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path: root/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs')
1 files changed, 726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs b/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b8ef3ff0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+//! This module provides an implementation of EvalIO talking to tvix-store.
+use bytes::Bytes;
+use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
+use nix_compat::nixhash::NixHash;
+use nix_compat::store_path::StorePathRef;
+use nix_compat::{nixhash::CAHash, store_path::StorePath};
+use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
+use std::{
+    cell::RefCell,
+    collections::BTreeSet,
+    io,
+    path::{Path, PathBuf},
+    sync::Arc,
+use tokio_util::io::SyncIoBridge;
+use tracing::{error, info, instrument, warn, Level};
+use tvix_build::buildservice::BuildService;
+use tvix_castore::proto::node::Node;
+use tvix_eval::{EvalIO, FileType, StdIO};
+use tvix_store::nar::NarCalculationService;
+use tvix_store::utils::AsyncIoBridge;
+use tvix_castore::{
+    blobservice::BlobService,
+    directoryservice::{self, DirectoryService},
+    proto::NamedNode,
+    B3Digest,
+use tvix_store::{pathinfoservice::PathInfoService, proto::PathInfo};
+use crate::fetchers::Fetcher;
+use crate::known_paths::KnownPaths;
+use crate::tvix_build::derivation_to_build_request;
+/// Implements [EvalIO], asking given [PathInfoService], [DirectoryService]
+/// and [BlobService].
+/// In case the given path does not exist in these stores, we ask StdIO.
+/// This is to both cover cases of syntactically valid store paths, that exist
+/// on the filesystem (still managed by Nix), as well as being able to read
+/// files outside store paths.
+/// This structure is also directly used by the derivation builtins
+/// and tightly coupled to it.
+/// In the future, we may revisit that coupling and figure out how to generalize this interface and
+/// hide this implementation detail of the glue itself so that glue can be used with more than one
+/// implementation of "Tvix Store IO" which does not necessarily bring the concept of blob service,
+/// directory service or path info service.
+pub struct TvixStoreIO {
+    // This is public so helper functions can interact with the stores directly.
+    pub(crate) blob_service: Arc<dyn BlobService>,
+    pub(crate) directory_service: Arc<dyn DirectoryService>,
+    pub(crate) path_info_service: Arc<dyn PathInfoService>,
+    pub(crate) nar_calculation_service: Arc<dyn NarCalculationService>,
+    std_io: StdIO,
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    build_service: Arc<dyn BuildService>,
+    pub(crate) tokio_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle,
+    #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
+    pub(crate) fetcher: Fetcher<
+        Arc<dyn BlobService>,
+        Arc<dyn DirectoryService>,
+        Arc<dyn PathInfoService>,
+        Arc<dyn NarCalculationService>,
+    >,
+    // Paths known how to produce, by building or fetching.
+    pub(crate) known_paths: RefCell<KnownPaths>,
+impl TvixStoreIO {
+    pub fn new(
+        blob_service: Arc<dyn BlobService>,
+        directory_service: Arc<dyn DirectoryService>,
+        path_info_service: Arc<dyn PathInfoService>,
+        nar_calculation_service: Arc<dyn NarCalculationService>,
+        build_service: Arc<dyn BuildService>,
+        tokio_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle,
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            blob_service: blob_service.clone(),
+            directory_service: directory_service.clone(),
+            path_info_service: path_info_service.clone(),
+            nar_calculation_service: nar_calculation_service.clone(),
+            std_io: StdIO {},
+            build_service,
+            tokio_handle,
+            fetcher: Fetcher::new(
+                blob_service,
+                directory_service,
+                path_info_service,
+                nar_calculation_service,
+            ),
+            known_paths: Default::default(),
+        }
+    }
+    /// for a given [StorePath] and additional [Path] inside the store path,
+    /// look up the [PathInfo], and if it exists, and then use
+    /// [directoryservice::descend_to] to return the
+    /// [Node] specified by `sub_path`.
+    ///
+    /// In case there is no PathInfo yet, this means we need to build it
+    /// (which currently is stubbed out still).
