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+# Summary
+# Tvix
+- [Architecture & data flow](./architecture.md)
+- [TODOs](./TODO.md)
+# Nix
+- [Specification of the Nix Language](./language-spec.md)
+- [Nix language version history](./lang-version.md)
+- [Value Pointer Equality](./value-pointer-equality.md)
+- [Daemon protocol changelog](./nix-daemon/changelog.md)
+- [Daemon protocol logging](./nix-daemon/logging.md)
+- [Daemon protocol operations](./nix-daemon/operations.md)
+- [Daemon protocol serialization](./nix-daemon/serialization.md)
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+This contains a rough collection of ideas on the TODO list, trying to keep track
+of it somewhere.
+Of course, there's no guarantee these things will get addressed, but it helps
+dumping the backlog somewhere.
+Feel free to add new ideas. Before picking something, ask in `#tvix-dev` to make
+sure noone is working on this, or has some specific design in mind already.
+## Cleanups
+### Nix language test suite
+ - Think about how to merge, but "categorize" `tvix_tests` in `glue` and `eval`.
+   We currently only have this split as they need a different feature set /
+   builtins.
+ - move some of the rstest cases in `tvix-glue` to the `.nix`/`.exp` mechanism.
+   Some of them need test fixtures, which cannot be represented in git (special
+   file types in the import tests for example). Needs some support from the test
+   suite to create these fixtures on demand.
+ - extend `verify-lang-tests/default.nix` mechanism to validate `tvix-eval` and
+   `tvix-glue` test cases (or the common structure above).
+ - absorb `eval/tests/nix_oracle.rs` into `tvix_tests`, or figure out why it's
+   not possible (and document) it. It looks like it's only as nix is invoked
+   with a different level of `--strict`, but the toplevel doc-comment suggests
+   its generic?
+## Perf
+ - String Contexts currently do a lot of indirections (edef)
+   (NixString -> NixStringInner -> HashSet[element] -> NixContextElement -> String -> data)
+   to get to the actual data. We should improve this. There's various ideas, one
+   of it is globally interning all Nix context elements, and only keeping
+   indices into that. We might need to have different representations for small
+   amount of context elements or larger ones, and need tooling to reason about
+   the amount of contexts we have.
+### Error cleanup
+ - Currently, all services use tvix_castore::Error, which only has two kinds
+   (invalid request, storage error), containing an (owned) string.
+   This is quite primitive. We should have individual error types for BS, DS, PS.
+   Maybe these should have some generics to still be able to carry errors from
+   the underlying backend, similar to `IngestionError`.
+## Fixes towards correctness
+ - `rnix` only supports string source files, but `NixString` uses bytes (and Nix
+   source code might be no valid UTF-8).
+## Documentation
+Extend the other pages in here. Some ideas on what should be tackled:
+ - Document what Tvix is, and what it is not yet. What it is now, what it is not
+   (yet), explaining some of the architectural choices (castore, more hermetic
+   `Build` repr), while still being compatible. Explain how it's possible to
+   plug in other frontends, and use `tvix-{[ca]store,build}` without Nixlang even.
+   And how `nix-compat` is a useful crate for all sorts of formats and data
+   types of Nix.
+ - Update the Architecture diagram to model the current state of things.
+   There's no gRPC between Coordinator and Evaluator.
+ - Add a dedicated section/page explaining the separation between tvix-glue and
+   tvix-eval, and how more annoying builtins get injected into tvix-eval through
+   tvix-glue.
+   Maybe restructure to only explain the component structure potentially
+   crossing process boundaries (those with gRPC), and make the rest more crate
+   and trait-focused?
+ - Restructure docs on castore vs store, this seems to be duplicated a bit and
+   is probably still not too clear.
+ - Describe store composition(s) in more detail. There's some notes on granular
+   fetching which probably can be repurposed.
+ - Absorb the rest of //tvix/website into this.
+## Features
+### CLI
+ - `nix repl` can set variables and effectively mutates a global scope. We
+  should update the existing / add another repl that allows the same. We don't
+  want to mutate the evaluator, but should construct a new one, passing in the
+  root scope returned from the previous evaluation.
+### Fetchers
+Some more fetcher-related builtins need work:
+ - `fetchGit`
+ - `fetchTree` (hairy, seems there's no proper spec and the URL syntax seems
+   subject to change/underdocumented)
+### Convert builtins:fetchurl to Fetches
+We need to convert `builtins:fetchurl`-style calls to `builtins.derivation` to
+fetches, not Derivations (tracked in `KnownPaths`).
+### Derivation -> Build
+While we have some support for `structuredAttrs` and `fetchClosure` (at least
+enough to calculate output hashes, aka produce identical ATerm), the code
+populating the `Build` struct doesn't exist it yet.
+Similarly, we also don't properly populate the build environment for
+`fetchClosure` yet. (Note there already is `ExportedPathInfo`, so once
+`structuredAttrs` is there this should be easy.
+### Builders
+Once builds are proven to work with real-world builds, and the corner cases
+there are ruled out, adding other types of builders might be interesting.
+ - bwrap
+ - gVisor
+ - Cloud Hypervisor (using similar technique as `//tvix//boot`).
+Long-term, we want to extend traits and gRPC protocol to expose more telemetry,
+logs etc, but this is something requiring a lot of designing.
+### Store composition
+ - Combinators: list-by-priority, first-come-first-serve, cache
+ - How do describe hierarchies. URL format too one-dimensional, but we might get
+   quite far with a similar "substituters" concept that Nix uses, to construct
+   the composed stores.
+### Store Config
+   There's already serde for some store options (bigtable uses `serde_qs`).
+   We might also have common options global over all backends, like chunking
+   parameters for chunking blobservices. Think where this would fit in.
+ - Rework the URL syntax for object_store. We should support the default s3/gcs
+   URLs at least.
+### BlobService
+ - On the trait side, currently there's no way to distinguish reading a
+   known-chunk vs blob, so we might be calling `.chunks()` unnecessarily often.
+   At least for the `object_store` backend, this might be a problem.
+ - While `object_store` recently got support for `Content-Type`
+   (https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/5650), there's no support on the
+   local filesystem yet. We'd need to add support to this (through xattrs).
+### DirectoryService
+ - Add an `object_store` variant, storing a Directory *closure* keyed by the
+   root `Directory` digest. This won't allow indexing intermediate Directory
+   nodes, but once we have `DirectoryService` composition, it shouldn't be an
+   issue.
+ - [redb](https://www.redb.org/) backend
+### PathInfoService
+ - [redb](https://www.redb.org/) backend
+ - sqlite backend (different schema than the Nix one, we need the root nodes data!)
+### Nix Daemon protocol
+- Some work ongoing on the worker operation parsing (griff, picnoir)
+### O11Y
+ - gRPC trace propagation (cl/10532)
+ - `tracing-tracy` (cl/10952)
+ - `[tracing-]indicatif` for progress/log reporting (floklis stash)
+ - unification into `tvix-tracing` crate, currently a lot of boilerplate
+   in `tvix-store` CLI entrypoint, and half of the boilerplate copied over to
+   `tvix-cli`.
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+# Tvix - Architecture & data flow
+## Background
+We intend for Tvix tooling to be more decoupled than the existing,
+monolithic Nix implementation. In practice, we expect to gain several
+benefits from this, such as:
+- Ability to use different builders
+- Ability to use different store implementations
+- No monopolisation of the implementation, allowing users to replace
+  components that they are unhappy with (up to and including the
+  language evaluator)
+- Less hidden intra-dependencies between tools due to explicit RPC/IPC
+  boundaries
+Communication between different components of the system will use
+gRPC. The rest of this document outlines the components.
+## Components
+### Coordinator
+*Purpose:* The coordinator (in the simplest case, the Tvix CLI tool)
+oversees the flow of a build process and delegates tasks to the right
+subcomponents. For example, if a user runs the equivalent of
+`nix-build` in a folder containing a `default.nix` file, the
+coordinator will invoke the evaluator, pass the resulting derivations
+to the builder and coordinate any necessary store interactions (for
+substitution and other purposes).
+While many users are likely to use the CLI tool as their primary
+method of interacting with Tvix, it is not unlikely that alternative
+coordinators (e.g. for a distributed, "Nix-native" CI system) would be
+implemented. To facilitate this, we are considering implementing the
+coordinator on top of a state-machine model that would make it
+possible to reuse the FSM logic without tying it to any particular
+kind of application.
+### Evaluator
+*Purpose:* Eval takes care of evaluating Nix code. In a typical build
+flow it would be responsible for producing derivations. It can also be
+used as a standalone tool, for example, in use-cases where Nix is used
+to generate configuration without any build or store involvement.
+*Requirements:* For now, it will run on the machine invoking the build
+command itself. We give it filesystem access to handle things like
+imports or `builtins.readFile`.
+To support IFD, the Evaluator also needs access to store paths. This
+could be implemented by having the coordinator provide an interface to retrieve
+files from a store path, or by ensuring a "realized version of the store" is
+accessible by the evaluator (this could be a FUSE filesystem, or the "real"
+/nix/store on disk.
+We might be okay with running the evaluator with filesystem access for now and
+can extend the interface if the need arises.
+### Builder
+*Purpose:* A builder receives derivations from the coordinator and
+builds them.
+By making builder a standardised interface it's possible to make the
+sandboxing mechanism used by the build process pluggable.
+Nix is currently using a hard-coded
+[libseccomp](https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp) based sandboxing
+mechanism and another one based on
+[sandboxd](https://www.unix.com/man-page/mojave/8/sandboxd/) on macOS.
+These are only separated by [compiler preprocessor
+macros](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Ifdef.html) within the same
+source files despite having very little in common with each other.
+This makes experimentation with alternative backends difficult and
+porting Nix to other platforms harder than it has to be. We want to
+write a new Linux builder which uses
+[OCI](https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec), the current
+dominant Linux containerisation technology, by default.
+With a well-defined builder abstraction, it's also easy to imagine
+other backends such as a Kubernetes-based one in the future.
