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path: root/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Data.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Data.hs')
1 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Data.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Data.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..703955206a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Data.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving     #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations        #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards        #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable      #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell        #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoTypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
+-- | Common data types for Xanthous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module Xanthous.Data
+  ( Opposite(..)
+    -- *
+  , Position'(..)
+  , Position
+  , x
+  , y
+    -- **
+  , Positioned(..)
+  , _Positioned
+  , position
+  , positioned
+  , loc
+  , _Position
+  , positionFromPair
+  , positionFromV2
+  , addPositions
+  , diffPositions
+  , stepTowards
+  , isUnit
+  , distance
+    -- * Boxes
+  , Box(..)
+  , topLeftCorner
+  , bottomRightCorner
+  , setBottomRightCorner
+  , dimensions
+  , inBox
+  , boxIntersects
+  , boxCenter
+  , boxEdge
+  , module Linear.V2
+    -- * Unit math
+  , Scalar(..)
+  , Per(..)
+  , invertRate
+  , invertedRate
+  , (|+|)
+  , (|*|)
+  , (|/|)
+  , (:+:)
+  , (:*:)
+  , (:/:)
+  , (:**:)(..)
+  , Ticks(..)
+  , Tiles(..)
+  , TicksPerTile
+  , TilesPerTick
+  , timesTiles
+  , Square(..)
+  , squared
+  , Cubic(..)
+  , Grams
+  , Meters
+  , Uno(..)
+  , Unit(..)
+  , UnitSymbol(..)
+    -- *
+  , Dimensions'(..)
+  , Dimensions
+  , HasWidth(..)
+  , HasHeight(..)
+    -- *
+  , Direction(..)
+  , move
+  , asPosition
+  , directionOf
+  , Cardinal(..)
+    -- *
+  , Corner(..)
+  , Edge(..)
+  , cornerEdges
+    -- *
+  , Neighbors(..)
+  , edges
+  , neighborDirections
+  , neighborPositions
+  , neighborCells
+  , arrayNeighbors
+  , rotations
+  , HasTopLeft(..)
+  , HasTop(..)
+  , HasTopRight(..)
+  , HasLeft(..)
+  , HasRight(..)
+  , HasBottomLeft(..)
+  , HasBottom(..)
+  , HasBottomRight(..)
+    -- *
+  , Hitpoints(..)
+  ) where
+import           Xanthous.Prelude hiding (Left, Down, Right, (.=), elements)
+import           Linear.V2 hiding (_x, _y)
+import qualified Linear.V2 as L
+import           Linear.V4 hiding (_x, _y)
+import           Test.QuickCheck (CoArbitrary, Function, elements)
+import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
+import           Data.Group
+import           Brick (Location(Location), Edges(..))
+import           Data.Monoid (Product(..), Sum(..))
+import           Data.Array.IArray
+import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
+import           Data.Aeson
+                 ( ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..), object, (.=), (.:), withObject)
+import           Data.Random (Distribution)
+import           Data.Coerce
+import           Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
+import           Xanthous.Util (EqEqProp(..), EqProp, between)
+import           Xanthous.Orphans ()
+import           Xanthous.Util.Graphics
+import qualified Linear.Metric as Metric
+-- | opposite ∘ opposite ≡ id
+class Opposite x where
+  opposite :: x -> x
+-- fromScalar ∘ scalar ≡ id
+class Scalar a where
+  scalar :: a -> Double
+  fromScalar :: Double -> a
+instance Scalar Double where
+  scalar = id
+  fromScalar = id
+newtype ScalarIntegral a = ScalarIntegral a
+  deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Real, Integral)
+instance Integral a => Scalar (ScalarIntegral a) where
+  scalar = fromIntegral
+  fromScalar = floor
+deriving via (ScalarIntegral Integer) instance Scalar Integer
+deriving via (ScalarIntegral Word) instance Scalar Word
+-- | Units of measure
+class Unit a where
