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path: root/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk')
7 files changed, 1042 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/errors.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/errors.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3d5c28f9f3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/errors.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use crate::treewalk::interpreter::Value;
+pub enum ErrorKind {
+    UnexpectedChar(char),
+    UnterminatedString,
+    UnmatchedParens,
+    ExpectedExpression(String),
+    ExpectedSemicolon,
+    ExpectedClosingBrace,
+    ExpectedToken(&'static str),
+    TypeError(String),
+    UndefinedVariable(String),
+    InternalError(String),
+    InvalidAssignmentTarget(String),
+    RuntimeError(String),
+    StaticError(String),
+    // This variant is not an error, rather it is used for
+    // short-circuiting out of a function body that hits a `return`
+    // statement.
+    //
+    // It's implemented this way because in the original book the
+    // author uses exceptions for control flow, and this is the
+    // closest equivalent that I had available without diverging too
+    // much.
+    FunctionReturn(Value),
+pub struct Error {
+    pub line: usize,
+    pub kind: ErrorKind,
+pub fn report(err: &Error) {
+    eprintln!("[line {}] Error: {:?}", err.line, err.kind);
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter.rs
index 5b47dc0248f9..a096716d9155 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter.rs
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-use crate::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
-use crate::parser::{self, Block, Expr, Literal, Statement};
-use crate::scanner::{self, TokenKind};
-use crate::treewalk::resolver;
+use crate::treewalk::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
+use crate::treewalk::parser::{self, Block, Expr, Literal, Statement};
+use crate::treewalk::scanner::{self, TokenKind};
+use crate::treewalk::treewalk::resolver;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::sync::RwLock;
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter/builtins.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter/builtins.rs
index 0ec6ae08c354..709e53c7c0eb 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter/builtins.rs
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/interpreter/builtins.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 use std::fmt;
 use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
-use crate::errors::Error;
-use crate::parser::Literal;
+use crate::treewalk::errors::Error;
+use crate::treewalk::parser::Literal;
 use crate::treewalk::interpreter::Value;
 pub trait Builtin: fmt::Debug {
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/mod.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/mod.rs
index 95136b2fa141..ae1049a12eff 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/mod.rs
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/mod.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 use crate::*;
-pub mod interpreter;
+mod errors;
+mod parser;
 mod resolver;
+mod scanner;
+pub mod interpreter;
 pub fn main() {
     let mut args = env::args();
@@ -50,3 +53,9 @@ fn run(lox: &mut treewalk::interpreter::Interpreter, code: &str) {
+fn report_errors(errors: Vec<errors::Error>) {
+    for error in errors {
+        errors::report(&error);
+    }
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/parser.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8117c29726c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+// This implements the grammar of Lox as described starting in the
+// Crafting Interpreters chapter "Representing Code". Note that the
+// upstream Java implementation works around Java being bad at value
+// classes by writing a code generator for Java.
+// My Rust implementation skips this step because it's unnecessary, we
+// have real types.
+use crate::treewalk::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
+use crate::treewalk::scanner::{Token, TokenKind};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+// AST
+pub struct Assign {
+    pub name: Token,
+    pub value: Box<Expr>,
+    pub depth: Option<usize>,
+pub struct Binary {
+    pub left: Box<Expr>,
+    pub operator: Token,
+    pub right: Box<Expr>,
+pub struct Logical {
+    pub left: Box<Expr>,
+    pub operator: Token,
+    pub right: Box<Expr>,
+pub struct Grouping(pub Box<Expr>);
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Literal {
+    Boolean(bool),
+    Number(f64),
+    String(String),
+    Nil,
+pub struct Unary {
+    pub operator: Token,
+    pub right: Box<Expr>,
+pub struct Call {
+    pub callee: Box<Expr>,
+    pub paren: Token,
+    pub args: Vec<Expr>,
+// Not to be confused with `Var`, which is for assignment.
+pub struct Variable {
+    pub name: Token,
+    pub depth: Option<usize>,
+pub enum Expr {
+    Assign(Assign),
+    Binary(Binary),
+    Grouping(Grouping),
+    Literal(Literal),
+    Unary(Unary),
+    Call(Call),
+    Variable(Variable),
+    Logical(Logical),
+// Variable assignment. Not to be confused with `Variable`, which is
+// for access.