+The environment in which builds happen is currently very Nix-specific. We might
+want to avoid having to maintain all the intricacies of a Nix-specific
+sandboxing environment in every builder, and instead only provide a more
+generic interface, receiving build requests (and have the coordinator translate
+derivations to that format). [^1]
+To build, the builder needs to be able to mount all build inputs into the build
+environment. For this, it needs the store to expose a filesystem interface.
+### Store
+*Purpose:* Store takes care of storing build results. It provides a
+unified interface to get store paths and upload new ones, as well as querying
+for the existence of a store path and its metadata (references, signatures, …).
+Tvix natively uses an improved store protocol. Instead of transferring around
+NAR files, which don't provide an index and don't allow seekable access, a
+concept similar to git tree hashing is used.
+This allows more granular substitution, chunk reusage and parallel download of
+individual files, reducing bandwidth usage.
+As these chunks are content-addressed, it opens up the potential for
+peer-to-peer trustless substitution of most of the data, as long as we sign the
+root of the index.
+Tvix still keeps the old-style signatures, NAR hashes and NAR size around. In
+the case of NAR hash / NAR size, this data is strictly required in some cases.
+The old-style signatures are valuable for communication with existing
+Old-style binary caches (like cache.nixos.org) can still be exposed via the new
+interface, by doing on-the-fly (re)chunking/ingestion.
+Most likely, there will be multiple implementations of store, some storing
+things locally, some exposing a "remote view".
+A few possible ones that come to mind are:
+- Local store
+- SFTP/ GCP / S3 / HTTP
+- NAR/NARInfo protocol: HTTP, S3
+A remote Tvix store can be connected by simply connecting to its gRPC
+interface, possibly using SSH tunneling, but there doesn't need to be an
+additional "wire format" like the Nix `ssh(+ng)://` protocol.
+Settling on one interface allows composition of stores, meaning it becomes
+possible to express substitution from remote caches as a proxy layer.
+It'd also be possible to write a FUSE implementation on top of the RPC
+interface, exposing a lazily-substituting /nix/store mountpoint. Using this in
+remote build context dramatically reduces the amount of data transferred to a
+builder, as only the files really accessed during the build are substituted.
+## Figures
+{{#include figures/component-flow.puml}}
+[^1]: There have already been some discussions in the Nix community, to switch
+  to REAPI:
+  https://discourse.nixos.org/t/a-proposal-for-replacing-the-nix-worker-protocol/20926/22
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+title Tvix build flow
+actor User
+participant CLI
+participant "Coordinator" as Coord
+participant "Evaluator" as Eval
+database Store
+participant "Builder" as Build
+note over CLI,Eval
+    Typically runs locally on the invoking machine
+end note
+/ note over Store, Build
+    Can be either local or remote
+end note
+User-->CLI: User initiates build of `hello` (analogous to `nix-build -f '<nixpkgs>' -A hello`)
+CLI-->Coord: CLI invokes coordinator
+Coord-->Eval: Sends message to start evaluation of `<nixpkgs>` (path lookup) with attribute `hello`
+note right: The paths to the evaluator are local file system paths
+Coord<--Eval: Yields derivations to be built
+note right
+    Immediately starts streaming derivations as they are instantiated across
+    the dependency graph so they can be built while the evaluation is still running.
+    There are two types of build requests: One for regular "fire and forget" builds,
+    and another for IFD (import from derivation).
+    These are distinct because IFD needs to be fed back into the evaluator for
+    further processing while a regular build does not.
+end note
+loop while has more derivations
+    Coord-->Store: Check if desired paths are in store
+    alt Store has path
+        Coord<--Store: Success response
+    else Store does not have path
+        Coord-->Build: Request derivation to be built
+        alt Build failure
+            Coord<--Build: Fail response
+            note left: It's up to the coordinator whether to exit on build failure
+        else Build success
+            Build-->Store: Push outputs to store
+            Build<--Coord: Send success & pushed response
+        end
+    end
+CLI<--Coord: Respond success/fail
+User<--CLI: Exit success/fail
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+# Nix language version history
+The Nix language (“Nix”) has its own versioning mechanism independent from its
+most popular implementation (“C++ Nix”): `builtins.langVersion`. It has been
+increased whenever the language has changed syntactically or semantically in a
+way that would not be introspectable otherwise. In particular, this does not
+include addition (or removal) of `builtins`, as this can be introspected using
+standard attribute set operations.
+Changes to `builtins.langVersion` are best found by viewing the git history of
+C++ Nix using `git log -G 'mkInt\\(v, [0-9]\\)'` for `builtins.langVersion` < 7.
+After that point `git log -G 'v\\.mkInt\\([0-9]+\\)'` should work. To reduce the
+amount of false positives, specify the version number you are interested in
+## 1
+The first version of the Nix language is its state at the point when
+`builtins.langVersion` was added in [8b8ee53] which was first released
+as part of C++ Nix 1.2.
+## 2
+Nix version 2 changed the behavior of `builtins.storePath`: It would now [try to
+substitute the given path if missing][storePath-substitute], instead of creating
+an evaluation failure. `builtins.langVersion` was increased in [e36229d].
+## 3
+Nix version 3 changed the behavior of the `==` behavior. Strings would now be
+considered [equal even if they had differing string context][equal-no-ctx].
+## 4
+Nix version 4 [added the float type][float] to the language.
+## 5
+The [increase of `builtins.langVersion` to 5][langVersion-5] did not signify a
+language change, but added support for structured attributes to the Nix daemon.
+Eelco Dolstra writes as to what changed:
+> The structured attributes support. Unfortunately that's not so much a language
+> change as a build.cc (i.e. daemon) change, but we don't really have a way to
+> express that...
+Maybe `builtins.nixVersion` (which was added in version 1) should have been
+used instead. In any case, the [only `langVersion` check][nixpkgs-langVersion-5]
+in nixpkgs verifies a lower bound of 5.
+## 6
+Nix version 6 added support for [comparing two lists][list-comparison].
+[8b8ee53]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/8b8ee53bc73769bb25d967ba259dabc9b23e2e6f
+[storePath-substitute]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/22d665019a3770148929b7504c73bcdbe025ec12
+[e36229d]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/e36229d27f9ab508e0abf1892f3e8c263d2f8c58
+[equal-no-ctx]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/ee7fe64c0ac00f2be11604a2a6509eb86dc19f0a
+[float]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/14ebde52893263930cdcde1406cc91cc5c42556f
+[langVersion-5]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/8191992c83bf4387b03c5fdaba818dc2b520462d
+[list-comparison]: https://github.com/nixos/nix/commit/09471d2680292af48b2788108de56a8da755d661
+[nixpkgs-langVersion-5]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/d7ac3423d321b8b145ccdd1aed9dfdb280f5e391/pkgs/build-support/closure-info.nix#L11
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+# Specification of the Nix Language
+WARNING: This document is a work in progress. Please keep an eye on
+[`topic:nix-spec`](https://cl.tvl.fyi/q/topic:nix-spec) for ongoing
+Nix is a general-purpose, functional programming language which this
+document aims to describe.
+## Background
+Nix was designed and implemented as part of the [Nix package
+manager](https://nixos.org/nix). It is primarily used for generating
+so-called [*derivations*](#derivations), which are data structures
+describing how to build a package.
+The language has been described in the
+[thesis](https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf) introducing
+the package manager, but only on a high-level. At the time of writing,
+Nix is informally specified (via its only complete implementation in
+the package manager) and there is no complete overview over its -
+sometimes surprising - semantics.
+The primary project written in Nix is
+[nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/). Uncertainties in the
+process of writing this specification are resolved by investigating
+patterns in nixpkgs, which we consider canonical. The code in nixpkgs
+uses a reasonable subset of the features exposed by the current
+implementation, some of which are *accidental*, and is thus more
+useful for specifying how the language should work.
+## Introduction to Nix
+Nix is a general-purpose, partially lazy, functional programming
+language which provides higher-order functions, type reflection,
+primitive data types such as integers, strings and floats, and
+compound data structures such as lists and attribute sets.
+Nix has syntactic sugar for common operations, such as those for
+attribute sets, and also provides a wide range of built-in functions
+which have organically accumulated over time.
+Nix has a variety of legacy features that are not in practical use,
+but are documented in sections of this specification for the sake of
+This document describes the syntax and abstract semantics of the Nix
+language, but leaves out implementation details about how Nix can be
+interpreted/compiled/analysed etc.
+### Program structure
+This section describes the semantic structure of Nix, and how it
+relates to the rest of the specification.
+Each Nix program is a single [*expression*](#expressions) denoting a
+[*value*](#values) (commonly a [*function*](#functions)). Each value
+has a [*type*](#types), however this type is not statically known.
+Nix code is modularised through the use of the
+[*import*](#builtins-import) built-in function. No separate module
+system exists.
+In addition to chapters describing the building blocks mentioned
+above, this specificiation also describes the [*syntax*](#syntax), the
+available [built-in functions](#builtins), [*error handling*](#errors)
+and known [*deficiencies*](#deficiencies) in the language.
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+## Nix version protocol
+| Nix version     | Protocol |
+| --------------- | -------- |
+| 0.11            | 1.02     |
+| 0.12            | 1.04     |
+| 0.13            | 1.05     |
+| 0.14            | 1.05     |
+| 0.15            | 1.05     |
+| 0.16            | 1.06     |
+| 1.0             | 1.10     |
+| 1.1             | 1.11     |
+| 1.2             | 1.12     |
+| 1.3 - 1.5.3     | 1.13     |
+| 1.6 - 1.10      | 1.14     |
+| 1.11 - 1.11.16  | 1.15     |
+| 2.0 - 2.0.4     | 1.20     |
+| 2.1 - 2.3.18    | 1.21     |
+| 2.4 - 2.6.1     | 1.32     |
+| 2.7.0           | 1.33     |
+| 2.8.0 - 2.14.1  | 1.34     |
+| 2.15.0 - 2.19.4 | 1.35     |
+| 2.20.0 - 2.22.0 | 1.37     |
+In commit [be64fbb501][be64fbb501] support was droped for protocol versions older than 1.10.