+  unitSuffix :: Text
+type UnitSymbol :: Symbol -> Type -> Type
+newtype UnitSymbol suffix a = UnitSymbol a
+instance KnownSymbol suffix => Unit (UnitSymbol suffix a) where
+  unitSuffix = pack $ symbolVal @suffix Proxy
+newtype ShowUnitSuffix a b = ShowUnitSuffix a
+instance (Show b, Unit a, Coercible a b) => Show (ShowUnitSuffix a b) where
+  show a = show (coerce @_ @b a) <> " " <> unpack (unitSuffix @a)
+data Position' a where
+  Position :: { _x :: a
+             , _y :: a
+             } -> (Position' a)
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, Hashable, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving EqProp via EqEqProp (Position' a)
+  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
+       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
+                       (Position' a)
+x, y :: Lens' (Position' a) a
+x = lens (\(Position xx _) -> xx) (\(Position _ yy) xx -> Position xx yy)
+y = lens (\(Position _ yy) -> yy) (\(Position xx _) yy -> Position xx yy)
+type Position = Position' Int
+instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Position' a) where
+  arbitrary = genericArbitrary
+  shrink (Position px py) = Position <$> shrink px <*> shrink py
+instance Num a => Semigroup (Position' a) where
+  (Position x₁ y₁) <> (Position x₂ y₂) = Position (x₁ + x₂) (y₁ + y₂)
+instance Num a => Monoid (Position' a) where
+  mempty = Position 0 0
+instance Num a => Group (Position' a) where
+  invert (Position px py) = Position (negate px) (negate py)
+-- | Positions convert to scalars by discarding their orientation and just
+-- measuring the length from the origin
+instance (Ord a, Num a, Scalar a) => Scalar (Position' a) where
+  scalar = fromIntegral . length . line 0 . view _Position
+  fromScalar n = Position (fromScalar n) (fromScalar n)
+data Positioned a where
+  Positioned :: Position -> a -> Positioned a
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+type role Positioned representational
+_Positioned :: Iso (Position, a) (Position, b) (Positioned a) (Positioned b)
+_Positioned = iso hither yon
+  where
+    hither (pos, a) = Positioned pos a
+    yon (Positioned pos b) = (pos, b)
+instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Positioned a) where
+  arbitrary = Positioned <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Positioned a) where
+  toJSON (Positioned pos val) = object
+    [ "position" .= pos
+    , "data" .= val
+    ]
+instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Positioned a) where
+  parseJSON = withObject "Positioned" $ \obj ->
+    Positioned <$> obj .: "position" <*> obj .: "data"
+position :: Lens' (Positioned a) Position
+position = lens
+  (\(Positioned pos _) -> pos)
+  (\(Positioned _ a) pos -> Positioned pos a)
+positioned :: Lens (Positioned a) (Positioned b) a b
+positioned = lens
+  (\(Positioned _ x') -> x')
+  (\(Positioned pos _) x' -> Positioned pos x')
+loc :: Iso' Position Location
+loc = iso hither yon
+  where
+    hither (Position px py) = Location (px, py)
+    yon (Location (lx, ly)) = Position lx ly
+_Position :: Iso' (Position' a) (V2 a)
+_Position = iso hither yon
+  where
+    hither (Position px py) = V2 px py
+    yon (V2 lx ly) = Position lx ly
+positionFromPair :: (Num a, Integral i, Integral j) => (i, j) -> Position' a
+positionFromPair (i, j) = Position (fromIntegral i) (fromIntegral j)
+positionFromV2 :: (Num a, Integral i) => V2 i -> Position' a
+positionFromV2 (V2 xx yy) = Position (fromIntegral xx) (fromIntegral yy)
+-- | Add two positions
+-- Operation for the additive group on positions
+addPositions :: Num a => Position' a -> Position' a -> Position' a
+addPositions = (<>)
+-- | Subtract two positions.
+-- diffPositions pos₁ pos₂ = pos₁ `addPositions` (invert pos₂)
+diffPositions :: Num a => Position' a -> Position' a -> Position' a
+diffPositions (Position x₁ y₁) (Position x₂ y₂) = Position (x₁ - x₂) (y₁ - y₂)
+-- | Is this position a unit position? or: When taken as a difference, does this
+-- position represent a step of one tile?
