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path: root/users/tazjin/russian
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/russian')
4 files changed, 855 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/russian/helpers.el b/users/tazjin/russian/helpers.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41d4aa34f47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/russian/helpers.el
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+;; Helper functions for creating the other files.
+(defun wiktionary-lookup-at-point (ask-lang)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((language (if ask-lang (read-string "Language code? ") "ru")))
+    (eww (concat "https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/"
+                 (thing-at-point 'word)))))
diff --git a/users/tazjin/russian/roots.el b/users/tazjin/russian/roots.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77d09b47261c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/russian/roots.el
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;; '(root explanation)
+;; All roots without explanations are TODOs.
+;; In some cases, roots are not direct morphological roots of their
+;; descendent words (e.g. -голов- => главный)
+'(("-весь-" "everything, all, every, etc.")
+  ("-вид-" "seeing, viewing etc.")
+  ("-врем-" "time")
+  ("-говор-" "related to talking")
+  ("-голов-" "head, main, etc.")
+  ("-друг-" nil)
+  ("-дум-" "thinking, thoughts")
+  ("-жи-" "life")
+  ("-зна-" "knowing, knowledge")
+  ("-имя-" "name")
+  ("-й-" "walking, moving to")
+  ("-мочь-" "ability, permission")
+  ("-нов-" "new")
+  ("-общ-" "common?")
+  ("-правд-" "truth")
+  ("-прос-" "question")
+  ("-сказ-" nil)
+  ("-смотр-" "watching, viewing")
+  ("-стран-" "country?")
+  ("-ход-" "movement")
+  ("-хорош-" "goodness, niceness"))
diff --git a/users/tazjin/russian/russian.el b/users/tazjin/russian/russian.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28f1addeaa04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/russian/russian.el
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(require 'cl-macs)
+(require 'ht)
+(require 'seq)
+(require 's)
+;; Type definitions for Russian structures
+(cl-defstruct russian-word
+  "Definition and metadata of a single Russian word."
+  (word nil :type string)
+  (translations :type list
+                :documentation "List of lists of strings, each a set of translations.")
+  (notes nil :type list ;; of string
+         :documentation "free-form notes about this word")
+  (roots nil :type list ;; of string
+         :documentation "list of strings that correspond with roots (exact string match)"))
+(defun russian--merge-words (previous new)
+  "Merge two Russian word definitions together. If no previous
+  definition exists, only the new one will be returned."
+  (if (not previous) new
+    (cl-assert (equal (russian-word-word previous)
+                      (russian-word-word new))
+               "different words passed into merge function")
+    (make-russian-word :word (russian-word-word previous)
+                       :translations (-concat (russian-word-translations previous)
+                                              (russian-word-translations new))
+                       :notes (-concat (russian-word-notes previous)
+                                       (russian-word-notes new))
+                       :roots (-concat (russian-word-roots previous)
+                                       (russian-word-roots new)))))
+;; Definitions for creating a data structure of all Russian words.
+(defvar russian-words (make-hash-table)
+  "Table of all Russian words in the corpus.")
+(defun russian--define-word (word)
+  "Define a single word in the corpus, optionally merging it with
+  another entry."
+  (let ((key (russian-word-word word)))
+    (ht-set russian-words key (russian--merge-words
+                               (ht-get russian-words key)
+                               word))))
+(defmacro define-russian-words (&rest words)
+  "Define the list of all available words. There may be more than
+  one entry for a word in some cases."
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  ;; Clear the table before proceeding with insertion
+  (setq russian-words (make-hash-table))
+  (seq-map
+   (lambda (word)
+     (russian--define-word (make-russian-word :word (car word)
+                                              :translations (cadr word)
+                                              :notes (caddr word)
+                                              :roots (cadddr word))))
+   words)
+  '(message "Defined %s unique words." (ht-size russian-words)))
+;; Helpers to train Russian words through passively.
+(defun russian--format-word (word)
+  "Format a Russian word suitable for echo display."
+  (apply #'s-concat
+         (-flatten
+          (list (russian-word-word word)
+                " - "
+                (s-join ", " (russian-word-translations word))
+                (when-let ((roots (russian-word-roots word)))
+                  (list " [" (s-join ", " roots) "]"))
+                (when-let ((notes (russian-word-notes word)))
+                  (list " (" (s-join "; " notes) ")"))))))
+(defun display-russian-words ()
+  "Convert Russian words to passively terms and start passively."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq passively-learn-terms (make-hash-table))
+  (ht-map
+   (lambda (k v)
+     (ht-set passively-learn-terms k (russian--format-word v)))
+   russian-words)
+  (passively-enable))
+(defun lookup-last-russian-word (in-eww)
+  "Look up the last Russian word in Wiktionary"
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((url (concat "https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/" passively-last-displayed)))
+    (if in-eww (eww url)
+      (browse-url url))))
+(provide 'russian)
diff --git a/users/tazjin/russian/words.el b/users/tazjin/russian/words.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..784e5bddde5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/russian/words.el
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+;; entries :: '(entry ...)'