+This happened when the protocol was between 1.17 and 1.18 and was released with Nix 2.0.
+So this means that any version of Nix 2.x can't talk to Nix 0.x.
+## Operation History
+| Op              | Id | Commit         | Protocol | Nix Version | Notes |
+| --------------- | -- | -------------- | -------- | ----------- | ----- |
+| *Quit           | 0  | [a711689368][a711689368] || 0.11 | Became dead code in [7951c3c54][7951c3c54] (Nix 0.11) and removed in [d3c61d83b][d3c61d83b] (Nix 1.8) |
+| IsValidPath     | 1  | [a711689368][a711689368] || 0.11 ||
+| HasSubstitutes  | 3  | [0565b5f2b3][0565b5f2b3] || 0.11 ||
+| QueryPathHash   | 4  | [0565b5f2b3][0565b5f2b3] || 0.11 | Obsolete [e0204f8d46][e0204f8d46]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.16 |
+| QueryReferences | 5  | [0565b5f2b3][0565b5f2b3] || 0.11 | Obsolete [e0204f8d46][e0204f8d46]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.16 |
+| QueryReferrers  | 6  | [0565b5f2b3][0565b5f2b3] || 0.11 ||
+| AddToStore      | 7  | [0263279071][0263279071] || 0.11 ||
+| AddTextToStore  | 8  | [0263279071][0263279071] || 0.11 | Obsolete [c602ebfb34][c602ebfb34]<br>Nix 2.4 Protocol 1.25 |
+| BuildPaths      | 9  | [0565b5f2b3][0565b5f2b3] || 0.11 ||
+| EnsurePath      | 10 | [0565b5f2b3][0565b5f2b3] || 0.11 ||
+| AddTempRoot     | 11 | [e25fad691a][e25fad691a] || 0.11 ||
+| AddIndirectRoot | 12 | [74033a844f][74033a844f] || 0.11 ||
+| SyncWithGC      | 13 | [e25fad691a][e25fad691a] || 0.11 | Obsolete [9947f1646a][9947f1646a]<br> Nix 2.5.0 Protocol 1.32 |
+| FindRoots       | 14 | [29cf434a35][29cf434a35] || 0.11 ||
+| *CollectGarbage | 15 | [a9c4f66cfb][a9c4f66cfb] || 0.11 | Removed [a72709afd8][a72709afd8]<br>Nix 0.12 Protocol 1.02 |
+| ExportPath      | 16 | [0f5da8a83c][0f5da8a83c] || 0.11 | Obsolete [538a64e8c3][538a64e8c3]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.17 |
+| *ImportPath     | 17 | [0f5da8a83c][0f5da8a83c] || 0.11 | Removed [273b288a7e][273b288a7e]<br>Nix 1.0 Protocol 1.09 |
+| QueryDeriver    | 18 | [6d1a1191b0][6d1a1191b0] || 0.11 | Obsolete [e0204f8d46][e0204f8d46]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.16 |
+| SetOptions      | 19 | [f3441e6122][f3441e6122] || 0.11 ||
+| CollectGarbage              | 20 | [a72709afd8][a72709afd8] | 1.02  | 0.12   ||
+| QuerySubstitutablePathInfo  | 21 | [03427e76f1][03427e76f1] | 1.02  | 0.12   ||
+| QueryDerivationOutputs      | 22 | [e42401ee7b][e42401ee7b] | 1.05  | 1.0    | Obsolete [d38f860c3e][d38f860c3e]<br>Nix 2.4 Protocol 1.22* |
+| QueryAllValidPaths          | 23 | [24035b98b1][24035b98b1] | 1.05  | 1.0    ||
+| *QueryFailedPaths            | 24 | [f92c9a0ac5][f92c9a0ac5] | 1.05  | 1.0    | Removed [8cffec848][8cffec848]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.16 |
+| *ClearFailedPaths            | 25 | [f92c9a0ac5][f92c9a0ac5] | 1.05  | 1.0    | Removed [8cffec848][8cffec848]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.16 |
+| QueryPathInfo               | 26 | [1db6259076][1db6259076] | 1.06  | 1.0    ||
+| ImportPaths                 | 27 | [273b288a7e][273b288a7e] | 1.09  | 1.0    | Obsolete [538a64e8c3][538a64e8c3]<br>Nix 2.0 Protocol 1.17 |
+| QueryDerivationOutputNames  | 28 | [af2e53fd48][af2e53fd48]<br>([194d21f9f6][194d21f9f6]) | 1.08      | 1.0 | Obsolete<br>[045b07200c][045b07200c]<br>Nix 2.4 Protocol 1.21 |
+| QueryPathFromHashPart       | 29 | [ccc52adfb2][ccc52adfb2] | 1.11  | 1.1    ||
+| QuerySubstitutablePathInfos | 30 | [eb3036da87][eb3036da87] | 1.12* | 1.2    ||
+| QueryValidPaths             | 31 | [58ef4d9a95][58ef4d9a95] | 1.12  | 1.2    ||
+| QuerySubstitutablePaths     | 32 | [09a6321aeb][09a6321aeb] | 1.12  | 1.2    ||
+| QueryValidDerivers          | 33 | [2754a07ead][2754a07ead] | 1.13* | 1.3    ||
+| OptimiseStore               | 34 | [8fb8c26b6d][2754a07ead] | 1.14  | 1.8    ||
+| VerifyStore                 | 35 | [b755752f76][b755752f76] | 1.14  | 1.9    ||
+| BuildDerivation             | 36 | [71a5161365][71a5161365] | 1.14  | 1.10   ||
+| AddSignatures               | 37 | [d0f5719c2a][d0f5719c2a] | 1.16  | 2.0    ||
+| NarFromPath                 | 38 | [b4b5e9ce2f][b4b5e9ce2f] | 1.17  | 2.0    ||
+| AddToStoreNar               | 39 | [584f8a62de][584f8a62de] | 1.17  | 2.0    ||
+| QueryMissing                | 40 | [ba20730b3f][ba20730b3f] | 1.19* | 2.0    ||
+| QueryDerivationOutputMap    | 41 | [d38f860c3e][d38f860c3e] | 1.22* | 2.4    ||
+| RegisterDrvOutput           | 42 | [58cdab64ac][58cdab64ac] | 1.27  | 2.4    ||
+| QueryRealisation            | 43 | [58cdab64ac][58cdab64ac] | 1.27  | 2.4    ||
+| AddMultipleToStore          | 44 | [fe1f34fa60][fe1f34fa60] | 1.32* | 2.4    ||
+| AddBuildLog                 | 45 | [4dda1f92aa][4dda1f92aa] | 1.32  | 2.6.0  ||
+| BuildPathsWithResults       | 46 | [a4604f1928][a4604f1928] | 1.34* | 2.8.0  ||
+| AddPermRoot                 | 47 | [226b0f3956][226b0f3956] | 1.36* | 2.20.0 ||
+Notes: Ops that start with * have been removed.
+Protocol version that ends with * was bumped while adding that operation. Otherwise protocol version referes to the protocol version at the time the operation was added (so only at the next protocol version can you assume the operation is present/removed/obsolete since it was added/removed/obsoleted between protocol versions).
