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path: root/users/sterni
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/sterni')
44 files changed, 4795 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/sterni/OWNERS b/users/sterni/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cace4d0f3759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+inherited: false
+  - sterni
diff --git a/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/README.md b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f42ff43a210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# clhs-lookup
+Simple cli to lookup symbols' documentation in a local copy of the
+Common Lisp HyperSpec.
+## usage
+clhs-lookup [--print] symbol [symbol [...]]
+  --print  Print documentation paths to stdout instead of
+           opening them with $BROWSER (defaults to xdg-open).
diff --git a/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/clhs-lookup.lisp b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/clhs-lookup.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e61dd901f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/clhs-lookup.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(in-package :clhs-lookup)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun find-symbols-paths (syms clhs)
+  "Find pathnames to HyperSpec files describing the listed
+  symbol names (as strings). Paths are returned in the order
+  of the symbols given with missing entries removed."
+  (check-type syms list)
+  (check-type clhs pathname)
+  (let* ((data-dir (merge-pathnames "HyperSpec/Data/" clhs))
+         (data (merge-pathnames "Map_Sym.txt" data-dir))
+         (found (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+         (syms (mapcar #'string-upcase syms)))
+  (with-open-file (s data :direction :input)
+    (loop
+      with missing    = syms
+      for symbol-line = (read-line s nil :eof)
+      for path-line   = (read-line s nil :eof)
+      until (or (eq symbol-line :eof)
+                (eq path-line   :eof)
+                (null missing))
+      for pos = (position symbol-line missing :test #'equal)
+      when pos
+      do (progn
+           (delete symbol-line missing)
+           (setf (gethash symbol-line found) path-line)))
+    ; TODO(sterni): get rid of Data/../ in path
+    (mapcar
+      (lambda (x) (merge-pathnames x data-dir))
+      (remove nil
+        (mapcar (lambda (x) (gethash x found)) syms))))))
+(defun main ()
+  (let* ((browser (or (uiop:getenvp "BROWSER") "xdg-open"))
+         (args    (uiop:command-line-arguments))
+         (prin    (member "--print" args :test #'equal))
+         (syms    (remove-if (lambda (x) (eq (char x 0) #\-)) args))
+         (paths (find-symbols-paths syms *clhs-path*)))
+      (if (null paths)
+        (uiop:quit 1)
+        (dolist (p paths)
+          (if prin
+            (format t "~A~%" p)
+            (uiop:launch-program
+              (format nil "~A ~A" browser p)
+              :force-shell t))))))
diff --git a/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/default.nix b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1cde38e8ce3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{ pkgs, depot, ... }:
+  inherit (pkgs) fetchzip writeText;
+  inherit (depot.nix) buildLisp;
+  inherit (builtins) replaceStrings;
+  clhsVersion = "7-0";
+  clhs = fetchzip {
+    name = "HyperSpec-${replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "." ] clhsVersion}";
+    url = "ftp://ftp.lispworks.com/pub/software_tools/reference/HyperSpec-${clhsVersion}.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "1zsi35245m5sfb862ibzy0pzlph48wvlggnqanymhgqkpa1v20ak";
+    stripRoot = false;
+  };
+  clhs-path = writeText "clhs-path.lisp" ''
+    (in-package :clhs-lookup.clhs-path)
+    (defparameter *clhs-path* (pathname "${clhs}/"))
+  '';
+  clhs-lookup = buildLisp.program {
+    name = "clhs-lookup";
+    deps = [
+      {
+        default = buildLisp.bundled "asdf";
+        sbcl = buildLisp.bundled "uiop";
+      }
+    ];
+    srcs = [
+      ./packages.lisp
+      clhs-path
+      ./clhs-lookup.lisp
+    ];
+  };
diff --git a/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/packages.lisp b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/packages.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d059b96ce9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/clhs-lookup/packages.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(defpackage :clhs-lookup.clhs-path
+  (:use :cl)
+  (:export :*clhs-path*))
+(defpackage clhs-lookup
+  (:use :cl :uiop)
+  (:import-from :clhs-lookup.clhs-path :*clhs-path*)
+  (:export :main
+           :find-symbols-paths))
diff --git a/users/sterni/dot-time-man-pages/OWNERS b/users/sterni/dot-time-man-pages/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..980c17b424f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/dot-time-man-pages/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+inherited: true
+  - edef
diff --git a/users/sterni/dot-time-man-pages/default.nix b/users/sterni/dot-time-man-pages/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c449cde613f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/dot-time-man-pages/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  # TODO(sterni): find a better place for this: is dot time //fun?
+  # get the email address of a depot user from //ops/users
+  findEmail = user:
+    let
+      res = builtins.filter ({ username, ... }: username == user) depot.ops.users;
+      len = builtins.length res;
+    in
+    if len == 1
+    then (builtins.head res).email
+    else builtins.throw "findEmail: got ${toString len} results instead of 1";
+  # dot-time(7) man page, ported from dotti.me
+  dot-time = rec {
+    name = "dot-time";
+    section = 7;
+    content = ''
+      .Dd $Mdocdate$
+      .Dt ${lib.toUpper name} ${toString section}
+      .Os
+      .Sh NAME
+      .Nm ${name}
+      .Nd a universal convention for conveying time
+      For those of us who travel often or coordinate across many timezones,
+      working with local time is frequently impractical.
+      ISO8601, in all its wisdom, allows for time zone designators,
+      but still represents the hours and minutes as local time,
+      thus making it inconvenient for quickly comparing timestamps from
+      different locations.
+      .Pp
+      Dot time instead uses UTC for all date, hour, and minute indications,
+      and while it allows for time zone designators, they are optional
+      information that can be dropped without changing the indicated time.
+      It uses an alternate hour separator to make it easy to distinguish from
+      regular ISO8601.
+      When a time zone designator is provided, one can easily obtain
+      the matching local time by adding the UTC offset to the UTC time.
+      .Sh EXAMPLES
+      These timestamps all represent the same point in time.
+      .TS
+      allbox tab(|);
+      lb | lb | lb
+      l  | l  | l.
+      dot time|ISO8601|RFC3339
+      2019-06-19T22·13-04|2019-06-19T18:13-04|2019-06-19T18:13:00-04:00
+      2019-06-19T22·13+00|2019-06-19T22:13+00|2019-06-19T22:13:00Z
+      2019-06-19T22·13+02|2019-06-20T00:13+02|2019-06-20T00:13:00+02:00
+      .TE
+      .Sh SEE ALSO
+      .Lk https://dotti.me dotti.me
+      .Sh AUTHORS
+      .An -nosplit
+      .Sy dot time
+      has been proposed and documented by
+      .An edef Aq Mt ${findEmail "edef"}
+      and ported to
+      .Xr mdoc 7
+      by
+      .An sterni Aq Mt ${findEmail "sterni"} .
+    '';
+  };
+depot.nix.buildManPages "dot-time" { } [
+  dot-time
diff --git a/users/sterni/emacs/default.nix b/users/sterni/emacs/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1bfbebb71c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/emacs/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (pkgs.emacsNativeComp.pkgs) withPackages;
+  emacs = withPackages (epkgs: [
+    epkgs.bqn-mode
+    epkgs.elpaPackages.ada-mode
+    epkgs.elpaPackages.rainbow-mode
+    epkgs.elpaPackages.undo-tree
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.adoc-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.cmake-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.direnv
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.dockerfile-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.editorconfig
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.elfeed
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.evil
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.evil-collection
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.haskell-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.hl-todo
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.jq-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.languagetool
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.lsp-haskell
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.lsp-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.magit
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.markdown-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.meson-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.nix-mode
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.org-clock-csv
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.paredit
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.rainbow-delimiters
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.sly
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.use-package
+    epkgs.melpaPackages.yaml-mode
+    epkgs.rust-mode
+    epkgs.tvlPackages.tvl
+    epkgs.urweb-mode
+  ]);
+  configDirectory = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
+    name = "emacs.d";
+    paths = [
+      ./.
+      (pkgs.writeTextFile {
+        name = "injected-emacs.d";
+        destination = "/nix-inject.el";
+        text = ''
+          ;; bqn-mode
+          (setq bqn-interpreter-path "${pkgs.cbqn}/bin/BQN")
+          ;; languagetool
+          (setq languagetool-java-bin "${pkgs.jre}/bin/java"
+                languagetool-console-command "${pkgs.languagetool}/share/languagetool-commandline.jar"
+                languagetool-server-command "${pkgs.languagetool}/share/languagetool-server.jar"
+                languagetool-java-arguments '("-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"))
+          ;; use bash instead of fish from SHELL for some things, as it plays
+          ;; nicer with TERM=dumb, as I don't need/want vterm anyways.
+          ;; We want it to source /etc/profile for some extra setup that
+          ;; kicks in if TERM=dumb, meaning we can't use dash/sh mode.
+          (setq shell-file-name "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"
+                explicit-bash-args '("-l"))
+          (provide 'nix-inject)
+        '';
+      })
+    ];
+    postBuild = ''
+      rm "$out/default.nix"
+    '';
+  };
+# sadly we can't give an init-file via the command line
+(pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "emacs" ''
+  exec ${emacs}/bin/emacs          \
+    --no-init-file                 \
+    --directory ${configDirectory} \
+    --eval "(require 'init)"       \
+    "$@"
+'').overrideAttrs (super: {
+  buildCommand = ''
+    ${super.buildCommand}
+    ln -s "${emacs}/bin/emacsclient" "$out/bin/emacsclient"
+  '';
diff --git a/users/sterni/emacs/init.el b/users/sterni/emacs/init.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4073bf63e5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/emacs/init.el
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+;; Set default font and fallback font via set-fontset-font
+;; TODO(sterni): Investigate why ZWJ sequences aren't shaped properly
+(let ((mono-font "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-12")
+      (emoji-font "Noto Color Emoji-12"))
+  (setq default-frame-alist `((font . ,mono-font)))
+  (set-frame-font mono-font t t)
+  (set-fontset-font t nil emoji-font))
+(setq inhibit-startup-message t
+      display-time-24hr-format t
+      select-enable-clipboard t)
+;; Reload files
+(global-auto-revert-mode 1)
+;; Indent
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+(setq tab-width 2
+      css-indent-offset tab-width)
+;; UTF-8
+(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
+(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
+(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
+(set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8)
+(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
+;; Disable unnecessary GUI elements
+(scroll-bar-mode 0)
+(menu-bar-mode 0)
+(tool-bar-mode 0)
+(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions
+          (lambda (frame) (scroll-bar-mode 0)))
+;; don't center on cursor when scrolling
+(setq scroll-conservatively 1)
+;; type less
+(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
+;; Extra settings when graphical session
+(when window-system
+  (setq frame-title-format '(buffer-file-name "%f" ("%b")))
+  (mouse-wheel-mode t)
+  (blink-cursor-mode -1))
+;; /tmp is a tmpfs, but we may want to recover from power loss
+ `(temporary-file-directory ,(concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs/tmp")))
+(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
+      `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t)))
+(setq backup-directory-alist
+      `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)))
+(setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist
+      `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)))
+(setq backup-by-copying t)
+(setq create-lockfiles nil)
+;; save history
+(setq savehist-additional-variables '(search-ring regexp-search-ring magit-cl-history))
+;; buffers
+;; performance migitations
+;; unique component should come first for better completion
+(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)
+;; completions
+(ido-mode 1)
+(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
+;; Display column numbers
+(column-number-mode t)
+(setq-default fill-column 80)
+(setq display-fill-column-indicator-column t)
+(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'display-fill-column-indicator-mode)
+;; whitespace
+(setq whitespace-style '(face trailing tabs)
+      whitespace-line-column fill-column)
+(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'whitespace-mode)
+(setq-default indicate-empty-lines t)
+(setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)
+(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)
+;;; Configure built in modes
+;; Perl
+(setq perl-indent-level 2)
+(setq perl-continued-statement-offset 0)
+(setq perl-continued-brace-offset 0)
+;; org mode
+(setq org-clock-persist 'history)
+(let ((org-folder (concat (getenv "HOME") "/files/sync/org")))
+  (setq org-agenda-files (directory-files-recursively org-folder "\\.org$")
+        org-default-notes-file (concat org-folder "/inbox.org")
+        initial-buffer-choice org-default-notes-file))
+;; ediff
+; doesn't create new window for ediff controls which I always open accidentally
+(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
+;; man
+(setq Man-notify-method 'pushy) ; display man page in current window
+;; shell
+; default, but allows ';' as prompt
+(setq shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>;\n]*[#$%>;] *")
+;; projects (see also evil config)
+(setq project-switch-commands
+      '((project-find-file "Find file")
+        (project-find-regexp "Find regexp")
+        (project-dired "Dired")
+        (project-shell "Shell")))
+;;; Configure packages
+(require 'use-package)
+(use-package undo-tree
+  :config
+  (global-undo-tree-mode)
+  (setq undo-tree-auto-save-history t))
+(use-package magit
+  :after evil
+  :config
+  ; reset (buffer-local) fill-column value to emacs' default
+  ; gerrit doesn't like 80 column commit messages…
+  (add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook (lambda () (setq fill-column 72)))
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>gr") 'magit-status))
+(use-package tvl
+  :after magit
+  :custom tvl-depot-path (concat (getenv "HOME") "/src/depot"))
+(setq ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)
+(use-package evil
+  :init
+  (setq evil-want-integration t)
+  (setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
+  (setq evil-shift-width 2)
+  (setq evil-split-window-below t)
+  (setq evil-split-window-right t)
+  (setq evil-undo-system 'undo-tree)
+  :config
+  (evil-mode 1)
+  (evil-set-leader 'normal ",") ;; TODO(sterni): space would be nice, but…
+  (evil-set-leader 'visual ",")
+  ;; buffer management
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>bk") 'kill-buffer)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>bb") 'switch-to-buffer)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>bl") 'list-buffers)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>br") 'revert-buffer)
+  ;; window management: C-w hjkl is annoying in neo
+  (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "<left>") 'evil-window-left)
+  (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "<right>") 'evil-window-right)
+  (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "<up>") 'evil-window-up)
+  (define-key evil-window-map (kbd "<down>") 'evil-window-down)
+  ;; projects
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>pf") 'project-find-file)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>pg") 'project-find-regexp)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>pd") 'project-dired)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>ps") 'project-shell)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>pR") 'project-query-replace-regexp)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>pK") 'project-kill-buffers)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>pp") 'project-switch-project)
+  ;; emacs
+  (evil-define-key 'visual 'global (kbd "<leader>ee") 'eval-region)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>ee") 'eval-last-sexp)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>ep") 'eval-print-last-sexp)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>eh") 'help)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>em") 'man)
+  (evil-define-key '(normal visual) 'global (kbd "<leader>eu") 'browse-url-at-point)
+  ;; modify what is displayed
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>dw")
+    (lambda ()
+      (interactive)
+      (whitespace-mode 'toggle)
+      (display-fill-column-indicator-mode 'toggle)))
+  ;; org-mode
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>oa") 'org-agenda)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>oc") 'org-capture)
+  ;; elfeed bindings for evil (can't use-package elfeed apparently)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>ff") 'elfeed)
+  (evil-define-key '(normal visual) elfeed-search-mode-map
+    (kbd "o") 'elfeed-search-browse-url
+    (kbd "r") 'elfeed-search-untag-all-unread
+    (kbd "u") 'elfeed-search-tag-all-unread
+    (kbd "<leader>ff") 'elfeed-search-fetch
+    (kbd "<leader>fc") 'elfeed-db-compact
+    (kbd "<leader>fr") 'elfeed-search-update--force))
+(use-package evil-collection
+  :after evil
+  :config
+  (evil-collection-init))
+;; parens
+(use-package rainbow-delimiters
+  :hook ((prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)))
+(setq show-paren-delay 0)
+(use-package paredit
+  :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . paredit-mode)
+         (lisp-mode . paredit-mode)
+         (ielm-mode . paredit-mode)
+         (lisp-interaction-mode . paredit-mode)))
+(use-package nix-mode :mode "\\.nix\\'")
+(use-package nix-drv-mode :mode "\\.drv\\'")
+(use-package direnv
+  :config (direnv-mode))
+(use-package editorconfig
+  :config (editorconfig-mode 1))
+(use-package haskell-mode)
+(use-package lsp-mode
+  :hook ((haskell-mode . lsp-deferred))
+  :commands (lsp lsp-deferred))
+(use-package lsp-haskell)
+(use-package urweb-mode)
+(use-package bqn-mode
+  :mode "\\.bqn\\'"
+  :custom bqn-mode-map-prefix "C-s-") ; probably rather using C-\
+(use-package yaml-mode)
+(use-package dockerfile-mode)
+(use-package jq-mode
+  :config (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jq\\'" . jq-mode)))
+(use-package rust-mode)
+(use-package sly
+  :after evil
+  :hook ((sly-mrepl-mode . (lambda ()
+                             (enable-paredit-mode)
+                             (rainbow-delimiters-mode-enable))))
+  :config
+  (evil-define-key '(normal insert) sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "C-r") 'isearch-backward))
+(use-package ada-mode)
+(use-package rainbow-mode)
+(use-package hl-todo
+  :hook ((prog-mode . hl-todo-mode))
+  :config
+  (setq hl-todo-keyword-faces
+        '(("TODO"  . "#FF0000")
+          ("FIXME" . "#FF0000")
+          ("HACK"  . "#7f7f7f")
+          ("XXX"   . "#aa0000"))))
+(use-package markdown-mode
+  :commands (markdown-mode gfm-mode)
+  :mode (("\\.md\\'" . markdown-mode)))
+(use-package adoc-mode
+  :mode (("\\.adoc\\'" . adoc-mode)))
+(use-package languagetool
+  :after evil
+  :custom
+  languagetool-java-arguments '("-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8")
+  languagetool-default-language "en-GB"
+  languagetool-mother-tongue "de-DE"
+  :config
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>ll") 'languagetool-check)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>lc") 'languagetool-correct-at-point)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>ls") 'languagetool-set-language)
+  (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>lr") 'languagetool-clear-buffer))
+(unless (server-running-p)
+  (server-start))
+(require 'subscriptions)
+(require 'nix-inject)
+(provide 'init)
diff --git a/users/sterni/emacs/subscriptions.el b/users/sterni/emacs/subscriptions.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50bfff81f667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/emacs/subscriptions.el
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+;;; elfeed subscriptions
+(setq elfeed-feeds
+      (append
+       ;; immutable subscriptions tracked in git
+       '(("https://repology.org/maintainer/sternenseemann%40systemli.org/feed-for-repo/nix_unstable/atom" dashboard releases)
+         ("http://hundimbuero.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("gopher://text.causal.agency/0feed.atom" blog)
+         ("http://xsteadfastx.org/feed/" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://tvl.fyi/feed.atom" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://hannes.robur.coop/atom" blog)
+         ("https://stevelosh.com/rss.xml" blog)
+         ("https://planet.lisp.org/rss20.xml" blog)
+         ("https://hyperthings.garden/rss/all-posts.xml" blog)
+         ("https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/rss.xml" blog)
+         ("https://leahneukirchen.org/blog/index.atom" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://leahneukirchen.org/trivium/index.atom" blog links cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://firefly.nu/feeds/all.atom.xml" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://tazj.in/feed.atom" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://alyssa.is/feed.xml" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://eta.st/feed.xml" blog cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://spectrum-os.org/git/www/atom/bibliography.html" links blog)
+         ("https://rachelbythebay.com/w/atom.xml" blog)
+         ("http://evrl.com/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("https://vulns.xyz/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("https://www.german-foreign-policy.com/?type=9818" news)
+         ("https://niedzejkob.p4.team/rss.xml" blog)
+         ("https://grahamc.com/feed/" blog)
+         ("https://michael.stapelberg.ch/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("https://kazu-yamamoto.hatenablog.jp/feed" blog)
+         ("https://ariadne.space/feed/" blog)
+         ("https://bodil.lol/rss.xml" blog)
+         ("http://blog.nullspace.io/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("https://blog.kingcons.io/rss.xml" blog)
+         ("http://jaspervdj.be/rss.xml" blog)
+         ("https://www.imperialviolet.org/iv-rss.xml" blog)
+         ("https://latacora.micro.blog/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("https://22gato.tumblr.com/rss" pictures cool-and-nice)
+         ("https://theprofoundprogrammer.com/rss" blog)
+         ("https://wiki.openlab-augsburg.de/_feed" openlab)
+         ("http://shitopenlabsays.tumblr.com/rss" openlab)
+         ("http://suckless.org/atom.xml" releases)
+         ("https://kristaps.bsd.lv/lowdown/atom.xml" releases)
+         ("http://0pointer.net/blog/index.atom" blog)
+         ("https://emacsninja.com/feed.atom" blog)
+         ("https://emacshorrors.com/feed.atom" blog)
+         ("http://therealmntmn.tumblr.com/rss" blog)
+         ("http://blog.duangle.com/feeds/posts/default" blog)
+         ("http://blog.johl.io/atom.xml" blog)
+         ("http://blog.z3bra.org/rss/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("http://ccc.de/de/rss/updates.xml" news)
+         ;; ("http://fabienne.us/feed/" blog) ; database error
+         ("http://feeds.feedburner.com/baschtcom" blog)
+         ("http://ffaaaffaffaffaa.tumblr.com/rss" pictures)
+         ("http://fnordig.de/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("http://fotografiona.tumblr.com/rss" pictures)
+         ("https://grandhotel-cosmopolis.org/de/feed" news)
+         ("http://guteaussicht.org/rss" pictures)
+         ("http://konvergenzfehler.de/feed/" blog)
+         ("https://markuscisler.com/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("http://n00bcore.de/feed/" podcast)
+         ("http://spacethatneverwas.tumblr.com/rss" pictures)
+         ("http://theresa.someserver.de/blog/?feed=rss2" blog)
+         ("http://www.frumble.de/blog/feed/" blog)
+         ("http://www.plomlompom.de/PlomRogue/plomwiki.php?action=Blog_Atom" blog)
+         ("http://www.whvrt.de/rss" pictures)
+         ("http://www.windytan.com/feeds/posts/default" blog)
+         ("https://echtsuppe.wordpress.com/feed/" blog defunct)
+         ("https://mgsloan.com/feed.xml" blog)
+         ("https://notes.sterni.lv/atom.xml" me)
+         ("http://arduina.net/feed/" defunct blog)
+         ("http://beza1e1.tuxen.de/blog_en.atom" blog)
+         ("https://anchor.fm/s/94bb000/podcast/rss" podcast))
+         ;; http://www.wollenzin.de/feed/ ;_;
+       ;; add more feeds from an untracked file in $HOME
+       (let ((file (concat (getenv "HOME")
+                           "/.config/emacs-custom/mutable-subscriptions.el")))
+         (when (file-exists-p file)
+           (read (with-temp-buffer
+                   (insert-file-contents file)
+                   (buffer-string)))))))
+(provide 'subscriptions)
diff --git a/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/.gitignore b/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de53cfc531cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/2021/default.nix b/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/2021/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3ed563ec6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/2021/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{ depot ? import ../../../../.. { }
+, pkgs ? depot.third_party.nixpkgs
+, ...
