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path: root/web/tvl
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/tvl')
8 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/tvl/blog/default.nix b/web/tvl/blog/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe8d1c42d6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/blog/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  config = {
+    name = "TVL's blog";
+    footer = depot.web.tvl.footer {};
+    baseUrl = "https://tvl.fyi/blog";
+  };
+  posts = [
+    {
+      key = "rewriting-nix";
+      title = "Tvix: We are rewriting Nix";
+      date = 1638381387;
+      content = ./rewriting-nix.md;
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/web/tvl/blog/rewriting-nix.md b/web/tvl/blog/rewriting-nix.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b143e5b0ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/blog/rewriting-nix.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Evaluating the Nix programming language, used by the Nix package
+manager, is currently very slow. This becomes apparent in all projects
+written in Nix that are not just simple package definitions, for
+* the NixOS module system
+* TVL projects like
+  [`//nix/yants`](https://at.tvl.fyi/?q=%2F%2Fnix%2Fyants) and
+  [`//web/bubblegum`](https://at.tvl.fyi/?q=%2F%2Fweb%2Fbubblegum).
+* the code that [generates build
+  instructions](https://at.tvl.fyi/?q=%2F%2Fops%2Fpipelines) for TVL's
+  [CI setup](https://tvl.fyi/builds)
+Whichever project you pick, they all suffer from issues with the
+language implementation. At TVL, it takes us close to a minute to
+create the CI instructions for our monorepo at the moment - despite it
+being a plain Nix evaluation. Running our Nix-native build systems for
+[Go](https://code.tvl.fyi/about/nix/buildGo) and [Common
+Lisp](https://code.tvl.fyi/about/nix/buildLisp) takes much more time
+than we would like.
+Some time last year a few of us got together and started investigating
+ways to modernise the current architecture of Nix and figure out how
+to improve the speed of some of the components. We created over [250
+commits](https://cl.tvl.fyi/q/topic:tvix) in our fork of the Nix 2.3
+codebase at the time, tried [performance
+experiments](https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/1123/) aimed at improving
+the current evaluator and fought [gnarly
+After a while we realised that we were treading water: Some of our
+ideas are too architecturally divergent from Nix to be done on top of
+the existing codebase, and the memory model of Nix causes significant
+headaches when trying to do any kind of larger change.
+We needed an alternative approach and started brainstorming on a bent
+whiteboard in a small flat in Hurghada, Egypt.
+![flokli & tazjin brainstorming](https://static.tvl.fyi/latest/files/flokli_tazjin_tvix.webp)
+Half a year later we are now ready to announce our new project:
+**Tvix**, a re-imagined Nix with full nixpkgs compatibility. Tvix is
+generously funded [by NLNet](https://nlnet.nl/project/Tvix/) (thanks!)
+and we are ready to start implementing it.
+The [Tvix
+architecture](https://code.tvl.fyi/about/tvix/docs/components.md) is
+designed to be modular: It should be possible to write an evaluator
+that plugs in the Guile language (for compatibility with GNU Guix), to
+use arbitrary builders, and to replace the store implementation.
+Tvix has these high-level goals:
+* Creating an alternative implementation of Nix that is **fully
+  compatible with nixpkgs**.
+  The package collection is an enormous effort with hundreds of
+  thousands of commits, encoding expert knowledge about lots of
+  different software and ways of building and managing it. It is a
+  very valuable piece of software and we must be able to reuse it.
+* More efficient Nix language evaluation, leading to greatly increased
+  performance.
+* No more strict separation of evaluation and build phases: Generating
+  Nix data structures from build artefacts ("IFD") should be supported
+  first-class and not incur significant performance cost.
+* Well-defined interaction protocols for how the three different
+  components (evaluator, builder, store) interact.
+* A builder implementation using OCI instead of custom sandboxing
+  code.
+![adisbladis & tazjin brainstorming](https://static.tvl.fyi/latest/files/adisbladis_tazjin_tvix.webp)
+Tvix is not intended to *replace* Nix, instead we want to improve the
+ecosystem by offering an alternative, fast and reliable implementation
+for Nix features that are in use today.