+## Protocol version change log
+- 1.01 [f3441e6122][f3441e6122] Initial Version
+- 1.02 [c370755583][c370755583] Use build hook
+- 1.03 [db4f4a8425][db4f4a8425] Backward compatibility check
+- 1.04 [96598e7b06][96598e7b06] SetOptions buildVerbosity
+- 1.05 [60ec75048a][60ec75048a] SetOptions useAtime & maxAtime
+- 1.06 [6846ed8b44][6846ed8b44] SetOptions buildCores
+- 1.07 [bdf089f463][bdf089f463] QuerySubstitutablePathInfo narSize
+- 1.08 [b1eb252172][b1eb252172] STDERR_ERROR exit status
+- 1.09 [e0bd307802][e0bd307802] ImportPath not supported on versions older than 1.09
+- 1.10 [db5b86ef13][db5b86ef13] SetOptions build-use-substitutess
+- 1.11 [4bc4da331a][4bc4da331a] open connection reserveSpace
+- 1.12 [eb3036da87][eb3036da87] Implement QuerySubstitutablePathInfos
+- 1.13 [2754a07ead][2754a07ead] Implement QueryValidDerivers
+- 1.14 [a583a2bc59][a583a2bc59] open connection cpu affinity
+- 1.15 [d1e3bf01bc][d1e3bf01bc] BuildPaths buildMode
+- 1.16 [9cee600c88][9cee600c88] QueryPathInfo ultimate & sigs
+- 1.17 [ddea253ff8][ddea253ff8] QueryPathInfo returns valid bool
+- 1.18 [4b8f1b0ec0][4b8f1b0ec0] Select between AddToStoreNar and ImportPaths
+- 1.19 [ba20730b3f][ba20730b3f] Implement QueryMissing
+- 1.20 [cfc8132391][cfc8132391] Don't send activity and result logs to old clients
+- 1.21 [6185d25e52][6185d25e52] AddToStoreNar uses TunnelLogger for data
+- 1.22 [d38f860c3e][d38f860c3e] Implement QueryDerivationOutputMap and obsolete QueryDerivationOutputs
+- 1.23 [4c0077a07d][4c0077a07d] AddToStoreNar uses FramedSink/-Source for data
+- 1.24 [5ccd94501d][5ccd94501d] Allow trustless building of CA derivations
+- 1.25 [e34fe47d0c][e34fe47d0c] New implementation of AddToStore
+- 1.26 [c43e882f54][c43e882f54] STDERR_ERROR serialize exception
+- 1.27 [3a63fc6cd5][3a63fc6cd5] QueryValidPaths substitute flag
+- 1.28 [27b5747ca7][27b5747ca7] BuildDerivation returns builtOutputs
+- 1.29 [9d309de0de][9d309de0de] BuildDerivation returns timesBuilt, isNonDeterministic, startTime & stopTime
+- 1.30 [e5951a6b2f][e5951a6b2f] Bump version number for DerivedPath changes
+- 1.31 [a8416866cf][a8416866cf] RegisterDrvOutput & QueryRealisation send realisations as JSON
+- 1.32 [fe1f34fa60][fe1f34fa60] Implement AddMultipleToStore
+- 1.33 [35dbdbedd4][35dbdbedd4] open connection sends nix version
+- 1.34 [a4604f1928][a4604f1928] Implement BuildPathsWithResults
+- 1.35 [9207f94582][9207f94582] open connection sends trusted option
+- 1.36 [226b0f3956][226b0f3956] Implement AddPermRoot
+- 1.37 [1e3d811840][1e3d811840] Serialize BuildResult send cpuUser & cpuSystem
+[0263279071]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/0263279071
+[03427e76f1]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/03427e76f1
+[045b07200c]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/045b07200c
+[0565b5f2b3]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/0565b5f2b3
+[09a6321aeb]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/09a6321aeb
+[0f5da8a83c]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/0f5da8a83c
+[194d21f9f6]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/194d21f9f6
+[1db6259076]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/1db6259076
+[1e3d811840]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/1e3d811840
+[24035b98b1]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/24035b98b1
+[226b0f3956]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/226b0f3956
+[273b288a7e]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/273b288a7e
+[2754a07ead]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/2754a07ead
+[27b5747ca7]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/27b5747ca7
+[29cf434a35]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/29cf434a35
+[35dbdbedd4]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/35dbdbedd4
+[3a63fc6cd5]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/3a63fc6cd5
+[4b8f1b0ec0]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/4b8f1b0ec0
+[4bc4da331a]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/4bc4da331a
+[4c0077a07d]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/4c0077a07d
+[4dda1f92aa]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/4dda1f92aa
+[538a64e8c3]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/538a64e8c3
+[584f8a62de]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/584f8a62de
+[58cdab64ac]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/58cdab64ac
+[58ef4d9a95]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/58ef4d9a95
+[5ccd94501d]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/5ccd94501d
+[60ec75048a]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/60ec75048a
+[6185d25e52]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/6185d25e52
+[6846ed8b44]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/6846ed8b44
+[6d1a1191b0]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/6d1a1191b0
+[71a5161365]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/71a5161365
+[74033a844f]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/74033a844f
+[7951c3c54]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/7951c3c54
+[8cffec848]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/8cffec848
+[8fb8c26b6d]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/8fb8c26b6d
+[9207f94582]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/9207f94582
+[96598e7b06]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/96598e7b06
+[9947f1646a]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/9947f1646a
+[9cee600c88]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/9cee600c88
+[9d309de0de]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/9d309de0de
+[a4604f1928]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/a4604f1928
+[a583a2bc59]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/a583a2bc59
+[a711689368]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/a711689368
+[a72709afd8]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/a72709afd8
+[a8416866cf]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/a8416866cf
+[a9c4f66cfb]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/a9c4f66cfb
+[af2e53fd48]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/af2e53fd48
+[b1eb252172]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/b1eb252172
+[b4b5e9ce2f]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/b4b5e9ce2f
+[b755752f76]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/b755752f76
+[ba20730b3f]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/ba20730b3f
+[bdf089f463]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/bdf089f463
+[be64fbb501]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/be64fbb501
+[c370755583]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/c370755583
+[c43e882f54]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/c43e882f54
+[c602ebfb34]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/c602ebfb34
+[ccc52adfb2]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/ccc52adfb2
+[cfc8132391]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/cfc8132391
+[d0f5719c2a]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/d0f5719c2a
+[d1e3bf01bc]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/d1e3bf01bc
+[d38f860c3e]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/d38f860c3e
+[d3c61d83b]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/d3c61d83b
+[db4f4a8425]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/db4f4a8425
+[db5b86ef13]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/db5b86ef13
+[ddea253ff8]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/ddea253ff8
+[e0204f8d46]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/e0204f8d46
+[e0bd307802]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/e0bd307802
+[e25fad691a]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/e25fad691a
+[e34fe47d0c]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/e34fe47d0c
+[e42401ee7b]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/e42401ee7b
+[e5951a6b2f]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/e5951a6b2f
+[eb3036da87]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/eb3036da87
+[f3441e6122]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/f3441e6122
+[f92c9a0ac5]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/f92c9a0ac5
+[fe1f34fa60]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/fe1f34fa60
diff --git a/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/logging.md b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/logging.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70fe0882fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/logging.md
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Logging
+Because the daemon protocol only has one sender stream and one receiver stream
+logging messages need to be carefully interleaved with requests and responses.
+Usually this means that after the operation and all of its inputs (the request)
+has been read logging hijacks the sender stream (in the server case) and uses
+it to send typed logging messages while the request is being processed. When
+the response has been generated it will send `STDERR_LAST` to mark that what
+follows is the response data to the request. If the request failed a
+`STDERR_ERROR` message is sent with the error and no response is sent.
+While not in this state between request reading and response sending all
+messages and activities are buffered until next time the logger can send data.
+The logging messages supported are:
+Marks the end of the logs, normal processing can resume.
+- 0x616c7473 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+This also marks the end of this log "session" and so it
+has the same effect as `STDERR_LAST`.
+On the client the error is thrown as an exception and no response is read.
+#### If protocol version is 1.26 or newer
+- 0x63787470 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- error :: [Error][se-Error]
+#### If protocol version is older than 1.26
+- 0x63787470 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- msg :: [String][se-String]
+- exitStatus :: [Int][se-Int]
+Normal string log message.
+- 0x6f6c6d67 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- msg :: [String][se-String]
+Reader interface used by ImportsPaths and AddToStoreNar (between 1.21 and 1.23).
+It works by sending a desired buffer length and then on the receiver stream it
+reads bytes buffer of that length. If it receives 0 bytes it sees this as an
+unexpected EOF.
+- 0x64617461 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- desiredLen :: [Size][se-Size]
+Writer interface used by ExportPath. Simply writes a buffer.
+- 0x64617416 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- buffer :: [Bytes][se-Bytes]
+Begins an activity. In other tracing frameworks this would be called a span.
+Implemented in protocol 1.20. To achieve backwards compatible with older
+versions of the protocol instead of sending an `STDERR_START_ACTIVITY`
+the level is checked against enabled logging level and the text field is
+sent as a simple log message with `STDERR_NEXT`.
+- 0x53545254 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- act :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- level :: [Verbosity][se-Verbosity]
+- type :: [ActivityType][se-ActivityType]
+- text :: [String][se-String]
+- fields :: [List][se-List] of [Field][se-Field]
+- parent :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+act is atomic (nextId++ + (getPid() << 32))
+Stops the given activity. The activity id should not send any more results.
+Just sends `ActivityId`.
+Implemented in protocol 1.20. When backwards compatible with older versions of
+the protocol and this message would have been sent it is instead ignored.
+- 0x53544f50 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+Sends results for a given activity.
+Implemented in protocol 1.20. When backwards compatible with older versions of
+the protocol and this message would have been sent it is instead ignored.
+- 0x52534c54 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+- act :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- type :: [ResultType][se-ResultType]
+- fields :: [List][se-List] of [Field][se-Field]
+[se-UInt64]: ./serialization.md#uint64
+[se-Int]: ./serialization.md#int
+[se-Size]: ./serialization.md#size
+[se-Verbosity]: ./serialization.md#verbosity
+[se-ActivityType]: ./serialization.md#activitytype
+[se-ResultType]: ./serialization.md#resulttype
+[se-Bytes]: ./serialization.md#bytes
+[se-String]: ./serialization.md#string
+[se-List]: ./serialization.md#list-of-x
+[se-Error]: ./serialization.md#error
+[se-Field]: ./serialization.md#field
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/operations.md b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/operations.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0683ab0709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/operations.md
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+# TOC
+| Operation                                                   | Id |
+| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -- |
+| [IsValidPath](#isvalidpath)                                 | 1  |
+| [HasSubstitutes](#hassubstitutes)                           | 3  |
+| [QueryReferrers](#queryreferrers)                           | 6  |
+| [AddToStore](#addtostore)                                   | 7  |
+| [BuildPaths](#buildpaths)                                   | 9  |
+| [EnsurePath](#ensurepath)                                   | 10 |
+| [AddTempRoot](#addtemproot)                                 | 11 |
+| [AddIndirectRoot](#addindirectroot)                         | 12 |
+| [FindRoots](#findroots)                                     | 14 |
+| [SetOptions](#setoptions)                                   | 19 |
+| [CollectGarbage](#collectgarbage)                           | 20 |
+| [QuerySubstitutablePathInfo](#querysubstitutablepathinfo)   | 21 |
+| [QueryAllValidPaths](#queryallvalidpaths)                   | 23 |
+| [QueryPathInfo](#querypathinfo)                             | 26 |
+| [QueryPathFromHashPart](#querypathfromhashpart)             | 29 |
+| [QuerySubstitutablePathInfos](#querysubstitutablepathinfos) | 30 |
+| [QueryValidPaths](#queryvalidpaths)                         | 31 |
+| [QuerySubstitutablePaths](#querysubstitutablepaths)         | 32 |
+| [QueryValidDerivers](#queryvalidderivers)                   | 33 |
+| [OptimiseStore](#optimisestore)                             | 34 |
+| [VerifyStore](#verifystore)                                 | 35 |
+| [BuildDerivation](#buildderivation)                         | 36 |
+| [AddSignatures](#addsignatures)                             | 37 |
+| [NarFromPath](#narfrompath)                                 | 38 |
+| [AddToStoreNar](#addtostore)                                | 39 |
+| [QueryMissing](#querymissing)                               | 40 |
+| [QueryDerivationOutputMap](#queryderivationoutputmap)       | 41 |
+| [RegisterDrvOutput](#registerdrvoutput)                     | 42 |
+| [QueryRealisation](#queryrealisation)                       | 43 |
+| [AddMultipleToStore](#addmultipletostore)                   | 44 |
+| [AddBuildLog](#addbuildlog)                                 | 45 |
+| [BuildPathsWithResults](#buildpathswithresults)             | 46 |
+| [AddPermRoot](#addpermroot)                                 | 47 |
+## Obsolete operations
+| Operation                                                 | Id |
+| --------------------------------------------------------- | -- |
+| [QueryPathHash](#querypathhash)                           | 4  |
+| [QueryReferences](#queryreferences)                       | 5  |
+| [AddTextToStore](#addtexttostore)                         | 8  |
+| [SyncWithGC](#syncwithgc)                                 | 13 |
+| [ExportPath](#exportpath)                                 | 16 |
+| [QueryDeriver](#queryderiver)                             | 18 |
+| [QueryDerivationOutputs](#queryderivationoutputs)         | 22 |
+| [ImportPaths](#importpaths)                               | 27 |
+| [QueryDerivationOutputNames](#queryderivationoutputnames) | 28 |
+## Removed operations
+| Operation                                         | Id |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | -- |
+| [Quit](#quit-removed)                             | 0  |
+| [ImportPath](#importpath-removed)                 | 17 |
+| [Old CollectGarbage](#old-collectgarbage-removed) | 15 |
+| [QueryFailedPaths](#queryfailedpaths)             | 24 |
+| [ClearFailedPaths](#clearfailedpaths)             | 25 |
+## Quit (removed)
+**Id:** 0<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Removed:** Became dead code in Nix 0.11 and removed in Nix 1.8
+## IsValidPath
+**Id:** 1<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+As the name says checks that a store path is valid i.e. in the store.
