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1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/panettone/src/model.lisp b/web/panettone/src/model.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3b19901c9945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/panettone/src/model.lisp
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+(in-package :panettone.model)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun connect-postgres (&key
+                           (host (or (uiop:getenvp "PGHOST") "localhost"))
+                           (user (or (uiop:getenvp "PGUSER") "panettone"))
+                           (password (or (uiop:getenvp "PGPASSWORD") "password"))
+                           (database (or (uiop:getenvp "PGDATABASE") "panettone"))
+                           (port (or (integer-env "PGPORT") 5432)))
+  "Initialize the global postgresql connection for Panettone"
+  (postmodern:connect-toplevel database user password host :port port))
+;;; Schema
+(define-constant +issue-statuses+ '(:open :closed)
+  :test #'equal)
+(deftype issue-status ()
+  "Type specifier for the status of an `issue'"
+  (cons 'member +issue-statuses+))
+(defun ddl/create-issue-status ()
+  "Issue DDL to create the `issue-status' type, if it doesn't exist"
+  (unless (query (:select (:exists (:select 1
+                                    :from 'pg_type
+                                    :where (:= 'typname "issue_status"))))
+                 :single)
+    (query (sql-compile
+            `(:create-enum issue-status ,+issue-statuses+)))))
+(defclass issue ()
+  ((id :col-type serial :initarg :id :accessor id)
+   (subject :col-type string :initarg :subject :accessor subject)
+   (body :col-type string :initarg :body :accessor body :col-default "")
+   (author-dn :col-type string :initarg :author-dn :accessor author-dn)
+   (comments :type list :accessor issue-comments)
+   (num-comments :type integer :accessor num-comments)
+   (status :col-type issue_status
+           :initarg :status
+           :accessor status
+           :initform :open
+           :col-default "open")
+   (created-at :col-type timestamp
+               :col-default (local-time:now)
+               :accessor created-at))
+  (:metaclass dao-class)
+  (:keys id)
+  (:table-name issues)
+  (:documentation
+   "Issues are the primary entity in the Panettone database. An issue is
+   reported by a user, has a subject and an optional body, and can be either
+   open or closed"))
+(defmethod cl-postgres:to-sql-string ((kw (eql :open)))
+  (cl-postgres:to-sql-string "open"))
+(defmethod cl-postgres:to-sql-string ((kw (eql :closed)))
+  (cl-postgres:to-sql-string "closed"))
+(defun created-at->timestamp (object)
+  (assert (slot-exists-p object 'created-at))
+  (unless (or (not (slot-boundp object 'created-at))
+              (typep (slot-value object 'created-at) 'local-time:timestamp))
+    (setf (slot-value object 'created-at)
+          (local-time:universal-to-timestamp (created-at object)))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after
+    ((issue issue) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (declare (ignore initargs))
+  (unless (symbolp (status issue))
+    (setf (status issue)
+          (intern (string-upcase (status issue))
+                  "KEYWORD")))
+  (created-at->timestamp issue))
+(deftable issue (!dao-def))
+(defclass issue-comment ()
+  ((id :col-type integer :col-identity t :initarg :id :accessor id)
+   (body :col-type string :initarg :body :accessor body)
+   (author-dn :col-type string :initarg :author-dn :accessor author-dn)
+   (issue-id :col-type integer :initarg :issue-id :accessor :user-id)
+   (created-at :col-type timestamp
+               :col-default (local-time:now)
+               :accessor created-at))
+  (:metaclass dao-class)
+  (:keys id)
+  (:table-name issue_comments)
+  (:documentation "Comments on an `issue'"))
+(deftable (issue-comment "issue_comments")
+  (!dao-def)
+  (!foreign 'issues 'issue-id 'id :on-delete :cascade :on-update :cascade))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after
+    ((issue-comment issue-comment) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (declare (ignore initargs))
+  (created-at->timestamp issue-comment))
+(defun ddl/create-tables ()
+  "Issue DDL to create all tables, if they don't already exist."
