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path: root/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/App.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/App.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/App.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/App.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 426230cdc2fc..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/App.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards      #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deferred-type-errors #-}
-module Xanthous.App
-  ( makeApp
-  , RunType(..)
-  ) where
-import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Brick hiding (App, halt, continue, raw)
-import qualified Brick
-import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes (defAttr)
-import           Graphics.Vty.Input.Events (Event(EvKey))
-import           Control.Monad.State (get, gets)
-import           Control.Monad.State.Class (modify)
-import           Data.Aeson (object, ToJSON)
-import qualified Data.Aeson as A
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import           System.Exit
-import           System.Directory (doesFileExist)
-import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
-import           Data.Vector.Lens (toVectorOf)
-import           Xanthous.App.Common
-import           Xanthous.App.Time
-import           Xanthous.App.Prompt
-import           Xanthous.App.Autocommands
-import           Xanthous.Command
-import           Xanthous.Data
-                 ( move
-                 , Dimensions'(Dimensions)
-                 , positioned
-                 , position
-                 , Position
-                 , (|*|)
-                 , Tiles(..), Hitpoints, fromScalar
-                 )
-import           Xanthous.Data.App (ResourceName, Panel(..), AppEvent(..))
-import qualified Xanthous.Data.EntityMap as EntityMap
-import           Xanthous.Data.Levels (prevLevel, nextLevel)
-import qualified Xanthous.Data.Levels as Levels
-import           Xanthous.Data.Entities (blocksObject)
-import           Xanthous.Game
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-import           Xanthous.Game.Env
-import           Xanthous.Game.Draw (drawGame)
-import           Xanthous.Game.Prompt hiding (Fire)
-import qualified Xanthous.Messages as Messages
-import           Xanthous.Random
-import           Xanthous.Util (removeVectorIndex, useListOf)
-import           Xanthous.Util.Inflection (toSentence)
-import           Xanthous.Physics (throwDistance, bluntThrowDamage)
-import           Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.Graphics (lineOfSight)
-import           Xanthous.Data.EntityMap (EntityID)
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Common
-                 ( InventoryPosition, describeInventoryPosition, backpack
-                 , wieldableItem, wieldedItems, wielded, itemsWithPosition
-                 , removeItemFromPosition, asWieldedItem
-                 , wieldedItem, items, Hand (..), describeHand, wieldInHand
-                 , WieldedItem, Wielded (..)
-                 )
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Character as Character
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Character hiding (pickUpItem)
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Item (Item, weight)
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Item as Item
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Creature (Creature)
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Creature as Creature
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Environment
-                 (Door, open, closed, locked, GroundMessage(..), Staircase(..))
-import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
-                 ( edible, eatMessage, hitpointsHealed
-                 , attackMessage
-                 )
-import           Xanthous.Generators.Level
-import qualified Xanthous.Generators.Level.CaveAutomata as CaveAutomata
-import qualified Xanthous.Generators.Level.Dungeon as Dungeon
-type App = Brick.App GameState AppEvent ResourceName
-data RunType = NewGame | LoadGame FilePath
-  deriving stock (Eq)
-makeApp :: GameEnv -> RunType -> IO App
-makeApp env rt = pure $ Brick.App
-  { appDraw = drawGame
-  , appChooseCursor = const headMay
