIGEST).await.unwrap().is_none());
+        // insert it into the far one.
+        svc.far.put(PATH_INFO_WITH_NARINFO.clone()).await.unwrap();
+        // now try getting it again, it should succeed.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(PATH_INFO_WITH_NARINFO.clone()),
+            svc.get(PATH_INFO_DIGEST).await.unwrap()
+        );
+        // peek near, it should now be there.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(PATH_INFO_WITH_NARINFO.clone()),
+            svc.near.get(PATH_INFO_DIGEST).await.unwrap()
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/from_addr.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/from_addr.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d4719219b996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/from_addr.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::composition::{
+    with_registry, CompositionContext, DeserializeWithRegistry, ServiceBuilder, REG,
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+use url::Url;
+/// Constructs a new instance of a [PathInfoService] from an URI.
+/// The following URIs are supported:
+/// - `memory:`
+///   Uses a in-memory implementation.
+/// - `sled:`
+///   Uses a in-memory sled implementation.
+/// - `sled:///absolute/path/to/somewhere`
+///   Uses sled, using a path on the disk for persistency. Can be only opened
+///   from one process at the same time.
+/// - `redb:`
+///   Uses a in-memory redb implementation.
+/// - `redb:///absolute/path/to/somewhere`
+///   Uses redb, using a path on the disk for persistency. Can be only opened
+///   from one process at the same time.
+/// - `nix+https://cache.nixos.org?trusted-public-keys=cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=`
+///   Exposes the Nix binary cache as a PathInfoService, ingesting NARs into the
+///   {Blob,Directory}Service. You almost certainly want to use this with some cache.
+///   The `trusted-public-keys` URL parameter can be provided, which will then
+///   enable signature verification.
+/// - `grpc+unix:///absolute/path/to/somewhere`
+///   Connects to a local tvix-store gRPC service via Unix socket.
+/// - `grpc+http://host:port`, `grpc+https://host:port`
+///    Connects to a (remote) tvix-store gRPC service.
+/// As the [PathInfoService] needs to talk to [BlobService] and [DirectoryService],
+/// these also need to be passed in.
+pub async fn from_addr(
+    uri: &str,
+    context: Option<&CompositionContext<'_>>,
+) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
+    #[allow(unused_mut)]
+    let mut url =
+        Url::parse(uri).map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("unable to parse url: {}", e)))?;
+    let path_info_service_config = with_registry(&REG, || {
+        <DeserializeWithRegistry<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>>>::try_from(
+            url,
+        )
+    })?
+    .0;
+    let path_info_service = path_info_service_config
+        .build("anonymous", context.unwrap_or(&CompositionContext::blank()))
+        .await?;
+    Ok(path_info_service)
+mod tests {
+    use super::from_addr;
+    use crate::composition::{Composition, DeserializeWithRegistry, ServiceBuilder};
+    use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+    use rstest::rstest;
+    use tempfile::TempDir;
+    use tvix_castore::blobservice::{BlobService, MemoryBlobServiceConfig};
+    use tvix_castore::directoryservice::{DirectoryService, MemoryDirectoryServiceConfig};
+    lazy_static! {
+        static ref TMPDIR_SLED_1: TempDir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        static ref TMPDIR_SLED_2: TempDir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        static ref TMPDIR_REDB_1: TempDir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        static ref TMPDIR_REDB_2: TempDir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+    }
+    // the gRPC tests below don't fail, because we connect lazily.
+    #[rstest]
+    /// This uses a unsupported scheme.
+    #[case::unsupported_scheme("http://foo.example/test", false)]
+    /// This configures sled in temporary mode.
+    #[case::sled_temporary("sled://", true)]
+    /// This configures sled with /, which should fail.
+    #[case::sled_invalid_root("sled:///", false)]
+    /// This configures sled with a host, not path, which should fail.
+    #[case::sled_invalid_host("sled://foo.example", false)]
+    /// This configures sled with a valid path path, which should succeed.
+    #[case::sled_valid_path(&format!("sled://{}", &TMPDIR_SLED_1.path().to_str().unwrap()), true)]
+    /// This configures sled with a host, and a valid path path, which should fail.
+    #[case::sled_invalid_host_with_valid_path(&format!("sled://foo.example{}", &TMPDIR_SLED_2.path().to_str().unwrap()), false)]
+    /// This correctly sets the scheme, and doesn't set a path.
+    #[case::memory_valid("memory://", true)]
+    /// This sets a memory url host to `foo`
+    #[case::memory_invalid_host("memory://foo", false)]
+    /// This sets a memory url path to "/", which is invalid.
+    #[case::memory_invalid_root_path("memory:///", false)]
+    /// This sets a memory url path to "/foo", which is invalid.
+    #[case::memory_invalid_root_path_foo("memory:///foo", false)]
+    /// redb with a host, and a valid path path, which should fail.
+    #[case::redb_invalid_host_with_valid_path(&format!("redb://foo.example{}", &TMPDIR_REDB_1.path().join("bar").to_str().unwrap()), false)]
+    /// redb with / as path, which should fail.
+    #[case::redb_invalid_root("redb:///", false)]
+    /// This configures redb with a valid path, which should succeed.
+    #[case::redb_valid_path(&format!("redb://{}", &TMPDIR_REDB_2.path().join("foo").to_str().unwrap()), true)]
+    /// redb using the in-memory backend, which should succeed.
+    #[case::redb_valid_in_memory("redb://", true)]
+    /// Correct Scheme for the cache.nixos.org binary cache.
+    #[case::correct_nix_https("nix+https://cache.nixos.org", true)]
+    /// Correct Scheme for the cache.nixos.org binary cache (HTTP URL).
+    #[case::correct_nix_http("nix+http://cache.nixos.org", true)]
+    /// Correct Scheme for Nix HTTP Binary cache, with a subpath.
+    #[case::correct_nix_http_with_subpath("nix+", true)]
+    /// Correct Scheme for Nix HTTP Binary cache, with a subpath and port.
+    #[case::correct_nix_http_with_subpath_and_port("nix+http://[::1]:8080/foo", true)]
+    /// Correct Scheme for the cache.nixos.org binary cache, and correct trusted public key set
+    #[case::correct_nix_https_with_trusted_public_key("nix+https://cache.nixos.org?trusted-public-keys=cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=", true)]
+    /// Correct Scheme for the cache.nixos.org binary cache, and two correct trusted public keys set
+    #[case::correct_nix_https_with_two_trusted_public_keys("nix+https://cache.nixos.org?trusted-public-keys=cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=%20foo:jp4fCEx9tBEId/L0ZsVJ26k0wC0fu7vJqLjjIGFkup8=", true)]
+    /// Correct scheme to connect to a unix socket.