+  (dolist (table '(issue issue-comment))
+    (unless (table-exists-p (dao-table-name table))
+      (create-table table))))
+(defun ddl/init ()
+  "Idempotently nitialize the full database schema for Panettone"
+  (ddl/create-issue-status)
+  (ddl/create-tables))
+;;; Querying
+(define-condition issue-not-found (error)
+  ((id :type integer
+       :initarg :id
+       :reader not-found-id
+       :documentation "ID of the issue that was not found"))
+  (:documentation
+   "Error condition for when an issue requested by ID is not found"))
+(defun get-issue (id)
+  "Look up the 'issue with the given ID and return it, or signal a condition of
+  (restart-case
+      (or (get-dao 'issue id)
+          (error 'issue-not-found :id id))
+    (different-id (new-id)
+      :report "Use a different issue ID"
+      :interactive (lambda ()
+                     (format t "Enter a new ID: ")
+                     (multiple-value-list (eval (read))))
+      (get-issue new-id))))
+(defun issue-exists-p (id)
+  "Returns `T' if an issue with the given ID exists"
+  (query
+   (:select (:exists (:select 1
+                      :from 'issues
+                      :where (:= 'id id))))
+   :single))
+(defun list-issues (&key status (with '(:num-comments)))
+  "Return a list of all issues with the given STATUS (or all if nil), ordered by
+  ID descending. If WITH contains `:NUM-COMMENTS' (the default) each issue will
+  have the `num-comments' slot filled with the number of comments on that issue
+  (to avoid N+1 queries)."
+  (let* ((condition (unless (null status)
+                      `(:where (:= status $1))))
+         (select (if (find :num-comments with)
+                     `(:select issues.* (:as (:count issue-comments.id)
+                                             num-comments)
+                               :from issues
+                               :left-join issue-comments
+                               :on (:= issues.id issue-comments.issue-id)
+                               ,@condition
+                               :group-by issues.id)
+                     `(:select * :from issues ,@condition)))
+         (query (sql-compile
+                 `(:order-by ,select (:desc id)))))
+    (with-column-writers ('num_comments 'num-comments)
+      (query-dao 'issue query status))))
+(defmethod num-comments ((issue-id integer))
+  "Return the number of comments for the given ISSUE-ID."
+  (query
+   (:select (:count '*)
+    :from 'issue-comments
+    :where (:= 'issue-id issue-id))
+   :single))
+(defmethod slot-unbound (cls (issue issue) (slot (eql 'comments)))
+  (declare (ignore cls) (ignore slot))
+  (setf (issue-comments issue) (issue-comments (id issue))))
+(defmethod issue-comments ((issue-id integer))
+  "Return a list of all comments with the given ISSUE-ID, sorted oldest first.
+NOTE: This makes a database query, so be wary of N+1 queries"
+  (query-dao
+   'issue-comment
+   (:order-by
+    (:select '*
+     :from 'issue-comments
+     :where (:= 'issue-id issue-id))
+    (:asc 'created-at))))
+;;; Writing
+(defun create-issue (&rest attrs)
+  "Insert a new issue into the database with the given ATTRS, which should be
+a plist of initforms, and return an instance of `issue'"
+  (insert-dao (apply #'make-instance 'issue attrs)))
+(defun delete-issue (issue)
+  (delete-dao issue))
+(defun set-issue-status (issue-id status)
+  "Set the status of the issue with the given ISSUE-ID to STATUS in the db. If
+the issue doesn't exist, signals `issue-not-found'"
+  (check-type issue-id integer)
+  (check-type status issue-status)
+  (when (zerop (execute (:update 'issues
+                         :set 'status (cl-postgres:to-sql-string status)
+                         :where (:= 'id issue-id))))
+    (error 'issue-not-found :id issue-id)))
+(defun create-issue-comment (&rest attrs &key issue-id &allow-other-keys)
+  "Insert a new issue comment into the database with the given ATTRS and
+ISSUE-ID, which should be a plist of initforms, and return an instance of
+`issue-comment'. If no issue exists with `ID' ISSUE-ID, signals
+  (unless (issue-exists-p issue-id)
+    (error 'issue-not-found :id issue-id))
+  (insert-dao (apply #'make-instance 'issue-comment :issue-id issue-id attrs)))
+ (connect-postgres)
+ (ddl/init)
+ (make-instance 'issue :subject "test")
+ (create-issue :subject "test"
+               :author-dn "cn=glittershark,ou=users,dc=tvl,dc=fyi")
+ )