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path: root/third_party/git/cache-tree.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/cache-tree.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 808 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/cache-tree.c b/third_party/git/cache-tree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 706ffcf188..0000000000
--- a/third_party/git/cache-tree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-#include "cache.h"
-#include "lockfile.h"
-#include "tree.h"
-#include "tree-walk.h"
-#include "cache-tree.h"
-#include "object-store.h"
-#include "replace-object.h"
-struct cache_tree *cache_tree(void)
-	struct cache_tree *it = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct cache_tree));
-	it->entry_count = -1;
-	return it;
-void cache_tree_free(struct cache_tree **it_p)
-	int i;
-	struct cache_tree *it = *it_p;
-	if (!it)
-		return;
-	for (i = 0; i < it->subtree_nr; i++)
-		if (it->down[i]) {
-			cache_tree_free(&it->down[i]->cache_tree);
-			free(it->down[i]);
-		}
-	free(it->down);
-	free(it);
-	*it_p = NULL;
-static int subtree_name_cmp(const char *one, int onelen,
-			    const char *two, int twolen)
-	if (onelen < twolen)
-		return -1;
-	if (twolen < onelen)
-		return 1;
-	return memcmp(one, two, onelen);
-static int subtree_pos(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path, int pathlen)
-	struct cache_tree_sub **down = it->down;
-	int lo, hi;
-	lo = 0;
-	hi = it->subtree_nr;
-	while (lo < hi) {
-		int mi = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
-		struct cache_tree_sub *mdl = down[mi];
-		int cmp = subtree_name_cmp(path, pathlen,
-					   mdl->name, mdl->namelen);
-		if (!cmp)
-			return mi;
-		if (cmp < 0)
-			hi = mi;
-		else
-			lo = mi + 1;
-	}
-	return -lo-1;
-static struct cache_tree_sub *find_subtree(struct cache_tree *it,
-					   const char *path,
-					   int pathlen,
-					   int create)
-	struct cache_tree_sub *down;
-	int pos = subtree_pos(it, path, pathlen);
-	if (0 <= pos)
-		return it->down[pos];
-	if (!create)
-		return NULL;
-	pos = -pos-1;
-	ALLOC_GROW(it->down, it->subtree_nr + 1, it->subtree_alloc);
-	it->subtree_nr++;
-	FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(down, name, path, pathlen);
-	down->cache_tree = NULL;
-	down->namelen = pathlen;
-	if (pos < it->subtree_nr)
-		MOVE_ARRAY(it->down + pos + 1, it->down + pos,
-			   it->subtree_nr - pos - 1);
-	it->down[pos] = down;
-	return down;
-struct cache_tree_sub *cache_tree_sub(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path)
-	int pathlen = strlen(path);
-	return find_subtree(it, path, pathlen, 1);
-static int do_invalidate_path(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path)
-	/* a/b/c
-	 * ==> invalidate self
-	 * ==> find "a", have it invalidate "b/c"
-	 * a
-	 * ==> invalidate self
-	 * ==> if "a" exists as a subtree, remove it.
-	 */
-	const char *slash;
-	int namelen;
-	struct cache_tree_sub *down;
-	fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree invalidate <%s>\n", path);
-	if (!it)
-		return 0;
-	slash = strchrnul(path, '/');
-	namelen = slash - path;
-	it->entry_count = -1;
-	if (!*slash) {
-		int pos;
-		pos = subtree_pos(it, path, namelen);
-		if (0 <= pos) {
-			cache_tree_free(&it->down[pos]->cache_tree);
-			free(it->down[pos]);
-			/* 0 1 2 3 4 5
-			 *       ^     ^subtree_nr = 6
-			 *       pos
-			 * move 4 and 5 up one place (2 entries)
-			 * 2 = 6 - 3 - 1 = subtree_nr - pos - 1
-			 */
-			MOVE_ARRAY(it->down + pos, it->down + pos + 1,
-				   it->subtree_nr - pos - 1);
-			it->subtree_nr--;
-		}
-		return 1;
-	}
-	down = find_subtree(it, path, namelen, 0);
-	if (down)
-		do_invalidate_path(down->cache_tree, slash + 1);
-	return 1;
-void cache_tree_invalidate_path(struct index_state *istate, const char *path)
-	if (do_invalidate_path(istate->cache_tree, path))
-		istate->cache_changed |= CACHE_TREE_CHANGED;
-static int verify_cache(struct cache_entry **cache,
-			int entries, int flags)
-	int i, funny;
-	int silent = flags & WRITE_TREE_SILENT;
-	/* Verify that the tree is merged */
-	funny = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
-		const struct cache_entry *ce = cache[i];
-		if (ce_stage(ce)) {
-			if (silent)
-				return -1;
-			if (10 < ++funny) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
-				break;
-			}
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: unmerged (%s)\n",
-				ce->name, oid_to_hex(&ce->oid));
-		}
-	}
-	if (funny)
-		return -1;
-	/* Also verify that the cache does not have path and path/file
-	 * at the same time.  At this point we know the cache has only
-	 * stage 0 entries.
