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path: root/users/grfn/xanthous/test/Xanthous/Generators/Level/UtilSpec.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/test/Xanthous/Generators/Level/UtilSpec.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/test/Xanthous/Generators/Level/UtilSpec.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b53c657f7559..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/test/Xanthous/Generators/Level/UtilSpec.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
-module Xanthous.Generators.Level.UtilSpec (main, test) where
-import Test.Prelude
-import System.Random (mkStdGen)
-import Control.Monad.Random (runRandT)
-import Data.Array.ST (STUArray, runSTUArray, thaw)
-import Data.Array.IArray (bounds, array)
-import Data.Array.MArray (newArray, readArray, writeArray)
-import Data.Array (Array, range, listArray, Ix)
-import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
-import "checkers" Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Array ()
-import Linear.V2
-import Xanthous.Util
-import Xanthous.Data (width, height)
-import Xanthous.Generators.Level.Util
-main :: IO ()
-main = defaultMain test
-newtype GenArray a b = GenArray (Array a b)
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq)
-instance (Ix a, Arbitrary a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b)
-       => Arbitrary (GenArray a b) where
-  arbitrary = GenArray <$> do
-    (mkElem :: a -> b) <- arbitrary
-    minDims <- arbitrary
-    maxDims <- arbitrary
-    let bnds = (minDims, maxDims)
-    pure $ listArray bnds $ mkElem <$> range bnds
-test :: TestTree
-test = testGroup "Xanthous.Generators.Util"
-  [ testGroup "randInitialize"
-    [ testProperty "returns an array of the correct dimensions"
-      $ \dims seed aliveChance ->
-        let gen = mkStdGen seed
-            res = runSTUArray
-                $ fmap fst
-                $ flip runRandT gen
-                $ randInitialize dims aliveChance
-        in bounds res === (0, V2 (dims ^. width) (dims ^. height))
-    ]
-  , testGroup "numAliveNeighborsM"
-    [ testProperty "maxes out at 8"
-      $ \(GenArray (arr :: Array (V2 Word) Bool)) loc ->
-        let
-          act :: forall s. ST s Word
-          act = do
-            mArr <- thaw @_ @_ @_ @(STUArray s) arr
-            numAliveNeighborsM mArr loc
-          res = runST act
-        in counterexample (show res) $ between 0 8 res
-    , testCase "on the outer x edge" $
-      let act :: forall s. ST s Word
-          act = do
-            cells <- thaw @_ @_ @_ @(STUArray s) $ array @Array @Bool @(V2 Word)
-              (V2 0 0, V2 2 2)
-              [ (V2 0 0, True),  (V2 1 0, True),  (V2 2 0, True)
-              , (V2 0 1, False), (V2 1 1, False), (V2 2 1, True)
-              , (V2 0 2, True),  (V2 1 2, True),  (V2 2 2, True)
-              ]
-            numAliveNeighborsM cells (V2 0 1)
-          res = runST act
-      in res @?= 7
-    , testCase "on the outer y edge" $
-      let act :: forall s. ST s Word
-          act = do
-            cells <- thaw @_ @_ @_ @(STUArray s) $ array @Array @Bool @(V2 Word)
-              (V2 0 0, V2 2 2)
-              [ (V2 0 0, True),  (V2 1 0, True),  (V2 2 0, True)
-              , (V2 0 1, False), (V2 1 1, False), (V2 2 1, True)
-              , (V2 0 2, True),  (V2 1 2, True),  (V2 2 2, True)
-              ]
-            numAliveNeighborsM cells (V2 1 0)
-          res = runST act
-      in res @?= 6
-    ]
-  , testGroup "numAliveNeighbors"
-    [ testProperty "is equivalient to runST . numAliveNeighborsM . thaw" $
-      \(GenArray (arr :: Array (V2 Word) Bool)) loc ->
-        let
-          act :: forall s. ST s Word
-          act = do
-            mArr <- thaw @_ @_ @_ @(STUArray s) arr
-            numAliveNeighborsM mArr loc
-          res = runST act
-        in numAliveNeighbors arr loc === res
-    , testCase "on the outer x edge" $
-      let cells =
-            array @Array @Bool @(V2 Word)
-            (V2 0 0, V2 2 2)
-            [ (V2 0 0, True),  (V2 1 0, True),  (V2 2 0, True)
-            , (V2 0 1, False), (V2 1 1, False), (V2 2 1, True)
-            , (V2 0 2, True),  (V2 1 2, True),  (V2 2 2, True)
-            ]
-      in numAliveNeighbors cells (V2 0 1) @?= 7
-    , testCase "on the outer y edge" $
-      let cells =
-            array @Array @Bool @(V2 Word)
-            (V2 0 0, V2 2 2)
-            [ (V2 0 0, True),  (V2 1 0, True),  (V2 2 0, True)
-            , (V2 0 1, False), (V2 1 1, False), (V2 2 1, True)
-            , (V2 0 2, True),  (V2 1 2, True),  (V2 2 2, True)
-            ]
-      in numAliveNeighbors cells (V2 1 0) @?= 6
-    ]
-  , testGroup "cloneMArray"
-      [ testCase "clones the array" $ runST $
-          let
-            go :: forall s. ST s Assertion
-            go = do
-              arr <- newArray @(STUArray s) (0 :: Int, 5) (1 :: Int)
-              arr' <- cloneMArray @_ @(STUArray s) arr
-              writeArray arr' 0 1234
-              x <- readArray arr 0
-              pure $ x @?= 1
-          in go
-      ]
-  ]