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path: root/users/grfn/system/home
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/system/home')
40 files changed, 0 insertions, 3988 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/.skip-subtree b/users/grfn/system/home/.skip-subtree
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/.skip-subtree
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/common/solarized.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/common/solarized.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 554ee0523e46..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/common/solarized.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-rec {
-  base03 = "#002B36";
-  base02 = "#073642";
-  base01 = "#586e75";
-  base00 = "#657b83";
-  base0 = "#839496";
-  base1 = "#93a1a1";
-  base2 = "#eee8d5";
-  base3 = "#fdf6e3";
-  yellow = "#b58900";
-  orange = "#cb4b16";
-  red = "#dc322f";
-  magenta = "#d33682";
-  violet = "#6c71c4";
-  blue = "#268bd2";
-  cyan = "#2aa198";
-  green = "#859900";
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/default.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index f821999b9957..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, depot, lib, ... }:
-with lib;
-rec {
-  home = confPath: (import (pkgs.home-manager.src + "/modules") {
-    inherit pkgs;
-    configuration = { config, lib, ... }: {
-      imports = [ confPath ];
-      lib.depot = depot;
-      # home-manager exposes no API to override the package set that
-      # is used, unless called from the NixOS module.
-      #
-      # To get around it, the module argument is overridden here.
-      _module.args.pkgs = mkForce pkgs;
-    };
-  });
-  dobharchu = home ./machines/dobharchu.nix;
-  dobharchuHome = dobharchu.activation-script;
-  ogopogo = home ./machines/ogopogo.nix;
-  ogopogoHome = ogopogo.activation-script;
-  yeren = home ./machines/yeren.nix;
-  yerenHome = yeren.activation-script;
-  meta.ci.targets = [
-    "yerenHome"
-  ];
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/home.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/home.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 39045c147d76..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/home.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
-  imports = [
-    (throw "Pick a machine from ./machines")
-  ];
-  # Let Home Manager install and manage itself.
-  programs.home-manager.enable = true;
-  # This value determines the Home Manager release that your
-  # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage
-  # when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards
-  # incompatible changes.
-  #
-  # You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See
-  # the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version
-  # changes in each release.
-  home.stateVersion = "19.09";
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/dobharchu.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/machines/dobharchu.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c26f3baef12e..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/dobharchu.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  imports = [
-    ../platforms/darwin.nix
-    ../modules/common.nix
-    # ../modules/games.nix
-  ];
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    coreutils
-    gnupg
-    nix-prefetch-github
-    pass
-    pinentry_mac
-  ];
-  programs.home-manager.enable = true;
-  home.stateVersion = "21.11";
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/ogopogo.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/machines/ogopogo.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ef65bb73d2..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/ogopogo.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
-  inherit (builtins) pathExists;
-  laptopKeyboardId = "5";
-  imports = [
-    ../platforms/linux.nix
-    ../modules/common.nix
-    ../modules/desktop.nix
-    ../modules/development/agda.nix
-    ../modules/development/readyset.nix
-    ../modules/development/ocaml.nix
-  ] ++ (lib.optional (pathExists ../modules/private.nix) ../modules/private.nix);
-  programs.home-manager.enable = true;
-  home.stateVersion = "21.11";
-  system.machine = {
-    wirelessInterface = "wlp4s0";
-    i3FontSize = 9;
-    battery = false;
-  };
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    zoom-us
-    slack
-    mariadb
-    graphviz
-    gnuplot
-    mypaint
-    xdot
-    tdesktop
-    subsurface
-    (discord.override rec {
-      version = "0.0.22";
-      src = fetchurl {
-        url = "https://dl.discordapp.net/apps/linux/${version}/discord-${version}.tar.gz";
-        sha256 = "19xbmrd782m4lp2l0ww5v3ip227g0z8pplxigxga96q43rvp6p0p";
-      };
-    })
-    steam
-  ];
-  systemd.user.services.laptop-keyboard = {
-    Unit = {
-      Description = "Swap caps+escape and alt+super, but only on the built-in laptop keyboard";
-      After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
-      PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
-    };
-    Install = { WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; };
-    Service = {
-      Type = "oneshot";
-      RemainAfterExit = true;
-      ExecStart = (
-        "${pkgs.xorg.setxkbmap}/bin/setxkbmap "
-        + "-device ${laptopKeyboardId} "
-        + "-option caps:swapescape "
-        + "-option compose:ralt "
-        + "-option altwin:swap_alt_win"
-      );
-    };
-  };
-  xsession.windowManager.i3.config.keybindings.F9 = "exec lock";
-  # Telegram adds this to ~/.config/mimeapps.list if it isn't already there,
-  # preventing home manager from installing (since it doesn't want to overwrite
-  # the file)
-  xdg.mimeApps.defaultApplications."x-scheme-handler/tg" =
-    "userapp-Telegram Desktop-K290F1.desktop";
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/roswell.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/machines/roswell.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 135477b12ddf..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/roswell.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
-  inherit (builtins) pathExists;
-  imports = [
-    ../platforms/linux.nix
-    ../modules/shell.nix
-    ../modules/development.nix
-    ../modules/emacs.nix
-    ../modules/vim.nix
-    ../modules/development/readyset.nix
-    ../modules/tmux.nix
-  ] ++ (lib.optional (pathExists ../modules/private.nix) ../modules/private.nix);
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    # System utilities
-    bat
-    htop
-    killall
-    bind
-    zip
-    unzip
-    tree
-    nmap
-    bc
-    pv
-    # Security
-    gnupg
-    keybase
-    openssl
-    # Nix things
-    nixfmt
-    nix-prefetch-github
-    nixpkgs-review
-    cachix
-    # ReadySet stuff
-    nodejs
-    mysql80
-    (writeShellScriptBin "xdg-open" "echo xdg-open: \"$@\"")
-  ];
