# Generates a simple web view of open TODOs in the depot. # # Only TODOs that match the form 'TODO($username)' are considered, and # only for users that are known to us. { depot, lib, pkgs, ... }: with depot.nix.yants; let inherit (pkgs) jq ripgrep runCommandNoCC writeText ; inherit (builtins) elem filter fromJSON head readFile map ; inherit (lib) concatStringsSep; knownUsers = map (u: u.username) depot.ops.users; todo = struct { file = string; line = int; todo = string; user = string; }; allTodos = fromJSON (readFile (runCommandNoCC "depot-todos.json" {} '' ${ripgrep}/bin/rg --json 'TODO\(\w+\):.*$' ${depot.path} | \ ${jq}/bin/jq -s -f ${./extract-todos.jq} > $out '')); knownUserTodos = filter (todos: elem (head todos).user knownUsers) allTodos; fileLink = defun [ todo string ] (t: '' //${t.file}:${toString t.line}''); todoElement = defun [ todo string ] (t: ''

${fileLink t}:

''); userParagraph = todos: let user = (head todos).user; in ''


${concatStringsSep "\n" (map todoElement todos)}

''; todoPage = writeText "index.html" '' TVL's todo-list

The Virus Lounge's todo-list

${concatStringsSep "\n" (map userParagraph knownUserTodos)}
''; in runCommandNoCC "tvl-todos" {} '' mkdir $out cp ${todoPage} $out/index.html ln -s ${depot.web.tvl}/static $out/static ''