+pub struct Var {
+    pub name: Token,
+    pub initialiser: Option<Expr>,
+pub struct Return {
+    pub value: Expr,
+pub struct If {
+    pub condition: Expr,
+    pub then_branch: Box<Statement>,
+    pub else_branch: Option<Box<Statement>>,
+pub struct While {
+    pub condition: Expr,
+    pub body: Box<Statement>,
+pub type Block = Vec<Statement>;
+pub struct Function {
+    pub name: Token,
+    pub params: Vec<Token>,
+    pub body: Block,
+pub enum Statement {
+    Expr(Expr),
+    Print(Expr),
+    Var(Var),
+    Block(Block),
+    If(If),
+    While(While),
+    Function(Rc<Function>),
+    Return(Return),
+// Parser
+program        → declaration* EOF ;
+declaration    → funDecl
+               | varDecl
+               | statement ;
+funDecl        → "fun" function ;
+function       → IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" block ;
+parameters     → IDENTIFIER ( "," IDENTIFIER )* ;
+statement      → exprStmt
+               | forStmt
+               | ifStmt
+               | printStmt
+               | returnStmt
+               | whileStmt
+               | block ;
+forStmt        → "for" "(" ( varDecl | exprStmt | ";" )
+                 expression? ";"
+                 expression? ")" statement ;
+returnStmt     → "return" expression? ";" ;
+whileStmt      → "while" "(" expression ")" statement ;
+exprStmt       → expression ";" ;
+ifStmt         → "if" "(" expression ")" statement
+               ( "else" statement )? ;
+printStmt      → "print" expression ";" ;
+expression     → assignment ;
+assignment     → IDENTIFIER "=" assignment
+               | logic_or ;
+logic_or       → logic_and ( "or" logic_and )* ;
+logic_and      → equality ( "and" equality )* ;
+equality       → comparison ( ( "!=" | "==" ) comparison )* ;
+comparison     → term ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) term )* ;
+term           → factor ( ( "-" | "+" ) factor )* ;
+factor         → unary ( ( "/" | "*" ) unary )* ;
+unary          → ( "!" | "-" ) unary | call ;
+call           → primary ( "(" arguments? ")" )* ;
+arguments      → expression ( "," expression )* ;
+primary        → NUMBER | STRING | "true" | "false" | "nil"
+               | "(" expression ")" ;
+struct Parser {
+    tokens: Vec<Token>,
+    current: usize,
+type ExprResult = Result<Expr, Error>;
+type StmtResult = Result<Statement, Error>;
+impl Parser {
+    // recursive-descent parser functions
+    fn declaration(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Fun) {
+            return self.function();
+        }
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Var) {
+            return self.var_declaration();
+        }
+        self.statement()
+    }
+    fn function(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        let name = self.identifier("Expected function name.")?;
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::LeftParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expect '(' after function name."),
+        )?;
+        let mut params = vec![];
+        if !self.check_token(&TokenKind::RightParen) {
+            loop {
+                if params.len() >= 255 {
+                    return Err(Error {
+                        line: self.peek().line,
+                        kind: ErrorKind::InternalError("255 parameter limit exceeded.".into()),
+                    });
+                }
+                params.push(self.identifier("Expected parameter name.")?);
+                if !self.match_token(&TokenKind::Comma) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::RightParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expect ')' after parameters."),
+        )?;
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::LeftBrace,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expect '{' before function body."),
+        )?;
+        Ok(Statement::Function(Rc::new(Function {
+            name,
+            params,
+            body: self.block_statement()?,
+        })))
+    }
+    fn var_declaration(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        // Since `TokenKind::Identifier` carries data, we can't use
+        // `consume`.
+        let mut var = Var {
+            name: self.identifier("Expected variable name.")?,
+            initialiser: None,
+        };
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Equal) {
+            var.initialiser = Some(self.expression()?);
+        }
+        self.consume(&TokenKind::Semicolon, ErrorKind::ExpectedSemicolon)?;
+        Ok(Statement::Var(var))
+    }
+    fn statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Print) {
+            self.print_statement()
+        } else if self.match_token(&TokenKind::LeftBrace) {
+            Ok(Statement::Block(self.block_statement()?))
