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path: root/users/tazjin/dotfiles
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/dotfiles')
5 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/dotfiles/config.fish b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/config.fish
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de2c99ae6007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/config.fish
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Configure classic prompt
+set fish_color_user --bold blue
+set fish_color_cwd --bold white
+# Enable colour hints in VCS prompt:
+set __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints yes
+set __fish_git_prompt_color_prefix purple
+set __fish_git_prompt_color_suffix purple
+# Fish configuration
+set fish_greeting ""
+set PATH $HOME/.local/bin $HOME/.cargo/bin $PATH
+# Editor configuration
+set -gx EDITOR "emacsclient"
+set -gx ALTERNATE_EDITOR "emacs -q -nw"
+set -gx VISUAL "emacsclient"
+# Miscellaneous
+eval (direnv hook fish)
+# Useful command aliases
+alias gpr 'git pull --rebase'
+alias gco 'git checkout'
+alias gf 'git fetch'
+alias gap 'git add -p'
+alias pbcopy 'xclip -selection clipboard'
+alias edit 'emacsclient -n'
+alias servedir 'nix-shell -p haskellPackages.wai-app-static --run warp'
+# Old habits die hard (also ls is just easier to type):
+alias ls 'exa'
+# Fix up nix-env & friends for Nix 2.0
+export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
+# Fix display of fish in emacs' term-mode:
+function fish_title
+  true
diff --git a/users/tazjin/dotfiles/default.nix b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b783a9c857c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+_: {
+  dunstrc = ./dunstrc;
diff --git a/users/tazjin/dotfiles/dunstrc b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/dunstrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2aa1141b6ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/dunstrc
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+font = Iosevka Term 11
+origin = top-left
+markup = yes
+plain_text = no
+format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
+sort = no
+indicate_hidden = yes
+alignment = center
+bounce_freq = 0
+show_age_threshold = -1
+word_wrap = yes
+ignore_newline = no
+stack_duplicates = yes
+hide_duplicate_count = yes
+geometry = "300x50-15+49"
+shrink = no
+transparency = 5
+idle_threshold = 0
+monitor = 0
+follow = keyboard
+sticky_history = yes
+history_length = 15
+show_indicators = no
+line_height = 3
+separator_height = 2
+padding = 6
+horizontal_padding = 6
+separator_color = frame
+startup_notification = false
+dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
+browser = /usr/bin/firefox -new-tab
+icon_position = off
+max_icon_size = 80
+frame_width = 3
+frame_color = "#8EC07C"
+frame_color = "#3B7C87"
+foreground = "#3B7C87"
+background = "#191311"
+timeout = 4
+frame_color = "#5B8234"
+foreground = "#5B8234"
+background = "#191311"
+timeout = 6
+frame_color = "#B7472A"
+foreground = "#B7472A"
+background = "#191311"
+timeout = 8
diff --git a/users/tazjin/dotfiles/msmtprc b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/msmtprc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2af3b9433a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/msmtprc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+port 587
+tls on
+tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+# GSuite for tazj.in
+account tazjin
+host smtp.gmail.com
+port 587
+from mail@tazj.in
+auth oauthbearer
+user mail@tazj.in
+passwordeval "cat ~/mail/account.tazjin/.credentials.gmailieer.json | jq -r '.access_token'"
+account default : tazjin
diff --git a/users/tazjin/dotfiles/notmuch-config b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/notmuch-config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a490774e635f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/dotfiles/notmuch-config
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# .notmuch-config - Configuration file for the notmuch mail system
+# For more information about notmuch, see https://notmuchmail.org
+name=Vincent Ambo