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path: root/users/tazjin/atom-feed/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/tazjin/atom-feed/default.nix')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/tazjin/atom-feed/default.nix b/users/tazjin/atom-feed/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..369295da280d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/tazjin/atom-feed/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# This file defines functions for generating an Atom feed.
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+with depot.nix.yants;
+  inherit (builtins) map readFile replaceStrings;
+  inherit (lib) concatStrings concatStringsSep removeSuffix;
+  inherit (depot.third_party) runCommandNoCC;
+  # 'link' describes a related link to a feed, or feed element.
+  #
+  # https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#link
+  link = struct "link" {
+    rel = string;
+    href = string;
+  };
+  # 'entry' describes a feed entry, for example a single post on a
+  # blog. Some optional fields have been omitted.
+  #
+  # https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#requiredEntryElements
+  entry = struct "entry" {
+    # Identifies the entry using a universally unique and permanent URI.
+    id = string;
+    # Contains a human readable title for the entry. This value should
+    # not be blank.
+    title = string;
+    # Content of the entry. This element is technically optional, but
+    # only if an alternate link is provided. In practice it should
+    # always be present in the feeds generated by this code.
+    content = string;
+    # Indicates the last time the entry was modified in a significant
+    # way (in seconds since epoch).
+    updated = int;
+    # Names authors of the entry. Recommended element.
+    authors = option (list string);
+    # Related web pages, such as the web location of a blog post.
+    links = option (list link);
+    # Conveys a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of the entry.
+    summary = option string;
+    # Contains the time of the initial creation or first availability
+    # of the entry.
+    published = option int;
+    # Conveys information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and
+    # over the entry.
+    rights = option string;
+  };
+  # 'feed' describes the metadata of the Atom feed itself.
+  #
+  # Some optional fields have been omitted.
+  #
+  # https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#requiredFeedElements
+  feed = struct "feed" {
+    # Identifies the feed using a universally unique and permanent URI.
+    id = string;
+    # Contains a human readable title for the feed.
+    title = string;
+    # Indicates the last time the feed was modified in a significant
+    # way (in seconds since epoch). Recommended element.
+    updated = int;
+    # Entries contained within the feed.
+    entries = list entry;
+    # Names authors of the feed. Recommended element.
+    authors = option (list string);
+    # Related web locations. Recommended element.
+    links = option (list link);
+    # Conveys information about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and
+    # over the feed.
+    rights = option string;
+    # Contains a human-readable description or subtitle for the feed.
+    subtitle = option string;
+  };
+  # Feed generation functions:
+  renderEpoch = epoch: removeSuffix "\n" (readFile (runCommandNoCC "date-${toString epoch}" {} ''
+    date --date='@${toString epoch}' --utc --iso-8601='seconds' > $out
+  ''));
+  escape = replaceStrings [ "<" ">" "&" "'" ] [ "&lt;" "&gt;" "&amp;" "&#39;" ];
+  elem = name: content: ''<${name}>${escape content}</${name}>'';
+  renderLink = defun [ link string ] (l: ''
+    <link href="${escape l.href}" rel="${escape l.rel}" />
+  '');
+  # Technically the author element can also contain 'uri' and 'email'
+  # fields, but they are not used for the purpose of this feed and are
+  # omitted.
+  renderAuthor = author: ''<author><name>${escape author}</name></author>'';
+  renderEntry = defun [ entry string ] (e: ''
+    <entry>
+      ${elem "title" e.title}
+      ${elem "id" e.id}
+      ${elem "updated" (renderEpoch e.updated)}
+      <content type="html">${escape e.content}</content>
+      ${concatStrings (map renderAuthor (e.authors or []))}
+      ${if e ? subtitle then elem "subtitle" e.subtitle else ""}
+      ${if e ? rights then elem "rights" e.rights else ""}
+      ${concatStrings (map renderLink (e.links or []))}
+    </entry>
+  '');
+  renderFeed = defun [ feed string ] (f: ''
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
+      ${elem "id" f.id}
+      ${elem "title" f.title}
+      ${elem "updated" (renderEpoch f.updated)}
+      ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map renderAuthor (f.authors or []))}
+      ${if f ? subtitle then elem "subtitle" f.subtitle else ""}
+      ${if f ? rights then elem "rights" f.rights else ""}
+      ${concatStrings (map renderLink (f.links or []))}
+      ${concatStrings (map renderEntry f.entries)}
+    </feed>
+  '');
+in {
+  inherit entry feed renderFeed renderEpoch;