-	 */
-	funny = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < entries - 1; i++) {
-		/* path/file always comes after path because of the way
-		 * the cache is sorted.  Also path can appear only once,
-		 * which means conflicting one would immediately follow.
-		 */
-		const char *this_name = cache[i]->name;
-		const char *next_name = cache[i+1]->name;
-		int this_len = strlen(this_name);
-		if (this_len < strlen(next_name) &&
-		    strncmp(this_name, next_name, this_len) == 0 &&
-		    next_name[this_len] == '/') {
-			if (10 < ++funny) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "...\n");
-				break;
-			}
-			fprintf(stderr, "You have both %s and %s\n",
-				this_name, next_name);
-		}
-	}
-	if (funny)
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
-static void discard_unused_subtrees(struct cache_tree *it)
-	struct cache_tree_sub **down = it->down;
-	int nr = it->subtree_nr;
-	int dst, src;
-	for (dst = src = 0; src < nr; src++) {
-		struct cache_tree_sub *s = down[src];
-		if (s->used)
-			down[dst++] = s;
-		else {
-			cache_tree_free(&s->cache_tree);
-			free(s);
-			it->subtree_nr--;
-		}
-	}
-int cache_tree_fully_valid(struct cache_tree *it)
-	int i;
-	if (!it)
-		return 0;
-	if (it->entry_count < 0 || !has_object_file(&it->oid))
-		return 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < it->subtree_nr; i++) {
-		if (!cache_tree_fully_valid(it->down[i]->cache_tree))
-			return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static int update_one(struct cache_tree *it,
-		      struct cache_entry **cache,
-		      int entries,
-		      const char *base,
-		      int baselen,
-		      int *skip_count,
-		      int flags)
-	struct strbuf buffer;
-	int missing_ok = flags & WRITE_TREE_MISSING_OK;
-	int dryrun = flags & WRITE_TREE_DRY_RUN;
-	int repair = flags & WRITE_TREE_REPAIR;
-	int to_invalidate = 0;
-	int i;
-	assert(!(dryrun && repair));
-	*skip_count = 0;
-	if (0 <= it->entry_count && has_object_file(&it->oid))
-		return it->entry_count;
-	/*
-	 * We first scan for subtrees and update them; we start by
-	 * marking existing subtrees -- the ones that are unmarked
-	 * should not be in the result.
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < it->subtree_nr; i++)
-		it->down[i]->used = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Find the subtrees and update them.
-	 */
-	i = 0;
-	while (i < entries) {
-		const struct cache_entry *ce = cache[i];
-		struct cache_tree_sub *sub;
-		const char *path, *slash;
-		int pathlen, sublen, subcnt, subskip;
-		path = ce->name;
-		pathlen = ce_namelen(ce);
-		if (pathlen <= baselen || memcmp(base, path, baselen))
-			break; /* at the end of this level */
-		slash = strchr(path + baselen, '/');
-		if (!slash) {
-			i++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * a/bbb/c (base = a/, slash = /c)
-		 * ==>
-		 * path+baselen = bbb/c, sublen = 3
-		 */
-		sublen = slash - (path + baselen);
-		sub = find_subtree(it, path + baselen, sublen, 1);
-		if (!sub->cache_tree)
-			sub->cache_tree = cache_tree();
-		subcnt = update_one(sub->cache_tree,
-				    cache + i, entries - i,
-				    path,
-				    baselen + sublen + 1,
-				    &subskip,
-				    flags);
-		if (subcnt < 0)
-			return subcnt;
-		if (!subcnt)
-			die("index cache-tree records empty sub-tree");
-		i += subcnt;
-		sub->count = subcnt; /* to be used in the next loop */
-		*skip_count += subskip;
-		sub->used = 1;
-	}
-	discard_unused_subtrees(it);
-	/*
-	 * Then write out the tree object for this level.