+    #[case::grpc_valid_unix_socket("grpc+unix:///path/to/somewhere", true)]
+    /// Correct scheme for unix socket, but setting a host too, which is invalid.
+    #[case::grpc_invalid_unix_socket_and_host("grpc+unix://host.example/path/to/somewhere", false)]
+    /// Correct scheme to connect to localhost, with port 12345
+    #[case::grpc_valid_ipv6_localhost_port_12345("grpc+http://[::1]:12345", true)]
+    /// Correct scheme to connect to localhost over http, without specifying a port.
+    #[case::grpc_valid_http_host_without_port("grpc+http://localhost", true)]
+    /// Correct scheme to connect to localhost over http, without specifying a port.
+    #[case::grpc_valid_https_host_without_port("grpc+https://localhost", true)]
+    /// Correct scheme to connect to localhost over http, but with additional path, which is invalid.
+    #[case::grpc_invalid_host_and_path("grpc+http://localhost/some-path", false)]
+    /// A valid example for Bigtable.
+    #[cfg_attr(
+        all(feature = "cloud", feature = "integration"),
+        case::bigtable_valid(
+            "bigtable://instance-1?project_id=project-1&table_name=table-1&family_name=cf1",
+            true
+        )
+    )]
+    /// An invalid example for Bigtable, missing fields
+    #[cfg_attr(
+        all(feature = "cloud", feature = "integration"),
+        case::bigtable_invalid_missing_fields("bigtable://instance-1", false)
+    )]
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_from_addr_tokio(#[case] uri_str: &str, #[case] exp_succeed: bool) {
+        let mut comp = Composition::default();
+        comp.extend(vec![(
+            "default".into(),
+            DeserializeWithRegistry(Box::new(MemoryBlobServiceConfig {})
+                as Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn BlobService>>),
+        )]);
+        comp.extend(vec![(
+            "default".into(),
+            DeserializeWithRegistry(Box::new(MemoryDirectoryServiceConfig {})
+                as Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn DirectoryService>>),
+        )]);
+        let resp = from_addr(uri_str, Some(&comp.context())).await;
+        if exp_succeed {
+            resp.expect("should succeed");
+        } else {
+            assert!(resp.is_err(), "should fail");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/fs/mod.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/fs/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f7fa8a8afce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/fs/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use futures::StreamExt;
+use nix_compat::store_path::StorePathRef;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tvix_castore::fs::{RootNodes, TvixStoreFs};
+use tvix_castore::{blobservice::BlobService, directoryservice::DirectoryService};
+use tvix_castore::{Error, Node, PathComponent};
+use super::PathInfoService;
+/// Helper to construct a [TvixStoreFs] from a [BlobService], [DirectoryService]
+/// and [PathInfoService].
+/// This avoids users to have to interact with the wrapper struct directly, as
+/// it leaks into the type signature of TvixStoreFS.
+pub fn make_fs<BS, DS, PS>(
+    blob_service: BS,
+    directory_service: DS,
+    path_info_service: PS,
+    list_root: bool,
+    show_xattr: bool,
+) -> TvixStoreFs<BS, DS, RootNodesWrapper<PS>>
+    BS: AsRef<dyn BlobService> + Send + Clone + 'static,
+    DS: AsRef<dyn DirectoryService> + Send + Clone + 'static,
+    PS: AsRef<dyn PathInfoService> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
+    TvixStoreFs::new(
+        blob_service,
+        directory_service,
+        RootNodesWrapper(path_info_service),
+        list_root,
+        show_xattr,
+    )
+/// Wrapper to satisfy Rust's orphan rules for trait implementations, as
+/// RootNodes is coming from the [tvix-castore] crate.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct RootNodesWrapper<T>(pub(crate) T);
+/// Implements root node lookup for any [PathInfoService]. This represents a flat
+/// directory structure like /nix/store where each entry in the root filesystem
+/// directory corresponds to a CA node.
+#[cfg(any(feature = "fuse", feature = "virtiofs"))]
+impl<T> RootNodes for RootNodesWrapper<T>
+    T: AsRef<dyn PathInfoService> + Send + Sync,
+    async fn get_by_basename(&self, name: &PathComponent) -> Result<Option<Node>, Error> {
+        let Ok(store_path) = StorePathRef::from_bytes(name.as_ref()) else {
+            return Ok(None);
+        };
+        Ok(self
+            .0
+            .as_ref()
+            .get(*store_path.digest())
+            .await?
+            .map(|path_info| {
+                let node = path_info
+                    .node
+                    .as_ref()
+                    .expect("missing root node")
+                    .to_owned();
+                match node.into_name_and_node() {
+                    Ok((_name, node)) => Ok(node),
+                    Err(e) => Err(Error::StorageError(e.to_string())),
+                }
+            })
+            .transpose()?)
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<Result<(PathComponent, Node), Error>> {
+        Box::pin(self.0.as_ref().list().map(|result| {
+            result.and_then(|path_info| {
+                let node = path_info
+                    .node
+                    .as_ref()
+                    .expect("missing root node")
+                    .to_owned();
+                node.into_name_and_node()
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))
+            })
+        }))
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/grpc.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/grpc.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7510ccd911f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/grpc.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::{
+    nar::NarCalculationService,
+    proto::{self, ListPathInfoRequest, PathInfo},
+use async_stream::try_stream;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use nix_compat::nixbase32;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tonic::{async_trait, Code};
+use tracing::{instrument, Span};
+use tracing_indicatif::span_ext::IndicatifSpanExt;
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+use tvix_castore::Node;
+/// Connects to a (remote) tvix-store PathInfoService over gRPC.
+pub struct GRPCPathInfoService<T> {
+    /// The internal reference to a gRPC client.
+    /// Cloning it is cheap, and it internally handles concurrent requests.
+    grpc_client: proto::path_info_service_client::PathInfoServiceClient<T>,
+impl<T> GRPCPathInfoService<T> {
+    /// construct a [GRPCPathInfoService] from a [proto::path_info_service_client::PathInfoServiceClient].
+    /// panics if called outside the context of a tokio runtime.
