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path: root/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix b/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1630ecb8f1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  # dependency imports
+  inherit (depot.nix) getBins;
+  inherit (depot.third_party) rustsec-advisory-db;
+  bins = getBins pkgs.jq [
+    "jq"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.coreutils [
+    "cat"
+    "printf"
+    "tee"
+    "test"
+    "wc"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.gnugrep [
+    "grep"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.cargo-audit [
+    "cargo-audit"
+  ] // getBins pkgs.ansi2html [
+    "ansi2html"
+  ] // {
+    eprintf = depot.tools.eprintf;
+  };
+  # list of maintainers we may @mention on GitHub
+  maintainerWhitelist = builtins.attrValues {
+    inherit (lib.maintainers)
+      sternenseemann
+      qyliss
+      jk
+      symphorien
+      erictapen
+      expipiplus1
+      ;
+  };
+  # buildRustPackage handling
+  /* Predicate by which we identify rust packages we are interested in,
+     i. e. built using `buildRustPackage`.
+     Type :: drv -> bool
+  */
+  isRustPackage = v: v ? cargoDeps;
+  /* Takes a buildRustPackage derivation and returns a derivation which
+     builds extracts the `Cargo.lock` of its `cargoDeps` derivation or
+     `null` if it has none.
+     Type: drv -> option<drv>
+  */
+  # TODO(sterni): support cargoVendorDir?
+  extractCargoLock = drv:
+    if !(drv ? cargoDeps.outPath)
+    then null
+    else
+      pkgs.runCommand "${drv.name}-Cargo.lock" { } ''
+        if test -d "${drv.cargoDeps}"; then
+          cp "${drv.cargoDeps}/Cargo.lock" "$out"
+        fi
+        if test -f "${drv.cargoDeps}"; then
+          tar -xO \
+            --no-wildcards-match-slash --wildcards \
+            -f "${drv.cargoDeps}" \
+            '*/Cargo.lock' \
+            > "$out"
+        fi
+      '';
+  # nixpkgs traversal
+  # Condition for us to recurse: Either at top-level or recurseForDerivation.
+  recurseInto = path: x: path == [ ] ||
+    (lib.isAttrs x && (x.recurseForDerivations or false));
+  # Returns the value or false if an eval error occurs.
+  tryEvalOrFalse = v: (builtins.tryEval v).value;
+  /* Traverses nixpkgs as instructed by `recurseInto` and collects
+     the attribute and lockfile derivation of every rust package it
+     encounters into a list.
+     Type :: attrs
+          -> list {
+               attr :: list<str>;
+               lock :: option<drv>;
+               maintainers :: list<maintainer>;
+             }
+  */
+  allLockFiles =
+    let
+      go = path: x:
+        let
+          isDrv = tryEvalOrFalse (lib.isDerivation x);
+          doRec = tryEvalOrFalse (recurseInto path x);
+          isRust = tryEvalOrFalse (isRustPackage x);
+        in
+        if doRec then
+          lib.concatLists
+            (
+              lib.mapAttrsToList (n: go (path ++ [ n ])) x
+            ) else if isDrv && isRust then [
+          {
+            attr = path;
+            lock = extractCargoLock x;
+            maintainers = x.meta.maintainers or [ ];
+          }
+        ] else [ ];
+    in
+    go [ ];
+  # Report generation and formatting
+  reportFor = { attr, lock, maintainers ? [ ] }:
+    let
+      # naïve attribute path to Nix syntax conversion
+      strAttr = lib.concatStringsSep "." attr;
+      strMaintainers = lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (m: "@${m.github}") (
+        builtins.filter (x: builtins.elem x maintainerWhitelist) maintainers
+      );
+    in
+    if lock == null
+    then pkgs.emptyFile
+    else
+      depot.nix.runExecline "${strAttr}-vulnerability-report" { } [
+        "foreground"
+        [
+          "importas"
+          "out"
+          "out"
+          "redirfd"
+          "-w"
+          "1"
+          "$out"
+          depot.tools.rust-crates-advisory.lock-file-report
+          strAttr
+          lock
+          "true"
+          strMaintainers
+        ]
+        # ignore exit status of report
+        "exit"
+        "0"
+      ];
+  # GHMF in issues splits paragraphs on newlines
+  description = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n\n"
+    (
+      builtins.replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ " " ]
+    ) [
+    ''
+      The vulnerability report below was generated by
+      [nixpkgs-crate-holes](https://code.tvl.fyi/tree/users/sterni/nixpkgs-crate-holes)
+      which extracts the `Cargo.lock` file of each package in nixpkgs with a
+      `cargoDeps` attribute and passes it to
+      [cargo-audit](https://github.com/RustSec/rustsec/tree/main/cargo-audit)
+      using RustSec's
+      [advisory-db at ${builtins.substring 0 7 rustsec-advisory-db.rev}](https://github.com/RustSec/advisory-db/tree/${rustsec-advisory-db.rev}/).