-	 */
-	strbuf_init(&buffer, 8192);
-	i = 0;
-	while (i < entries) {
-		const struct cache_entry *ce = cache[i];
-		struct cache_tree_sub *sub = NULL;
-		const char *path, *slash;
-		int pathlen, entlen;
-		const struct object_id *oid;
-		unsigned mode;
-		int expected_missing = 0;
-		int contains_ita = 0;
-		int ce_missing_ok;
-		path = ce->name;
-		pathlen = ce_namelen(ce);
-		if (pathlen <= baselen || memcmp(base, path, baselen))
-			break; /* at the end of this level */
-		slash = strchr(path + baselen, '/');
-		if (slash) {
-			entlen = slash - (path + baselen);
-			sub = find_subtree(it, path + baselen, entlen, 0);
-			if (!sub)
-				die("cache-tree.c: '%.*s' in '%s' not found",
-				    entlen, path + baselen, path);
-			i += sub->count;
-			oid = &sub->cache_tree->oid;
-			mode = S_IFDIR;
-			contains_ita = sub->cache_tree->entry_count < 0;
-			if (contains_ita) {
-				to_invalidate = 1;
-				expected_missing = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			oid = &ce->oid;
-			mode = ce->ce_mode;
-			entlen = pathlen - baselen;
-			i++;
-		}
-		ce_missing_ok = mode == S_IFGITLINK || missing_ok ||
-			(repository_format_partial_clone &&
-			 ce_skip_worktree(ce));
-		if (is_null_oid(oid) ||
-		    (!ce_missing_ok && !has_object_file(oid))) {
-			strbuf_release(&buffer);
-			if (expected_missing)
-				return -1;
-			return error("invalid object %06o %s for '%.*s'",
-				mode, oid_to_hex(oid), entlen+baselen, path);
-		}
-		/*
-		 * CE_REMOVE entries are removed before the index is
-		 * written to disk. Skip them to remain consistent
-		 * with the future on-disk index.
-		 */
-		if (ce->ce_flags & CE_REMOVE) {
-			*skip_count = *skip_count + 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * CE_INTENT_TO_ADD entries exist on on-disk index but
-		 * they are not part of generated trees. Invalidate up
-		 * to root to force cache-tree users to read elsewhere.
-		 */
-		if (!sub && ce_intent_to_add(ce)) {
-			to_invalidate = 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * "sub" can be an empty tree if all subentries are i-t-a.