+    pub fn from_client(
+        grpc_client: proto::path_info_service_client::PathInfoServiceClient<T>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self { grpc_client }
+    }
+impl<T> PathInfoService for GRPCPathInfoService<T>
+    T: tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
+    T::ResponseBody: tonic::codegen::Body<Data = tonic::codegen::Bytes> + Send + 'static,
+    <T::ResponseBody as tonic::codegen::Body>::Error: Into<tonic::codegen::StdError> + Send,
+    T::Future: Send,
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        let path_info = self
+            .grpc_client
+            .clone()
+            .get(proto::GetPathInfoRequest {
+                by_what: Some(proto::get_path_info_request::ByWhat::ByOutputHash(
+                    digest.to_vec().into(),
+                )),
+            })
+            .await;
+        match path_info {
+            Ok(path_info) => {
+                let path_info = path_info.into_inner();
+                path_info
+                    .validate()
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("invalid pathinfo: {}", e)))?;
+                Ok(Some(path_info))
+            }
+            Err(e) if e.code() == Code::NotFound => Ok(None),
+            Err(e) => Err(Error::StorageError(e.to_string())),
+        }
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.root_node = ?path_info.node))]
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        let path_info = self
+            .grpc_client
+            .clone()
+            .put(path_info)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?
+            .into_inner();
+        Ok(path_info)
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all)]
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        let mut grpc_client = self.grpc_client.clone();
+        let stream = try_stream! {
+            let resp = grpc_client.list(ListPathInfoRequest::default()).await;
+            let mut stream = resp.map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?.into_inner();
+            loop {
+                match stream.message().await {
+                    Ok(o) => match o {
+                        Some(pathinfo) => {
+                            // validate the pathinfo
+                            if let Err(e) = pathinfo.validate() {
+                                Err(Error::StorageError(format!(
+                                    "pathinfo {:?} failed validation: {}",
+                                    pathinfo, e
+                                )))?;
+                            }
+                            yield pathinfo
+                        }
+                        None => {
+                            return;
+                        },
+                    },
+                    Err(e) => Err(Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?,
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        Box::pin(stream)
+    }
+impl<T> NarCalculationService for GRPCPathInfoService<T>
+    T: tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
+    T::ResponseBody: tonic::codegen::Body<Data = tonic::codegen::Bytes> + Send + 'static,
+    <T::ResponseBody as tonic::codegen::Body>::Error: Into<tonic::codegen::StdError> + Send,
+    T::Future: Send,
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(root_node = ?root_node, indicatif.pb_show=1))]
+    async fn calculate_nar(&self, root_node: &Node) -> Result<(u64, [u8; 32]), Error> {
+        let span = Span::current();
+        span.pb_set_message("Waiting for NAR calculation");
+        span.pb_start();
+        let path_info = self
+            .grpc_client
+            .clone()
+            .calculate_nar(tvix_castore::proto::Node::from_name_and_node(
+                "".into(),
+                root_node.to_owned(),
+            ))
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?
+            .into_inner();
+        let nar_sha256: [u8; 32] = path_info
+            .nar_sha256
+            .to_vec()
+            .try_into()
+            .map_err(|_e| Error::StorageError("invalid digest length".to_string()))?;
+        Ok((path_info.nar_size, nar_sha256))
+    }
+#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub struct GRPCPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    url: String,
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for GRPCPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        //   normally grpc+unix for unix sockets, and grpc+http(s) for the HTTP counterparts.
+        // - In the case of unix sockets, there must be a path, but may not be a host.
+        // - In the case of non-unix sockets, there must be a host, but no path.
+        // Constructing the channel is handled by tvix_castore::channel::from_url.
+        Ok(GRPCPathInfoServiceConfig {
+            url: url.to_string(),
+        })
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for GRPCPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        _context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        let client = proto::path_info_service_client::PathInfoServiceClient::new(
+            tvix_castore::tonic::channel_from_url(&self.url.parse()?).await?,
+        );
+        Ok(Arc::new(GRPCPathInfoService::from_client(client)))
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use crate::pathinfoservice::tests::make_grpc_path_info_service_client;
+    use crate::pathinfoservice::PathInfoService;
+    use crate::tests::fixtures;
+    /// This ensures connecting via gRPC works as expected.
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn test_valid_unix_path_ping_pong() {
+        let (_blob_service, _directory_service, path_info_service) =
+            make_grpc_path_info_service_client().await;
+        let path_info = path_info_service
+            .get(fixtures::DUMMY_PATH_DIGEST)
+            .await
+            .expect("must not be error");
+        assert!(path_info.is_none());
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/lru.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/lru.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..695c04636089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/lru.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+use async_stream::try_stream;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use lru::LruCache;
+use nix_compat::nixbase32;
+use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tokio::sync::RwLock;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::instrument;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+use super::PathInfoService;
+pub struct LruPathInfoService {
+    lru: Arc<RwLock<LruCache<[u8; 20], PathInfo>>>,
+impl LruPathInfoService {
+    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            lru: Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruCache::new(capacity))),
+        }
+    }
+impl PathInfoService for LruPathInfoService {
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        Ok(self.lru.write().await.get(&digest).cloned())
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.root_node = ?path_info.node))]
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        // call validate
+        let store_path = path_info
+            .validate()
+            .map_err(|e| Error::InvalidRequest(format!("invalid PathInfo: {}", e)))?;
+        self.lru
+            .write()
+            .await
+            .put(*store_path.digest(), path_info.clone());
+        Ok(path_info)
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        let lru = self.lru.clone();
+        Box::pin(try_stream! {
+            let lru = lru.read().await;
+            let it = lru.iter();
+            for (_k,v) in it {
+                yield v.clone()
+            }
+        })
+    }
+#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub struct LruPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    capacity: NonZeroUsize,
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for LruPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(_url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        Err(Error::StorageError(
+            "Instantiating a LruPathInfoService from a url is not supported".into(),
+        )
+        .into())
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for LruPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        _context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        Ok(Arc::new(LruPathInfoService::with_capacity(self.capacity)))
+    }
+mod test {
+    use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
+    use crate::{
+        pathinfoservice::{LruPathInfoService, PathInfoService},
+        proto::PathInfo,
+        tests::fixtures::PATH_INFO_WITH_NARINFO,
+    };
+    use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+    use tvix_castore::proto as castorepb;
+    lazy_static! {
+        static ref PATHINFO_1: PathInfo = PATH_INFO_WITH_NARINFO.clone();
+        static ref PATHINFO_1_DIGEST: [u8; 20] = [0; 20];
+        static ref PATHINFO_2: PathInfo = {
+            let mut p = PATHINFO_1.clone();
+            let root_node = p.node.as_mut().unwrap();
+            if let castorepb::Node { node: Some(node) } = root_node {
+                match node {
+                    castorepb::node::Node::Directory(n) => {
+                        n.name = "11111111111111111111111111111111-dummy2".into()
+                    }
+                    castorepb::node::Node::File(n) => {
+                        n.name = "11111111111111111111111111111111-dummy2".into()
+                    }
+                    castorepb::node::Node::Symlink(n) => {
+                        n.name = "11111111111111111111111111111111-dummy2".into()
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                unreachable!()
+            }
+            p
+        };
+        static ref PATHINFO_2_DIGEST: [u8; 20] = *(PATHINFO_2.validate().unwrap()).digest();
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
+    async fn evict() {
+        let svc = LruPathInfoService::with_capacity(NonZeroUsize::new(1).unwrap());
+        // pathinfo_1 should not be there
+        assert!(svc
+            .get(*PATHINFO_1_DIGEST)
+            .await
+            .expect("no error")
+            .is_none());
+        // insert it
+        svc.put(PATHINFO_1.clone()).await.expect("no error");
+        // now it should be there.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(PATHINFO_1.clone()),
+            svc.get(*PATHINFO_1_DIGEST).await.expect("no error")
+        );
+        // insert pathinfo_2. This will evict pathinfo 1
+        svc.put(PATHINFO_2.clone()).await.expect("no error");
+        // now pathinfo 2 should be there.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(PATHINFO_2.clone()),
+            svc.get(*PATHINFO_2_DIGEST).await.expect("no error")
+        );
+        // … but pathinfo 1 not anymore.
