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5 files changed, 1494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/.gitignore b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a7dd97debf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Spacemacs
diff --git a/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.org b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.org
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f15e387d5464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.org
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+* Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+  :CUSTOM_ID: contributor-covenant-code-of-conduct
+  :END:
+** Our Pledge
+   :CUSTOM_ID: our-pledge
+   :END:
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our
+project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone,
+regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex
+characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
+education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance,
+race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+** Our Standards
+   :CUSTOM_ID: our-standards
+   :END:
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+- Using welcoming and inclusive language
+- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+- Focusing on what is best for the community
+- Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+- The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual
+  attention or advances
+- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political
+  attacks
+- Public or private harassment
+- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or
+  electronic address, without explicit permission
+- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+  professional setting
+** Our Responsibilities
+   :CUSTOM_ID: our-responsibilities
+   :END:
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of
+acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair
+corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit,
+or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other
+contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban
+temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they
+deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+** Scope
+   :CUSTOM_ID: scope
+   :END:
+This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also
+applies when an individual is representing the project or its community
+in public spaces. Examples of representing a project or community
+include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an
+official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative
+at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+** Enforcement
+   :CUSTOM_ID: enforcement
+   :END:
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may
+be reported by contacting the project team at root@gws.fyi. All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a
+response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.
+The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to
+the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement
+policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in
+good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined
+by other members of the project's leadership.
+** Attribution
+   :CUSTOM_ID: attribution
+   :END:
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the
+[[https://www.contributor-covenant.org][Contributor Covenant]], version
+1.4, available at
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
diff --git a/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/LICENSE b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1777f0fac3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (C) 2018 Off Market Data, Inc. DBA Urbint
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/README.org b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9cd8fbe8921d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Simple, unopinionated integration between Emacs's [[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] and the [[https://clubhouse.io/][Clubhouse]]
+issue tracker
+(This used to be at urbint/org-clubhouse, by the way, but moved here as it's
+more of a personal project than a company one)
+* Installation
+** [[https://github.com/quelpa/quelpa][Quelpa]]
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+(quelpa '(org-clubhouse
+          :fetcher github
+          :repo "glittershark/org-clubhouse"))
+** [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/][DOOM Emacs]]
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+;; in packages.el
+(package! org-clubhouse
+  :recipe (:fetcher github
+           :repo "glittershark/org-clubhouse"
+           :files ("*")))
+;; in config.el
+(def-package! org-clubhouse)
+** [[http://spacemacs.org/][Spacemacs]]
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+;; in .spacemacs (SPC+fed)
+   dotspacemacs-additional-packages
+    '((org-clubhouse :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "glittershark/org-clubhouse")))
+* Setup
+Once installed, you'll need to set three global config vars:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+(setq org-clubhouse-auth-token "<your-token>"
+      org-clubhouse-team-name "<your-team-name>"
+      org-clubhouse-username "<your-username>")
+You can generate a new personal API token by going to the "API Tokens" tab on
+the "Settings" page in the clubhouse UI.
+Note that ~org-clubhouse-username~ needs to be set to your *mention name*, not
+your username, as currently there's no way to get the ID of a user given their
+username in the clubhouse API
+* Usage
+** Reading from clubhouse
+- ~org-clubhouse-headlines-from-query~
+  Create org-mode headlines from a [[https://help.clubhouse.io/hc/en-us/articles/360000046646-Searching-in-Clubhouse-Story-Search][clubhouse query]] at the cursor's current
+  position, prompting for the headline indentation level and clubhouse query
+  text
+- ~org-clubhouse-headline-from-story~
+  Prompts for headline indentation level and the title of a story (which will
+  complete using the titles of all stories in your Clubhouse workspace) and
+  creates an org-mode headline from that story
+- ~org-clubhouse-headline-from-story-id~
+  Creates an org-mode headline directly from the ID of a clubhouse story
+** Writing to clubhouse
+- ~org-clubhouse-create-story~
+  Creates a new Clubhouse story from the current headline, or if a region of
+  headlines is selected bulk-creates stories with all those headlines
+- ~org-clubhouse-create-epic~
+  Creates a new Clubhouse epic from the current headline, or if a region of
+  headlines is selected bulk-creates epics with all those headlines
+- ~org-clubhouse-create-story-with-task-list~
+  Creates a Clubhouse story from the current headline, making all direct
+  children of the headline into tasks in the task list of the story
+- ~org-clubhouse-push-task-list~
+  Writes each child element of the current clubhouse element as a task list
+  item of the associated clubhouse ID.
+- ~org-clubhouse-update-story-title~
+  Updates the title of the Clubhouse story linked to the current headline with
+  the text of the headline
+- ~org-clubhouse-update-description~
+  Update the status of the Clubhouse story linked to the current element with
+  the contents of a drawer inside the element called DESCRIPTION, if any exists
+- ~org-clubhouse-claim~
+  Adds the user configured in ~org-clubhouse-username~ as the owner of the
+  clubhouse story associated with the headline at point
+*** Automatically updating Clubhouse story statuses
+Org-clubhouse can be configured to update the status of stories as you update
+their todo-keyword in org-mode. To opt-into this behavior, set the
+~org-clubhouse-mode~ minor-mode:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-clubhouse-mode nil nil)
+The mapping from org-mode todo-keywords is configured via the
+~org-clubhouse-state-alist~ variable, which should be an [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Association-Lists.html][alist]] mapping (string)
+[[https://orgmode.org/manual/Workflow-states.html][org-mode todo-keywords]] to the (string) names of their corresponding workflow
+state. You can have todo-keywords that don't map to a workflow state (I use this
+in my workflow extensively) and org-clubhouse will just preserve the previous
+state of the story when moving to that state.