+    ''
+    ''
+      Feel free to report any problems or suggest improvements (I have an email
+      address on my profile and hang out on Matrix/libera.chat as sterni)!
+      Tick off any reports that have been fixed in the meantime.
+    ''
+    ''
+      Note: A vulnerability in a dependency does not necessarily mean the dependent
+      package is vulnerable, e. g. when a vulnerable function isn't used.
+    ''
+  ];
+  runInstructions = ''
+    <details>
+    <summary>
+    Generating Cargo.lock vulnerability reports
+    </summary>
+    If you have a checkout of [depot](https://code.tvl.fyi/about/), you can generate this report using:
+    ```
+    nix-build -A users.sterni.nixpkgs-crate-holes.full \
+      --argstr nixpkgsPath /path/to/nixpkgs
+    ```
+    If you want a more detailed report for a single attribute of nixpkgs, use:
+    ```
+    nix-build -A users.sterni.nixpkgs-crate-holes.single \
+      --argstr nixpkgsPath /path/to/nixpkgs --arg attr '[ "ripgrep" ]'
+    ```
+    </details>
+  '';
+  defaultNixpkgsArgs = { allowBroken = false; };
+  reportForNixpkgs =
+    { nixpkgsPath
+    , nixpkgsArgs ? defaultNixpkgsArgs
+    }@args:
+    let
+      reports = builtins.map reportFor (
+        allLockFiles (import nixpkgsPath nixpkgsArgs)
+      );
+    in
+    depot.nix.runExecline "nixpkgs-rust-pkgs-vulnerability-report.md"
+      {
+        stdin = lib.concatMapStrings (report: "${report}\n") reports;
+      } [
+      "importas"
+      "out"
+      "out"
+      "redirfd"
+      "-w"
+      "1"
+      "$out"
+      # Print introduction paragraph for the issue
+      "if"
+      [ bins.printf "%s\n\n" description ]
+      # Print all reports
+      "foreground"
+      [
+        "forstdin"
+        "-E"
+        "report"
+        bins.cat
+        "$report"
+      ]
+      # Print stats at the end (mostly as a gimmick), we already know how many
+      # attributes there are and count the attributes with vulnerability by
+      # finding the number of checkable list entries in the output.
+      "backtick"
+      "-E"
+      "vulnerableCount"
+      [
+        "pipeline"
+        [
+          bins.grep
+          "^- \\[ \\]"
+          "$out"
+        ]
+        bins.wc
+        "-l"
+      ]
+      "if"
+      [
+        bins.printf
+        "\n%s of %s checked attributes have vulnerable dependencies.\n\n"
+        "$vulnerableCount"
+        (toString (builtins.length reports))
+      ]
+      "if"
+      [
+        bins.printf
+        "%s\n\n"
+        runInstructions
+      ]
+    ];
+  singleReport =
+    {
+      # Attribute to check: string or list of strings (attr path)
+      attr
+      # Path to importable nixpkgs checkout
+    , nixpkgsPath
+      # Arguments to pass to nixpkgs
+    , nixpkgsArgs ? defaultNixpkgsArgs
+    }:
+    let
+      attr' = if builtins.isString attr then [ attr ] else attr;
+      drv = lib.getAttrFromPath attr' (import nixpkgsPath nixpkgsArgs);
+      lockFile = extractCargoLock drv;
+      strAttr = lib.concatStringsSep "." attr';
+    in
+    depot.nix.runExecline "${strAttr}-report.html" { } [
+      "importas"
+      "out"
+      "out"
+      "backtick"
+      "-I"
+      "-E"
+      "-N"
+      "report"
+      [
+        bins.cargo-audit
+        "audit"
+        "--quiet"
+        "-n"
+        "--db"
+        rustsec-advisory-db
+        "-f"
+        lockFile
+      ]
+      "pipeline"
+      [
+        "ifte"
+        [
+          bins.printf
+          "%s"
+          "$report"
+        ]
+        [
+          bins.printf
+          "%s\n"
+          "No vulnerabilities found"
+        ]
+        bins.test
+        "-n"
+        "$report"
+      ]
+      "pipeline"
+      [
+        bins.tee
+        "/dev/stderr"
+      ]
+      "redirfd"
+      "-w"
+      "1"
+      "$out"
+      bins.ansi2html
+    ];
+  full = reportForNixpkgs;
+  single = singleReport;
+  inherit
+    extractCargoLock
+    allLockFiles
+    ;
+  # simple sanity check, doesn't cover everything, but testing the full report
+  # is quite expensive in terms of evaluation.
+  testSingle = singleReport {
+    nixpkgsPath = depot.third_party.nixpkgs.path;
+    attr = [ "ripgrep" ];
+  };
+  meta.ci.targets = [ "testSingle" ];