+        } else if self.match_token(&TokenKind::If) {
+            self.if_statement()
+        } else if self.match_token(&TokenKind::While) {
+            self.while_statement()
+        } else if self.match_token(&TokenKind::For) {
+            self.for_statement()
+        } else if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Return) {
+            self.return_statement()
+        } else {
+            self.expr_statement()
+        }
+    }
+    fn print_statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        let expr = self.expression()?;
+        self.consume(&TokenKind::Semicolon, ErrorKind::ExpectedSemicolon)?;
+        Ok(Statement::Print(expr))
+    }
+    fn block_statement(&mut self) -> Result<Block, Error> {
+        let mut block: Block = vec![];
+        while !self.check_token(&TokenKind::RightBrace) && !self.is_at_end() {
+            block.push(self.declaration()?);
+        }
+        self.consume(&TokenKind::RightBrace, ErrorKind::ExpectedClosingBrace)?;
+        Ok(block)
+    }
+    fn if_statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::LeftParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expected '(' after 'if'"),
+        )?;
+        let condition = self.expression()?;
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::RightParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expected ')' after condition"),
+        )?;
+        let then_branch = Box::new(self.statement()?);
+        let mut stmt = If {
+            condition,
+            then_branch,
+            else_branch: Option::None,
+        };
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Else) {
+            stmt.else_branch = Some(Box::new(self.statement()?));
+        }
+        Ok(Statement::If(stmt))
+    }
+    fn while_statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::LeftParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expected '(' after 'while'"),
+        )?;
+        let condition = self.expression()?;
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::RightParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expected ')' after 'while'"),
+        )?;
+        Ok(Statement::While(While {
+            condition,
+            body: Box::new(self.statement()?),
+        }))
+    }
+    fn for_statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        // Parsing of clauses ...
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::LeftParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expected '(' after 'for'"),
+        )?;
+        let initialiser = if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Semicolon) {
+            None
+        } else if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Var) {
+            Some(self.var_declaration()?)
+        } else {
+            Some(self.expr_statement()?)
+        };
+        let condition = if self.check_token(&TokenKind::Semicolon) {
+            // unspecified condition => infinite loop
+            Expr::Literal(Literal::Boolean(true))
+        } else {
+            self.expression()?
+        };
+        self.consume(&TokenKind::Semicolon, ErrorKind::ExpectedSemicolon)?;
+        let increment = if self.check_token(&TokenKind::RightParen) {
+            None
+        } else {
+            Some(self.expression()?)
+        };
+        self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::RightParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expected ')' after for clauses"),
+        )?;
+        let mut body = self.statement()?;
+        // ... desugaring to while
+        if let Some(inc) = increment {
+            body = Statement::Block(vec![body, Statement::Expr(inc)]);
+        }
+        body = Statement::While(While {
+            condition,
+            body: Box::new(body),
+        });
+        if let Some(init) = initialiser {
+            body = Statement::Block(vec![init, body]);
+        }
+        Ok(body)
+    }
+    fn return_statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        let value = self.expression()?;
+        self.consume(&TokenKind::Semicolon, ErrorKind::ExpectedSemicolon)?;
+        Ok(Statement::Return(Return { value }))
+    }
+    fn expr_statement(&mut self) -> StmtResult {
+        let expr = self.expression()?;
+        self.consume(&TokenKind::Semicolon, ErrorKind::ExpectedSemicolon)?;
+        Ok(Statement::Expr(expr))
+    }
+    fn expression(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        self.assignment()
+    }
+    fn assignment(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        let expr = self.logic_or()?;
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Equal) {
+            let equals = self.previous().clone();
+            let value = self.assignment()?;
+            if let Expr::Variable(Variable { name, .. }) = expr {
+                return Ok(Expr::Assign(Assign {
+                    name,
+                    value: Box::new(value),
+                    depth: None,
+                }));
+            }
+            return Err(Error {
+                line: equals.line,
+                kind: ErrorKind::InvalidAssignmentTarget(format!("{:?}", equals)),
