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path: root/tvix/nix-compat/src/derivation/parser.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/nix-compat/src/derivation/parser.rs')
1 files changed, 585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/nix-compat/src/derivation/parser.rs b/tvix/nix-compat/src/derivation/parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2775294960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/nix-compat/src/derivation/parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+//! This module constructs a [Derivation] by parsing its [ATerm][]
+//! serialization.
+//! [ATerm]: http://program-transformation.org/Tools/ATermFormat.html
+use bstr::BString;
+use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
+use nom::character::complete::char as nomchar;
+use nom::combinator::{all_consuming, map_res};
+use nom::multi::{separated_list0, separated_list1};
+use nom::sequence::{delimited, preceded, separated_pair, terminated, tuple};
+use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
+use thiserror;
+use crate::derivation::parse_error::{into_nomerror, ErrorKind, NomError, NomResult};
+use crate::derivation::{write, CAHash, Derivation, Output};
+use crate::store_path::{self, StorePath, StorePathRef};
+use crate::{aterm, nixhash};
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+pub enum Error<I> {
+    #[error("parsing error: {0}")]
+    Parser(NomError<I>),
+    #[error("premature EOF")]
+    Incomplete,
+    #[error("validation error: {0}")]
+    Validation(super::DerivationError),
+pub(crate) fn parse(i: &[u8]) -> Result<Derivation, Error<&[u8]>> {
+    match all_consuming(parse_derivation)(i) {
+        Ok((rest, derivation)) => {
+            // this shouldn't happen, as all_consuming shouldn't return.
+            debug_assert!(rest.is_empty());
+            // invoke validate
+            derivation.validate(true).map_err(Error::Validation)?;
+            Ok(derivation)
+        }
+        Err(nom::Err::Incomplete(_)) => Err(Error::Incomplete),
+        Err(nom::Err::Error(e) | nom::Err::Failure(e)) => Err(Error::Parser(e)),
+    }
+/// Consume a string containing the algo, and optionally a `r:`
+/// prefix, and a digest (bytes), return a [CAHash::Nar] or [CAHash::Flat].
+fn from_algo_and_mode_and_digest<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(
+    algo_and_mode: &str,
+    digest: B,
+) -> crate::nixhash::NixHashResult<CAHash> {
+    Ok(match algo_and_mode.strip_prefix("r:") {
+        Some(algo) => nixhash::CAHash::Nar(nixhash::from_algo_and_digest(
+            algo.try_into()?,
+            digest.as_ref(),
+        )?),
+        None => nixhash::CAHash::Flat(nixhash::from_algo_and_digest(
+            algo_and_mode.try_into()?,
+            digest.as_ref(),
+        )?),
+    })
+/// Parse one output in ATerm. This is 4 string fields inside parans:
+/// output name, output path, algo (and mode), digest.
+/// Returns the output name and [Output] struct.
+fn parse_output(i: &[u8]) -> NomResult<&[u8], (String, Output)> {
+    delimited(
+        nomchar('('),
+        map_res(
+            |i| {
+                tuple((
+                    terminated(aterm::parse_string_field, nomchar(',')),
+                    terminated(aterm::parse_string_field, nomchar(',')),
+                    terminated(aterm::parse_string_field, nomchar(',')),
+                    aterm::parse_bstr_field,
+                ))(i)
+                .map_err(into_nomerror)
+            },
+            |(output_name, output_path, algo_and_mode, encoded_digest)| {
+                // convert these 4 fields into an [Output].
+                let ca_hash_res = {
+                    if algo_and_mode.is_empty() && encoded_digest.is_empty() {
+                        None
+                    } else {
+                        match data_encoding::HEXLOWER.decode(&encoded_digest) {
+                            Ok(digest) => {
+                                Some(from_algo_and_mode_and_digest(&algo_and_mode, digest))
+                            }
+                            Err(e) => Some(Err(nixhash::Error::InvalidBase64Encoding(e))),
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                .transpose();
+                match ca_hash_res {
+                    Ok(hash_with_mode) => Ok((
+                        output_name,
+                        Output {
+                            // TODO: Check if allowing empty paths here actually makes sense
+                            //       or we should make this code stricter.
+                            path: if output_path.is_empty() {
+                                None
+                            } else {
+                                Some(string_to_store_path(i, output_path)?)