-  programs.password-store.enable = true;
-  programs.home-manager.enable = true;
-  home.stateVersion = "20.03";
-  xsession.enable = lib.mkForce false;
-  services.lorri.enable = true;
-  programs.direnv = {
-    enable = true;
-    enableBashIntegration = true;
-    enableZshIntegration = true;
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/yeren.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/machines/yeren.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a7a561b5e62..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/machines/yeren.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
-  inherit (builtins) pathExists;
-  laptopKeyboardId = "5";
-  imports = [
-    ../platforms/linux.nix
-    ../modules/common.nix
-    ../modules/desktop.nix
-    ../modules/development/agda.nix
-    ../modules/development/readyset.nix
-    ../modules/development/ocaml.nix
-  ] ++ (lib.optional (pathExists ../modules/private.nix) ../modules/private.nix);
-  # for when hacking
-  programs.home-manager.enable = true;
-  home.stateVersion = "20.03";
-  system.machine = {
-    wirelessInterface = "wlp0s20f3";
-    i3FontSize = 9;
-  };
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    zoom-us
-    slack
-    mariadb
-    graphviz
-    gnuplot
-    mypaint
-    xdot
-    tdesktop
-    subsurface
-    discord
-    steam
-  ];
-  systemd.user.services.laptop-keyboard = {
-    Unit = {
-      Description = "Swap caps+escape and alt+super, but only on the built-in laptop keyboard";
-      After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
-      PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
-    };
-    Install = { WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; };
-    Service = {
-      Type = "oneshot";
-      RemainAfterExit = true;
-      ExecStart = (
-        "${pkgs.xorg.setxkbmap}/bin/setxkbmap "
-        + "-device ${laptopKeyboardId} "
-        + "-option caps:swapescape "
-        + "-option compose:ralt "
-        + "-option altwin:swap_alt_win"
-      );
-    };
-  };
-  xsession.windowManager.i3.config.keybindings.F9 = "exec lock";
-  xdg.mimeApps.defaultApplications."x-scheme-handler/tg" =
-    "telegramdesktop.desktop";
-  programs.zsh.shellAliases = {
-    "graph" = "curl -s localhost:6033/graph | dot -Tpng | feh -";
-  };
-  programs.ssh.matchBlocks."grfn-dev" = {
-    host = "grfn-dev";
-    forwardAgent = true;
-    user = "ubuntu";
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/.gitignore b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a211cae6c6ea..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/alacritty.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/alacritty.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 561cab4d79cb..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/alacritty.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  programs.alacritty = {
-    enable = true;
-    settings = {
-      font.size = 6;
-      font.normal.family = "Meslo LGSDZ Nerd Font";
-      keyboard.bindings = [
-        {
-          key = "Escape";
-          mods = "Control";
-          action = "ToggleViMode";
-        }
-      ];
-      colors = with import ../common/solarized.nix; rec {
-        draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors = false;
-        # Default colors
-        primary = {
-          background = base3;
-          foreground = base00;
-        };
-        cursor = {
-          text = base3;
-          cursor = base00;
-        };
-        # Normal colors
-        normal = {
-          inherit red green yellow blue magenta cyan;
-          black = base02;
-          white = base2;
-        };
-        # Bright colors
-        # bright = normal;
-        bright = {
-          black = base03;
-          red = orange;
-          green = base01;
-          yellow = base00;
-          blue = base0;
-          magenta = violet;
-          cyan = base1;
-          white = base3;
-        };
-        vi_mode_cursor.cursor = red;
-      };
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/alsi.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/alsi.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 204f9c8e1428..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/alsi.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  home.packages = [ config.lib.depot.third_party.alsi ];
-  xdg.configFile."alsi/alsi.logo" = {
-    source = ./nixos-logo.txt;
-    force = true;
-  };
-  xdg.configFile."alsi/alsi.conf" = {
-    force = true;
-    text = ''
-      #!${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl
-      scalar {
-        ALSI_VERSION         => "0.4.8",
-        COLORS_FILE          => "/home/grfn/.config/alsi/alsi.colors",
-        DE_FILE              => "/home/grfn/.config/alsi/alsi.de",
-        DEFAULT_COLOR_BOLD   => "blue",
-        DEFAULT_COLOR_NORMAL => "blue",
-        DF_COMMAND           => "df -Th -x sys -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs &>/dev/stdout",
-        GTK2_RC_FILE         => "/home/grfn/.gtkrc-2.0",
-        GTK3_RC_FILE         => "/home/grfn/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini",
-        LOGO_FILE            => "/home/grfn/.config/alsi/alsi.logo",
-        OUTPUT_FILE          => "/home/grfn/.config/alsi/alsi.output",
-        # PACKAGES_PATH      => "/var/lib/pacman/local/",
-        PS_COMMAND           => "ps -A",
-        USAGE_COLORS         => 0,
-        USAGE_COLORS_BOLD    => 0,
-        USAGE_PRECENT_GREEN  => 50,
-        USAGE_PRECENT_RED    => 100,
-        USAGE_PRECENT_YELLOW => 85,
-        USE_LOGO_FROM_FILE   => 1,
-        USE_VALUES_COLOR     => 0,
-        WM_FILE              => "/home/grfn/.config/alsi/alsi.wm",
-      }
-    '';
-  };
-  xdg.configFile."alsi/alsi.colors".text = ''
-    #!${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl
-    # Colors for alsi
-    scalar {
-       black   => {normal => "\e[0;30m", bold => "\e[1;30m"},
-       red     => {normal => "\e[0;31m", bold => "\e[1;31m"},
-       green   => {normal => "\e[0;32m", bold => "\e[1;32m"},
-       yellow  => {normal => "\e[0;33m", bold => "\e[1;33m"},
-       default => {normal => "\e[0;34m", bold => "\e[1;34m"},
-       blue    => {normal => "\e[0;34m", bold => "\e[1;34m"},
-       purple  => {normal => "\e[0;35m", bold => "\e[1;35m"},
-       cyan    => {normal => "\e[0;36m", bold => "\e[1;36m"},
-       white   => {normal => "\e[0;37m", bold => "\e[1;37m"},
-       reset   => "\e[0m",
-    }
-  '';
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/common.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/common.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d58a36c5bf..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/common.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-# Everything in here needs to work on linux or darwin, with or without a desktop
-# environment
-  imports = [
-    ../modules/shell.nix
-    # ../modules/development.nix
-    ../modules/emacs.nix