+            });
+        }
+        Ok(expr)
+    }
+    fn logic_or(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        let mut expr = self.logic_and()?;
+        while self.match_token(&TokenKind::Or) {
+            expr = Expr::Logical(Logical {
+                left: Box::new(expr),
+                operator: self.previous().clone(),
+                right: Box::new(self.logic_and()?),
+            })
+        }
+        Ok(expr)
+    }
+    fn logic_and(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        let mut expr = self.equality()?;
+        while self.match_token(&TokenKind::And) {
+            expr = Expr::Logical(Logical {
+                left: Box::new(expr),
+                operator: self.previous().clone(),
+                right: Box::new(self.equality()?),
+            })
+        }
+        Ok(expr)
+    }
+    fn equality(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        self.binary_operator(
+            &[TokenKind::BangEqual, TokenKind::EqualEqual],
+            Self::comparison,
+        )
+    }
+    fn comparison(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        self.binary_operator(
+            &[
+                TokenKind::Greater,
+                TokenKind::GreaterEqual,
+                TokenKind::Less,
+                TokenKind::LessEqual,
+            ],
+            Self::term,
+        )
+    }
+    fn term(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        self.binary_operator(&[TokenKind::Minus, TokenKind::Plus], Self::factor)
+    }
+    fn factor(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        self.binary_operator(&[TokenKind::Slash, TokenKind::Star], Self::unary)
+    }
+    fn unary(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        if self.match_token(&TokenKind::Bang) || self.match_token(&TokenKind::Minus) {
+            return Ok(Expr::Unary(Unary {
+                operator: self.previous().clone(),
+                right: Box::new(self.unary()?),
+            }));
+        }
+        return self.call();
+    }
+    fn call(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        let mut expr = self.primary()?;
+        loop {
+            if self.match_token(&TokenKind::LeftParen) {
+                expr = self.finish_call(expr)?;
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(expr)
+    }
+    fn finish_call(&mut self, callee: Expr) -> ExprResult {
+        let mut args = vec![];
+        if !self.check_token(&TokenKind::RightParen) {
+            loop {
+                // TODO(tazjin): Check for max args count
+                args.push(self.expression()?);
+                if !self.match_token(&TokenKind::Comma) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        let paren = self.consume(
+            &TokenKind::RightParen,
+            ErrorKind::ExpectedToken("Expect ')' after arguments."),
+        )?;
+        Ok(Expr::Call(Call {
+            args,
+            callee: Box::new(callee),
+            paren,
+        }))
+    }
+    fn primary(&mut self) -> ExprResult {
+        let next = self.advance();
+        let literal = match next.kind {
+            TokenKind::True => Literal::Boolean(true),
+            TokenKind::False => Literal::Boolean(false),
+            TokenKind::Nil => Literal::Nil,
+            TokenKind::Number(num) => Literal::Number(num),
+            TokenKind::String(string) => Literal::String(string),
+            TokenKind::LeftParen => {
+                let expr = self.expression()?;
+                self.consume(&TokenKind::RightParen, ErrorKind::UnmatchedParens)?;
+                return Ok(Expr::Grouping(Grouping(Box::new(expr))));
+            }
+            TokenKind::Identifier(_) => {
+                return Ok(Expr::Variable(Variable {
+                    name: next,
+                    depth: None,
+                }))
+            }
+            unexpected => {
+                eprintln!("encountered {:?}", unexpected);
+                return Err(Error {
+                    line: next.line,
+                    kind: ErrorKind::ExpectedExpression(next.lexeme),
+                });
+            }
+        };
+        Ok(Expr::Literal(literal))
+    }
+    // internal helpers
+    fn identifier(&mut self, err: &'static str) -> Result<Token, Error> {
+        if let TokenKind::Identifier(_) = self.peek().kind {
+            Ok(self.advance())
+        } else {
+            Err(Error {
+                line: self.peek().line,
+                kind: ErrorKind::ExpectedToken(err),
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    /// Check if the next token is in `oneof`, and advance if it is.
+    fn match_token(&mut self, token: &TokenKind) -> bool {
+        if self.check_token(token) {
+            self.advance();
+            return true;
+        }
+        false
+    }
+    /// Return the next token and advance parser state.
+    fn advance(&mut self) -> Token {
+        if !self.is_at_end() {
+            self.current += 1;
+        }
+        return self.previous().clone();
+    }
+    fn is_at_end(&self) -> bool {
+        self.check_token(&TokenKind::Eof)
+    }
+    /// Is the next token `token`?
