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path: root/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1042c956ba71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/docs/src/nix-daemon/serialization.md
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+### UInt64
+Little endian byte order
+### Bytes
+- len :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+- len bytes of content
+- padding with zeros to ensure 64 bit alignment of content + padding
+## Int serializers
+### Int
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `unsigned int` with upper bounds checking.
+### Int64
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `int64_t` with upper bounds checking.
+This means that negative numbers can be written but not read.
+Since this is only used for cpuSystem and cpuUser it is fine that
+negative numbers aren't supported.
+### UInt8
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `uint8_t` with upper bounds checking.
+### Size
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `size_t` with upper bounds checking.
+### Time
+[UInt64](#uint64) cast to C `time_t` with upper bounds checking.
+This means that negative numbers can be written but not read.
+### Bool
+Sent as an [Int](#int) where 0 is false and everything else is true.
+### Bool64
+Sent as an [UInt64](#uint64) where 0 is false and everything else is true.
+### FileIngestionMethod
+An [UInt8](#uint8) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name       | Int |
+| ---------- | --- |
+| Flat       |  0  |
+| NixArchive |  1  |
+### BuildMode
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name   | Int |
+| ------ | --- |
+| Normal |  0  |
+| Repair |  1  |
+| Check  |  2  |
+### Verbosity
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name      | Int |
+| --------- | --- |
+| Error     |  0  |
+| Warn      |  1  |
+| Notice    |  2  |
+| Info      |  3  |
+| Talkative |  4  |
+| Chatty    |  5  |
+| Debug     |  6  |
+| Vomit     |  7  |
+### GCAction
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name           | Int |
+| -------------- | --- |
+| ReturnLive     |  0  |
+| ReturnDead     |  1  |
+| DeleteDead     |  2  |
+| DeleteSpecific |  3  |
+### BuildStatus
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name                   | Int |
+| ---------------------- | --- |
+| Built                  |  0  |
+| Substituted            |  1  |
+| AlreadyValid           |  2  |
+| PermanentFailure       |  3  |
+| InputRejected          |  4  |
+| OutputRejected         |  5  |
+| TransientFailure       |  6  |
+| CachedFailure          |  7  |
+| TimedOut               |  8  |
+| MiscFailure            |  9  |
+| DependencyFailed       | 10  |
+| LogLimitExceeded       | 11  |
+| NotDeterministic       | 12  |
+| ResolvesToAlreadyValid | 13  |
+| NoSubstituters         | 14  |
+### ActivityType
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name          | Int |
+| ------------- | --- |
+| Unknown       |   0 |
+| CopyPath      | 100 |
+| FileTransfer  | 101 |
+| Realise       | 102 |
+| CopyPaths     | 103 |
+| Builds        | 104 |
+| Build         | 105 |
+| OptimiseStore | 106 |
+| VerifyPaths   | 107 |
+| Substitute    | 108 |
+| QueryPathInfo | 109 |
+| PostBuildHook | 110 |
+| BuildWaiting  | 111 |
+| FetchTree     | 112 |
+### ResultType
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name             | Int |
+| ---------------- | --- |
+| FileLinked       | 100 |
+| BuildLogLine     | 101 |
+| UntrustedPath    | 102 |
+| CorruptedPath    | 103 |
+| SetPhase         | 104 |
+| Progress         | 105 |
+| SetExpected      | 106 |
+| PostBuildLogLine | 107 |
+| FetchStatus      | 108 |
+### FieldType
+An [Int](#int) enum with the following possible values:
+| Name   | Int |
+| ------ | --- |
+| Int    |  0  |
+| String |  1  |
+### OptTrusted
+An [UInt8](#uint8) optional enum with the following possible values:
+| Name             | Int |
+| ---------------- | --- |
+| None             |  0  |
+| Some(Trusted)    |  1  |
+| Some(NotTrusted) |  2  |
+## Bytes serializers
+### String
+Simply a [Bytes](#bytes) that has some UTF-8 string like semantics sometimes.
+### StorePath
+[String](#string) representation of a full store path including the store directory.
+### BaseStorePath
+[String](#string) representation of the basename of a store path. That is the store path
+without the /nix/store prefix.
