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path: root/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities')
4 files changed, 32 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs
index e95e9f0b985b..f23cf25b4392 100644
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs
+++ b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import           Test.QuickCheck
 import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
 import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
 import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
+import           Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
 import           Xanthous.AI.Gormlak
 import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes hiding
@@ -74,11 +75,11 @@ instance Entity Creature where
-newWithType :: CreatureType -> Creature
+newWithType :: MonadRandom m => CreatureType -> m Creature
 newWithType _creatureType =
   let _hitpoints = _creatureType ^. maxHitpoints
       _hippocampus = initialHippocampus
-  in Creature {..}
+  in pure Creature {..}
 damage :: Hitpoints -> Creature -> Creature
 damage amount = hitpoints %~ \hp ->
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs
index b50a5eab809d..6647c42731fa 100644
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs
+++ b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs
@@ -1,49 +1,63 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 module Xanthous.Entities.Item
   ( Item(..)
   , itemType
+  , density
+  , volume
   , newWithType
   , isEdible
+  , weight
   ) where
 import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Test.QuickCheck
+import           Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, CoArbitrary, Function)
 import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
 import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
+import           Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
-import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes hiding (Item, description, isEdible)
+import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes (ItemType)
 import qualified Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes as Raw
 import           Xanthous.Game.State
+import           Xanthous.Data (Grams, Per, Cubic, Meters, (|*|))
+import           Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck (GenericArbitrary(GenericArbitrary))
+import           Xanthous.Random (choose, FiniteInterval(..))
 data Item = Item
   { _itemType :: ItemType
+  , _density  :: Grams `Per` Cubic Meters
+  , _volume   :: Cubic Meters
   deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
   deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
   deriving Draw via DrawRawChar "_itemType" Item
+  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Item
   deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
        via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
 makeLenses ''Item
-{-# ANN Item ("HLint: ignore Use newtype instead of data" :: String )#-}
 -- deriving via (Brainless Item) instance Brain Item
 instance Brain Item where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Arbitrary Item where
-  arbitrary = Item <$> arbitrary
 instance Entity Item where
   description = view $ itemType . Raw.description
   entityChar = view $ itemType . Raw.char
   entityCollision = const Nothing
-newWithType :: ItemType -> Item
-newWithType = Item
+newWithType :: MonadRandom m => ItemType -> m Item
+newWithType _itemType = do
+  _density <- choose . FiniteInterval $ _itemType ^. Raw.density
+  _volume  <- choose . FiniteInterval $ _itemType ^. Raw.volume
+  pure Item {..}
 isEdible :: Item -> Bool
 isEdible = Raw.isEdible . view itemType
+-- | The weight of this item, calculated by multiplying its volume by the
+-- density of its material
+weight :: Item -> Grams
+weight item = (item ^. density) |*| (item ^. volume)
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs
index 88070ed7b8bd..b0fb5e086e26 100644
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs
+++ b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
   , HasAttackMessage(..)
   , HasChar(..)
   , HasDamage(..)
+  , HasDensity(..)
   , HasDescription(..)
   , HasEatMessage(..)
   , HasEdible(..)
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ module Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
   , HasName(..)
   , HasSayVerb(..)
   , HasSpeed(..)
+  , HasVolume(..)
   , HasWieldable(..)
   ) where
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs
index d4cae7ccc299..441e870160a5 100644
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs
+++ b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import           Data.FileEmbed
 import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
 import           Xanthous.Prelude
 import           System.FilePath.Posix
+import           Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
 import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
 import           Xanthous.Game.State
@@ -52,8 +53,8 @@ rawsWithType = mapFromList . itoListOf (ifolded . _RawType) $ raws
-entityFromRaw :: EntityRaw -> SomeEntity
+entityFromRaw :: MonadRandom m => EntityRaw -> m SomeEntity
 entityFromRaw (Creature creatureType)
-  = SomeEntity $ Creature.newWithType creatureType
+  = SomeEntity <$> Creature.newWithType creatureType
 entityFromRaw (Item itemType)
-  = SomeEntity $ Item.newWithType itemType
+  = SomeEntity <$> Item.newWithType itemType