+;; entry :: '(word translations note roots)
+;; note :: (or nil string)
+;; translations :: '(translation ...)
+;; roots :: '(root ...)
+(require 'russian)
+  ;; 1-50
+  ("и" ("and" "though"))
+  ("в" ("in" "at"))
+  ("не" ("not"))
+  ("он" ("he"))
+  ("на" ("on" "it" "at" "to"))
+  ("я" ("I"))
+  ("что" ("what" "that" "why"))
+  ("тот" ("that"))
+  ("быть" ("to be"))
+  ("с" ("with" "and" "from" "of"))
+  ("а" ("while" "and" "but"))
+  ("весь" ("all" "everything") nil ("-весь-"))
+  ("это" ("that" "this" "it"))
+  ("как" ("how" "what" "as" "like"))
+  ("она" ("she"))
+  ("по" ("on" "along" "by"))
+  ("но" ("but"))
+  ("они" ("they"))
+  ("к" ("to" "for" "by"))
+  ("у" ("by" "with" "of"))
+  ("ты" ("you"))
+  ("из" ("from" "of" "in"))
+  ("мы" ("we"))
+  ("за" ("behind" "over" "at" "after"))
+  ("вы" ("you"))
+  ("так" ("so" "thus" "then"))
+  ("же" ("and" "as for" "but" "same"))
+  ("от" ("from" "of" "for"))
+  ("сказать" ("to say" "to speak") nil ("-сказ-"))
+  ("этот" ("this"))
+  ("который" ("which" "who" "that"))
+  ("мочь" ("be able" "can") nil ("-мочь-"))
+  ("человек" ("man" "person"))
+  ("о" ("of" "about" "against"))
+  ("один" ("one" "some" "alone"))
+  ("ещё" ("still" "yet"))
+  ("бы" ("would"))
+  ("такой" ("such" "so" "some"))
+  ("только" ("only" "merely" "but"))
+  ("себя" ("myself" "himself" "herself"))
+  ("своё" ("one's own" "my" "our"))
+  ("какой" ("what" "which" "how"))
+  ("когда" ("when" "while" "as"))
+  ("уже" ("already" "by now"))
+  ("для" ("for" "to"))
+  ("вот" ("here" "there" "this is" "that's")
+   ("calling attention to something"))
+  ("кто" ("who" "that" "some"))
+  ("да" ("yes" "but") ("affirmation (..., right?)"))
+  ("говорить" ("to say" "to tell" "to speak") nil ("-говор-"))
+  ("год" ("year"))
+  ;; 51 - 100
+  ("знать" ("to know" "be aware") nil ("-зна-"))
+  ("мой" ("my" "mine"))
+  ("до" ("to" "up to" "about" "before"))
+  ("или" ("or"))
+  ("если" ("if"))
+  ("время" ("time" "season") nil ("-врем-"))
+  ("рука" ("hand" "arm"))
+  ("нет" ("no" "not" "but"))
+  ("самый" ("most" "the very" "the same"))
+  ("ни" ("not a" "not" "neither ... nor"))
+  ("стать" ("to become" "begin" "come"))
+  ("большой" ("big" "large" "important"))
+  ("даже" ("even"))
+  ("другой" ("other" "another" "different") nil ("-друг-"))
+  ("наш" ("our" "ours"))
+  ("свой" ("one's own"))
+  ("ну" ("now" "right" "well" "come on"))
+  ("под" ("under" "for" "towards" "to"))
+  ("где" ("where"))
+  ("дело" ("business" "affair" "matter"))
+  ("есть" ("to eat" "to be"))
+  ("сам" ("oneself"))
+  ("раз" ("time" "once" "since"))
+  ("чтобы" ("that" "in order that"))
+  ("два" ("two"))
+  ("там" ("there" "then"))
+  ("чем" ("than" "instead of")
+   ("чем ..., тем ..."))
+  ("глаз" ("eye" "sight"))
+  ("жизнь" ("life") nil ("-жи-"))
+  ("первый" ("first" "front" "former"))
+  ("день" ("day"))
+  ("тут" ("here" "now" "then"))
+  ("во" ("in" "at")
+   ("as particle also: wow, exactly, ..."))
