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path: root/tvix/glue/src/known_paths.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/glue/src/known_paths.rs')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/glue/src/known_paths.rs b/tvix/glue/src/known_paths.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..290c9d5b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/glue/src/known_paths.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+//! This module implements logic required for persisting known paths
+//! during an evaluation.
+//! Tvix needs to be able to keep track of each Nix store path that it
+//! knows about during the scope of a single evaluation and its
+//! related builds.
+//! This data is required to find the derivation needed to actually trigger the
+//! build, if necessary.
+use nix_compat::{
+    derivation::Derivation,
+    store_path::{BuildStorePathError, StorePath, StorePathRef},
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use crate::fetchers::Fetch;
+/// Struct keeping track of all known Derivations in the current evaluation.
+/// This keeps both the Derivation struct, as well as the "Hash derivation
+/// modulo".
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct KnownPaths {
+    /// All known derivation or FOD hashes.
+    ///
+    /// Keys are derivation paths, values are a tuple of the "hash derivation
+    /// modulo" and the Derivation struct itself.
+    derivations: HashMap<StorePath, ([u8; 32], Derivation)>,
+    /// A map from output path to (one) drv path.
+    /// Note that in the case of FODs, multiple drvs can produce the same output
+    /// path. We use one of them.
+    outputs_to_drvpath: HashMap<StorePath, StorePath>,
+    /// A map from output path to fetches (and their names).
+    outputs_to_fetches: HashMap<StorePath, (String, Fetch)>,
+impl KnownPaths {
+    /// Fetch the opaque "hash derivation modulo" for a given derivation path.
+    pub fn get_hash_derivation_modulo(&self, drv_path: &StorePath) -> Option<&[u8; 32]> {
+        self.derivations
+            .get(drv_path)
+            .map(|(hash_derivation_modulo, _derivation)| hash_derivation_modulo)
+    }
+    /// Return a reference to the Derivation for a given drv path.
+    pub fn get_drv_by_drvpath(&self, drv_path: &StorePath) -> Option<&Derivation> {
+        self.derivations
+            .get(drv_path)
+            .map(|(_hash_derivation_modulo, derivation)| derivation)
+    }
+    /// Return the drv path of the derivation producing the passed output path.
+    /// Note there can be multiple Derivations producing the same output path in
+    /// flight; this function will only return one of them.
+    pub fn get_drv_path_for_output_path(&self, output_path: &StorePath) -> Option<&StorePath> {
+        self.outputs_to_drvpath.get(output_path)
+    }
+    /// Insert a new [Derivation] into this struct.
+    /// The Derivation struct must pass validation, and its output paths need to
+    /// be fully calculated.
+    /// All input derivations this refers to must also be inserted to this
+    /// struct.
+    pub fn add_derivation(&mut self, drv_path: StorePath, drv: Derivation) {
+        // check input derivations to have been inserted.
+        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+        {
+            for input_drv_path in drv.input_derivations.keys() {
+                debug_assert!(self.derivations.contains_key(input_drv_path));
+            }
+        }
+        // compute the hash derivation modulo
+        let hash_derivation_modulo = drv.hash_derivation_modulo(|drv_path| {
+            self.get_hash_derivation_modulo(&drv_path.to_owned())
+                .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{} not found", drv_path))
+                .to_owned()
+        });
+        // For all output paths, update our lookup table.
+        // We only write into the lookup table once.
+        for output in drv.outputs.values() {
+            self.outputs_to_drvpath
+                .entry(output.path.as_ref().expect("missing store path").clone())
+                .or_insert(drv_path.to_owned());
+        }
+        // insert the derivation itself
+        #[allow(unused_variables)] // assertions on this only compiled in debug builds
+        let old = self
+            .derivations
+            .insert(drv_path.to_owned(), (hash_derivation_modulo, drv));
+        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+        {
+            if let Some(old) = old {
+                debug_assert!(
+                    old.0 == hash_derivation_modulo,
+                    "hash derivation modulo for a given derivation should always be calculated the same"
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Insert a new [Fetch] into this struct, which *must* have an expected
+    /// hash (otherwise we wouldn't be able to calculate the store path).
