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path: root/users/wpcarro/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/wpcarro/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el b/users/wpcarro/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f075776bfc55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+;;; wpc-misc.el --- Hosting miscellaneous configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is the home of any configuration that couldn't find a better home.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'project)
+(require 'f)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'tvl)
+(require 'region)
+(require 'general)
+(require 'constants)
+;; Configuration
+(setq display-time-string-forms
+      '((format-time-string "%H:%M %a %b %d")))
+(display-time-mode 1)
+;; Remove the boilerplate in the *scratch* buffer
+(setq initial-scratch-message "")
+;; disable custom variable entries from being written to ~/.emacs.d/init.el
+(setq custom-file (f-join user-emacs-directory "custom.el"))
+(load custom-file 'noerror)
+;; integrate Emacs with X11 clipboard
+(customize-set-variable 'select-enable-primary t)
+(customize-set-variable 'select-enable-clipboard t)
+(customize-set-variable 'evil-visual-update-x-selection-p nil)
+(general-def 'insert
+  "s-v" #'clipboard-yank
+  "C-S-v" #'clipboard-yank)
+;; transparently edit compressed files
+(auto-compression-mode t)
+;; autowrap when over the fill-column
+(setq-default auto-fill-function #'do-auto-fill)
+;; link to Emacs source code
+;; TODO: Update this link.
+(setq find-function-C-source-directory
+      "~/Dropbox/programming/emacs/src")
+;; change emacs prompts from "yes or no" -> "y or n"
+(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
+;; open photos in Emacs
+(auto-image-file-mode 1)
+;; disable line-wrapping
+(setq-default truncate-lines 1)
+;; shell file indentation
+(setq sh-basic-offset 2)
+(setq sh-indentation 2)
+;; Emacs library that interfaces with my Linux password manager.
+(use-package password-store)
+(use-package vterm
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps '(vterm-mode-map)
+   :states '(insert)
+   "C-S-v" #'vterm-yank)
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps '(vterm-mode-map)
+   :states '(normal)
+   "K" #'evil-scroll-line-up
+   "J" #'evil-scroll-line-down
+   "C-b" #'evil-scroll-page-up
+   "C-f" #'evil-scroll-page-down))
+;; Use en Emacs buffer as a REST client.
+;; For more information: http://emacsrocks.com/e15.html
+(use-package restclient)
+;; Run `package-lint' before publishing to MELPA.
+(use-package package-lint)
+;; Parser combinators in Elisp.
+(use-package parsec)
+;; disable company mode when editing markdown
+;; TODO: move this out of wpc-misc.el and into a later file to call
+;; `(disable company-mode)'
+(use-package markdown-mode
+  :config
+  ;; TODO: Add assertion that pandoc is installed and it is accessible from
+  ;; Emacs.
+  (setq markdown-command "pandoc")
+  (setq markdown-split-window-direction 'right)
+  ;; (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook #'markdown-live-preview-mode)
+  ;; Use mode-specific syntax highlighting for code blocks.
+  (setq markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively t)
+  ;; Prevent Emacs from adding a space after the leading 3x-backticks.
+  (setq markdown-spaces-after-code-fence 0))
+(use-package alert)
+(use-package refine)
+;; Required by some google-emacs package commands.
+(use-package deferred)
+;; git integration
+(use-package magit
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook
+            (lambda ()
+              (company-mode -1)
+              (flyspell-mode 1)))
+  (setq magit-display-buffer-function
+        #'magit-display-buffer-same-window-except-diff-v1))
+(use-package magit-popup)
+;; http
+(use-package request)
+;; TVL depot stuff
+(use-package tvl)
+;; perl-compatible regular expressions
+(use-package pcre2el)
+;; alternative to help
+(use-package helpful)
+;; If called from an existing helpful-mode buffer, reuse that buffer; otherwise,
+;; call `pop-to-buffer'.
+(setq helpful-switch-buffer-function
+      (lambda (buffer-or-name)
+        (if (eq major-mode 'helpful-mode)
+            (switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)
+          (pop-to-buffer buffer-or-name))))
+;; Emacs integration with direnv
+(use-package direnv
+  :config
+  (direnv-mode))
+;; Superior Elisp library for working with dates and times.
+;; TODO: Put this where my other installations for dash.el, s.el, a.el, and
+;; other utility Elisp libraries are located.