+  ("ничто" ("nothing"))
+  ("потом" ("afterwards" "then"))
+  ("очень" ("very"))
+  ("со" ("with"))
+  ("хотеть" ("to want"))
+  ("ли" ("whether" "if"))
+  ("при" ("attached to" "in the presence of" "by" "about"))
+  ("голова" ("head" "mind" "brains") nil ("-голов-"))
+  ("надо" ("over" "above" "ought to"))
+  ("без" ("without"))
+  ("видеть" ("to see") nil ("-вид-"))
+  ("идти" ("to go" "to come"))
+  ("теперь" ("now" "nowadays"))
+  ("тоже" ("also" "as well" "too"))
+  ("стоять" ("to stand" "be" "stand up"))
+  ("друг" ("friend"))
+  ("дом" ("house" "home"))
+  ;; 101-150
+  ("сейчас" ("now" "presently" "soon"))
+  ("можно" ("possible" "permitted") nil ("-мочь-"))
+  ("после" ("after" "afterwards"))
+  ("слово" ("word"))
+  ("здесь" ("here"))
+  ("думать" ("to think" "to believe") nil ("-дум-"))
+  ("место" ("place" "seat"))
+  ("спросить" ("to ask") nil ("-прос-"))
+  ("через" ("through" "across"))
+  ("лицо" ("face" "person"))
+  ("что" ("what" "which" "that"))
+  ("тогда" ("then"))
+  ("хороший" ("good" "nice") nil ("-хорош-"))
+  ("каждый" ("every" "each"))
+  ("новый" ("new" "modern") nil ("-нов-"))
+  ("жить" ("to live") nil ("-жи-"))
+  ("должный" ("due" "proper" "should"))
+  ("смотреть" ("to look" "watch"))
+  ("почему" ("why"))
+  ("потому" ("that's why"))
+  ("сторона" ("side" "party"))
+  ("просто" ("simply"))
+  ("нога" ("foot" "leg"))
+  ("сидеть" ("to sit"))
+  ("понять" ("to understand" "to realise"))
+  ("иметь" ("to own" "to have"))
+  ("конечный" ("final" "last"))
+  ("делать" ("to do" "make"))
+  ("вдруг" ("suddenly"))
+  ("над" ("above" "over"))
+  ("взять" ("to take"))
+  ("никто" ("nobody"))
+  ("понимать" ("to understand"))
+  ("казаться" ("to seem" "to appear"))
+  ("работа" ("work" "job"))
+  ("три" ("three"))
+  ("ваш" ("yours"))
+  ("уж" ("really" "already"))
+  ("земля" ("earth" "land" "soil"))
+  ("конец" ("end" "distance"))
+  ("несколько" ("several" "some"))
+  ("час" ("hour" "time"))
+  ("голос" ("voice"))
+  ("город" ("town" "city"))
+  ("последний" ("last" "the latest" "new"))
+  ;; 151-200
+  ("пока" ("for the present")) ;; TODO(tazjin): review
+  ("хорошо" ("well") nil ("-хорош-"))
+  ("давать" ("to give" "to grant"))
+  ("вода" ("water"))
+  ("более" ("more"))
+  ("хотя" ("although"))
+  ("всегда" ("always"))
+  ("второй" ("second"))
+  ("куда" ("where" "what for" "much"))
+  ("пойти" ("to go") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("стол" ("table" "desk" "board"))
+  ("ребёнок" ("child" "kid" "infant"))
+  ("увидеть" ("to see"))
+  ("сила" ("strength" "force"))
+  ("отец" ("father"))
+  ("женщина" ("woman"))
+  ("машина" ("car" "machine" "engine"))
+  ("случай" ("case" "occasion" "incident"))
+  ("ночь" ("night"))
+  ("сразу" ("at once" "right away" "just"))
+  ("мир" ("world" "peace"))
+  ("совсем" ("quite" "entirely" "totally"))
+  ("остаться" ("to remain" "to stay"))
+  ("об" ("about" "of"))
+  ("вид" ("appearance" "look" "view"))
+  ("выйти" ("to go out" "to exit" "to come out" "to appear") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("дать" ("to give"))
+  ("работать" ("to work"))
+  ("любить" ("to work"))
+  ("старый" ("old"))
+  ("почти" ("almost"))
+  ("ряд" ("row" "line"))
+  ("оказаться" ("find oneself" "turn out"))
+  ("начало" ("beginning" "origin" "source"))
+  ("твой" ("your" "yours"))
+  ("вопрос" ("question" "matter" "problem") nil ("-прос-"))
+  ("много" ("many" "much"))
