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path: root/third_party/lisp/mime4cl/streams.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/lisp/mime4cl/streams.lisp')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/mime4cl/streams.lisp b/third_party/lisp/mime4cl/streams.lisp
index dcac6ac341..71a32d84e4 100644
--- a/third_party/lisp/mime4cl/streams.lisp
+++ b/third_party/lisp/mime4cl/streams.lisp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; streams.lisp --- En/De-coding Streams
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2012 by Walter C. Pelissero
-;;; Copyright (C) 2021-2022 by the TVL Authors
+;;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 by the TVL Authors
 ;;; Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
 ;;; Project: mime4cl
@@ -21,9 +21,17 @@
 (in-package :mime4cl)
+(defun flexi-stream-root-stream (stream)
+  "Return the non FLEXI-STREAM stream a given chain of FLEXI-STREAMs is based on."
+  (if (typep stream 'flexi-stream)
+      (flexi-stream-root-stream (flexi-stream-stream stream))
+      stream))
 (defclass coder-stream-mixin ()
   ((real-stream :type stream
-                :initarg :stream
+                :initarg :underlying-stream
                 :reader real-stream)
    (dont-close :initform nil
                :initarg :dont-close)))
@@ -39,9 +47,12 @@
 (defclass coder-output-stream-mixin (fundamental-binary-output-stream coder-stream-mixin)
+;; TODO(sterni): temporary, ugly measure to make flexi-streams happy
+(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream coder-input-stream-mixin))
+  (declare (ignore stream))
+  '(unsigned-byte 8))
 (defclass quoted-printable-decoder-stream (coder-input-stream-mixin quoted-printable-decoder) ())
-(defclass base64-decoder-stream (coder-input-stream-mixin base64-decoder) ())
 (defclass 8bit-decoder-stream (coder-input-stream-mixin 8bit-decoder) ())
 (defclass quoted-printable-encoder-stream (coder-output-stream-mixin quoted-printable-encoder) ())
@@ -52,7 +63,7 @@
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((stream coder-stream-mixin) &key &allow-other-keys)
   (unless (slot-boundp stream 'real-stream)
-    (error "REAL-STREAM is unbound.  Must provide a :STREAM argument.")))
+    (error "REAL-STREAM is unbound.  Must provide a :UNDERLYING-STREAM argument.")))
 (defmethod initialize-instance ((stream coder-output-stream-mixin) &key &allow-other-keys)
@@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ in a stream of character."))
   (with-slots (encoder buffer-queue real-stream) stream
        while (queue-empty-p buffer-queue)
-       do (be byte (read-byte real-stream nil)
+       do (let ((byte (read-byte real-stream nil)))
             (if byte
                 (encoder-write-byte encoder byte)
@@ -136,220 +147,128 @@ in a stream of character."))
-(defclass input-adapter-stream ()
-  ((source :initarg :source)
-   (real-stream)
-   (input-function)))
-(defclass binary-input-adapter-stream (fundamental-binary-input-stream input-adapter-stream) ())
-(defclass character-input-adapter-stream (fundamental-character-input-stream input-adapter-stream) ())
-(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream binary-input-adapter-stream))
-  '(unsigned-byte 8))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((stream input-adapter-stream) &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (call-next-method)
-  (assert (slot-boundp stream 'source)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((stream binary-input-adapter-stream) &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (call-next-method)
-  ;; REAL-STREAM slot is set only if we are going to close it later on
-  (with-slots (source real-stream input-function) stream
-    (etypecase source
-      (string
-       (setf real-stream (make-string-input-stream source)
-             input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                (awhen (read-char real-stream nil)
-                                  (char-code it)))))
-      ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
-       (be i 0
-         (setf input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                  (when (< i (length source))
-                                    (prog1 (aref source i)
-                                      (incf i)))))))
-      (stream
-       (assert (input-stream-p source))
-       (setf input-function (if (subtypep (stream-element-type source) 'character)
-                                #'(lambda ()
-                                    (awhen (read-char source nil)
-                                      (char-code it)))
-                                #'(lambda ()
-                                    (read-byte source nil)))))
-      (pathname
-       (setf real-stream (open source :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-             input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                (read-byte real-stream nil))))
-      (file-portion
-       (setf real-stream (open-decoded-file-portion source)
-             input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                (read-byte real-stream nil)))))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((stream character-input-adapter-stream) &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (call-next-method)
-  ;; REAL-STREAM slot is set only if we are going to close later on
-  (with-slots (source real-stream input-function) stream
-    (etypecase source
-      (string
-       (setf real-stream (make-string-input-stream source)
-             input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                (read-char real-stream nil))))
-      ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
-       (be i 0
-         (setf input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                  (when (< i (length source))
-                                    (prog1 (code-char (aref source i))
-                                      (incf i)))))))
-      (stream
-       (assert (input-stream-p source))