+### StorePathName
+[String](#string) representation of the name part of a base store path. This is the part
+of the store path after the nixbase32 hash and '-'
+It must have the following format:
+- Deny ".", "..", or those strings followed by '-'
+- Otherwise check that each character is 0-9, a-z, A-Z or one of +-._?=
+### StorePathHash
+[String](#string) representation of the hash part of a base store path. This is the part
+of the store path at the beginning and before the '-' and is in nixbase32 format.
+### OutputName
+[String](#string) representation of the name of a derivation output.
+This is usually combined with the name in the derivation to form the store path name for the
+store path with this output.
+Since output name is usually combined to form a store path name its format must follow the
+same rules as [StorePathName](#storepathname):
+- Deny ".", "..", or those strings followed by '-'
+- Otherwise check that each character is 0-9, a-z, A-Z or one of +-._?=
+### OptStorePath
+Optional store path.
+If no store path this is serialized as the empty string otherwise it is the same as
+### Path
+[String](#string) representation of an absolute path.
+### NARHash
+[String](#string) base16-encoded NAR SHA256 hash without algorithm prefix.
+### Signature
+[String](#string) with a signature for the given store path or realisation. This should be
+in the format `name`:`base 64 encoded signature` but this is not enforced in the protocol.
+### HashAlgorithm
+[String](#string) with one of the following values:
+- md5
+- sha1
+- sha256
+- sha512
+### HashDigest
+[String](#string) with a hash digest in any encoding
+### OptHashDigest
+Optional version of [HashDigest](#hashdigest) where empty string means
+no value.
+### ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo
+[String](#string) with one of the following formats:
+- text:[HashAlgorithm](#hashalgorithm)
+- fixed:r:[HashAlgorithm](#hashalgorithm)
+- fixed:[HashAlgorithm](#hashalgorithm)
+### OptContentAddressMethodWithAlgo
+Optional version of [ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo](#contentaddressmethodwithalgo)
+where empty string means no value.
+### ContentAddress
+[String](#string) with the format:
+- [ContentAddressMethodWithAlgo](#contentaddressmethodwithalgo):[HashDigest](#hashdigest)
+### OptContentAddress
+Optional version of [ContentAddress](#contentaddress) where empty string means
+no content address.
+### DerivedPath
+#### If protocol is 1.30 or newer
+output-names = [OutputName](#outputname), { "," [OutputName](#outputname) }<br>
+output-spec = "*" | output-names<br>
+derived-path = [StorePath](#storepath), [ "!", output-spec ]<br>
+#### If protocol is older than 1.30
+[StorePath](#storepath), [ "!", [OutputName](#outputname), { "," [OutputName](#outputname) } ]
+### DrvOutput
+[String](#string) with format:
+- `hash with any prefix` "!" [OutputName](#outputname)
+### Realisation
+A JSON object sent as a [String](#string).
+The JSON object has the following keys:
+| Key                   | Value                            |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| id                    | [DrvOutput](#drvoutput)          |
+| outPath               | [StorePath](#storepath)          |
+| signatures            | Array of [Signature](#signature) |
+| dependentRealisations | Object where key is [DrvOutput](#drvoutput) and value is [StorePath](#storepath) |
+## Complex serializers
+### List of x
+A list is encoded as a [Size](#size) length n followed by n encodings of x
+### Map of x to y
+A map is encoded as a [Size](#size) length n followed by n encodings of pairs of x and y
+### Set of x
+A set is encoded as a [Size](#size) length n followed by n encodings of x
+### BuildResult
+- status :: [BuildStatus](#buildstatus)
+- errorMsg :: [String](#string)
+#### Protocol 1.29 or newer
+- timesBuilt :: [Int](#int) (defaults to 0)
+- isNonDeterministic :: [Bool64](#bool64) (defaults to false)
+- startTime :: [Time](#time) (defaults to 0)
+- stopTime :: [Time](#time) (defaults to 0)
+#### Protocol 1.37 or newer
+- cpuUser :: [OptMicroseconds](#optmicroseconds) (defaults to none)
+- cpuSystem :: [OptMicroseconds](#optmicroseconds) (defaults to none)
+#### Protocol 1.28 or newer
+builtOutputs ::  [Map](#map-of-x-to-y) of [DrvOutput](#drvoutput) to [Realisation](#realisations)
+### KeyedBuildResult
+- path :: [DerivedPath](#derivedpath)
+- result :: [BuildResult](#buildresult)
+### OptMicroseconds
+Optional microseconds.