+  ("война" ("war"))
+  ("снова" ("again"))
+  ("ответить" ("to answer" "to reply"))
+  ("между" ("between" "among"))
+  ("подумать" ("to think"))
+  ("опять" ("again"))
+  ("белый" ("white"))
+  ("деньги" ("money"))
+  ("значить" ("to mean" "to signify") nil ("-зна-"))
+  ("про" ("about" "for"))
+  ("лишь" ("only" "as soon as"))
+  ("минута" ("minute" "moment"))
+  ("жена" ("wife"))
+  ;; 201-300
+  ("посмотреть" ("to watch" "to look" "to inspect") nil ("-смотр-"))
+  ("правда" ("truth") nil ("-правд-"))
+  ("главный" ("main" "chief") nil ("-голов-"))
+  ("страна" ("country") nil ("-стран-"))
+  ("свет" ("light" "world"))
+  ("ждать" ("to wait"))
+  ("мать" ("mother"))
+  ("будто" ("as if" "as though"))
+  ("никогда" ("never"))
+  ("товариш" ("comrade" "friend"))
+  ("дорога" ("road" "way" "journey"))
+  ("однако" ("however" "although"))
+  ("лежать" ("to lie" "to be situated"))
+  ("именно" ("namely" "just" "exactly") nil ("-имя-"))
+  ("окно" ("window"))
+  ("никакой" ("no" "none"))
+  ("найти" ("to find" "to discover") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("писать" ("to write"))
+  ("комната" ("room"))
+  ("Москва" ("Moscow"))
+  ("часть" ("part" "share" "department"))
+  ("вообще" ("in general" "altogether" "on the whole") nil ("-общ-"))
+  ("книга" ("book"))
+  ("маленький" ("small" "little"))
+  ("улица" ("street"))
+  ("режить" ("to decide" "to solve"))
+  ("далекий" ("distant" "remote"))
+  ("душа" ("soul" "spirit"))
+  ("чуть" ("hardly" "slightly"))
+  ("вернуться" ("to return"))
+  ("утро" ("morning"))
+  ("некоторый" ("some"))
+  ("считать" ("to count" "to consider"))
+  ("сколько" ("how much" "how many"))
+  ("помнить" ("to remember"))
+  ("вечер" ("evening"))
+  ("пол" ("floor" "gender"))
+  ("таки" ("after all"))
+  ("получить" ("to receive" "to get" "to obtain"))
+  ("народ" ("people" "nation"))
+  ("плечо" ("shoulder" "upper arm"))
+  ("хоть" ("even" "if you want" "though"))
+  ("сегодня" ("today"))
+  ("бог" ("god"))
+  ("вместе" ("together"))
+  ("взгляд" ("look" "glance" "view"))
+  ("ходить" ("to go" "to walk") nil ("-ход-"))
+  ("зачем" ("what for" "why"))
+  ("советский" ("Soviet"))
+  ("русский" ("Russian"))
+  ("бывать" ("to be" "to visit" "to happen"))
+  ("полный" ("full" "complete" "whole"))
+  ("прийти" ("to arrive" "to come") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("палец" ("finger" "toe"))
+  ("Россия" ("Russia"))
+  ("любой" ("any" "every"))
+  ("история" ("history" "story" "event"))
+  ("наконец" ("finally" "at least"))
+  ("мысль" ("thought" "idea"))
+  ("узнать" ("to know" "to learn" "to recognise") nil ("-зна-"))
+  ("назад" ("back" "backwards" "ago"))
+  ("общий" ("general" "common") nil ("-общ-"))
+  ("заметить" ("to notice" "to observe"))
+  ("словно" ("as if" "like"))
+  ("прошлый" ("past" "vergangen") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("уйти" ("to leave" "to go away") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("известный" ("well-known" "famous"))
+  ("давно" ("long ago"))
+  ("слышать" ("to hear"))
+  ("слушать" ("to listen" "to hear"))
+  ("бояться" ("to be afraid" "fear"))
+  ("сын" ("son"))
+  ("нельзя" ("it is impossible" "can't"))
+  ("прямо" ("straight" "frankly"))
+  ("долго" ("for a long time"))
+  ("быстро" ("fast" "quickly"))
+  ("лес" ("forest"))
+  ("похожий" ("similar" "alike") nil ("-ход-"))
+  ("пора" ("time" "pore"))
