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path: root/users/wpcarro/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/server/GoogleSignIn.hs
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1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/server/GoogleSignIn.hs b/users/wpcarro/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/server/GoogleSignIn.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dcccadcb7022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/server/GoogleSignIn.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+module GoogleSignIn where
+import RIO
+import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
+import Web.JWT
+import Utils
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
+import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as POSIX
+newtype EncodedJWT = EncodedJWT Text
+  deriving (Show)
+newtype DecodedJWT = DecodedJWT (JWT UnverifiedJWT)
+  deriving (Show)
+instance Eq DecodedJWT where
+  (DecodedJWT _) == (DecodedJWT _) = True
+data ValidationResult
+  = Valid DecodedJWT
+  | CannotDecodeJWT
+  | GoogleSaysInvalid Text
+  | NoMatchingClientIDs [StringOrURI]
+  | WrongIssuer StringOrURI
+  | StringOrURIParseFailure Text
+  | TimeConversionFailure
+  | MissingRequiredClaim Text
+  | StaleExpiry NumericDate
+  deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Returns True when the supplied `jwt` meets the following criteria:
+-- * The token has been signed by Google
+-- * The value of `aud` matches my Google client's ID
+-- * The value of `iss` matches is "accounts.google.com" or
+--   "https://accounts.google.com"
+-- * The `exp` time has not passed
+-- Set `skipHTTP` to `True` to avoid making the network request for testing.
+validateJWT :: Bool
+           -> EncodedJWT
+           -> IO ValidationResult
+validateJWT skipHTTP (EncodedJWT encodedJWT) = do
+  case encodedJWT |> decode of
+    Nothing -> pure CannotDecodeJWT
+    Just jwt -> do
+      if skipHTTP then
+        continue jwt
+      else do
+        let request = "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo"
+                      |> HTTP.setRequestQueryString [ ( "id_token", Just (cs encodedJWT) ) ]
+        res <- HTTP.httpLBS request
+        if HTTP.getResponseStatusCode res /= 200 then
+          pure $ GoogleSaysInvalid (res |> HTTP.getResponseBody |> cs)
+        else
+          continue jwt
+  where
+    continue :: JWT UnverifiedJWT -> IO ValidationResult
+    continue jwt = do
+      let audValues :: [StringOrURI]
+          audValues = jwt |> claims |> auds
+          expectedClientID :: Text
+          expectedClientID = "771151720060-buofllhed98fgt0j22locma05e7rpngl.apps.googleusercontent.com"
+          expectedIssuers :: [Text]
+          expectedIssuers = [ "accounts.google.com"
+                            , "https://accounts.google.com"
+                            ]
+          mExpectedClientID :: Maybe StringOrURI
+          mExpectedClientID = stringOrURI expectedClientID
+          mExpectedIssuers :: Maybe [StringOrURI]
+          mExpectedIssuers = expectedIssuers |> traverse stringOrURI
+      case (mExpectedClientID, mExpectedIssuers) of
+        (Nothing, _) -> pure $ StringOrURIParseFailure expectedClientID
+        (_, Nothing) -> pure $ StringOrURIParseFailure (Text.unwords expectedIssuers)
+        (Just clientID, Just parsedIssuers) ->
+          -- TODO: Prefer reading clientID from a config. I'm thinking of the
+          -- AppContext type having my Configuration
+          if not $ clientID `elem` audValues then
+            pure $ NoMatchingClientIDs audValues
+          else
+            case (jwt |> claims |> iss, jwt |> claims |> JWT.exp) of
+              (Nothing, _) -> pure $ MissingRequiredClaim "iss"
+              (_, Nothing) -> pure $ MissingRequiredClaim "exp"
+              (Just jwtIssuer, Just jwtExpiry) ->
+                if not $ jwtIssuer `elem` parsedIssuers then
+                  pure $ WrongIssuer jwtIssuer
+                else do
+                  mCurrentTime <- POSIX.getPOSIXTime |> fmap numericDate
+                  case mCurrentTime of
+                    Nothing -> pure TimeConversionFailure
+                    Just currentTime ->
+                      if not $ currentTime <= jwtExpiry then
+                        pure $ StaleExpiry jwtExpiry
+                      else
+                        pure $ jwt |> DecodedJWT |> Valid
+-- | Attempt to explain the `ValidationResult` to a human.
+explainResult :: ValidationResult -> String
+explainResult (Valid _) = "Everything appears to be valid"
+explainResult CannotDecodeJWT = "We had difficulty decoding the provided JWT"
+explainResult (GoogleSaysInvalid x) = "After checking with Google, they claimed that the provided JWT was invalid: " ++ cs x
+explainResult (NoMatchingClientIDs audFields) = "None of the values in the `aud` field on the provided JWT match our client ID: " ++ show audFields
+explainResult (WrongIssuer issuer) = "The `iss` field in the provided JWT does not match what we expect: " ++ show issuer
+explainResult (StringOrURIParseFailure x) = "We had difficulty parsing values as URIs" ++ show x
+explainResult TimeConversionFailure = "We had difficulty converting the current time to a value we can use to compare with the JWT's `exp` field"
+explainResult (MissingRequiredClaim claim) = "Your JWT is missing the following claim: " ++ cs claim
+explainResult (StaleExpiry x) = "The `exp` field on your JWT has expired" ++ x |> show |> cs