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path: root/tvix/eval/src/lib.rs
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1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/eval/src/lib.rs b/tvix/eval/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..845964cb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/eval/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+//! `tvix-eval` implements the evaluation of the Nix programming language in
+//! Tvix.
+//! It is designed to allow users to use Nix as a versatile language for
+//! different use-cases.
+//! This module exports the high-level functions and types needed for evaluating
+//! Nix code and interacting with the language's data structures.
+//! Nix has several language features that make use of impurities (such as
+//! reading from the NIX_PATH environment variable, or interacting with files).
+//! These features are optional and the API of this crate exposes functionality
+//! for controlling how they work.
+pub mod builtins;
+mod chunk;
+mod compiler;
+mod errors;
+mod io;
+pub mod observer;
+mod opcode;
+mod pretty_ast;
+mod source;
+mod spans;
+mod systems;
+mod upvalues;
+mod value;
+mod vm;
+mod warnings;
+mod nix_search_path;
+mod properties;
+mod test_utils;
+mod tests;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use crate::compiler::GlobalsMap;
+use crate::observer::{CompilerObserver, RuntimeObserver};
+use crate::value::Lambda;
+use crate::vm::run_lambda;
+// Re-export the public interface used by other crates.
+pub use crate::compiler::{compile, prepare_globals, CompilationOutput};
+pub use crate::errors::{AddContext, CatchableErrorKind, Error, ErrorKind, EvalResult};
+pub use crate::io::{DummyIO, EvalIO, FileType};
+pub use crate::pretty_ast::pretty_print_expr;
+pub use crate::source::SourceCode;
+pub use crate::value::{NixContext, NixContextElement};
+pub use crate::vm::generators;
+pub use crate::warnings::{EvalWarning, WarningKind};
+pub use builtin_macros;
+pub use crate::value::{Builtin, CoercionKind, NixAttrs, NixList, NixString, Value};
+#[cfg(feature = "impure")]
+pub use crate::io::StdIO;
+/// An `Evaluation` represents how a piece of Nix code is evaluated. It can be
+/// instantiated and configured directly, or it can be accessed through the
+/// various simplified helper methods available below.
+/// Public fields are intended to be set by the caller. Setting all
+/// fields is optional.
+pub struct Evaluation<'co, 'ro, IO> {
+    /// Source code map used for error reporting.
+    source_map: SourceCode,
+    /// Set of all builtins that should be available during the
+    /// evaluation.
+    ///
+    /// This defaults to all pure builtins. Users might want to add
+    /// the set of impure builtins, or other custom builtins.
+    pub builtins: Vec<(&'static str, Value)>,
+    /// Set of builtins that are implemented in Nix itself and should
+    /// be compiled and inserted in the builtins set.
+    pub src_builtins: Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)>,
+    /// Implementation of file-IO to use during evaluation, e.g. for
+    /// impure builtins.
+    ///
+    /// Defaults to [`DummyIO`] if not set explicitly.
+    pub io_handle: IO,
+    /// Determines whether the `import` builtin should be made
+    /// available. Note that this depends on the `io_handle` being
+    /// able to read the files specified as arguments to `import`.
+    pub enable_import: bool,
+    /// Determines whether the returned value should be strictly
+    /// evaluated, that is whether its list and attribute set elements
+    /// should be forced recursively.
+    pub strict: bool,
+    /// (optional) Nix search path, e.g. the value of `NIX_PATH` used
+    /// for resolving items on the search path (such as `<nixpkgs>`).
+    pub nix_path: Option<String>,
+    /// (optional) compiler observer for reporting on compilation
+    /// details, like the emitted bytecode.
+    pub compiler_observer: Option<&'co mut dyn CompilerObserver>,
+    /// (optional) runtime observer, for reporting on execution steps
+    /// of Nix code.
+    pub runtime_observer: Option<&'ro mut dyn RuntimeObserver>,
+/// Result of evaluating a piece of Nix code. If evaluation succeeded, a value
+/// will be present (and potentially some warnings!). If evaluation failed,
+/// errors will be present.
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct EvaluationResult {
+    /// Nix value that the code evaluated to.
+    pub value: Option<Value>,
+    /// Errors that occured during evaluation (if any).