-       (setf input-function (if (subtypep (stream-element-type source) 'character)
-                                #'(lambda ()
-                                    (read-char source nil))
-                                #'(lambda ()
-                                    (awhen (read-byte source nil)
-                                      (code-char it))))))
-      (pathname
-       (setf real-stream (open source :element-type 'character)
-             input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                (read-char real-stream nil))))
-      (file-portion
-       (setf real-stream (open-decoded-file-portion source)
-             input-function #'(lambda ()
-                                (awhen (read-byte real-stream nil)
-                                  (code-char it))))))))
-(defmethod close ((stream input-adapter-stream) &key abort)
-  (when (slot-boundp stream 'real-stream)
-    (with-slots (real-stream) stream
-      (close real-stream :abort abort))))
-(defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream binary-input-adapter-stream))
-  (with-slots (input-function) stream
-    (or (funcall input-function)
-        :eof)))
-(defmethod stream-read-char ((stream character-input-adapter-stream))
-  (with-slots (input-function) stream
-    (or (funcall input-function)
-        :eof)))
-(defclass delimited-input-stream (fundamental-character-input-stream coder-stream-mixin)
-  ((start-offset :initarg :start
-                 :initform 0
-                 :reader stream-start
-                 :type integer)
-   (end-offset :initarg :end
-               :initform nil
-               :reader stream-end
-               :type (or null integer))
-   (current-offset :type integer)))
-(defmethod print-object ((object delimited-input-stream) stream)
-  (if *print-readably*
-      (call-next-method)
-      (with-slots (start-offset end-offset) object
-        (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
-          (format stream "start=~A end=~A" start-offset end-offset)))))
-(defun base-stream (stream)
-  (if (typep stream 'delimited-input-stream)
-      (base-stream (real-stream stream))
-      stream))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((stream delimited-input-stream) &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (call-next-method)
-  (unless (slot-boundp stream 'real-stream)
-    (error "REAL-STREAM is unbound.  Must provide a :STREAM argument."))
-  (with-slots (start-offset) stream
-    (file-position stream start-offset)))
-(defmethod (setf stream-file-position) (newval (stream delimited-input-stream))
-  (with-slots (current-offset real-stream) stream
-    (setf current-offset newval)
-    (call-next-method)))
-(defmethod stream-file-position ((stream delimited-input-stream))
-  (slot-value stream 'current-offset))
-;; Calling file-position with SBCL on every read is quite expensive, since
-;; it will invoke lseek each time. This is so expensive that it's faster to
-;; /compute/ the amount the stream got advanced by.
-;; file-position's behavior however, is quite flexible and it behaves differently
-;; not only for different implementation, but also different streams in SBCL.
-;; Thus, we should ideally go back to file-position and try to reduce the amount
-;; of calls by using read-sequence.
-;; TODO(sterni): make decoders use read-sequence and drop offset tracking code
-(macrolet ((def-stream-read (name read-fun update-offset-form)
-             `(defmethod ,name ((stream delimited-input-stream))
-               (with-slots (real-stream end-offset current-offset) stream
-                 (let ((el (if (or (not end-offset)
-                                   (< current-offset end-offset))
-                               (or (,read-fun real-stream nil)
-                                   :eof)
-                               :eof)))
-                   (setf current-offset ,update-offset-form)
-                   el)))))
-  ;; Assume we are using an encoding where < 128 is one byte, in all other cases
-  ;; it's hard to guess how much file-position will increase
-  (def-stream-read stream-read-char read-char
-    (if (or (eq el :eof) (< (char-code el) 128))
-        (1+ current-offset)
-        (file-position real-stream)))
-  (def-stream-read stream-read-byte read-byte (1+ current-offset)))
-(defclass my-string-input-stream (fundamental-character-input-stream coder-stream-mixin)
-  ((string :initarg :string
-           :reader stream-string)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((stream my-string-input-stream) &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defun make-custom-flexi-stream (class stream other-args)
+  (apply #'make-instance
+         class
+         :stream stream
+         (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                   ;; make-flexi-stream has a discrepancy between :initarg of
+                   ;; make-instance and its &key which we mirror here.
+                   (if (eq x :external-format) :flexi-stream-external-format x))
+                 other-args)))
+(defclass adapter-flexi-input-stream (flexi-input-stream)
+  ((ignore-close
+    :initform nil
+    :initarg :ignore-close
+    :documentation
+    "If T, calling CLOSE on the stream does nothing.
+If NIL, the underlying stream is closed."))
+  (:documentation "FLEXI-STREAM that does not close the underlying stream on
+(defmethod close ((stream adapter-flexi-input-stream) &key abort)
+  (declare (ignore abort))
+  (with-slots (ignore-close) stream
+    (unless ignore-close
+      (call-next-method))))
+(defun make-input-adapter (source)
+  (etypecase source
+    ;; If it's already a stream, we need to make sure it's not closed by the adapter
+    (stream
+     (assert (input-stream-p source))
+     (if (and (typep source 'adapter-flexi-input-stream)
+              (slot-value source 'ignore-close))
+         source ; already ignores CLOSE
+         (make-adapter-flexi-input-stream source :ignore-close t)))
+    ;; TODO(sterni): is this necessary? (maybe with (not *lazy-mime-decode*)?)
