use clap::Parser; use mimalloc::MiMalloc; use nar_bridge::AppState; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; use tower::ServiceBuilder; use tower_http::trace::{DefaultMakeSpan, TraceLayer}; use tracing::info; use tvix_store::utils::ServiceUrlsGrpc; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: MiMalloc = MiMalloc; /// Expose the Nix HTTP Binary Cache protocol for a tvix-store. #[derive(Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { #[clap(flatten)] service_addrs: ServiceUrlsGrpc, /// The priority to announce at the `nix-cache-info` endpoint. /// A lower number means it's *more preferred. #[arg(long, env, default_value_t = 39)] priority: u64, /// The address to listen on. #[clap(flatten)] listen_args: tokio_listener::ListenerAddressLFlag, /// The capacity of the lookup table from NarHash to [Node]. /// Should be bigger than the number of concurrent NAR uploads. #[arg(long, env, default_value_t = NonZeroUsize::new(1000).unwrap())] root_nodes_cache_capacity: NonZeroUsize, #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] /// Whether to configure OTLP. Set --otlp=false to disable. #[arg(long, default_missing_value = "true", default_value = "true", num_args(0..=1), require_equals(true), action(clap::ArgAction::Set))] otlp: bool, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> { let cli = Cli::parse(); let _tracing_handle = { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut builder = tvix_tracing::TracingBuilder::default(); #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] { if cli.otlp { builder = builder.enable_otlp("nar-bridge"); } } }; // initialize stores let (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service, _nar_calculation_service) = tvix_store::utils::construct_services(cli.service_addrs).await?; let state = AppState::new( blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service, cli.root_nodes_cache_capacity, ); let app = nar_bridge::gen_router(cli.priority) .layer( ServiceBuilder::new() .layer( TraceLayer::new_for_http().make_span_with( DefaultMakeSpan::new() .level(tracing::Level::INFO) .include_headers(true), ), ) .map_request(tvix_tracing::propagate::axum::accept_trace), ) .with_state(state); let listen_address = &cli.listen_args.listen_address.unwrap_or_else(|| { "[::]:9000" .parse() .expect("invalid fallback listen address") }); let listener = tokio_listener::Listener::bind( listen_address, &Default::default(), &cli.listen_args.listener_options, ) .await?; info!(listen_address=%listen_address, "starting daemon"); tokio_listener::axum07::serve( listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<tokio_listener::SomeSocketAddrClonable>(), ) .await?; Ok(()) }