+    pub errors: Vec<Error>,
+    /// Warnings that occured during evaluation. Warnings are not critical, but
+    /// should be addressed either to modernise code or improve performance.
+    pub warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>,
+    /// AST node that was parsed from the code (on success only).
+    pub expr: Option<rnix::ast::Expr>,
+impl<'co, 'ro, IO> Evaluation<'co, 'ro, IO>
+    IO: AsRef<dyn EvalIO> + 'static,
+    /// Initialize an `Evaluation`.
+    pub fn new(io_handle: IO, enable_import: bool) -> Self {
+        let mut builtins = builtins::pure_builtins();
+        builtins.extend(builtins::placeholders()); // these are temporary
+        Self {
+            source_map: SourceCode::default(),
+            enable_import,
+            io_handle,
+            builtins,
+            src_builtins: vec![],
+            strict: false,
+            nix_path: None,
+            compiler_observer: None,
+            runtime_observer: None,
+        }
+    }
+impl<'co, 'ro> Evaluation<'co, 'ro, Box<dyn EvalIO>> {
+    /// Initialize an `Evaluation`, without the import statement available, and
+    /// all IO operations stubbed out.
+    pub fn new_pure() -> Self {
+        Self::new(Box::new(DummyIO) as Box<dyn EvalIO>, false)
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "impure")]
+    /// Configure an `Evaluation` to have impure features available
+    /// with the given I/O implementation.
+    ///
+    /// If no I/O implementation is supplied, [`StdIO`] is used by
+    /// default.
+    pub fn enable_impure(&mut self, io: Option<Box<dyn EvalIO>>) {
+        self.io_handle = io.unwrap_or_else(|| Box::new(StdIO) as Box<dyn EvalIO>);
+        self.enable_import = true;
+        self.builtins.extend(builtins::impure_builtins());
+        // Make `NIX_PATH` resolutions work by default, unless the
+        // user already overrode this with something else.
+        if self.nix_path.is_none() {
+            self.nix_path = std::env::var("NIX_PATH").ok();
+        }
+    }
+    #[cfg(feature = "impure")]
+    /// Initialise an `Evaluation`, with all impure features turned on by default.
+    pub fn new_impure() -> Self {
+        let mut eval = Self::new_pure();
+        eval.enable_impure(None);
+        eval
+    }
+impl<'co, 'ro, IO> Evaluation<'co, 'ro, IO>
+    IO: AsRef<dyn EvalIO> + 'static,
+    /// Clone the reference to the contained source code map. This is used after
+    /// an evaluation for pretty error printing.
+    pub fn source_map(&self) -> SourceCode {
+        self.source_map.clone()
+    }
+    /// Only compile the provided source code, at an optional location of the
+    /// source code (i.e. path to the file it was read from; used for error
+    /// reporting, and for resolving relative paths in impure functions)
+    /// This does not *run* the code, it only provides analysis (errors and
+    /// warnings) of the compiler.
+    pub fn compile_only(
+        mut self,
+        code: impl AsRef<str>,
+        location: Option<PathBuf>,
+    ) -> EvaluationResult {
+        let mut result = EvaluationResult::default();
+        let source = self.source_map();
+        let location_str = location
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string())
+            .unwrap_or_else(|| "[code]".into());
+        let file = source.add_file(location_str, code.as_ref().to_string());
+        let mut noop_observer = observer::NoOpObserver::default();
+        let compiler_observer = self.compiler_observer.take().unwrap_or(&mut noop_observer);
+        parse_compile_internal(
+            &mut result,
+            code.as_ref(),
+            file,
+            location,
+            source,
+            self.builtins,
+            self.src_builtins,
+            self.enable_import,
+            compiler_observer,
+        );
+        result
+    }
+    /// Evaluate the provided source code, at an optional location of the source
+    /// code (i.e. path to the file it was read from; used for error reporting,
+    /// and for resolving relative paths in impure functions)
+    pub fn evaluate(
+        mut self,
+        code: impl AsRef<str>,
+        location: Option<PathBuf>,
+    ) -> EvaluationResult {
+        let mut result = EvaluationResult::default();
+        let source = self.source_map();
+        let location_str = location
+            .as_ref()
+            .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string())
+            .unwrap_or_else(|| "[code]".into());
+        let file = source.add_file(location_str, code.as_ref().to_string());
+        let mut noop_observer = observer::NoOpObserver::default();
+        let compiler_observer = self.compiler_observer.take().unwrap_or(&mut noop_observer);
+        // Insert a storeDir builtin *iff* a store directory is present.