-  , appHandleEvent = \game event -> runAppM (handleEvent event) env game
-  , appStartEvent = case rt of
-      NewGame -> runAppM (startEvent >> get) env
-      LoadGame save -> pure . (savefile ?~ save)
-  , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap defAttr []
-  }
-runAppM :: AppM a -> GameEnv -> GameState -> EventM ResourceName a
-runAppM appm ge = fmap fst . runAppT appm ge
-startEvent :: AppM ()
-startEvent = do
-  initLevel
-  modify updateCharacterVision
-  use (character . characterName) >>= \case
-    Nothing -> prompt_ @'StringPrompt ["character", "namePrompt"] Uncancellable
-      $ \(StringResult s) -> do
-        character . characterName ?= s
-        say ["welcome"] =<< use character
-    Just n -> say ["welcome"] $ object [ "characterName" A..= n ]
-initLevel :: AppM ()
-initLevel = do
-  level <- genLevel 0
-  entities <>= levelToEntityMap level
-  characterPosition .= level ^. levelCharacterPosition
-handleEvent :: BrickEvent ResourceName AppEvent -> AppM (Next GameState)
-handleEvent ev = use promptState >>= \case
-  NoPrompt -> handleNoPromptEvent ev
-  WaitingPrompt msg pr -> handlePromptEvent msg pr ev
-handleNoPromptEvent :: BrickEvent ResourceName AppEvent -> AppM (Next GameState)
-handleNoPromptEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey k mods))
-  | Just command <- commandFromKey k mods
-  = do messageHistory %= nextTurn
-       cancelAutocommand
-       handleCommand command
-handleNoPromptEvent (AppEvent AutoContinue) = do
-  preuse (autocommand . _ActiveAutocommand . _1) >>= traverse_ autoStep
-  continue
-handleNoPromptEvent _ = continue
-handleCommand :: Command -> AppM (Next GameState)
-handleCommand Quit = confirm_ ["quit", "confirm"] (liftIO exitSuccess) >> continue
-handleCommand Help = showPanel HelpPanel >> continue
-handleCommand (Move dir) = do
-  newPos <- uses characterPosition $ move dir
-  collisionAt newPos >>= \case
-    Nothing -> do
-      characterPosition .= newPos
-      stepGameBy =<< uses (character . speed) (|*| Tiles 1)
-      describeEntitiesAt newPos
-    Just Combat -> attackAt newPos
-    Just Stop -> pure ()
-  continue
-handleCommand PickUp = do
-  pos <- use characterPosition
-  uses entities (entitiesAtPositionWithType @Item pos) >>= \case
-    [] -> say_ ["pickUp", "nothingToPickUp"]
-    [item] -> pickUpItem item
-    items' ->
-      menu_ ["pickUp", "menu"] Cancellable (entityMenu_ items')
-      $ \(MenuResult item) -> pickUpItem item
-  continue
-  where
-    pickUpItem (itemID, item) = do
-      character %= Character.pickUpItem item
-      entities . at itemID .= Nothing
-      say ["pickUp", "pickUp"] $ object [ "item" A..= item ]
-      stepGameBy 100 -- TODO
-handleCommand Drop = do
-  takeItemFromInventory_ ["drop", "menu"] Cancellable id
-    (say_ ["drop", "nothing"])
-    $ \(MenuResult item) -> do
-      entitiesAtCharacter %= (SomeEntity item <|)
-      say ["drop", "dropped"] $ object [ "item" A..= item ]
-  continue
-handleCommand PreviousMessage = do
-  messageHistory %= previousMessage
-  continue
-handleCommand Open = do
-  prompt_ @'DirectionPrompt ["open", "prompt"] Cancellable
-    $ \(DirectionResult dir) -> do
-      pos <- move dir <$> use characterPosition
-      doors <- uses entities $ entitiesAtPositionWithType @Door pos
-      if | null doors -> say_ ["open", "nothingToOpen"]
-         | any (view $ _2 . locked) doors -> say_ ["open", "locked"]
-         | all (view $ _2 . open) doors   -> say_ ["open", "alreadyOpen"]
-         | otherwise -> do
-             for_ doors $ \(eid, _) ->
-               entities . ix eid . positioned . _SomeEntity . open .= True
-             say_ ["open", "success"]
-      pure ()
-  stepGame -- TODO
-  continue
-handleCommand Close = do
-  prompt_ @'DirectionPrompt ["close", "prompt"] Cancellable
-    $ \(DirectionResult dir) -> do
-      pos <- move dir <$> use characterPosition
-      (nonDoors, doors) <- uses entities
-        $ partitionEithers
-        . toList
-        . map ( (matching . aside $ _SomeEntity @Door)
-              . over _2 (view positioned)
-              )
-        . EntityMap.atPositionWithIDs pos
-      if | null doors -> say_ ["close", "nothingToClose"]
-         | all (view $ _2 . closed) doors -> say_ ["close", "alreadyClosed"]