-    ../modules/vim.nix
-    ../modules/tarsnap.nix
-    ../modules/twitter.nix
-    ../modules/lib/cloneRepo.nix
-  ];
-  home.username = "grfn";
-  home.homeDirectory = "/home/grfn";
-  programs.password-store.enable = true;
-  grfn.impure.clonedRepos.passwordStore = {
-    github = "glittershark/pass";
-    path = ".local/share/password-store";
-  };
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    # System utilities
-    bat
-    htop
-    killall
-    bind
-    zip
-    unzip
-    tree
-    nmap
-    bc
-    pv
-    # Security
-    gnupg
-    keybase
-    openssl
-    # Nix things
-    nixfmt
-    nix-prefetch-github
-    nixpkgs-review
-    cachix
-    (writeShellScriptBin "rebuild-mugwump" ''
-      set -eo pipefail
-      cd ~/code/depot
-      nix build -f . users.grfn.system.system.mugwumpSystem -o /tmp/mugwump
-      nix copy -f . users.grfn.system.system.mugwumpSystem \
-        --to ssh://mugwump
-      system=$(readlink -ef /tmp/mugwump)
-      ssh mugwump sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set $system
-      ssh mugwump sudo $system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch
-      rm /tmp/mugwump
-    '')
-    (writeShellScriptBin "rebuild-roswell" ''
-      set -eo pipefail
-      cd ~/code/depot
-      nix build -f . users.grfn.system.system.roswellSystem -o /tmp/roswell
-      nix copy -f . users.grfn.system.system.roswellSystem \
-        --to ssh://roswell
-      system=$(readlink -ef /tmp/roswell)
-      ssh roswell sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set $system
-      ssh roswell sudo $system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch
-      rm /tmp/roswell
-    '')
-    (writeShellScriptBin "rebuild-home" ''
-      set -eo pipefail
-      cd ~/code/depot
-      nix build -f . users.grfn.system.home.$(hostname)Home -o /tmp/home
-      /tmp/home/activate
-    '')
-  ];
-  programs.ssh = {
-    enable = true;
-    matchBlocks = {
-      "home" = {
-        host = "home.gws.fyi";
-        forwardAgent = true;
-      };
-      "dobharchu" = {
-        host = "dobharchu";
-        hostname = "";
-        forwardAgent = true;
-        user = "griffin";
-      };
-      "cerberus" = {
-        host = "cerberus";
-        hostname = "";
-        forwardAgent = true;
-        user = "griffin";
-      };
-      "mugwump" = {
-        host = "mugwump";
-        hostname = "";
-        forwardAgent = true;
-      };
-      "roswell" = {
-        host = "roswell";
-        forwardAgent = true;
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  programs.direnv = {
-    enable = true;
-    enableBashIntegration = true;
-    enableZshIntegration = true;
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/desktop.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/desktop.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index cab3b658e031..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/desktop.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-# Things that only work in the presence of a linux desktop environment
-  imports = [
-    ./i3.nix
-    ./obs.nix
-    ./games.nix
-  ];
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    (ntfy.override {
-      # Slack support is broken as of 2023-06-15
-      withSlack = false;
-    })
-    (writeShellApplication {
-      name = "edit-input";
-      runtimeInputs = [ xdotool xclip ];
-      text = ''
-        set -euo pipefail
-        sleep 0.2
-        xdotool key ctrl+a ctrl+c
-        xclip -out -selection clipboard > /tmp/EDIT
-        emacsclient -c /tmp/EDIT
-        xclip -in -selection clipboard < /tmp/EDIT
-        sleep 0.2
-        xdotool key ctrl+v
-        rm /tmp/EDIT
-      '';
-    })
-  ];
-  services.syncthing.tray.enable = true;
-  gtk = {
-    enable = true;
-    gtk3.bookmarks = [
-      "file:///home/grfn/code"
-      "file:///home/grfn/notes"
-    ];
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 26817af497d4..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  clj2nix = pkgs.callPackage
-    (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-      owner = "hlolli";
-      repo = "clj2nix";
-      rev = "3ab3480a25e850b35d1f532a5e4e7b3202232383";
-      sha256 = "1lry026mlpxp1j563qs13nhxf37i2zpl7lh0lgfdwc44afybqka6";
-    })
-    { };
-  pg-dump-upsert = pkgs.buildGoModule rec {
-    pname = "pg-dump-upsert";
-    version = "165258deaebded5e9b88f7a0acf3a4b7350e7bf4";
-    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-      owner = "tomyl";
-      repo = "pg-dump-upsert";
-      rev = version;
-      sha256 = "1an4h8jjbj3r618ykjwk9brii4h9cxjqy47c4c8rivnvhimgf4wm";
-    };
-    vendorHash = "sha256:1a5fx6mrv30cl46kswicd8lf5i5shn1fykchvbnbhdpgxhbz6qi4";
-  };
-with lib;
-  imports = [
-    ./lib/zshFunctions.nix
-    ./development/kube.nix
-    # TODO(grfn): agda build is broken in the nixpkgs checkout
-    # ./development/agda.nix
-    ./development/rust.nix
-  ];
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    jq
-    yq
-    gron
-    gitAndTools.tig
-    gitAndTools.gh
-    shellcheck
-    httpie
-    entr
-    gnumake
-    inetutils
-    tokei
-    jsonnet
-    ngrok
-    amber
-    gdb
-    lldb
-    hyperfine
-    clang-tools
-    clj2nix
-    clojure
-    leiningen
-    clj-kondo
-    pg-dump-upsert
-    nodePackages.prettier
-  ] ++ optionals (stdenv.isLinux) [
-    # TODO(grfn): replace with stable again once the current julia debacle
-    # is resolved upstream, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/121114
-    julia_16-bin
-    valgrind
-    linuxPackages.perf
-    rr
-  ];
-  programs.git = {
-    enable = true;
-    package = pkgs.gitFull;
-    userEmail = "root@gws.fyi";
-    userName = "Aspen Smith";
-    ignores = [
-      "*.sw*"
-      ".classpath"
-      ".project"
-      ".settings/"
-      ".dir-locals.el"
-      ".stack-work-profiling"
-      ".projectile"
-    ];
-    extraConfig = {
-      github.user = "glittershark";
-      merge.conflictstyle = "diff3";
-      rerere.enabled = "true";
-      advice.skippedCherryPicks = "false";
-    };
-    delta = {
-      enable = true;
-      options = {
-        syntax-theme = "Solarized (light)";
-        hunk-style = "plain";
-        commit-style = "box";
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  home.file.".gdbinit".text = ''
-    set history filename ~/.gdb_history
-    set history save on
-    set history size unlimited
-    set history remove-duplicates unlimited
-    set history expansion on
-  '';
-  home.file.".psqlrc".text = ''
-    \set QUIET 1
-    \timing
-    \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK interactive
-    \set VERBOSITY verbose
-    \x auto
-    \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1m%]%M/%/%R%[%033[0m%]%# '
-    \set PROMPT2 '...%# '
-    \set HISTFILE ~/.psql_history- :DBNAME
-    \set HISTCONTROL ignoredups
-    \pset null [null]
-    \pset linestyle 'unicode'
-    \pset unicode_border_linestyle single