+                            },
+                            ca_hash: hash_with_mode,
+                        },
+                    )),
+                    Err(e) => Err(nom::Err::Failure(NomError {
+                        input: i,
+                        code: ErrorKind::NixHashError(e),
+                    })),
+                }
+            },
+        ),
+        nomchar(')'),
+    )(i)
+/// Parse multiple outputs in ATerm. This is a list of things acccepted by
+/// parse_output, and takes care of turning the (String, Output) returned from
+/// it to a BTreeMap.
+/// We don't use parse_kv here, as it's dealing with 2-tuples, and these are
+/// 4-tuples.
+fn parse_outputs(i: &[u8]) -> NomResult<&[u8], BTreeMap<String, Output>> {
+    let res = delimited(
+        nomchar('['),
+        separated_list1(tag(","), parse_output),
+        nomchar(']'),
+    )(i);
+    match res {
+        Ok((rst, outputs_lst)) => {
+            let mut outputs: BTreeMap<String, Output> = BTreeMap::default();
+            for (output_name, output) in outputs_lst.into_iter() {
+                if outputs.contains_key(&output_name) {
+                    return Err(nom::Err::Failure(NomError {
+                        input: i,
+                        code: ErrorKind::DuplicateMapKey(output_name),
+                    }));
+                }
+                outputs.insert(output_name, output);
+            }
+            Ok((rst, outputs))
+        }
+        // pass regular parse errors along
+        Err(e) => Err(e),
+    }
+fn parse_input_derivations(i: &[u8]) -> NomResult<&[u8], BTreeMap<StorePath, BTreeSet<String>>> {
+    let (i, input_derivations_list) = parse_kv::<Vec<String>, _>(aterm::parse_str_list)(i)?;
+    // This is a HashMap of drv paths to a list of output names.
+    let mut input_derivations: BTreeMap<StorePath, BTreeSet<String>> = BTreeMap::new();
+    for (input_derivation, output_names) in input_derivations_list {
+        let mut new_output_names = BTreeSet::new();
+        for output_name in output_names.into_iter() {
+            if new_output_names.contains(&output_name) {
+                return Err(nom::Err::Failure(NomError {
+                    input: i,
+                    code: ErrorKind::DuplicateInputDerivationOutputName(
+                        input_derivation.to_string(),
+                        output_name.to_string(),
+                    ),
+                }));
+            }
+            new_output_names.insert(output_name);
+        }
+        let input_derivation: StorePath = string_to_store_path(i, input_derivation)?;
+        input_derivations.insert(input_derivation, new_output_names);
+    }
+    Ok((i, input_derivations))
+fn parse_input_sources(i: &[u8]) -> NomResult<&[u8], BTreeSet<StorePath>> {
+    let (i, input_sources_lst) = aterm::parse_str_list(i).map_err(into_nomerror)?;
+    let mut input_sources: BTreeSet<_> = BTreeSet::new();
+    for input_source in input_sources_lst.into_iter() {
+        let input_source: StorePath = string_to_store_path(i, input_source)?;
+        if input_sources.contains(&input_source) {
+            return Err(nom::Err::Failure(NomError {
+                input: i,
+                code: ErrorKind::DuplicateInputSource(input_source),
+            }));
+        } else {
+            input_sources.insert(input_source);
+        }
+    }
+    Ok((i, input_sources))
+fn string_to_store_path(
+    i: &[u8],
+    path_str: String,
+) -> Result<StorePath, nom::Err<NomError<&[u8]>>> {
+    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+    let path_str2 = path_str.clone();
+    let path: StorePath = StorePathRef::from_absolute_path(path_str.as_bytes())
+        .map_err(|e: store_path::Error| {
+            nom::Err::Failure(NomError {
+                input: i,
+                code: e.into(),
+            })
+        })?
+        .to_owned();
+    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+    assert_eq!(path_str2, path.to_absolute_path());
+    Ok(path)
+pub fn parse_derivation(i: &[u8]) -> NomResult<&[u8], Derivation> {
+    use nom::Parser;
+    preceded(
+        tag(write::DERIVATION_PREFIX),
+        delimited(
+            // inside parens
+            nomchar('('),
+            // tuple requires all errors to be of the same type, so we need to be a
+            // bit verbose here wrapping generic IResult into [NomATermResult].