-         | any (view blocksObject . entityAttributes . snd) nonDoors ->
-           say ["close", "blocked"]
-           $ object [ "entityDescriptions"
-                      A..= ( toSentence
-                           . map description
-                           . filter (view blocksObject . entityAttributes)
-                           . map snd
-                           ) nonDoors
-                    , "blockOrBlocks"
-                      A..= ( if length nonDoors == 1
-                             then "blocks"
-                             else "block"
-                           :: Text)
-                    ]
-         | otherwise -> do
-             for_ doors $ \(eid, _) ->
-               entities . ix eid . positioned . _SomeEntity . closed .= True
-             for_ nonDoors $ \(eid, _) ->
-               entities . ix eid . position %= move dir
-             say_ ["close", "success"]
-      pure ()
-  stepGame -- TODO
-  continue
-handleCommand Look = do
-  prompt_ @'PointOnMap ["look", "prompt"] Cancellable
-    $ \(PointOnMapResult pos) -> revealedEntitiesAtPosition pos >>= \case
-        Empty -> say_ ["look", "nothing"]
-        ents -> describeEntities ents
-  continue
-handleCommand Wait = stepGame >> continue
-handleCommand Eat = do
-  uses (character . inventory . backpack)
-       (V.mapMaybe (\item -> (item,) <$> item ^. Item.itemType . edible))
-    >>= \case
-      Empty -> say_ ["eat", "noFood"]
-      food ->
-        let foodMenuItem idx (item, edibleItem)
-              = ( item ^. Item.itemType . char . char
-                , MenuOption (description item) (idx, item, edibleItem))
-                -- TODO refactor to use entityMenu_
-            menuItems = mkMenuItems $ imap foodMenuItem food
-        in menu_ ["eat", "menuPrompt"] Cancellable menuItems
-          $ \(MenuResult (idx, item, edibleItem)) -> do
-            character . inventory . backpack %= removeVectorIndex idx
-            let msg = fromMaybe (Messages.lookup ["eat", "eat"])
-                      $ edibleItem ^. eatMessage
-            character . characterHitpoints' +=
-              edibleItem ^. hitpointsHealed . to fromIntegral
-            message msg $ object ["item" A..= item]
-            stepGame -- TODO
-  continue
-handleCommand Read = do
-  -- TODO allow reading things in the inventory (combo direction+menu prompt?)
-  prompt_ @'DirectionPrompt ["read", "prompt"] Cancellable
-    $ \(DirectionResult dir) -> do
-      pos <- uses characterPosition $ move dir
-      uses entities
-        (fmap snd . entitiesAtPositionWithType @GroundMessage pos) >>= \case
-          Empty -> say_ ["read", "nothing"]
-          GroundMessage msg :< Empty ->
-            say ["read", "result"] $ object ["message" A..= msg]
-          msgs ->
-            let readAndContinue Empty = pure ()
-                readAndContinue (msg :< msgs') =
-                  prompt @'Continue
-                    ["read", "result"]
-                    (object ["message" A..= msg])
-                    Cancellable
-                  . const
-                  $ readAndContinue msgs'
-                readAndContinue _ = error "this is total"
-            in readAndContinue msgs
-  continue
-handleCommand ShowInventory = showPanel InventoryPanel >> continue
-handleCommand DescribeInventory = do
-  selectItemFromInventory_ ["inventory", "describe", "select"] Cancellable id
-    (say_ ["inventory", "describe", "nothing"])
-    $ \(MenuResult (invPos, item)) -> showPanel . ItemDescriptionPanel
-        $ Item.fullDescription item
-        <> "\n\n" <> describeInventoryPosition invPos
-  continue
-handleCommand Wield = do
-  hs <- use $ character . inventory . wielded
-  selectItem $ \(MenuResult (invPos, (item :: WieldedItem))) -> do
-    selectHand hs $ \(MenuResult hand) -> do
-      character . inventory
-        %= removeItemFromPosition invPos (asWieldedItem # item)
-      prevItems <- character . inventory . wielded %%= wieldInHand hand item
-      character . inventory . backpack
-        <>= fromList (map (view wieldedItem) prevItems)
-      say ["wield", "wielded"] $ object [ "item" A..= item
-                                        , "hand" A..= describeHand hand
-                                        ]
-  continue
-  where
-    selectItem =
-      selectItemFromInventory_ ["wield", "menu"] Cancellable asWieldedItem