+    #[instrument(skip(self, store_path), fields(store_path=%store_path), ret(level = Level::TRACE), err)]
+    async fn store_path_to_node(
+        &self,
+        store_path: &StorePath,
+        sub_path: &Path,
+    ) -> io::Result<Option<Node>> {
+        // Find the root node for the store_path.
+        // It asks the PathInfoService first, but in case there was a Derivation
+        // produced that would build it, fall back to triggering the build.
+        // To populate the input nodes, it might recursively trigger builds of
+        // its dependencies too.
+        let root_node = match self
+            .path_info_service
+            .as_ref()
+            .get(*store_path.digest())
+            .await?
+        {
+            // if we have a PathInfo, we know there will be a root_node (due to validation)
+            Some(path_info) => path_info.node.expect("no node").node.expect("no node"),
+            // If there's no PathInfo found, this normally means we have to
+            // trigger the build (and insert into PathInfoService, after
+            // reference scanning).
+            // However, as Tvix is (currently) not managing /nix/store itself,
+            // we return Ok(None) to let std_io take over.
+            // While reading from store paths that are not known to Tvix during
+            // that evaluation clearly is an impurity, we still need to support
+            // it for things like <nixpkgs> pointing to a store path.
+            // In the future, these things will (need to) have PathInfo.
+            None => {
+                // The store path doesn't exist yet, so we need to fetch or build it.
+                // We check for fetches first, as we might have both native
+                // fetchers and FODs in KnownPaths, and prefer the former.
+                let maybe_fetch = self
+                    .known_paths
+                    .borrow()
+                    .get_fetch_for_output_path(store_path);
+                match maybe_fetch {
+                    Some((name, fetch)) => {
+                        info!(?fetch, "triggering lazy fetch");
+                        let (sp, root_node) = self
+                            .fetcher
+                            .ingest_and_persist(&name, fetch)
+                            .await
+                            .map_err(|e| {
+                            std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)
+                        })?;
+                        debug_assert_eq!(
+                            sp.to_string(),
+                            store_path.to_string(),
+                            "store path returned from fetcher should match"
+                        );
+                        root_node
+                    }
+                    None => {
+                        // Look up the derivation for this output path.
+                        let (drv_path, drv) = {
+                            let known_paths = self.known_paths.borrow();
+                            match known_paths.get_drv_path_for_output_path(store_path) {
+                                Some(drv_path) => (
+                                    drv_path.to_owned(),
+                                    known_paths.get_drv_by_drvpath(drv_path).unwrap().to_owned(),
+                                ),
+                                None => {
+                                    warn!(store_path=%store_path, "no drv found");
+                                    // let StdIO take over
+                                    return Ok(None);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        };
+                        warn!("triggering build");
+                        // derivation_to_build_request needs castore nodes for all inputs.
+                        // Provide them, which means, here is where we recursively build
+                        // all dependencies.
+                        #[allow(clippy::mutable_key_type)]
+                        let input_nodes: BTreeSet<Node> =
+                            futures::stream::iter(drv.input_derivations.iter())
+                                .map(|(input_drv_path, output_names)| {
+                                    // look up the derivation object
+                                    let input_drv = {
+                                        let known_paths = self.known_paths.borrow();
+                                        known_paths
+                                            .get_drv_by_drvpath(input_drv_path)
+                                            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+                                                panic!("{} not found", input_drv_path)
+                                            })
+                                            .to_owned()
+                                    };
+                                    // convert output names to actual paths
+                                    let output_paths: Vec<StorePath> = output_names
+                                        .iter()
+                                        .map(|output_name| {
+                                            input_drv
+                                                .outputs
+                                                .get(output_name)
+                                                .expect("missing output_name")
+                                                .path
+                                                .as_ref()
+                                                .expect("missing output path")
+                                                .clone()
+                                        })
+                                        .collect();
+                                    // For each output, ask for the castore node.
+                                    // We're in a per-derivation context, so if they're
+                                    // not built yet they'll all get built together.
+                                    // If they don't need to build, we can however still
+                                    // substitute all in parallel (if they don't need to
+                                    // be built) - so we turn this into a stream of streams.
+                                    // It's up to the builder to deduplicate same build requests.
