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path: root/users/sterni/nix/utf8
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/sterni/nix/utf8')
2 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/utf8/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..71c846c0421e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+{ depot, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    char
+    flow
+    fun
+    int
+    string
+    util
+    ;
+  /* (Internal) function to determine the amount
+     bytes left in a UTF-8 byte sequence from the
+     first byte.
+     This function will throw if the given first
+     byte is ill-formed, but will not detect all
+     cases of ill-formed-ness.
+     Based on table 3-6. from The Unicode Standard,
+     Version 13.0, section 3.9.
+     Type: integer -> integer
+  */
+  byteCount = i: flow.cond [
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 128 == 0) 1 ]
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 224 == 192) 2 ]
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 240 == 224) 3 ]
+    [ (int.bitAnd i 248 == 240) 4 ]
+    [ true (builtins.throw "Ill-formed first byte ${int.toHex i}") ]
+  ];
+  /* (Internal) function to check if a given byte in
+     an UTF-8 byte sequence is well-formed.
+     Based on table 3-7. from The Unicode Standard,
+     Version 13.0, section 3.9.
+     Type: integer -> integer -> integer -> bool
+  */
+  wellFormedByte =
+    # first byte's integer value
+    first:
+    # byte position as an index starting with 0
+    pos:
+    let
+      defaultRange = int.inRange 128 191;
+      secondBytePredicate = flow.switch first [
+        [ (int.inRange 194 223) defaultRange ] # C2..DF
+        [ 224 (int.inRange 160 191) ] # E0
+        [ (int.inRange 225 236) defaultRange ] # E1..EC
+        [ 237 (int.inRange 128 159) ] # ED
+        [ (int.inRange 238 239) defaultRange ] # EE..EF
+        [ 240 (int.inRange 144 191) ] # F0
+        [ (int.inRange 241 243) defaultRange ] # F1..F3
+        [ 244 (int.inRange 128 143) ] # F4
+        [ (fun.const true) null ]
+      ];
+      firstBytePredicate = byte: assert first == byte;
+        first < 128 || secondBytePredicate != null;
+    in
+    # Either ASCII or in one of the byte ranges of Table 3-6.
+    if pos == 0 then firstBytePredicate
+    # return predicate according to Table 3-6.
+    else if pos == 1 then assert secondBytePredicate != null; secondBytePredicate
+    # 3rd and 4th byte have only one validity rule
+    else defaultRange;
+  /* Iteration step for decoding an UTF-8 byte sequence.
+     It decodes incrementally, i. e. it has to be fed
+     one byte at a time and then returns either a
+     new state or a final result.
+     If the resulting attribute set contains the attribute
+     result, it is finished and the decoded codepoint is
+     contained in that attribute. In all other cases,
+     pass the returned set to step again along with
+     a new byte. The initial state to pass is the empty
+     set.
+     Extra attributes are always passed through, so you
+     can pass extra state. Be sure not to use result,
+     pos, code, first or count.
+     This function will throw with a fairly detailed
+     message if it encounters ill-formed bytes.
+     The implementation is based on The Unicode Standard,
+     Version 13.0, section 3.9, especially table 3-6.
+     Type: { ... } -> string -> ({ result :: integer, ... } | { ... })
+     Example: utf8.step {} "f"
+     => { result = 102; }
+  */
+  step = { pos ? 0, code ? 0, ... }@args: byte:
+    let
+      value = char.ord byte;
+      # first byte is context for well-formed-ness
+      first = args.first or value;
+      count = args.count or (byteCount first);
+      newCode =
+        if count == 1
+        then int.bitAnd 127 first # ascii character
+        else # multi byte UTF-8 sequence
+          let
+            # Calculate the bitmask for extracting the
+            # codepoint data in the current byte.
+            # If the codepoint is not ASCII, the bits
+            # used for codepoint data differ depending
+            # on the byte position and overall byte
+            # count. The first byte always ignores
+            # the (count + 1) most significant bits.
+            # For all subsequent bytes, the 2 most
+            # significant bits need to be ignored.
+            # See also table 3-6.