-    \pset unicode_column_linestyle single
-    \pset unicode_header_linestyle double
-    \unset QUIET
-  '';
-  programs.readline = {
-    enable = true;
-    extraConfig = ''
-      set editing-mode vi
-    '';
-  };
-  programs.zsh = {
-    shellAliases = {
-      # Git
-      "gwip" = "git add . && git commit -am wip";
-      "gpr" = "g pull-request";
-      "gcl" = "git clone";
-      "grs" = "gr --soft";
-      "grhh" = "grh HEAD";
-      "grh" = "gr --hard";
-      "gr" = "git reset";
-      "gcb" = "gc -b";
-      "gco" = "gc";
-      "gcd" = "gc development";
-      "gcm" = "gc master";
-      "gcc" = "gc canon";
-      "gc" = "git checkout";
-      "gbg" = "git branch | grep";
-      "gba" = "git branch -a";
-      "gb" = "git branch";
-      "gcv" = "git commit --verbose";
-      "gci" = "git commit";
-      "gm" = "git merge";
-      "gdc" = "gd --cached";
-      "gd" = "git diff";
-      "gsl" = "git stash list";
-      "gss" = "git show stash";
-      "gsad" = "git stash drop";
-      "gsa" = "git stash";
-      "gst" = "gs";
-      "gs" = "git status";
-      "gg" = "gl --decorate --oneline --graph --date-order --all";
-      "gl" = "git log";
-      "gf" = "git fetch";
-      "gur" = "gu --rebase";
-      "gu" = "git pull";
-      "gpf" = "gp -f";
-      "gpa" = "gp --all";
-      "gpu" = "git push -u origin \"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"";
-      "gp" = "git push";
-      "ganw" = "git diff -w --no-color | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace";
-      "ga" = "git add";
-      "gnp" = "git --no-pager";
-      "g" = "git";
-      "grim" = "git fetch && git rebase -i --autostash origin/master";
-      "grom" = "git fetch && git rebase --autostash origin/master";
-      "groc" = "git fetch && git rebase --autostash origin/canon";
-      "grc" = "git rebase --continue";
-      "gcan" = "git commit --amend --no-edit";
-      "grl" = "git reflog";
-      # Haskell
-      "crl" = "cabal repl";
-      "cr" = "cabal run";
-      "cnb" = "cabal new-build";
-      "cob" = "cabal old-build";
-      "cnr" = "cabal new-run";
-      "cor" = "cabal old-run";
-      "ho" = "hoogle";
-    };
-    functions = {
-      gdelmerged = ''
-        git branch --merged | egrep -v 'master' | tr -d '+ ' | xargs git branch -d
-      '';
-      gref = ''
-        git show -s --pretty=reference "$1" | xclip -selection clipboard
-      '';
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/agda.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/agda.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index afd22a306dc9..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/agda.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  agda-categories = with pkgs.agdaPackages; mkDerivation rec {
-    pname = "agda-categories";
-    version = "2128fab";
-    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-      owner = "agda";
-      repo = "agda-categories";
-      rev = version;
-      sha256 = "08mc20qaz9vp5rhi60rh8wvjkg5aby3bgwwdhfnxha1663qf1q24";
-    };
-    buildInputs = [ standard-library ];
-  };
-  imports = [
-    ../lib/cloneRepo.nix
-  ];
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    (pkgs.agda.withPackages
-      (p: with p; [
-        p.standard-library
-      ]))
-  ];
-  grfn.impure.clonedRepos = {
-    agda-stdlib = {
-      github = "agda/agda-stdlib";
-      path = "code/agda-stdlib";
-    };
-    agda-categories = {
-      github = "agda/agda-categories";
-      path = "code/agda-categories";
-    };
-    categories-examples = {
-      github = "agda/categories-examples";
-      path = "code/categories-examples";
-    };
-  };
-  home.file.".agda/defaults".text = ''
-    standard-library
-  '';
-  home.file.".agda/libraries".text = ''
-    /home/grfn/code/agda-stdlib/standard-library.agda-lib
-    /home/grfn/code/agda-categories/agda-categories.agda-lib
-  '';
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/kube.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/kube.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 876b0c08df1d..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/kube.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    kubectl
-    kubetail
-    sops
-    kubie
-    # pkgs-unstable.argocd # provided by urbos
-  ];
-  programs.zsh.shellAliases = {
-    "kc" = "kubectl";
-    "kg" = "kc get";
-    "kga" = "kc get --all-namespaces";
-    "kpd" = "kubectl get pods";
-    "kpa" = "kubectl get pods --all-namespaces";
-    "klf" = "kubectl logs -f";
-    "kdep" = "kubectl get deployments";
-    "ked" = "kubectl edit deployment";
-    "kpw" = "kubectl get pods -w";
-    "kew" = "kubectl get events -w";
-    "kdel" = "kubectl delete";
-    "knw" = "kubectl get nodes -w";
-    "kev" = "kubectl get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'";
-    "arsy" = "argocd app sync --prune";
-  };
-  home.file.".kube/kubie.yaml".text = ''
-    shell: zsh
-    prompt:
-      zsh_use_rps1: true
-  '';
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/ocaml.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/ocaml.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dcdd8980e47..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/ocaml.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    ocaml
-    # ocamlPackages.merlin
-    # ocamlPackages.utop
-    # ocamlPackages.ocp-indent
-    # ocamlPackages.ocamlformat
-  ];
-  programs.opam = {
-    enable = true;
-    enableZshIntegration = true;
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/readyset.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/readyset.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index afe762468aeb..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/readyset.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  imports = [
-    ./rust.nix
-  ];
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    # These go in $PATH so I can run it from rofi and parent to my WM
-    (writeShellScriptBin "dotclip" "xclip -out -selection clipboard | dot -Tpng | feh -")
-    (writeShellScriptBin "dotcontroller" "curl -s localhost:6033/graph | dot -Tpng | feh -")
-    rain
-    awscli2
-    ssm-session-manager-plugin
-    amazon-ecr-credential-helper
-    postgresql_15
-    # TODO remove override when https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/233826 is merged
-    (sysbench.overrideDerivation (oldAttrs: {
-      configureFlags = oldAttrs.configureFlags ++ [ "--with-pgsql" ];
-      buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ postgresql ];
-    }))
-  ];
-  programs.zsh.shellAliases = {
-    "tf" = "terraform";
-  };
-  home.file.".docker/config.json".text = builtins.toJSON {
-    credHelpers = {
-      "305232526136.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" = "ecr-login";
-    };
-  };
-  programs.zsh.functions."purge_deployment" = ''
-    for key in $(http :8500/v1/kv/$1 keys==true | jq -r .'[]'); do http DELETE ":8500/v1/kv/$key"; done