+  ("пять" ("five"))
+  ("глядеть" ("to look" "to gaze"))
+  ("оно" ("it"))
+  ("сесть" ("to sit"))
+  ("имя" ("name") nil ("-имя-"))
+  ("ж" ("and" "as for" "but"))
+  ("разговор" ("conversation" "talk") nil ("-говор-"))
+  ("тело" ("body"))
+  ("молодой" ("young"))
+  ("стена" ("wall"))
+  ("красный" ("red"))
+  ("читать" ("to read"))
+  ("право" ("right"))
+  ("старик" ("old man"))
+  ("ранний" ("early"))
+  ("хотеться" ("to want" "to like"))
+  ("мама" ("mummy" "mum"))
+  ("оставаться" ("to remain" "to stay"))
+  ("высокий" ("tall" "high"))
+  ("путь" ("way" "track" "path"))
+  ("поэтому" ("therefore"))
+  ;; 301-400
+  ("совершенно" ("absolutely" "quite"))
+  ("кроме" ("except" "besides"))
+  ("тысяча" ("a thousand"))
+  ("месяц" ("month"))
+  ("брать" ("to take" "to hire"))
+  ("написать" ("to write"))
+  ("целый" ("intact" "whole" "entire"))
+  ("огромный" ("huge" "enormous"))
+  ("начинать" ("to begin"))
+  ("спина" ("back"))
+  ("настоящий" ("present" "real" "true"))
+  ("пусть" ("let's" "though"))
+  ("язык" ("tongue" "language"))
+  ("точно" ("exactly"))
+  ("среди" ("among"))
+  ("чуствовать" ("to feel"))
+  ("сердце" ("heart"))
+  ("вести" ("to lead"))
+  ("иногда" ("sometimes"))
+  ("мальчик" ("boy"))
+  ("успеть" ("to be in time" "to be successful"))
+  ("небо" ("sky"))
+  ("живой" ("living" "lively" "alive"))
+  ("смерть" ("death"))
+  ("продолжать" ("to continue"))
+  ("девушка" ("girl"))
+  ("образ" ("shape" "form" "image"))
+  ("ко" ("to" "towards" "by"))
+  ("забыть" ("to forget"))
+  ("вокруг" ("around"))
+  ("письмо" ("letter"))
+  ("власть" ("power"))
+  ("чёрный" ("black"))
+  ("пройти" ("to pass" "go by" "be over") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("появиться" ("to appear" "to show up"))
+  ("воздух" ("air"))
+  ("разный" ("different"))
+  ("выходить" ("to go out" "to exit") ("MR says 'to nurse'??") ("-ход-"))
+  ("просить" ("to ask"))
+  ("брат" ("brat"))
+  ("собственный" ("one's own"))
+  ("отношение" ("relationship" "attitude"))
+  ("затем" ("then" "after that"))
+  ("пытаться" ("to try"))
+  ("показать" ("to show" "to display"))
+  ("вспомнить" ("to remember" "to recall"))
+  ("система" ("system"))
+  ("четыре" ("four"))
+  ("квартира" ("flat" "apartment"))
+  ("держать" ("to hold" "to keep"))
+  ("также" ("also" "as well" "too"))
+  ("любовь" ("love"))
+  ("солдат" ("soldier"))
+  ("откуда" ("from where"))
+  ("чтоб" ("that" "in order that"))
+  ("называть" ("to call" "to name"))
+  ("третий" ("third"))
+  ("хозяин" ("master" "boss" "host"))
+  ("вроде" ("like" "not unlike"))
+  ("уходить" ("to leave" "to go away") nil ("-ход-"))
+  ("подойти" ("to approach" "to come up") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("поднять" ("to lift" "to raise"))
+  ("спрашивать" ("to ask" "to inquire"))
+  ("начальник" ("chief" "head" "superior"))
+  ("оба" ("both"))
+  ("бросить" ("to throw"))
+  ("школа" ("school"))
+  ("парень" ("boy" "fellow" "guy"))
+  ("кровь" ("blood"))
+  ("двадцать" ("twenty"))
+  ("солнце" ("sun"))
+  ("неделя" ("week"))
+  ("послать" ("to send" "to dispatch"))
+  ("находиться" ("to be found" "to turn up") nil ("-ход-"))
+  ("ребята" ("guys" "children"))
+  ("поставить" ("to put" "to place" "to set"))
+  ("встать" ("to get up" "to rise" "to stand up"))
+  ("например" ("for example" "for instance"))
+  ("шаг" ("step"))
+  ("мужчина" ("man" "male"))
+  ("равно" ("alike" "in like manner"))