+            mask =
+              if pos == 0
+              then int.exp 2 (8 - (count + 1)) - 1
+              else 63;
+            # UTF-8 uses the 6 least significant bits in all
+            # subsequent bytes after the first one. Therefore
+            # We can determine the amount we need to shift
+            # the current value by the amount of bytes left.
+            offset = (count - (pos + 1)) * 6;
+          in
+          code + (int.bitShiftL (int.bitAnd mask value) offset);
+      illFormedMsg =
+        "Ill-formed byte ${int.toHex value} at position ${toString pos} in ${toString count} byte UTF-8 sequence";
+    in
+    if !(wellFormedByte first pos value) then builtins.throw illFormedMsg
+    else if pos + 1 == count
+    then (builtins.removeAttrs args [
+      # allow extra state being passed through
+      "count"
+      "code"
+      "pos"
+      "first"
+    ]) // { result = newCode; }
+    else (builtins.removeAttrs args [ "result" ]) // {
+      inherit count first;
+      code = newCode;
+      pos = pos + 1;
+    };
+  /* Decode an UTF-8 string into a list of codepoints.
+     Throws if the string is ill-formed UTF-8.
+     Type: string -> [ integer ]
+  */
+  # TODO(sterni): option to fallback to replacement char instead of failure
+  decode = s:
+    let
+      stringLength = builtins.stringLength s;
+      iterResult = builtins.genericClosure {
+        startSet = [
+          {
+            key = "start";
+            stringIndex = -1;
+            state = { };
+            codepoint = null;
+          }
+        ];
+        operator = { state, stringIndex, ... }:
+          let
+            # updated values for current iteration step
+            newIndex = stringIndex + 1;
+            newState = step state (builtins.substring newIndex 1 s);
+          in
+          lib.optional (newIndex < stringLength) {
+            # unique keys to make genericClosure happy
+            key = toString newIndex;
+            # carryover state for the next step
+            stringIndex = newIndex;
+            state = newState;
+            # actual payload for later, steps with value null are filtered out
+            codepoint = newState.result or null;
+          };
+      };
+    in
+    # extract all steps that yield a code point into a list
+    builtins.map (v: v.codepoint) (
+      builtins.filter
+        (
+          { codepoint, stringIndex, state, ... }:
+          let
+            # error message in case we are missing bytes at the end of input
+            earlyEndMsg =
+              if state ? count && state ? pos
+              then "Missing ${toString (with state; count - pos)} bytes at end of input"
+              else "Unexpected end of input";
+          in
+          # filter out all iteration steps without a codepoint value
+          codepoint != null
+          # if we are at the iteration step of a non-empty input string, throw
+          # an error if no codepoint was returned, as it indicates an incomplete
+          # UTF-8 sequence.
+          || (stringLength > 0 && stringIndex == stringLength - 1 && throw earlyEndMsg)
+        )
+        iterResult
+    );
+  /* Pretty prints a Unicode codepoint in the U+<HEX> notation.
+     Type: integer -> string
+  */
+  formatCodepoint = cp: "U+" + string.fit
+    {
+      width = 4;
+      char = "0";
+    }
+    (int.toHex cp);
+  encodeCodepoint = cp:
+    let
+      # Find the amount of bytes needed to encode the given codepoint.
+      # Note that this doesn't check if the Unicode codepoint is allowed,
+      # but rather allows all theoretically UTF-8-encodeable ones.
+      count = flow.switch cp [
+        [ (int.inRange 0 127) 1 ] # 00000000 0xxxxxxx
+        [ (int.inRange 128 2047) 2 ] # 00000yyy yyxxxxxx
+        [ (int.inRange 2048 65535) 3 ] # zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
+        [ (int.inRange 65536 1114111) 4 ] # 000uuuuu zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx,
+        # capped at U+10FFFF
+        [ (fun.const true) (builtins.throw invalidCodepointMsg) ]
+      ];
+      invalidCodepointMsg = "${formatCodepoint cp} is not a Unicode codepoint";
+      # Extract the bit ranges x, y, z and u from the given codepoint
+      # according to Table 3-6. from The Unicode Standard, Version 13.0,
+      # section 3.9. u is split into uh and ul since they are used in
+      # different bytes in the end.