+                                    futures::stream::iter(output_paths.into_iter()).map(
+                                        |output_path| async move {
+                                            let node = self
+                                                .store_path_to_node(&output_path, Path::new(""))
+                                                .await?;
+                                            if let Some(node) = node {
+                                                Ok(node)
+                                            } else {
+                                                Err(io::Error::other("no node produced"))
+                                            }
+                                        },
+                                    )
+                                })
+                                .flatten()
+                                .buffer_unordered(10) // TODO: make configurable
+                                .try_collect()
+                                .await?;
+                        // TODO: check if input sources are sufficiently dealth with,
+                        // I think yes, they must be imported into the store by other
+                        // operations, so dealt with in the Some(…) match arm
+                        // synthesize the build request.
+                        let build_request = derivation_to_build_request(&drv, input_nodes)?;
+                        // create a build
+                        let build_result = self
+                            .build_service
+                            .as_ref()
+                            .do_build(build_request)
+                            .await
+                            .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
+                        // TODO: refscan?
+                        // For each output, insert a PathInfo.
+                        for output in &build_result.outputs {
+                            let root_node = output.node.as_ref().expect("invalid root node");
+                            // calculate the nar representation
+                            let (nar_size, nar_sha256) = self
+                                .nar_calculation_service
+                                .calculate_nar(root_node)
+                                .await?;
+                            // assemble the PathInfo to persist
+                            let path_info = PathInfo {
+                                node: Some(tvix_castore::proto::Node {
+                                    node: Some(root_node.clone()),
+                                }),
+                                references: vec![], // TODO: refscan
+                                narinfo: Some(tvix_store::proto::NarInfo {
+                                    nar_size,
+                                    nar_sha256: Bytes::from(nar_sha256.to_vec()),
+                                    signatures: vec![],
+                                    reference_names: vec![], // TODO: refscan
+                                    deriver: Some(tvix_store::proto::StorePath {
+                                        name: drv_path
+                                            .name()
+                                            .strip_suffix(".drv")
+                                            .expect("missing .drv suffix")
+                                            .to_string(),
+                                        digest: drv_path.digest().to_vec().into(),
+                                    }),
+                                    ca: drv.fod_digest().map(
+                                        |fod_digest| -> tvix_store::proto::nar_info::Ca {
+                                            (&CAHash::Nar(nix_compat::nixhash::NixHash::Sha256(
+                                                fod_digest,
+                                            )))
+                                                .into()
+                                        },
+                                    ),
+                                }),
+                            };
+                            self.path_info_service
+                                .put(path_info)
+                                .await
+                                .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
+                        }
+                        // find the output for the store path requested
+                        build_result
+                            .outputs
+                            .into_iter()
+                            .find(|output_node| {
+                                output_node.node.as_ref().expect("invalid node").get_name()
+                                    == store_path.to_string().as_bytes()
+                            })
+                            .expect("build didn't produce the store path")
+                            .node
+                            .expect("invalid node")
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        // now with the root_node and sub_path, descend to the node requested.
+        // We convert sub_path to the castore model here.
+        let sub_path = tvix_castore::PathBuf::from_host_path(sub_path, true)?;
+        directoryservice::descend_to(&self.directory_service, root_node, sub_path)
+            .await
+            .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))
+    }
+    pub(crate) async fn node_to_path_info(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        path: &Path,
+        ca: CAHash,
+        root_node: Node,
+    ) -> io::Result<(PathInfo, NixHash, StorePath)> {
+        // Ask the PathInfoService for the NAR size and sha256
+        // We always need it no matter what is the actual hash mode
+        // because the path info construct a narinfo which *always*
+        // require a SHA256 of the NAR representation and the NAR size.
+        let (nar_size, nar_sha256) = self
+            .nar_calculation_service
+            .as_ref()
+            .calculate_nar(&root_node)
+            .await?;
+        // Calculate the output path. This might still fail, as some names are illegal.
+        let output_path =
+            nix_compat::store_path::build_ca_path(name, &ca, Vec::<String>::new(), false).map_err(
+                |_| {
+                    std::io::Error::new(
+                        std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                        format!("invalid name: {}", name),
+                    )
+                },
+            )?;
+        // assemble a new root_node with a name that is derived from the nar hash.