+        assert!(svc
+            .get(*PATHINFO_1_DIGEST)
+            .await
+            .expect("no error")
+            .is_none());
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/memory.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/memory.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fabd239c7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/memory.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use async_stream::try_stream;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use nix_compat::nixbase32;
+use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
+use tokio::sync::RwLock;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::instrument;
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+pub struct MemoryPathInfoService {
+    db: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<[u8; 20], PathInfo>>>,
+impl PathInfoService for MemoryPathInfoService {
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        let db = self.db.read().await;
+        match db.get(&digest) {
+            None => Ok(None),
+            Some(path_info) => Ok(Some(path_info.clone())),
+        }
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.root_node = ?path_info.node))]
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        // Call validate on the received PathInfo message.
+        match path_info.validate() {
+            Err(e) => Err(Error::InvalidRequest(format!(
+                "failed to validate PathInfo: {}",
+                e
+            ))),
+            // In case the PathInfo is valid, and we were able to extract a NixPath, store it in the database.
+            // This overwrites existing PathInfo objects.
+            Ok(nix_path) => {
+                let mut db = self.db.write().await;
+                db.insert(*nix_path.digest(), path_info.clone());
+                Ok(path_info)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        let db = self.db.clone();
+        Box::pin(try_stream! {
+            let db = db.read().await;
+            let it = db.iter();
+            for (_k, v) in it {
+                yield v.clone()
+            }
+        })
+    }
+#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
+pub struct MemoryPathInfoServiceConfig {}
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for MemoryPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        // memory doesn't support host or path in the URL.
+        if url.has_host() || !url.path().is_empty() {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError("invalid url".to_string()).into());
+        }
+        Ok(MemoryPathInfoServiceConfig {})
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for MemoryPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        _context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        Ok(Arc::new(MemoryPathInfoService::default()))
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/mod.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d118a8af1e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+mod combinators;
+mod from_addr;
+mod grpc;
+mod lru;
+mod memory;
+mod nix_http;
+mod redb;
+mod sled;
+#[cfg(any(feature = "fuse", feature = "virtiofs"))]
+mod fs;
+mod tests;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tvix_castore::composition::{Registry, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+use crate::nar::NarCalculationService;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+pub use self::combinators::{
+    Cache as CachePathInfoService, CacheConfig as CachePathInfoServiceConfig,
+pub use self::from_addr::from_addr;
+pub use self::grpc::{GRPCPathInfoService, GRPCPathInfoServiceConfig};
+pub use self::lru::{LruPathInfoService, LruPathInfoServiceConfig};
+pub use self::memory::{MemoryPathInfoService, MemoryPathInfoServiceConfig};
+pub use self::nix_http::{NixHTTPPathInfoService, NixHTTPPathInfoServiceConfig};
+pub use self::redb::{RedbPathInfoService, RedbPathInfoServiceConfig};
+pub use self::sled::{SledPathInfoService, SledPathInfoServiceConfig};
+#[cfg(feature = "cloud")]
+mod bigtable;
+#[cfg(feature = "cloud")]
+pub use self::bigtable::{BigtableParameters, BigtablePathInfoService};
+#[cfg(any(feature = "fuse", feature = "virtiofs"))]
+pub use self::fs::make_fs;
+/// The base trait all PathInfo services need to implement.
+pub trait PathInfoService: Send + Sync {
+    /// Retrieve a PathInfo message by the output digest.
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error>;
+    /// Store a PathInfo message. Implementations MUST call validate and reject
+    /// invalid messages.
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error>;
+    /// Iterate over all PathInfo objects in the store.
+    /// Implementations can decide to disallow listing.
+    ///
+    /// This returns a pinned, boxed stream. The pinning allows for it to be polled easily,
+    /// and the box allows different underlying stream implementations to be returned since
+    /// Rust doesn't support this as a generic in traits yet. This is the same thing that
+    /// [async_trait] generates, but for streams instead of futures.
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>>;
+    fn nar_calculation_service(&self) -> Option<Box<dyn NarCalculationService>> {
+        None
+    }
+impl<A> PathInfoService for A
+    A: AsRef<dyn PathInfoService> + Send + Sync + 'static,
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        self.as_ref().get(digest).await
+    }
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        self.as_ref().put(path_info).await
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        self.as_ref().list()
+    }
+/// Registers the builtin PathInfoService implementations with the registry
+pub(crate) fn register_pathinfo_services(reg: &mut Registry) {
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, CachePathInfoServiceConfig>("cache");
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, GRPCPathInfoServiceConfig>("grpc");
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, LruPathInfoServiceConfig>("lru");
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, MemoryPathInfoServiceConfig>("memory");
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, NixHTTPPathInfoServiceConfig>("nix");
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, SledPathInfoServiceConfig>("sled");
+    reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, RedbPathInfoServiceConfig>("redb");
+    #[cfg(feature = "cloud")]
+    {
+        reg.register::<Box<dyn ServiceBuilder<Output = dyn PathInfoService>>, BigtableParameters>(
+            "bigtable",
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/nix_http.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/nix_http.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f1eed1a0a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/nix_http.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::{nar::ingest_nar_and_hash, proto::PathInfo};
+use futures::{stream::BoxStream, TryStreamExt};
+use nix_compat::{
+    narinfo::{self, NarInfo},
+    nixbase32,
+    nixhash::NixHash,
+use reqwest::StatusCode;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tokio::io::{self, AsyncRead};
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::{debug, instrument, warn};
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::{
+    blobservice::BlobService, directoryservice::DirectoryService, proto as castorepb, Error,
+use url::Url;
+/// NixHTTPPathInfoService acts as a bridge in between the Nix HTTP Binary cache
+/// protocol provided by Nix binary caches such as cache.nixos.org, and the Tvix
+/// Store Model.
