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path: root/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix
index b3e8c850eb..da7eb75447 100644
--- a/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix
+++ b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix
@@ -3,17 +3,12 @@
   bins =
-    depot.nix.getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ "s6-ln" "s6-cat" "s6-echo" "s6-mkdir" "s6-test" "s6-touch" "s6-dirname" ]
-    // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "printf" ]
-    // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.lr [ "lr" ]
-    // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.cargo-audit [ "cargo-audit" ]
+    depot.nix.getBins pkgs.cargo-audit [ "cargo-audit" ]
     // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.jq [ "jq" ]
     // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.findutils [ "find" ]
     // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.gnused [ "sed" ]
-  crate-advisories = "${depot.third_party.rustsec-advisory-db}/crates";
   our-crates = lib.filter (v: v ? outPath)
     (builtins.attrValues depot.third_party.rust-crates);
@@ -28,59 +23,6 @@ let
-  check-security-advisory = depot.nix.writers.rustSimple
-    {
-      name = "parse-security-advisory";
-      dependencies = [
-        depot.third_party.rust-crates.toml
-        depot.third_party.rust-crates.semver
-      ];
-    }
-    (builtins.readFile ./check-security-advisory.rs);
-  # $1 is the directory with advisories for crate $2 with version $3
-  check-crate-advisory = depot.nix.writeExecline "check-crate-advisory" { readNArgs = 3; } [
-    "pipeline"
-    [ bins.lr "-0" "-t" "depth == 1" "$1" ]
-    "forstdin"
-    "-0"
-    "-Eo"
-    "0"
-    "advisory"
-    "if"
-    [ depot.tools.eprintf "advisory %s\n" "$advisory" ]
-    check-security-advisory
-    "$advisory"
-    "$3"
-  ];
-  # Run through everything in the `crate-advisories` repository
-  # and check whether we can parse all the advisories without crashing.
-  test-parsing-all-security-advisories = depot.nix.runExecline "check-all-our-crates" { } [
-    "pipeline"
-    [ bins.lr "-0" "-t" "depth == 1" crate-advisories ]
-    "if"
-    [
-      # this will succeed as long as check-crate-advisory doesn’t `panic!()` (status 101)
-      "forstdin"
-      "-0"
-      "-E"
-      "-x"
-      "101"
-      "crate_advisories"
-      check-crate-advisory
-      "$crate_advisories"
-      "foo"
-      "0.0.0"
-    ]
-    "importas"
-    "out"
-    "out"
-    bins.s6-touch
-    "$out"
-  ];
   lock-file-report = pkgs.writers.writeBash "lock-file-report" ''
     set -u
@@ -106,95 +48,74 @@ let
     exit "''${PIPESTATUS[0]}" # inherit exit code from cargo-audit
-  tree-lock-file-report = depot.nix.writeExecline "tree-lock-file-report"
-    {
-      readNArgs = 1;
-    } [
-    "backtick"
-    "-E"
-    "report"
-    [
-      "pipeline"
-      [ bins.find "$1" "-name" "Cargo.lock" "-and" "-type" "f" "-print0" ]
-      "forstdin"
-      "-E"
-      "-0"
-      "lockFile"
-      "backtick"
-      "-E"
-      "depotPath"
-      [
-        "pipeline"
-        [ bins.s6-dirname "$lockFile" ]
-        bins.sed
-        "s|^\\.|/|"
-      ]
-      lock-file-report
-      "$depotPath"
-      "$lockFile"
-      "false"
-    ]
-    "if"
-    [ bins.printf "%s\n" "$report" ]
-    # empty report implies success (no advisories)
-    bins.s6-test
-    "-z"
-    "$report"
-  ];
-  check-all-our-lock-files = depot.nix.writeExecline "check-all-our-lock-files" { } [
-    "backtick"
-    "-EI"
-    "report"
-    [
-      "foreground"
-      [
-        lock-file-report
-        "//third_party/rust-crates"
-        our-crates-lock-file
-        "false"
-      ]
-      tree-lock-file-report
-      "."
-    ]
-    "ifelse"
-    [
-      bins.s6-test
-      "-z"
-      "$report"
-    ]
-    [
-      "exit"
-      "0"
-    ]
-    "pipeline"
-    [
-      "printf"
-      "%s"
-      "$report"
-    ]
-    "buildkite-agent"
-    "annotate"
-    "--style"
-    "warning"
-    "--context"
-    "check-all-our-lock-files"
-  ];
+  tree-lock-file-report = pkgs.writers.writeBash "tree-lock-file-report" ''
+    set -euo pipefail
+    status=0
+    root="''${1:-.}"
+    # Find prints the found lockfiles as <DEPOT ROOT>\t<LOCKFILE DIR>\t<LOCKFILE PATH>\0
+    while IFS=$'\t' read -r -d $'\0' entryPoint dir lockFile; do
+      label="$(printf '%s' "$dir" | "${bins.sed}" "s|^$entryPoint|/|")"
+      "${lock-file-report}" "$label" "$lockFile" || status=1
+    done < <("${bins.find}" "$root" -type f -name Cargo.lock -printf '%H\t%h\t%p\0' )
+    exit $status
+  '';
+  depot-rust-crates-advisory-report = pkgs.writers.writeBash "depot-advisory-report" ''
+    set -eu
+    status=0
+    "${lock-file-report}" "//third_party/rust-crates" "${our-crates-lock-file}" || status=1
+    "${tree-lock-file-report}" || status=1
+    exit $status
+  '';
+  buildkiteReportStep =
+    { command
+    , context ? null
+    , style ? "warning"
+    }:
+    let
+      commandName = depot.nix.utils.storePathName (builtins.head command);
+    in
+    pkgs.writers.writeBash "buildkite-report-${commandName}" ''
+      set -uo pipefail
+      report="$(${lib.escapeShellArgs command})"
+      if test $? -ne 0; then
+         printf "%s" "$report" | \
+         buildkite-agent annotate ${
+           lib.escapeShellArgs ([
+             "--style"
+             style
+           ] ++ lib.optionals (context != null) [
+             "--context"
+             context
+           ])
+         }
+      fi
+    '';
 depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets {
-    test-parsing-all-security-advisories
-    check-crate-advisory
   tree-lock-file-report = tree-lock-file-report // {
     meta.ci.extraSteps.run = {
       label = "Check all crates used in depot for advisories";
       alwaysRun = true;
-      command = check-all-our-lock-files;
+      command = buildkiteReportStep {
+        command = [ depot-rust-crates-advisory-report ];
+        style = "warning";
+        context = "depot-crate-advisories";
+      };