+            tuple((
+                // parse outputs
+                terminated(parse_outputs, nomchar(',')),
+                // // parse input derivations
+                terminated(parse_input_derivations, nomchar(',')),
+                // // parse input sources
+                terminated(parse_input_sources, nomchar(',')),
+                // // parse system
+                |i| terminated(aterm::parse_string_field, nomchar(','))(i).map_err(into_nomerror),
+                // // parse builder
+                |i| terminated(aterm::parse_string_field, nomchar(','))(i).map_err(into_nomerror),
+                // // parse arguments
+                |i| terminated(aterm::parse_str_list, nomchar(','))(i).map_err(into_nomerror),
+                // parse environment
+                parse_kv::<BString, _>(aterm::parse_bstr_field),
+            )),
+            nomchar(')'),
+        )
+        .map(
+            |(
+                outputs,
+                input_derivations,
+                input_sources,
+                system,
+                builder,
+                arguments,
+                environment,
+            )| {
+                Derivation {
+                    arguments,
+                    builder,
+                    environment,
+                    input_derivations,
+                    input_sources,
+                    outputs,
+                    system,
+                }
+            },
+        ),
+    )(i)
+/// Parse a list of key/value pairs into a BTreeMap.
+/// The parser for the values can be passed in.
+/// In terms of ATerm, this is just a 2-tuple,
+/// but we have the additional restriction that the first element needs to be
+/// unique across all tuples.
+pub(crate) fn parse_kv<'a, V, VF>(
+    vf: VF,
+) -> impl FnMut(&'a [u8]) -> NomResult<&'a [u8], BTreeMap<String, V>> + 'static
+    VF: FnMut(&'a [u8]) -> nom::IResult<&'a [u8], V, nom::error::Error<&'a [u8]>> + Clone + 'static,
+    move |i|
+    // inside brackets
+    delimited(
+        nomchar('['),
+        |ii| {
+            let res = separated_list0(
+                nomchar(','),
+                // inside parens
+                delimited(
+                    nomchar('('),
+                    separated_pair(
+                        aterm::parse_string_field,
+                        nomchar(','),
+                        vf.clone(),
+                    ),
+                    nomchar(')'),
+                ),
+            )(ii).map_err(into_nomerror);
+            match res {
+                Ok((rest, pairs)) => {
+                    let mut kvs: BTreeMap<String, V> = BTreeMap::new();
+                    for (k, v) in pairs.into_iter() {
+                        // collect the 2-tuple to a BTreeMap,
+                        // and fail if the key was already seen before.
+                        match kvs.entry(k) {
+                            btree_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert(v); },
+                            btree_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => {
+                                return Err(nom::Err::Failure(NomError {
+                                    input: i,
+                                    code: ErrorKind::DuplicateMapKey(e.key().clone()),
+                                }));
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Ok((rest, kvs))
+                }
+                Err(e) => Err(e),
+            }
+        },
+        nomchar(']'),
+    )(i)
+mod tests {
+    use crate::store_path::StorePathRef;
+    use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
+    use crate::{
+        derivation::{
+            parse_error::ErrorKind, parser::from_algo_and_mode_and_digest, CAHash, NixHash, Output,
+        },
+        store_path::StorePath,
+    };
+    use bstr::{BString, ByteSlice};
+    use hex_literal::hex;
+    use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+    use rstest::rstest;
+    const DIGEST_SHA256: [u8; 32] =
+        hex!("a5ce9c155ed09397614646c9717fc7cd94b1023d7b76b618d409e4fefd6e9d39");
+    lazy_static! {
+        pub static ref NIXHASH_SHA256: NixHash = NixHash::Sha256(DIGEST_SHA256);
+        static ref EXP_MULTI_OUTPUTS: BTreeMap<String, Output> = {
+            let mut b = BTreeMap::new();
+            b.insert(
+                "lib".to_string(),
+                Output {
+                    path: Some(
+                        StorePath::from_bytes(
+                            b"2vixb94v0hy2xc6p7mbnxxcyc095yyia-has-multi-out-lib",
+                        )
+                        .unwrap(),
+                    ),