+      components = lib.mapAttrs
+        (_: { mask, offset }:
+          int.bitAnd (int.bitShiftR cp offset) mask
+        )
+        {
+          x = {
+            mask = if count > 1 then 63 else 127;
+            offset = 0;
+          };
+          y = {
+            mask = if count > 2 then 63 else 31;
+            offset = 6;
+          };
+          z = {
+            mask = 15;
+            offset = 12;
+          };
+          # u which belongs into the second byte
+          ul = {
+            mask = 3;
+            offset = 16;
+          };
+          # u which belongs into the first byte
+          uh = {
+            mask = 7;
+            offset = 18;
+          };
+        };
+      inherit (components) x y z ul uh;
+      # Finally construct the byte sequence for the given codepoint. This is
+      # usually done by using the component and adding a few bits as a prefix
+      # which depends on the length of the sequence. The longer the sequence,
+      # the further back each component is pushed. To simplify this, we
+      # always construct a 4 element list and take the last `count` elements.
+      # Thanks to laziness the bogus values created by this are never evaluated.
+      #
+      # Based on table 3-6. from The Unicode Standard,
+      # Version 13.0, section 3.9.
+      bytes = lib.sublist (4 - count) count [
+        # 11110uuu
+        (uh + 240)
+        # 10uuzzzz or 1110zzzz
+        (z + (if count > 3 then 128 + int.bitShiftL ul 4 else 224))
+        # 10yyyyyy or 110yyyyy
+        (y + (if count > 2 then 128 else 192))
+        # 10xxxxxx or 0xxxxxxx
+        (x + (if count > 1 then 128 else 0))
+      ];
+      firstByte = builtins.head bytes;
+      unableToEncodeMessage = "Can't encode ${formatCodepoint cp} as UTF-8";
+    in
+    string.fromBytes (
+      builtins.genList
+        (i:
+          let
+            byte = builtins.elemAt bytes i;
+          in
+          if wellFormedByte firstByte i byte
+          then byte
+          else builtins.throw unableToEncodeMessage
+        )
+        count
+    );
+  /* Encode a list of Unicode codepoints into an UTF-8 string.
+     Type: [ integer ] -> string
+  */
+  encode = lib.concatMapStrings encodeCodepoint;
+  inherit
+    encode
+    decode
+    step
+    formatCodepoint
+    ;
diff --git a/users/sterni/nix/utf8/tests/default.nix b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40783eab2421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/sterni/nix/utf8/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  inherit (pkgs)
+    runCommandLocal
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
+    runTestsuite
+    it
+    assertEq
+    assertThrows
+    assertDoesNotThrow
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.nix.writers)
+    rustSimple
+    ;
+  inherit (depot.users.sterni.nix)
+    int
+    utf8
+    string
+    char
+    ;
+  rustDecoder = rustSimple
+    {
+      name = "utf8-decode";
+    } ''
+    use std::io::{self, Read};
+    fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
+      let mut buffer = String::new();
+      io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut buffer)?;
+      print!("[ ");
+      for c in buffer.chars() {
+        print!("{} ", u32::from(c));
+      }
+      print!("]");
+      Ok(())
+    }
+  '';
+  rustDecode = s:
+    let
+      expr = runCommandLocal "${s}-decoded" { } ''
+        printf '%s' ${lib.escapeShellArg s} | ${rustDecoder} > $out
+      '';
+    in
+    import expr;
+  hexDecode = l:
+    utf8.decode (string.fromBytes (builtins.map int.fromHex l));
+  hexEncode = l: utf8.encode (builtins.map int.fromHex l);
+  testFailures = it "checks UTF-8 decoding failures" ([
+    (assertThrows "truncated UTF-8 string throws" (hexDecode [ "F0" "9F" ]))
+    # examples from The Unicode Standard
+    (assertThrows "ill-formed: C0 AF" (hexDecode [ "C0" "AF" ]))
+    (assertThrows "ill-formed: E0 9F 80" (hexDecode [ "E0" "9F" "80" ]))
+    (assertEq "well-formed: F4 80 83 92" (hexDecode [ "F4" "80" "83" "92" ]) [ 1048786 ])
+    (assertThrows "Codepoint out of range: 0xFFFFFF" (hexEncode [ "FFFFFF" ]))
+    (assertThrows "Codepoint out of range: -0x02" (hexEncode [ "-02" ]))
+  ] ++ builtins.genList
+    (i:
+      let
+        cp = i + int.fromHex "D800";
+      in
+      assertThrows "Can't encode UTF-16 reserved characters: ${utf8.formatCodepoint cp}"
+        (utf8.encode [ cp ])
+    )
+    (int.fromHex "07FF"));
+  testAscii = it "checks decoding of ascii strings"
+    (builtins.map
+      (s: assertEq "ASCII decoding is equal to UTF-8 decoding for \"${s}\""
+        (string.toBytes s)
+        (utf8.decode s)) [
+      "foo bar"
+      "hello\nworld"
+      "carriage\r\nreturn"
+      "1238398494829304 []<><>({})[]!!)"