+-- ∀ dir :: Direction. isUnit ('asPosition' dir)
+isUnit :: (Eq a, Num a) => Position' a -> Bool
+isUnit (Position px py) =
+  abs px `elem` [0,1] && abs py `elem` [0, 1] && (px, py) /= (0, 0)
+data Dimensions' a = Dimensions
+  { _width :: a
+  , _height :: a
+  }
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Functor, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (CoArbitrary, Function)
+makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Dimensions'
+instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Dimensions' a) where
+  arbitrary = Dimensions <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+type Dimensions = Dimensions' Word
+data Direction where
+  Up        :: Direction
+  Down      :: Direction
+  Left      :: Direction
+  Right     :: Direction
+  UpLeft    :: Direction
+  UpRight   :: Direction
+  DownLeft  :: Direction
+  DownRight :: Direction
+  Here      :: Direction
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (CoArbitrary, Function, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, Hashable)
+deriving via (GenericArbitrary Direction) instance Arbitrary Direction
+instance Opposite Direction where
+  opposite Up        = Down
+  opposite Down      = Up
+  opposite Left      = Right
+  opposite Right     = Left
+  opposite UpLeft    = DownRight
+  opposite UpRight   = DownLeft
+  opposite DownLeft  = UpRight
+  opposite DownRight = UpLeft
+  opposite Here      = Here
+move :: Num a => Direction -> Position' a -> Position' a
+move Up        = y -~ 1
+move Down      = y +~ 1
+move Left      = x -~ 1
+move Right     = x +~ 1
+move UpLeft    = move Up . move Left
+move UpRight   = move Up . move Right
+move DownLeft  = move Down . move Left
+move DownRight = move Down . move Right
+move Here      = id
+asPosition :: Direction -> Position
+asPosition dir = move dir mempty
+-- | Returns the direction that a given position is from a given source position
+  :: Position -- ^ Source
+  -> Position -- ^ Target
+  -> Direction
+directionOf (Position x₁ y₁) (Position x₂ y₂) =
+  case (x₁ `compare` x₂, y₁ `compare` y₂) of
+    (EQ, EQ) -> Here
+    (EQ, LT) -> Down
+    (EQ, GT) -> Up
+    (LT, EQ) -> Right
+    (GT, EQ) -> Left
+    (LT, LT) -> DownRight
+    (GT, LT) -> DownLeft
+    (LT, GT) -> UpRight
+    (GT, GT) -> UpLeft
+-- | Take one (potentially diagonal) step towards the given position
+-- ∀ src tgt. isUnit (src `diffPositions` (src `stepTowards tgt`))
+  :: Position -- ^ Source
+  -> Position -- ^ Target
+  -> Position
+stepTowards (view _Position -> p₁) (view _Position -> p₂)
+  | p₁ == p₂ = _Position # p₁
+  | otherwise =
+    let (_:p:_) = line p₁ p₂
+    in _Position # p
+-- | Newtype controlling arbitrary generation to only include cardinal
+-- directions ('Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right')
+newtype Cardinal = Cardinal { getCardinal :: Direction }
+  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, Function, CoArbitrary)
+  deriving newtype (Opposite)
+instance Arbitrary Cardinal where
+  arbitrary = Cardinal <$> elements [Up, Down, Left, Right]
+data Corner
+  = TopLeft
+  | TopRight
+  | BottomLeft
+  | BottomRight
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
+  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Corner
+instance Opposite Corner where
+  opposite TopLeft = BottomRight
+  opposite TopRight = BottomLeft
+  opposite BottomLeft = TopRight
+  opposite BottomRight = TopLeft
+data Edge
+  = TopEdge
+  | LeftEdge
+  | RightEdge
+  | BottomEdge
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
+  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Edge
+instance Opposite Edge where
+  opposite TopEdge = BottomEdge
+  opposite BottomEdge = TopEdge
+  opposite LeftEdge = RightEdge
+  opposite RightEdge = LeftEdge
+cornerEdges :: Corner -> (Edge, Edge)
+cornerEdges TopLeft = (TopEdge, LeftEdge)
+cornerEdges TopRight = (TopEdge, RightEdge)
+cornerEdges BottomLeft = (BottomEdge, LeftEdge)
+cornerEdges BottomRight = (BottomEdge, RightEdge)
+data Neighbors a = Neighbors
+  { _topLeft
+  , _top
+  , _topRight
+  , _left
+  , _right
+  , _bottomLeft
+  , _bottom
+  , _bottomRight :: a
+  }
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function, MonoFoldable)
+deriving via (GenericArbitrary (Neighbors a)) instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Neighbors a)
+type instance Element (Neighbors a) = a
+makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Neighbors