+As things ramp up we will be posting more information on this blog,
+for now you can keep an eye on
+[`//tvix`](https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/tvix) in the TVL monorepo
+and subscribe to [our feed](https://tvl.fyi/feed.atom).
+Stay tuned!
+<span style="font-size: small;">PS: TVL is international, but a lot of
+the development will take place in our office in Moscow. Say hi if
+you're around and interested!</span>
diff --git a/web/tvl/default.nix b/web/tvl/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee012ca4096a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with depot.nix.yants;
+  inherit (builtins) filter;
+  inherit (pkgs) graphviz runCommandNoCC writeText;
+  inherit (depot.web) atom-feed blog tvl;
+  listPosts = defun [ (list blog.post) string ] (posts:
+    lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (p: "* [${p.title}](blog/${p.key})") posts)
+  );
+  postRenderingCommands = defun [ (list blog.post) string ] (posts:
+    lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
+      (map (p: "cp ${blog.renderPost tvl.blog.config p} $out/blog/${p.key}.html") posts)
+  );
+  tvlGraph = runCommandNoCC "tvl.svg" {
+    nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ fontconfig freetype cairo jetbrains-mono ];
+  } ''
+    ${graphviz}/bin/neato -Tsvg ${./tvl.dot} > $out
+  '';
+  publishedPosts = filter blog.includePost tvl.blog.posts;
+  feed = {
+    id = "https://tvl.fyi/";
+    title = "TVL blog";
+    subtitle = "Thoughts and news from The Virus Lounge";
+    authors = [ "tazjin" ]; # TODO(tazjin): Extract from post info
+    links = lib.singleton {
+      rel = "self";
+      href = "https://tvl.fyi/feed.atom";
+    };
+    entries = map (blog.toFeedEntry tvl.blog.config) publishedPosts;
+  };
+  atomFeed = writeText "feed.atom" (atom-feed.renderFeed feed);
+  homepage = tvl.template {
+    title = "The Virus Lounge";
+    content = ''
+      The Virus Lounge
+      ================
+      ----------------
+      <img class="tvl-logo" src="https://static.tvl.fyi/${depot.web.static.drvHash}/logo-animated.svg"
+           alt="Virus with lambda-shaped spike proteins sitting on an armchair">
+      Welcome to **The Virus Lounge**. We're a group of people who got
+      together in 2020, when we felt that there was not enough
+      spontaneous socialising on the internet.
+      Because of our shared interests in topics like **build systems**
+      and **monorepos** we started working on code together, in our
+      monorepo called the *depot*.
+      Feel free to explore the tech we have built so far, all our
+      systems are linked in the footer.
+      We mostly hang out on IRC. You can find us in [`#tvl`][tvl-irc]
+      on [hackint][], which is also reachable [via XMPP][hackint-xmpp]
+      at [`#tvl@irc.hackint.org`][tvl-xmpp] (sic!).
+      Hackint also provide a [web chat][tvl-webchat].
+      [tvl-irc]: ircs://irc.hackint.org:6697/#tvl
+      [hackint]: https://hackint.org/
+      [hackint-xmpp]: https://hackint.org/transport/xmpp
+      [tvl-xmpp]: xmpp:#tvl@irc.hackint.org?join
+      [tvl-webchat]: https://webirc.hackint.org/#ircs://irc.hackint.org/#tvl
+      ----------------
+      ## Blog
+      Here are the most recent TVL blog posts.
+      ${listPosts publishedPosts}
+      You can also follow our [atom feed](https://tvl.fyi/feed.atom).
+      ----------------
+      ## Where did all these people come from?
+      It's pretty straightforward. Feel free to click on people, too.