+    fn check_token(&self, token: &TokenKind) -> bool {
+        self.peek().kind == *token
+    }
+    fn peek(&self) -> &Token {
+        &self.tokens[self.current]
+    }
+    fn previous(&self) -> &Token {
+        &self.tokens[self.current - 1]
+    }
+    fn consume(&mut self, kind: &TokenKind, err: ErrorKind) -> Result<Token, Error> {
+        if self.check_token(kind) {
+            return Ok(self.advance());
+        }
+        Err(Error {
+            line: self.peek().line,
+            kind: err,
+        })
+    }
+    fn synchronise(&mut self) {
+        self.advance();
+        while !self.is_at_end() {
+            if self.previous().kind == TokenKind::Semicolon {
+                return;
+            }
+            match self.peek().kind {
+                TokenKind::Class
+                | TokenKind::Fun
+                | TokenKind::Var
+                | TokenKind::For
+                | TokenKind::If
+                | TokenKind::While
+                | TokenKind::Print
+                | TokenKind::Return => return,
+                _ => {
+                    self.advance();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn binary_operator(
+        &mut self,
+        oneof: &[TokenKind],
+        each: fn(&mut Parser) -> ExprResult,
+    ) -> ExprResult {
+        let mut expr = each(self)?;
+        while oneof.iter().any(|t| self.match_token(t)) {
+            expr = Expr::Binary(Binary {
+                left: Box::new(expr),
+                operator: self.previous().clone(),
+                right: Box::new(each(self)?),
+            })
+        }
+        return Ok(expr);
+    }
+pub fn parse(tokens: Vec<Token>) -> Result<Block, Vec<Error>> {
+    let mut parser = Parser { tokens, current: 0 };
+    let mut program: Block = vec![];
+    let mut errors: Vec<Error> = vec![];
+    while !parser.is_at_end() {
+        match parser.declaration() {
+            Err(err) => {
+                errors.push(err);
+                parser.synchronise();
+            }
+            Ok(decl) => {
+                program.push(decl);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if errors.is_empty() {
+        Ok(program)
+    } else {
+        Err(errors)
+    }
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/resolver.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/resolver.rs
index 5e15d386c73f..3d12973aa089 100644
--- a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/resolver.rs
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/resolver.rs
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::rc::Rc;
-use crate::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
-use crate::parser::{self, Expr, Statement};
-use crate::scanner::Token;
+use crate::treewalk::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
+use crate::treewalk::parser::{self, Expr, Statement};
+use crate::treewalk::scanner::Token;
 struct Resolver<'a> {
diff --git a/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/scanner.rs b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/scanner.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af9075484145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/rlox/src/treewalk/scanner.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+use crate::treewalk::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum TokenKind {
+    // Single-character tokens.
+    LeftParen,
+    RightParen,
+    LeftBrace,
+    RightBrace,
+    Comma,
+    Dot,
+    Minus,
+    Plus,
+    Semicolon,
+    Slash,
+    Star,
+    // One or two character tokens.
+    Bang,
+    BangEqual,
+    Equal,
+    EqualEqual,
+    Greater,
+    GreaterEqual,
+    Less,
+    LessEqual,
+    // Literals.
+    Identifier(String),
+    String(String),
+    Number(f64),
+    True,
+    False,
+    Nil,
+    // Keywords.
+    And,
+    Class,
+    Else,
+    Fun,
+    For,
+    If,
+    Or,
+    Print,
+    Return,
+    Super,
+    This,
+    Var,
+    While,
+    // Special things
+    Eof,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Token {
+    pub kind: TokenKind,
+    pub lexeme: String,
+    pub line: usize,
+struct Scanner<'a> {
+    source: &'a [char],
+    tokens: Vec<Token>,
+    errors: Vec<Error>,
+    start: usize,   // offset of first character in current lexeme
+    current: usize, // current offset into source
+    line: usize,    // current line in source
+impl<'a> Scanner<'a> {
+    fn is_at_end(&self) -> bool {
+        return self.current >= self.source.len();
+    }
+    fn advance(&mut self) -> char {
+        self.current += 1;
+        self.source[self.current - 1]
+    }
+    fn add_token(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) {
+        let lexeme = &self.source[self.start..self.current];
+        self.tokens.push(Token {
+            kind,
+            lexeme: lexeme.into_iter().collect(),
+            line: self.line,
+        })
+    }
+    fn scan_token(&mut self) {
+        match self.advance() {
+            // simple single-character tokens
+            '(' => self.add_token(TokenKind::LeftParen),
+            ')' => self.add_token(TokenKind::RightParen),
+            '{' => self.add_token(TokenKind::LeftBrace),
+            '}' => self.add_token(TokenKind::RightBrace),
+            ',' => self.add_token(TokenKind::Comma),
+            '.' => self.add_token(TokenKind::Dot),
+            '-' => self.add_token(TokenKind::Minus),