+pkgs.mkShell {
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    pkgs.cbqn
+  ];
diff --git a/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/2021/solutions.bqn b/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/2021/solutions.bqn
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..4cedb567f9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/exercises/aoc/2021/solutions.bqn
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env BQN
+# Utilities
+IsAsciiNum ← ('0'⊸≤∧≤⟜'9')
+ReadInt ← {(𝕨⊸×+⊣)´∘⌽-⟜'0'𝕩} # stolen from leah2
+ReadDec ← 10⊸ReadInt
+ReadInput ← {•file.Lines ∾ •path‿"/input/day"‿(•Fmt 𝕩)}
+SplitOn ← ((⊢ (-1˙)⍟⊣¨ +`∘(1⊸»<⊢))∘(≡¨)⊔⊢)
+_fix ← {𝕩 𝕊∘⊢⍟≢ 𝔽 𝕩}
+# 2021-12-01
+# part 1
+day1ExampleInput ← 199‿200‿208‿210‿200‿207‿240‿269‿260‿263
+day1Input ← ReadDec¨ReadInput 1
+# NB: Because distance from the ground is never smaller than zero, it's
+# no problem that nudge inserts a zero at the end of the right list
+PositiveDeltaCount ← +´∘(⊢<«)+˝˘∘↕
+! 7 = 1 PositiveDeltaCount day1ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 1.1: "∾•Fmt 1 PositiveDeltaCount day1Input
+# part 2
+! 5 = 3 PositiveDeltaCount day1ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 1.2: "∾•Fmt 3 PositiveDeltaCount day1Input
+# 2021-12-02
+# part 1
+day2ExampleInput ← ⟨
+  "forward 5",
+  "down 5",
+  "forward 8",
+  "up 3",
+  "down 8",
+  "forward 2",
+day2Input ← ReadInput 2
+ParseSubmarineCommand ← (((↕2)⊸((((-1)⊸⋆)∘(2⊸|))×(=⟜(⌊∘(÷⟜2))))∘("duf"⊸⊐)∘⊑)×ReadDec∘(IsAsciiNum/⊢))
+SubmarineDestProduct ← {×´+´ParseSubmarineCommand¨𝕩}
+! 150 = SubmarineDestProduct day2ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 2.1: "∾•Fmt SubmarineDestProduct day2Input
+# part 2
+SubmarineAimedDestProduct ← {
+  ×´+´((×´)∘(1⊸↓)≍(1⊸⊑))¨ (<0‿0‿0) (⊢∾((⊑∘⌽⊣)+(⊑⊢)))` ParseSubmarineCommand¨𝕩
+! 900 = SubmarineAimedDestProduct day2ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 2.2: "∾•Fmt SubmarineAimedDestProduct day2Input
+# 2021-12-03
+BinTable ← '0'-˜>
+day3ExampleInput ← BinTable ⟨
+  "00100",
+  "11110",
+  "10110",
+  "10111",
+  "10101",
+  "01111",
+  "00111",
+  "11100",
+  "10000",
+  "11001",
+  "00010",
+  "01010",
+day3Input ← BinTable ReadInput 3
+DeBinList ← ((2⊸×)+⊣)´⌽
+_tableAggr ← {((÷⟜2)∘(/⟜⥊)´∘⌽∘≢𝔽(+˝))𝕩}
+GammaRate ← < _tableAggr
+! 22 = DeBinList GammaRate day3ExampleInput
+! 9  = DeBinList ¬GammaRate day3ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 3.1: "∾•Fmt (¬×○DeBinList⊢) GammaRate day3Input
+_lifeSupportRating ← {
+  # Need to rename the arguments, otherwise the ternary expr becomes a function
+  bitPos ← 𝕨
+  Cmp ← 𝔽
+  crit ← Cmp _tableAggr 𝕩
+  matchPos ← bitPos ⊑˘ crit ((⥊˜⟜≢)=⊢) 𝕩
+  match ← matchPos/𝕩
+  {1=≠match?⊏match;(bitPos+1) Cmp _lifeSupportRating match}
+OxygenGeneratorRating ← DeBinList 0 ≤_lifeSupportRating ⊢
+CO2ScrubberRating ← DebinList 0 >_lifeSupportRating ⊢
+! 23 = OxygenGeneratorRating day3ExampleInput
+! 10 = CO2ScrubberRating day3ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 3.2: "∾•Fmt (OxygenGeneratorRating×CO2ScrubberRating) day3Input
+# 2021-12-04
+day4Numbers ← ReadDec¨ ',' SplitOn ⊑ReadInput 4
+day4Boards ← ReadDec¨>˘(' '⊸SplitOn¨)> (<⟨⟩) SplitOn 2↓ReadInput 4
+BoardWins ← {C ← ∨´∘(∧´˘) ⋄ (C∨C∘⍉)𝕩}
+_CallNumber ← {(𝕗∊⥊𝕩) (∨⍟(¬∘BoardWins∘⊢))˘ 𝕨}
+BoardWinScores ← {
+  𝕩 (0⊸</×) (⊢-») (+´)∘(BoardWins˘/(+´⥊)˘∘(𝕨⊸×⟜¬))¨ (<0⥊˜≢𝕨) (𝕨 _CallNumber)`𝕩
+day4WinScores ← day4Boards BoardWinScores day4Numbers
+•Out "Day 4.1: "∾•Fmt ⊑day4WinScores
+•Out "Day 4.2: "∾•Fmt ⊑⌽day4WinScores
+# 2021-12-06
+day6ExampleInput ← ⟨3,4,3,1,2⟩
+day6Input ← ReadDec¨ ',' SplitOn ⊑ReadInput 6
+LanternfishPopulation ← {+´ (1⊸⌽+(⊑×((6⊸=)∘↕∘≠)))⍟𝕨 9↑≠¨⊔ 𝕩}
+! 26 = 18 LanternfishPopulation day6ExampleInput
+! 5934 = 80 LanternfishPopulation day6ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 6.1: "∾•Fmt 80 LanternfishPopulation day6Input
+•Out "Day 6.2: "∾•Fmt 256 LanternfishPopulation day6Input
+# 2021-12-07
+# part 1
+day7ExampleInput ← ⟨16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14⟩
+day7Input ← ReadDec¨ ','  SplitOn ⊑ReadInput 7
+PossiblePositions ← (⌊´+⟜(↕1⊸+)⌈´)
+FuelConsumption ← +˝∘|∘(-⌜)
+_lowestFuelPossible ← {⌊´∘(𝔽⟜PossiblePositions)˜ 𝕩}
+! 37 = FuelConsumption _lowestFuelPossible day7ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 7.1: "∾•Fmt FuelConsumption _lowestFuelPossible day7Input
+# part 2
+TriNum ← 1⊸+×÷⟜2
+FuelConsumption2 ← +˝∘(TriNum¨)∘|∘(-⌜)
+! 168 = FuelConsumption2 _lowestFuelPossible day7ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 7.2: "∾•Fmt FuelConsumption2 _lowestFuelPossible day7Input
+# 2021-12-09
+# part 1
+ParseHeightMap ← ((≠≍(≠⊑))⥊∾)∘-⟜'0'
+day9ExampleInput ← ParseHeightMap ⟨
+  "2199943210",
+  "3987894921",
+  "9856789892",
+  "8767896789",
+  "9899965678"
+day9Input ← ParseHeightMap ReadInput 9
+Rotate ← (⍉⌽)∘⊢⍟⊣ # counter clockwise
+LowPoints ← {∧´𝕩⊸(⊣<((-⊢) Rotate ∞⊸»˘∘Rotate˜))¨ ↕4}
+RiskLevelSum ← (+´⥊)∘(1⊸+×LowPoints)
+! 15 = RiskLevelSum day9ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 9.1: "∾•Fmt RiskLevelSum day9Input
+# part 2
+NumberBasins ← ((1⊸+⊒⌾⥊)×⊢)∘LowPoints
+Basins ← {𝕩⊸((<⟜9⊣)∧(«⌈»⌈«˘⌈»˘⌈⊢)∘⊢) _fix NumberBasins 𝕩}
+LargestBasinsProduct ← {×´ 3↑ ∨ 1↓ ≠¨ ⊔⥊Basins 𝕩}
+! 1134 = LargestBasinsProduct day9ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 9.2: "∾•Fmt LargestBasinsProduct day9Input
+# 2021-12-10
+day10ExampleInput ← ⟨
+  "[({(<(())[]>[[{[]{<()<>>",
+  "[(()[<>])]({[<{<<[]>>(",
+  "{([(<{}[<>[]}>{[]{[(<()>",
+  "(((({<>}<{<{<>}{[]{[]{}",
+  "[[<[([]))<([[{}[[()]]]",
+  "[{[{({}]{}}([{[{{{}}([]",
+  "{<[[]]>}<{[{[{[]{()[[[]",
+  "[<(<(<(<{}))><([]([]()",
+  "<{([([[(<>()){}]>(<<{{",
+  "<{([{{}}[<[[[<>{}]]]>[]]",
+day10Input ← ReadInput 10
+# part 1
+opp ← "([{<"
+clp ← ")]}>"
+SwapParen ← (opp∾⌽clp)⊸((⊑⊐)⊑(⌽⊣))
+ParenStacks ← ((<⟨⟩)⊸(((⊑∊)⟜clp⊢)◶(∾˜⟜SwapParen)‿(1⊸↓⊣)`))
+LegalParens ← ((1⊸↑)¨∘»∘ParenStacks ((∊⟜opp⊢)∨(≡⟜⋈)¨) ⊢)
+_ScoreFor_ ← {𝕗⊸(𝕘⊸⊐⊏⊣) 𝕩}
+SyntaxScore ← +´∘(0‿3‿57‿1197‿25137 _ScoreFor_ (" "∾clp))∘∾∘(1⊸↑∘(¬∘LegalParens/⊢)¨)
+! 26397 = SyntaxScore day10ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 10.1: "∾•Fmt SyntaxScore day10Input
+# part 2
+AutocompleteScore ← {
+  Score ← (5⊸×⊸+)˜´∘⌽∘((1+↕4) _ScoreFor_ clp)
+  # TODO(sterni): we compute ParenStacks twice here
+  ((⌊÷⟜2)∘≠⊑⊢) ∧ Score∘(⊑⌽)∘ParenStacks¨ (∧´∘LegalParens¨/⊢) 𝕩
+! 288957 = AutocompleteScore day10ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 10.2: "∾•Fmt AutocompleteScore day10Input
+# 2021-12-11
+day11Input ← '0'-˜> ReadInput 11
+day11ExampleInput ← >⟨
+  ⟨5,4,8,3,1,4,3,2,2,3,⟩,
+  ⟨2,7,4,5,8,5,4,7,1,1,⟩,
+  ⟨5,2,6,4,5,5,6,1,7,3,⟩,
+  ⟨6,1,4,1,3,3,6,1,4,6,⟩,
+  ⟨6,3,5,7,3,8,5,4,7,8,⟩,
+  ⟨4,1,6,7,5,2,4,6,4,5,⟩,
+  ⟨2,1,7,6,8,4,1,7,2,1,⟩,
+  ⟨6,8,8,2,8,8,1,1,3,4,⟩,
+  ⟨4,8,4,6,8,4,8,5,5,4,⟩,
+  ⟨5,2,8,3,7,5,1,5,2,6,⟩,
+# part 1
+OctopusFlash ← {
+  ((⥊⟜0)∘≢𝕊⊢) 𝕩;
+  flashing ← (¬𝕨)∧9<𝕩
+  energy ← ((«˘»)+(»˘«)+(»˘»)+(«˘«)+(»˘)+(«˘)+«+») flashing
+  ((𝕨∨flashing)⊸𝕊)⍟(0<+´⥊flashing) energy+𝕩
+OctopusStep ← ((9⊸≥)×⊢)∘OctopusFlash∘(1⊸+)
+OctopusFlashCount ← {+´⥊0=>(OctopusStep⊣)`(1+𝕨)⥊<𝕩}
+! 1656 = 100 OctopusFlashCount day11ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 11.1: "∾•Fmt 100 OctopusFlashCount day11Input
+# part 2
+_iterCountUntil_ ← {
+  0 𝕊 𝕩;
+  𝔾◶⟨((𝕨+1)⊸𝕊)∘𝔽, 𝕨˙⟩ 𝕩
+OctopusAllFlashing ← OctopusStep _iterCountUntil_ (∧´∘⥊∘(0⊸=))
+! 195 = OctopusAllFlashing day11ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 11.2: "∾•Fmt OctopusAllFlashing day11Input
+# 2021-12-13
+SplitFoldingInstructions ← ("fold along"⊸(⊣≡≠⊸↑)¨⊔⊢)∘(0⊸(≠⟜≠¨/⊢))
+day13ExampleInput ← SplitFoldingInstructions ⟨
+  "6,10",
+  "0,14",
+  "9,10",
+  "0,3",
+  "10,4",
+  "4,11",
+  "6,0",
+  "6,12",
+  "4,1",
+  "0,13",
+  "10,12",
+  "3,4",
+  "3,0",
+  "8,4",
+  "1,10",
+  "2,14",
+  "8,10",
+  "9,0",
+  "",
+  "fold along y=7",
+  "fold along x=5",
+day13Input ← SplitFoldingInstructions ReadInput 13
+ParseDots ← ReadDec¨∘(','⊸SplitOn)¨
+ParseFolds ← (⊑∘'y'⊸∊≍ReadDec∘(IsAsciiNum/⊢))¨
+day13ExampleDots ← ParseDots ⊑ day13ExampleInput
+# part 1
+# 𝕨=0 => x, 𝕨=1 => y
+# 𝕩 is coordinate to fold around
+# 𝕗 is input dot list (see ParseDots)
+_Fold ← {⍷∘((𝕩⊸(((2⊸×⊣)-⊢)⌊⊢)∘⊑≍1⊸⊑)¨⌾(⌽¨⍟𝕨)) 𝕗}
+! 17 = ≠ 1 day13ExampleDots _Fold 7
+day13Dots ← ParseDots ⊑ day13Input
+day13Folds ← ParseFolds 1 ⊑ day13Input
+•Out "Day 13.1: "∾•Fmt ≠ (day13Dots _Fold)´ ⊑day13Folds
+# part 2
+PerformAllFolds ← {𝕩 {(𝕨 _Fold)´𝕩}˜´ ⌽𝕨}
+DotMatrix ← {
+  ⟨width, height⟩ ← 1+⌈˝∘‿2⥊∾𝕩
+  {𝕩? '█';' '}¨ height‿width⥊≠¨⊔((⊣+(width⊸×)∘⊢)´)¨ 𝕩
+•Out "Day 13.2:"
+•Out •Fmt DotMatrix day13Folds PerformAllFolds day13Dots
+# 2021-12-14
+day14Polymer ← ⊑ReadInput 14
+day14Mapping ← 2↓ReadInput 14
+lp ← (2⊸↑)¨ day14Mapping
+le ← ⍷∾lp
+# returns array as long as 𝕨 detailing how many times the element
+# at any given index occurs in 𝕩.