-  '';
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/rust.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/rust.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 105a23bc8376..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/development/rust.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  inherit (config.lib) depot;
-with lib;
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    rustup
-    cargo-edit
-    cargo-expand
-    cargo-udeps
-    cargo-bloat
-    sccache
-    evcxr
-    depot.users.grfn.pkgs.cargo-hakari
-    depot.users.grfn.pkgs.cargo-nextest
-    # benchmarking+profiling
-    cargo-criterion
-    cargo-flamegraph
-    coz
-    inferno
-    hotspot
-  ] ++ optionals (stdenv.isLinux) [
-    cargo-rr
-  ];
-  programs.zsh.shellAliases = {
-    "cg" = "cargo";
-    "cb" = "cargo build";
-    "ct" = "cargo test";
-    "ctw" = "fd -e rs | entr cargo test";
-    "cch" = "cargo check";
-  };
-  home.file.".cargo/config".text = ''
-    [build]
-    rustc-wrapper = "${pkgs.sccache}/bin/sccache"
-    [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu]
-    linker = "clang"
-    rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld=${pkgs.mold}/bin/mold"]
-  '';
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/emacs.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/emacs.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db4e293f867..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/emacs.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
-with lib;
-  # doom-emacs = pkgs.callPackage (builtins.fetchTarball {
-  #   url = https://github.com/vlaci/nix-doom-emacs/archive/master.tar.gz;
-  # }) {
-  #   doomPrivateDir = ./doom.d;  # Directory containing your config.el init.el
-  #                               # and packages.el files
-  # };
-  depot = config.lib.depot;
-  imports = [
-    ./lib/cloneRepo.nix
-  ];
-  # home.packages = [ doom-emacs ];
-  # home.file.".emacs.d/init.el".text = ''
-  #     (load "default.el")
-  # '';
-  #
-  config = mkMerge [
-    {
-      home.packages = with pkgs; [
-        # LaTeX (for org export)
-        (pkgs.texlive.combine {
-          inherit (pkgs.texlive)
-            capt-of
-            collection-fontsrecommended
-            dvipng
-            fancyvrb
-            float
-            fncychap
-            framed
-            mathpartir
-            needspace
-            parskip
-            scheme-basic
-            semantic
-            tabulary
-            titlesec
-            ulem
-            upquote
-            varwidth
-            wrapfig
-            bussproofs
-            bussproofs-extra
-            ;
-        })
-        ispell
-        ripgrep
-        coreutils
-        fd
-        clang
-        gnutls
-        emacsPackages.telega
-      ];
-      programs.emacs = {
-        enable = true;
-        package = pkgs.emacs;
-        extraPackages = (epkgs:
-          (with epkgs; [
-            tvlPackages.dottime
-            tvlPackages.tvl
-            vterm
-            telega
-          ])
-        );
-      };
-      grfn.impure.clonedRepos = {
-        orgClubhouse = {
-          github = "glittershark/org-clubhouse";
-          path = "code/org-clubhouse";
-        };
-        doomEmacs = {
-          github = "hlissner/doom-emacs";
-          path = ".emacs.d";
-          after = [ "emacs.d" ];
-          onClone = "bin/doom install";
-        };
-        "emacs.d" = {
-          github = "glittershark/emacs.d";
-          path = ".doom.d";
-          after = [ "orgClubhouse" ];
-        };
-      };
-      programs.zsh.shellAliases = {
-        "ec" = "emacsclient";
-      };
-    }
-    (mkIf pkgs.stdenv.isLinux {
-      # Notes
-      services.syncthing.enable = true;
-    })
-  ];
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/email.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/email.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index b452324078eb..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/email.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
-with lib;
-  # from home-manager/modules/services/lieer.nix
-  escapeUnitName = name:
-    let
-      good = upperChars ++ lowerChars ++ stringToCharacters "0123456789-_";
-      subst = c: if any (x: x == c) good then c else "-";
-    in
-    stringAsChars subst name;
-  accounts = {
-    personal = {
-      primary = true;
-      address = "root@gws.fyi";
-      aliases = [ "grfn@gws.fyi" ];
-      passEntry = "root-gws-msmtp";
-    };
-    work = {
-      address = "aspen@readyset.io";
-      passEntry = "readyset/msmtp";
-    };
-  };
-  # 2022-09-26: workaround for home-manager defaulting to removed pkgs.gmailieer
-  # attribute, can likely be removed soon
-  programs.lieer.package = pkgs.lieer;
-  programs.lieer.enable = true;
-  programs.notmuch.enable = true;
-  services.lieer.enable = true;
-  programs.msmtp.enable = true;
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    mu
-    msmtp
-    config.lib.depot.users.grfn.pkgs.notmuch-extract-patch
-  ];
-  systemd.user.services = mapAttrs'
-    (name: account: {
-      name = escapeUnitName "lieer-${name}";
-      value.Service = {
-        ExecStart = mkForce "${pkgs.writeShellScript "sync-${name}" ''
-        ${pkgs.lieer}/bin/gmi sync --path ~/mail/${name}
-      ''}";
-        Environment = "NOTMUCH_CONFIG=${config.home.sessionVariables.NOTMUCH_CONFIG}";
-      };
-    })
-    accounts;
-  # xdg.configFile."notifymuch/notifymuch.cfg".text = generators.toINI {} {
-  #   notifymuch = {
-  #     query = "is:unread and is:important";
-  #     mail_client = "";
-  #     recency_interval_hours = "48";
-  #     hidden_tags = "inbox unread attachment replied sent encrypted signed";
-  #   };
-  # };
-  accounts.email.maildirBasePath = "mail";
-  accounts.email.accounts = mapAttrs
-    (_: params@{ passEntry, ... }: {
-      realName = "Aspen Smith";
-      passwordCommand = "pass ${passEntry}";
-      flavor = "gmail.com";
-      imapnotify = {
-        enable = true;
-        boxes = [ "Inbox" ];
-      };
-      gpg = {
-        key = "0F11A989879E8BBBFDC1E23644EF5B5E861C09A7";
-        signByDefault = true;
-      };
-      notmuch.enable = true;
-      lieer = {
-        enable = true;
-        sync = {
-          enable = true;
-          frequency = "*:*";
-        };
-      };
-      msmtp.enable = true;
-    } // builtins.removeAttrs params [ "passEntry" ])
-    accounts;
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/firefox.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/firefox.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e78685a5a3..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/firefox.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  xdg.mimeApps = rec {
-    enable = true;
-    defaultApplications = {