+(use-package ts)
+;; persist history etc b/w Emacs sessions
+(setq desktop-save 'if-exists)
+(desktop-save-mode 1)
+(setq desktop-globals-to-save
+      (append '((extended-command-history . 30)
+                (file-name-history        . 100)
+                (grep-history             . 30)
+                (compile-history          . 30)
+                (minibuffer-history       . 50)
+                (query-replace-history    . 60)
+                (read-expression-history  . 60)
+                (regexp-history           . 60)
+                (regexp-search-ring       . 20)
+                (search-ring              . 20)
+                (shell-command-history    . 50)
+                tags-file-name
+                register-alist)))
+;; configure ibuffer
+(setq ibuffer-default-sorting-mode 'major-mode)
+;; config Emacs to use $PATH values
+(use-package exec-path-from-shell
+  :if (memq window-system '(mac ns))
+  :config
+  (exec-path-from-shell-initialize))
+;; Emacs autosave, backup, interlocking files
+(setq auto-save-default nil
+      make-backup-files nil
+      create-lockfiles nil)
+;; ensure code wraps at 80 characters by default
+(setq-default fill-column 80)
+;; render tabs 2x-chars wide
+(setq tab-width 2)
+(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
+;; trim whitespace on save
+(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'delete-trailing-whitespace)
+;; call `git secret hide` after saving secrets.json
+(add-hook 'after-save-hook
+          (lambda ()
+            (when (f-equal? (buffer-file-name)
+                            (f-join tvl-depot-path
+                                    "users"
+                                    "wpcarro"
+                                    "secrets.json"))
+              (shell-command "git secret hide"))))
+;; use tabs instead of spaces
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+;; prefer shorter tab-widths (e.g. writing Go code)
+(setq-default tab-width 2)
+;; automatically follow symlinks
+(setq vc-follow-symlinks t)
+;; fullscreen settings
+(setq ns-use-native-fullscreen nil)
+(use-package yasnippet
+  :config
+  (unless constants-ci?
+    (setq yas-snippet-dirs (list (f-join user-emacs-directory "snippets")))
+    (yas-global-mode 1)))
+(use-package projectile
+  :config
+  (projectile-mode t))
+;; TODO(wpcarro): Consider replacing this with a TVL version if it exists.
+(defun wpc-misc--depot-find (dir)
+  "Find the default.nix nearest to DIR."
+  ;; I use 'vc only at the root of my monorepo because 'transient doesn't use my
+  ;; .gitignore, which slows things down. Ideally, I could write a version that
+  ;; behaves like 'transient but also respects my monorepo's .gitignore and any
+  ;; ancestor .gitignore files.
+  (if (f-equal? tvl-depot-path dir)
+      (cons 'vc dir)
+    (when (f-ancestor-of? tvl-depot-path dir)
+      (if (f-exists? (f-join dir "default.nix"))
+          (cons 'transient dir)
+        (wpc-misc--depot-find (f-parent dir))))))
+(add-to-list 'project-find-functions #'wpc-misc--depot-find)
+(defun wpc-misc-pkill (name)
+  "Call the pkill executable using NAME as its argument."
+  (interactive "sProcess name: ")
+  (call-process "pkill" nil nil nil name))
+(use-package deadgrep
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'deadgrep-mode-map
+   :states 'normal
+   "o" #'deadgrep-visit-result-other-window)
+  (setq-default deadgrep--context '(0 . 3))
+  (defun wpc-misc-deadgrep-region ()
+    "Run a ripgrep search on the active region."
+    (interactive)
+    (deadgrep (region-to-string)))
+  (defun wpc-misc-deadgrep-dwim ()
+    "If a region is active, use that as the search, otherwise don't."
+    (interactive)
+    (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+      (if (region-active-p)
+          (setq deadgrep--additional-flags '("--multiline"))
+          (wpc-misc-deadgrep-region)
+        (call-interactively #'deadgrep))))
+  (advice-add 'deadgrep--arguments
+              :filter-return
+              (lambda (args)
+                (push "--hidden" args)
+                (push "--follow" args))))
+;; TODO: Do I need this when I have swiper?
+(use-package counsel)
+(use-package counsel-projectile)
+;; search Google, Stackoverflow from within Emacs
+(use-package engine-mode
+  :config
+  (defengine google
+    "http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=%s"
+    :keybinding "g")
+  (defengine stack-overflow
+    "https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%s"
+    :keybinding "s"))
+;; EGlot (another LSP client)
+(use-package eglot)
+;; Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP)
+(use-package dap-mode
+  :after lsp-mode
+  :config
+  (dap-mode 1)
+  (dap-ui-mode 1))
+;; Microsoft's Language Server Protocol (LSP)
+(use-package lsp-ui
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'lsp-mode-hook #'lsp-ui-mode))
+;; Wilfred/suggest.el - Tool for discovering functions basesd on declaring your
+;; desired inputs and outputs.
+(use-package suggest)
+;; Malabarba/paradox - Enhances the `list-packages' view.
+(use-package paradox
+  :config
+  (paradox-enable))
+;; render emojis in Emacs 🕺
+(use-package emojify
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-emojify-mode)
+  ;; Disable the default styles of:
+  ;; - ascii  :P (When this is enabled, the vim command, :x, renders as 😶)
+  ;; - github :smile:
+  (setq emojify-emoji-styles '(unicode))
+  (defun wpc-misc-copy-emoji ()
+    "Select an emoji from the completing-read menu."
+    (interactive)
+    (clipboard-copy (emojify-completing-read "Copy: "))))
+;; Start the Emacs server
+(when (not (server-running-p))
+  (server-start))
+(provide 'wpc-misc)
+;;; wpc-misc.el ends here