-		 */
-		if (contains_ita && is_empty_tree_oid(oid))
-			continue;
-		strbuf_grow(&buffer, entlen + 100);
-		strbuf_addf(&buffer, "%o %.*s%c", mode, entlen, path + baselen, '\0');
-		strbuf_add(&buffer, oid->hash, the_hash_algo->rawsz);
-		fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree update-one %o %.*s\n",
-			mode, entlen, path + baselen);
-	}
-	if (repair) {
-		struct object_id oid;
-		hash_object_file(buffer.buf, buffer.len, tree_type, &oid);
-		if (has_object_file(&oid))
-			oidcpy(&it->oid, &oid);
-		else
-			to_invalidate = 1;
-	} else if (dryrun) {
-		hash_object_file(buffer.buf, buffer.len, tree_type, &it->oid);
-	} else if (write_object_file(buffer.buf, buffer.len, tree_type,
-				     &it->oid)) {
-		strbuf_release(&buffer);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	strbuf_release(&buffer);
-	it->entry_count = to_invalidate ? -1 : i - *skip_count;
-	fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree update-one (%d ent, %d subtree) %s\n",
-		it->entry_count, it->subtree_nr,
-		oid_to_hex(&it->oid));
-	return i;
-int cache_tree_update(struct index_state *istate, int flags)
-	struct cache_tree *it = istate->cache_tree;
-	struct cache_entry **cache = istate->cache;
-	int entries = istate->cache_nr;
-	int skip, i = verify_cache(cache, entries, flags);
-	if (i)
-		return i;
-	trace_performance_enter();
-	i = update_one(it, cache, entries, "", 0, &skip, flags);
-	trace_performance_leave("cache_tree_update");
-	if (i < 0)
-		return i;
-	istate->cache_changed |= CACHE_TREE_CHANGED;
-	return 0;
-static void write_one(struct strbuf *buffer, struct cache_tree *it,
-		      const char *path, int pathlen)
-	int i;
-	/* One "cache-tree" entry consists of the following:
-	 * path (NUL terminated)
-	 * entry_count, subtree_nr ("%d %d\n")
-	 * tree-sha1 (missing if invalid)
-	 * subtree_nr "cache-tree" entries for subtrees.
-	 */
-	strbuf_grow(buffer, pathlen + 100);
-	strbuf_add(buffer, path, pathlen);
-	strbuf_addf(buffer, "%c%d %d\n", 0, it->entry_count, it->subtree_nr);
-	if (0 <= it->entry_count)
-		fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree <%.*s> (%d ent, %d subtree) %s\n",
-			pathlen, path, it->entry_count, it->subtree_nr,
-			oid_to_hex(&it->oid));
-	else
-		fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree <%.*s> (%d subtree) invalid\n",
-			pathlen, path, it->subtree_nr);
-	if (0 <= it->entry_count) {
-		strbuf_add(buffer, it->oid.hash, the_hash_algo->rawsz);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < it->subtree_nr; i++) {
-		struct cache_tree_sub *down = it->down[i];
-		if (i) {
-			struct cache_tree_sub *prev = it->down[i-1];
-			if (subtree_name_cmp(down->name, down->namelen,
-					     prev->name, prev->namelen) <= 0)
-				die("fatal - unsorted cache subtree");
-		}
-		write_one(buffer, down->cache_tree, down->name, down->namelen);
-	}
-void cache_tree_write(struct strbuf *sb, struct cache_tree *root)
-	write_one(sb, root, "", 0);
-static struct cache_tree *read_one(const char **buffer, unsigned long *size_p)
-	const char *buf = *buffer;
-	unsigned long size = *size_p;
-	const char *cp;
-	char *ep;
-	struct cache_tree *it;
-	int i, subtree_nr;
-	const unsigned rawsz = the_hash_algo->rawsz;
-	it = NULL;
-	/* skip name, but make sure name exists */
-	while (size && *buf) {
-		size--;
-		buf++;
-	}
-	if (!size)
-		goto free_return;
-	buf++; size--;
-	it = cache_tree();
-	cp = buf;
-	it->entry_count = strtol(cp, &ep, 10);
-	if (cp == ep)
-		goto free_return;
-	cp = ep;
-	subtree_nr = strtol(cp, &ep, 10);
-	if (cp == ep)
-		goto free_return;
-	while (size && *buf && *buf != '\n') {
-		size--;
-		buf++;
-	}
-	if (!size)
-		goto free_return;
-	buf++; size--;
-	if (0 <= it->entry_count) {
-		if (size < rawsz)
-			goto free_return;
-		oidread(&it->oid, (const unsigned char *)buf);
-		buf += rawsz;
-		size -= rawsz;
-	}
-	if (0 <= it->entry_count)
-		fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree <%s> (%d ent, %d subtree) %s\n",
-			*buffer, it->entry_count, subtree_nr,
-			oid_to_hex(&it->oid));
-	else
-		fprintf(stderr, "cache-tree <%s> (%d subtrees) invalid\n",
-			*buffer, subtree_nr);
-	/*
-	 * Just a heuristic -- we do not add directories that often but
-	 * we do not want to have to extend it immediately when we do,
-	 * hence +2.