+instance Applicative Neighbors where
+  pure α = Neighbors
+    { _topLeft     = α
+    , _top         = α
+    , _topRight    = α
+    , _left        = α
+    , _right       = α
+    , _bottomLeft  = α
+    , _bottom      = α
+    , _bottomRight = α
+    }
+  nf <*> nx = Neighbors
+    { _topLeft     = nf ^. topLeft     $ nx ^. topLeft
+    , _top         = nf ^. top         $ nx ^. top
+    , _topRight    = nf ^. topRight    $ nx ^. topRight
+    , _left        = nf ^. left        $ nx ^. left
+    , _right       = nf ^. right       $ nx ^. right
+    , _bottomLeft  = nf ^. bottomLeft  $ nx ^. bottomLeft
+    , _bottom      = nf ^. bottom      $ nx ^. bottom
+    , _bottomRight = nf ^. bottomRight $ nx ^. bottomRight
+    }
+edges :: Neighbors a -> Edges a
+edges neighs = Edges
+  { eTop = neighs ^. top
+  , eBottom = neighs ^. bottom
+  , eLeft = neighs ^. left
+  , eRight = neighs ^. right
+  }
+neighborDirections :: Neighbors Direction
+neighborDirections = Neighbors
+  { _topLeft     = UpLeft
+  , _top         = Up
+  , _topRight    = UpRight
+  , _left        = Left
+  , _right       = Right
+  , _bottomLeft  = DownLeft
+  , _bottom      = Down
+  , _bottomRight = DownRight
+  }
+neighborPositions :: Num a => Position' a -> Neighbors (Position' a)
+neighborPositions pos = (`move` pos) <$> neighborDirections
+neighborCells :: Num a => V2 a -> Neighbors (V2 a)
+neighborCells = map (view _Position) . neighborPositions . review _Position
+  :: (IArray a e, Ix i, Num i)
+  => a (V2 i) e
+  -> V2 i
+  -> Neighbors (Maybe e)
+arrayNeighbors arr center = arrLookup <$> neighborPositions (_Position # center)
+  where
+    arrLookup (view _Position -> pos)
+      | inRange (bounds arr) pos = Just $ arr ! pos
+      | otherwise                = Nothing
+-- | Returns a list of all 4 90-degree rotations of the given neighbors
+rotations :: Neighbors a -> V4 (Neighbors a)
+rotations orig@(Neighbors tl t tr l r bl b br) = V4
+   orig                            -- tl t  tr
+                                   -- l     r
+                                   -- bl b  br
+   (Neighbors bl l tl b t br r tr) -- bl l tl
+                                   -- b    t
+                                   -- br r tr
+   (Neighbors br b bl r l tr t tl) -- br b bl
+                                   -- r    l
+                                   -- tr t tl
+   (Neighbors tr r br t b tl l bl) -- tr r br
+                                   -- t    b
+                                   -- tl l bl
+newtype Per a b = Rate Double
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving (Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Fractional, ToJSON, FromJSON)
+       via Double
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Product Double
+  deriving Show via ShowUnitSuffix (Per a b) Double
+deriving via Double
+  instance ( Distribution d Double
+           , forall xx yy. Coercible xx yy => Coercible (d xx) (d yy)
+           )
+  => Distribution d (Per a b)
+instance (Unit a, Unit b) => Unit (a `Per` b) where
+  unitSuffix = unitSuffix @a <> "/" <> unitSuffix @b
+invertRate :: a `Per` b -> b `Per` a
+invertRate (Rate p) = Rate $ 1 / p
+invertedRate :: Iso (a `Per` b) (b' `Per` a') (b `Per` a) (a' `Per` b')
+invertedRate = iso invertRate invertRate
+type (:+:) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+type family (:+:) a b where
+  a :+: a       = a
+  a :+: (Uno b) = a
+infixl 6 |+|
+class AddUnit a b where
+  (|+|) :: a -> b -> a :+: b
+instance Scalar a => AddUnit a a where
+  x' |+| y' = fromScalar $ scalar x' + scalar y'
+instance (Scalar a, Scalar b) => AddUnit a (Uno b) where
+  x' |+| y' = fromScalar $ scalar x' + scalar y'
+type (:*:) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+type family (:*:) a b where
+  (a `Per` b) :*: b     = a
+  (Square a)  :*: a     = Cubic a
+  a           :*: a     = Square a
+  a           :*: Uno b = a
+  a           :*: b     = a :**: b
+infixl 7 |*|
+class MulUnit a b where
+  (|*|) :: a -> b -> a :*: b
+instance (Scalar a, Scalar b) => MulUnit (a `Per` b) b where
+  (Rate rate) |*| b = fromScalar $ rate * scalar b
+instance forall a. (Scalar a, a :*: a ~ Square a) => MulUnit a a where
+  x' |*| y' = Square @a . fromScalar $ scalar x' * scalar y'
+instance forall a. (Scalar a) => MulUnit (Square a) a where
+  x' |*| y' = Cubic @a . fromScalar $ scalar x' * scalar y'
+instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} forall a b.