+An example config:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+(setq org-clubhouse-state-alist
+      '(("TODO"   . "To Do")
+        ("ACTIVE" . "In Progress")
+        ("DONE"   . "Done")))
+* Philosophy
+I use org-mode every single day to manage tasks, notes, literate programming,
+etc. Part of what that means for me is that I already have a system for the
+structure of my .org files, and I don't want to sacrifice that system for any
+external tool. Updating statuses, ~org-clubhouse-create-story~, and
+~org-clubhouse-headline-from-story~ are my bread and butter for that reason -
+rather than having some sort of bidirectional sync that pulls down full lists of
+all the stories in Clubhouse (or whatever issue tracker / project management
+tool I'm using at the time). I can be in a mode where I'm taking meeting notes,
+think of something that I need to do, make it a TODO headline, and make that
+TODO headline a clubhouse story. That's the same reason for the DESCRIPTION
+drawers rather than just sending the entire contents of a headline to
+Clubhouse - I almost always want to write things like personal notes, literate
+code, etc inside of the tasks I'm working on, and don't always want to share
+that with Clubhouse.
+* Configuration
+Refer to the beginning of the [[https://github.com/urbint/org-clubhouse/blob/master/org-clubhouse.el][org-clubhouse.el]] file in this repository for
+documentation on all supported configuration variables
diff --git a/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/org-clubhouse.el b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/org-clubhouse.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e6e29b575187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/glittershark/org-clubhouse/org-clubhouse.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1241 @@
+;;; org-clubhouse.el --- Simple, unopinionated integration between org-mode and
+;;; Clubhouse
+;;; Copyright (C) 2018 Off Market Data, Inc. DBA Urbint
+;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+;;; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+;;; deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+;;; rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+;;; sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+;;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; org-clubhouse provides simple, unopinionated integration between Emacs's
+;;; org-mode and the Clubhouse issue tracker
+;;; To configure org-clubhouse, create an authorization token in Cluhbouse's
+;;; settings, then place the following configuration somewhere private:
+;;;   (setq org-clubhouse-auth-token "<auth_token>"
+;;;         org-clubhouse-team-name  "<team-name>")
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-macs)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'dash-functional)
+(require 's)
+(require 'org)
+(require 'org-element)
+(require 'subr-x)
+(require 'ivy)
+(require 'json)
+;;; Configuration
+(defvar org-clubhouse-auth-token nil
+  "Authorization token for the Clubhouse API.")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-username nil
+  "Username for the current Clubhouse user.
+Unfortunately, the Clubhouse API doesn't seem to provide this via the API given
+an API token, so we need to configure this for
+`org-clubhouse-claim-story-on-status-updates' to work")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-team-name nil
+  "Team name to use in links to Clubhouse.
+ie https://app.clubhouse.io/<TEAM_NAME>/stories")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-project-ids nil
+  "Specific list of project IDs to synchronize with clubhouse.
+If unset all projects will be synchronized")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-workflow-name "Default")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-default-story-type nil
+  "Sets the default story type. If set to 'nil', it will interactively prompt
+the user each and every time a new story is created. If set to 'feature',
+'bug', or 'chore', that value will be used as the default and the user will
+not be prompted")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-state-alist
+  '(("LATER"  . "Unscheduled")
+    ("[ ]"    . "Ready for Development")
+    ("TODO"   . "Ready for Development")
+    ("OPEN"   . "Ready for Development")
+    ("ACTIVE" . "In Development")
+    ("PR"     . "Review")
+    ("DONE"   . "Merged")
+    ("[X]"    . "Merged")
+    ("CLOSED" . "Merged"))
+  "Alist mapping org-mode todo keywords to their corresponding states in
+  Clubhouse. In `org-clubhouse-mode', moving headlines to these todo keywords
+  will update to the corresponding status in Clubhouse")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-story-types
+  '(("feature" . "Feature")
+    ("bug"     . "Bug")
+    ("chore"   . "Chore")))
+(defvar org-clubhouse-default-story-types
+  '(("feature" . "Feature")
+    ("bug"     . "Bug")
+    ("chore"   . "Chore")
+    ("prompt"  . "**Prompt each time (do not set a default story type)**")))
+(defvar org-clubhouse-default-state "Proposed"
+  "Default state to create all new stories in.")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-claim-story-on-status-update 't
+  "Controls the assignee behavior of stories on status update.
+If set to 't, will mark the current user as the owner of any clubhouse
+stories on any update to the status.
+If set to nil, will never automatically update the assignee of clubhouse
+If set to a list of todo-state's, will mark the current user as the owner of
+clubhouse stories whenever updating the status to one of those todo states.")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-create-stories-with-labels nil
+  "Controls the way org-clubhouse creates stories with labels based on org tags.
+If set to 't, will create labels for all org tags on headlines when stories are
+If set to 'existing, will set labels on created stories only if the label
+already exists in clubhouse
+If set to nil, will never create stories with labels")
+;;; Utilities
+(defmacro comment (&rest _)
+  "Comment out one or more s-expressions."
+  nil)
+(defun ->list (vec) (append vec nil))
+(defun reject-archived (item-list)
+  (-reject (lambda (item) (equal :json-true (alist-get 'archived item))) item-list))
+(defun alist->plist (key-map alist)
+  (->> key-map
+       (-map (lambda (key-pair)
+               (let ((alist-key (car key-pair))
+                     (plist-key (cdr key-pair)))
+                 (list plist-key (alist-get alist-key alist)))))
+       (-flatten-n 1)))
+(defun alist-get-equal (key alist)
+  "Like `alist-get', but uses `equal' instead of `eq' for comparing keys"
+  (->> alist
+       (-find (lambda (pair) (equal key (car pair))))
+       (cdr)))
+(defun invert-alist (alist)
+  "Invert the keys and values of ALIST."
+  (-map (lambda (cell) (cons (cdr cell) (car cell))) alist))
+ (alist->plist
+  '((foo . :foo)
+    (bar . :something))
+  '((foo . "foo") (bar . "bar") (ignored . "ignoreme!")))