-      "text/html" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "x-scheme-handler/http" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "x-scheme-handler/https" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "x-scheme-handler/ftp" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "x-scheme-handler/chrome" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "application/x-extension-htm" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "application/x-extension-html" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "application/x-extension-shtml" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "application/xhtml+xml" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "application/x-extension-xhtml" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-      "application/x-extension-xht" = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
-    };
-    associations.added = defaultApplications;
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/games.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/games.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e2800389208..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/games.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with pkgs;
-with lib;
-  df-orig = dwarf-fortress-packages.dwarf-fortress-original;
-  df-full = (dwarf-fortress-packages.dwarf-fortress-full.override {
-    theme = null;
-    enableIntro = false;
-    enableFPS = true;
-    enableDFHack = true;
-  });
-  init = runCommand "init.txt" { } ''
-    substitute "${df-orig}/data/init/init.txt" $out \
-      --replace "[INTRO:YES]" "[INTRO:NO]" \
-      --replace "[VOLUME:255]" "[VOLUME:0]" \
-      --replace "[FPS:NO]" "[FPS:YES]"
-  '';
-  d_init = runCommand "d_init.txt" { } ''
-    substitute "${df-orig}/data/init/d_init.txt" $out \
-      --replace "[AUTOSAVE:NONE]" "[AUTOSAVE:SEASONAL]" \
-      --replace "[AUTOSAVE_PAUSE:NO]" "[AUTOSAVE_PAUSE:YES]" \
-      --replace "[INITIAL_SAVE:NO]" "[INITIAL_SAVE:YES]" \
-  '';
-  df = runCommand "dwarf-fortress" { } ''
-    mkdir -p $out/bin
-    sed \
-      -e '4icp -f ${init} "$DF_DIR/data/init/init.txt"' \
-      -e '4icp -f ${d_init} "$DF_DIR/data/init/d_init.txt"' \
-      < "${df-full}/bin/dwarf-fortress" >"$out/bin/dwarf-fortress"
-    shopt -s extglob
-    ln -s ${df-full}/bin/!(dwarf-fortress) $out/bin
-    chmod +x $out/bin/dwarf-fortress
-  '';
-mkMerge [
-  {
-    home.packages = [
-      crawl
-      xonotic
-    ];
-  }
-  (mkIf stdenv.isLinux {
-    home.packages = [
-      df
-      prismlauncher
-    ];
-  })
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/i3.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/i3.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce842af20e6..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/i3.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  mod = "Mod4";
-  solarized = import ../common/solarized.nix;
-  # TODO pull this out into lib
-  emacsclient = eval: pkgs.writeShellScript "emacsclient-eval" ''
-    msg=$(emacsclient --eval '${eval}' 2>&1)
-    echo "''${msg:1:-1}"
-  '';
-  screenlayout = {
-    home = pkgs.writeShellScript "screenlayout_home.sh" ''
-      xrandr \
-        --output eDP-1 --mode 1920x1200 --pos 0x960 --rotate normal \
-        --output DP-3 --primary --mode 3840x2160 --pos 1920x0 --rotate normal \
-        --output DP-1 --off \
-        --output DP-2 --off \
-        --output DP-4 --off
-    '';
-  };
-  inherit (builtins) map;
-  inherit (lib) mkMerge range;
-  options = with lib; {
-    system.machine = {
-      wirelessInterface = mkOption {
-        description = ''
-          Name of the primary wireless interface. Used by i3status, etc.
-        '';
-        default = "wlp3s0";
-        type = types.str;
-      };
-      i3FontSize = mkOption {
-        description = "Font size to use in i3 window decorations etc.";
-        default = 6;
-        type = types.int;
-      };
-      battery = mkOption {
-        description = "Does this system have a battery?";
-        default = true;
-        type = types.bool;
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  config =
-    let
-      fontName = "MesloLGSDZ";
-      fontSize = config.system.machine.i3FontSize;
-      fonts = {
-        names = [ fontName ];
-        size = fontSize * 1.0;
-      };
-      decorationFont = "${fontName} ${toString fontSize}";
-    in
-    {
-      home.packages = with pkgs; [
-        rofi
-        rofi-pass
-        python3Packages.py3status
-        i3lock
-        i3status
-        dconf # for gtk
-        # Screenshots
-        maim
-        # GIFs
-        picom
-        peek
-        (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "lock" ''
-          playerctl pause
-          ${pkgs.i3lock}/bin/i3lock -c 222222
-        '')
-      ];
-      xsession.scriptPath = ".xsession";
-      xsession.windowManager.i3 = {
-        enable = true;
-        config = {
-          modifier = mod;
-          keybindings =
-            mkMerge (
-              (map
-                (n: {
-                  "${mod}+${toString n}" =
-                    "workspace ${toString n}";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+${toString n}" =
-                    "move container to workspace ${toString n}";
-                })
-                (range 0 9))
-              ++ [
-                (rec {
-                  "${mod}+h" = "focus left";
-                  "${mod}+j" = "focus down";
-                  "${mod}+k" = "focus up";
-                  "${mod}+l" = "focus right";
-                  "${mod}+semicolon" = "focus parent";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+h" = "move left";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+j" = "move down";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+k" = "move up";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+l" = "move right";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+x" = "kill";
-                  "${mod}+Return" = "exec alacritty";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+s" = "split h";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+v" = "split v";
-                  "${mod}+e" = "layout toggle split";
-                  "${mod}+w" = "layout tabbed";
-                  "${mod}+s" = "layout stacking";
-                  "${mod}+f" = "fullscreen";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+r" = "restart";
-                  "${mod}+r" = "mode resize";
-                  # Marks
-                  "${mod}+Shift+m" = ''exec i3-input -F "mark %s" -l 1 -P 'Mark: ' '';
-                  "${mod}+m" = ''exec i3-input -F '[con_mark="%s"] focus' -l 1 -P 'Go to: ' '';
-                  # Screenshots
-                  "${mod}+q" = "exec \"maim | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png\"";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+q" = "exec \"maim -s | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png\"";
-                  "${mod}+Ctrl+q" = "exec ${pkgs.writeShellScript "peek.sh" ''
-              ${pkgs.picom}/bin/picom &
-              picom_pid=$!