+  (Scalar a, Scalar b, Scalar (a :*: Uno b))
+    => MulUnit a (Uno b) where
+  x' |*| y' = fromScalar $ scalar x' * scalar y'
+type (:/:) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+type family (:/:) a b where
+  (Square a) :/: a          = a
+  (Cubic a)  :/: a          = Square a
+  (Cubic a)  :/: (Square a) = a
+  (a :**: b) :/: b          = a
+  (a :**: b) :/: a          = b
+  a          :/: Uno b      = a
+  a          :/: b          = a `Per` b
+infixl 7 |/|
+class DivUnit a b where
+  (|/|) :: a -> b -> a :/: b
+instance Scalar a => DivUnit (Square a) a where
+  (Square a) |/| b = fromScalar $ scalar a / scalar b
+instance Scalar a => DivUnit (Cubic a) a where
+  (Cubic a) |/| b = fromScalar $ scalar a / scalar b
+instance (Scalar a, Cubic a :/: Square a ~ a)
+       => DivUnit (Cubic a) (Square a) where
+  (Cubic a) |/| (Square b) = fromScalar $ scalar a / scalar b
+instance (Scalar a, Scalar b) => DivUnit (a :**: b) b where
+  (Times a) |/| b = fromScalar $ scalar a / scalar b
+instance (Scalar a, Scalar b) => DivUnit (a :**: b) a where
+  (Times a) |/| b = fromScalar $ scalar a / scalar b
+instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} forall a b.
+  (Scalar a, Scalar b, Scalar (a :/: Uno b))
+    => DivUnit a (Uno b) where
+  x' |/| y' = fromScalar $ scalar x' / scalar y'
+-- | Dimensionless quantitites (mass per unit mass, radians, etc)
+-- see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parts-per_notation#Uno>
+newtype Uno a = Uno a
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving ( Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Fractional, ToJSON, FromJSON
+           , Scalar, Show
+           )
+       via a
+  deriving Unit via UnitSymbol "" (Uno a)
+newtype Square a = Square a
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving ( Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Fractional, ToJSON, FromJSON
+           , Scalar
+           )
+       via a
+deriving via (a :: Type)
+  instance ( Distribution d a
+           , forall xx yy. Coercible xx yy => Coercible (d xx) (d yy)
+           )
+  => Distribution d (Square a)
+instance Unit a => Unit (Square a) where
+  unitSuffix = unitSuffix @a <> "²"
+instance Show a => Show (Square a) where
+  show (Square n) = show n <> "²"
+squared :: (Scalar a, a :*: a ~ Square a) => a -> Square a
+squared v = v |*| v
+newtype Cubic a = Cubic a
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving ( Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Fractional, ToJSON, FromJSON
+           , Scalar
+           )
+       via a
+deriving via (a :: Type)
+  instance ( Distribution d a
+           , forall xx yy. Coercible xx yy => Coercible (d xx) (d yy)
+           )
+  => Distribution d (Cubic a)
+instance Unit a => Unit (Cubic a) where
+  unitSuffix = unitSuffix @a <> "³"
+instance Show a => Show (Cubic a) where
+  show (Cubic n) = show n <> "³"
+newtype (:**:) a b = Times Double
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving (Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Fractional, ToJSON, FromJSON)
+       via Double
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Double
+  deriving Show via ShowUnitSuffix (a :**: b) Double
+deriving via Double
+  instance ( Distribution d Double
+           , forall xx yy. Coercible xx yy => Coercible (d xx) (d yy)
+           )
+  => Distribution d (a :**: b)
+instance (Unit a, Unit b) => Unit (a :**: b) where
+  unitSuffix = unitSuffix @a <> " " <> unitSuffix @b
+newtype Ticks = Ticks Word
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving (Num, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Integral, Real, ToJSON, FromJSON) via Word
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Sum Word)
+  deriving Scalar via ScalarIntegral Ticks
+  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Ticks
+  deriving Unit via UnitSymbol "ticks" Ticks
+  deriving Show via ShowUnitSuffix Ticks Word
+deriving via Word
+  instance ( Distribution d Word
+           , forall xx yy. Coercible xx yy => Coercible (d xx) (d yy)
+           )
+  => Distribution d Ticks
+newtype Tiles = Tiles Double
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving (Num, Ord, Enum, Real, ToJSON, FromJSON, Scalar) via Double
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Sum Double)
+  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Tiles
+  deriving Unit via UnitSymbol "m" Tiles