-	 */
-	it->subtree_alloc = subtree_nr + 2;
-	it->down = xcalloc(it->subtree_alloc, sizeof(struct cache_tree_sub *));
-	for (i = 0; i < subtree_nr; i++) {
-		/* read each subtree */
-		struct cache_tree *sub;
-		struct cache_tree_sub *subtree;
-		const char *name = buf;
-		sub = read_one(&buf, &size);
-		if (!sub)
-			goto free_return;
-		subtree = cache_tree_sub(it, name);
-		subtree->cache_tree = sub;
-	}
-	if (subtree_nr != it->subtree_nr)
-		die("cache-tree: internal error");
-	*buffer = buf;
-	*size_p = size;
-	return it;
- free_return:
-	cache_tree_free(&it);
-	return NULL;
-struct cache_tree *cache_tree_read(const char *buffer, unsigned long size)
-	if (buffer[0])
-		return NULL; /* not the whole tree */
-	return read_one(&buffer, &size);
-static struct cache_tree *cache_tree_find(struct cache_tree *it, const char *path)
-	if (!it)
-		return NULL;
-	while (*path) {
-		const char *slash;
-		struct cache_tree_sub *sub;
-		slash = strchrnul(path, '/');
-		/*
-		 * Between path and slash is the name of the subtree
-		 * to look for.
-		 */
-		sub = find_subtree(it, path, slash - path, 0);
-		if (!sub)
-			return NULL;
-		it = sub->cache_tree;
-		path = slash;
-		while (*path == '/')
-			path++;
-	}
-	return it;
-int write_index_as_tree(struct object_id *oid, struct index_state *index_state, const char *index_path, int flags, const char *prefix)
-	int entries, was_valid;
-	struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
-	int ret = 0;
-	hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock_file, index_path, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
-	entries = read_index_from(index_state, index_path, get_git_dir());
-	if (entries < 0) {
-		goto out;
-	}
-		cache_tree_free(&index_state->cache_tree);
-	if (!index_state->cache_tree)
-		index_state->cache_tree = cache_tree();
-	was_valid = cache_tree_fully_valid(index_state->cache_tree);
-	if (!was_valid) {
-		if (cache_tree_update(index_state, flags) < 0) {
-			goto out;
-		}
-		write_locked_index(index_state, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK);
-		/* Not being able to write is fine -- we are only interested
-		 * in updating the cache-tree part, and if the next caller
-		 * ends up using the old index with unupdated cache-tree part
-		 * it misses the work we did here, but that is just a
-		 * performance penalty and not a big deal.
-		 */
-	}
-	if (prefix) {
-		struct cache_tree *subtree;
-		subtree = cache_tree_find(index_state->cache_tree, prefix);
-		if (!subtree) {
-			goto out;
-		}
-		oidcpy(oid, &subtree->oid);
-	}
-	else
-		oidcpy(oid, &index_state->cache_tree->oid);
-	rollback_lock_file(&lock_file);
-	return ret;
-static void prime_cache_tree_rec(struct repository *r,
-				 struct cache_tree *it,
-				 struct tree *tree)
-	struct tree_desc desc;
-	struct name_entry entry;
-	int cnt;
-	oidcpy(&it->oid, &tree->object.oid);
-	init_tree_desc(&desc, tree->buffer, tree->size);
-	cnt = 0;
-	while (tree_entry(&desc, &entry)) {
-		if (!S_ISDIR(entry.mode))
-			cnt++;
-		else {
-			struct cache_tree_sub *sub;
-			struct tree *subtree = lookup_tree(r, &entry.oid);
-			if (!subtree->object.parsed)
-				parse_tree(subtree);
-			sub = cache_tree_sub(it, entry.path);
-			sub->cache_tree = cache_tree();
-			prime_cache_tree_rec(r, sub->cache_tree, subtree);
-			cnt += sub->cache_tree->entry_count;
-		}
-	}
-	it->entry_count = cnt;
-void prime_cache_tree(struct repository *r,
-		      struct index_state *istate,
-		      struct tree *tree)
-	cache_tree_free(&istate->cache_tree);
-	istate->cache_tree = cache_tree();
-	prime_cache_tree_rec(r, istate->cache_tree, tree);
-	istate->cache_changed |= CACHE_TREE_CHANGED;
- * find the cache_tree that corresponds to the current level without
- * exploding the full path into textual form.  The root of the
- * cache tree is given as "root", and our current level is "info".