+      <div class="tvl-graph-container">
+        <!--
+          cheddar leaves HTML inside of HTML alone,
+          so wrapping the SVG prevents it from messing it up
+        -->
+        ${builtins.readFile tvlGraph}
+      </div>
+    '';
+    extraHead = ''
+      <style>
+        .tvl-graph-container {
+          max-width: inherit;
+        }
+        .tvl-graph-container svg {
+          max-width: inherit;
+          height: auto;
+        }
+        .tvl-logo {
+          width: 60%;
+          display: block;
+          margin-left: auto;
+          margin-right: auto;
+        }
+      </style>
+    '';
+  };
+in runCommandNoCC "website" {} ''
+  mkdir -p $out/blog
+  cp ${homepage} $out/index.html
+  ${postRenderingCommands tvl.blog.posts}
+  cp ${atomFeed} $out/feed.atom
diff --git a/web/tvl/footer/default.nix b/web/tvl/footer/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7412d019ee56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/footer/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Footer fragment for TVL homepages, used by //web/tvl/template for
+# our static pages and also via //web/blog for blog posts.
+{ lib, ... }:
+args: ''
+  <p class="footer">
+    <a class="uncoloured-link" href="https://at.tvl.fyi/?q=%2F%2FREADME.md">code</a>
+    |
+    <a class="uncoloured-link" href="https://cl.tvl.fyi/">reviews</a>
+    |
+    <a class="uncoloured-link" href="https://tvl.fyi/builds">ci</a>
+    |
+    <a class="uncoloured-link" href="https://b.tvl.fyi/">bugs</a>
+    |
+    <a class="uncoloured-link" href="https://todo.tvl.fyi/">todos</a>
+    |
+    <a class="uncoloured-link" href="https://atward.tvl.fyi/">search</a>
+    '' + lib.optionalString (args ? extraFooter) args.extraFooter + ''
+  </p>
+  <p class="lod">ಠ_ಠ</p>
diff --git a/web/tvl/logo/default.nix b/web/tvl/logo/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..940f67199bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/logo/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Creates an output containing the logo in SVG format (animated and
+# static, one for each background colour) and without animations in
+# PNG.
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  palette = {
+    purple = "#CC99C9";
+    blue = "#9EC1CF";
+    green = "#9EE09E";
+    yellow = "#FDFD97";
+    orange = "#FEB144";
+    red = "#FF6663";
+  };
+  staticCss = colour: ''
+    #armchair-background {
+      fill: ${colour};
+    }
+  '';
+  # Create an animated CSS that equally spreads out the colours over
+  # the animation duration (1min).
+  animatedCss = colours: let
+    # Calculate at which percentage offset each colour should appear.
+    stepSize = 100 / ((builtins.length colours) - 1);
+    frames = lib.imap0 (idx: colour: { inherit colour; at = idx * stepSize; }) colours;
+    frameCss = frame: "${toString frame.at}% { fill: ${frame.colour}; }";
+  in ''
+    #armchair-background {
+      animation: 30s infinite alternate armchairPalette;
+    }
+    @keyframes armchairPalette {
+    ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map frameCss frames)}
+    }
+  '';
+  # Dark version of the logo, suitable for light backgrounds.
+  darkCss = armchairCss: ''
+    .structure {
+      fill: #383838;
+    }
+    #letters {
+      fill: #fefefe;
+    }
+    ${armchairCss}
+  '';
+  # Light version, suitable for dark backgrounds.
+  lightCss = armchairCss: ''
+    .structure {
+      fill: #e4e4ef;
+    }
+    #letters {
+      fill: #181818;
+    }
+    ${armchairCss}
+  '';
+  logoShapes = builtins.readFile ./logo-shapes.svg;
+  logoSvg = style: ''
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="420 860 1640 1500"
+         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+      <style>${style}</style>
+      ${logoShapes}
+    </svg>
+  '';
+in depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets(lib.fix (self: {
+  # Expose the logo construction functions.
+  inherit palette darkCss lightCss animatedCss staticCss;
+  # Create a TVL logo SVG with the specified style.
+  logoSvg = style: pkgs.writeText "logo.svg" (logoSvg style);
+  # Create a PNG of the TVL logo with the specified style and DPI.
+  logoPng = style: dpi: pkgs.runCommandNoCC "logo.png" {} ''
+    ${pkgs.inkscape}/bin/inkscape \
+      --export-area-drawing \
+      --export-background-opacity 0 \
+      --export-dpi ${toString dpi} \
+      ${self.logoSvg style} -o $out
+  '';
+  # Animated dark SVG logo with all colours.