-              ${pkgs.peek}/bin/peek || true
-              kill -SIGINT $picom_pid
-            ''}";
-                  # Launching applications
-                  "${mod}+u" = "exec ${pkgs.writeShellScript "rofi" ''
-              rofi \
-                -modi 'combi' \
-                -combi-modi "window,drun,ssh,run" \
-                -font '${decorationFont}' \
-                -show combi
-            ''}";
-                  # Passwords
-                  "${mod}+p" = "exec rofi-pass -font '${decorationFont}'";
-                  # Edit current buffer
-                  "${mod}+v" = "exec edit-input";
-                  # Media
-                  "XF86AudioPlay" = "exec playerctl -p spotify play-pause";
-                  "XF86AudioNext" = "exec playerctl -p spotify next";
-                  "XF86AudioPrev" = "exec playerctl -p spotify previous";
-                  "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "exec pulseaudio-ctl up";
-                  "XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "exec pulseaudio-ctl down";
-                  "XF86AudioMute" = "exec pulseaudio-ctl mute";
-                  # Lock
-                  Pause = "exec lock";
-                  # Brightness
-                  "XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl -q s 5%-";
-                  "XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl -q s 5%+";
-                  # Sleep/hibernate
-                  # "${mod}+Escape" = "exec systemctl suspend";
-                  # "${mod}+Shift+Escape" = "exec systemctl hibernate";
-                  # Scratch buffer
-                  "${mod}+minus" = "scratchpad show";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+minus" = "move scratchpad";
-                  "${mod}+space" = "focus mode_toggle";
-                  "${mod}+Shift+space" = "floating toggle";
-                  # Screen Layout
-                  "${mod}+Shift+t" = "exec xrandr --auto";
-                  "${mod}+t" = "exec ${screenlayout.home}";
-                  "${mod}+Ctrl+t" = "exec ${pkgs.writeShellScript "fix_term.sh" ''
-              xrandr --output eDP-1 --off && ${screenlayout.home}
-            ''}";
-                  # Notifications
-                  "${mod}+Shift+n" = "exec killall -SIGUSR1 .dunst-wrapped";
-                  "${mod}+n" = "exec killall -SIGUSR2 .dunst-wrapped";
-                  "Control+space" = "exec ${pkgs.dunst}/bin/dunstctl close";
-                  "Control+Shift+space" = "exec ${pkgs.dunst}/bin/dunstctl close-all";
-                  "Control+grave" = "exec ${pkgs.dunst}/bin/dunstctl history-pop";
-                  "Control+Shift+period" = "exec ${pkgs.dunst}/bin/dunstctl action";
-                })
-              ]
-            );
-          inherit fonts;
-          colors = with solarized; rec {
-            focused = {
-              border = base01;
-              background = base01;
-              text = base3;
-              indicator = red;
-              childBorder = base02;
-            };
-            focusedInactive = focused // {
-              border = base03;
-              background = base03;
-              # text = base1;
-            };
-            unfocused = focusedInactive;
-            background = base03;
-          };
-          modes.resize = {
-            l = "resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt";
-            k = "resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt";
-            j = "resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt";
-            h = "resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt";
-            Return = "mode \"default\"";
-          };
-          bars = [{
-            statusCommand =
-              let
-                i3status-conf = pkgs.writeText "i3status.conf" ''
-                  general {
-                      output_format = i3bar
-                      colors = true
-                      color_good = "#859900"
-                      interval = 1
-                  }
-                  order += "external_script current_task"
-                  order += "external_script inbox"
-                  order += "spotify"
-                  order += "volume_status"
-                  order += "wireless ${config.system.machine.wirelessInterface}"
-                  # order += "ethernet enp3s0f0"
-                  order += "cpu_usage"
-                  ${lib.optionalString (config.system.machine.battery) ''
-                      order += "battery 0"
-                  ''}
-                  # order += "volume master"
-                  order += "time"
-                  order += "tztime utc"
-                  mpd {
-                      format = "%artist - %album - %title"
-                  }
-                  wireless ${config.system.machine.wirelessInterface} {
-                      format_up = "W: (%quality - %essid - %bitrate) %ip"
-                      format_down = "W: -"
-                  }
-                  ethernet enp3s0f0 {
-                      format_up = "E: %ip"
-                      format_down = "E: -"
-                  }
-                  battery 0 {
-                      format = "%status %percentage"
-                      path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
-                      low_threshold = 10
-                  }
-                  cpu_usage {
-                      format = "CPU: %usage"
-                  }
-                  load {
-                      format = "%5min"
-                  }
-                  time {
-                      format = "    %a %h %d โŒš   %I:%M     "
-                  }
-                  spotify {
-                      color_playing = "#fdf6e3"
-                      color_paused = "#93a1a1"
-                      format_stopped = ""
-                      format_down = ""
-                      format = "{title} - {artist} ({album})"
-                  }
-                  external_script inbox {
-                      script_path = '${emacsclient "(grfn/num-inbox-items-message)"}'
-                      format = 'Inbox: {output}'
-                      cache_timeout = 120
-                      color = "#93a1a1"
-                  }
-                  external_script current_task {
-                      script_path = '${emacsclient "(grfn/org-current-clocked-in-task-message)"}'
-                      # format = '{output}'
-                      cache_timeout = 60
-                      color = "#93a1a1"
-                  }
-                  tztime utc {
-                      timezone = "UTC"
-                      format = "    %Hยท%M    "
-                  }
-                  volume_status {
-                      format = "โ˜Š {percentage}"
-                      format_muted = "โ˜Š X"
-                      # device = "default"
-                      # mixer_idx = 0
-                  }
-                '';
-              in
-              "py3status -c ${i3status-conf}";
-            inherit fonts;
-            position = "top";
-            colors = with solarized; rec {
-              background = base03;
-              statusline = base3;
-              separator = base1;
-              activeWorkspace = {
-                border = base03;
-                background = base1;
-                text = base3;
-              };
-              focusedWorkspace = activeWorkspace;
-              inactiveWorkspace = activeWorkspace // {
-                background = base01;
-              };
-              urgentWorkspace = activeWorkspace // {
-                background = red;
-              };
-            };
-          }];
-          window.titlebar = true;
-        };
-      };
-      services.dunst = {
-        enable = true;
-        settings = with solarized; {
-          global = {
-            font = "MesloLGSDZ ${toString (config.system.machine.i3FontSize * 1.5)}";
-            allow_markup = true;
-            format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b";
-            sort = true;
-            alignment = "left";
-            geometry = "600x15-40+40";
-            idle_threshold = 120;
-            separator_color = "frame";
-            separator_height = 1;
-            word_wrap = true;
-            padding = 8;
-            horizontal_padding = 8;
-            max_icon_size = 45;
-          };
-          frame = {
-            width = 0;
-            color = "#aaaaaa";
-          };
-          urgency_low = {
-            background = base03;
-            foreground = base3;
-            timeout = 5;
-          };
-          urgency_normal = {
-            background = base02;
-            foreground = base3;
-            timeout = 7;
-          };
-          urgency_critical = {
-            background = red;
-            foreground = base3;
-            timeout = 0;
-          };
-        };
-      };
-      gtk = {
-        enable = true;
-        iconTheme.name = "Adwaita";
-        theme.name = "Adwaita";
-      };
-    };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/lib/cloneRepo.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/lib/cloneRepo.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 806a8be03cb2..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/lib/cloneRepo.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, config, ... }:
-with lib;
-  options = {
-    grfn.impure.clonedRepos = mkOption {
-      description = "Repositories to clone";
-      default = { };
-      type = with types; attrsOf (
-        let
-          sm = submodule {
-            options = {
-              url = mkOption {
-                type = nullOr str;
-                description = "URL of repository to clone";
-                default = null;
-              };
-              github = mkOption {
-                type = nullOr str;
-                description = "Github owner/repo of repository to clone";
-                default = null;
-              };
-              path = mkOption {
-                type = str;
-                description = "Path to clone to";
-              };
-              onClone = mkOption {
-                type = str;
-                description = ''
-                  Shell command to run after cloning the repo for the first time.