+ ;; => (:foo "foo" :something "bar")
+ )
+(defun find-match-in-alist (target alist)
+  (->> alist
+       (-find (lambda (key-value)
+                   (string-equal (cdr key-value) target)))
+       car))
+(defun org-clubhouse-collect-headlines (beg end)
+  "Collects the headline at point or the headlines in a region. Returns a list."
+  (if (and beg end)
+      (org-clubhouse-get-headlines-in-region beg end)
+    (list (org-element-find-headline))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-get-headlines-in-region (beg end)
+  "Collects the headlines from BEG to END"
+  (save-excursion
+    ;; This beg/end clean up pulled from `reverse-region`.
+    ;; it expands the region to include the full lines from the selected region.
+    ;; put beg at the start of a line and end and the end of one --
+    ;; the largest possible region which fits this criteria
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (or (bolp) (forward-line 1))
+    (setq beg (point))
+    (goto-char end)
+    ;; the test for bolp is for those times when end is on an empty line;
+    ;; it is probably not the case that the line should be included in the
+    ;; reversal; it isn't difficult to add it afterward.
+    (or (and (eolp) (not (bolp))) (progn (forward-line -1) (end-of-line)))
+    (setq end (point-marker))
+    ;; move to the beginning
+    (goto-char beg)
+    ;; walk by line until past end
+    (let ((headlines '())
+          (before-end 't))
+      (while before-end
+        (add-to-list 'headlines (org-element-find-headline))
+        (let ((before (point)))
+          (org-forward-heading-same-level 1)
+          (setq before-end (and (not (eq before (point))) (< (point) end)))))
+      (reverse headlines))))
+;;; Org-element interaction
+;; (defun org-element-find-headline ()
+;;   (let ((current-elt (org-element-at-point)))
+;;     (if (equal 'headline (car current-elt))
+;;         current-elt
+;;       (let* ((elt-attrs (cadr current-elt))
+;;              (parent (plist-get elt-attrs :post-affiliated)))
+;;         (goto-char parent)
+;;         (org-element-find-headline)))))
+(defun org-element-find-headline ()
+  (save-mark-and-excursion
+    (when (not (outline-on-heading-p)) (org-back-to-heading))
+    (let ((current-elt (org-element-at-point)))
+      (when (equal 'headline (car current-elt))
+        (cadr current-elt)))))
+(defun org-element-extract-clubhouse-id (elt &optional property)
+  (when-let* ((clubhouse-id-link (plist-get elt (or property :CLUBHOUSE-ID))))
+    (cond
+     ((string-match
+       (rx "[[" (one-or-more anything) "]"
+           "[" (group (one-or-more digit)) "]]")
+       clubhouse-id-link)
+      (string-to-number (match-string 1 clubhouse-id-link)))
+     ((string-match-p
+       (rx buffer-start
+           (one-or-more digit)
+           buffer-end)
+       clubhouse-id-link)
+      (string-to-number clubhouse-id-link)))))
+ (let ((strn "[[https://app.clubhouse.io/example/story/2330][2330]]"))
+   (string-match
+    (rx "[[" (one-or-more anything) "]"
+        "[" (group (one-or-more digit)) "]]")
+    strn)
+   (string-to-number (match-string 1 strn)))
+ )
+(defun org-element-clubhouse-id ()
+  (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id
+   (org-element-find-headline)))
+(defun org-clubhouse-clocked-in-story-id ()
+  "Return the clubhouse story-id of the currently clocked-in org entry, if any."
+  (save-mark-and-excursion
+    (save-current-buffer
+      (when (org-clocking-p)
+        (set-buffer (marker-buffer org-clock-marker))
+        (save-restriction
+          (when (or (< org-clock-marker (point-min))
+                    (> org-clock-marker (point-max)))
+            (widen))
+          (goto-char org-clock-marker)
+          (org-element-clubhouse-id))))))
+ (org-clubhouse-clocked-in-story-id)
+ )
+(defun org-element-and-children-at-point ()
+  (let* ((elt (org-element-find-headline))
+         (contents-begin (or (plist-get elt :contents-begin)
+                             (plist-get elt :begin)))
+         (end   (plist-get elt :end))
+         (level (plist-get elt :level))
+         (children '()))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (+ contents-begin (length (plist-get elt :title))))
+      (while (< (point) end)
+        (let* ((next-elt (org-element-at-point))
+               (elt-type (car next-elt))
+               (elt      (cadr next-elt)))
+          (when (and (eql 'headline elt-type)
+                     (eql (+ 1 level) (plist-get elt :level)))
+            (push elt children))
+          (goto-char (plist-get elt :end)))))
+    (append elt `(:children ,(reverse children)))))
+(defun +org-element-contents (elt)
+  (if-let ((begin (plist-get (cadr elt) :contents-begin))
+           (end (plist-get (cadr elt) :contents-end)))
+      (buffer-substring-no-properties begin end)
+    ""))
+(defun org-clubhouse-find-description-drawer ()
+  "Try to find a DESCRIPTION drawer in the current element."
+  (let ((elt (org-element-at-point)))
+    (cl-case (car elt)
+      ('drawer (+org-element-contents elt))
+      ('headline
+       (when-let ((drawer-pos (string-match
+                               ":DESCRIPTION:"
+                               (+org-element-contents elt))))
+         (save-excursion
+           (goto-char (+ (plist-get (cadr elt) :contents-begin)
+                         drawer-pos))
+           (org-clubhouse-find-description-drawer)))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse--labels-for-elt (elt)
+  "Return the Clubhouse labels based on the tags of ELT and the user's config."
+  (unless (eq nil org-clubhouse-create-stories-with-labels)
+    (let ((tags (org-get-tags (plist-get elt :contents-begin))))
+      (-map (lambda (l) `((name . ,l)))
+            (cl-case org-clubhouse-create-stories-with-labels
+              ('t tags)
+              ('existing (-filter (lambda (tag) (-some (lambda (l)
+                                                    (string-equal tag (cdr l)))
+                                                  (org-clubhouse-labels)))
+                                  tags)))))))
+;;; API integration
+(defvar org-clubhouse-base-url* "https://api.clubhouse.io/api/v3")
+(defun org-clubhouse-auth-url (url &optional params)
+ (concat url
+         "?"