+  pastelRainbow = self.logoSvg (darkCss (animatedCss (lib.attrValues palette)));
+# Add individual outputs for static dark logos of each colour.
+// (lib.mapAttrs'
+    (k: v: lib.nameValuePair "${k}Png"
+     (self.logoPng (darkCss (staticCss v)) 96)) palette)))
diff --git a/web/tvl/logo/logo-shapes.svg b/web/tvl/logo/logo-shapes.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d35971e0a91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/logo/logo-shapes.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<polygon id="armchair-background" points="463 2030 567 1814 1904 1814 1978 2030 1935 2169 1720 2155 1590 2311 873 2305 778 2142 570 2186"/>
+<g class="structure">
+  <path id="virusbody" d="M 707.524,1820.74 701.038,1401.58 970,1100 h 542 l 271.37,310.47 -16.99,419.17 -295.93,284.34 -445.46,-4.15 z"/>
+<g class="structure" id="lambdas">
+  <!-- virus lambdas and feet, clockwise starting at the top left -->
+  <path id="topleft" d="m 1002,1045 38,75 -65,35 -140,-260 h 78 l 47,80 45,-80 h 45 l 17.39,34.968" />
+  <use id="topright" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="matrix(-1,0,0,1,2482,0)" />
+  <use id="midright" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="matrix(-0.70710678,-0.70710678,-0.70710678,0.70710678,3284.799,1331.4128)" />
+  <use id="bottomright" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="matrix(-0.25881905,-0.96592583,-0.96592583,0.25881905,3120.6829,2438.0653)" />
+  <use id="rightfoot" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="matrix(-0.60515932,0.14752194,-0.14752194,-0.60515932,2234.5287,2616.7665)" />
+  <use id="leftfoot" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="matrix(0.60515932,0.14752194,0.14752194,-0.60515932,253.62404,2616.7665)" />
+  <use id="bottomleft" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="rotate(-75,1263.0635,1635.2798)" />
+  <use id="midleft" xlink:href="#topleft" transform="rotate(-45,1209.002,1626.9386)" />
+<g class="structure" id="armchair">
+  <path d="M742.781 2172.23s-89.208 93.93-210.767 22.78c-121.56-71.14-124.755-220.09-47.72-318 78.865-100.24 220.899-86.94 221.229-85.38.274 1.3 247.178 196.08 328.597 260.28 16.08 12.68 25.71 20.27 25.71 20.27l-37.68 41.02s-209.519-177.76-290.729-250.45c-9.975 1.38-150.662-67.27-214.983 108.51-24.251 74.65 15.983 145.09 69.889 167.71 91.689 19.32 94.88 1.94 121.523-18.39"/>
+  <path d="M1738.4 2174.64s91.9 88.75 209.97 16.51c118.07-72.25 115.91-216.85 39.26-313.11-78.47-98.55-217.31-83.5-217.61-81.95-.26 1.29-239.43 197.97-318.3 262.8-15.58 12.8-24.9 20.46-24.9 20.46l37.4 40.26s202.73-184.66 281.29-257.92c9.78 1.23 134.36-50.54 211.78 110.07 28.32 92.64-13.71 144.64-66.18 167.81-89.5 20.38-90.29.61-116.63-19.24"/>
+  <path d="m899.02 2276.92 680.44-.32 98.56-134.61 51.64 32.46-121.94 160.78-739.1-1.03-125.507-162.22 54.172-39.79 101.735 144.73Z"/>
+  <path d="m744.143 2173.36 56.05-35.55s-44.914-79.17-102.074-8.6"/>
+  <path d="M1728.8 2176.06c-7.6 2.16-53.69-30.58-53.69-30.58s43.06-84.48 102.63-21.21c59.57 63.27-52.85 47.65-48.94 51.79Z"/>
+<g id="letters" fill="#fefefe">
+  <path id="t" d="M970.081 1776.8c-22.214 0-40.017-6.45-53.41-19.35-13.394-12.9-20.09-30.14-20.09-51.7v-158.27h-75.95v-40.18h75.95v-75.95h44.1v75.95h107.799v40.18H940.681v158.27c0 9.15 2.695 16.58 8.085 22.3 5.39 5.72 12.495 8.57 21.315 8.57h73.499v40.18h-73.499Z"/>