+/// It implements the [PathInfoService] trait in an interesting way:
+/// Every [PathInfoService::get] fetches the .narinfo and referred NAR file,
+/// inserting components into a [BlobService] and [DirectoryService], then
+/// returning a [PathInfo] struct with the root.
+/// Due to this being quite a costly operation, clients are expected to layer
+/// this service with store composition, so they're only ingested once.
+/// The client is expected to be (indirectly) using the same [BlobService] and
+/// [DirectoryService], so able to fetch referred Directories and Blobs.
+/// [PathInfoService::put] is not implemented and returns an error if called.
+/// TODO: what about reading from nix-cache-info?
+pub struct NixHTTPPathInfoService<BS, DS> {
+    base_url: url::Url,
+    http_client: reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware,
+    blob_service: BS,
+    directory_service: DS,
+    /// An optional list of [narinfo::PubKey].
+    /// If set, the .narinfo files received need to have correct signature by at least one of these.
+    public_keys: Option<Vec<narinfo::VerifyingKey>>,
+impl<BS, DS> NixHTTPPathInfoService<BS, DS> {
+    pub fn new(base_url: url::Url, blob_service: BS, directory_service: DS) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            base_url,
+            http_client: reqwest_middleware::ClientBuilder::new(reqwest::Client::new())
+                .with(tvix_tracing::propagate::reqwest::tracing_middleware())
+                .build(),
+            blob_service,
+            directory_service,
+            public_keys: None,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Configures [Self] to validate NARInfo fingerprints with the public keys passed.
+    pub fn set_public_keys(&mut self, public_keys: Vec<narinfo::VerifyingKey>) {
+        self.public_keys = Some(public_keys);
+    }
+impl<BS, DS> PathInfoService for NixHTTPPathInfoService<BS, DS>
+    BS: AsRef<dyn BlobService> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
+    DS: AsRef<dyn DirectoryService> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
+    #[instrument(skip_all, err, fields(path.digest=nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        let narinfo_url = self
+            .base_url
+            .join(&format!("{}.narinfo", nixbase32::encode(&digest)))
+            .map_err(|e| {
+                warn!(e = %e, "unable to join URL");
+                io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "unable to join url")
+            })?;
+        debug!(narinfo_url= %narinfo_url, "constructed NARInfo url");
+        let resp = self
+            .http_client
+            .get(narinfo_url)
+            .send()
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| {
+                warn!(e=%e,"unable to send NARInfo request");
+                io::Error::new(
+                    io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
+                    "unable to send NARInfo request",
+                )
+            })?;
+        // In the case of a 404, return a NotFound.
+        // We also return a NotFound in case of a 403 - this is to match the behaviour as Nix,
+        // when querying nix-cache.s3.amazonaws.com directly, rather than cache.nixos.org.
+        if resp.status() == StatusCode::NOT_FOUND || resp.status() == StatusCode::FORBIDDEN {
+            return Ok(None);
+        }
+        let narinfo_str = resp.text().await.map_err(|e| {
+            warn!(e=%e,"unable to decode response as string");
+            io::Error::new(
+                io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                "unable to decode response as string",
+            )
+        })?;
+        // parse the received narinfo
+        let narinfo = NarInfo::parse(&narinfo_str).map_err(|e| {
+            warn!(e=%e,"unable to parse response as NarInfo");
+            io::Error::new(
+                io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                "unable to parse response as NarInfo",
+            )
+        })?;
+        // if [self.public_keys] is set, ensure there's at least one valid signature.
+        if let Some(public_keys) = &self.public_keys {
+            let fingerprint = narinfo.fingerprint();
+            if !public_keys.iter().any(|pubkey| {
+                narinfo
+                    .signatures
+                    .iter()
+                    .any(|sig| pubkey.verify(&fingerprint, sig))
+            }) {
+                warn!("no valid signature found");
+                Err(io::Error::new(
+                    io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                    "no valid signature found",
+                ))?;
+            }
+        }
+        // Convert to a (sparse) PathInfo. We still need to populate the node field,
+        // and for this we need to download the NAR file.
+        // FUTUREWORK: Keep some database around mapping from narsha256 to
+        // (unnamed) rootnode, so we can use that (and the name from the
+        // StorePath) and avoid downloading the same NAR a second time.
+        let pathinfo: PathInfo = (&narinfo).into();
+        // create a request for the NAR file itself.
+        let nar_url = self.base_url.join(narinfo.url).map_err(|e| {
+            warn!(e = %e, "unable to join URL");
+            io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "unable to join url")
+        })?;
+        debug!(nar_url= %nar_url, "constructed NAR url");
+        let resp = self
+            .http_client
+            .get(nar_url.clone())
+            .send()
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| {
+                warn!(e=%e,"unable to send NAR request");
+                io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "unable to send NAR request")
+            })?;
+        // if the request is not successful, return an error.
+        if !resp.status().is_success() {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError(format!(
+                "unable to retrieve NAR at {}, status {}",
+                nar_url,
+                resp.status()
+            )));
+        }
+        // get a reader of the response body.
+        let r = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(resp.bytes_stream().map_err(|e| {
+            let e = e.without_url();
+            warn!(e=%e, "failed to get response body");
+            io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, e.to_string())
+        }));
+        // handle decompression, depending on the compression field.
+        let mut r: Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin> = match narinfo.compression {
+            None => Box::new(r) as Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin>,
+            Some("bzip2") => Box::new(async_compression::tokio::bufread::BzDecoder::new(r))
+                as Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin>,
+            Some("gzip") => Box::new(async_compression::tokio::bufread::GzipDecoder::new(r))
+                as Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin>,
+            Some("xz") => Box::new(async_compression::tokio::bufread::XzDecoder::new(r))
+                as Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin>,
+            Some("zstd") => Box::new(async_compression::tokio::bufread::ZstdDecoder::new(r))
+                as Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin>,
+            Some(comp_str) => {
+                return Err(Error::StorageError(format!(
+                    "unsupported compression: {comp_str}"
+                )));
+            }
+        };
+        let (root_node, nar_hash, nar_size) = ingest_nar_and_hash(
+            self.blob_service.clone(),
+            self.directory_service.clone(),
+            &mut r,
+        )
+        .await
+        .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
+        // ensure the ingested narhash and narsize do actually match.