+  ("нос" ("nose"))
+  ("мало" ("little" "few"))
+  ("внимание" ("attention"))
+  ("капитан" ("captain" "master"))
+  ("ухо" ("ear"))
+  ("туда" ("to there"))
+  ("сюда" ("to here"))
+  ("играть" ("to play"))
+  ("следовать" ("to follow" "to come next"))
+  ("рассказать" ("to tell" "to narrate"))
+  ("великий" ("great"))
+  ("действительно" ("indeed" "really"))
+  ("слишком" ("too much"))
+  ("тяжёлый" ("heavy"))
+  ("спать" ("to sleep"))
+  ("оставить" ("to leave" "to abandon"))
+  ("войти" ("to enter" "to come in") nil ("-й-"))
+  ("длинный" ("long"))
+  ;; 401 - 500
+  ("чувство" ("feeling"))
+  ("иолчать" ("to keep silence" "make no complaint" "say nothing"))
+  ("рассказывать" ("to tell" "narrate"))
+  ("отвечать" ("to answer" "to reply"))
+  ("становиться" ("to stand" "to become"))
+  ("остановиться" ("to stop"))
+  ("берег" ("bank" "shore" "coast"))
+  ("семья" ("family"))
+  ("искать" ("to search"))
+  ("генерал" ("general"))
+  ("момент" ("moment" "instant"))
+  ("десять" ("ten"))
+  ("начать" ("to begin"))
+  ("следуюший" ("next" "following"))
+  ("личный" ("personal"))
+  ("труд" ("labour" "work"))
+  ("верить" ("to believe"))
+  ("группа" ("group"))
+  ("немного" ("a little"))
+  ("впрочем" ("however" "though"))
+  ("видно" ("evidently" "obviously"))
+  ("являться" ("to appear"))
+  ("муж" ("husband"))
+  ("разве" ("really?" "perhaps") ("when pondering something"))
+  ("движение" ("movement" "motion"))
+  ("порядок" ("order"))
+  ("ответ" ("answer" "reply"))
+  ("тихо" ("quietly" "silently") ("also as exclamation"))
+  ("знакомый" ("familiar" "acquainted"))
+  ("газета" ("newspaper"))
+  ("помощь" ("help"))
+  ("сильный" ("strong" "powerful"))
+  ("скорый" ("quick" "fast"))
+  ("собака" ("dog"))
+  ("дерево" ("tree"))
+  ("снег" ("snow"))
+  ("сон" ("dream"))
+  ("смысл" ("sense" "meaning" "purpose") ("making sense" "in the sense"))
+  ("смочь" ("to be able") ("св"))
+  ("против" ("against" "opposite" "contrary to"))
+  ("бежать" ("to run" "to hurry"))
+  ("двор" ("yard" "court"))
+  ("форма" ("form" "shape" "uniform"))
+  ("простой" ("simple" "easy" "plain"))
+  ("приехать" ("to arrive" "to come"))
+  ("иной" ("different" "other"))
+  ("кричать" ("to cry" "to shout"))
+  ("возможность" ("possibility" "opportunity" "chance"))
+  ("общество" ("society"))
+  ("зелёный" ("green"))
+  ("грудь" ("breast" "chest"))
+  ("угол" ("corner" "angle"))
+  ("открыть" ("to open"))
+  ("происходить" ("to happen" "to occur" "to take place"))
+  ("ладно" ("well" "all right" "okay"))
+  ("чёрный" ("black") ("noun (m.): as in 'she wears black'"))
+  ("век" ("century" "age"))
+  ("карман" ("pocket"))
+  ("ехать" ("to go" "ride" "drive" "travel"))
+  ("немец" ("German"))
+  ("наверное" ("probably" "most likely"))
+  ("губа" ("lip"))
+  ("дядя" ("uncle"))
+  ("приходить" ("to come" "to arrive"))
+  ("часто" ("often"))
+  ("домой" ("home") ("as in direction"))
+  ("огонь" ("fire"))
+  ("писатель" ("writer"))
+  ("армия" ("army"))
+  ("состояние" ("state" "condition" "fortune"))
+  ("зуб" ("tooth"))
+  ("очередь" ("queue" "line" "turn"))
+  ("кой" ("which") ("old-fashioned, literary (in set expressions)"))
+  ("подняться" ("to rise" "to climb"))
+  ("камень" ("stone"))
+  ("гость" ("guest"))
+  ("показаться" ("to appear" "to come in sight"))
+  ("ветер" ("window"))
+  ("собираться" ("to gather" "to assemble" "to intend") ("TODO: intend??"))