+This is a pretty core operation used everywhere.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+isValid :: [Bool][se-Bool]
+## HasSubstitutes
+**Id:** 3<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Checks if we can substitute the input path from a substituter. Uses
+QuerySubstitutablePaths under the hood :/
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+hasSubstitutes :: [Bool][se-Bool]
+## QueryPathHash
+**Id:** 4<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.16, Nix 2.0<br>
+Retrieves the base16 NAR hash of a given store path.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+hash :: [String][se-String] (base16-encoded NAR hash without algorithm prefix)
+## QueryReferences
+**Id:** 5<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.16, Nix 2.0<br>
+Retrieves the references of a given path
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+references :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QueryReferrers
+**Id:** 6<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Retrieves the referrers of a given path.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+referrers :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## AddToStore
+**Id:** 7<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Add a new path to the store.
+### Before protocol version 1.25
+#### Inputs
+- baseName :: [String][se-String]
+- fixed :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- recursive :: [FileIngestionMethod][se-FileIngestionMethod]
+- hashAlgo :: [String][se-String]
+- NAR dump
+If fixed is `true`, hashAlgo is forced to `sha256` and recursive is forced to
+Only `Flat` and `Recursive` values are supported for the recursive input
+#### Outputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Protocol version 1.25 or newer
+#### Inputs
+- name :: [String][se-String]
+- camStr :: [ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo][se-ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo]
+- refs :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- repairBool :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- [Framed][se-Framed] NAR dump
+#### Outputs
+info :: [ValidPathInfo][se-ValidPathInfo]
+## AddTextToStore
+**Id:** 8<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.25, Nix 2.4
+Add a text file as a store path.
+This was obsoleted by adding the functionality implemented by this operation
+to [AddToStore](#addtostore). And so this corresponds to calling
+[AddToStore](#addtostore) with `camStr` set to `text:sha256` and `text`
+wrapped as a NAR.
+### Inputs
+- suffix :: [String][se-String]
+- text :: [Bytes][se-Bytes]
+- refs :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outpus
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## BuildPaths
+**Id:** 9<br>
+****Introduced:**** Nix 0.11<br>
+Build (or substitute) a list of derivations.
+### Inputs
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [DerivedPath][se-DerivedPath]
+#### Protocol 1.15 or newer
+mode :: [BuildMode][se-BuildMode]
+Check that connection is trusted before allowing Repair mode.
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## EnsurePath
+**Id:** 10<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Checks if a path is valid. Note: it may be made valid by running a substitute.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## AddTempRoot
+**Id:** 11<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Creates a temporary GC root for the given store path.
+Temporary GC roots are valid only for the life of the connection and are used
+primarily to prevent the GC from pulling the rug out from under the client and
+deleting store paths that the client is actively doing something with.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## AddIndirectRoot
+**Id:** 12<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Add an indirect root, which is a weak reference to the user-facing symlink
+created by [AddPermRoot](#addpermroot).
+Only ever sent on the local unix socket nix daemon.
+### Inputs
+path :: [String][se-String]
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## SyncWithGC
+**Id:** 13<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.32, Nix 2.5.0
+Acquire the global GC lock, then immediately release it.  This function must be
+called after registering a new permanent root, but before exiting.  Otherwise,
+it is possible that a running garbage collector doesn't see the new root and
+deletes the stuff we've just built.  By acquiring the lock briefly, we ensure
+that either:
+- The collector is already running, and so we block until the
+    collector is finished.  The collector will know about our
+    *temporary* locks, which should include whatever it is we
+    want to register as a permanent lock.
+- The collector isn't running, or it's just started but hasn't
+    acquired the GC lock yet.  In that case we get and release
+    the lock right away, then exit.  The collector scans the
+    permanent root and sees ours.
+In either case the permanent root is seen by the collector.
+Was made obsolete by using [AddTempRoot](#addtemproot) to accomplish the same
+## FindRoots
+**Id:** 14<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Find the GC roots.
+### Outputs
+roots :: [Map][se-Map] of [String][se-String] to [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+The key is the link pointing to the given store path.
+## Old CollectGarbage (removed)
+**Id:** 15<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Removed:** Protocol 1.02, Nix 0.12<br>
+## ExportPath
+**Id:** 16<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.17, Nix 2.0<br>
+Export a store path in the binary format nix-store --import expects. See implementation there https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/db3bf180a569cb20db42c5e4669d2277be6f46b6/src/libstore/export-import.cc#L29 for more details.
+### Inputs
+- path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- sign :: [Int][se-Int] (ignored and hardcoded to 0 in client)
+### Outputs
+Uses `STDERR_WRITE` to send dump in export format
+After dump it outputs.
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## ImportPath (removed)
+**Id:** 17<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Removed:** Protocol 1.09, Nix 1.0<br>
+## QueryDeriver
+**Id:** 18<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.16, Nix 2.0<br>
+Returns the store path of the derivation for a given store path.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+deriver :: [OptStorePath][se-OptStorePath]
+## SetOptions
+**Id:** 19<br>
+**Introduced:** Nix 0.11<br>
+Sends client options to the remote side.
+Only ever used right after the handshake.
+### Inputs
+- keepFailed :: [Int][se-Int]
+- keepGoing :: [Int][se-Int]
+- tryFallback :: [Int][se-Int]
+- verbosity :: [Verbosity][se-Verbosity]
+- maxbuildJobs :: [Int][se-Int]
+- maxSilentTime :: [Int][se-Int]
+- useBuildHook :: [Bool][se-Bool] (ignored and hardcoded to true in client)
+- verboseBuild :: [Verbosity][se-Verbosity]
+- logType :: [Int][se-Int] (ignored and hardcoded to 0 in client)
+- printBuildTrace :: [Int][se-Int] (ignored and hardcoded to 0 in client)
+- buildCores :: [Int][se-Int]
+- useSubstitutes :: [Int][se-Int]
+### Protocol 1.12 or newer
+otherSettings :: [Map][se-Map] of [String][se-String] to [String][se-String]
+## CollectGarbage
+**Id:** 20<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.02, Nix 0.12<br>
+Find the GC roots.
+### Inputs
+- action :: [GCAction][se-GCAction]
+- pathsToDelete :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- ignoreLiveness :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- maxFreed :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- removed :: [Int][se-Int] (ignored and hardcoded to 0 in client)
+- removed :: [Int][se-Int] (ignored and hardcoded to 0 in client)
+- removed :: [Int][se-Int] (ignored and hardcoded to 0 in client)
+### Outputs
+- pathsDeleted :: [List][se-List] of [String][se-String]
+- bytesFreed :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- 0 :: [UInt64][se-UInt64] (hardcoded)
+Depending on the action pathsDeleted is, the GC roots, or the paths that would
+be or have been deleted.
+## QuerySubstitutablePathInfo
+**Id:** 21<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.02, Nix 0.12<br>
+Retrieves the various substitutable paths infos for a given path.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+found :: [Bool][se-Bool]
+#### If found is true
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath][se-OptStorePath]
+- references :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- downloadSize :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- narSize :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+## QueryDerivationOutputs
+**Id:** 22<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.05, Nix 1.0<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.22*, Nix 2.4<br>
+Retrieves all the outputs paths of a given derivation.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath] (must point to a derivation)
+### Outputs
+derivationOutputs :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QueryAllValidPaths
+**Id:** 23<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.05, Nix 1.0<br>
+Retrieves all the valid paths contained in the store.
+### Outputs
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QueryFailedPaths (removed)
+**Id:** 24<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.05, Nix 1.0<br>
+**Removed:** Protocol 1.16, Nix 2.0<br>
+Failed build caching API only ever used by Hydra.
+## ClearFailedPaths (removed)
+**Id:** 25<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.05, Nix 1.0<br>
+**Removed:** Protocol 1.16, Nix 2.0<br>
+Failed build caching API only ever used by Hydra.
+## QueryPathInfo
+**Id:** 26<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.06, Nix 1.0<br>
+Retrieves the pathInfo for a given path.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+#### If protocol version is 1.17 or newer
+success :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+##### If success is true
+pathInfo :: [UnkeyedValidPathInfo][se-UnkeyedValidPathInfo]
+#### If protocol version is older than 1.17
+If info not found return error with `STDERR_ERROR`
+pathInfo :: [UnkeyedValidPathInfo][se-UnkeyedValidPathInfo]
+## ImportPaths
+**Id:** 27<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.09, Nix 1.0<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.17, Nix 2.0<br>
+Older way of adding a store path to the remote store.
+It was obsoleted and replaced by AddToStoreNar because it sends the NAR
+before the metadata about the store path and so you would typically have
+to store the NAR in memory or temporarily on disk before processing it.
+### Inputs
+List of NAR dumps coming from the ExportPaths operations.