+                    ca_hash: None,
+                },
+            );
+            b.insert(
+                "out".to_string(),
+                Output {
+                    path: Some(
+                        StorePath::from_bytes(
+                            b"55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-has-multi-out".as_bytes(),
+                        )
+                        .unwrap(),
+                    ),
+                    ca_hash: None,
+                },
+            );
+            b
+        };
+        static ref EXP_AB_MAP: BTreeMap<String, BString> = {
+            let mut b = BTreeMap::new();
+            b.insert("a".to_string(), b"1".as_bstr().to_owned());
+            b.insert("b".to_string(), b"2".as_bstr().to_owned());
+            b
+        };
+        static ref EXP_INPUT_DERIVATIONS_SIMPLE: BTreeMap<StorePath, BTreeSet<String>> = {
+            let mut b = BTreeMap::new();
+            b.insert(
+                StorePath::from_bytes(b"8bjm87p310sb7r2r0sg4xrynlvg86j8k-hello-2.12.1.tar.gz.drv")
+                    .unwrap(),
+                {
+                    let mut output_names = BTreeSet::new();
+                    output_names.insert("out".to_string());
+                    output_names
+                },
+            );
+            b.insert(
+                StorePath::from_bytes(b"p3jc8aw45dza6h52v81j7lk69khckmcj-bash-5.2-p15.drv")
+                    .unwrap(),
+                {
+                    let mut output_names = BTreeSet::new();
+                    output_names.insert("out".to_string());
+                    output_names.insert("lib".to_string());
+                    output_names
+                },
+            );
+            b
+        };
+        static ref EXP_INPUT_DERIVATIONS_SIMPLE_ATERM: String = {
+            format!(
+                "[(\"{0}\",[\"out\"]),(\"{1}\",[\"out\",\"lib\"])]",
+                "/nix/store/8bjm87p310sb7r2r0sg4xrynlvg86j8k-hello-2.12.1.tar.gz.drv",
+                "/nix/store/p3jc8aw45dza6h52v81j7lk69khckmcj-bash-5.2-p15.drv"
+            )
+        };
+        static ref EXP_INPUT_SOURCES_SIMPLE: BTreeSet<String> = {
+            let mut b = BTreeSet::new();
+            b.insert("/nix/store/55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-has-multi-out".to_string());
+            b.insert("/nix/store/2vixb94v0hy2xc6p7mbnxxcyc095yyia-has-multi-out-lib".to_string());
+            b
+        };
+    }
+    /// Ensure parsing KVs works
+    #[rstest]
+    #[case::empty(b"[]", &BTreeMap::new(), b"")]
+    #[case::simple(b"[(\"a\",\"1\"),(\"b\",\"2\")]", &EXP_AB_MAP, b"")]
+    fn parse_kv(
+        #[case] input: &'static [u8],
+        #[case] expected: &BTreeMap<String, BString>,
+        #[case] exp_rest: &[u8],
+    ) {
+        let (rest, parsed) = super::parse_kv::<BString, _>(crate::aterm::parse_bstr_field)(input)
+            .expect("must parse");
+        assert_eq!(exp_rest, rest, "expected remainder");
+        assert_eq!(*expected, parsed);
+    }
+    /// Ensures the kv parser complains about duplicate map keys
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_kv_fail_dup_keys() {
+        let input: &'static [u8] = b"[(\"a\",\"1\"),(\"a\",\"2\")]";
+        let e = super::parse_kv::<BString, _>(crate::aterm::parse_bstr_field)(input)
+            .expect_err("must fail");
+        match e {
+            nom::Err::Failure(e) => {
+                assert_eq!(ErrorKind::DuplicateMapKey("a".to_string()), e.code);
+            }
+            _ => panic!("unexpected error"),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Ensure parsing input derivations works.
+    #[rstest]
+    #[case::empty(b"[]", &BTreeMap::new())]
+    fn parse_input_derivations(
+        #[case] input: &'static [u8],
+        #[case] expected: &BTreeMap<StorePath, BTreeSet<String>>,
+    ) {
+        let (rest, parsed) = super::parse_input_derivations(input).expect("must parse");
+        assert_eq!(expected, &parsed, "parsed mismatch");
+        assert!(rest.is_empty(), "rest must be empty");
+    }
+    /// Ensures the input derivation parser complains about duplicate output names
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_input_derivations_fail_dup_output_names() {
+        let input_str = format!(
+            "[(\"{0}\",[\"out\"]),(\"{1}\",[\"out\",\"out\"])]",
+            "/nix/store/8bjm87p310sb7r2r0sg4xrynlvg86j8k-hello-2.12.1.tar.gz.drv",
+            "/nix/store/p3jc8aw45dza6h52v81j7lk69khckmcj-bash-5.2-p15.drv"
+        );
+        let e = super::parse_input_derivations(input_str.as_bytes()).expect_err("must fail");
+        match e {