+         (url-build-query-string
+          (cons `("token" ,org-clubhouse-auth-token) params))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-baseify-url (url)
+ (if (s-starts-with? org-clubhouse-base-url* url) url
+   (concat org-clubhouse-base-url*
+           (if (s-starts-with? "/" url) url
+             (concat "/" url)))))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-request (method url &key data (params '()))
+ (message "%s %s %s" method url (prin1-to-string data))
+ (let* ((url-request-method method)
+        (url-request-extra-headers
+         '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
+        (url-request-data data)
+        (buf))
+   (setq url (-> url
+                 org-clubhouse-baseify-url
+                 (org-clubhouse-auth-url params)))
+   (setq buf (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
+   (with-current-buffer buf
+     (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
+     (prog1 (json-read) (kill-buffer)))))
+(cl-defun to-id-name-pairs
+    (seq &optional (id-attr 'id) (name-attr 'name))
+  (->> seq
+       ->list
+       (-map (lambda (resource)
+          (cons (alist-get id-attr   resource)
+                (alist-get name-attr resource))))))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs
+    (resource &optional
+              (id-attr 'id)
+              (name-attr 'name))
+  "Returns the given resource from clubhouse as (id . name) pairs"
+  (let ((resp-json (org-clubhouse-request "GET" resource)))
+    (-> resp-json
+        ->list
+        reject-archived
+        (to-id-name-pairs id-attr name-attr))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-get-story
+    (clubhouse-id)
+  (org-clubhouse-request "GET" (format "/stories/%s" clubhouse-id)))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-story (story-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/story/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          story-id))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-epic (epic-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/epic/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          epic-id))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-milestone (milestone-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/milestone/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          milestone-id))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-project (project-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/project/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          project-id))
+;;; Caching
+ (defcache org-clubhouse-projects
+   (org-sync-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "projectx"))
+ (clear-org-clubhouse-projects-cache)
+ (clear-org-clubhouse-cache)
+ )
+(defvar org-clubhouse-cache-clear-functions ())
+(defmacro defcache (name &optional docstring &rest body)
+  (let* ((doc (when docstring (list docstring)))
+         (cache-var-name (intern (concat (symbol-name name)
+                                         "-cache")))
+         (clear-cache-function-name
+          (intern (concat "clear-" (symbol-name cache-var-name)))))
+    `(progn
+       (defvar ,cache-var-name :no-cache)
+       (defun ,name ()
+         ,@doc
+         (when (equal :no-cache ,cache-var-name)
+           (setq ,cache-var-name (progn ,@body)))
+         ,cache-var-name)
+       (defun ,clear-cache-function-name ()
+         (interactive)
+         (setq ,cache-var-name :no-cache))
+       (push (quote ,clear-cache-function-name)
+             org-clubhouse-cache-clear-functions))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-clear-cache ()
+  (interactive)
+  (-map #'funcall org-clubhouse-cache-clear-functions))
+;;; API resource functions
+(defcache org-clubhouse-projects
+  "Returns projects as (project-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "projects"))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-epics
+  "Returns epics as (epic-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "epics"))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-milestones
+  "Returns milestone-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "milestones"))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-workflow-states
+  "Returns worflow states as (name . id) pairs"
+  (let* ((resp-json (org-clubhouse-request "GET" "workflows"))
+         (workflows (->list resp-json))
+         ;; just assume it exists, for now
+         (workflow  (-find (lambda (workflow)
+                             (equal org-clubhouse-workflow-name
+                                    (alist-get 'name workflow)))
+                           workflows))
+         (states    (->list (alist-get 'states workflow))))
+    (to-id-name-pairs states
+                      'name
+                      'id)))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-labels
+  "Returns labels as (label-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "labels"))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-whoami
+  "Returns the ID of the logged in user"
+  (->> (org-clubhouse-request
+        "GET"
+        "/members")
+       ->list
+       (find-if (lambda (m)
+                  (->> m
+                       (alist-get 'profile)
+                       (alist-get 'mention_name)
+                       (equal org-clubhouse-username))))
+       (alist-get 'id)))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-iterations
+  "Returns iterations as (iteration-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "iterations"))
+(defun org-clubhouse-stories-in-project (project-id)
+  "Return the stories in the given PROJECT-ID as org headlines."
+  (let ((resp-json (org-clubhouse-request "GET" (format "/projects/%d/stories" project-id))))
+    (->> resp-json ->list reject-archived
+         (-reject (lambda (story) (equal :json-true (alist-get 'completed story))))
+         (-map (lambda (story)
+                 (cons
+                  (cons 'status
+                        (cond
+                         ((equal :json-true (alist-get 'started story))
+                          'started)
+                         ((equal :json-true (alist-get 'completed story))
+                          'completed)
+                         ('t
+                          'open)))
+                  story)))
+         (-map (-partial #'alist->plist
+                         '((name . :title)
+                           (id . :id)
+                           (status . :status)))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-workflow-state-id-to-todo-keyword (workflow-state-id)
+  "Convert the named clubhouse WORKFLOW-STATE-ID to an org todo keyword."
+  (let* ((state-name (alist-get-equal
+                      workflow-state-id
+                      (invert-alist (org-clubhouse-workflow-states))))
+         (inv-state-name-alist
+          (-map (lambda (cell) (cons (cdr cell) (car cell)))
+                org-clubhouse-state-alist)))
+    (or (alist-get-equal state-name inv-state-name-alist)
+        (if state-name (s-upcase state-name) "UNKNOWN"))))
+;;; Prompting
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-project (cb)
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select a project: "
+   (-map #'cdr (org-clubhouse-projects))
+   :require-match t
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-project-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((project-id
+                    (find-match-in-alist selected (org-clubhouse-projects))))
+               (funcall cb project-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-epic (cb)
+  "Prompt the user for an epic using ivy and call CB with its ID."