+    /// Fetches without a known hash need to be fetched inside builtins.
+    pub fn add_fetch<'a>(
+        &mut self,
+        fetch: Fetch,
+        name: &'a str,
+    ) -> Result<StorePathRef<'a>, BuildStorePathError> {
+        let store_path = fetch
+            .store_path(name)?
+            .expect("Tvix bug: fetch must have an expected hash");
+        // insert the fetch.
+        self.outputs_to_fetches
+            .insert(store_path.to_owned(), (name.to_owned(), fetch));
+        Ok(store_path)
+    }
+    /// Return the name and fetch producing the passed output path.
+    /// Note there can also be (multiple) Derivations producing the same output path.
+    pub fn get_fetch_for_output_path(&self, output_path: &StorePath) -> Option<(String, Fetch)> {
+        self.outputs_to_fetches
+            .get(output_path)
+            .map(|(name, fetch)| (name.to_owned(), fetch.to_owned()))
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use nix_compat::{derivation::Derivation, nixbase32, nixhash::NixHash, store_path::StorePath};
+    use url::Url;
+    use crate::fetchers::Fetch;
+    use super::KnownPaths;
+    use hex_literal::hex;
+    use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+    lazy_static! {
+        static ref BAR_DRV: Derivation = Derivation::from_aterm_bytes(include_bytes!(
+            "tests/ss2p4wmxijn652haqyd7dckxwl4c7hxx-bar.drv"
+        ))
+        .expect("must parse");
+        static ref FOO_DRV: Derivation = Derivation::from_aterm_bytes(include_bytes!(
+            "tests/ch49594n9avinrf8ip0aslidkc4lxkqv-foo.drv"
+        ))
+        .expect("must parse");
+        static ref BAR_DRV_PATH: StorePath =
+            StorePath::from_bytes(b"ss2p4wmxijn652haqyd7dckxwl4c7hxx-bar.drv").expect("must parse");
+        static ref FOO_DRV_PATH: StorePath =
+            StorePath::from_bytes(b"ch49594n9avinrf8ip0aslidkc4lxkqv-foo.drv").expect("must parse");
+        static ref BAR_OUT_PATH: StorePath =
+            StorePath::from_bytes(b"mp57d33657rf34lzvlbpfa1gjfv5gmpg-bar").expect("must parse");
+        static ref FOO_OUT_PATH: StorePath =
+            StorePath::from_bytes(b"fhaj6gmwns62s6ypkcldbaj2ybvkhx3p-foo").expect("must parse");
+        static ref FETCH_URL : Fetch = Fetch::URL(
+            Url::parse("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aaptel/notmuch-extract-patch/f732a53e12a7c91a06755ebfab2007adc9b3063b/notmuch-extract-patch").unwrap(),
+            Some(NixHash::Sha256(nixbase32::decode_fixed("0nawkl04sj7psw6ikzay7kydj3dhd0fkwghcsf5rzaw4bmp4kbax").unwrap()))
+        );
+        static ref FETCH_URL_OUT_PATH: StorePath = StorePath::from_bytes(b"06qi00hylriyfm0nl827crgjvbax84mz-notmuch-extract-patch").unwrap();
+        static ref FETCH_TARBALL : Fetch = Fetch::Tarball(
+            Url::parse("https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/91050ea1e57e50388fa87a3302ba12d188ef723a.tar.gz").unwrap(),
+            Some(nixbase32::decode_fixed("1hf6cgaci1n186kkkjq106ryf8mmlq9vnwgfwh625wa8hfgdn4dm").unwrap())
+        );
+        static ref FETCH_TARBALL_OUT_PATH: StorePath = StorePath::from_bytes(b"7adgvk5zdfq4pwrhsm3n9lzypb12gw0g-source").unwrap();
+    }
+    /// ensure we don't allow acdding a Derivation that depends on another,
+    /// not-yet-added Derivation.