+            '+' => self.add_token(TokenKind::Plus),
+            ';' => self.add_token(TokenKind::Semicolon),
+            '*' => self.add_token(TokenKind::Star),
+            // possible multi-character tokens
+            '!' => self.add_if_next('=', TokenKind::BangEqual, TokenKind::Bang),
+            '=' => self.add_if_next('=', TokenKind::EqualEqual, TokenKind::Equal),
+            '<' => self.add_if_next('=', TokenKind::LessEqual, TokenKind::Less),
+            '>' => self.add_if_next('=', TokenKind::GreaterEqual, TokenKind::Greater),
+            '/' => {
+                // support comments until EOL by discarding characters
+                if self.match_next('/') {
+                    while self.peek() != '\n' && !self.is_at_end() {
+                        self.advance();
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    self.add_token(TokenKind::Slash);
+                }
+            }
+            // ignore whitespace
+            ws if ws.is_whitespace() => {
+                if ws == '\n' {
+                    self.line += 1
+                }
+            }
+            '"' => self.scan_string(),
+            digit if digit.is_digit(10) => self.scan_number(),
+            chr if chr.is_alphabetic() || chr == '_' => self.scan_identifier(),
+            unexpected => self.errors.push(Error {
+                line: self.line,
+                kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedChar(unexpected),
+            }),
+        };
+    }
+    fn match_next(&mut self, expected: char) -> bool {
+        if self.is_at_end() || self.source[self.current] != expected {
+            false
+        } else {
+            self.current += 1;
+            true
+        }
+    }
+    fn add_if_next(&mut self, expected: char, then: TokenKind, or: TokenKind) {
+        if self.match_next(expected) {
+            self.add_token(then);
+        } else {
+            self.add_token(or);
+        }
+    }
+    fn peek(&self) -> char {
+        if self.is_at_end() {
+            return '\0';
+        } else {
+            return self.source[self.current];
+        }
+    }
+    fn peek_next(&self) -> char {
+        if self.current + 1 >= self.source.len() {
+            return '\0';
+        } else {
+            return self.source[self.current + 1];
+        }
+    }
+    fn scan_string(&mut self) {
+        while self.peek() != '"' && !self.is_at_end() {
+            if self.peek() == '\n' {
+                self.line += 1;
+            }
+            self.advance();
+        }
+        if self.is_at_end() {
+            self.errors.push(Error {
+                line: self.line,
+                kind: ErrorKind::UnterminatedString,
+            });
+            return;
+        }
+        // closing '"'
+        self.advance();
+        // add token without surrounding quotes
+        let string: String = self.source[(self.start + 1)..(self.current - 1)]
+            .iter()
+            .collect();
+        self.add_token(TokenKind::String(string));
+    }
+    fn scan_number(&mut self) {
+        while self.peek().is_digit(10) {
+            self.advance();
+        }
+        // Look for a fractional part
+        if self.peek() == '.' && self.peek_next().is_digit(10) {
+            // consume '.'
+            self.advance();
+            while self.peek().is_digit(10) {
+                self.advance();
+            }
+        }
+        let num: f64 = self.source[self.start..self.current]
+            .iter()
+            .collect::<String>()
+            .parse()
+            .expect("float parsing should always work");
+        self.add_token(TokenKind::Number(num));
+    }
+    fn scan_identifier(&mut self) {
+        while self.peek().is_alphanumeric() || self.peek() == '_' {
+            self.advance();
+        }
+        let ident: String = self.source[self.start..self.current].iter().collect();
+        // Determine whether this is an identifier, or a keyword:
+        let token_kind = match ident.as_str() {
+            "and" => TokenKind::And,
+            "class" => TokenKind::Class,
+            "else" => TokenKind::Else,
+            "false" => TokenKind::False,
+            "for" => TokenKind::For,
+            "fun" => TokenKind::Fun,
+            "if" => TokenKind::If,
+            "nil" => TokenKind::Nil,
+            "or" => TokenKind::Or,
+            "print" => TokenKind::Print,
+            "return" => TokenKind::Return,
+            "super" => TokenKind::Super,
+            "this" => TokenKind::This,
+            "true" => TokenKind::True,
+            "var" => TokenKind::Var,
+            "while" => TokenKind::While,
+            _ => TokenKind::Identifier(ident),
+        };
+        self.add_token(token_kind);
+    }
+    fn scan_tokens(&mut self) {
+        while !self.is_at_end() {
+            self.start = self.current;
+            self.scan_token();
+        }
+        self.add_token(TokenKind::Eof);
+    }
+pub fn scan<'a>(input: &'a [char]) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Vec<Error>> {
+    let mut scanner = Scanner {
+        source: &input,
+        tokens: vec![],
+        errors: vec![],
+        start: 0,
+        current: 0,
+        line: 0,
+    };
+    scanner.scan_tokens();
+    if !scanner.errors.is_empty() {
+        return Err(scanner.errors);
+    }
+    return Ok(scanner.tokens);