+  ("попасть" ("to hit" "to find oneself") ("to get (in phrases)"))
+  ("принять" ("to take" "to admit" "to accept"))
+  ("сначала" ("at first" "from the beginning"))
+  ("либо" ("or"))
+  ("поехать" ("to depart" "to set off"))
+  ("услышать" ("to hear"))
+  ("уметь" ("to be able" "know" "can"))
+  ("случиться" ("to happen"))
+  ("странный" ("strange"))
+  ("единственный" ("only" "sole"))
+  ("рота" ("company") ("(military)"))
+  ("закон" ("law" "act" "statute"))
+  ("короткий" ("short"))
+  ("море" ("sea"))
+  ("добрый" ("kind"))
+  ("тёмный" ("dark"))
+  ("гора" ("mountain" "hill"))
+  ("врач" ("doctor"))
+  ("край" ("border, edge" "land, country"))
+  ("стараться" ("to try" "to endeavour"))
+  ("лучший" ("better" "best"))
+  ;; 501 - 600
+  ("река" ("river"))
+  ("военный" ("military"))
+  ("мера" ("measure" "step"))
+  ("страшный" ("terrible" "frightful"))
+  ("вполне" ("quite" "fully"))
+  ("звать" ("to call"))
+  ("произойти" ("to happen" "to occur" "take place"))
+  ("вперед" ("forward"))
+  ("медленно" ("slowly"))
+  ("возле" ("by" "near" "close by"))
+  ("никак" ("in no way" "by no means"))
+  ("заниматься" ("to be occupied" "to engage"))
+  ("действие" ("action" "effort"))
+  ("довольно" ("enough" "rather"))
+  ("вещь" ("thing"))
+  ("необходимый" ("necessary") ("not possible to go around"))
+  ("ход" ("move"))
+  ("боль" ("pain"))
+  ("судьба" ("fate" "fortune" "destiny"))
+  ("причина" ("cause" "reason" "motive"))
+  ("положить" ("to lay down" "put down" "place"))
+  ("едва" ("hardly" "just" "barely"))
+  ("черта" ("line" "boundary" "trait"))
+  ("девочка" ("girl" "little girl"))
+  ("лёгкий" ("light" "easy"))
+  ("волос" ("hair"))
+  ("купить" ("to buy" "purchase"))
+  ("номер" ("number" "size" "room" "issue"))
+  ("основной" ("main"))
+  ("широкий" ("wide"))
+  ("умереть" ("to die"))
+  ("далеко" ("far" "far off"))
+  ("плохо" ("badly"))
+  ("глава" ("head" "chief"))
+  ("красивый" ("beautiful"))
+  ("серый" ("grey" "dull"))
+  ("пить" ("to drink"))
+  ("командир" ("commander" "officer"))
+  ("обычно" ("usually"))
+  ("партия" ("party"))
+  ("проблема" ("problem" "issue"))
+  ("страх" ("fear"))
+  ("проходить" ("to pass" "go" "study"))
+  ("ясно" ("clear" "clearly"))
+  ("снять" ("to take away" "take off"))
+  ("бумага" ("paper"))
+  ("герой" ("hero"))
+  ("пара" ("pair" "couple"))
+  ("государство" ("State"))
+  ("деревня" ("village"))
+  ("речь" ("speech"))
+  ("начаться" ("to begin"))
+  ("средство" ("means" "remedy"))
+  ("положение" ("position" "posture" "condition" "state"))
+  ("связь" ("tie, bond" "connection, relation"))
+  ("небольшой" ("small" "not great"))
+  ("представлять" ("to present" "introduce" "imagine"))
+  ("завтра" ("tomorrow"))
+  ("объяснить" ("to explain"))
+  ("пустой" ("empty" "hollow" "idle"))
+  ("произнести" ("to pronounce" "say" "utter"))
+  ("человеческий" ("human"))
+  ("нравиться" ("to please" "be likeable to"))
+  ("однажды" ("once" "one day"))
+  ("мимо" ("past" "by"))
+  ("иначе" ("otherwise" "differently|"))
+  ("существровать" ("to exist" "to be"))
+  ("класс" ("class"))
+  ("удаться" ("turn out well" "succeed" "manage"))
+  ("толстый" ("thick" "heavy" "fat"))
+  ("цель" ("goal" "object" "target"))
+  ("сквозь" ("through"))
+  ("прийтись" ("to fit" "fall" "have to") ("тебе придётся - you have to"))
+  ("чистый" ("clean" "pure"))
+  ("знать" ("to know"))
+  ("прежний" ("former"))
+  ("профессор" ("professor"))
+  ("господин" ("gentleman" "Mr."))