+Counts ← ((≠⊣)↑(/⁼)∘⊐)
+deltaPairs ← {
+  addedPairs ← ((-1)⊸⊑¨day14Mapping) (⌽⌾(0⊸⊑))∘(∾¨)¨ lp
+  removedPairs ← ⋈¨ (2⊸↑)¨ lp
+  addedPairs (-○(lp⊸Counts))¨ removedPairs
+pairCount ← lp Counts ⥊∘(⋈˘) 2↕day14Polymer
+PairInsert ← {𝕩 +´ 𝕩רdeltaPairs}
+pairElementCount ← (le⊸Counts)¨lp
+ElementRarityDiff ← {
+ ((-1)⊸⊑-⊑)∧ ⌈2÷˜ +´ pairElementCount×PairInsert⍟𝕩 pairCount
+•Out "Day 14.1: "∾•Fmt ElementRarityDiff 10
+•Out "Day 14.2: "∾•Fmt ElementRarityDiff 40
+# 2021-12-15
+day15ExampleInput ← >⟨
+  1‿1‿6‿3‿7‿5‿1‿7‿4‿2
+  1‿3‿8‿1‿3‿7‿3‿6‿7‿2
+  2‿1‿3‿6‿5‿1‿1‿3‿2‿8
+  3‿6‿9‿4‿9‿3‿1‿5‿6‿9
+  7‿4‿6‿3‿4‿1‿7‿1‿1‿1
+  1‿3‿1‿9‿1‿2‿8‿1‿3‿7
+  1‿3‿5‿9‿9‿1‿2‿4‿2‿1
+  3‿1‿2‿5‿4‿2‿1‿6‿3‿9
+  1‿2‿9‿3‿1‿3‿8‿5‿2‿1
+  2‿3‿1‿1‿9‿4‿4‿5‿8‿1
+day15Input ← '0'-˜ ((≠⋈≠∘⊑)⥊∾)ReadInput 15
+LowestRiskLevel ← {
+  start ← 0˙⌾⊑ (⥊⟜∞) ≢𝕩
+  ir ← (1⊑≢𝕩)⥊∞
+  Step ← {𝕩 ⌊ 𝕨 + (ir⊸«⌊ir⊸»⌊∞⊸«˘⌊∞⊸»˘) 𝕩}
+  ⊑⌽⥊ 𝕩⊸Step _fix start
+! 40 = LowestRiskLevel day15ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 15.1: "∾•Fmt LowestRiskLevel day15Input
+FiveByFiveMap ← {(9⊸|)⌾(-⟜1) ∾(<𝕩)+ +⌜˜↕5}
+! 315 = LowestRiskLevel FiveByFiveMap day15ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 15.2: "∾•Fmt LowestRiskLevel FiveByFiveMap day15Input
+# 2021-12-20
+ParsePic ← (⋈⟜0)∘('#'⊸=)∘>
+day20ExampleAlgo ← '#'="..#.#..#####.#.#.#.###.##.....###.##.#..###.####..#####..#....#..#..##..###..######.###...####..#..#####..##..#.#####...##.#.#..#.##..#.#......#.###.######.###.####...#.##.##..#..#..#####.....#.#....###..#.##......#.....#..#..#..##..#...##.######.####.####.#.#...#.......#..#.#.#...####.##.#......#..#...##.#.##..#...##.#.##..###.#......#.#.......#.#.#.####.###.##...#.....####.#..#..#.##.#....##..#.####....##...##..#...#......#.#.......#.......##..####..#...#.#.#...##..#.#..###..#####........#..####......#..#"
+day20ExamplePic ← ParsePic ⟨"#..#.", "#....", "##..#", "..#..", "..###"⟩
+day20Input ← ReadInput 20
+day20Algo ← '#'=⊑day20Input
+day20Pic ← ParsePic 2↓day20Input
+GrowAxis ← {(⊢ (-1)⊸⌽∘∾ (⥊⟜𝕨)∘(2˙⌾⊑)∘≢) 𝕩}
+Grow ← {𝕨 GrowAxis 𝕨 GrowAxis˘ 𝕩}
+Enhance ← {
+  inf ← 1⊑𝕩
+  npic ← ((⊑⟜𝕨)∘DebinList∘⥊)˘˘ 3‿3↕ (inf⊸Grow)⍟2 ⊑𝕩
+  ninf ← 𝕨⊑˜511×inf
+  npic⋈ninf
+_EnhancedPixelCount ← {+´⥊⊑ (𝕨⊸Enhance)⍟𝕗 𝕩}
+! 35 = day20ExampleAlgo 2 _EnhancedPixelCount day20ExamplePic
+! 3351 = day20ExampleAlgo 50 _EnhancedPixelCount day20ExamplePic
+•Out "Day 20.1: "∾•Fmt day20Algo 2 _EnhancedPixelCount day20Pic
+•Out "Day 20.2: "∾•Fmt day20algo 50 _EnhancedPixelCount day20Pic
+# 2021-12-25
+day25Input ← ".>v" ⊐ > ReadInput 25
+day25ExampleInput ← ".>v"⊐∘‿10⥊"v...>>.vv>.vv>>.vv..>>.>v>...v>>v>>.>.v.v>v.vv.v..>.>>..v....vv..>.>v.v.v..>>v.v....v..v.>"
+Xor ← (¬⊸∧∨∧⟜¬)
+MoveHerd ← {(𝕩∧𝕩≠𝕨)+𝕨× (𝕨=𝕩) (Xor⟜(1⊸⌽)∨⊢) (0=𝕩)∧(-1)⌽𝕨=𝕩}
+_fixCount ← {
+  1 𝕊 𝕩;
+  𝕩 ≡◶⟨(𝕨+1)⊸𝕊, 𝕨˙⟩ 𝔽 𝕩
+MoveAllHerds ← (2⊸MoveHerd)∘(1⊸MoveHerd˘)
+! 58 = MoveAllHerds _fixCount day25ExampleInput
+•Out "Day 25.1: "∾•Fmt MoveAllHerds _fixCount day25Input
diff --git a/users/sterni/htmlman/README.md b/users/sterni/htmlman/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..258233d4c4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/htmlman/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# htmlman
+static site generator for man pages intended for
+rendering man page documentation viewable using
+a web browser.
+## usage
+If you have a nix expression, `doc.nix`, like this:
+{ depot, ... }:
+depot.users.sterni.htmlman {
+  title = "foo project";
+  pages = [
+    {
+      name = "foo";
+      section = 1;
+    }
+    {
+      name = "foo";
+      section = 3;
+      path = ../devman/foo.3;
+    }
+  ];
+  manDir = ../man;
+You can run the following to directly deploy the resulting
+documentation output to a specific target directory:
+nix-build -A deploy doc.nix && ./result target_directory
diff --git a/users/sterni/htmlman/default.nix b/users/sterni/htmlman/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6bf21ce2dbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/htmlman/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix)
+    getBins
+    runExecline
+    yants
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.tools)
+    cheddar
+    ;
+  inherit (pkgs)
+    mandoc
+    coreutils
+    fetchurl
+    writers
+    ;
+  bins = getBins cheddar [ "cheddar" ]
+    // getBins mandoc [ "mandoc" ]
+    // getBins coreutils [ "cat" "mv" "mkdir" ]
+  ;
+  normalizeDrv = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/8.0.1/normalize.css";
+    sha256 = "04jmvybwh2ks4dlnfa70sb3a3z3ig4cv0ya9rizjvm140xq1h22q";
+  };
+  execlineStdoutInto = target: line: [
+    "redirfd"
+    "-w"
+    "1"
+    target
+  ] ++ line;
+  # I will not write a pure nix markdown renderer
+  # I will not write a pure nix markdown renderer
+  # I will not write a pure nix markdown renderer
+  # I will not write a pure nix markdown renderer
+  # I will not write a pure nix markdown renderer
+  markdown = md:
+    let
+      html = runExecline.local "rendered-markdown"
+        {
+          stdin = md;
+        }
+        ([
+          "importas"
+          "-iu"
+          "out"
+          "out"
+        ] ++ execlineStdoutInto "$out" [
+          bins.cheddar
+          "--about-filter"
+          "description.md"
+        ]);
+    in
+    builtins.readFile html;
+  indexTemplate = { title, description, pages ? [ ] }: ''
+    <!doctype html>
+    <html>
+      <head>
+        <meta charset="utf-8">
+        <title>${title}</title>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
+      </head>
+      <body>
+        <div class="index-text">
+          <h1>${title}</h1>
+          ${markdown description}
+          <h2>man pages</h2>
+          <ul>
+            ${lib.concatMapStrings ({ name, section, ... }: ''
+              <li><a href="${name}.${toString section}.html">${name}(${toString section})</a></li>
+            '') pages}
+          </ul>
+        </div>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  '';
+  defaultStyle = import ./defaultStyle.nix { };
+  # This deploy script automatically copies the build result into
+  # a TARGET directory and marks it as writeable optionally.
+  # It is exposed as the deploy attribute of the result of
+  # htmlman, so an htmlman expression can be used like this:
+  # nix-build -A deploy htmlman.nix && ./result target_dir
+  deployScript = title: drv: writers.writeDash "deploy-${title}" ''
+    usage() {
+      printf 'Usage: %s [-w] TARGET\n\n' "$0"
+      printf 'Deploy htmlman documentation to TARGET directory.\n\n'
+      printf '  -h    Display this help message\n'
+      printf '  -w    Make TARGET directory writeable\n'
+    }
+    if test "$#" -lt 1; then
+      usage
+      exit 100
+    fi
+    writeable=false
+    while test "$#" -gt 0; do
+      case "$1" in
+        -h)
+          usage
+          exit 0
+          ;;
+        -w)
+          writeable=true
+          ;;
+        -*)
+          usage
+          exit 100
+          ;;
+        *)
+          if test -z "$target"; then
+            target="$1"
+          else
+            echo "Too many arguments"
+            exit 100
+          fi
+          ;;
+      esac
+      shift
+    done
+    if test -z "$target"; then
+      echo "Missing TARGET"
+      usage
+      exit 100
+    fi
+    set -ex
+    mkdir -p "$target"
+    cp -RTL --reflink=auto "${drv}" "$target"
+    if $writeable; then
+      chmod -R +w "$target"
+    fi
+  '';
+  htmlman =
+    { title
+      # title of the index page
+    , description ? ""
+      # description which is displayed after
+      # the main heading on the index page
+    , pages ? [ ]
+      # man pages of the following structure:
+      # {
+      #   name : string;
+      #   section : int;
+      #   path : either path string;
+      # }
+      # path is optional, if it is not given,
+      # the man page source must be located at
+      # "${manDir}/${name}.${toString section}"
+    , manDir ? null
+      # directory in which man page sources are located
+    , style ? defaultStyle
+      # CSS to use as a string
+    , normalizeCss ? true
+      # whether to include normalize.css before the custom CSS
+    , linkXr ? "all"
+      # How to handle cross references in the html output:
+      #
+      # * none:     don't convert cross references into hyperlinks
+      # * all:      link all cross references as if they were
+      #             rendered into $out by htmlman
+      # * inManDir: link to all man pages which have their source
+      #             in `manDir` and use the format string defined
+      #             in linkXrFallback for all other cross references.
+    , linkXrFallback ? "https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/%N.%S.en.html"
+      # fallback link to use if linkXr == "inManDir" and the man
+      # page is not in ${manDir}. Placeholders %N (name of page)
+      # and %S (section of page) can be used. See mandoc(1) for
+      # more information.
+    }:
+    let
+      linkXrEnum = yants.enum "linkXr" [ "all" "inManDir" "none" ];
+      index = indexTemplate {
+        inherit title description pages;
+      };
+      resolvePath = { path ? null, name, section }:
+        if path != null
+        then path
+        else "${manDir}/${name}.${toString section}";
+      mandocOpts = lib.concatStringsSep "," ([
+        "style=style.css"
+      ] ++ linkXrEnum.match linkXr {
+        all = [ "man=./%N.%S.html" ];
+        inManDir = [ "man=./%N.%S.html;${linkXrFallback}" ];
+        none = [ ];
+      });
+      html =
+        runExecline.local "htmlman-${title}"
+          {
+            derivationArgs = {
+              inherit index style;
+              passAsFile = [ "index" "style" ];
+            };
+          }
+          ([
+            "multisubstitute"
+            [
+              "importas"
+              "-iu"
+              "out"
+              "out"
+              "importas"
+              "-iu"
+              "index"
+              "indexPath"
+              "importas"
+              "-iu"
+              "style"
+              "stylePath"
+            ]
+            "if"
+            [ bins.mkdir "-p" "$out" ]
+            "if"
+            [ bins.mv "$index" "\${out}/index.html" ]
+            "if"
+            (execlineStdoutInto "\${out}/style.css" [
+              "if"
+              ([
+                bins.cat
+              ] ++ lib.optional normalizeCss normalizeDrv
+              ++ [
+                "$style"
+              ])
+            ])
+            # let mandoc check for available man pages
+            "execline-cd"
+            "${manDir}"
+          ] ++ lib.concatMap
+            ({ name, section, ... }@p:
+              execlineStdoutInto "\${out}/${name}.${toString section}.html" [
+                "if"
+                [
+                  bins.mandoc
+                  "-mdoc"
+                  "-T"
+                  "html"
+                  "-O"
+                  mandocOpts
+                  (resolvePath p)
+                ]
+              ])
+            pages);
+    in
+    html // {
+      deploy = deployScript title html;
+    };
diff --git a/users/sterni/htmlman/defaultStyle.nix b/users/sterni/htmlman/defaultStyle.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a44b5ef06934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/htmlman/defaultStyle.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{ ... }:
+  body {
+    font-size: 1em;
+    line-height: 1.5;
+    font-family: serif;
+    background-color: #efefef;
+  }
+  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+    font-family: sans-serif;
+    font-size: 1em;
+    margin: 5px 0;
+  }
+  h1 {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  a:link, a:visited {
+    color: #3e7eff;
+  }
+  h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a {
+    text-decoration: none;
+  }
+  .manual-text, .index-text {
+    padding: 20px;
+    max-width: 800px;
+    background-color: white;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+  }
+  table.head, table.foot {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  .Nd {
+    display: inline;
+  }
+  /* use same as cheddar for man pages */
+  pre {
+    padding: 16px;
+    background-color: #f6f8fa;
+  }
diff --git a/users/sterni/keys.nix b/users/sterni/keys.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..815f62ee080e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/keys.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ ... }:
+  all = [
+    "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJk+KvgvI2oJTppMASNUfMcMkA2G5ZNt+HnWDzaXKLlo lukas@wolfgang"
+  ];
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/.gitignore b/users/sterni/mblog/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae957fcad0dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# local test data
+# sly C-c C-k
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/cli.lisp b/users/sterni/mblog/cli.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9bc0681df0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/cli.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(in-package :cli)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; TODO(sterni): nicer messages for various errors signaled?
+(defun partition-by (f seq)
+  "Split SEQ into two lists, returned as multiple values. The first list
+  contains all elements for which F returns T, the second one the remaining
+  elements."
+  (loop for x in seq
+        if (funcall f x)
+          collecting x into yes
+        else
+          collecting x into no
+        finally (return (values yes no))))
+(defparameter +help+ '(("mnote-html" . "FILE [FILE [ ... ]]")
+                       ("mblog"      . "MAILDIR OUT")))
+(defun mnote-html (name flags &rest args)
+  "Convert all note mime messages given as ARGS to HTML fragments."
+  (declare (ignore name flags))
+  (loop for arg in args
+        do (note:apple-note-html-fragment
+            (note:make-apple-note (mime:mime-message (pathname arg)))
+            *standard-output*)))
+(defun mblog (name flags maildir outdir)
+  "Read a MAILDIR and build an mblog in OUTDIR "
+  (declare (ignore name flags))
+  (build-mblog (pathname maildir) (pathname outdir)))
+(defun display-help (name flags &rest args)
+  "Print help message for current executable."
+  (declare (ignore args flags))
+  (format *error-output* "Usage: ~A ~A~%"
+          name
+          (or (cdr (assoc name +help+ :test #'string=))
+              (concatenate 'string "Unknown executable: " name))))
+(defun usage-error (name flags &rest args)
+  "Print help and exit with a non-zero exit code."