+### Outputs
+importedPaths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QueryDerivationOutputNames
+**Id:** 28<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.08, Nix 1.0<br>
+**Obsolete:** Protocol 1.21, Nix 2.4<br>
+Retrieves the name of the outputs of a given derivation. EG. out, dev, etc.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath] (must be a derivation path)
+### Outputs
+names :: [List][se-List] of [String][se-String]
+## QueryPathFromHashPart
+**Id:** 29<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.11, Nix 1.1<br>
+Retrieves a store path from a base16 (input) hash. Returns "" if no path was
+### Inputs
+hashPart :: [String][se-String]  (must be a base-16 hash)
+### Outputs
+path :: [OptStorePath][se-OptStorePath]
+## QuerySubstitutablePathInfos
+**Id:** 30<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.12*, Nix 1.2<br>
+Retrieves the various substitutable paths infos for set of store paths.
+### Inputs
+#### If protocol version is 1.22 or newer
+paths :: [Map][se-Map] of [StorePath][se-StorePath] to [OptContentAddress][se-OptContentAddress] 
+#### If protocol version older than 1.22
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+infos :: [List][se-List] of [SubstitutablePathInfo][se-SubstitutablePathInfo]
+## QueryValidPaths
+**Id:** 31<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.12, Nix 1.2<br>
+Takes a list of store paths and returns a new list only containing the valid store paths
+## Inputs
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### If protocol version is 1.27 or newer
+substitute :: [Bool][se-Bool] (defaults to false if not sent)
+## Outputs
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QuerySubstitutablePaths
+**Id:** 32<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.12, Nix 1.2<br>
+Takes a set of store path, returns a filtered new set of paths that can be
+In versions of the protocol prior to 1.12 [HasSubstitutes](#hassubstitutes)
+is used to implement the functionality that this operation provides.
+### Inputs
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+paths :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QueryValidDerivers
+**Id:** 33<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.13*, Nix 1.3<br>
+Retrieves the derivers of a given path.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+derivers :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## OptimiseStore
+**Id:** 34<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.14, Nix 1.8<br>
+Optimise store by hardlinking files with the same content.
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## VerifyStore
+**Id:** 35<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.14, Nix 1.9<br>
+Verify store either only db and existence of path or entire contents of store
+paths against the NAR hash. 
+### Inputs
+- checkContents :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- repair :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+### Outputs
+errors :: [Bool][se-Bool]
+## BuildDerivation
+**Id:** 36<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.14, Nix 1.10<br>
+Main build operation used when remote building.
+When functioning as a remote builder this operation is used instead of
+BuildPaths so that it doesn't have to send the entire tree of derivations
+to the remote side first before it can start building. What this does
+instead is have a reduced version of the derivation to be built sent as
+part of its input and then only building that derivation.
+The paths required by the build need to be part of the remote store
+(by copying with AddToStoreNar or substituting) before this operation is
+### Inputs
+- drvPath :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- drv :: [BasicDerivation][se-BasicDerivation]
+- buildMode :: [BuildMode][se-BuildMode]
+### Outputs
+buildResult :: [BuildResult][se-BuildResult]
+## AddSignatures
+**Id:** 37<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.16, Nix 2.0<br>
+Add the signatures associated to a given path.
+### Inputs
+- path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- signatures :: [List][se-List] of [String][se-String]
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## NarFromPath
+**Id:** 38<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.17, Nix 2.0<br>
+Main way of getting the contents of a store path to the client.
+As the name suggests this is done by sending a NAR file.
+It replaced the now obsolete ExportPath operation and is used by newer clients to
+implement the export functionality for cli. It is also used when remote building
+to transfer build results from remote builder to client.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+### Outputs
+NAR dumped straight to the stream.
+## AddToStoreNar
+**Id:** 39<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.17, Nix 2.0<br>
+Dumps a path as a NAR
+### Inputs
+- path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath][se-OptStorePath]
+- narHash :: [String][se-String] SHA256 NAR hash base 16
+- references :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- registrationTime :: [Time][se-Time]
+- narSize :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- ultimate :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- signatures :: [List][se-List] of [String][se-String]
+- ca :: [OptContentAddress][se-OptContentAddress]
+- repair :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- dontCheckSigs :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+#### If protocol version is 1.23 or newer
+[Framed][se-Framed] NAR dump
+#### If protocol version is between 1.21 and 1.23
+NAR dump sent using `STDERR_READ`
+#### If protocol version is older than 1.21
+NAR dump sent raw on stream
+## QueryMissing
+**Id:** 40<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.19*, Nix 2.0<br>
+### Inputs
+targets :: [List][se-List] of [DerivedPath][se-DerivedPath]
+### Outputs
+- willBuild :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- willSubstitute :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- unknown :: [List][se-List] of [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- downloadSize :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+- narSize :: [UInt64][se-UInt64]
+## QueryDerivationOutputMap
+**Id:** 41<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.22*, Nix 2.4<br>
+Retrieves an associative map outputName -> storePath for a given derivation.
+### Inputs
+path :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]  (must be a derivation path)
+### Outputs
+outputs :: [Map][se-Map] of [String][se-String] to [OptStorePath][se-OptStorePath]
+## RegisterDrvOutput
+**Id:** 42<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.27, Nix 2.4<br>
+Registers a DRV output
+### Inputs
+#### If protocol is 1.31 or newer
+realisation :: [Realisation][se-Realisation]
+#### If protocol is older than 1.31
+- outputId :: [DrvOutput][se-DrvOutput]
+- outputPath :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+## QueryRealisation
+**Id:** 43<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.27, Nix 2.4<br>
+Retrieves the realisations attached to a drv output id realisations.
+### Inputs
+outputId :: [DrvOutput][se-DrvOutput]
+### Outputs
+#### If protocol is 1.31 or newer
+realisations :: [List][se-List] of [Realisation][se-Realisation]
+#### If protocol is older than 1.31
+outPaths :: [List][se-List] of [BaseStorePath][se-BaseStorePath]
+## AddMultipleToStore
+**Id:** 44<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.32*, Nix 2.4<br>
+A pipelined version of [AddToStoreNar](#addtostorenar) where you can add
+multiple paths in one go.
+Added because the protocol doesn't support pipelining and so on a low latency
+connection waiting for the request/response of [AddToStoreNar](#addtostorenar)
+for each small NAR was costly.
+### Inputs
+- repair :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- dontCheckSigs :: [Bool64][se-Bool64]
+- [Framed][se-Framed] stream of add multiple NAR dump
+## AddBuildLog
+**Id:** 45<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.32, Nix 2.6.0<br>
+Attach some build logs to a given build.
+### Inputs
+- path :: [String][se-String] (might be [BaseStorePath][se-BaseStorePath])
+- [Framed][se-Framed] stream of log lines
+### Outputs
+1 :: [Int][se-Int] (hardcoded)
+## BuildPathsWithResults
+**Id:** 46<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.34*, Nix 2.8.0<br>
+Build (or substitute) a list of derivations and returns a list of results.
+### Inputs
+- drvs :: [List][se-List] of [DerivedPath][se-DerivedPath]
+- mode :: [BuildMode][se-BuildMode]
+### Outputs
+results :: [List][se-List] of [KeyedBuildResult][se-KeyedBuildResult]
+## AddPermRoot
+**Id:** 47<br>
+**Introduced:** Protocol 1.36*, Nix 2.20.0<br>
+### Inputs
+- storePath :: [StorePath][se-StorePath]
+- gcRoot :: [String][se-String]
+### Outputs
+gcRoot :: [String][se-String]
+[se-Int]: ./serialization.md#int
+[se-UInt8]: ./serialization.md#uint8
+[se-UInt64]: ./serialization.md#uint64
+[se-Bool]: ./serialization.md#bool
+[se-Bool64]: ./serialization.md#bool64
+[se-Time]: ./serialization.md#time
+[se-FileIngestionMethod]: ./serialization.md#fileingestionmethod
+[se-BuildMode]: ./serialization.md#buildmode
+[se-Verbosity]: ./serialization.md#verbosity
+[se-GCAction]: ./serialization.md#gcaction
+[se-Bytes]: ./serialization.md#bytes
+[se-String]: ./serialization.md#string
+[se-StorePath]: ./serialization.md#storepath
+[se-BaseStorePath]: ./serialization.md#basestorepath
+[se-OptStorePath]: ./serialization.md#optstorepath
+[se-ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo]: ./serialization.md#contentaddressmethodwithalgo
+[se-OptContentAddress]: ./serialization.md#optcontentaddress
+[se-DerivedPath]: ./serialization.md#derivedpath
+[se-DrvOutput]: ./serialization.md#drvoutput
+[se-Realisation]: ./serialization.md#realisation
+[se-List]: ./serialization.md#list-of-x
+[se-Map]: ./serialization.md#map-of-x-to-y
+[se-SubstitutablePathInfo]: ./serialization.md#substitutablepathinfo
+[se-ValidPathInfo]: ./serialization.md#validpathinfo
+[se-UnkeyedValidPathInfo]: ./serialization.md#unkeyedvalidpathinfo
+[se-BuildResult]: ./serialization.md#buildmode
+[se-KeyedBuildResult]: ./serialization.md#keyedbuildresult
+[se-BasicDerivation]: ./serialization.md#basicderivation
+[se-Framed]: ./serialization.md#framed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2694a4dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+### UInt64
+Little endian byte order
+### Bytes
+- len :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+- len bytes of content
+- padding with zeros to ensure 64 bit alignment of content with padding
+## Int serializers
+### Int
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `unsigned int` with upper bounds checking.
+### Int64
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `int64_t` with upper bounds checking.
+### UInt8
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `uint8_t` with upper bounds checking.
+### Size
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `size_t` with upper bounds checking.
+### Time
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `time_t` with upper bounds checking.
+### Bool
+Sent as an [Int](#int) where 0 is false and everything else is true.
+### Bool64
+Sent as an [UInt64](#uint64) where 0 is false and everything else is true.