+  ("счастье" ("happiness" "luck"))
+  ("худой" ("thin" "skinny"))
+  ("дух" ("spirit"))
+  ("план" ("plan"))
+  ("чужой" ("somebody else's" "strange" "foreign"))
+  ("зал" ("hall"))
+  ("представить" ("to present" "produce" "introduce"))
+  ("особый" ("special"))
+  ("директор" ("director" "manager"))
+  ("бывший" ("former" "ex-"))
+  ("память" ("memory"))
+  ("близкий" ("near" "similar" "intimate"))
+  ("сей" ("this"))
+  ("результат" ("result" "outcome"))
+  ("больной" ("sick"))
+  ("данный" ("given" "present"))
+  ("кстати" ("to the point" "at the same time"))
+  ("назвать" ("to call" "name"))
+  ("след" ("track" "footprint"))
+  ("улыбаться" ("to smile") ("нсв"))
+  ("бутылка" ("bottle"))
+  ;; 601 - 700
+  ("трудно" ("with difficulty"))
+  ("условие" ("condition" "term"))
+  ("прежде" ("before"))
+  ("ум" ("mind" "brains" "intellect"))
+  ("улыбнуться" ("to smile"))
+  ("процесс" ("process"))
+  ("картина" ("picture" "painting"))
+  ("вместо" ("instead"))
+  ("старший" ("elder" "senior"))
+  ("легко" ("easily" "lightly"))
+  ("центр" ("center"))
+  ("подобный" ("similar" "like"))
+  ("возможно" ("possible") ("as ... as possible"))
+  ("около" ("by" "near"))
+  ("смеяться" ("to laugh"))
+  ("сто" ("hundred"))
+  ("будущее" ("future"))
+  ("хватать" ("to snatch" "to seize" "to suffice") ("нсв"))
+  ("число" ("number"))
+  ("всякое" ("any" "every"))
+  ("рубль" ("ruble"))
+  ("почувствовать" ("to feel") ("св"))
+  ("принести" ("to bring"))
+  ("вера" ("faith" "belief"))
+  ("вовсе" ("quiet" "not ... at all"))
+  ("удар" ("blow" "stroke"))
+  ("телефон" ("telephone"))
+  ("колено" ("knee"))
+  ("согласиться" ("to agree" "to consent"))
+  ("мало" ("little" "few" "not enough"))
+  ("коридор" ("corridor" "passage"))
+  ("мужик" ("man"))
+  ("правый" ("right"))
+  ("автор" ("author"))
+  ("холодный" ("cold" "cool"))
+  ("хватит" ("to snatch" "to seize" "to suffice") ("св"))
+  ("многие" ("many"))
+  ("встреча" ("meeting" "reception"))
+  ("кабинет" ("study" "room" "office suite"))
+  ("документ" ("document"))
+  ("самолёт" ("airplane"))
+  ("вниз" ("down" "downwards"))
+  ("принимать" ("to take" "to admit" "to accept"))
+  ("игра" ("game" "play"))
+  ("рассказ" ("story"))
+  ("хлеб" ("bread"))
+  ("развитие" ("development"))
+  ("убить" ("to kill"))
+  ("родной" ("own" "native" "dear"))
+  ("открытый" ("open"))
+  ("менее" ("less"))
+  ("предложить" ("to offer" "to propose" "to suggest"))
+  ("жёлтый" ("yellow"))
+  ("приходиться" ("to fit" "to fall" "to have to"))
+  ("выпить" ("to drink"))
+  ("крикнуть" ("to cry" "to shout"))
+  ("трубка" ("tube" "roll" "pipe"))
+  ("враг" ("enemy"))
+  ("показывать" ("to show" "to display"))
+  ("двое" ("two") ("cardinal number"))
+  ("доктор" ("doctor"))
+  ("ладонь" ("palm"))
+  ("вызвать" ("to call" "to send"))
+  ("спокойно" ("quietly"))
+  ("попросить" ("to ask"))
+  ("наука" ("science"))
+  ("лейтенант" ("lieutenant"))
+  ("служба" ("service" "work"))
+  ("оказываться" ("to turn out" "to find oneself"))
+  ("привести" ("to bring"))
+  ("сорок" ("forty"))
+  ("счёт" ("bill" "account"))
+  ("возвращаться" ("to return"))
+  ("золотой" ("golden"))
+  ("местный" ("local"))
+  ("кухня" ("kitchen"))
+  ("крупный" ("large" "big" "prominent"))
+  ("решение" ("decision" "conclusion"))
+  ("молодая" ("bride" "young"))
+  ("тридцать" ("thirty"))
+  ("роман" ("novel" "romance"))
+  ("компания" ("company"))
+  ("частый" ("frequent"))
+  ("российский" ("Russian"))
+  ("рабочий" ("worky"))
+  ("потерять" ("to lose"))
+  ("течение" ("current"))
+  ("синий" ("dark blue"))
+  ("столько" ("so much" "so many"))
+  ("тёплый" ("warm"))
+  ("метр" ("metre"))
+  ("достать" ("to reach" "get" "obtain"))
+  ("железный" ("ferreous" "iron"))
+  ("институт" ("institute"))
+  ("сообщить" ("to report" "to let know"))
+  ("интерес" ("interest"))
+  ("обычный" ("usual" "ordinary"))
+  ("появляться" ("to appear" "to show up"))
+  ("упасть" ("to fall")))
+(provide 'russian-words)