+  (format *error-output* "~A: usage error~%" name)
+  (display-help name args flags)
+  (uiop:quit 100))
+(defun main ()
+  "Dispatch to correct main function based on arguments and UIOP:ARGV0."
+  (multiple-value-bind (flags args)
+      (partition-by (lambda (x) (starts-with #\- x))
+                    (uiop:command-line-arguments))
+    (let ((prog-name (pathname-name (pathname (uiop:argv0))))
+          (help-requested-p (find-if (lambda (x)
+                                       (member x '("-h" "--help" "--usage")
+                                               :test #'string=))
+                                     args)))
+      (apply
+       (if help-requested-p
+           #'display-help
+           (cond
+             ((and (string= prog-name "mnote-html")
+                   (null flags))
+              #'mnote-html)
+             ((and (string= prog-name "mblog")
+                   (null flags)
+                   (= 2 (length args)))
+              #'mblog)
+             (t #'usage-error)))
+       (append (list prog-name flags)
+               args)))))
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/default.nix b/users/sterni/mblog/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..607d198930d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+(depot.nix.buildLisp.program {
+  name = "mblog";
+  srcs = [
+    ./packages.lisp
+    ./maildir.lisp
+    ./transformer.lisp
+    ./note.lisp
+    ./mblog.lisp
+    ./cli.lisp
+  ];
+  deps = [
+    {
+      sbcl = depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "uiop";
+      default = depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "asdf";
+    }
+    depot.lisp.klatre
+    depot.third_party.lisp.alexandria
+    depot.third_party.lisp.closure-html
+    depot.third_party.lisp.cl-date-time-parser
+    depot.third_party.lisp.cl-who
+    depot.third_party.lisp.local-time
+    depot.third_party.lisp.mime4cl
+  ];
+  main = "cli:main";
+  # due to sclf
+  brokenOn = [
+    "ccl"
+    "ecl"
+  ];
+}).overrideAttrs (super: {
+  # The built binary dispatches based on argv[0]. Building two executables would
+  # waste a lot of space.
+  buildCommand = ''
+    ${super.buildCommand}
+    ln -s "$out/bin/mblog" "$out/bin/mnote-html"
+  '';
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/maildir.lisp b/users/sterni/mblog/maildir.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aca014203e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/maildir.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(in-package :maildir)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun list (dir)
+  "Returns a list of pathnames to messages in a maildir. The messages are
+  returned in no guaranteed order. Note that this function doesn't fully
+  implement the behavior prescribed by maildir(5): It only looks at `cur`
+  and `new` and won't clean up `tmp` nor move files from `new` to `cur`,
+  since it is strictly read-only."
+  (flet ((subdir-contents (subdir)
+           (directory
+            (merge-pathnames
+             (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,subdir)
+                            :name :wild :type :wild)
+             dir))))
+    (mapcan #'subdir-contents '("cur" "new"))))
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/mblog.lisp b/users/sterni/mblog/mblog.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f971bc121d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/mblog.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(in-package :mblog)
+;; util
+(defmacro with-overwrite-file ((&rest args) &body body)
+  "Like WITH-OPEN-FILE, but creates/supersedes the given file for writing."
+  `(with-open-file (,@args :direction :output
+                           :if-exists :supersede
+                           :if-does-not-exist :create)
+     ,@body))
+(defvar *copy-buffer-size* 4096)
+(defun redirect-stream (in out)
+  "Consume input stream IN and write all its content to output stream OUT.
+  The streams' element types need to match."
+  (let ((buf (make-array *copy-buffer-size* :element-type (stream-element-type in))))
+    (loop for pos = (read-sequence buf in)
+          while (> pos 0)
+          do (write-sequence buf out :end pos))))
+;; CSS
+(defvar *style* "
+header, main {
+  width: 100%;
+  max-width: 800px;
+main img {
+  max-width: 100%;
+a:link, a:visited {
+  color: blue;
+;; Templating
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+  (setf (who:html-mode) :html5))
+(defmacro render-page ((stream title &key root) &body body)
+  "Surround BODY with standard mblog document skeleton and render it to STREAM
+  using CL-WHO. If :ROOT is T, assume that the page is the top level index page.
+  Otherwise it is assumed to be one level below the index page."
+  `(who:with-html-output (,stream nil :prologue t)
+    (:html
+     (:head
+      (:meta :charset "utf-8")
+      (:meta :viewport "width=device-width")
+      (:title (who:esc ,title))
+      (:link :rel "stylesheet"
+             :type "text/css"
+             :href ,(concatenate 'string (if root "" "../") "style.css"))
+      (:style "a:link, a:visited { color: blue; }"))
+     (:body
+      (:header
+       (:nav
+        (:a :href ,(who:escape-string (if root "" "..")) "index")))
+      (:main ,@body)))))
+;; Build Logic
+(defun build-note-page (note note-dir)
+  "Convert NOTE to HTML and write it to index.html in NOTE-DIR alongside any
+  extra attachments NOTE contains."
+  (with-overwrite-file (html-stream (merge-pathnames "index.html" note-dir))
+    (render-page (html-stream (apple-note-subject note))
+      (:article
+       (apple-note-html-fragment note html-stream))))
+  (mime:do-parts (part note)
+    (unless (string= (mime:mime-id part)
+                     (mime:mime-id (note:apple-note-text-part note)))
+      (let ((attachment-in (mime:mime-body-stream part))
+            (attachment-dst (merge-pathnames
+                             (mime:mime-part-file-name part)
+                             note-dir)))
+        (format *error-output* "Writing attachment ~A~%" attachment-dst)
+        (with-overwrite-file (attachment-out attachment-dst
+                              :element-type
+                              (stream-element-type attachment-in))
+          (redirect-stream attachment-in attachment-out)))))
+  (values))
+(defun build-index-page (notes-list destination)
+  "Write an overview page linking all notes in NOTE-LIST in the given order to
+  DESTINATION. The notes are assumed to be in a sibling directory named like the
+  each note's UUID."
+  (with-overwrite-file (listing-stream destination)
+    (render-page (listing-stream "mblog" :root t)
+      (:h1 "mblog")
+      (:table
+       (dolist (note notes-list)
+         (who:htm
+          (:tr
+           (:td (:a :href (who:escape-string (apple-note-uuid note))
+                    (who:esc (apple-note-subject note))))
+           (:td (who:esc
+                 (klatre:format-dottime
+                  (universal-to-timestamp (apple-note-time note)))))))))))
+  (values))
+(defun build-mblog (notes-dir html-dir)
+  "Take MIME messages from maildir NOTES-DIR and build a complete mblog in HTML-DIR."
+  (setf notes-dir (pathname-as-directory notes-dir))
+  (setf html-dir (pathname-as-directory html-dir))
+  ;; TODO(sterni): avoid rewriting if nothing was updated
+  ;; TODO(sterni): clean up deleted things
+  ;; TODO(sterni): atom feed
+  (let ((all-notes '()))
+    (dolist (message-path (maildir:list notes-dir))
+      (let* ((note (make-apple-note (mime:mime-message message-path)))
+             (note-dir  (merge-pathnames (make-pathname
+                                          :directory
+                                          `(:relative ,(apple-note-uuid note)))
+                                         html-dir)))
+        (format *error-output* "Writing note message ~A to ~A~%"
+                message-path note-dir)
+        (ensure-directories-exist note-dir)
+        (build-note-page note note-dir)
+        (push note all-notes)))
+    ;; reverse sort the entries by time for the index page
+    (setf all-notes (sort all-notes #'> :key #'apple-note-time))
+    (build-index-page all-notes (merge-pathnames "index.html" html-dir))
+    (with-overwrite-file (css-stream (merge-pathnames "style.css" html-dir))
+      (write-string *style* css-stream))
+    (values)))
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/note.lisp b/users/sterni/mblog/note.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45be0f4e88a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/note.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(in-package :note)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; util
+;; TODO(sterni): merge this with mblog::*copy-buffer-size*
+(defvar *copy-buffer-size* 4096)
+(defun html-escape-stream (in out)
+  "Escape characters read from stream IN and write them to
+  stream OUT escaped using WHO:ESCAPE-STRING-MINIMAL."
+  (let ((buf (make-string *copy-buffer-size*)))
+    (loop for len = (read-sequence buf in)
+          while (> len 0)
+          do (write-string (who:escape-string-minimal (subseq buf 0 len)) out))))
+(defun cid-header-value (cid)
+  "Takes a Content-ID as present in Apple Notes' <object> tags and properly
+  surrounds them with angle brackets for a MIME header"
+  (concatenate 'string "<" cid ">"))
+(defun find-mime-message-date (message)
+  (when-let ((date-string (car (mime:mime-message-header-values "Date" message))))
+    (date-time-parser:parse-date-time date-string)))
+;;; main implementation
+(defun apple-note-mime-subtype-p (x)
+  (member x '("plain" "html") :test #'string-equal))
+(deftype apple-note-mime-subtype ()
+  '(satisfies apple-note-mime-subtype-p))
+(defclass apple-note (mime:mime-message)
+  ((text-part
+    :type mime:mime-text
+    :initarg :text-part
+    :reader apple-note-text-part)
+   (subject
+    :type string
+    :initarg :subject
+    :reader apple-note-subject)
+   (uuid
+    :type string
+    :initarg :uuid
+    :reader apple-note-uuid)
+   (time
+    :type integer
+    :initarg :time
+    :reader apple-note-time)
+   (mime-subtype
+    :type apple-note-mime-subtype
+    :initarg :mime-subtype
+    :reader apple-note-mime-subtype))
+  (:documentation
+   "Representation of a Note created using Apple's Notes via the IMAP backend"))
+(defun apple-note-p (msg)
+  "Checks X-Uniform-Type-Identifier of a MIME:MIME-MESSAGE
+  to determine if a given mime message claims to be an Apple Note."
+  (when-let (uniform-id (car (mime:mime-message-header-values
+                              "X-Uniform-Type-Identifier"
+                              msg)))
+    (string-equal uniform-id "com.apple.mail-note")))
+(defun make-apple-note (msg)
+  (check-type msg mime-message)
+  (unless (apple-note-p msg)
+    (error "Passed message is not an Apple Note according to headers"))
+  (let ((text-part (mime:find-mime-text-part msg))
+        (subject (car (mime:mime-message-header-values "Subject" msg :decode t)))
+        (uuid (when-let ((val (car (mime:mime-message-header-values
+                                    "X-Universally-Unique-Identifier"
+                                    msg))))
+                (string-downcase val)))
+        (time (find-mime-message-date msg)))
+    ;; The idea here is that we don't need to check a lot manually, instead
+    ;; the type annotation are going to do this for us (with sufficient safety?)
+    (change-class msg 'apple-note
+                  :text-part text-part
+                  :subject subject
+                  :uuid uuid
+                  :time time
+                  :mime-subtype (mime:mime-subtype text-part))))
+(defgeneric apple-note-html-fragment (note out)
+  (:documentation
+   "Takes an APPLE-NOTE and writes its text content as HTML to
+   the OUT stream. The <object> tags are resolved to <img> which
+   refer to the respective attachment's filename as a relative path,
+   but extraction of the attachments must be done separately. The
+   surrounding <html> and <body> tags are stripped and <head>
+   discarded completely, so only a fragment which can be included
+   in custom templates remains."))
+(defmethod apple-note-html-fragment ((note apple-note) (out stream))
+  (let ((text (apple-note-text-part note)))
+    (cond
+      ;; notemap creates text/plain notes we need to handle properly.
+      ;; Additionally we *could* check X-Mailer which notemap sets
+      ((string-equal (apple-note-mime-subtype note) "plain")
+       (html-escape-stream (mime:mime-body-stream text :binary nil) out))
+      ;; Notes.app creates text/html parts
+      ((string-equal (apple-note-mime-subtype note) "html")
+       (closure-html:parse
+        (mime:mime-body-stream text)
+        (make-instance
+         'apple-note-transformer
+         :cid-lookup
+         (lambda (cid)
+           (when-let* ((part (mime:find-mime-part-by-id note (cid-header-value cid)))
+                       (file (mime:mime-part-file-name part)))
+             file))
+         :next-handler
+         (closure-html:make-character-stream-sink out))))
+      (t (error "Internal error: unexpected MIME subtype")))))
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/packages.lisp b/users/sterni/mblog/packages.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e4fcb4672828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/packages.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(defpackage :maildir
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:shadow :list)
+  (:export :list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Very incomplete package for dealing with maildir(5)."))
+(defpackage :note
+  (:use
+   :common-lisp
+   :closure-html
+   :cl-date-time-parser
+   :mime4cl)
+  (:import-from
+   :alexandria
+   :when-let*
+   :when-let
+   :starts-with-subseq
+   :ends-with-subseq)
+  (:import-from :who :escape-string-minimal)
+  (:export
+   :apple-note
+   :apple-note-uuid
+   :apple-note-subject
+   :apple-note-time
+   :apple-note-text-part
+   :make-apple-note
+   :apple-note-html-fragment))
+(defpackage :mblog
+  (:use
+   :common-lisp
+   :klatre
+   :who
+   :maildir
+   :note)
+  (:export :build-mblog)
+  (:import-from :local-time :universal-to-timestamp)
+  (:import-from :sclf :pathname-as-directory)
+  (:shadowing-import-from :common-lisp :list))
+(defpackage :cli
+  (:use
+   :common-lisp
+   :uiop
+   :note
+   :mblog)
+  (:import-from :alexandria :starts-with)
+  (:export :main))
diff --git a/users/sterni/mblog/transformer.lisp b/users/sterni/mblog/transformer.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..31fcda028ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/mblog/transformer.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+(in-package :note)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; Throw away these tags and all of their children
+(defparameter +discard-tags-with-children+ '("HEAD"))
+;; Only “strip” these tags and leave their content as is
+(defparameter +discard-tags-only+ '("BODY" "HTML"))
+;; This is basically the same as cxml's PROXY-HANDLER.
+;; Couldn't be bothered to make a BROADCAST-HANDLER because I
+;; only need to pass through to one handler. It accepts every
+;; event and passes it on to NEXT-HANDLER. This is useful for
+;; subclassing mostly where an event can be modified or passed
+;; on as is via CALL-NEXT-METHOD.
+(defclass hax-proxy-handler (hax:default-handler)
+  ((next-handler
+    :initarg :next-handler
+    :accessor proxy-next-handler)))
+;; Define the trivial handlers which just call themselves for NEXT-HANDLER
+(macrolet ((def-proxy-handler (name (&rest args))
+             `(defmethod ,name ((h hax-proxy-handler) ,@args)
+                (,name (proxy-next-handler h) ,@args))))
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:start-document (name p-id s-id))
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:end-document ())
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:start-element (name attrs))
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:end-element (name))
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:characters (data))
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:unescaped (data))
+  (def-proxy-handler hax:comment (data)))
+(defclass apple-note-transformer (hax-proxy-handler)
+  ((cid-lookup
+    :initarg :cid-lookup
+    :initform (lambda (cid) nil)
+    :accessor transformer-cid-lookup)
+   (discard-until
+    :initarg :discard-until
+    :initform nil
+    :accessor transformer-discard-until)
+   (depth
+    :initarg :depth
+    :initform 0
+    :accessor transformer-depth))
+  (:documentation
+   "HAX handler that strips unnecessary tags from the HTML of a com.apple.mail-note
+   and resolves references to attachments to IMG tags."))
+;; Define the “boring” handlers which just call the next method (i. e. the next
+;; handler) unless discard-until is not nil in which case the event is dropped.
+(macrolet ((def-filter-handler (name (&rest args))
+             `(defmethod ,name ((h apple-note-transformer) ,@args)
+                (when (not (transformer-discard-until h))
+                  (call-next-method)))))
+  (def-filter-handler hax:start-document (name p-id s-id))
+  (def-filter-handler hax:end-document ())
+  (def-filter-handler hax:characters (data))
+  (def-filter-handler hax:unescaped (data))
+  (def-filter-handler hax:comment (data)))
+(defun parse-content-id (attrlist)
+  (when-let (data (find-if (lambda (x)
+                             (string-equal (hax:attribute-name x) "DATA"))
+                           attrlist))
+    (multiple-value-bind (starts-with-cid-p suffix)
+        (starts-with-subseq "cid:" (hax:attribute-value data)
+                            :return-suffix t :test #'char=)
+      (if starts-with-cid-p suffix data))))
+(defmethod hax:start-element ((handler apple-note-transformer) name attrs)
+  (with-accessors ((discard-until transformer-discard-until)
+                   (next-handler proxy-next-handler)
+                   (cid-lookup transformer-cid-lookup)
+                   (depth transformer-depth))
+      handler
+    (cond
+      ;; If we are discarding, any started element is dropped,
+      ;; since the end-condition only is reached via END-ELEMENT.
+      (discard-until nil)
+      ;; If we are not discarding any outer elements, we can set
+      ;; up a new discard condition if we encounter an appropriate
+      ;; element.
+      ((member name +discard-tags-with-children+ :test #'string-equal)
+       (setf discard-until (cons name depth)))
+      ;; Only drop this event, must be mirrored in END-ELEMENT to
+      ;; avoid invalidly nested HTML.
+      ((member name +discard-tags-only+ :test #'string-equal) nil)
+      ;; If we encounter an object tag, we drop it and its contents,
+      ;; but only after inspecting its attributes and emitting new
+      ;; events representing an img tag which includes the respective
+      ;; attachment via its filename.
+      ((string-equal name "OBJECT")
+       (progn
+         (setf discard-until (cons "OBJECT" depth))
+         ;; TODO(sterni): check type and only resolve images, raise error
+         ;; otherwise. We should only encounter images anyways, since
+         ;; other types are only supported for iCloud which doesn't seem
+         ;; to use IMAP for sync these days.
+         (when-let* ((cid (parse-content-id attrs))
+                     (file (apply cid-lookup (list cid)))
+                     (src (hax:make-attribute "SRC" file)))
+           (hax:start-element next-handler "IMG" (list src))
+           (hax:end-element next-handler "IMG"))))
+      ;; In all other cases, we use HAX-PROXY-HANDLER to pass the event on.