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select an epic: "
+   (-map #'cdr (append '((nil . "No Epic")) (org-clubhouse-epics)))
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-epic-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((epic-id
+                    (find-match-in-alist selected (org-clubhouse-epics))))
+               (funcall cb epic-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-milestone (cb)
+  "Prompt the user for a milestone using ivy and call CB with its ID."
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select a milestone: "
+   (-map #'cdr (append '((nil . "No Milestone")) (org-clubhouse-milestones)))
+   :require-match t
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-milestone-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((milestone-id
+                    (find-match-in-alist selected (org-clubhouse-milestones))))
+               (funcall cb milestone-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-story-type (cb)
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select a story type: "
+   (-map #'cdr org-clubhouse-story-types)
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-story-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((story-type
+                    (find-match-in-alist selected org-clubhouse-story-types)))
+               (funcall cb story-type)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-default-story-type ()
+  (interactive)
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select a default story type: "
+   (-map #'cdr org-clubhouse-default-story-types)
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-default-story-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((story-type
+                    (find-match-in-alist selected org-clubhouse-default-story-types)))
+                  (if (string-equal story-type "prompt")
+                      (setq org-clubhouse-default-story-type nil)
+                      (setq org-clubhouse-default-story-type story-type))))))
+;;; Epic creation
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-create-epic-internal
+    (title &key milestone-id)
+  (cl-assert (and (stringp title)
+                  (or (null milestone-id)
+                      (integerp milestone-id))))
+  (org-clubhouse-request
+   "POST"
+   "epics"
+   :data
+   (json-encode
+    `((name . ,title)
+      (milestone_id . ,milestone-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-populate-created-epic (elt epic)
+  (let ((elt-start  (plist-get elt :begin))
+        (epic-id    (alist-get 'id epic))
+        (milestone-id (alist-get 'milestone_id epic)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char elt-start)
+      (org-set-property "clubhouse-epic-id"
+                        (org-link-make-string
+                         (org-clubhouse-link-to-epic epic-id)
+                         (number-to-string epic-id)))
+      (when milestone-id
+        (org-set-property "clubhouse-milestone"
+                          (org-link-make-string
+                           (org-clubhouse-link-to-milestone milestone-id)
+                           (alist-get milestone-id (org-clubhouse-milestones))))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-create-epic (&optional beg end)
+  "Creates a clubhouse epic using selected headlines.
+Will pull the title from the headline at point, or create epics for all the
+headlines in the selected region.
+All epics are added to the same milestone, as selected via a prompt.
+If the epics already have a CLUBHOUSE-EPIC-ID, they are filtered and ignored."
+  (interactive
+   (when (use-region-p)
+     (list (region-beginning region-end))))
+  (let* ((elts (org-clubhouse-collect-headlines beg end))
+         (elts (-remove (lambda (elt) (plist-get elt :CLUBHOUSE-EPIC-ID)) elts)))
+    (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-milestone
+     (lambda (milestone-id)
+       (dolist (elt elts)
+         (let* ((title (plist-get elt :title))
+                (epic  (org-clubhouse-create-epic-internal
+                        title
+                        :milestone-id milestone-id)))
+           (org-clubhouse-populate-created-epic elt epic))
+         elts)))))
+;;; Story creation
+(defun org-clubhouse-default-state-id ()
+  (alist-get-equal org-clubhouse-default-state (org-clubhouse-workflow-states)))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-create-story-internal
+    (title &key project-id epic-id story-type description labels)
+  (cl-assert (and (stringp title)
+               (integerp project-id)
+               (or (null epic-id) (integerp epic-id))
+               (or (null description) (stringp description))))
+  (let ((workflow-state-id (org-clubhouse-default-state-id))
+        (params `((name . ,title)
+                  (project_id . ,project-id)
+                  (epic_id . ,epic-id)
+                  (story_type . ,story-type)
+                  (description . ,(or description ""))
+                  (labels . ,labels))))
+    (when workflow-state-id
+      (push `(workflow_state_id . ,workflow-state-id) params))
+    (org-clubhouse-request
+     "POST"
+     "stories"
+     :data
+     (json-encode params))))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-populate-created-story (elt story &key extra-properties)
+  (let ((elt-start  (plist-get elt :begin))
+        (story-id   (alist-get 'id story))
+        (epic-id    (alist-get 'epic_id story))
+        (project-id (alist-get 'project_id story))
+        (story-type (alist-get 'story_type story)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char elt-start)
+      (org-set-property "clubhouse-id"
+                        (org-link-make-string
+                         (org-clubhouse-link-to-story story-id)
+                         (number-to-string story-id)))
+      (when epic-id
+        (org-set-property "clubhouse-epic"
+                          (org-link-make-string
+                           (org-clubhouse-link-to-epic epic-id)
+                           (alist-get epic-id (org-clubhouse-epics)))))
+      (org-set-property "clubhouse-project"
+                        (org-link-make-string
+                         (org-clubhouse-link-to-project project-id)
+                         (alist-get project-id (org-clubhouse-projects))))
+      (org-set-property "story-type"
+                        (alist-get-equal story-type org-clubhouse-story-types))
+      (dolist (extra-prop extra-properties)
+        (org-set-property (car extra-prop)
+                          (alist-get (cdr extra-prop) story)))
+      (org-todo "TODO"))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-create-story (&optional beg end &key then)
+  "Creates a clubhouse story using selected headlines.
+Will pull the title from the headline at point,
+or create cards for all the headlines in the selected region.
+All stories are added to the same project and epic, as selected via two prompts.
+If the stories already have a CLUBHOUSE-ID, they are filtered and ignored."