+        if narinfo.nar_size != nar_size {
+            warn!(
+                narinfo.nar_size = narinfo.nar_size,
+                http.nar_size = nar_size,
+                "NarSize mismatch"
+            );
+            Err(io::Error::new(
+                io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                "NarSize mismatch".to_string(),
+            ))?;
+        }
+        if narinfo.nar_hash != nar_hash {
+            warn!(
+                narinfo.nar_hash = %NixHash::Sha256(narinfo.nar_hash),
+                http.nar_hash = %NixHash::Sha256(nar_hash),
+                "NarHash mismatch"
+            );
+            Err(io::Error::new(
+                io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                "NarHash mismatch".to_string(),
+            ))?;
+        }
+        Ok(Some(PathInfo {
+            node: Some(castorepb::Node::from_name_and_node(
+                narinfo.store_path.to_string().into(),
+                root_node,
+            )),
+            references: pathinfo.references,
+            narinfo: pathinfo.narinfo,
+        }))
+    }
+    #[instrument(skip_all, fields(path_info=?_path_info))]
+    async fn put(&self, _path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        Err(Error::InvalidRequest(
+            "put not supported for this backend".to_string(),
+        ))
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        Box::pin(futures::stream::once(async {
+            Err(Error::InvalidRequest(
+                "list not supported for this backend".to_string(),
+            ))
+        }))
+    }
+pub struct NixHTTPPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    base_url: String,
+    blob_service: String,
+    directory_service: String,
+    #[serde(default)]
+    /// An optional list of [narinfo::PubKey].
+    /// If set, the .narinfo files received need to have correct signature by at least one of these.
+    public_keys: Option<Vec<String>>,
+impl TryFrom<Url> for NixHTTPPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(url: Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        let mut public_keys: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
+        for (_, v) in url
+            .query_pairs()
+            .into_iter()
+            .filter(|(k, _)| k == "trusted-public-keys")
+        {
+            public_keys
+                .get_or_insert(Default::default())
+                .extend(v.split_ascii_whitespace().map(ToString::to_string));
+        }
+        Ok(NixHTTPPathInfoServiceConfig {
+            // Stringify the URL and remove the nix+ prefix.
+            // We can't use `url.set_scheme(rest)`, as it disallows
+            // setting something http(s) that previously wasn't.
+            base_url: url.to_string().strip_prefix("nix+").unwrap().to_string(),
+            blob_service: "default".to_string(),
+            directory_service: "default".to_string(),
+            public_keys,
+        })
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for NixHTTPPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        let (blob_service, directory_service) = futures::join!(
+            context.resolve(self.blob_service.clone()),
+            context.resolve(self.directory_service.clone())
+        );
+        let mut svc = NixHTTPPathInfoService::new(
+            Url::parse(&self.base_url)?,
+            blob_service?,
+            directory_service?,
+        );
+        if let Some(public_keys) = &self.public_keys {
+            svc.set_public_keys(
+                public_keys
+                    .iter()
+                    .map(|pubkey_str| {
+                        narinfo::VerifyingKey::parse(pubkey_str)
+                            .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(format!("invalid public key: {e}")))
+                    })
+                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>()?,
+            );
+        }
+        Ok(Arc::new(svc))
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/redb.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/redb.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd0e0fc2b686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/redb.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use data_encoding::BASE64;
+use futures::{stream::BoxStream, StreamExt};
+use prost::Message;
+use redb::{Database, ReadableTable, TableDefinition};
+use std::{path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
+use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::{instrument, warn};
+use tvix_castore::{
+    composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder},
+    Error,
+const PATHINFO_TABLE: TableDefinition<[u8; 20], Vec<u8>> = TableDefinition::new("pathinfo");
+/// PathInfoService implementation using redb under the hood.
+/// redb stores all of its data in a single file with a K/V pointing from a path's output hash to
+/// its corresponding protobuf-encoded PathInfo.
+pub struct RedbPathInfoService {
+    // We wrap db in an Arc to be able to move it into spawn_blocking,
+    // as discussed in https://github.com/cberner/redb/issues/789
+    db: Arc<Database>,
+impl RedbPathInfoService {
+    /// Constructs a new instance using the specified file system path for
+    /// storage.
+    pub async fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+        if path == PathBuf::from("/") {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError(
+                "cowardly refusing to open / with redb".to_string(),
+            ));
+        }
+        let db = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(|| -> Result<_, redb::Error> {
+            let db = redb::Database::create(path)?;
+            create_schema(&db)?;
+            Ok(db)
+        })
+        .await??;
+        Ok(Self { db: Arc::new(db) })
+    }
+    /// Constructs a new instance using the in-memory backend.
+    pub fn new_temporary() -> Result<Self, Error> {
+        let db =
+            redb::Database::builder().create_with_backend(redb::backends::InMemoryBackend::new())?;
+        create_schema(&db)?;
+        Ok(Self { db: Arc::new(db) })
+    }
+/// Ensures all tables are present.
+/// Opens a write transaction and calls open_table on PATHINFO_TABLE, which will
+/// create it if not present.
+fn create_schema(db: &redb::Database) -> Result<(), redb::Error> {
+    let txn = db.begin_write()?;
+    txn.open_table(PATHINFO_TABLE)?;
+    txn.commit()?;
+    Ok(())
+impl PathInfoService for RedbPathInfoService {
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = BASE64.encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        let db = self.db.clone();
+        tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
+            move || {
+                let txn = db.begin_read()?;
+                let table = txn.open_table(PATHINFO_TABLE)?;
+                match table.get(digest)? {
+                    Some(pathinfo_bytes) => Ok(Some(
+                        PathInfo::decode(pathinfo_bytes.value().as_slice()).map_err(|e| {
+                            warn!(err=%e, "failed to decode stored PathInfo");
+                            Error::StorageError("failed to decode stored PathInfo".to_string())
+                        })?,
+                    )),
+                    None => Ok(None),
+                }
+            }
+        })
+        .await?
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.root_node = ?path_info.node))]
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        // Call validate on the received PathInfo message.
+        let store_path = path_info
+            .validate()
+            .map_err(|e| {
+                warn!(err=%e, "failed to validate PathInfo");
+                Error::StorageError("failed to validate PathInfo".to_string())
+            })?
+            .to_owned();
+        let path_info_encoded = path_info.encode_to_vec();
+        let db = self.db.clone();
+        tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
+            move || -> Result<(), Error> {
+                let txn = db.begin_write()?;
+                {
+                    let mut table = txn.open_table(PATHINFO_TABLE)?;
+                    table
+                        .insert(store_path.digest(), path_info_encoded)
+                        .map_err(|e| {
+                            warn!(err=%e, "failed to insert PathInfo");
+                            Error::StorageError("failed to insert PathInfo".to_string())
+                        })?;
+                }
+                Ok(txn.commit()?)