+        let root_node = root_node.rename(output_path.to_string().into_bytes().into());
+        tvix_store::import::log_node(&root_node, path);
+        let path_info =
+            tvix_store::import::derive_nar_ca_path_info(nar_size, nar_sha256, Some(ca), root_node);
+        Ok((
+            path_info,
+            NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256),
+            output_path.to_owned(),
+        ))
+    }
+    pub(crate) async fn register_node_in_path_info_service(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        path: &Path,
+        ca: CAHash,
+        root_node: Node,
+    ) -> io::Result<StorePath> {
+        let (path_info, _, output_path) = self.node_to_path_info(name, path, ca, root_node).await?;
+        let _path_info = self.path_info_service.as_ref().put(path_info).await?;
+        Ok(output_path)
+    }
+    /// Transforms a BLAKE-3 digest into a SHA256 digest
+    /// by re-hashing the whole file.
+    pub(crate) async fn blob_to_sha256_hash(&self, blob_digest: B3Digest) -> io::Result<[u8; 32]> {
+        let mut reader = self
+            .blob_service
+            .open_read(&blob_digest)
+            .await?
+            .ok_or_else(|| {
+                io::Error::new(
+                    io::ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                    format!("blob represented by digest: '{}' not found", blob_digest),
+                )
+            })?;
+        // It is fine to use `AsyncIoBridge` here because hashing is not actually I/O.
+        let mut hasher = AsyncIoBridge(Sha256::new());
+        tokio::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut hasher).await?;
+        Ok(hasher.0.finalize().into())
+    }
+    pub async fn store_path_exists<'a>(&'a self, store_path: StorePathRef<'a>) -> io::Result<bool> {
+        Ok(self
+            .path_info_service
+            .as_ref()
+            .get(*store_path.digest())
+            .await?
+            .is_some())
+    }
+impl EvalIO for TvixStoreIO {
+    #[instrument(skip(self), ret(level = Level::TRACE), err)]
+    fn path_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<bool> {
+        if let Ok((store_path, sub_path)) =
+            StorePath::from_absolute_path_full(&path.to_string_lossy())
+        {
+            if self
+                .tokio_handle
+                .block_on(async { self.store_path_to_node(&store_path, &sub_path).await })?
+                .is_some()
+            {
+                Ok(true)
+            } else {
+                // As tvix-store doesn't manage /nix/store on the filesystem,
+                // we still need to also ask self.std_io here.
+                self.std_io.path_exists(path)
+            }
+        } else {
+            // The store path is no store path, so do regular StdIO.
+            self.std_io.path_exists(path)
+        }
+    }
+    #[instrument(skip(self), err)]
+    fn open(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Box<dyn io::Read>> {
+        if let Ok((store_path, sub_path)) =
+            StorePath::from_absolute_path_full(&path.to_string_lossy())
+        {
+            if let Some(node) = self
+                .tokio_handle
+                .block_on(async { self.store_path_to_node(&store_path, &sub_path).await })?
+            {
+                // depending on the node type, treat open differently
+                match node {
+                    Node::Directory(_) => {
+                        // This would normally be a io::ErrorKind::IsADirectory (still unstable)
+                        Err(io::Error::new(
+                            io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
+                            format!("tried to open directory at {:?}", path),
+                        ))
+                    }
+                    Node::File(file_node) => {
+                        let digest: B3Digest =
+                            file_node.digest.clone().try_into().map_err(|_e| {
+                                error!(
+                                    file_node = ?file_node,
+                                    "invalid digest"
+                                );
+                                io::Error::new(
+                                    io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                                    format!("invalid digest length in file node: {:?}", file_node),
+                                )
+                            })?;
+                        self.tokio_handle.block_on(async {
+                            let resp = self.blob_service.as_ref().open_read(&digest).await?;
+                            match resp {
+                                Some(blob_reader) => {
+                                    // The VM Response needs a sync [std::io::Reader].