+### FileIngestionMethod
+An [UInt8](#uint8) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name      | Int |
+| --------- | --- |
+| Flat      |  0  |
+| Recursive |  1  |
+### BuildMode
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name   | Int |
+| ------ | --- |
+| Normal |  0  |
+| Repair |  1  |
+| Check  |  2  |
+### Verbosity
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name      | Int |
+| --------- | --- |
+| Error     |  0  |
+| Warn      |  1  |
+| Notice    |  2  |
+| Info      |  3  |
+| Talkative |  4  |
+| Chatty    |  5  |
+| Debug     |  6  |
+| Vomit     |  7  |
+### GCAction
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name           | Int |
+| -------------- | --- |
+| ReturnLive     |  0  |
+| ReturnDead     |  1  |
+| DeleteDead     |  2  |
+| DeleteSpecific |  3  |
+### BuildStatus
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name                   | Int |
+| ---------------------- | --- |
+| Built                  |  0  |
+| Substituted            |  1  |
+| AlreadyValid           |  2  |
+| PermanentFailure       |  3  |
+| InputRejected          |  4  |
+| OutputRejected         |  5  |
+| TransientFailure       |  6  |
+| CachedFailure          |  7  |
+| TimedOut               |  8  |
+| MiscFailure            |  9  |
+| DependencyFailed       | 10  |
+| LogLimitExceeded       | 11  |
+| NotDeterministic       | 12  |
+| ResolvesToAlreadyValid | 13  |
+| NoSubstituters         | 14  |
+### ActivityType
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name          | Int |
+| ------------- | --- |
+| Unknown       |   0 |
+| CopyPath      | 100 |
+| FileTransfer  | 101 |
+| Realise       | 102 |
+| CopyPaths     | 103 |
+| Builds        | 104 |
+| Build         | 105 |
+| OptimiseStore | 106 |
+| VerifyPaths   | 107 |
+| Substitute    | 108 |
+| QueryPathInfo | 109 |
+| PostBuildHook | 110 |
+| BuildWaiting  | 111 |
+| FetchTree     | 112 |
+### ResultType
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name             | Int |
+| ---------------- | --- |
+| FileLinked       | 100 |
+| BuildLogLine     | 101 |
+| UntrustedPath    | 102 |
+| CorruptedPath    | 103 |
+| SetPhase         | 104 |
+| Progress         | 105 |
+| SetExpected      | 106 |
+| PostBuildLogLine | 107 |
+| FetchStatus      | 108 |
+### FieldType
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name   | Int |
+| ------ | --- |
+| Int    |  0  |
+| String |  1  |
+## Bytes serializers
+### String
+Simply a [Bytes](#bytes) that has some UTF-8 string like semantics sometimes.
+### StorePath
+String representation of a full store path.
+### BaseStorePath
+String representation of the basename of a store path. That is the store path
+without the /nix/store prefix.
+### OptStorePath
+Optional store path.
+If no store path this is serialized as the empty string otherwise it is the same as
+### ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo
+One of the following strings:
+- text:`hash algorithm`
+- fixed:r:`hash algorithm`
+- fixed:`hash algorithm`
+### DerivedPath
+#### If protocol is 1.30 or newer
+        return DerivedPath::parseLegacy(store, s);
+#### If protocol is older than 1.30
+        return parsePathWithOutputs(store, s).toDerivedPath();
+### ContentAddress
+String with the format:
+- [ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo](#contentaddressmethodwithalgo):`hash`
+### OptContentAddress
+Optional version of [ContentAddress](#contentaddress) where empty string means
+no content address.
+### DrvOutput
+String with format:
+- `hash with any prefix`!`output name`
+### Realisation
+A JSON object sent as a string.
+The JSON object has the following keys:
+| Key                   | Value                   |
+| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
+| id                    | [DrvOutput](#drvoutput) |
+| outPath               | [StorePath](#storepath) |
+| signatures            | Array of String         |
+| dependentRealisations | Object where key is [DrvOutput](#drvoutput) and value is [StorePath](#storepath) |
+## Complex serializers
+### List of x
+A list is encoded as a [Size](#size) length n followed by n encodings of x
+### Map of x to y
+A map is encoded as a [Size](#size) length n followed by n encodings of pairs of x and y
+### BuildResult
+- status :: [BuildStatus](#buildstatus)
+- errorMsg :: [String](#string)
+#### Protocol 1.29 or newer
+- timesBuilt :: [Int](#int)
+- isNonDeterministic :: [Bool64](#bool64)
+- startTime :: [Time](#time)
+- stopTime :: [Time](#time)
+#### Protocol 1.37 or newer
+- cpuUser :: [OptMicroseconds](#optmicroseconds)
+- cpuSystem :: [OptMicroseconds](#optmicroseconds)
+#### Protocol 1.28 or newer
+builtOutputs ::  [Map](#map-of-x-to-y) of [DrvOutput](#drvoutput) to [Realisation](#realisations)
+### KeyedBuildResult
+- path :: [DerivedPath](#derivedpath)
+- result :: [BuildResult](#buildresult)
+### OptMicroseconds
+Optional microseconds.
+- tag :: [UInt8](#uint8)
+#### If tag is 1
+- seconds :: [Int64](#int64)
+### SubstitutablePathInfo
+- storePath :: [StorePath](#storepath)
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath](#optstorepath)
+- references :: [List](#list-of-x) of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- downloadSize :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+- narSize :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+### UnkeyedValidPathInfo
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath](#optstorepath)
+- narHash :: [String](#string) SHA256 NAR hash base16 encoded
+- references :: [List](#list-of-x) of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- registrationTime :: [Time](#time)
+- narSize :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+#### If protocol version is 1.16 or above
+- ultimate :: [Bool64](#bool64)
+- signatures :: [List](#list-of-x) of [String](#string)
+- ca :: [OptContentAddress](#optcontentaddress)
+### ValidPathInfo
+- path :: [StorePath](#storepath)
+- info :: [UnkeyedValidPathInfo](#unkeyedvalidpathinfo)
+### DerivationOutput
+- path :: [String](#string)
+- hashAlgo :: [String](#string)
+- hash :: [String](#string)
+### BasicDerivation
+- outputs :: [Map](#map-of-x-to-y) of [String](#string) to [DerivationOutput](#derivationoutput)
+- inputSrcs :: [List](#list-of-x) of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- platform :: [String](#string)
+- builder :: [String](#string)
+- args :: [List](#list-of-x) of [String](#string)
+- env :: [Map](#map-of-x-to-y) of [String](#string) to [String](#string)
+### TraceLine
+- havePos :: [Size](#size) (hardcoded to 0)
+- hint :: [String](#string)
+### Error
+- type :: [String](#string) (hardcoded to `Error`)
+- level :: [Verbosity](#verbosity)
+- name :: [String](#string) (removed and hardcoded to `Error`)
+- msg :: [String](#string)
+- havePos :: [Size](#size) (hardcoded to 0)
+- traces :: [List](#list-of-x) of [TraceLine](#traceline)
+## Field
+- type :: [FieldType](#fieldtype)
+### If type is Int
+- value :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+### If type is String
+- value :: [String](#string)
+## Framed
+At protocol 1.23 [AddToStoreNar](./operations.md#addtostorenar) introduced a
+framed streaming for sending the NAR dump and later versions of the protocol
+also used this framing for other operations.
+At its core the framed streaming is just a series of [Bytes](#bytes) of
+varying length and terminated by an empty [Bytes](#bytes).
+This method of sending data has the advantage of not having to parse the data
+to find where it ends. Older versions of the protocol would potentially parse
+the NAR twice.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tvix/docs/src/value-pointer-equality.md b/tvix/docs/src/value-pointer-equality.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d84efcb50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/docs/src/value-pointer-equality.md
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# Value Pointer Equality in Nix
+## Introduction
+It is a piece of semi-obscure Nix trivia that while functions are generally not
+comparable, they can be compared in certain situations. This is actually quite an
+important fact, as it is essential for the evaluation of nixpkgs: The attribute sets
+used to represent platforms in nixpkgs, like `stdenv.buildPlatform`, contain functions,
+such as `stdenv.buildPlatform.canExecute`. When writing cross logic, one invariably
+ends up writing expressions that compare these sets, e.g. `stdenv.buildPlatform !=
+stdenv.hostPlatform`. Since attribute set equality is the equality of their attribute
+names and values, we also end up comparing the functions within them.  We can summarize
+the relevant part of this behavior for platform comparisons in the following (true)
+Nix expressions:
+* `stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute != stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute`
+* `stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform`
+This fact is commonly referred to as pointer equality of functions (or function pointer
+equality) which is not an entirely accurate name, as we'll see. This account of the
+behavior states that, while functions are incomparable in general, they are comparable
+insofar, as they occupy the same spot in an attribute set.
+However, [a maybe lesser known trick][puck-issue] is to write a function such as the
+following to allow comparing functions:
+  pointerEqual = lhs: rhs: { x = lhs; } == { x = rhs; };
+  f = name: "Hello, my name is ${name}";
+  g = name: "Hello, my name is ${name}";
+  (pointerEqual f f) # => true
+  (pointerEqual f g) # => false
+Here, clearly, the function is not contained at the same position in one and the same
+attribute set, but at the same position in two entirely different attribute sets. We can
+also see that we are not comparing the functions themselves (e.g. their AST), but
+rather if they are the same individual value (i.e. pointer equal).
+To figure out the _actual_ semantics, we'll first have a look at how value (pointer) equality
+works in C++ Nix, the only production ready Nix implementation currently available.
+## Nix (Pointer) Equality in C++ Nix
+TIP: The summary presented here is up-to-date as of 2023-06-27 and was tested
+with Nix 2.3, 2.11 and 2.15.
+### `EvalState::eqValues` and `ExprOpEq::eval`
+The function implementing equality in C++ Nix is `EvalState::eqValues` which starts with
+[the following bit of code][eqValues-pointer-eq]:
+bool EvalState::eqValues(Value & v1, Value & v2)
+    forceValue(v1);
+    forceValue(v2);
+    /* !!! Hack to support some old broken code that relies on pointer
+       equality tests between sets.  (Specifically, builderDefs calls
+       uniqList on a list of sets.)  Will remove this eventually. */
+    if (&v1 == &v2) return true;
+So this immediately looks more like pointer equality of arbitrary *values* instead of functions. In fact
+there is [no special code facilitating function equality][eqValues-function-eq]:
+        /* Functions are incomparable. */
+        case nFunction:
+            return false;
+So one takeaway of this is that pointer equality is neither dependent on functions nor attribute sets.