+      (t (call-next-method)))
+    (setf depth (1+ depth))))
+(defmethod hax:end-element ((handler apple-note-transformer) name)
+  (with-accessors ((discard-until transformer-discard-until)
+                   (depth transformer-depth))
+      handler
+    (setf depth (1- depth))
+    (cond
+      ;; If we are discarding and encounter the same tag again at the same
+      ;; depth, we can stop, but still have to discard the current tag.
+      ((and discard-until
+            (string-equal (car discard-until) name)
+            (= (cdr discard-until) depth))
+       (setf discard-until nil))
+      ;; In all other cases, we drop properly.
+      (discard-until nil)
+      ;; Mirrored tag stripping as in START-ELEMENT
+      ((member name +discard-tags-only+ :test #'string-equal) nil)
+      ;; In all other cases, we use HAX-PROXY-HANDLER to pass the event on.
+      (t (call-next-method)))))
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/char/all-chars.bin b/users/sterni/nix/char/all-chars.bin
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..017b909e8e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/char/all-chars.bin
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/char/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/char/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c6ce2fb250b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/char/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix.flow)
+    cond
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix)
+    yants
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    string
+    ;
+  # A char is the atomic element of a nix string
+  # which is essentially an array of arbitrary bytes
+  # as long as they are not a NUL byte.
+  #
+  # A char is neither a byte nor a unicode codepoint!
+  char = yants.restrict "char" (s: builtins.stringLength s == 1) yants.string;
+  # integer representation of char
+  charval = yants.restrict "charval" (i: i >= 1 && i < 256) yants.int;
+  allChars = builtins.readFile ./all-chars.bin;
+  # Originally I searched a list for this, but came to the
+  # conclusion that this can never be fast enough in Nix.
+  # We therefore use a solution similar to infinisil's.
+  ordMap = builtins.listToAttrs
+    (lib.imap1 (i: v: { name = v; value = i; })
+      (string.toChars allChars));
+  # Note on performance:
+  # chr and ord have been benchmarked using the following cases:
+  #
+  #  builtins.map ord (lib.stringToCharacters allChars)
+  #  builtins.map chr (builtins.genList (int.add 1) 255
+  #
+  # The findings are as follows:
+  # 1. Searching through either strings using recursion is
+  #    unbearably slow in Nix, leading to evaluation times
+  #    of up to 3s for the following very small test case.
+  #    This is why we use the trusty attribute set for ord.
+  # 2. String indexing is much faster than list indexing which
+  #    is why we use the former for chr.
+  ord = c: ordMap."${c}";
+  chr = i: string.charAt (i - 1) allChars;
+  asciiAlpha = c:
+    let
+      v = ord c;
+    in
+    (v >= 65 && v <= 90)
+    || (v >= 97 && v <= 122);
+  asciiNum = c:
+    let
+      v = ord c;
+    in
+    v >= 48 && v <= 57;
+  asciiAlphaNum = c: asciiAlpha c || asciiNum c;
+  inherit
+    allChars
+    char
+    charval
+    ord
+    chr
+    asciiAlpha
+    asciiNum
+    asciiAlphaNum
+    ;
+  # originally I generated a nix file containing a list of
+  # characters, but infinisil uses a better way which I adapt
+  # which is using builtins.readFile instead of import.
+  __generateAllChars = pkgs.runCommandCC "generate-all-chars"
+    {
+      source = ''
+        #include <stdio.h>
+        int main(void) {
+          for(int i = 1; i <= 0xff; i++) {
+            putchar(i);
+          }
+        }
+      '';
+      passAsFile = [ "source" ];
+    } ''
+    $CC -o "$out" -x c "$sourcePath"
+  '';
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/char/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/char/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..313df474514c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/char/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    it
+    assertEq
+    runTestsuite
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    char
+    string
+    int
+    fun
+    ;
+  charList = string.toChars char.allChars;
+  testAllCharConversion = it "tests conversion of all chars" [
+    (assertEq "char.chr converts to char.allChars"
+      (builtins.genList (fun.rl char.chr (int.add 1)) 255)
+      charList)
+    (assertEq "char.ord converts from char.allChars"
+      (builtins.genList (int.add 1) 255)
+      (builtins.map char.ord charList))
+  ];
+runTestsuite "char" [
+  testAllCharConversion
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/flow/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/flow/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4bef0abb91e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/flow/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix)
+    yants
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    fun
+    ;
+  # we must avoid evaluating any of the sublists
+  # as they may contain conditions that throw
+  condition = yants.restrict "condition"
+    (ls: builtins.length ls == 2)
+    (yants.list yants.any);
+  /* Like the common lisp macro: takes a list
+     of two elemented lists whose first element
+     is a boolean. The second element of the
+     first list that has true as its first
+     element is returned.
+     Type: [ [ bool a ] ] -> a
+     Example:
+     cond [
+       [ (builtins.isString true) 12 ]
+       [ (3 == 2) 13 ]
+       [ true 42 ]
+     ]
+     => 42
+   */
+  cond = conds: switch true conds;
+  /* Generic pattern match-ish construct for nix.
+     Takes a bunch of lists which are of length
+     two and checks the first element for either
+     a predicate or a value. The second value of
+     the first list which either has a value equal
+     to or a function that evaluates to true for
+     the given value.
+     Type: a -> [ [ (function | a) b ] ] -> b
+     Example:
+     switch "foo" [
+       [ "smol" "SMOL!!!" ]
+       [ (x: builtins.stringLength x <= 3) "smol-ish" ]
+       [ (fun.const true) "not smol" ]
+      ]
+      => "smol-ish"
+  */
+  switch = x: conds:
+    if builtins.length conds == 0
+    then builtins.throw "exhausted all conditions"
+    else
+      let
+        c = condition (builtins.head conds);
+        s = builtins.head c;
+        b =
+          if builtins.isFunction s
+          then s x
+          else x == s;
+      in
+      if b
+      then builtins.elemAt c 1
+      else switch x (builtins.tail conds);
+  inherit
+    cond
+    switch
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/flow/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/flow/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f974a61c7b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/flow/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    it
+    assertEq
+    assertThrows
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix.flow)
+    cond
+    match
+    ;
+  dontEval = builtins.throw "this should not get evaluated";
+  testCond = it "tests cond" [
+    (assertThrows "malformed cond list"
+      (cond [ [ true 1 2 ] [ false 1 ] ]))
+    (assertEq "last is true" "last"
+      (cond [
+        [ false dontEval ]
+        [ false dontEval ]
+        [ true "last" ]
+      ]))
+    (assertEq "first is true" 1
+      (cond [
+        [ true 1 ]
+        [ true dontEval ]
+        [ true dontEval ]
+      ]))
+  ];
+runTestsuite "nix.flow" [
+  testCond
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/fun/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/fun/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb10f9e6c1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/fun/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (lib)
+    id
+    ;
+  # Simple function composition,
+  # application is right to left.
+  rl = f1: f2:
+    (x: f1 (f2 x));
+  # Compose a list of functions,
+  # application is right to left.
+  rls = fs:
+    builtins.foldl' (fOut: f: lr f fOut) id fs;
+  # Simple function composition,
+  # application is left to right.
+  lr = f1: f2:
+    (x: f2 (f1 x));
+  # Compose a list of functions,
+  # application is left to right
+  lrs = x: fs:
+    builtins.foldl' (v: f: f v) x fs;
+  # Warning: cursed function
+  #
+  # Check if a function has an attribute
+  # set pattern with an ellipsis as its argument.
+  #
+  # s/o to puck for discovering that you could use
+  # builtins.toXML to introspect functions more than
+  # you should be able to in Nix.
+  hasEllipsis = f:
+    builtins.isFunction f &&
+    builtins.match ".*<attrspat ellipsis=\"1\">.*"
+      (builtins.toXML f) != null;
+  /* Return the number of arguments the given function accepts or 0 if the value
+     is not a function.
+     Example:
+       argCount argCount
+       => 1
+       argCount builtins.add
+       => 2
+       argCount pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation
+       => 1
+  */
+  argCount = f:
+    let
+      # N.B. since we are only interested if the result of calling is a function
+      # as opposed to a normal value or evaluation failure, we never need to
+      # check success, as value will be false (i.e. not a function) in the
+      # failure case.
+      called = builtins.tryEval (
+        f (builtins.throw "You should never see this error message")
+      );
+    in
+    if !(builtins.isFunction f || builtins.isFunction (f.__functor or null))
+    then 0
+    else 1 + argCount called.value;
+  /* Call a given function with a given list of arguments.
+     Example:
+       apply builtins.sub [ 20 10 ]
+       => 10
+  */
+  apply = f: args:
+    builtins.foldl' (f: x: f x) f args;
+  # TODO(sterni): think of a better name for unapply
+  /* Collect n arguments into a list and pass them to the given function.
+     Allows calling a function that expects a list by feeding it the list
+     elements individually as function arguments - the limitation is
+     that the list must be of constant length.
+     This is mainly useful for functions that wrap other, arbitrary functions
+     in conjunction with argCount and apply, since lists of arguments are
+     easier to deal with usually.
+     Example:
+       (unapply 3 lib.id) 1 2 3
+       => [ 1 2 3 ]
+       (unapply 5 lib.reverse) 1 2 null 4 5
+       => [ 5 4 null 2 1 ]
+       # unapply and apply compose the identity relation together
+       unapply (argCount f) (apply f)
+       # is equivalent to f (if the function has a constant number of arguments)
+       (unapply 2 (apply builtins.sub)) 20 10
+       => 10
+  */
+  unapply =
+    let
+      unapply' = acc: n: f: x:
+        if n == 1
+        then f (acc ++ [ x ])
+        else unapply' (acc ++ [ x ]) (n - 1) f;
+    in
+    unapply' [ ];
+  /* Optimize a tail recursive Nix function by intercepting the recursive
+     function application and expressing it in terms of builtins.genericClosure
+     instead. The main benefit of this optimization is that even a naively
+     written recursive algorithm won't overflow the stack.
+     For this to work the following things prerequisites are necessary:
+     - The passed function needs to be a fix point for its self reference,
+       i. e. the argument to tailCallOpt needs to be of the form
+       `self: # function body that uses self to call itself`.
+       This is because tailCallOpt needs to manipulate the call to self
+       which otherwise wouldn't be possible due to Nix's lexical scoping.
+     - The passed function may only call itself as a tail call, all other
+       forms of recursions will fail evaluation.
+     This function was mainly written to prove that builtins.genericClosure
+     can be used to express any (tail) recursive algorithm. It can be used
+     to avoid stack overflows for deeply recursive, but naively written
+     functions (in the context of Nix this mainly means using recursion
+     instead of (ab)using more performant and less limited builtins).
+     A better alternative to using this function is probably translating
+     the algorithm to builtins.genericClosure manually. Also note that
+     using tailCallOpt doesn't mean that the stack won't ever overflow:
+     Data structures, especially lazy ones, can still cause all the
+     available stack space to be consumed.
+     The optimization also only concerns avoiding stack overflows,
+     tailCallOpt will make functions slower if anything.
+     Type: (F -> F) -> F where F is any tail recursive function.
+     Example:
+     let
+       label' = self: acc: n:
+         if n == 0
+         then "This is " + acc + "cursed."
+         else self (acc + "very ") (n - 1);
+       # Equivalent to a naive recursive implementation in Nix
+       label = (lib.fix label') "";
+       labelOpt = (tailCallOpt label') "";
+     in
+     label 5
+     => "This is very very very very very cursed."
+     labelOpt 5
+     => "This is very very very very very cursed."
+     label 10000
+     => error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion)
+     labelOpt 10000
+     => "This is very very very very very very very very very…
+  */
+  tailCallOpt = f:
+    let
+      argc = argCount (lib.fix f);
+      # This function simulates being f for f's self reference. Instead of
+      # recursing, it will just return the arguments received as a specially
+      # tagged set, so the recursion step can be performed later.
+      fakef = unapply argc (args: {
+        __tailCall = true;
+        inherit args;
+      });
+      # Pass fakef to f so that it'll be called instead of recursing, ensuring
+      # only one recursion step is performed at a time.
+      encodedf = f fakef;
+      opt = args:
+        let
+          steps = builtins.genericClosure {
+            # This is how we encode a (tail) call: A set with final == false
+            # and the list of arguments to pass to be found in args.
+            startSet = [
+              {
+                key = "0";
+                id = 0;
+                final = false;
+                inherit args;
+              }
+            ];
+            operator =
+              { id, final, ... }@state:
+              let
+                # Plumbing to make genericClosure happy
+                newIds = {
+                  key = toString (id + 1);
+                  id = id + 1;
+                };
+                # Perform recursion step
+                call = apply encodedf state.args;
+                # If call encodes a new call, return the new encoded call,
+                # otherwise signal that we're done.
+                newState =
+                  if builtins.isAttrs call && call.__tailCall or false
+                  then newIds // {
+                    final = false;
+                    inherit (call) args;
+                  } else newIds // {
+                    final = true;
+                    value = call;
+                  };
+              in
+              if final
+              then [ ] # end condition for genericClosure
+              else [ newState ];
+          };
+        in
+        # The returned list contains intermediate steps we ignore.
+        (builtins.head (builtins.filter (x: x.final) steps)).value;
+    in
+    unapply argc opt;
+  inherit (lib)
+    fix
+    flip
+    const
+    ;
+  inherit
+    id
+    rl
+    rls
+    lr
+    lrs
+    hasEllipsis
+    argCount
+    tailCallOpt
+    apply
+    unapply
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/fun/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/fun/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b1e6fcc7b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/fun/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    it
+    assertEq
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix) escapeExecline;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    fun
+    ;
+  hasEllipsisTests = it "checks fun.hasEllipsis" [
+    (assertEq "Malicious string" false
+      (fun.hasEllipsis (builtins.toXML ({ foo, ... }: 12))))
+    (assertEq "No function" false
+      (fun.hasEllipsis 23))
+    (assertEq "No attribute set pattern" false
+      (fun.hasEllipsis (a: a + 2)))
+    (assertEq "No ellipsis" false
+      (fun.hasEllipsis ({ foo, bar }: foo + bar)))
+    (assertEq "Ellipsis" true
+      (fun.hasEllipsis ({ depot, pkgs, ... }: 42)))
+  ];
+  argCountTests = it "checks fun.argCount" [
+    (assertEq "builtins.sub has two arguments" 2
+      (fun.argCount builtins.sub))
+    (assertEq "fun.argCount has one argument" 1
+      (fun.argCount fun.argCount))
+    (assertEq "runTestsuite has two arguments" 2
+      (fun.argCount runTestsuite))
+  ];
+  applyTests = it "checks that fun.apply is equivalent to calling" [
+    (assertEq "fun.apply builtins.sub" (builtins.sub 23 42)
+      (fun.apply builtins.sub [ 23 42 ]))
+    (assertEq "fun.apply escapeExecline" (escapeExecline [ "foo" [ "bar" ] ])
+      (fun.apply escapeExecline [ [ "foo" [ "bar" ] ] ]))
+  ];
+  unapplyTests = it "checks fun.unapply" [
+    (assertEq "fun.unapply 3 accepts 3 args" 3
+      (fun.argCount (fun.unapply 3 fun.id)))
+    (assertEq "fun.unapply 73 accepts 73 args" 73
+      (fun.argCount (fun.unapply 73 fun.id)))
+    (assertEq "fun.unapply 1 accepts 73 args" 1
+      (fun.argCount (fun.unapply 1 fun.id)))
+    (assertEq "fun.unapply collects arguments correctly"
+      (fun.unapply 5 fun.id 1 2 3 4 5)
+      [ 1 2 3 4 5 ])
+    (assertEq "fun.unapply calls the given function correctly" 1
+      (fun.unapply 1 builtins.head 1))
+  ];
+  fac' = self: acc: n: if n == 0 then acc else self (n * acc) (n - 1);
+  facPlain = fun.fix fac' 1;
+  facOpt = fun.tailCallOpt fac' 1;
+  tailCallOptTests = it "checks fun.tailCallOpt" [
+    (assertEq "optimized and unoptimized factorial have the same base case"
+      (facPlain 0)
+      (facOpt 0))
+    (assertEq "optimized and unoptimized factorial have same value for 1"
+      (facPlain 1)
+      (facOpt 1))
+    (assertEq "optimized and unoptimized factorial have same value for 100"
+      (facPlain 100)
+      (facOpt 100))
+  ];
+runTestsuite "nix.fun" [
+  hasEllipsisTests
+  argCountTests
+  applyTests
+  unapplyTests
+  tailCallOptTests
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/html/README.md b/users/sterni/nix/html/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0349e466a166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/html/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# html.nix — _the_ most cursed Nix HTML DSL
+A quick example to show you what it looks like:
+# Note: this example is for standalone usage out of depot
+{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
+  # zero dependency, one file implementation
+  htmlNix = import ./path/to/html.nix { };
+  # make the magic work
+  inherit (htmlNix) __findFile esc withDoctype;
+pkgs.writeText "example.html" (withDoctype (<html> {} [
+  (<head> {} [
+    (<meta> { charset = "utf-8"; } null)
+    (<title> {} (esc "hello world"))
+  ])
+  (<body> {} [
+    (<h1> {} (esc "hello world"))
+    (<p> { class = "intro"; } (esc ''
+      welcome to the land of sillyness!