+                                    Ok(Box::new(SyncIoBridge::new(blob_reader))
+                                        as Box<dyn io::Read>)
+                                }
+                                None => {
+                                    error!(
+                                        blob.digest = %digest,
+                                        "blob not found",
+                                    );
+                                    Err(io::Error::new(
+                                        io::ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                                        format!("blob {} not found", &digest),
+                                    ))
+                                }
+                            }
+                        })
+                    }
+                    Node::Symlink(_symlink_node) => Err(io::Error::new(
+                        io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
+                        "open for symlinks is unsupported",
+                    ))?,
+                }
+            } else {
+                // As tvix-store doesn't manage /nix/store on the filesystem,
+                // we still need to also ask self.std_io here.
+                self.std_io.open(path)
+            }
+        } else {
+            // The store path is no store path, so do regular StdIO.
+            self.std_io.open(path)
+        }
+    }
+    #[instrument(skip(self), ret(level = Level::TRACE), err)]
+    fn read_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<(bytes::Bytes, FileType)>> {
+        if let Ok((store_path, sub_path)) =
+            StorePath::from_absolute_path_full(&path.to_string_lossy())
+        {
+            if let Some(node) = self
+                .tokio_handle
+                .block_on(async { self.store_path_to_node(&store_path, &sub_path).await })?
+            {
+                match node {
+                    Node::Directory(directory_node) => {
+                        // fetch the Directory itself.
+                        let digest: B3Digest =
+                            directory_node.digest.clone().try_into().map_err(|_e| {
+                                io::Error::new(
+                                    io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                                    format!(
+                                        "invalid digest length in directory node: {:?}",
+                                        directory_node
+                                    ),
+                                )
+                            })?;
+                        if let Some(directory) = self.tokio_handle.block_on(async {
+                            self.directory_service.as_ref().get(&digest).await
+                        })? {
+                            let mut children: Vec<(bytes::Bytes, FileType)> = Vec::new();
+                            for node in directory.nodes() {
+                                children.push(match node {
+                                    Node::Directory(e) => (e.name, FileType::Directory),
+                                    Node::File(e) => (e.name, FileType::Regular),
+                                    Node::Symlink(e) => (e.name, FileType::Symlink),
+                                })
+                            }
+                            Ok(children)
+                        } else {
+                            // If we didn't get the directory node that's linked, that's a store inconsistency!
+                            error!(
+                                directory.digest = %digest,
+                                path = ?path,
+                                "directory not found",
+                            );
+                            Err(io::Error::new(
+                                io::ErrorKind::NotFound,
+                                format!("directory {digest} does not exist"),
+                            ))?
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Node::File(_file_node) => {
+                        // This would normally be a io::ErrorKind::NotADirectory (still unstable)
+                        Err(io::Error::new(
+                            io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
+                            "tried to readdir path {:?}, which is a file",
+                        ))?
+                    }
+                    Node::Symlink(_symlink_node) => Err(io::Error::new(
+                        io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
+                        "read_dir for symlinks is unsupported",
+                    ))?,
+                }
+            } else {
+                self.std_io.read_dir(path)
+            }
+        } else {
+            self.std_io.read_dir(path)
+        }
+    }
+    #[instrument(skip(self), ret(level = Level::TRACE), err)]
+    fn import_path(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
+        let output_path = self.tokio_handle.block_on(async {
+            tvix_store::import::import_path_as_nar_ca(
+                path,
+                tvix_store::import::path_to_name(path)?,
+                &self.blob_service,
+                &self.directory_service,
+                &self.path_info_service,
+                &self.nar_calculation_service,
+            )
+            .await
+        })?;
+        Ok(output_path.to_absolute_path().into())
+    }
+    #[instrument(skip(self), ret(level = Level::TRACE))]
+    fn store_dir(&self) -> Option<String> {
+        Some("/nix/store".to_string())
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use std::{path::Path, rc::Rc, sync::Arc};
+    use bstr::ByteSlice;
+    use tempfile::TempDir;
+    use tvix_build::buildservice::DummyBuildService;
+    use tvix_eval::{EvalIO, EvaluationResult};
+    use tvix_store::utils::construct_services;
+    use super::TvixStoreIO;
+    use crate::builtins::{add_derivation_builtins, add_fetcher_builtins, add_import_builtins};
+    /// evaluates a given nix expression and returns the result.