+  (interactive
+   (when (use-region-p)
+     (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
+  (let* ((elts     (org-clubhouse-collect-headlines beg end))
+         (new-elts (-remove (lambda (elt) (plist-get elt :CLUBHOUSE-ID)) elts)))
+    (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-project
+     (lambda (project-id)
+       (when project-id
+         (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-epic
+          (lambda (epic-id)
+            (let ((create-story
+                   (lambda (story-type)
+                     (-map
+                      (lambda (elt)
+                        (let* ((title (plist-get elt :title))
+                               (description
+                                (save-mark-and-excursion
+                                  (goto-char (plist-get elt :begin))
+                                  (org-clubhouse-find-description-drawer)))
+                               (labels (org-clubhouse--labels-for-elt elt))
+                               (story (org-clubhouse-create-story-internal
+                                       title
+                                       :project-id project-id
+                                       :epic-id epic-id
+                                       :story-type story-type
+                                       :description description
+                                       :labels labels)))
+                          (org-clubhouse-populate-created-story elt story)
+                          (when (functionp then)
+                            (funcall then story))))
+                      new-elts))))
+              (if org-clubhouse-default-story-type
+                  (funcall create-story org-clubhouse-default-story-type)
+                (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-story-type create-story))))))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-create-story-with-task-list (&optional beg end)
+  "Creates a clubhouse story using the selected headline, making all direct
+children of that headline into tasks in the task list of the story."
+  (interactive
+   (when (use-region-p)
+     (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
+  (let* ((elt (org-element-and-children-at-point)))
+    (org-clubhouse-create-story nil nil
+     :then (lambda (story)
+             (pp story)
+             (org-clubhouse-push-task-list
+              (alist-get 'id story)
+              (plist-get elt :children))))))
+;;; Task creation
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-create-task (title &key story-id)
+  (cl-assert (and (stringp title)
+               (integerp story-id)))
+  (org-clubhouse-request
+   "POST"
+   (format "/stories/%d/tasks" story-id)
+   :data (json-encode `((description . ,title)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-push-task-list (&optional parent-clubhouse-id child-elts)
+  "Writes each child of the element at point as a task list item.
+When called as (org-clubhouse-push-task-list PARENT-CLUBHOUSE-ID CHILD-ELTS),
+allows manually passing a clubhouse ID and list of org-element plists to write"
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((elt (org-element-and-children-at-point))
+         (parent-clubhouse-id (or parent-clubhouse-id
+                                  (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id elt)))
+         (child-elts (or child-elts (plist-get elt :children)))
+         (story (org-clubhouse-get-story parent-clubhouse-id))
+         (existing-tasks (alist-get 'tasks story))
+         (task-exists
+          (lambda (task-name)
+            (cl-some (lambda (task)
+                    (string-equal task-name (alist-get 'description task)))
+                  existing-tasks)))
+         (elts-with-starts
+          (-map (lambda (e) (cons (set-marker (make-marker)
+                                         (plist-get e :begin))
+                             e))
+                child-elts)))
+    (dolist (child-elt-and-start elts-with-starts)
+      (let* ((start (car child-elt-and-start))
+             (child-elt (cdr child-elt-and-start))
+             (task-name (plist-get child-elt :title)))
+        (unless (funcall task-exists task-name)
+          (let ((task (org-clubhouse-create-task
+                       task-name
+                       :story-id parent-clubhouse-id)))
+            (org-clubhouse-populate-created-task child-elt task start)))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-populate-created-task (elt task &optional begin)
+  (let ((elt-start (or begin (plist-get elt :begin)))
+        (task-id   (alist-get 'id task))
+        (story-id  (alist-get 'story_id task)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char elt-start)
+      (org-set-property "clubhouse-task-id" (format "%d" task-id))
+      (org-set-property "clubhouse-story-id"
+                        (org-link-make-string
+                         (org-clubhouse-link-to-story story-id)
+                         (number-to-string story-id)))
+      (org-todo "TODO"))))
+;;; Task Updates
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-update-task-internal
+    (story-id task-id &rest attrs)
+  (cl-assert (and (integerp story-id)
+                  (integerp task-id)
+                  (listp attrs)))
+  (org-clubhouse-request
+   "PUT"
+   (format "stories/%d/tasks/%d" story-id task-id)
+   :data
+   (json-encode attrs)))
+;;; Story updates
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+    (story-id &rest attrs)
+  (cl-assert (and (integerp story-id)
+               (listp attrs)))
+  (org-clubhouse-request
+   "PUT"
+   (format "stories/%d" story-id)
+   :data
+   (json-encode attrs)))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-update-story-at-point (&rest attrs)
+  (when-let* ((clubhouse-id (org-element-clubhouse-id)))
+    (apply
+     #'org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+     (cons clubhouse-id attrs))
+    t))
+(defun org-clubhouse-update-story-title ()
+  "Update the title of the Clubhouse story linked to the current headline.
+Update the title of the story linked to the current headline with the text of
+the headline."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((elt (org-element-find-headline))
+         (title (plist-get elt :title))
+         (clubhouse-id (org-element-clubhouse-id)))
+    (and
+     (org-clubhouse-update-story-at-point
+      clubhouse-id
+      :name title)
+     (message "Successfully updated story title to \"%s\""
+              title))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-update-status ()
+  "Update the status of the Clubhouse story linked to the current element.
+Update the status of the Clubhouse story linked to the current element with the
+entry in `org-clubhouse-state-alist' corresponding to the todo-keyword of the
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((elt (org-element-find-headline))
+         (todo-keyword (-> elt
+                           (plist-get :todo-keyword)
+                           (substring-no-properties)))
+         (clubhouse-id (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id elt))
+         (task-id (plist-get elt :CLUBHOUSE-TASK-ID)))
+    (cond
+     (clubhouse-id
+      (let* ((todo-keyword (-> elt
+                               (plist-get :todo-keyword)
+                               (substring-no-properties))))
+        (when-let* ((clubhouse-workflow-state
+                     (alist-get-equal todo-keyword org-clubhouse-state-alist))
+                    (workflow-state-id
+                     (alist-get-equal clubhouse-workflow-state
+                                      (org-clubhouse-workflow-states))))
+          (let ((update-assignee?