+  <path id="v" d="M 1205.77 1776.8 L 1112.18 1507.3 L 1157.75 1507.3 L 1235.66 1742.99 L 1311.12 1507.3 L 1357.18 1507.3 L 1263.59 1776.8 L 1205.77 1776.8 L 1205.77 1776.8 Z"/>
+  <path id="lambda" d="M 1406.18 1776.8 L 1506.14 1511.71 L 1469.88 1419.1 L 1516.92 1419.1 L 1651.18 1776.8 L 1604.14 1776.8 L 1539.95 1601.87 L 1530.64 1571.49 L 1453.71 1776.8 L 1406.18 1776.8 Z"/>
diff --git a/web/tvl/template/default.nix b/web/tvl/template/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6ccc10de6235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/template/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+{ # content of the <title> tag
+  title
+  # main part of the page, usually wrapped with <main>
+, content
+  # optional extra html to inject into <head>
+, extraHead ? null
+  # optional extra html to inject into <footer>
+, extraFooter ? null
+  # URL at which static assets are located
+, staticUrl ? "https://static.tvl.fyi/${depot.web.static.drvHash}"
+  inherit (pkgs) runCommandNoCC lib;
+  inherit (depot.tools) cheddar;
+runCommandNoCC "${lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName title}-index.html" {
+  headerPart = ''
+    <!DOCTYPE html>
+    <head>
+      <meta charset="utf-8">
+      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+      <meta name="description" content="The Virus Lounge">
+      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${staticUrl}/tvl.css" media="all">
+      <link rel="icon" type="image/webp" href="${staticUrl}/favicon.webp">
+      <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom Feed" href="https://tvl.fyi/feed.atom">
+      <title>${title}</title>
+  '' + lib.optionalString (args ? extraHead) extraHead + ''
+    </head>
+    <body class="light">
+  '';
+  inherit content;
+  footerPart = ''
+    <hr>
+    <footer>
+      ${depot.web.tvl.footer args}
+    </footer>
+  </body>
+  '';
+  passAsFile = [ "headerPart" "content" "footerPart" ];
+} ''
+  ${cheddar}/bin/cheddar --about-filter content.md < $contentPath > rendered.html
+  cat $headerPartPath rendered.html $footerPartPath > $out
diff --git a/web/tvl/tvl.dot b/web/tvl/tvl.dot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b28c529e0c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/tvl/tvl.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+digraph tvl {
+  node [fontname = "JetBrains Mono"];
+  overlap = false;
+  splines = polyline;
+  TVL [style="bold" href="http://tvl.fyi"];
+  tazjin -> TVL [style="bold"];
+  // people
+  subgraph {
+    Irenes [href="https://www.pluralpride.com/"];
+    adisbladis [href="http://nixos.expert/"];
+    andi [label="andi-" href="https://andreas.rammhold.de/"];
+    anon1 [color="grey" fontcolor="grey"];
+    aurora [href="https://nonegenderleftfox.aventine.se/"];
+    benjojo [href="https://benjojo.co.uk/"];
+    cynthia [href="https://cynthia.re/"];
+    edef [href="https://edef.eu/files/edef.hs"];
+    ericvolp [href="https://ericv.me"];
+    espes;
+    eta [href="https://theta.eu.org/"];
+    firefly [href="http://firefly.nu/"];
+    flokli [href="https://flokli.de/"];
+    fzakaria [href="https://fzakaria.com/"];
+    ghuntley [href="https://ghuntley.com/"];
+    grfn [href="http://gws.fyi"];
+    htbf [href="https://htbf.dev/"];
+    implr [href="https://twitter.com/implring"];
+    isomer [href="https://www.lorier.net/"];