+    /// Takes care of setting up the evaluator so it knows about the
+    // `derivation` builtin.
+    fn eval(str: &str) -> EvaluationResult {
+        let tokio_runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
+        let (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service, nar_calculation_service) =
+            tokio_runtime
+                .block_on(async { construct_services("memory://", "memory://", "memory://").await })
+                .unwrap();
+        let io = Rc::new(TvixStoreIO::new(
+            blob_service,
+            directory_service,
+            path_info_service.into(),
+            nar_calculation_service.into(),
+            Arc::<DummyBuildService>::default(),
+            tokio_runtime.handle().clone(),
+        ));
+        let mut eval = tvix_eval::Evaluation::new(io.clone() as Rc<dyn EvalIO>, true);
+        add_derivation_builtins(&mut eval, io.clone());
+        add_fetcher_builtins(&mut eval, io.clone());
+        add_import_builtins(&mut eval, io);
+        // run the evaluation itself.
+        eval.evaluate(str, None)
+    }
+    /// Helper function that takes a &Path, and invokes a tvix evaluator coercing that path to a string
+    /// (via "${/this/path}"). The path can be both absolute or not.
+    /// It returns Option<String>, depending on whether the evaluation succeeded or not.
+    fn import_path_and_compare<P: AsRef<Path>>(p: P) -> Option<String> {
+        // Try to import the path using "${/tmp/path/to/test}".
+        // The format string looks funny, the {} passed to Nix needs to be
+        // escaped.
+        let code = format!(r#""${{{}}}""#, p.as_ref().display());
+        let result = eval(&code);
+        if !result.errors.is_empty() {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let value = result.value.expect("must be some");
+        match value {
+            tvix_eval::Value::String(s) => Some(s.to_str_lossy().into_owned()),
+            _ => panic!("unexpected value type: {:?}", value),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Import a directory with a zero-sized ".keep" regular file.
+    /// Ensure it matches the (pre-recorded) store path that Nix would produce.
+    #[test]
+    fn import_directory() {
+        let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        // create a directory named "test"
+        let src_path = tmpdir.path().join("test");
+        std::fs::create_dir(&src_path).unwrap();
+        // write a regular file `.keep`.
+        std::fs::write(src_path.join(".keep"), vec![]).unwrap();
+        // importing the path with .../test at the end.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some("/nix/store/gq3xcv4xrj4yr64dflyr38acbibv3rm9-test".to_string()),
+            import_path_and_compare(&src_path)
+        );
+        // importing the path with .../test/. at the end.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some("/nix/store/gq3xcv4xrj4yr64dflyr38acbibv3rm9-test".to_string()),
+            import_path_and_compare(src_path.join("."))
+        );
+    }
+    /// Import a file into the store. Nix uses the "recursive"/NAR-based hashing
+    /// scheme for these.
+    #[test]
+    fn import_file() {
+        let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
+        // write a regular file `empty`.
+        std::fs::write(tmpdir.path().join("empty"), vec![]).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some("/nix/store/lx5i78a4izwk2qj1nq8rdc07y8zrwy90-empty".to_string()),
+            import_path_and_compare(tmpdir.path().join("empty"))
+        );
+        // write a regular file `hello.txt`.
+        std::fs::write(tmpdir.path().join("hello.txt"), b"Hello World!").unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some("/nix/store/925f1jb1ajrypjbyq7rylwryqwizvhp0-hello.txt".to_string()),
+            import_path_and_compare(tmpdir.path().join("hello.txt"))
+        );
+    }
+    /// Invoke toString on a nonexisting file, and access the .file attribute.
+    /// This should not cause an error, because it shouldn't trigger an import,
+    /// and leave the path as-is.
+    #[test]
+    fn nonexisting_path_without_import() {
+        let result = eval("toString ({ line = 42; col = 42; file = /deep/thought; }.file)");
+        assert!(result.errors.is_empty(), "expect evaluation to succeed");
+        let value = result.value.expect("must be some");
+        match value {
+            tvix_eval::Value::String(s) => {
+                assert_eq!(*s, "/deep/thought");
+            }
+            _ => panic!("unexpected value type: {:?}", value),
+        }
+    }