+- tag :: [UInt8](#uint8)
+#### If tag is 1
+- seconds :: [Int64](#int64)
+### SubstitutablePathInfo
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath](#optstorepath)
+- references :: [Set][#set-of-x] of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- downloadSize :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+- narSize :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+### UnkeyedValidPathInfo
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath](#optstorepath)
+- narHash :: [NARHash](#narhash)
+- references :: [Set](#set-of-x) of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- registrationTime :: [Time](#time)
+- narSize :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+#### If protocol version is 1.16 or above
+- ultimate :: [Bool64](#bool64) (defaults to false)
+- signatures :: [Set](#set-of-x) of [Signature](#signature)
+- ca :: [OptContentAddress](#optcontentaddress)
+### ValidPathInfo
+- path :: [StorePath](#storepath)
+- info :: [UnkeyedValidPathInfo](#unkeyedvalidpathinfo)
+### DerivationOutput
+- path :: [OptStorePath](#optstorepath)
+- hashAlgo :: [OptContentAddressMethodWithAlgo](#optcontentaddressmethodwithalgo)
+- hash :: [OptHashDigest](#opthashdigest)
+### BasicDerivation
+- outputs :: [Map](#map-of-x-to-y) of [OutputName](#outputname) to [DerivationOutput](#derivationoutput)
+- inputSrcs :: [Set](#set-of-x) of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- platform :: [String](#string)
+- builder :: [String](#string)
+- args :: [List](#list-of-x) of [String](#string)
+- env :: [Map](#map-of-x-to-y) of [String](#string) to [String](#string)
+### TraceLine
+- havePos :: [Size](#size) (hardcoded to 0)
+- hint :: [String](#string) (If logger is JSON, invalid UTF-8 is replaced with U+FFFD)
+### Error
+- type :: [String](#string) (hardcoded to `Error`)
+- level :: [Verbosity](#verbosity)
+- name :: [String](#string) (removed and hardcoded to `Error`)
+- msg :: [String](#string) (If logger is JSON, invalid UTF-8 is replaced with U+FFFD)
+- havePos :: [Size](#size) (hardcoded to 0)
+- traces :: [List](#list-of-x) of [TraceLine](#traceline)
+## Field
+- type :: [FieldType](#fieldtype)
+### If type is Int
+- value :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+### If type is String
+- value :: [String](#string)
+## Framed
+At protocol 1.23 [AddToStoreNar](./operations.md#addtostorenar) introduced a
+framed streaming for sending the NAR dump and later versions of the protocol
+also used this framing for other operations.
+At its core the framed streaming is just a series of [UInt64](#uint64) `size`
+followed by `size` bytes. The stream is terminated when `size` is zero.
+Unlike [Bytes](#bytes), frames are *NOT* padded.
+This method of sending data has the advantage of not having to parse the data
+to find where it ends. Older versions of the protocol would potentially parse
+the NAR twice.
+## AddMultipleToStore format
+Paths must be topologically sorted.
+- expected :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+### Repeated expected times
+- info :: [ValidPathInfo](#validpathinfo)
+- NAR dump
+## Export path format
+- NAR dump
+- 0x4558494es :: [Int](#int) (hardcoded, 'EXIN' in ASCII)
+- path :: [StorePath](#storepath)
+- references :: [Set](#set-of-x) of [StorePath](#storepath)
+- deriver :: [OptStorePath](#optstorepath)
+- hasSignature :: [Int](#int) (hardcoded to 0 in newer versions)
+#### If hasSignature is 1
+- signature :: [String](#string) (ignored)
+## Import paths format
+- hasNext :: [UInt64](#uint64)
+### While hasNext is 1
+- [Export path format](#export-path-format)
+- hasNext :: [UInt64](#uint64)