+    jusrin [href="https://jusrin.dev/"];
+    kn;
+    lassulus;
+    leah2 [href="https://leahneukirchen.org/"];
+    lukegb [href="https://lukegb.com/"];
+    marcusr [href="http://marcus.nordaaker.com/"];
+    mdjnsn;
+    ncl;
+    nikky [href="http://nikky.moe/"];
+    nyanotech [href="https://twitter.com/nyanotech"];
+    poigon;
+    Profpatsch [href="http://profpatsch.de/"];
+    qyliss [href="https://alyssa.is"];
+    seven [href="https://open.spotify.com/user/so7"];
+    spacekookie [href="https://spacekookie.de/"];
+    sterni [href="https://sterni.lv/"];
+    tazjin [href="https://tazj.in/"];
+    wpcarro [href="https://wpcarro.dev/"];
+    yuuko;
+  }
+  // companies (blue)
+  subgraph {
+    node [color="#4285f4" fontcolor="#4285f4"];
+    spotify [href="https://www.spotify.com/"];
+    google [href="https://www.google.com/"];
+  }
+  // communities? (red)
+  subgraph {
+    node [color="#db4437" fontcolor="#db4437"];
+    eve [href="https://www.eveonline.com/"];
+    nix [href="https://nixos.org/nix/"];
+    ircv3 [href="https://ircv3.net/"];
+    lgbtslack [label="lgbt.tech" href="https://lgbtq.technology/"];
+    muccc [label="µccc" href="https://muc.ccc.de/"];
+    afra [label="AfRA" href="https://afra-berlin.de/"];
+  }
+  // special
+  subgraph {
+    baby [color="pink" fontcolor="pink" href="https://cynthia.re/s/baby"];
+    unspecific [color="grey" fontcolor="grey"];
+  }
+  // primary edges (how did they end up in TVL?)
+  subgraph {
+    // Direct edges
+    nix -> tazjin;
+    spotify -> tazjin;
+    google -> tazjin;
+    eve -> tazjin;
+    unspecific -> tazjin;
+    edef -> tazjin;
+    // via nix
+    adisbladis -> nix;
+    jusrin -> nix;
+    ghuntley -> nix;
+    flokli -> nix;
+    andi -> nix;
+    Profpatsch -> nix;
+    lassulus -> nix;
+    // via edef
+    benjojo -> edef;
+    espes -> edef;
+    firefly -> edef;
+    leah2 -> aurora;
+    ncl -> edef;
+    qyliss -> edef;
+    // via spotify
+    seven -> spotify;
+    // via google
+    htbf -> google;
+    Irenes -> google;
+    isomer -> google;
+    lukegb -> google;
+    wpcarro -> google;
+    fzakaria -> google;
+    mdjnsn -> google;
+    // random primary
+    grfn -> wpcarro;
+    anon1 -> google;
+    aurora -> eve;
+    cynthia -> benjojo;
+    eta -> anon1;
+    ericvolp -> lukegb;
+    marcusr -> unspecific;
+    poigon -> eve;
+    implr -> lukegb;
+    afra -> unspecific;
+    nikky -> afra;
+    spacekookie -> qyliss;
+    kn -> flokli;
+    sterni -> Profpatsch;
+    yuuko -> ncl;
+  }
+  // secondary edges (how are they connected otherwise?)
+  subgraph {
+    edge [weight=0 style="dotted" color="grey" arrowhead="none"];
+    // lgbt slack
+    aurora -> lgbtslack;
+    leah2 -> lgbtslack;
+    edef -> lgbtslack;
+    // ircv3
+    eta -> ircv3;
+    firefly -> ircv3;
+    // µccc
+    leah2 -> muccc;
+    // random
+    leah2 -> edef;
+    lukegb -> isomer;
+    eta -> firefly;
+    cynthia -> firefly;
+    cynthia -> lukegb;
+    implr -> google;
+    nyanotech -> google;
+    lukegb -> benjojo;
+    espes -> benjojo;
+    espes -> aurora;
+    qyliss -> nix;
+    grfn -> nix;
+    edef -> nix;
+    spacekookie -> afra;
+    qyliss -> afra;
+  }
+  // baby
+  subgraph {
+    edge [weight=0 style="dotted" color="pink" arrowhead="none"];
+    cynthia -> baby;
+    eta -> baby;
+  }