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path: root/users/wpcarro/scratch/simple-select/main.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/wpcarro/scratch/simple-select/main.py')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/scratch/simple-select/main.py b/users/wpcarro/scratch/simple-select/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ae6c5d60e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/scratch/simple-select/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+import csv
+from parser import Parser
+import sqlite3
+import string
+from scanner import Scanner
+import re
+import readline
+# Predicates
+def is_alpha(c):
+  return c in string.ascii_letters
+def is_digit(c):
+  return c in "0123456789"
+def is_alphanumeric(c):
+  return is_alpha(c) or is_digit(c)
+def is_whitespace(c):
+  return c in " \r\t\n"
+# Tokenizer
+OR     = ("CONJUNCTION", "OR")
+def tokenize(x):
+  s = Scanner(x)
+  tokens = scan_tokens(s)
+  return tokens
+def scan_tokens(s):
+  result = []
+  while not s.exhausted():
+    if is_whitespace(s.peek()):
+      s.advance()
+    else:
+      result.append(scan_token(s))
+  return result
+def scan_token(s):
+  punctuation = {
+      "-": NOT,
+      ":": COLON,
+      "(": LPAREN,
+      ")": RPAREN,
+  }
+  c = s.peek()
+  if c in punctuation:
+    s.advance()
+    return punctuation[c]
+  if c == "\"":
+    return tokenize_string(s)
+  if c == "/":
+    return tokenize_regex(s)
+  if is_alpha(c):
+    return tokenize_identifier(s)
+def tokenize_string(s):
+  s.advance() # ignore opening 2x-quote
+  current = ""
+  while s.peek() != "\"" and not s.exhausted():
+    current += s.advance()
+  if s.exhausted():
+    raise Exception("Unterminated string")
+  s.advance() # ignore closing 2x-quote
+  return ("STRING", current)
+def tokenize_regex(s):
+  s.advance() # ignore opening forward-slash
+  current = ""
+  while s.peek() != "/" and not s.exhausted():
+    current += s.advance()
+  if s.exhausted():
+    raise Exception("Unterminated regex")
+  s.advance() # ignore closing forward-slash
+  return ("REGEX", current)
+def tokenize_identifier(s):
+  conjunctions = {
+      "AND",
+      "OR",
+  }
+  current = s.advance()
+  while is_alphanumeric(s.peek()):
+    current += s.advance()
+  if current.upper() in conjunctions:
+    return ("CONJUNCTION", current.upper())
+  else:
+    return ("IDENTIFIER", current)
+# Parser
+# Note: we order expression types by ascending levels of precedence.
+# expression  -> conjunction ;
+# conjunction -> selection ( ( "AND" | "OR" )? selection )* ;
+# selection   -> "-"? IDENTIFIER ":" ( REGEX | STRING ) | grouping ;
+# grouping    -> REGEX | STRING | "(" expression ")" ;
+def parse(x):
+  tokens = tokenize(x)
+  p = Parser(tokens)
+  return expression(p)
+def expression(p):
+  return conjunction(p)
+def conjunction(p):
+  lhs = selection(p)
+  # TODO(wpcarro): Support default AND conjuctions when they're undefined.
+  while not p.exhausted() and p.match({AND, OR}):
+    conj = p.peek(n=-1)
+    rhs = selection(p)
+    lhs = ("CONJUNCTION", conj[1], lhs, rhs)
+  return lhs
+def selection(p):
+  negate = False
+  if p.peek() == NOT:
+    negate = True
+    p.advance()
+  if p.peek()[0] != "IDENTIFIER":
+    return grouping(p)
+  ident = p.expect(lambda x: x[0] == "IDENTIFIER")
+  colon = p.expect(lambda x: x[1] == "COLON")
+  value = p.expect(lambda x: x[0] in {"REGEX", "STRING"})
+  return ("SELECTION", negate, ident[1], value)
+def grouping(p):
+  if p.peek()[0] == "REGEX":
+    return p.advance()
+  if p.peek()[0] == "STRING":
+    return p.advance()
+  if p.peek() == LPAREN:
+    p.advance()
+    expr = expression(p)
+    p.expect(lambda x: x == RPAREN)
+    return ("GROUPING", expr)
+# Compiler
+def compile(source, table, columns):
+  ast = parse(source)
+  return "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {};".format(table, do_compile(ast, columns))
+def do_compile(ast, columns):
+  if ast[0] == "REGEX":
+    cols = "({})".format(" || ".join(columns))
+    return "{} REGEXP '.*{}.*'".format(cols, ast[1])
+  if ast[0] == "STRING":
+    cols = "({})".format(" || ".join(columns))
+    return "{} LIKE '%{}%'".format(cols, ast[1])
+  if ast[0] == "SELECTION":
+    return compile_selection(ast)
+  if ast[0] == "CONJUNCTION":
+    _, conj, lhs, rhs = ast
+    lhs = do_compile(lhs, columns)
+    rhs = do_compile(rhs, columns)
+    return "{} {} {}".format(lhs, conj, rhs)
+  if ast[0] == "GROUPING":
+    return "({})".format(do_compile(ast[1], columns))
+  raise Exception("Unexpected AST: \"{}\"".format(ast))
+def compile_selection(ast):
+  _, negate, column, query = ast
+  match = compile_query(negate, query)
+  return "{} {}".format(column, match)
+def compile_query(negate, query):
+  query_type, query_string = query
+  if query_type == "REGEX":
+    if negate:
+      return "NOT REGEXP '.*{}.*'".format(query_string)
+    return "REGEXP '.*{}.*'".format(query_string)
+  if query_type == "STRING":
+    if negate:
+      return "NOT LIKE '%{}%'".format(query_string)
+    return "LIKE '%{}%'".format(query_string)
+# Helper Functions
+def regexp(expr, x):
+  reg = re.compile(expr)
+  return reg.search(x) is not None
+# Main
+def main(csv_path=None, debug=False):
+  # Import CSV to SQLite
+  table = "main"
+  con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
+  con.create_function("REGEXP", 2, regexp)
+  cur = con.cursor()
+  with open(csv_path, "r") as f:
+    r = csv.DictReader(f)
+    columns = next(r).keys()
+    # TODO(wpcarro): Use safer interpolation variant of "?" here and throughout.
+    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE {} ({});".format(table, ",".join(columns)))
+    rows = [tuple(row[col] for col in columns) for row in r]
+    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({});".format(table, ",".join(columns), ",".join("?" for _ in columns)), rows)
+    con.commit()
+  while True:
+    x = input("> ")
+    if debug:
+      print("tokens:\t{}".format(tokenize(x)))
+      print("AST:\t{}".format(parse(x)))
+      print("query:\t\"{}\"".format(compile(x, table, columns)))
+    try:
+      compile(x, table, columns)
+      for row in cur.execute(compile(x, table, columns)):
+        print("\t".join(str(cell) for cell in row))
+    except:
+      print("Compilation error.")
+  # TODO(wpcarro): Trap exits and ensure cleanup always runs.
+  con.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  parser = ArgumentParser()
+  parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="file", help="Path to the CSV from which to read", metavar="PATH")
+  parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Enable debugging")
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  main(csv_path=args.file, debug=args.debug)