+  deriving Show via ShowUnitSuffix Tiles Double
+deriving via Double
+  instance ( Distribution d Double
+           , forall xx yy. Coercible xx yy => Coercible (d xx) (d yy)
+           )
+  => Distribution d Tiles
+type TicksPerTile = Ticks `Per` Tiles
+type TilesPerTick = Tiles `Per` Ticks
+timesTiles :: TicksPerTile -> Tiles -> Ticks
+timesTiles = (|*|)
+-- | Calculate the (cartesian) distance between two 'Position's, floored and
+-- represented as a number of 'Tile's
+-- Note that this is imprecise, and may be different than the length of a
+-- bresenham's line between the points
+distance :: Position -> Position -> Tiles
+  = (fromScalar .) . (Metric.distance `on` (fmap fromIntegral . view _Position))
+newtype Hitpoints = Hitpoints Word
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving ( Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Integral, Real, Scalar
+           , ToJSON, FromJSON
+           )
+       via Word
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Word
+  deriving Unit via UnitSymbol "hp" Hitpoints
+  deriving Show via ShowUnitSuffix Hitpoints Word
+-- | Grams, the fundamental measure of weight in Xanthous.
+newtype Grams = Grams Double
+  deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
+  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
+  deriving ( Arbitrary, Num, Ord, Enum, Real, Floating, Fractional, RealFloat
+           , RealFrac, Scalar, ToJSON, FromJSON
+           )
+       via Double
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Double
+  deriving Unit via UnitSymbol "g" Grams
+  deriving Show via ShowUnitSuffix Grams Double
+-- | Every tile is 1 meter
+type Meters = Tiles
+data Box a = Box
+  { _topLeftCorner :: V2 a
+  , _dimensions    :: V2 a
+  }
+  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Generic)
+makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Box
+-- It seems to be necessary to have an `Arg (V2 a) a` constraint, as a is passed
+-- to V2 internally, in order to make GHC figure out this deriving via correctly.
+deriving via (GenericArbitrary (Box a)) instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Box a)
+bottomRightCorner :: Num a => Box a -> V2 a
+bottomRightCorner box =
+  V2 (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x + box ^. dimensions . L._x)
+     (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y + box ^. dimensions . L._y)
+setBottomRightCorner :: (Num a, Ord a) => Box a -> V2 a -> Box a
+setBottomRightCorner box br@(V2 brx bry)
+  | brx < box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x || bry < box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y
+  = box & topLeftCorner .~ br
+        & dimensions . L._x .~ ((box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x) - brx)
+        & dimensions . L._y .~ ((box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y) - bry)
+  | otherwise
+  = box & dimensions . L._x .~ (brx - (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x))
+        & dimensions . L._y .~ (bry - (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y))
+inBox :: (Ord a, Num a) => Box a -> V2 a -> Bool
+inBox box pt = flip all [L._x, L._y] $ \component ->
+  between (box ^. topLeftCorner . component)
+          (box ^. to bottomRightCorner . component)
+          (pt ^. component)
+boxIntersects :: (Ord a, Num a) => Box a -> Box a -> Bool
+boxIntersects box₁ box₂
+  = any (inBox box₁) [box₂ ^. topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner box₂]
+boxCenter :: (Fractional a) => Box a -> V2 a
+boxCenter box = V2 cx cy
+ where
+   cx = box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x + (box ^. dimensions . L._x / 2)
+   cy = box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y + (box ^. dimensions . L._y / 2)
+boxEdge :: (Enum a, Num a) => Box a -> Edge -> [V2 a]
+boxEdge box LeftEdge =
+  V2 (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x)
+  <$> [box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y]
+boxEdge box RightEdge =
+  V2 (box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._x)
+  <$> [box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y]
+boxEdge box TopEdge =
+  flip V2 (box ^. topLeftCorner . L._y)
+  <$> [box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._x]
+boxEdge box BottomEdge =
+  flip V2 (box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._y)
+  <$> [box ^. topLeftCorner . L._x .. box ^. to bottomRightCorner . L._x]