- * (1) When at root level, info->prev is NULL, so it is "root" itself.
- * (2) Otherwise, find the cache_tree that corresponds to one level
- *     above us, and find ourselves in there.
- */
-static struct cache_tree *find_cache_tree_from_traversal(struct cache_tree *root,
-							 struct traverse_info *info)
-	struct cache_tree *our_parent;
-	if (!info->prev)
-		return root;
-	our_parent = find_cache_tree_from_traversal(root, info->prev);
-	return cache_tree_find(our_parent, info->name.path);
-int cache_tree_matches_traversal(struct cache_tree *root,
-				 struct name_entry *ent,
-				 struct traverse_info *info)
-	struct cache_tree *it;
-	it = find_cache_tree_from_traversal(root, info);
-	it = cache_tree_find(it, ent->path);
-	if (it && it->entry_count > 0 && oideq(&ent->oid, &it->oid))
-		return it->entry_count;
-	return 0;
-static void verify_one(struct repository *r,
-		       struct index_state *istate,
-		       struct cache_tree *it,
-		       struct strbuf *path)
-	int i, pos, len = path->len;
-	struct strbuf tree_buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	struct object_id new_oid;
-	for (i = 0; i < it->subtree_nr; i++) {
-		strbuf_addf(path, "%s/", it->down[i]->name);
-		verify_one(r, istate, it->down[i]->cache_tree, path);
-		strbuf_setlen(path, len);
-	}
-	if (it->entry_count < 0 ||
-	    /* no verification on tests (t7003) that replace trees */
-	    lookup_replace_object(r, &it->oid) != &it->oid)
-		return;
-	if (path->len) {
-		pos = index_name_pos(istate, path->buf, path->len);
-		pos = -pos - 1;
-	} else {
-		pos = 0;
-	}
-	i = 0;
-	while (i < it->entry_count) {
-		struct cache_entry *ce = istate->cache[pos + i];
-		const char *slash;
-		struct cache_tree_sub *sub = NULL;
-		const struct object_id *oid;
-		const char *name;
-		unsigned mode;
-		int entlen;
-		if (ce->ce_flags & (CE_STAGEMASK | CE_INTENT_TO_ADD | CE_REMOVE))
-			BUG("%s with flags 0x%x should not be in cache-tree",
-			    ce->name, ce->ce_flags);
-		name = ce->name + path->len;
-		slash = strchr(name, '/');
-		if (slash) {
-			entlen = slash - name;
-			sub = find_subtree(it, ce->name + path->len, entlen, 0);
-			if (!sub || sub->cache_tree->entry_count < 0)
-				BUG("bad subtree '%.*s'", entlen, name);
-			oid = &sub->cache_tree->oid;
-			mode = S_IFDIR;
-			i += sub->cache_tree->entry_count;
-		} else {
-			oid = &ce->oid;
-			mode = ce->ce_mode;
-			entlen = ce_namelen(ce) - path->len;
-			i++;
-		}
-		strbuf_addf(&tree_buf, "%o %.*s%c", mode, entlen, name, '\0');
-		strbuf_add(&tree_buf, oid->hash, the_hash_algo->rawsz);
-	}
-	hash_object_file(tree_buf.buf, tree_buf.len, tree_type, &new_oid);
-	if (!oideq(&new_oid, &it->oid))
-		BUG("cache-tree for path %.*s does not match. "
-		    "Expected %s got %s", len, path->buf,
-		    oid_to_hex(&new_oid), oid_to_hex(&it->oid));
-	strbuf_setlen(path, len);
-	strbuf_release(&tree_buf);
-void cache_tree_verify(struct repository *r, struct index_state *istate)
-	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (!istate->cache_tree)
-		return;
-	verify_one(r, istate, istate->cache_tree, &path);
-	strbuf_release(&path);