+    ''))
+    (<ul> {} [
+      (<li> {} [
+        (esc "check out ")
+        (<a> { href = "https://code.tvl.fyi"; } "depot")
+      ])
+      (<li> {} [
+        (esc "find ")
+        (<a> { href = "https://cl.tvl.fyi/q/hashtag:cursed"; } "cursed things")
+      ])
+    ])
+  ])
+Convince yourself it works:
+$ $BROWSER $(nix-build example.nix)
+Alternatively, in depot:
+$ $BROWSER $(nix-build -A users.sterni.nix.html.tests)
+## Creating tags
+An empty tag is passed `null` as its content argument:
+<link> {
+  rel = "stylesheet";
+  href = "/main.css";
+  type = "text/css";
+} null
+# => "<link href=\"/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>"
+Content is expected to be HTML:
+<div> { class = "foo"; } "<strong>hi</strong>"
+# => "<div class=\"foo\"><strong>hi</strong></div>"
+If it's not, be sure to escape it:
+<p> {} (esc "A => B")
+# => "<p>A =&gt; B</p>"
+Nesting tags works of course:
+<div> {} (<strong> {} (<em> {} "hi"))
+# => "<div><strong><em>hi</em></strong></div>"
+If the content of a tag is a list, it's concatenated:
+<h1> {} [
+  (esc "The ")
+  (<strong> {} "Nix")
+  (esc " ")
+  (<em> {} "Expression")
+  (esc " Language")
+# => "<h1>The <strong>Nix</strong> <em>Expression</em> Language</h1>"
+More detailed documentation can be found in `nixdoc`-compatible
+comments in the source file (`default.nix` in this directory).
+## How does this work?
+*Theoretically* expressions like `<nixpkgs>` are just ordinary paths —
+their actual value is determined from `NIX_PATH`. `html.nix` works
+because of how this is actually implemented: At [parse time][spath-parsing]
+Nix transparently translates an expression like `<foo>` into
+`__findFile __nixPath "foo"`:
+nix-repl> <nixpkgs>
+nix-repl> __findFile __nixPath "nixpkgs"
+This translation doesn't take any scoping issues into account --
+so we can just shadow `__findFile` and make it return anything,
+even a function:
+nix-repl> __findFile = nixPath: str:
+            /**/ if str == "double" then x: x * 2
+            else if str == "triple" then x: x * 3
+            else throw "what?"
+nix-repl> <double> 2
+nix-repl> <triple> 3
+nix-repl> <quadruple> 4
+error: what?
+Exactly this is what we are doing in `html.nix`:
+Using `let inherit (htmlNix) __findFile; in` we shadow the builtin `__findFile`
+with a function which returns a function rendering a particular HTML tag.
+[spath-parsing]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/293220bed5a75efc963e33c183787e87e55e28d9/src/libexpr/parser.y#L410-L416
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/html/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/html/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d25a7ab8dac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/html/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright © 2021 sterni
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# This file provides a cursed HTML DSL for nix which works by overloading
+# the NIX_PATH lookup operation via angle bracket operations, e. g. `<nixpkgs>`.
+{ ... }:
+  /* Escape everything we have to escape in an HTML document if either
+     in a normal context or an attribute string (`<>&"'`).
+     A shorthand for this function called `esc` is also provided.
+     Type: string -> string
+     Example:
+     escapeMinimal "<hello>"
+     => "&lt;hello&gt;"
+  */
+  escapeMinimal = builtins.replaceStrings
+    [ "<" ">" "&" "\"" "'" ]
+    [ "&lt;" "&gt;" "&amp;" "&quot;" "&#039;" ];
+  /* Return a string with a correctly rendered tag of the given name,
+     with the given attributes which are automatically escaped.
+     If the content argument is `null`, the tag will have no children nor a
+     closing element. If the content argument is a string it is used as the
+     content as is (unescaped). If the content argument is a list, its
+     elements are concatenated.
+     `renderTag` is only an internal function which is reexposed as `__findFile`
+     to allow for much neater syntax than calling `renderTag` everywhere:
+     ```nix
+     { depot, ... }:
+     let
+       inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix.html) __findFile esc;
+     in
+     <html> {} [
+       (<head> {} (<title> {} (esc "hello world")))
+       (<body> {} [
+         (<h1> {} (esc "hello world"))
+         (<p> {} (esc "foo bar"))
+       ])
+     ]
+     ```
+     As you can see, the need to call a function disappears, instead the
+     `NIX_PATH` lookup operation via `<foo>` is overloaded, so it becomes
+     `renderTag "foo"` automatically.
+     Since the content argument may contain the result of other `renderTag`
+     calls, we can't escape it automatically. Instead this must be done manually
+     using `esc`.
+     Type: string -> attrs<string> -> (list<string> | string | null) -> string
+     Example:
+     <link> {
+       rel = "stylesheet";
+       href = "/css/main.css";
+       type = "text/css";
+     } null
+     renderTag "link" {
+       rel = "stylesheet";
+       href = "/css/main.css";
+       type = "text/css";
+     } null
+     => "<link href=\"/css/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>"
+     <p> {} [
+       "foo "
+       (<strong> {} "bar")
+     ]
+     renderTag "p" {} "foo <strong>bar</strong>"
+     => "<p>foo <strong>bar</strong></p>"
+  */
+  renderTag = tag: attrs: content:
+    let
+      attrs' = builtins.concatStringsSep "" (
+        builtins.map
+          (n:
+            " ${escapeMinimal n}=\"${escapeMinimal (toString attrs.${n})}\""
+          )
+          (builtins.attrNames attrs)
+      );
+      content' =
+        if builtins.isList content
+        then builtins.concatStringsSep "" content
+        else content;
+    in
+    if content == null
+    then "<${tag}${attrs'}/>"
+    else "<${tag}${attrs'}>${content'}</${tag}>";
+  /* Prepend "<!DOCTYPE html>" to a string.
+     Type: string -> string
+     Example:
+     withDoctype (<body> {} (esc "hello"))
+     => "<!DOCTYPE html><body>hello</body>"
+  */
+  withDoctype = doc: "<!DOCTYPE html>" + doc;
+  inherit escapeMinimal renderTag withDoctype;
+  __findFile = _: renderTag;
+  esc = escapeMinimal;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/html/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/html/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d80f2f1cd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/html/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix.html)
+    __findFile
+    esc
+    withDoctype
+    ;
+  exampleDocument = withDoctype (<html> { lang = "en"; } [
+    (<head> { } [
+      (<meta> { charset = "utf-8"; } null)
+      (<title> { } "html.nix example document")
+      (<link>
+        {
+          rel = "license";
+          href = "https://code.tvl.fyi/about/LICENSE";
+          type = "text/html";
+        }
+        null)
+      (<style> { } (esc ''
+        hgroup h2 {
+          font-weight: normal;
+        }
+        dd {
+          margin: 0;
+        }
+      ''))
+    ])
+    (<body> { } [
+      (<main> { } [
+        (<hgroup> { } [
+          (<h1> { } (esc "html.nix"))
+          (<h2> { } [
+            (<em> { } "the")
+            (esc " most cursed HTML DSL ever!")
+          ])
+        ])
+        (<dl> { } [
+          (<dt> { } [
+            (esc "Q: Wait, it's all ")
+            (<a>
+              {
+                href = "https://cl.tvl.fyi/q/hashtag:cursed";
+              }
+              (esc "cursed"))
+            (esc " nix hacks?")
+          ])
+          (<dd> { } (esc "A: Always has been. 🔫"))
+          (<dt> { } (esc "Q: Why does this work?"))
+          (<dd> { } [
+            (esc "Because nix ")
+            (<a>
+              {
+                href = "https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/293220bed5a75efc963e33c183787e87e55e28d9/src/libexpr/parser.y#L410-L416";
+              }
+              (esc "translates "))
+            (<a>
+              {
+                href = "https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/293220bed5a75efc963e33c183787e87e55e28d9/src/libexpr/lexer.l#L100";
+              }
+              (esc "SPATH tokens"))
+            (esc " like ")
+            (<code> { } (esc "<nixpkgs>"))
+            (esc " into calls to ")
+            (<code> { } (esc "__findFile"))
+            (esc " in the ")
+            (<em> { } (esc "current"))
+            (esc " scope.")
+          ])
+        ])
+      ])
+    ])
+  ]);
+pkgs.runCommandNoCC "html.nix.html"
+  passAsFile = [ "exampleDocument" ];
+  inherit exampleDocument;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.html5validator ];
+} ''
+  set -x
+  test "${esc "<> && \" \'"}" = "&lt;&gt; &amp;&amp; &quot; &#039;"
+  # slow as hell unfortunately
+  html5validator "$exampleDocumentPath"
+  mv "$exampleDocumentPath" "$out"
+  set +x
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/int/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/int/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..54b55964722d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/int/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  # TODO(sterni): implement nix.float and figure out which of these
+  #               functions can be split out into a common nix.num
+  #               library.
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    string
+    ;
+  inherit (builtins)
+    bitOr
+    bitAnd
+    bitXor
+    mul
+    div
+    add
+    sub
+    ;
+  abs = i: if i < 0 then -i else i;
+  exp = base: pow:
+    if pow > 0
+    then base * (exp base (pow - 1))
+    else if pow < 0
+    then 1.0 / exp base (abs pow)
+    else 1;
+  bitShiftR = bit: count:
+    if count == 0
+    then bit
+    else div (bitShiftR bit (count - 1)) 2;
+  bitShiftL = bit: count:
+    if count == 0
+    then bit
+    else 2 * (bitShiftL bit (count - 1));
+  hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+  toHex = int:
+    let
+      go = i:
+        if i == 0
+        then ""
+        else go (bitShiftR i 4)
+          + string.charAt (bitAnd i 15) hexdigits;
+      sign = lib.optionalString (int < 0) "-";
+    in
+    if int == 0
+    then "0"
+    else "${sign}${go (abs int)}";
+  fromHexMap = builtins.listToAttrs
+    (lib.imap0 (i: c: { name = c; value = i; })
+      (lib.stringToCharacters hexdigits));
+  fromHex = literal:
+    let
+      negative = string.charAt 0 literal == "-";
+      start = if negative then 1 else 0;
+      len = builtins.stringLength literal;
+      # reversed list of all digits
+      digits = builtins.genList
+        (i: string.charAt (len - 1 - i) literal)
+        (len - start);
+      parsed = builtins.foldl'
+        (v: d: {
+          val = v.val + (fromHexMap."${d}" * v.mul);
+          mul = v.mul * 16;
+        })
+        { val = 0; mul = 1; }
+        digits;
+    in
+    if negative
+    then -parsed.val
+    else parsed.val;
+  # A nix integer is a 64bit signed integer
+  maxBound = 9223372036854775807;
+  # fun fact: -9223372036854775808 is the lower bound
+  # for a nix integer (as you would expect), but you can't
+  # use it as an integer literal or you'll be greeted with:
+  # error: invalid integer '9223372036854775808'
+  # This is because all int literals when parsing are
+  # positive, negative "literals" are positive literals
+  # which are preceded by the arithmetric negation operator.
+  minBound = -9223372036854775807 - 1;
+  odd = x: bitAnd x 1 == 1;
+  even = x: bitAnd x 1 == 0;
+  # div and mod behave like quot and rem in Haskell,
+  # i. e. they truncate towards 0
+  mod = a: b: let res = a / b; in a - (res * b);
+  inRange = a: b: x: x >= a && x <= b;
+  inherit
+    maxBound
+    minBound
+    abs
+    exp
+    odd
+    even
+    add
+    sub
+    mul
+    div
+    mod
+    bitShiftR
+    bitShiftL
+    bitOr
+    bitAnd
+    bitXor
+    toHex
+    fromHex
+    inRange
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/int/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/int/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8d2263b42117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/int/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    it
+    assertEq
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    int
+    string
+    fun
+    ;
+  testBounds = it "checks minBound and maxBound" [
+    # this is gonna blow up in my face because
+    # integer overflow is undefined behavior in
+    # C++, so most likely anything could happen?
+    (assertEq "maxBound is the maxBound" true
+      (int.maxBound + 1 < int.maxBound))
+    (assertEq "minBound is the minBound" true
+      (int.minBound - 1 > int.minBound))
+    (assertEq "maxBound overflows to minBound"
+      (int.maxBound + 1)
+      int.minBound)
+    (assertEq "minBound overflows to maxBound"
+      (int.minBound - 1)
+      int.maxBound)
+  ];
+  expectedBytes = [
+    "00"
+    "01"
+    "02"
+    "03"
+    "04"
+    "05"
+    "06"
+    "07"
+    "08"
+    "09"
+    "0A"
+    "0B"
+    "0C"
+    "0D"
+    "0E"
+    "0F"
+    "10"
+    "11"
+    "12"
+    "13"
+    "14"
+    "15"
+    "16"
+    "17"
+    "18"
+    "19"
+    "1A"
+    "1B"
+    "1C"
+    "1D"
+    "1E"
+    "1F"
+    "20"
+    "21"
+    "22"
+    "23"
+    "24"
+    "25"
+    "26"
+    "27"
+    "28"
+    "29"
+    "2A"
+    "2B"
+    "2C"
+    "2D"
+    "2E"
+    "2F"
+    "30"
+    "31"
+    "32"
+    "33"
+    "34"
+    "35"
+    "36"
+    "37"
+    "38"
+    "39"
+    "3A"
+    "3B"
+    "3C"
+    "3D"
+    "3E"
+    "3F"
+    "40"
+    "41"
+    "42"
+    "43"
+    "44"
+    "45"
+    "46"
+    "47"
+    "48"
+    "49"
+    "4A"
+    "4B"
+    "4C"
+    "4D"
+    "4E"
+    "4F"
+    "50"
+    "51"
+    "52"
+    "53"
+    "54"
+    "55"
+    "56"
+    "57"
+    "58"
+    "59"
+    "5A"
+    "5B"
+    "5C"
+    "5D"
+    "5E"
+    "5F"
+    "60"
+    "61"
+    "62"
+    "63"
+    "64"
+    "65"
+    "66"
+    "67"
+    "68"
+    "69"
+    "6A"
+    "6B"
+    "6C"
+    "6D"
+    "6E"
+    "6F"
+    "70"
+    "71"
+    "72"
+    "73"
+    "74"
+    "75"
+    "76"
+    "77"
+    "78"
+    "79"
+    "7A"
+    "7B"
+    "7C"
+    "7D"
+    "7E"
+    "7F"
+    "80"
+    "81"
+    "82"
+    "83"
+    "84"
+    "85"
+    "86"
+    "87"
+    "88"
+    "89"
+    "8A"
+    "8B"
+    "8C"
+    "8D"
+    "8E"
+    "8F"
+    "90"
+    "91"
+    "92"
+    "93"
+    "94"
+    "95"
+    "96"
+    "97"
+    "98"
+    "99"
+    "9A"
+    "9B"
+    "9C"
+    "9D"
+    "9E"
+    "9F"
+    "A0"
+    "A1"
+    "A2"
+    "A3"
+    "A4"
+    "A5"
+    "A6"
+    "A7"
+    "A8"
+    "A9"
+    "AA"
+    "AB"
+    "AC"
+    "AD"
+    "AE"
+    "AF"
+    "B0"
+    "B1"
+    "B2"
+    "B3"
+    "B4"
+    "B5"
+    "B6"
+    "B7"
+    "B8"
+    "B9"
+    "BA"
+    "BB"
+    "BC"
+    "BD"
+    "BE"
+    "BF"
+    "C0"
+    "C1"
+    "C2"
+    "C3"
+    "C4"
+    "C5"
+    "C6"
+    "C7"
+    "C8"
+    "C9"
+    "CA"
+    "CB"
+    "CC"
+    "CD"
+    "CE"
+    "CF"
+    "D0"
+    "D1"
+    "D2"
+    "D3"
+    "D4"
+    "D5"
+    "D6"
+    "D7"
+    "D8"
+    "D9"
+    "DA"
+    "DB"
+    "DC"
+    "DD"
+    "DE"
+    "DF"
+    "E0"
+    "E1"
+    "E2"
+    "E3"
+    "E4"
+    "E5"
+    "E6"
+    "E7"
+    "E8"
+    "E9"
+    "EA"
+    "EB"
+    "EC"
+    "ED"
+    "EE"
+    "EF"
+    "F0"
+    "F1"
+    "F2"
+    "F3"
+    "F4"
+    "F5"
+    "F6"
+    "F7"
+    "F8"
+    "F9"
+    "FA"
+    "FB"
+    "FC"
+    "FD"
+    "FE"
+    "FF"
+  ];
+  hexByte = i: string.fit { width = 2; char = "0"; } (int.toHex i);
+  hexInts = [
+    { left = 0; right = "0"; }
+    { left = 1; right = "1"; }
+    { left = 11; right = "B"; }
+    { left = 123; right = "7B"; }
+    { left = 9000; right = "2328"; }
+    { left = 2323; right = "913"; }
+    { left = 4096; right = "1000"; }
+    { left = int.maxBound; right = "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; }
+    { left = int.minBound; right = "-8000000000000000"; }
+  ];
+  testHex = it "checks conversion to hex" (lib.flatten [
+    (lib.imap0
+      (i: hex: [
+        (assertEq "hexByte ${toString i} == ${hex}" (hexByte i) hex)
+        (assertEq "${toString i} == fromHex ${hex}" i (int.fromHex hex))
+      ])
+      expectedBytes)
+    (builtins.map
+      ({ left, right }: [
+        (assertEq "toHex ${toString left} == ${right}" (int.toHex left) right)
+        (assertEq "${toString left} == fromHex ${right}" left (int.fromHex right))
+      ])
+      hexInts)
+  ]);
+  testBasic = it "checks basic int operations" [
+    (assertEq "122 is even" (int.even 122 && !(int.odd 122)) true)
+    (assertEq "123 is odd" (int.odd 123 && !(int.even 123)) true)
+    (assertEq "abs -4959" (int.abs (-4959)) 4959)
+  ];
+  expNumbers = [
+    { left = -3; right = 0.125; }
+    { left = -2; right = 0.25; }
+    { left = -1; right = 0.5; }
+    { left = 0; right = 1; }
+    { left = 1; right = 2; }
+    { left = 2; right = 4; }
+    { left = 3; right = 8; }
+    { left = 4; right = 16; }
+    { left = 5; right = 32; }
+    { left = 16; right = 65536; }
+  ];
+  testExp = it "checks exponentiation"
+    (builtins.map
+      ({ left, right }:
+        assertEq
+          "2 ^ ${toString left} == ${toString right}"
+          (int.exp 2 left)
+          right)
+      expNumbers);
+  shifts = [
+    { a = 2; b = 5; c = 64; op = "<<"; }
+    { a = -2; b = 5; c = -64; op = "<<"; }
+    { a = 123; b = 4; c = 1968; op = "<<"; }
+    { a = 1; b = 8; c = 256; op = "<<"; }
+    { a = 256; b = 8; c = 1; op = ">>"; }
+    { a = 374; b = 2; c = 93; op = ">>"; }
+    { a = 2; b = 2; c = 0; op = ">>"; }
+    { a = 99; b = 9; c = 0; op = ">>"; }
+  ];
+  checkShift = { a, b, c, op }@args:
+    let
+      f = string.match op {
+        "<<" = int.bitShiftL;
+        ">>" = int.bitShiftR;
+      };
+    in
+    assertEq "${toString a} ${op} ${toString b} == ${toString c}" (f a b) c;
+  checkShiftRDivExp = n:
+    assertEq "${toString n} >> 5 == ${toString n} / 2 ^ 5"
+      (int.bitShiftR n 5)
+      (int.div n (int.exp 2 5));
+  checkShiftLMulExp = n:
+    assertEq "${toString n} >> 6 == ${toString n} * 2 ^ 6"
+      (int.bitShiftL n 5)
+      (int.mul n (int.exp 2 5));
+  testBit = it "checks bitwise operations" (lib.flatten [
+    (builtins.map checkShift shifts)
+    (builtins.map checkShiftRDivExp [
+      1
+      2
+      3
+      5
+      7
+      23
+      1623
+      238
+      34
+      348
+      2834
+      834
+      348
+    ])
+    (builtins.map checkShiftLMulExp [
+      1
+      2
+      3
+      5
+      7
+      23
+      384
+      3
+      2
+      5991
+      85109
+      38
+    ])
+  ]);
+  divisions = [
+    { a = 2; b = 1; c = 2; mod = 0; }
+    { a = 2; b = 2; c = 1; mod = 0; }
+    { a = 20; b = 10; c = 2; mod = 0; }
+    { a = 12; b = 5; c = 2; mod = 2; }
+    { a = 23; b = 4; c = 5; mod = 3; }
+  ];
+  checkDiv = n: { a, b, c, mod }: [
+    (assertEq "${n}: div result" (int.div a b) c)
+    (assertEq "${n}: mod result" (int.mod a b) mod)
+    (assertEq "${n}: divMod law" ((int.div a b) * b + (int.mod a b)) a)
+  ];
+  testDivMod = it "checks integer division and modulo"
+    (lib.flatten [
+      (builtins.map (checkDiv "+a / +b") divisions)
+      (builtins.map
+        (fun.rl (checkDiv "-a / +b") (x: x // {
+          a = -x.a;
+          c = -x.c;
+          mod = -x.mod;
+        }))
+        divisions)
+      (builtins.map
+        (fun.rl (checkDiv "+a / -b") (x: x // {
+          b = -x.b;
+          c = -x.c;
+        }))
+        divisions)
+      (builtins.map
+        (fun.rl (checkDiv "-a / -b") (x: x // {
+          a = -x.a;
+          b = -x.b;
+          mod = -x.mod;
+        }))
+        divisions)
+    ]);
+runTestsuite "nix.int" [
+  testBounds
+  testHex
+  testBasic
+  testExp
+  testBit
+  testDivMod
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/string/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/string/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..852ef2538fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/string/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix.char)
+    chr
+    ord
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    int
+    flow
+    ;
+  take = n: s:
+    builtins.substring 0 n s;
+  drop = n: s:
+    builtins.substring n int.maxBound s;
+  charAt = i: s:
+    let
+      r = builtins.substring i 1 s;
+    in
+    if r == "" then null else r;
+  charIndex = char: s:
+    let
+      len = builtins.stringLength s;
+      go = i:
+        flow.cond [
+          [ (i >= len) null ]
+          [ (charAt i s == char) i ]
+          [ true (go (i + 1)) ]
+        ];
+    in
+    go 0;
+  toChars = lib.stringToCharacters;
+  fromChars = lib.concatStrings;
+  toBytes = str:
+    builtins.map ord (toChars str);
+  fromBytes = is: lib.concatMapStrings chr is;
+  pad = { left ? 0, right ? 0, char ? " " }: s:
+    let
+      leftS = fromChars (builtins.genList (_: char) left);
+      rightS = fromChars (builtins.genList (_: char) right);
+    in
+    "${leftS}${s}${rightS}";
+  fit = { char ? " ", width, side ? "left" }: s:
+    let
+      diff = width - builtins.stringLength s;
+    in
+    if diff <= 0
+    then s
+    else pad { inherit char; "${side}" = diff; } s;
+  # pattern matching for strings only
+  match = val: matcher: matcher."${val}";
+  /* Bare-bones printf implementation. Supported format specifiers:
+     * `%%` escapes `%`
+     * `%s` is substituted by a string
+     As expected, the first argument is a format string and the values
+     for its format specifiers need to provided as the next arguments
+     in order.