-        (say_ ["wield", "nothing"])
-    selectHand hs = menu_ ["wield", "hand"] Cancellable $ handsMenu hs
-    itemsInHand (Hands i _) LeftHand       = toList i
-    itemsInHand (DoubleHanded _) LeftHand  = []
-    itemsInHand (Hands _ i) RightHand      = toList i
-    itemsInHand (DoubleHanded _) RightHand = []
-    itemsInHand (Hands l r) BothHands      = toList l <> toList r
-    itemsInHand (DoubleHanded i) BothHands = [i]
-    describeItems [] = ""
-    describeItems is
-      = " (currently holding "
-      <> (intercalate " and" $ map (view $ wieldedItem . to description) is)
-      <> ")"
-    handsMenu hs = mapFromList
-      . map (second $ \hand ->
-                MenuOption
-                ( describeHand hand
-                <> describeItems (itemsInHand hs hand)
-                )
-                hand
-            )
-      $ [ ('l', LeftHand)
-        , ('r', RightHand)
-        , ('b', BothHands)
-        ]
-handleCommand Fire = do
-  selectItemFromInventory_ ["fire", "menu"] Cancellable id
-    (say_ ["fire", "nothing"])
-    $ \(MenuResult (invPos, item)) ->
-      let wt = weight item
-          dist = throwDistance wt
-          dam = bluntThrowDamage wt
-      in if dist < fromScalar 1
-         then say_ ["fire", "zeroRange"]
-         else firePrompt_ ["fire", "target"] Cancellable dist $
-          \(FireResult targetPos) -> do
-              charPos <- use characterPosition
-              mTarget <- uses entities $ firstEnemy . lineOfSight charPos targetPos
-              case mTarget of
-                Just target -> do
-                  creature' <- damageCreature target dam
-                  unless (Creature.isDead creature') $
-                    let msgPath = ["fire", "fired"] <> [if dam == 0
-                                                        then "noDamage"
-                                                        else "someDamage"]
-                    in say msgPath $ object [ "item" A..= item
-                                            , "creature" A..= creature'
-                                            ]
-                Nothing ->
-                  say ["fire", "fired", "noTarget"] $ object [ "item" A..= item ]
-              character . inventory %= removeItemFromPosition invPos item
-              entities . EntityMap.atPosition targetPos %= (SomeEntity item <|)
-              stepGame -- TODO(grfn): should this be based on distance?
-  continue
-  where
-    firstEnemy
-      :: [(Position, Vector (EntityID, SomeEntity))]
-      -> Maybe (EntityID, Creature)
-    firstEnemy los =
-      let enemies = los >>= \(_, es) -> toList $ headMay es
-      in enemies ^? folded . below _SomeEntity
-handleCommand Save =
-  view (config . disableSaving) >>= \case
-    True -> say_ ["save", "disabled"] >> continue
-    False -> do
-      -- TODO default save locations / config file?
-      use savefile >>= \case
-        Just filepath ->
-          stringPromptWithDefault_
-            ["save", "location"]
-            Cancellable
-            (pack filepath)
-            promptCallback
-        Nothing -> prompt_ @'StringPrompt ["save", "location"] Cancellable promptCallback
-      continue
-      where
-        promptCallback :: PromptResult 'StringPrompt -> AppM ()
-        promptCallback (StringResult filename) = do
-          sf <- use savefile
-          exists <- liftIO . doesFileExist $ unpack filename
-          if exists && sf /= Just (unpack filename)
-          then confirm ["save", "overwrite"] (object ["filename" A..= filename])
-              $ doSave filename
-          else doSave filename
-        doSave filename = do
-          src <- gets saveGame
-          lift . liftIO $ do
-            writeFile (unpack filename) $ toStrict src
-            exitSuccess
-handleCommand GoUp = do
-  hasStairs <- uses entitiesAtCharacter $ elem (SomeEntity UpStaircase)
-  if hasStairs
-  then uses levels prevLevel >>= \case
-    Just levs' -> do
-      cEID <- use characterEntityID
-      pCharacter <- entities . at cEID <<.= Nothing
-      levels .= levs'
-      charPos <- use characterPosition
-      entities . at cEID .= pCharacter
-      characterPosition .= charPos
-    Nothing ->
-      -- TODO in nethack, this leaves the game. Maybe something similar here?
