{%- for alert in alerts %}
{{ alert }}
{% endfor -%} {%- if mode == "NewThread" %}
Create a new thread
{% elif mode == "PostReply" %}
Respond to thread '{{ title }}'
{% elif mode == "EditPost" %}
Edit your post
{% endif -%}
{% if mode == "NewThread" %}
{% elif mode == "PostReply" %} {% elif mode == "EditPost" %} {% endif %} {% if mode == "PostReply" %} {% elif mode == "EditPost" %} {% endif %} {% if mode == "NewThread" %}
{% endif %}

Remember that you can use Markdown when writing your posts:

*italic text*

**bold text**

~strikethrough text~

[link text](https://some.link.com/)

![image text](https://foo.com/thing.jpg)

Use * or - to enumerate lists.

See Markdown documentation for more information!