+            nom::Err::Failure(e) => {
+                assert_eq!(
+                    ErrorKind::DuplicateInputDerivationOutputName(
+                        "/nix/store/p3jc8aw45dza6h52v81j7lk69khckmcj-bash-5.2-p15.drv".to_string(),
+                        "out".to_string()
+                    ),
+                    e.code
+                );
+            }
+            _ => panic!("unexpected error"),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Ensure parsing input sources works
+    #[rstest]
+    #[case::empty(b"[]", &BTreeSet::new())]
+    #[case::simple(b"[\"/nix/store/55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-has-multi-out\",\"/nix/store/2vixb94v0hy2xc6p7mbnxxcyc095yyia-has-multi-out-lib\"]", &EXP_INPUT_SOURCES_SIMPLE)]
+    fn parse_input_sources(#[case] input: &'static [u8], #[case] expected: &BTreeSet<String>) {
+        let (rest, parsed) = super::parse_input_sources(input).expect("must parse");
+        assert_eq!(
+            expected,
+            &parsed
+                .iter()
+                .map(StorePath::to_absolute_path)
+                .collect::<BTreeSet<_>>(),
+            "parsed mismatch"
+        );
+        assert!(rest.is_empty(), "rest must be empty");
+    }
+    /// Ensures the input sources parser complains about duplicate input sources
+    #[test]
+    fn parse_input_sources_fail_dup_keys() {
+        let input: &'static [u8] = b"[\"/nix/store/55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-foo\",\"/nix/store/55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-foo\"]";
+        let e = super::parse_input_sources(input).expect_err("must fail");
+        match e {
+            nom::Err::Failure(e) => {
+                assert_eq!(
+                    ErrorKind::DuplicateInputSource(
+                        StorePathRef::from_absolute_path(
+                            "/nix/store/55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-foo".as_bytes()
+                        )
+                        .unwrap()
+                        .to_owned()
+                    ),
+                    e.code
+                );
+            }
+            _ => panic!("unexpected error"),
+        }
+    }
+    #[rstest]
+    #[case::simple(
+        br#"("out","/nix/store/5vyvcwah9l9kf07d52rcgdk70g2f4y13-foo","","")"#,
+        ("out".to_string(), Output {
+            path: Some(
+                StorePathRef::from_absolute_path("/nix/store/5vyvcwah9l9kf07d52rcgdk70g2f4y13-foo".as_bytes()).unwrap().to_owned()),
+            ca_hash: None
+        })
+    )]
+    #[case::fod(
+        br#"("out","/nix/store/4q0pg5zpfmznxscq3avycvf9xdvx50n3-bar","r:sha256","08813cbee9903c62be4c5027726a418a300da4500b2d369d3af9286f4815ceba")"#,
+        ("out".to_string(), Output {
+            path: Some(
+                StorePathRef::from_absolute_path(
+                "/nix/store/4q0pg5zpfmznxscq3avycvf9xdvx50n3-bar".as_bytes()).unwrap().to_owned()),
+            ca_hash: Some(from_algo_and_mode_and_digest("r:sha256",
+                   data_encoding::HEXLOWER.decode(b"08813cbee9903c62be4c5027726a418a300da4500b2d369d3af9286f4815ceba").unwrap()            ).unwrap()),
+        })
+     )]
+    fn parse_output(#[case] input: &[u8], #[case] expected: (String, Output)) {
+        let (rest, parsed) = super::parse_output(input).expect("must parse");
+        assert!(rest.is_empty());
+        assert_eq!(expected, parsed);
+    }
+    #[rstest]
+    #[case::multi_out(
+        br#"[("lib","/nix/store/2vixb94v0hy2xc6p7mbnxxcyc095yyia-has-multi-out-lib","",""),("out","/nix/store/55lwldka5nyxa08wnvlizyqw02ihy8ic-has-multi-out","","")]"#,
+    )]
+    fn parse_outputs(#[case] input: &[u8], #[case] expected: &BTreeMap<String, Output>) {
+        let (rest, parsed) = super::parse_outputs(input).expect("must parse");
+        assert!(rest.is_empty());
+        assert_eq!(*expected, parsed);
+    }
+    #[rstest]
+    #[case::sha256_flat("sha256", &DIGEST_SHA256, CAHash::Flat(NIXHASH_SHA256.clone()))]
+    #[case::sha256_recursive("r:sha256", &DIGEST_SHA256, CAHash::Nar(NIXHASH_SHA256.clone()))]
+    fn test_from_algo_and_mode_and_digest(
+        #[case] algo_and_mode: &str,
+        #[case] digest: &[u8],
+        #[case] expected: CAHash,
+    ) {
+        assert_eq!(
+            expected,
+            from_algo_and_mode_and_digest(algo_and_mode, digest).unwrap()
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn from_algo_and_mode_and_digest_failure() {
+        assert!(from_algo_and_mode_and_digest("r:sha256", []).is_err());
+        assert!(from_algo_and_mode_and_digest("ha256", DIGEST_SHA256).is_err());
+    }