-      say_ ["cant", "goUp"]
-  else say_ ["cant", "goUp"]
-  continue
-handleCommand GoDown = do
-  hasStairs <- uses entitiesAtCharacter $ elem (SomeEntity DownStaircase)
-  if hasStairs
-  then do
-    levs <- use levels
-    let newLevelNum = Levels.pos levs + 1
-    levs' <- nextLevel (levelToGameLevel <$> genLevel newLevelNum) levs
-    cEID <- use characterEntityID
-    pCharacter <- entities . at cEID <<.= Nothing
-    levels .= levs'
-    entities . at cEID .= pCharacter
-    characterPosition .= extract levs' ^. upStaircasePosition
-  else say_ ["cant", "goDown"]
-  continue
-handleCommand (StartAutoMove dir) = do
-  runAutocommand $ AutoMove dir
-  continue
-handleCommand Rest = do
-  say_ ["autocommands", "resting"]
-  runAutocommand AutoRest
-  continue
-handleCommand ToggleRevealAll = do
-  val <- debugState . allRevealed <%= not
-  say ["debug", "toggleRevealAll"] $ object [ "revealAll" A..= val ]
-  continue
-attackAt :: Position -> AppM ()
-attackAt pos =
-  uses entities (entitiesAtPositionWithType @Creature pos) >>= \case
-    Empty               -> say_ ["combat", "nothingToAttack"]
-    (creature :< Empty) -> attackCreature creature
-    creatures ->
-      menu_ ["combat", "menu"] Cancellable (entityMenu_ creatures)
-      $ \(MenuResult creature) -> attackCreature creature
- where
-  attackCreature creature = do
-    charDamage <- uses character characterDamage
-    creature' <- damageCreature creature charDamage
-    unless (Creature.isDead creature') $ writeAttackMessage creature'
-    whenM (uses character $ isNothing . weapon) handleFists
-    stepGame
-  weapon chr = chr ^? inventory . wielded . wieldedItems . wieldableItem
-  writeAttackMessage creature = do
-    let params = object ["creature" A..= creature]
-    attackMessages <- uses character getAttackMessages
-    msg <- intercalate " and " <$> for attackMessages (`Messages.render` params)
-    writeMessage $ "You " <> msg
-  getAttackMessages chr =
-    case chr ^.. inventory . wielded . wieldedItems . wieldableItem of
-      [] -> [Messages.lookup ["combat", "hit", "fists"]]
-      is ->
-        is
-        <&> \wi ->
-              fromMaybe (Messages.lookup ["combat", "hit", "generic"])
-              $ wi ^. attackMessage
-  handleFists = do
-    damageChance <- use $ character . body . knuckles . to fistDamageChance
-    whenM (chance damageChance) $ do
-      damageAmount <- use $ character . body . knuckles . to fistfightingDamage
-      say_ [ "combat" , if damageAmount > 1
-                        then "fistExtraSelfDamage"
-                        else "fistSelfDamage" ]
-      character %= Character.damage damageAmount
-      character . body . knuckles %= damageKnuckles
-damageCreature :: (EntityID, Creature) -> Hitpoints -> AppM Creature
-damageCreature (creatureID, creature) dam = do
-  let creature' = Creature.damage dam creature
-      msgParams = object ["creature" A..= creature']
-  if Creature.isDead creature'
-    then do
-      say ["combat", "killed"] msgParams
-      floorItems <- useListOf
-                   $ entities
-                   . ix creatureID
-                   . positioned
-                   . _SomeEntity @Creature
-                   . inventory
-                   . items
-      mCreaturePos <- preuse $ entities . ix creatureID . position
-      entities . at creatureID .= Nothing
-      for_ mCreaturePos $ \creaturePos ->
-        entities . EntityMap.atPosition creaturePos
-          %= (<> fromList (SomeEntity <$> floorItems))
-    else entities . ix creatureID . positioned .= SomeEntity creature'
-  pure creature'
-  :: (Comonad w, Entity entity)
-  => [w entity]
-  -> Map Char (MenuOption (w entity))
-entityMenu_ = mkMenuItems @[_] . map entityMenuItem
-  where
-    entityMenuItem wentity
-      = let entity = extract wentity
-      in (entityMenuChar entity, MenuOption (description entity) wentity)
-entityMenuChar :: Entity a => a -> Char
-entityMenuChar entity
-  = let ec = entityChar entity ^. char
-    in if ec `elem` (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'])
-        then ec
-        else 'a'
--- | Prompt with an item to select out of the inventory and call callback with
--- it
-  :: forall item params.
-    (ToJSON params)
-  => [Text]            -- ^ Menu message
-  -> params            -- ^ Menu message params
-  -> PromptCancellable -- ^ Is the menu cancellable?