+     Type: string -> (printfVal : either string (a -> printfVal))
+  */
+  printf = formatString:
+    let
+      specifierWithArg = token: builtins.elem token [
+        "%s"
+      ];
+      isSpecifier = lib.hasPrefix "%";
+      tokens = lib.flatten (builtins.split "(%.)" formatString);
+      argsNeeded = builtins.length (builtins.filter specifierWithArg tokens);
+      format = args: (builtins.foldl'
+        ({ out ? "", argIndex ? 0 }: token: {
+          argIndex = argIndex + (if specifierWithArg token then 1 else 0);
+          out =
+            /**/
+            if token == "%s" then out + builtins.elemAt args argIndex
+            else if token == "%%" then out + "%"
+            else if isSpecifier token then throw "Unsupported format specifier ${token}"
+            else out + token;
+        })
+        { }
+        tokens).out;
+      accumulateArgs = argCount: args:
+        if argCount > 0
+        then arg: accumulateArgs (argCount - 1) (args ++ [ arg ])
+        else format args;
+    in
+    accumulateArgs argsNeeded [ ];
+  inherit
+    take
+    drop
+    charAt
+    charIndex
+    toBytes
+    fromBytes
+    toChars
+    fromChars
+    pad
+    fit
+    match
+    printf
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/string/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/string/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9015e95dca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/string/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    string
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    it
+    assertEq
+    runTestsuite
+    ;
+  testTakeDrop = it "tests take and drop" [
+    (assertEq "take"
+      (string.take 5 "five and more")
+      "five ")
+    (assertEq "drop"
+      (string.drop 2 "coin")
+      "in")
+    (assertEq "take out of bounds"
+      (string.take 100 "foo")
+      "foo")
+    (assertEq "drop out of bounds"
+      (string.drop 42 "lol")
+      "")
+  ];
+  testIndexing = it "tests string indexing" [
+    (assertEq "normal charAt"
+      (string.charAt 3 "helo")
+      "o")
+    (assertEq "out of bounds charAt"
+      (string.charAt 5 "helo")
+      null)
+  ];
+  testFinding = it "tests finding in strings" [
+    (assertEq "normal charIndex"
+      (string.charIndex "d" "abcdefghijkl")
+      3)
+    (assertEq "charIndex no match"
+      (string.charIndex "w" "zZzZzzzZZZ")
+      null)
+  ];
+  dontEval = builtins.throw "this should not get evaluated";
+  testMatch = it "tests match" [
+    (assertEq "basic match usage" 42
+      (string.match "answer" {
+        "answer" = 42;
+        "banana" = dontEval;
+        "maleur" = dontEval;
+      }))
+  ];
+  f = "f";
+  testPrintf = it "prints f" [
+    (assertEq "basic %s usage" "print ${f}" (string.printf "print %s" f))
+    (assertEq "% escaping" "100%" (string.printf "100%%"))
+  ];
+runTestsuite "nix.string" [
+  testTakeDrop
+  testIndexing
+  testFinding
+  testMatch
+  testPrintf
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/url/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/url/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a401873a1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/url/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    char
+    int
+    string
+    flow
+    ;
+  reserved = c: builtins.elem c [
+    "!"
+    "#"
+    "$"
+    "&"
+    "'"
+    "("
+    ")"
+    "*"
+    "+"
+    ","
+    "/"
+    ":"
+    ";"
+    "="
+    "?"
+    "@"
+    "["
+    "]"
+  ];
+  unreserved = c: char.asciiAlphaNum c
+    || builtins.elem c [ "-" "_" "." "~" ];
+  percentEncode = c:
+    if unreserved c
+    then c
+    else "%" + (string.fit
+      {
+        width = 2;
+        char = "0";
+        side = "left";
+      }
+      (int.toHex (char.ord c)));
+  encode = { leaveReserved ? false }: s:
+    let
+      chars = lib.stringToCharacters s;
+      tr = c:
+        if leaveReserved && reserved c
+        then c
+        else percentEncode c;
+    in
+    lib.concatStrings (builtins.map tr chars);
+  decode = s:
+    let
+      tokens = builtins.split "%" s;
+      decodeStep =
+        { result ? ""
+        , inPercent ? false
+        }: s:
+        flow.cond [
+          [
+            (builtins.isList s)
+            {
+              inherit result;
+              inPercent = true;
+            }
+          ]
+          [
+            inPercent
+            {
+              inPercent = false;
+              # first two characters came after an %
+              # the rest is the string until the next %
+              result = result
+                + char.chr (int.fromHex (string.take 2 s))
+                + (string.drop 2 s);
+            }
+          ]
+          [
+            (!inPercent)
+            {
+              result = result + s;
+            }
+          ]
+        ];
+    in
+    (builtins.foldl' decodeStep { } tokens).result;
+  inherit
+    encode
+    decode
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/url/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/url/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4eb6f95ccd07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/url/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+{ depot, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    it
+    assertEq
+    runTestsuite
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    url
+    ;
+  checkEncoding = args: { left, right }:
+    assertEq "encode ${builtins.toJSON left} == ${builtins.toJSON right}"
+      (url.encode args left)
+      right;
+  checkDecoding = { left, right }:
+    assertEq "${builtins.toJSON left} == decode ${builtins.toJSON right}"
+      (url.decode left)
+      right;
+  unreserved = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_~";
+  encodeExpected = [
+    { left = "Laguna Beach"; right = "Laguna%20Beach"; }
+    { left = "👾 Exterminate!"; right = "%F0%9F%91%BE%20Exterminate%21"; }
+    { left = unreserved; right = unreserved; }
+    {
+      left = "`!@#$%^&*()+={}[]:;'\\|<>,?/ \"";
+      right = "%60%21%40%23%24%25%5E%26%2A%28%29%2B%3D%7B%7D%5B%5D%3A%3B%27%5C%7C%3C%3E%2C%3F%2F%20%22";
+    }
+  ];
+  testEncode = it "checks url.encode"
+    (builtins.map (checkEncoding { }) encodeExpected);
+  testDecode = it "checks url.decode"
+    (builtins.map checkDecoding encodeExpected);
+  testLeaveReserved = it "checks that leaveReserved is like id for valid URLs"
+    (builtins.map (x: checkEncoding { leaveReserved = true; } { left = x; right = x; }) [
+      "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt"
+      "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt"
+      "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one"
+      "mailto:John.Doe@example.com"
+      "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix"
+      "tel:+1-816-555-1212"
+      "telnet://"
+      "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"
+    ]);
+runTestsuite "nix.url" [
+  testEncode
+  testLeaveReserved
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/utf8/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..71c846c0421e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    char
+    flow
+    fun
+    int
+    string
+    util
+    ;
+  /* (Internal) function to determine the amount
+     bytes left in a UTF-8 byte sequence from the
+     first byte.
+     This function will throw if the given first
+     byte is ill-formed, but will not detect all
+     cases of ill-formed-ness.
+     Based on table 3-6. from The Unicode Standard,
+     Version 13.0, section 3.9.
+     Type: integer -> integer
+  */
+  byteCount = i: flow.cond [
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 128 == 0) 1 ]
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 224 == 192) 2 ]
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 240 == 224) 3 ]
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 248 == 240) 4 ]
+    [ true (builtins.throw "Ill-formed first byte ${int.toHex i}") ]
+  ];
+  /* (Internal) function to check if a given byte in
+     an UTF-8 byte sequence is well-formed.
+     Based on table 3-7. from The Unicode Standard,
+     Version 13.0, section 3.9.
+     Type: integer -> integer -> integer -> bool
+  */
+  wellFormedByte =
+    # first byte's integer value
+    first:
+    # byte position as an index starting with 0
+    pos:
+    let
+      defaultRange = int.inRange 128 191;
+      secondBytePredicate = flow.switch first [
+        [ (int.inRange 194 223) defaultRange ] # C2..DF
+        [ 224 (int.inRange 160 191) ] # E0
+        [ (int.inRange 225 236) defaultRange ] # E1..EC
+        [ 237 (int.inRange 128 159) ] # ED
+        [ (int.inRange 238 239) defaultRange ] # EE..EF
+        [ 240 (int.inRange 144 191) ] # F0
+        [ (int.inRange 241 243) defaultRange ] # F1..F3
+        [ 244 (int.inRange 128 143) ] # F4
+        [ (fun.const true) null ]
+      ];
+      firstBytePredicate = byte: assert first == byte;
+        first < 128 || secondBytePredicate != null;
+    in
+    # Either ASCII or in one of the byte ranges of Table 3-6.
+    if pos == 0 then firstBytePredicate
+    # return predicate according to Table 3-6.
+    else if pos == 1 then assert secondBytePredicate != null; secondBytePredicate
+    # 3rd and 4th byte have only one validity rule
+    else defaultRange;
+  /* Iteration step for decoding an UTF-8 byte sequence.
+     It decodes incrementally, i. e. it has to be fed
+     one byte at a time and then returns either a
+     new state or a final result.
+     If the resulting attribute set contains the attribute
+     result, it is finished and the decoded codepoint is
+     contained in that attribute. In all other cases,
+     pass the returned set to step again along with
+     a new byte. The initial state to pass is the empty
+     set.
+     Extra attributes are always passed through, so you
+     can pass extra state. Be sure not to use result,
+     pos, code, first or count.
+     This function will throw with a fairly detailed
+     message if it encounters ill-formed bytes.
+     The implementation is based on The Unicode Standard,
+     Version 13.0, section 3.9, especially table 3-6.
+     Type: { ... } -> string -> ({ result :: integer, ... } | { ... })
+     Example: utf8.step {} "f"
+     => { result = 102; }
+  */
+  step = { pos ? 0, code ? 0, ... }@args: byte:
+    let
+      value = char.ord byte;
+      # first byte is context for well-formed-ness
+      first = args.first or value;
+      count = args.count or (byteCount first);
+      newCode =
+        if count == 1
+        then int.bitAnd 127 first # ascii character
+        else # multi byte UTF-8 sequence
+          let
+            # Calculate the bitmask for extracting the
+            # codepoint data in the current byte.
+            # If the codepoint is not ASCII, the bits
+            # used for codepoint data differ depending
+            # on the byte position and overall byte
+            # count. The first byte always ignores
+            # the (count + 1) most significant bits.
+            # For all subsequent bytes, the 2 most
+            # significant bits need to be ignored.
+            # See also table 3-6.
+            mask =
+              if pos == 0
+              then int.exp 2 (8 - (count + 1)) - 1
+              else 63;
+            # UTF-8 uses the 6 least significant bits in all
+            # subsequent bytes after the first one. Therefore
+            # We can determine the amount we need to shift
+            # the current value by the amount of bytes left.
+            offset = (count - (pos + 1)) * 6;
+          in
+          code + (int.bitShiftL (int.bitAnd mask value) offset);
+      illFormedMsg =
+        "Ill-formed byte ${int.toHex value} at position ${toString pos} in ${toString count} byte UTF-8 sequence";
+    in
+    if !(wellFormedByte first pos value) then builtins.throw illFormedMsg
+    else if pos + 1 == count
+    then (builtins.removeAttrs args [
+      # allow extra state being passed through
+      "count"
+      "code"
+      "pos"
+      "first"
+    ]) // { result = newCode; }
+    else (builtins.removeAttrs args [ "result" ]) // {
+      inherit count first;
+      code = newCode;
+      pos = pos + 1;
+    };
+  /* Decode an UTF-8 string into a list of codepoints.
+     Throws if the string is ill-formed UTF-8.
+     Type: string -> [ integer ]
+  */
+  # TODO(sterni): option to fallback to replacement char instead of failure
+  decode = s:
+    let
+      stringLength = builtins.stringLength s;
+      iterResult = builtins.genericClosure {
+        startSet = [
+          {
+            key = "start";
+            stringIndex = -1;
+            state = { };
+            codepoint = null;
+          }
+        ];
+        operator = { state, stringIndex, ... }:
+          let
+            # updated values for current iteration step
+            newIndex = stringIndex + 1;
+            newState = step state (builtins.substring newIndex 1 s);
+          in
+          lib.optional (newIndex < stringLength) {
+            # unique keys to make genericClosure happy
+            key = toString newIndex;
+            # carryover state for the next step
+            stringIndex = newIndex;
+            state = newState;
+            # actual payload for later, steps with value null are filtered out
+            codepoint = newState.result or null;
+          };
+      };
+    in
+    # extract all steps that yield a code point into a list
+    builtins.map (v: v.codepoint) (
+      builtins.filter
+        (
+          { codepoint, stringIndex, state, ... }:
+          let
+            # error message in case we are missing bytes at the end of input
+            earlyEndMsg =
+              if state ? count && state ? pos
+              then "Missing ${toString (with state; count - pos)} bytes at end of input"
+              else "Unexpected end of input";
+          in
+          # filter out all iteration steps without a codepoint value
+          codepoint != null
+          # if we are at the iteration step of a non-empty input string, throw
+          # an error if no codepoint was returned, as it indicates an incomplete
+          # UTF-8 sequence.
+          || (stringLength > 0 && stringIndex == stringLength - 1 && throw earlyEndMsg)
+        )
+        iterResult
+    );
+  /* Pretty prints a Unicode codepoint in the U+<HEX> notation.
+     Type: integer -> string
+  */
+  formatCodepoint = cp: "U+" + string.fit
+    {
+      width = 4;
+      char = "0";
+    }
+    (int.toHex cp);
+  encodeCodepoint = cp:
+    let
+      # Find the amount of bytes needed to encode the given codepoint.