+In fact, we can also write our `pointerEqual` function as:
+lhs: rhs: [ lhs ] == [ rhs ]
+It's interesting that `EvalState::eqValues` forces the left and right-hand value before trying pointer
+equality. It explains that `let x = throw ""; in x == x` does not evaluate successfully, but it is puzzling why
+`let f = x: x; in f == f` does not return `true`. In fact, why do we need to wrap the values in a list or
+attribute set at all for our `pointerEqual` function to work?
+The answer lies in [the code that evaluates `ExprOpEq`][ExprOpEq],
+i.e. an expression involving the `==` operator:
+void ExprOpEq::eval(EvalState & state, Env & env, Value & v)
+    Value v1; e1->eval(state, env, v1);
+    Value v2; e2->eval(state, env, v2);
+    v.mkBool(state.eqValues(v1, v2));
+As you can see, two _distinct_ `Value` structs are created, so they can never be pointer equal even
+if the `union` inside points to the same bit of memory. We can thus understand what actually happens
+when we check the equality of an attribute set (or list), by looking at the following expression:
+  x = { name = throw "nameless"; };
+x == x # => causes an evaluation error
+Because `x` can't be pointer equal, as it'll end up in the distinct structs `v1` and `v2`, it needs to be compared
+by value. For this reason, the `name` attribute will be forced and an evaluation error caused.
+If we rewrite the expression to use…
+{ inherit x; } == { inherit x; } # => true
+…, it'll work: The two attribute sets are compared by value, but their `x` attribute turns out to be pointer
+equal _after_ forcing it. This does not throw, since forcing an attribute set does not force its attributes'
+values (as forcing a list doesn't force its elements).
+As we have seen, pointer equality can not only be used to compare function values, but also other
+otherwise incomparable values, such as lists and attribute sets that would cause an evaluation
+error if they were forced recursively. We can even switch out the `throw` for an `abort`. The limitation is
+of course that we need to use a value that behaves differently depending on whether it is forced
+“normally” (think `builtins.seq`) or recursively (think `builtins.deepSeq`), so thunks will generally be
+evaluated before pointer equality can kick into effect.
+### Other Comparisons
+The `!=` operator uses `EvalState::eqValues` internally as well, so it behaves exactly as `!(a == b)`.
+The `>`, `<`, `>=` and `<=` operators all desugar to [CompareValues][]
+eventually which generally looks at the value type before comparing. It does,
+however, rely on `EvalState::eqValues` for list comparisons
+([introduced in Nix 2.5][nix-2.5-changelog]), so it is possible to compare lists
+with e.g. functions in them, as long as they are equal by pointer:
+  f = x: x + 42;
+  ([ f 2 ] > [ f 1 ]) # => true
+  ([ f 2 ] > [ (x: x) 1]) # => error: cannot compare a function with a function
+  ([ f ] > [ f ]) # => false
+Finally, since `builtins.elem` relies on `EvalState::eqValues`, you can check for
+a function by pointer equality:
+  f = x: f x;
+builtins.elem f [ f 2 3 ] # => true
+### Pointer Equality Preserving Nix Operations
+We have seen that pointer equality is established by comparing the memory
+location of two C++ `Value` structs. But how does this _representation_ relate
+to Nix values _themselves_ (in the sense of a platonic ideal if you will)? In
+Nix, values have no identity (ignoring `unsafeGetAttrPos`) or memory location.
+Since Nix is purely functional, values can't be mutated, so they need to be
+copied frequently. With Nix being garbage collected, there is no strong
+expectation when a copy is made, we probably just hope it is done as seldomly as
+possible to save on memory. With pointer equality leaking the memory location of
+the `Value` structs to an extent, it is now suddenly our business to know
+exactly _when_ a copy of a value is made.
+Evaluation in C++ Nix mainly proceeds along the following [two
+struct Expr
+    /* … */
+    virtual void eval(EvalState & state, Env & env, Value & v);
+    virtual Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env);
+    /* … */
+As you can see, `Expr::eval` always takes a reference to a struct _allocated by
+the caller_ to place the evaluation result in. Anything that is processed using
+`Expr::eval` will be a copy of the `Value` struct even if the value before and
+after are the same.
+`Expr::maybeThunk`, on the other hand, returns a pointer to a `Value` which may
+already exist or be newly allocated. So, if evaluation passes through `maybeThunk`,
+Nix values _can_ retain their pointer equality. Since Nix is lazy, a lot of
+evaluation needs to be thunked and pass through `maybeThunk`—knowing under what
+circumstances `maybeThunk` will return a pointer to an already existing `Value`
+struct thus means knowing the circumstances under which pointer equality of a
+Nix value will be preserved in C++ Nix.
+The [default case][maybeThunk-default] of `Expr::maybeThunk` allocates a new
+`Value` which holds the delayed computation of the `Expr` as a thunk:
+Value * Expr::maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env)
+    Value * v = state.allocValue();
+    mkThunk(*v, env, this);
+    return v;
+Consequently, only special cased expressions could preserve pointer equality.
+These are `ExprInt`, `ExprFloat`, `ExprString`, `ExprPath`—all of which relate
+to creating new values—and [finally, `ExprVar`][maybeThunk-ExprVar]:
+Value * ExprVar::maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env)
+    Value * v = state.lookupVar(&env, *this, true);
+    /* The value might not be initialised in the environment yet.
+       In that case, ignore it. */
+    if (v) { state.nrAvoided++; return v; }
+    return Expr::maybeThunk(state, env);
+Here we may actually return an already existing `Value` struct. Consequently,
+accessing a value from the scope is the only thing you can do with a value in
+C++ Nix that preserves its pointer equality, as the following example shows:
+For example, using the select operator to get a value from an attribute set
+or even passing a value trough the identity function invalidates its pointer
+equality to itself (or rather, its former self).
+  pointerEqual = a: b: [ a ] == [ b ];
+  id = x: x;
+  f = _: null;
+  x = { inherit f; };
+  y = { inherit f; };
+  (pointerEqual f f)      # => true
+  (pointerEqual f (id f)) # => false
+  (pointerEqual x.f y.f)  # => false
+  (pointerEqual x.f x.f)  # => false
+  (pointerEqual x x)      # => true
+  (pointerEqual x y)      # => true
+In the last two cases, the example also shows that there is another way to
+preserve pointer equality: Storing a value in an attribute set (or list)
+preserves its pointer equality even if the structure holding it is modified in
+some way (as long as the value we care about is left untouched). The catch is,
+of course, that there is no way to get the value out of the structure while
+preserving pointer equality (which requires using the select operator or a call
+to `builtins.elemAt`).
+We initially illustrated the issue of pointer equality using the following
+true expressions:
+* `stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute != stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute`
+* `stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform`
+We can now add a third one, illustrating that pointer equality is invalidated
+by select operations:
+* `[ stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute ] != [ stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute ]`
+To summarize, pointer equality is established on the memory location of the
+`Value` struct in C++ Nix. Except for simple values (`int`, `bool`, …),
+the `Value` struct only consists of a pointer to the actual representation
+of the value (attribute set, list, function, …) and is thus cheap to copy.
+In practice, this happens when a value passes through the evaluation of
+almost any Nix expression. Only in the select cases described above
+a value preserves its pointer equality despite being unchanged by an
+expression. We can call this behavior *exterior pointer equality*.
+## Summary
+When comparing two Nix values, we must force both of them (non-recursively!), but are
+allowed to short-circuit the comparison based on pointer equality, i.e. if they are at
+the same exact value in memory, they are deemed equal immediately. This is completely
+independent of what type of value they are. If they are not pointer equal, they are
+(recursively) compared by value as expected.
+However, when evaluating the Nix expression `a == b`, we *must* invoke our implementation's
+value equality function in a way that `a` and `b` themselves can never be deemed pointer equal.
+Any values we encounter while recursing during the equality check must be compared by
+pointer as described above, though.
+## Stability of the Feature
+Keen readers will have noticed the following comment in the C++ Nix source code,
+indicating that pointer comparison may be removed in the future.
+    /* !!! Hack to support some old broken code that relies on pointer
+       equality tests between sets.  (Specifically, builderDefs calls
+       uniqList on a list of sets.)  Will remove this eventually. */
+Now, I can't speak for the upstream C++ Nix developers, but sure can speculate.
+As already pointed out, this feature is currently needed for evaluating nixpkgs.
+While its use could realistically be eliminated (only bothersome spot is probably
+the `emulator` function, but that should also be doable), removing the feature
+would seriously compromise C++ Nix's ability to evaluate historical nixpkgs
+revision which is arguably a strength of the system.
+Another indication that it is likely here to stay is that it has already
+[outlived builderDefs][], even though
+it was (apparently) reintroduced just for this use case. More research into
+the history of this feature would still be prudent, especially the reason for
+its original introduction (maybe performance?).
+[puck-issue]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3371
+[eqValues-pointer-eq]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/3c618c43c6044eda184df235c193877529e951cb/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L2401-L2404
+[eqValues-function-eq]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/3c618c43c6044eda184df235c193877529e951cb/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L2458-L2460
+[ExprOpEq]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/3c618c43c6044eda184df235c193877529e951cb/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L1822-L1827
+[outlived builderDefs]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/4210
+[CompareValues]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/3c618c43c6044eda184df235c193877529e951cb/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L569-L610
+[nix-2.5-changelog]: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/release-notes/rl-2.5.html
+[eval-maybeThunk]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/3c618c43c6044eda184df235c193877529e951cb/src/libexpr/nixexpr.hh#L161-L162
+[maybeThunk-default]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/8e770dac9f68162cfbb368e53f928df491babff3/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L1076-L1081
+[maybeThunk-ExprVar]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/8e770dac9f68162cfbb368e53f928df491babff3/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L1084-L1091