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn drv_reject_if_missing_input_drv() {
+        let mut known_paths = KnownPaths::default();
+        // FOO_DRV depends on BAR_DRV, which wasn't added.
+        known_paths.add_derivation(FOO_DRV_PATH.clone(), FOO_DRV.clone());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn drv_happy_path() {
+        let mut known_paths = KnownPaths::default();
+        // get_drv_by_drvpath should return None for non-existing Derivations,
+        // same as get_hash_derivation_modulo and get_drv_path_for_output_path
+        assert_eq!(None, known_paths.get_drv_by_drvpath(&BAR_DRV_PATH));
+        assert_eq!(None, known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(&BAR_DRV_PATH));
+        assert_eq!(
+            None,
+            known_paths.get_drv_path_for_output_path(&BAR_OUT_PATH)
+        );
+        // Add BAR_DRV
+        known_paths.add_derivation(BAR_DRV_PATH.clone(), BAR_DRV.clone());
+        // We should get it back
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(&BAR_DRV.clone()),
+            known_paths.get_drv_by_drvpath(&BAR_DRV_PATH)
+        );
+        // Test get_drv_path_for_output_path
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(&BAR_DRV_PATH.clone()),
+            known_paths.get_drv_path_for_output_path(&BAR_OUT_PATH)
+        );
+        // It should be possible to get the hash derivation modulo.
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(&hex!(
+                "c79aebd0ce3269393d4a1fde2cbd1d975d879b40f0bf40a48f550edc107fd5df"
+            )),
+            known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(&BAR_DRV_PATH.clone())
+        );
+        // Now insert FOO_DRV too. It shouldn't panic, as BAR_DRV is already
+        // added.
+        known_paths.add_derivation(FOO_DRV_PATH.clone(), FOO_DRV.clone());
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(&FOO_DRV.clone()),
+            known_paths.get_drv_by_drvpath(&FOO_DRV_PATH)
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(&hex!(
+                "af030d36d63d3d7f56a71adaba26b36f5fa1f9847da5eed953ed62e18192762f"
+            )),
+            known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(&FOO_DRV_PATH.clone())
+        );
+        // Test get_drv_path_for_output_path
+        assert_eq!(
+            Some(&FOO_DRV_PATH.clone()),
+            known_paths.get_drv_path_for_output_path(&FOO_OUT_PATH)
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn fetch_happy_path() {
+        let mut known_paths = KnownPaths::default();
+        // get_fetch_for_output_path should return None for new fetches.
+        assert!(known_paths
+            .get_fetch_for_output_path(&FETCH_TARBALL_OUT_PATH)
+            .is_none());
+        // add_fetch should return the properly calculated store paths.
+        assert_eq!(
+            known_paths
+                .add_fetch(FETCH_TARBALL.clone(), "source")
+                .unwrap()
+                .to_owned()
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            *FETCH_URL_OUT_PATH,
+            known_paths
+                .add_fetch(FETCH_URL.clone(), "notmuch-extract-patch")
+                .unwrap()
+                .to_owned()
+        );
+        // We should be able to get these fetches out, when asking for their out path.
+        let (got_name, got_fetch) = known_paths
+            .get_fetch_for_output_path(&FETCH_URL_OUT_PATH)
+            .expect("must be some");
+        assert_eq!("notmuch-extract-patch", got_name);
+        assert_eq!(FETCH_URL.clone(), got_fetch);
+        // … multiple times.
+        let (got_name, got_fetch) = known_paths
+            .get_fetch_for_output_path(&FETCH_URL_OUT_PATH)
+            .expect("must be some");
+        assert_eq!("notmuch-extract-patch", got_name);
+        assert_eq!(FETCH_URL.clone(), got_fetch);
+    }
+    // TODO: add test panicking about missing digest