+                 (if (or (eq 't org-clubhouse-claim-story-on-status-update)
+                         (member todo-keyword
+                                 org-clubhouse-claim-story-on-status-update))
+                     (if org-clubhouse-username
+                         't
+                       (warn "Not claiming story since `org-clubhouse-username'
+                       is not set")
+                       nil))))
+            (if update-assignee?
+                (org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+                 clubhouse-id
+                 :workflow_state_id workflow-state-id
+                 :owner_ids (if update-assignee?
+                                (list (org-clubhouse-whoami))
+                              (list)))
+              (org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+                 clubhouse-id
+                 :workflow_state_id workflow-state-id))
+            (message
+             (if update-assignee?
+                 "Successfully claimed story and updated clubhouse status to \"%s\""
+               "Successfully updated clubhouse status to \"%s\"")
+             clubhouse-workflow-state)))))
+     (task-id
+      (let ((story-id (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id
+                       elt
+                       :CLUBHOUSE-STORY-ID))
+            (done? (member todo-keyword org-done-keywords)))
+        (org-clubhouse-update-task-internal
+         story-id
+         (string-to-number task-id)
+         :complete (if done? 't :json-false))
+        (message "Successfully marked clubhouse task status as %s"
+                 (if done? "complete" "incomplete")))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-update-description ()
+  "Update the description of the Clubhouse story linked to the current element.
+Update the status of the Clubhouse story linked to the current element with the
+contents of a drawer inside the element called DESCRIPTION, if any."
+  (interactive)
+  (when-let* ((new-description (org-clubhouse-find-description-drawer)))
+    (and
+     (org-clubhouse-update-story-at-point
+      :description new-description)
+     (message "Successfully updated story description"))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-update-labels ()
+  "Update the labels of the Clubhouse story linked to the current element.
+Will use the value of `org-clubhouse-create-stories-with-labels' to determine
+which labels to set."
+  (interactive)
+  (when-let* ((elt (org-element-find-headline))
+              (new-labels (org-clubhouse--labels-for-elt elt)))
+    (and
+     (org-clubhouse-update-story-at-point
+      :labels new-labels)
+     (message "Successfully updated story labels to :%s:"
+              (->> new-labels
+                   (-map #'cdar)
+                   (s-join ":"))))))
+;;; Creating headlines from existing stories
+(defun org-clubhouse--task-to-headline-text (level task)
+  (format "%s %s %s
+:clubhouse-task-id: %s
+:clubhouse-story-id: %s
+          (make-string level ?*)
+          (if (equal :json-false (alist-get 'complete task))
+              "TODO" "DONE")
+          (alist-get 'description task)
+          (alist-get 'id task)
+          (let ((story-id (alist-get 'story_id task)))
+            (org-link-make-string
+             (org-clubhouse-link-to-story story-id)
+             story-id))))
+(defun org-clubhouse--story-to-headline-text (level story)
+  (let ((story-id (alist-get 'id story)))
+    (format
+     "%s %s %s %s
+:clubhouse-id: %s
+     (make-string level ?*)
+     (org-clubhouse-workflow-state-id-to-todo-keyword
+      (alist-get 'workflow_state_id story))
+     (alist-get 'name story)
+     (if-let ((labels (->> story
+                             (alist-get 'labels)
+                             ->list
+                             (-map (apply-partially #'alist-get 'name)))))
+         (format ":%s:" (s-join ":" labels))
+       "")
+     (org-link-make-string
+      (org-clubhouse-link-to-story story-id)
+      (number-to-string story-id))
+     (let ((desc (alist-get 'description story)))
+       (if (= 0 (length desc)) ""
+         (format ":DESCRIPTION:\n%s\n:END:" desc)))
+     (if-let ((tasks (seq-sort-by
+                      (apply-partially #'alist-get 'position)
+                      #'<
+                      (or (alist-get 'tasks story)
+                          (alist-get 'tasks
+                                     (org-clubhouse-get-story story-id))))))
+         (mapconcat (apply-partially #'org-clubhouse--task-to-headline-text
+                                     (1+ level))
+                    tasks
+                    "\n")
+       ""))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-headline-from-my-tasks (level)
+  "Prompt my active stories and create a single `org-mode' headline at LEVEL."
+  (interactive "*nLevel: \n")
+  (if org-clubhouse-username
+      (let* ((story-list (org-clubhouse--search-stories
+                          (format "owner:%s !is:done !is:archived"
+                                  org-clubhouse-username)))
+             (stories (to-id-name-pairs story-list)))
+        (org-clubhouse-headline-from-story-id level
+                                              (find-match-in-alist
+                                               (ivy-read "Select Story: "
+                                                         (-map #'cdr stories))
+                                               stories)))
+    (warn "Can't fetch my tasks if `org-clubhouse-username' is unset")))
+(defun org-clubhouse-headline-from-story-id (level story-id)
+  "Create a single `org-mode' headline at LEVEL based on the given clubhouse STORY-ID."
+  (interactive "*nLevel: \nnStory ID: ")
+  (let* ((story (org-clubhouse-get-story story-id)))
+    (if (equal '((message . "Resource not found.")) story)
+        (message "Story ID not found: %d" story-id)
+      (save-mark-and-excursion
+        (insert (org-clubhouse--story-to-headline-text level story))
+        (org-align-tags)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse--search-stories (query)
+  (unless (string= "" query)
+    (-> (org-clubhouse-request "GET" "search/stories" :params `((query ,query)))
+        cdadr
+        (append nil)
+        reject-archived)))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-iteration (cb)
+  "Prompt for iteration and call CB with that iteration"
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select an interation: "
+   (-map #'cdr (org-clubhouse-iterations))
+   :require-match t
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-iteration-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((iteration-id
+                    (find-match-in-alist selected (org-clubhouse-iterations))))
+               (funcall cb iteration-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse--get-iteration (iteration-id)
+  (-> (org-clubhouse-request "GET" (format "iterations/%d/stories" iteration-id))
+      (append nil)))
+(defun org-clubhouse-headlines-from-iteration (level)
+  "Create `org-mode' headlines from a clubhouse iteration.