+      # Note that this doesn't check if the Unicode codepoint is allowed,
+      # but rather allows all theoretically UTF-8-encodeable ones.
+      count = flow.switch cp [
+        [ (int.inRange 0 127) 1 ] # 00000000 0xxxxxxx
+        [ (int.inRange 128 2047) 2 ] # 00000yyy yyxxxxxx
+        [ (int.inRange 2048 65535) 3 ] # zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
+        [ (int.inRange 65536 1114111) 4 ] # 000uuuuu zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx,
+        # capped at U+10FFFF
+        [ (fun.const true) (builtins.throw invalidCodepointMsg) ]
+      ];
+      invalidCodepointMsg = "${formatCodepoint cp} is not a Unicode codepoint";
+      # Extract the bit ranges x, y, z and u from the given codepoint
+      # according to Table 3-6. from The Unicode Standard, Version 13.0,
+      # section 3.9. u is split into uh and ul since they are used in
+      # different bytes in the end.
+      components = lib.mapAttrs
+        (_: { mask, offset }:
+          int.bitAnd (int.bitShiftR cp offset) mask
+        )
+        {
+          x = {
+            mask = if count > 1 then 63 else 127;
+            offset = 0;
+          };
+          y = {
+            mask = if count > 2 then 63 else 31;
+            offset = 6;
+          };
+          z = {
+            mask = 15;
+            offset = 12;
+          };
+          # u which belongs into the second byte
+          ul = {
+            mask = 3;
+            offset = 16;
+          };
+          # u which belongs into the first byte
+          uh = {
+            mask = 7;
+            offset = 18;
+          };
+        };
+      inherit (components) x y z ul uh;
+      # Finally construct the byte sequence for the given codepoint. This is
+      # usually done by using the component and adding a few bits as a prefix
+      # which depends on the length of the sequence. The longer the sequence,
+      # the further back each component is pushed. To simplify this, we
+      # always construct a 4 element list and take the last `count` elements.
+      # Thanks to laziness the bogus values created by this are never evaluated.
+      #
+      # Based on table 3-6. from The Unicode Standard,
+      # Version 13.0, section 3.9.
+      bytes = lib.sublist (4 - count) count [
+        # 11110uuu
+        (uh + 240)
+        # 10uuzzzz or 1110zzzz
+        (z + (if count > 3 then 128 + int.bitShiftL ul 4 else 224))
+        # 10yyyyyy or 110yyyyy
+        (y + (if count > 2 then 128 else 192))
+        # 10xxxxxx or 0xxxxxxx
+        (x + (if count > 1 then 128 else 0))
+      ];
+      firstByte = builtins.head bytes;
+      unableToEncodeMessage = "Can't encode ${formatCodepoint cp} as UTF-8";
+    in
+    string.fromBytes (
+      builtins.genList
+        (i:
+          let
+            byte = builtins.elemAt bytes i;
+          in
+          if wellFormedByte firstByte i byte
+          then byte
+          else builtins.throw unableToEncodeMessage
+        )
+        count
+    );
+  /* Encode a list of Unicode codepoints into an UTF-8 string.
+     Type: [ integer ] -> string
+  */
+  encode = lib.concatMapStrings encodeCodepoint;
+  inherit
+    encode
+    decode
+    step
+    formatCodepoint
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/utf8/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40783eab2421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (pkgs)
+    runCommandLocal
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    it
+    assertEq
+    assertThrows
+    assertDoesNotThrow
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.writers)
+    rustSimple
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    int
+    utf8
+    string
+    char
+    ;
+  rustDecoder = rustSimple
+    {
+      name = "utf8-decode";
+    } ''
+    use std::io::{self, Read};
+    fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
+      let mut buffer = String::new();
+      io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut buffer)?;
+      print!("[ ");
+      for c in buffer.chars() {
+        print!("{} ", u32::from(c));
+      }
+      print!("]");
+      Ok(())
+    }
+  '';
+  rustDecode = s:
+    let
+      expr = runCommandLocal "${s}-decoded" { } ''
+        printf '%s' ${lib.escapeShellArg s} | ${rustDecoder} > $out
+      '';
+    in
+    import expr;
+  hexDecode = l:
+    utf8.decode (string.fromBytes (builtins.map int.fromHex l));
+  hexEncode = l: utf8.encode (builtins.map int.fromHex l);
+  testFailures = it "checks UTF-8 decoding failures" ([
+    (assertThrows "truncated UTF-8 string throws" (hexDecode [ "F0" "9F" ]))
+    # examples from The Unicode Standard
+    (assertThrows "ill-formed: C0 AF" (hexDecode [ "C0" "AF" ]))
+    (assertThrows "ill-formed: E0 9F 80" (hexDecode [ "E0" "9F" "80" ]))
+    (assertEq "well-formed: F4 80 83 92" (hexDecode [ "F4" "80" "83" "92" ]) [ 1048786 ])
+    (assertThrows "Codepoint out of range: 0xFFFFFF" (hexEncode [ "FFFFFF" ]))
+    (assertThrows "Codepoint out of range: -0x02" (hexEncode [ "-02" ]))
+  ] ++ builtins.genList
+    (i:
+      let
+        cp = i + int.fromHex "D800";
+      in
+      assertThrows "Can't encode UTF-16 reserved characters: ${utf8.formatCodepoint cp}"
+        (utf8.encode [ cp ])
+    )
+    (int.fromHex "07FF"));
+  testAscii = it "checks decoding of ascii strings"
+    (builtins.map
+      (s: assertEq "ASCII decoding is equal to UTF-8 decoding for \"${s}\""
+        (string.toBytes s)
+        (utf8.decode s)) [
+      "foo bar"
+      "hello\nworld"
+      "carriage\r\nreturn"
+      "1238398494829304 []<><>({})[]!!)"
+      (string.take 127 char.allChars)
+    ]);
+  randomUnicode = [
+    "" # empty string should yield empty list
+    "🥰👨‍👨‍👧‍👦🐈‍⬛👩🏽‍🦰"
+    # https://kermitproject.org/utf8.html
+    "ᚠᛇᚻ᛫ᛒᛦᚦ᛫ᚠᚱᚩᚠᚢᚱ᛫ᚠᛁᚱᚪ᛫ᚷᛖᚻᚹᛦᛚᚳᚢᛗ"
+    "An preost wes on leoden, Laȝamon was ihoten"
+    "Sîne klâwen durh die wolken sint geslagen,"
+    "Τὴ γλῶσσα μοῦ ἔδωσαν ἑλληνικὴ"
+    "На берегу пустынных волн"
+    "ვეპხის ტყაოსანი შოთა რუსთაველი"
+    "யாமறிந்த மொழிகளிலே தமிழ்மொழி போல் இனிதாவது எங்கும் காணோம், "
+    "ಬಾ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಭವಿಸು "
+  ];
+  # https://kermitproject.org/utf8.html
+  glassSentences = [
+    "Euro Symbol: €."
+    "Greek: Μπορώ να φάω σπασμένα γυαλιά χωρίς να πάθω τίποτα."
+    "Íslenska / Icelandic: Ég get etið gler án þess að meiða mig."
+    "Polish: Mogę jeść szkło, i mi nie szkodzi."
+    "Romanian: Pot să mănânc sticlă și ea nu mă rănește."
+    "Ukrainian: Я можу їсти шкло, й воно мені не пошкодить."
+    "Armenian: Կրնամ ապակի ուտել և ինծի անհանգիստ չըներ։"
+    "Georgian: მინას ვჭამ და არა მტკივა."
+    "Hindi: मैं काँच खा सकता हूँ, मुझे उस से कोई पीडा नहीं होती."
+    "Hebrew(2): אני יכול לאכול זכוכית וזה לא מזיק לי."
+    "Yiddish(2): איך קען עסן גלאָז און עס טוט מיר נישט װײ."
+    "Arabic(2): أنا قادر على أكل الزجاج و هذا لا يؤلمني."
+    "Japanese: 私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。"
+    "Thai: ฉันกินกระจกได้ แต่มันไม่ทำให้ฉันเจ็บ "
+  ];
+  testDecoding = it "checks decoding of UTF-8 strings against Rust's String"
+    (builtins.map
+      (s: assertEq "Decoding of “${s}” is correct" (utf8.decode s) (rustDecode s))
+      (lib.flatten [
+        glassSentences
+        randomUnicode
+      ]));
+  testDecodingEncoding = it "checks that decoding and then encoding forms an identity"
+    (builtins.map
+      (s: assertEq "Decoding and then encoding “${s}” yields itself"
+        (utf8.encode (utf8.decode s))
+        s)
+      (lib.flatten [
+        glassSentences
+        randomUnicode
+      ]));
+runTestsuite "nix.utf8" [
+  testFailures
+  testAscii
+  testDecoding
+  testDecodingEncoding
diff --git a/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix b/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c24200ff10f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  # dependency imports
+  inherit (depot.nix) getBins;
+  inherit (depot.third_party) rustsec-advisory-db;
+  bins = getBins pkgs.jq [
+    "jq"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.coreutils [
+    "cat"
+    "printf"
+    "tee"
+    "test"
+    "wc"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.gnugrep [
+    "grep"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.cargo-audit [
+    "cargo-audit"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.ansi2html [
+    "ansi2html"
+  ] // {
+    eprintf = depot.tools.eprintf;
+  };
+  # list of maintainers we may @mention on GitHub
+  maintainerWhitelist = builtins.attrValues {
+    inherit (lib.maintainers)
+      sternenseemann
+      qyliss
+      jk
+      symphorien
+      erictapen
+      expipiplus1
+      ;
+  };
+  # buildRustPackage handling
+  /* Predicate by which we identify rust packages we are interested in,
+     i. e. built using `buildRustPackage`.
+     Type :: drv -> bool
+  */
+  isRustPackage = v: v ? cargoDeps;
+  /* Takes a buildRustPackage derivation and returns a derivation which
+     builds extracts the `Cargo.lock` of its `cargoDeps` derivation or
+     `null` if it has none.
+     Type: drv -> option<drv>
+  */
+  # TODO(sterni): support cargoVendorDir?
+  extractCargoLock = drv:
+    if !(drv ? cargoDeps.outPath)
+    then null
+    else
+      pkgs.runCommandNoCC "${drv.name}-Cargo.lock" { } ''
+        if test -d "${drv.cargoDeps}"; then
+          cp "${drv.cargoDeps}/Cargo.lock" "$out"
+        fi
+        if test -f "${drv.cargoDeps}"; then
+          tar -xO \
+            --no-wildcards-match-slash --wildcards \
+            -f "${drv.cargoDeps}" \
+            '*/Cargo.lock' \
+            > "$out"
+        fi
+      '';
+  # nixpkgs traversal
+  # Condition for us to recurse: Either at top-level or recurseForDerivation.
+  recurseInto = path: x: path == [ ] ||
+    (lib.isAttrs x && (x.recurseForDerivations or false));
+  # Returns the value or false if an eval error occurs.
+  tryEvalOrFalse = v: (builtins.tryEval v).value;
+  /* Traverses nixpkgs as instructed by `recurseInto` and collects
+     the attribute and lockfile derivation of every rust package it
+     encounters into a list.
+     Type :: attrs
+          -> list {
+               attr :: list<str>;
+               lock :: option<drv>;
+               maintainers :: list<maintainer>;
+             }
+  */
+  allLockFiles =
+    let
+      go = path: x:
+        let
+          isDrv = tryEvalOrFalse (lib.isDerivation x);
+          doRec = tryEvalOrFalse (recurseInto path x);
+          isRust = tryEvalOrFalse (isRustPackage x);
+        in
+        if doRec then
+          lib.concatLists
+            (
+              lib.mapAttrsToList (n: go (path ++ [ n ])) x
+            ) else if isDrv && isRust then [
+          {
+            attr = path;
+            lock = extractCargoLock x;
+            maintainers = x.meta.maintainers or [ ];
+          }
+        ] else [ ];
+    in
+    go [ ];
+  # Report generation and formatting
+  reportFor = { attr, lock, maintainers ? [ ] }:
+    let
+      # naïve attribute path to Nix syntax conversion
+      strAttr = lib.concatStringsSep "." attr;
+      strMaintainers = lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (m: "@${m.github}") (
+        builtins.filter (x: builtins.elem x maintainerWhitelist) maintainers
+      );
+    in
+    if lock == null
+    then pkgs.emptyFile
+    else
+      depot.nix.runExecline "${strAttr}-vulnerability-report" { } [
+        "foreground"
+        [
+          "importas"
+          "out"
+          "out"
+          "redirfd"
+          "-w"
+          "1"
+          "$out"
+          depot.tools.rust-crates-advisory.lock-file-report
+          strAttr
+          lock
+          "true"
+          strMaintainers
+        ]
+        # ignore exit status of report
+        "exit"
+        "0"
+      ];
+  # GHMF in issues splits paragraphs on newlines
+  description = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n\n"
+    (
+      builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ " " ]
+    ) [
+    ''
+      The vulnerability report below was generated by
+      [nixpkgs-crate-holes](https://code.tvl.fyi/tree/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes)
+      which extracts the `Cargo.lock` file of each package in nixpkgs with a
+      `cargoDeps` attribute and passes it to
+      [cargo-audit](https://github.com/RustSec/rustsec/tree/main/cargo-audit)
+      using RustSec's
+      [advisory-db at ${builtins.substring 0 7 rustsec-advisory-db.rev}](https://github.com/RustSec/advisory-db/tree/${rustsec-advisory-db.rev}/).
+    ''
+    ''
+      Feel free to report any problems or suggest improvements (I have an email
+      address on my profile and hang out on Matrix/libera.chat as sterni)!
+      Tick off any reports that have been fixed in the meantime.
+    ''
+    ''
+      Note: A vulnerability in a dependency does not necessarily mean the dependent
+      package is vulnerable, e. g. when a vulnerable function isn't used.
+    ''
+  ];
+  runInstructions = ''
+    <details>
+    <summary>
+    Generating Cargo.lock vulnerability reports
+    </summary>
+    If you have a checkout of [depot](https://code.tvl.fyi/about/), you can generate this report using:
+    ```
+    nix-build -A users.sterni.nixpkgs-crate-holes.full \
+      --argstr nixpkgsPath /path/to/nixpkgs
+    ```
+    If you want a more detailed report for a single attribute of nixpkgs, use:
+    ```
+    nix-build -A users.sterni.nixpkgs-crate-holes.single \
+      --argstr nixpkgsPath /path/to/nixpkgs --arg attr '[ "ripgrep" ]'
+    ```
+    </details>
+  '';
+  defaultNixpkgsArgs = { allowBroken = false; };
+  reportForNixpkgs =
+    { nixpkgsPath
+    , nixpkgsArgs ? defaultNixpkgsArgs
+    }@args:
+    let
+      reports = builtins.map reportFor (
+        allLockFiles (import nixpkgsPath nixpkgsArgs)
+      );
+    in
+    depot.nix.runExecline "nixpkgs-rust-pkgs-vulnerability-report.md"
+      {
+        stdin = lib.concatMapStrings (report: "${report}\n") reports;
+      } [
+      "importas"
+      "out"
+      "out"
+      "redirfd"
+      "-w"
+      "1"
+      "$out"
+      # Print introduction paragraph for the issue
+      "if"
+      [ bins.printf "%s\n\n" description ]
+      # Print all reports
+      "foreground"
+      [
+        "forstdin"
+        "-E"
+        "report"
+        bins.cat
+        "$report"
+      ]
+      # Print stats at the end (mostly as a gimmick), we already know how many
+      # attributes there are and count the attributes with vulnerability by
+      # finding the number of checkable list entries in the output.
+      "backtick"
+      "-E"
+      "vulnerableCount"
+      [
+        "pipeline"
+        [
+          bins.grep
+          "^- \\[ \\]"
+          "$out"
+        ]
+        bins.wc
+        "-l"
+      ]
+      "if"
+      [
+        bins.printf
+        "\n%s of %s checked attributes have vulnerable dependencies.\n\n"
+        "$vulnerableCount"
+        (toString (builtins.length reports))
+      ]
+      "if"
+      [
+        bins.printf
+        "%s\n\n"
+        runInstructions
+      ]
+    ];
+  singleReport =
+    {
+      # Attribute to check: string or list of strings (attr path)
+      attr
+      # Path to importable nixpkgs checkout
+    , nixpkgsPath
+      # Arguments to pass to nixpkgs
+    , nixpkgsArgs ? defaultNixpkgsArgs
+    }:
+    let
+      attr' = if builtins.isString attr then [ attr ] else attr;
+      drv = lib.getAttrFromPath attr' (import nixpkgsPath nixpkgsArgs);
+      lockFile = extractCargoLock drv;
+      strAttr = lib.concatStringsSep "." attr';
+    in
+    depot.nix.runExecline "${strAttr}-report.html" { } [
+      "importas"
+      "out"
+      "out"
+      "backtick"
+      "-I"
+      "-E"
+      "-N"
+      "report"
+      [
+        bins.cargo-audit
+        "audit"
+        "--quiet"
+        "-n"
+        "--db"
+        rustsec-advisory-db
+        "-f"
+        lockFile
+      ]
+      "pipeline"
+      [
+        "ifte"
+        [
+          bins.printf
+          "%s"
+          "$report"
+        ]
+        [
+          bins.printf
+          "%s\n"
+          "No vulnerabilities found"
+        ]
+        bins.test
+        "-n"
+        "$report"
+      ]
+      "pipeline"
+      [
+        bins.tee
+        "/dev/stderr"
+      ]
+      "redirfd"
+      "-w"
+      "1"
+      "$out"
+      bins.ansi2html
+    ];
+  full = reportForNixpkgs;
+  single = singleReport;
+  inherit
+    extractCargoLock
+    allLockFiles
+    ;
+  # simple sanity check, doesn't cover everything, but testing the full report
+  # is quite expensive in terms of evaluation.
+  testSingle = singleReport {
+    nixpkgsPath = depot.third_party.nixpkgs.path;
+    attr = [ "ripgrep" ];
+  };
+  meta.ci.targets = [ "testSingle" ];