+      (string.take 127 char.allChars)
+    ]);
+  randomUnicode = [
+    "" # empty string should yield empty list
+    "🥰👨‍👨‍👧‍👦🐈‍⬛👩🏽‍🦰"
+    # https://kermitproject.org/utf8.html
+    "ᚠᛇᚻ᛫ᛒᛦᚦ᛫ᚠᚱᚩᚠᚢᚱ᛫ᚠᛁᚱᚪ᛫ᚷᛖᚻᚹᛦᛚᚳᚢᛗ"
+    "An preost wes on leoden, Laȝamon was ihoten"
+    "Sîne klâwen durh die wolken sint geslagen,"
+    "Τὴ γλῶσσα μοῦ ἔδωσαν ἑλληνικὴ"
+    "На берегу пустынных волн"
+    "ვეპხის ტყაოსანი შოთა რუსთაველი"
+    "யாமறிந்த மொழிகளிலே தமிழ்மொழி போல் இனிதாவது எங்கும் காணோம், "
+    "ಬಾ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಭವಿಸು "
+  ];
+  # https://kermitproject.org/utf8.html
+  glassSentences = [
+    "Euro Symbol: €."
+    "Greek: Μπορώ να φάω σπασμένα γυαλιά χωρίς να πάθω τίποτα."
+    "Íslenska / Icelandic: Ég get etið gler án þess að meiða mig."
+    "Polish: Mogę jeść szkło, i mi nie szkodzi."
+    "Romanian: Pot să mănânc sticlă și ea nu mă rănește."
+    "Ukrainian: Я можу їсти шкло, й воно мені не пошкодить."
+    "Armenian: Կրնամ ապակի ուտել և ինծի անհանգիստ չըներ։"
+    "Georgian: მინას ვჭამ და არა მტკივა."
+    "Hindi: मैं काँच खा सकता हूँ, मुझे उस से कोई पीडा नहीं होती."
+    "Hebrew(2): אני יכול לאכול זכוכית וזה לא מזיק לי."
+    "Yiddish(2): איך קען עסן גלאָז און עס טוט מיר נישט װײ."
+    "Arabic(2): أنا قادر على أكل الزجاج و هذا لا يؤلمني."
+    "Japanese: 私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。"
+    "Thai: ฉันกินกระจกได้ แต่มันไม่ทำให้ฉันเจ็บ "
+  ];
+  testDecoding = it "checks decoding of UTF-8 strings against Rust's String"
+    (builtins.map
+      (s: assertEq "Decoding of “${s}” is correct" (utf8.decode s) (rustDecode s))
+      (lib.flatten [
+        glassSentences
+        randomUnicode
+      ]));
+  testDecodingEncoding = it "checks that decoding and then encoding forms an identity"
+    (builtins.map
+      (s: assertEq "Decoding and then encoding “${s}” yields itself"
+        (utf8.encode (utf8.decode s))
+        s)
+      (lib.flatten [
+        glassSentences
+        randomUnicode
+      ]));
+runTestsuite "nix.utf8" [
+  testFailures
+  testAscii
+  testDecoding
+  testDecodingEncoding