+            }
+        })
+        .await??;
+        Ok(path_info)
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        let db = self.db.clone();
+        let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(50);
+        // Spawn a blocking task which writes all PathInfos to tx.
+        tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
+            move || -> Result<(), Error> {
+                let read_txn = db.begin_read()?;
+                let table = read_txn.open_table(PATHINFO_TABLE)?;
+                for elem in table.iter()? {
+                    let elem = elem?;
+                    tokio::runtime::Handle::current()
+                        .block_on(tx.send(Ok(
+                            PathInfo::decode(elem.1.value().as_slice()).map_err(|e| {
+                                warn!(err=%e, "invalid PathInfo");
+                                Error::StorageError("invalid PathInfo".to_string())
+                            })?,
+                        )))
+                        .map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?;
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            }
+        });
+        ReceiverStream::from(rx).boxed()
+    }
+pub struct RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    is_temporary: bool,
+    #[serde(default)]
+    /// required when is_temporary = false
+    path: Option<PathBuf>,
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        // redb doesn't support host, and a path can be provided (otherwise it'll live in memory only)
+        if url.has_host() {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError("no host allowed".to_string()).into());
+        }
+        Ok(if url.path().is_empty() {
+            RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: true,
+                path: None,
+            }
+        } else {
+            RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: false,
+                path: Some(url.path().into()),
+            }
+        })
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        _context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        match self {
+            RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: true,
+                path: None,
+            } => Ok(Arc::new(RedbPathInfoService::new_temporary()?)),
+            RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: true,
+                path: Some(_),
+            } => Err(
+                Error::StorageError("Temporary RedbPathInfoService can not have path".into())
+                    .into(),
+            ),
+            RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: false,
+                path: None,
+            } => Err(Error::StorageError("RedbPathInfoService is missing path".into()).into()),
+            RedbPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: false,
+                path: Some(path),
+            } => Ok(Arc::new(RedbPathInfoService::new(path.to_owned()).await?)),
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/sled.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/sled.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..837eb9d079e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/sled.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use async_stream::try_stream;
+use futures::stream::BoxStream;
+use nix_compat::nixbase32;
+use prost::Message;
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tonic::async_trait;
+use tracing::{instrument, warn};
+use tvix_castore::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
+use tvix_castore::Error;
+/// SledPathInfoService stores PathInfo in a [sled](https://github.com/spacejam/sled).
+/// The PathInfo messages are stored as encoded protos, and keyed by their output hash,
+/// as that's currently the only request type available.
+pub struct SledPathInfoService {
+    db: sled::Db,
+impl SledPathInfoService {
+    pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(p: P) -> Result<Self, sled::Error> {
+        if p.as_ref() == Path::new("/") {
+            return Err(sled::Error::Unsupported(
+                "cowardly refusing to open / with sled".to_string(),
+            ));
+        }
+        let config = sled::Config::default()
+            .use_compression(false) // is a required parameter
+            .path(p);
+        let db = config.open()?;
+        Ok(Self { db })
+    }
+    pub fn new_temporary() -> Result<Self, sled::Error> {
+        let config = sled::Config::default().temporary(true);
+        let db = config.open()?;
+        Ok(Self { db })
+    }
+impl PathInfoService for SledPathInfoService {
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.digest = nixbase32::encode(&digest)))]
+    async fn get(&self, digest: [u8; 20]) -> Result<Option<PathInfo>, Error> {
+        let resp = tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
+            let db = self.db.clone();
+            move || db.get(digest.as_slice())
+        })
+        .await?
+        .map_err(|e| {
+            warn!("failed to retrieve PathInfo: {}", e);
+            Error::StorageError(format!("failed to retrieve PathInfo: {}", e))
+        })?;
+        match resp {
+            None => Ok(None),
+            Some(data) => {
+                let path_info = PathInfo::decode(&*data).map_err(|e| {
+                    warn!("failed to decode stored PathInfo: {}", e);
+                    Error::StorageError(format!("failed to decode stored PathInfo: {}", e))
+                })?;
+                Ok(Some(path_info))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(path_info.root_node = ?path_info.node))]
+    async fn put(&self, path_info: PathInfo) -> Result<PathInfo, Error> {
+        // Call validate on the received PathInfo message.
+        let store_path = path_info
+            .validate()
+            .map_err(|e| Error::InvalidRequest(format!("failed to validate PathInfo: {}", e)))?;
+        // In case the PathInfo is valid, we were able to parse a StorePath.
+        // Store it in the database, keyed by its digest.
+        // This overwrites existing PathInfo objects.
+        tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
+            let db = self.db.clone();
+            let k = *store_path.digest();
+            let data = path_info.encode_to_vec();
+            move || db.insert(k, data)
+        })
+        .await?
+        .map_err(|e| {
+            warn!("failed to insert PathInfo: {}", e);
+            Error::StorageError(format! {
+                "failed to insert PathInfo: {}", e
+            })
+        })?;
+        Ok(path_info)
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<PathInfo, Error>> {
+        let db = self.db.clone();
+        let mut it = db.iter().values();
+        Box::pin(try_stream! {
+            // Don't block the executor while waiting for .next(), so wrap that
+            // in a spawn_blocking call.
+            // We need to pass around it to be able to reuse it.
+            while let (Some(elem), new_it) = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
+                (it.next(), it)
+            }).await? {
+                it = new_it;
+                let data = elem.map_err(|e| {
+                    warn!("failed to retrieve PathInfo: {}", e);
+                    Error::StorageError(format!("failed to retrieve PathInfo: {}", e))
+                })?;
+                let path_info = PathInfo::decode(&*data).map_err(|e| {
+                    warn!("failed to decode stored PathInfo: {}", e);
+                    Error::StorageError(format!("failed to decode stored PathInfo: {}", e))
+                })?;
+                yield path_info
+            }
+        })
+    }
+pub struct SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    is_temporary: bool,
+    #[serde(default)]
+    /// required when is_temporary = false
+    path: Option<String>,
+impl TryFrom<url::Url> for SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
+    fn try_from(url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        // sled doesn't support host, and a path can be provided (otherwise
+        // it'll live in memory only).
+        if url.has_host() {
+            return Err(Error::StorageError("no host allowed".to_string()).into());
+        }
+        // TODO: expose compression and other parameters as URL parameters?