+    (string
+     (make-input-adapter (string-to-octets source)))
+    ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
+     (make-in-memory-input-stream source))
+    (pathname
+     (make-flexi-stream (open source :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+    (file-portion
+     (open-decoded-file-portion source))))
+(defun make-adapter-flexi-input-stream (stream &rest args)
+  "Create a ADAPTER-FLEXI-INPUT-STREAM. Accepts the same keyword arguments as
+MAKE-FLEXI-STREAM as well as :IGNORE-CLOSE. If T, the underlying stream is not
+  (make-custom-flexi-stream 'adapter-flexi-input-stream stream args))
+(defclass positioned-flexi-input-stream (adapter-flexi-input-stream)
+  ()
+  (:documentation
+   "FLEXI-INPUT-STREAM that automatically advances the underlying :STREAM to
+the location given by :POSITION. This uses FILE-POSITION internally, so it'll
+only works if the underlying stream position is tracked in bytes. Note that
+the underlying stream is still advanced, so having multiple instances of
+POSITIONED-FLEXI-INPUT-STREAM based with the same underlying stream won't work
+(defmethod initialize-instance ((stream positioned-flexi-input-stream)
+                                &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (assert (slot-boundp stream 'string))
-  (with-slots (string real-stream) stream
-    (setf real-stream (make-string-input-stream string))))
-(defmethod stream-read-char ((stream my-string-input-stream))
-  (with-slots (real-stream) stream
-    (or (read-char real-stream nil)
-        :eof)))
+  ;; The :POSITION initarg is only informational for flexi-streams: It assumes
+  ;; it is were the stream it got is already at and continuously updates it
+  ;; for querying (via FLEXI-STREAM-POSITION) and bound checking.
+  ;; Since we have streams that are not positioned correctly, we need to do this
+  ;; here using FILE-POSITION. Note that assumes the underlying implementation
+  ;; uses bytes for FILE-POSITION which is not guaranteed (probably some streams
+  ;; even in SBCL don't).
+  (file-position (flexi-stream-stream stream) (flexi-stream-position stream)))
+(defun make-positioned-flexi-input-stream (stream &rest args)
+  "Create a POSITIONED-FLEXI-INPUT-STREAM. Accepts the same keyword arguments as
+be modified to match the :POSITION argument."
+  (make-custom-flexi-stream 'positioned-flexi-input-stream stream args))
+;; TODO(sterni): test correct behavior with END NIL
 (defstruct file-portion
-  data					;  string or a pathname
+  data                                  ; string or a pathname
-(defun open-file-portion (file-portion)
-  (be data (file-portion-data file-portion)
-    (etypecase data
-      (pathname
-       (be stream (open data)
-         (make-instance 'delimited-input-stream
-                        :stream stream
-                        :start (file-portion-start file-portion)
-                        :end (file-portion-end file-portion))))
-      (string
-       (make-instance 'delimited-input-stream
-                      :stream (make-string-input-stream data)
-                      :start (file-portion-start file-portion)
-                      :end (file-portion-end file-portion)))
-      (stream
-       (make-instance 'delimited-input-stream
-                      :stream data
-                      :dont-close t
-                      :start (file-portion-start file-portion)
-                      :end (file-portion-end file-portion))))))
 (defun open-decoded-file-portion (file-portion)
-  (make-instance (case (file-portion-encoding file-portion)
-                   (:quoted-printable 'quoted-printable-decoder-stream)
-                   (:base64 'base64-decoder-stream)
-                   (t '8bit-decoder-stream))
-                 :stream (open-file-portion file-portion)))
+  (with-slots (data encoding start end)
+      file-portion
+    (let* ((binary-stream
+             (etypecase data
+               (pathname
+                (open data :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+               ((vector (unsigned-byte 8))
+                (flexi-streams:make-in-memory-input-stream data))
+               (stream
+                ;; TODO(sterni): assert that bytes/flexi-stream
+                data)))
+           (params (ccase encoding
+                     ((:quoted-printable :base64) '(:external-format :us-ascii))
+                     (:8bit '(:element-type (unsigned-byte 8)))
+                     (:7bit '(:external-format :us-ascii))))
+           (portion-stream (apply #'make-positioned-flexi-input-stream
+                                  binary-stream
+                                  :position start
+                                  :bound end
+                                  ;; if data is a stream we can't have a
+                                  ;; FILE-PORTION without modifying it when
+                                  ;; reading etc. The least we can do, though,
+                                  ;; is forgo destroying it.
+                                  :ignore-close (typep data 'stream)
+                                  params))
+           (needs-decoder-stream (member encoding '(:quoted-printable
+                                                    :base64))))
+      (if needs-decoder-stream
+          (make-instance
+           (ccase encoding
+             (:quoted-printable 'quoted-printable-decoder-stream)
+             (:base64 'qbase64:decode-stream))
+           :underlying-stream portion-stream)
+          portion-stream))))