+        if let Some(store_dir) = self.io_handle.as_ref().store_dir() {
+            self.builtins.push(("storeDir", store_dir.into()));
+        }
+        let (lambda, globals) = match parse_compile_internal(
+            &mut result,
+            code.as_ref(),
+            file.clone(),
+            location,
+            source.clone(),
+            self.builtins,
+            self.src_builtins,
+            self.enable_import,
+            compiler_observer,
+        ) {
+            None => return result,
+            Some(cr) => cr,
+        };
+        // If bytecode was returned, there were no errors and the
+        // code is safe to execute.
+        let nix_path = self
+            .nix_path
+            .as_ref()
+            .and_then(|s| match nix_search_path::NixSearchPath::from_str(s) {
+                Ok(path) => Some(path),
+                Err(err) => {
+                    result.warnings.push(EvalWarning {
+                        kind: WarningKind::InvalidNixPath(err.to_string()),
+                        span: file.span,
+                    });
+                    None
+                }
+            })
+            .unwrap_or_default();
+        let runtime_observer = self.runtime_observer.take().unwrap_or(&mut noop_observer);
+        let vm_result = run_lambda(
+            nix_path,
+            self.io_handle,
+            runtime_observer,
+            source.clone(),
+            globals,
+            lambda,
+            self.strict,
+        );
+        match vm_result {
+            Ok(mut runtime_result) => {
+                result.warnings.append(&mut runtime_result.warnings);
+                if let Value::Catchable(inner) = runtime_result.value {
+                    result.errors.push(Error::new(
+                        ErrorKind::CatchableError(*inner),
+                        file.span,
+                        source,
+                    ));
+                    return result;
+                }
+                result.value = Some(runtime_result.value);
+            }
+            Err(err) => {
+                result.errors.push(err);
+            }
+        }
+        result
+    }
+/// Internal helper function for common parsing & compilation logic
+/// between the public functions.
+#[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] // internal API, no point making an indirection type
+fn parse_compile_internal(
+    result: &mut EvaluationResult,
+    code: &str,
+    file: Arc<codemap::File>,
+    location: Option<PathBuf>,
+    source: SourceCode,
+    builtins: Vec<(&'static str, Value)>,
+    src_builtins: Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)>,
+    enable_import: bool,
+    compiler_observer: &mut dyn CompilerObserver,
+) -> Option<(Rc<Lambda>, Rc<GlobalsMap>)> {
+    let parsed = rnix::ast::Root::parse(code);
+    let parse_errors = parsed.errors();
+    if !parse_errors.is_empty() {
+        result.errors.push(Error::new(
+            ErrorKind::ParseErrors(parse_errors.to_vec()),
+            file.span,
+            source,
+        ));
+        return None;
+    }
+    // At this point we know that the code is free of parse errors and
+    // we can continue to compile it. The expression is persisted in
+    // the result, in case the caller needs it for something.
+    result.expr = parsed.tree().expr();
+    let builtins =
+        crate::compiler::prepare_globals(builtins, src_builtins, source.clone(), enable_import);
+    let compiler_result = match compiler::compile(
+        result.expr.as_ref().unwrap(),
+        location,
+        builtins,
+        &source,
+        &file,
+        compiler_observer,
+    ) {
+        Ok(result) => result,
+        Err(err) => {
+            result.errors.push(err);
+            return None;
+        }
+    };
+    result.warnings = compiler_result.warnings;
+    result.errors.extend(compiler_result.errors);
+    // Short-circuit if errors exist at this point (do not pass broken
+    // bytecode to the runtime).
+    if !result.errors.is_empty() {
+        return None;
+    }
+    // Return the lambda (for execution) and the globals map (to
+    // ensure the invariant that the globals outlive the runtime).
+    Some((compiler_result.lambda, compiler_result.globals))