+        Ok(if url.path().is_empty() {
+            SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: true,
+                path: None,
+            }
+        } else {
+            SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: false,
+                path: Some(url.path().to_string()),
+            }
+        })
+    }
+impl ServiceBuilder for SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+    type Output = dyn PathInfoService;
+    async fn build<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        _instance_name: &str,
+        _context: &CompositionContext,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PathInfoService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+        match self {
+            SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: true,
+                path: None,
+            } => Ok(Arc::new(SledPathInfoService::new_temporary()?)),
+            SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: true,
+                path: Some(_),
+            } => Err(
+                Error::StorageError("Temporary SledPathInfoService can not have path".into())
+                    .into(),
+            ),
+            SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: false,
+                path: None,
+            } => Err(Error::StorageError("SledPathInfoService is missing path".into()).into()),
+            SledPathInfoServiceConfig {
+                is_temporary: false,
+                path: Some(path),
+            } => Ok(Arc::new(SledPathInfoService::new(path)?)),
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/tests/mod.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/tests/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..777588e9beda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/tests/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+//! This contains test scenarios that a given [PathInfoService] needs to pass.
+//! We use [rstest] and [rstest_reuse] to provide all services we want to test
+//! against, and then apply this template to all test functions.
+use futures::TryStreamExt;
+use rstest::*;
+use rstest_reuse::{self, *};
+use super::PathInfoService;
+use crate::pathinfoservice::redb::RedbPathInfoService;
+use crate::pathinfoservice::MemoryPathInfoService;
+use crate::pathinfoservice::SledPathInfoService;
+use crate::proto::PathInfo;
+use crate::tests::fixtures::DUMMY_PATH_DIGEST;
+use tvix_castore::proto as castorepb;
+mod utils;
+pub use self::utils::make_grpc_path_info_service_client;
+#[cfg(all(feature = "cloud", feature = "integration"))]
+use self::utils::make_bigtable_path_info_service;
+    let (_, _, svc) = make_grpc_path_info_service_client().await;
+    svc
+#[cfg_attr(all(feature = "cloud",feature="integration"), case::bigtable(make_bigtable_path_info_service().await))]
+pub fn path_info_services(#[case] svc: impl PathInfoService) {}
+// FUTUREWORK: add more tests rejecting invalid PathInfo messages.
+// A subset of them should also ensure references to other PathInfos, or
+// elements in {Blob,Directory}Service do exist.
+/// Trying to get a non-existent PathInfo should return Ok(None).
+async fn not_found(svc: impl PathInfoService) {
+    assert!(svc
+        .get(DUMMY_PATH_DIGEST)
+        .await
+        .expect("must succeed")
+        .is_none());
+/// Put a PathInfo into the store, get it back.
+async fn put_get(svc: impl PathInfoService) {
+    let path_info = PathInfo {
+        node: Some(castorepb::Node {
+            node: Some(castorepb::node::Node::Symlink(castorepb::SymlinkNode {
+                name: "00000000000000000000000000000000-foo".into(),
+                target: "doesntmatter".into(),
+            })),
+        }),
+        ..Default::default()
+    };
+    // insert
+    let resp = svc.put(path_info.clone()).await.expect("must succeed");
+    // expect the returned PathInfo to be equal (for now)
+    // in the future, some stores might add additional fields/signatures.
+    assert_eq!(path_info, resp);
+    // get it back
+    let resp = svc.get(DUMMY_PATH_DIGEST).await.expect("must succeed");
+    assert_eq!(Some(path_info.clone()), resp);
+    // Ensure the listing endpoint works, and returns the same path_info.
+    // FUTUREWORK: split this, some impls might (rightfully) not support listing
+    let pathinfos: Vec<PathInfo> = svc.list().try_collect().await.expect("must succeed");
+    // We should get a single pathinfo back, the one we inserted.
+    assert_eq!(vec![path_info], pathinfos);
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/tests/utils.rs b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/tests/utils.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b192e303b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/store/src/pathinfoservice/tests/utils.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use hyper_util::rt::TokioIo;
+use tonic::transport::{Endpoint, Server, Uri};
+use tvix_castore::{blobservice::BlobService, directoryservice::DirectoryService};
+use crate::{
+    nar::{NarCalculationService, SimpleRenderer},
+    pathinfoservice::{GRPCPathInfoService, MemoryPathInfoService, PathInfoService},
+    proto::{
+        path_info_service_client::PathInfoServiceClient,
+        path_info_service_server::PathInfoServiceServer, GRPCPathInfoServiceWrapper,
+    },
+    tests::fixtures::{blob_service, directory_service},
+/// Constructs and returns a gRPC PathInfoService.
+/// We also return memory-based {Blob,Directory}Service,
+/// as the consumer of this function accepts a 3-tuple.
+pub async fn make_grpc_path_info_service_client() -> (
+    impl BlobService,
+    impl DirectoryService,
+    GRPCPathInfoService<tonic::transport::Channel>,
+) {
+    let (left, right) = tokio::io::duplex(64);
+    let blob_service = blob_service();
+    let directory_service = directory_service();
+    // spin up a server, which will only connect once, to the left side.
+    tokio::spawn({
+        let blob_service = blob_service.clone();
+        let directory_service = directory_service.clone();
+        async move {
+            let path_info_service: Arc<dyn PathInfoService> =
+                Arc::from(MemoryPathInfoService::default());
+            let nar_calculation_service =
+                Box::new(SimpleRenderer::new(blob_service, directory_service))
+                    as Box<dyn NarCalculationService>;
+            // spin up a new PathInfoService
+            let mut server = Server::builder();
+            let router = server.add_service(PathInfoServiceServer::new(
+                GRPCPathInfoServiceWrapper::new(path_info_service, nar_calculation_service),
+            ));
+            router
+                .serve_with_incoming(tokio_stream::once(Ok::<_, std::io::Error>(left)))
+                .await
+        }
+    });
+    // Create a client, connecting to the right side. The URI is unused.
+    let mut maybe_right = Some(right);
+    let path_info_service = GRPCPathInfoService::from_client(PathInfoServiceClient::new(
+        Endpoint::try_from("http://[::]:50051")
+            .unwrap()
+            .connect_with_connector(tower::service_fn(move |_: Uri| {
+                let right = maybe_right.take().unwrap();
+                async move { Ok::<_, std::io::Error>(TokioIo::new(right)) }
+            }))
+            .await
+            .unwrap(),
+    ));
+    (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service)
+#[cfg(all(feature = "cloud", feature = "integration"))]
+pub(crate) async fn make_bigtable_path_info_service(
+) -> crate::pathinfoservice::BigtablePathInfoService {
+    use crate::pathinfoservice::bigtable::BigtableParameters;
+    use crate::pathinfoservice::BigtablePathInfoService;
+    BigtablePathInfoService::connect(BigtableParameters::default_for_tests())
+        .await
+        .unwrap()