+Create `org-mode' headlines from all the resulting stories at headline level LEVEL."
+  (interactive "*nLevel: ")
+  (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-iteration
+   (lambda (iteration-id)
+     (let ((story-list (org-clubhouse--get-iteration iteration-id)))
+       (if (null story-list)
+           (message "Iteration id returned no stories: %d" iteration-id)
+         (let ((text (mapconcat (apply-partially
+                                 #'org-clubhouse--story-to-headline-text
+                                 level)
+                                (reject-archived story-list) "\n")))
+               (save-mark-and-excursion
+                 (insert text)
+                 (org-align-all-tags))
+             text))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-headlines-from-query (level query)
+  "Create `org-mode' headlines from a clubhouse query.
+Submits QUERY to clubhouse, and creates `org-mode' headlines from all the
+resulting stories at headline level LEVEL."
+  (interactive
+   "*nLevel: \nMQuery: ")
+  (let* ((story-list (org-clubhouse--search-stories query)))
+    (if (null story-list)
+        (message "Query returned no stories: %s" query)
+      (let ((text (mapconcat (apply-partially
+                              #'org-clubhouse--story-to-headline-text
+                              level)
+                             (reject-archived story-list) "\n")))
+        (if (called-interactively-p)
+            (save-mark-and-excursion
+              (insert text)
+              (org-align-all-tags))
+          text)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-story (cb)
+  "Prompt the user for a clubhouse story, then call CB with the full story."
+  (ivy-read "Story title: "
+            (lambda (search-term)
+              (let* ((stories (org-clubhouse--search-stories
+                               (if search-term (format "\"%s\"" search-term)
+                                 ""))))
+                (-map (lambda (story)
+                        (propertize (alist-get 'name story) 'story story))
+                      stories)))
+            :dynamic-collection t
+            :history 'org-clubhouse-story-prompt
+            :action (lambda (s) (funcall cb (get-text-property 0 'story s)))
+            :require-match t))
+(defun org-clubhouse-headline-from-story (level)
+  "Prompt for a story, and create an org headline at LEVEL from that story."
+  (interactive "*nLevel: ")
+  (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-story
+   (lambda (story)
+     (save-mark-and-excursion
+       (insert (org-clubhouse--story-to-headline-text level story))
+       (org-align-tags)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link ()
+  "Link the current `org-mode' headline with an existing clubhouse story."
+  (interactive)
+  (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-story
+   (lambda (story)
+     (org-clubhouse-populate-created-story
+      (org-element-find-headline)
+      story
+      :extra-properties '(("clubhouse-story-name" . name)))
+     (org-todo
+      (org-clubhouse-workflow-state-id-to-todo-keyword
+       (alist-get 'workflow_state_id story))))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-claim ()
+  "Assign the clubhouse story associated with the headline at point to yourself."
+  (interactive)
+  (if org-clubhouse-username
+      (and
+       (org-clubhouse-update-story-at-point
+        :owner_ids (list (org-clubhouse-whoami)))
+       (message "Successfully claimed story"))
+    (warn "Can't claim story if `org-clubhouse-username' is unset")))
+(defun org-clubhouse-sync-status (&optional beg end)
+  "Pull the status(es) for the story(ies) in region and update the todo state.
+Uses `org-clubhouse-state-alist'. Operates over stories from BEG to END"
+  (interactive
+   (when (use-region-p)
+     (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
+  (let ((elts (-filter (lambda (e) (plist-get e :CLUBHOUSE-ID))
+                       (org-clubhouse-collect-headlines beg end))))
+    (save-mark-and-excursion
+      (dolist (e elts)
+        (goto-char (plist-get e :begin))
+        (let* ((clubhouse-id (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id e))
+               (story (org-clubhouse-get-story clubhouse-id))
+               (workflow-state-id (alist-get 'workflow_state_id story))
+               (todo-keyword (org-clubhouse-workflow-state-id-to-todo-keyword
+                              workflow-state-id)))
+          (let ((org-after-todo-state-change-hook
+                 (remove 'org-clubhouse-update-status
+                         org-after-todo-state-change-hook)))
+            (org-todo todo-keyword)))))
+    (message "Successfully synchronized status of %d stories from Clubhouse"
+             (length elts))))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-set-epic (&optional story-id epic-id cb &key beg end)
+  "Set the epic of clubhouse story STORY-ID to EPIC-ID, then call CB.
+When called interactively, prompt for an epic and set the story of the clubhouse
+stor{y,ies} at point or region"
+  (interactive
+   (when (use-region-p)
+     (list nil nil nil
+           :beg (region-beginning)
+           :end (region-end))))
+  (if (and story-id epic-id)
+      (progn
+        (org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+         story-id :epic-id epic-id)
+        (when cb (funcall cb)))
+    (let ((elts (-filter (lambda (elt) (plist-get elt :CLUBHOUSE-ID))
+                         (org-clubhouse-collect-headlines beg end))))
+      (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-epic
+       (lambda (epic-id)
+         (-map
+          (lambda (elt)
+            (let ((story-id (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id elt)))
+              (org-clubhouse-set-epic
+               story-id epic-id
+               (lambda ()
+                 (org-set-property
+                  "clubhouse-epic"
+                  (org-link-make-string
+                   (org-clubhouse-link-to-epic epic-id)
+                   (alist-get epic-id (org-clubhouse-epics))))
+                 (message "Successfully set the epic on story %d to %d"
+                          story-id epic-id))))))
+         elts)))))
+(define-minor-mode org-clubhouse-mode
+  "If enabled, updates to the todo keywords on org headlines will update the
+linked ticket in Clubhouse."
+  :group 'org
+  :lighter "Org-Clubhouse"
+  :keymap '()
+  (add-hook 'org-after-todo-state-change-hook
+            'org-clubhouse-update-status
+            nil
+            t))
+(provide 'org-clubhouse)
+;;; org-clubhouse.el ends here