-  -> Prism' Item item  -- ^ Attach some extra information to the item, in a
-                      --   recoverable fashion. Prism vs iso so we can discard
-                      --   items.
-  -> AppM ()            -- ^ Action to take if there are no items matching
-  -> (PromptResult ('Menu (InventoryPosition, item)) -> AppM ())
-  -> AppM ()
-selectItemFromInventory msgPath msgParams cancellable extraInfo onEmpty cb = do
-  uses (character . inventory)
-       (V.mapMaybe (_2 $ preview extraInfo) . toVectorOf itemsWithPosition)
-    >>= \case
-      Empty -> onEmpty
-      items' -> menu msgPath msgParams cancellable (itemMenu items') cb
-  where
-    itemMenu = mkMenuItems . map itemMenuItem
-    itemMenuItem (invPos, extraInfoItem) =
-      let item = extraInfo # extraInfoItem
-      in ( entityMenuChar item
-         , MenuOption
-           (description item <> " (" <> describeInventoryPosition invPos <> ")")
-           (invPos, extraInfoItem)
-         )
--- | Prompt with an item to select out of the inventory and call callback with
--- it
-  :: forall item.
-    [Text]            -- ^ Menu message
-  -> PromptCancellable -- ^ Is the menu cancellable?
-  -> Prism' Item item  -- ^ Attach some extra information to the item, in a
-                      --   recoverable fashion. Prism vs iso so we can discard
-                      --   items.
-  -> AppM ()            -- ^ Action to take if there are no items matching
-  -> (PromptResult ('Menu (InventoryPosition, item)) -> AppM ())
-  -> AppM ()
-selectItemFromInventory_ msgPath = selectItemFromInventory msgPath ()
--- | Prompt with an item to select out of the inventory, remove it from the
--- inventory, and call callback with it
-  :: forall item params.
-    (ToJSON params)
-  => [Text]            -- ^ Menu message
-  -> params            -- ^ Menu message params
-  -> PromptCancellable -- ^ Is the menu cancellable?
-  -> Prism' Item item  -- ^ Attach some extra information to the item, in a
-                      --   recoverable fashion. Prism vs iso so we can discard
-                      --   items.
-  -> AppM ()            -- ^ Action to take if there are no items matching
-  -> (PromptResult ('Menu item) -> AppM ())
-  -> AppM ()
-takeItemFromInventory msgPath msgParams cancellable extraInfo onEmpty cb =
-  selectItemFromInventory msgPath msgParams cancellable extraInfo onEmpty
-    $ \(MenuResult (invPos, item)) -> do
-      character . inventory
-        %= removeItemFromPosition invPos (item ^. re extraInfo)
-      cb $ MenuResult item
-  :: forall item.
-    [Text]            -- ^ Menu message
-  -> PromptCancellable -- ^ Is the menu cancellable?
-  -> Prism' Item item  -- ^ Attach some extra information to the item, in a
-                      --   recoverable fashion. Prism vs iso so we can discard
-                      --   items.
-  -> AppM ()            -- ^ Action to take if there are no items matching
-  -> (PromptResult ('Menu item) -> AppM ())
-  -> AppM ()
-takeItemFromInventory_ msgPath = takeItemFromInventory msgPath ()
--- entityMenu :: Entity entity => [entity] -> Map Char (MenuOption entity)
--- entityMenu = map (map runIdentity) . entityMenu_ . fmap Identity
-showPanel :: Panel -> AppM ()
-showPanel panel = do
-  activePanel ?= panel
-  prompt_ @'Continue ["generic", "continue"] Uncancellable
-    . const
-    $ activePanel .= Nothing
-  :: Word -- ^ Level number, starting at 0
-  -> AppM Level
-genLevel num = do
-  let dims = Dimensions 80 80
-  generator <- choose $ CaveAutomata :| [Dungeon]
-  let
-    doGen = case generator of
-      CaveAutomata -> generateLevel SCaveAutomata CaveAutomata.defaultParams
-      Dungeon -> generateLevel SDungeon Dungeon.defaultParams
-  level <- doGen dims num
-  pure $!! level
-levelToGameLevel :: Level -> GameLevel
-levelToGameLevel level =
-  let _levelEntities = levelToEntityMap level
-      _upStaircasePosition = level ^. levelCharacterPosition
-      _levelRevealedPositions = mempty
-  in GameLevel {..}