-                  Runs inside the repo itself.
-                '';
-                default = "";
-              };
-              after = mkOption {
-                type = listOf str;
-                description = "Activation hooks that this repository must be cloned after";
-                default = [ ];
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        in
-        addCheck sm (cr: (! isNull cr.url || ! isNull cr.github))
-      );
-    };
-  };
-  config = {
-    home.activation =
-      mapAttrs
-        (_: { url
-            , path
-            , github
-            , onClone
-            , after
-            , ...
-            }:
-          let repoURL = if isNull url then "git@github.com:${github}" else url;
-          in hm.dag.entryAfter ([ "writeBoundary" ] ++ after) ''
-            $DRY_RUN_CMD mkdir -p $(dirname "${path}")
-            if [[ ! -d ${path} ]]; then
-              if $DRY_RUN_CMD git clone "${repoURL}" "${path}"; then
-                pushd ${path}
-                $DRY_RUN_CMD ${onClone}
-                popd
-              else
-                echo "Git repository ${path} failed to clone"
-              fi
-            fi
-          '')
-        config.grfn.impure.clonedRepos;
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/lib/zshFunctions.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/lib/zshFunctions.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 228dc6379fd6..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/lib/zshFunctions.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib;
-  options = {
-    programs.zsh.functions = mkOption {
-      description = "An attribute set that maps function names to their source";
-      default = { };
-      type = with types; attrsOf (either str path);
-    };
-  };
-  config.programs.zsh.initExtra = concatStringsSep "\n" (
-    mapAttrsToList
-      (name: funSrc: ''
-        function ${name}() {
-          ${funSrc}
-        }
-      '')
-      config.programs.zsh.functions
-  );
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/nixos-logo.txt b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/nixos-logo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b16b44f0bf..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/nixos-logo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-                 ((((((          ###%######       ##%###/
-               ,(((((((/(          #%#%#%#%#    .#%#%#%#%#
-                 ((((((///          %#######%. #####%###/
-                  (((((/(//,         /##%###%###%######
-                    (((//////          #####%########(
-         .(((((((((((((((///////////////#%%%########          ((
-        (((((((((((((((///////////////////#########         .((((
-       ((((((((((((((((/(//////////////////##########      ((((((((
-                   (#########                #########    (((((((((
-                  #########                   #########/((((((((((
-                *#########                     .#######(((((((((
- ###%###################                         ####(//((((((((((((((((
-####%##################                           .#////////((((((((((((((
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#######((                           ////////////((((((((((((
- ###%#######%#######////.                        ///////////////////((((
-         ###%###%#///////(                      /////////
-       .####%#### /////////                   /////////,
-      %#%#%#%#%*   /////////(                /////////
-      .#####%#       ////////(######################%#######%#####,
-        %####         (////////#####################%###%###%###%
-         .#          (//////(//((###################%#######%##%
-                    (//(((((((((((          #####%%%%(
-                  //(/((((((((((((((          ######%##
-                 (((((((((  (((((((((          #####%###/
-                (((((((((    /(((((((((         .###%####%
-                 ((((((        (((((((((          %#%#%#/
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/obs.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/obs.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 7962320f8a2f..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/obs.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  inherit (pkgs) obs-studio;
-  obs-input-overlay = pkgs.obs-studio-plugins.input-overlay;
-  home.packages = [
-    obs-studio
-    obs-input-overlay
-  ];
-  xdg.configFile."obs-studio/plugins/input-overlay/bin/64bit/input-overlay.so".source =
-    "${obs-input-overlay}/lib/obs-plugins/input-overlay.so";
-  xdg.configFile."obs-studio/plugins/input-overlay/data".source =
-    "${obs-input-overlay}/share/obs/obs-plugins/input-overlay";
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/ptt.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/ptt.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 436c8f261797..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/ptt.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  pttKeycode = "152";
-  sourceID = "3";
-  mute = pkgs.writeShellScript "mute-mic" ''
-    xset -r ${pttKeycode}
-    ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-source-mute ${sourceID} 1
-  '';
-  unmute = pkgs.writeShellScript "unmute-mic" ''
-    xset -r ${pttKeycode}
-    ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-source-mute ${sourceID} 0
-  '';
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    xbindkeys
-  ];
-  home.file.".xbindkeysrc.scm".text = ''
-    (xbindkey '("c:${pttKeycode}") "${unmute}")
-    (xbindkey '(release "c:${pttKeycode}") "${mute}")
-  '';
-  systemd.user.services."xbindkeys" = {
-    Unit = {
-      Description = "Keybind daemon for push-to-talk";
-      After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
-      PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
-    };
-    Install = { WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; };
-    Service = {
-      ExecStart = "${pkgs.xbindkeys}/bin/xbindkeys -n -v";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/pure.zsh-theme b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/pure.zsh-theme
deleted file mode 100755
index 666e28259c14..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/pure.zsh-theme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/zsh -f
-# vim: ft=zsh:
-# MIT License
-# For my own and others sanity
-# git:
-# %b => current branch
-# %a => current action (rebase/merge)
-# prompt:
-# %F => color dict
-# %f => reset color
-# %~ => current path
-# %* => time
-# %n => username
-# %m => shortname host
-# %(?..) => prompt conditional - %(condition.true.false)
-# turns seconds into human readable time
-# 165392 => 1d 21h 56m 32s
-prompt_pure_human_time() {
-	local tmp=$1
-	local days=$(( tmp / 60 / 60 / 24 ))
-	local hours=$(( tmp / 60 / 60 % 24 ))
-	local minutes=$(( tmp / 60 % 60 ))
-	local seconds=$(( tmp % 60 ))
-	(( $days > 0 )) && echo -n "${days}d "
-	(( $hours > 0 )) && echo -n "${hours}h "
-	(( $minutes > 0 )) && echo -n "${minutes}m "
-	echo "${seconds}s"
-is_git_repo() {
-	command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null
-	return $?
-# fastest possible way to check if repo is dirty
-prompt_pure_git_dirty() {
-	# check if we're in a git repo
-	is_git_repo || return
-	# check if it's dirty
-	[[ "$PURE_GIT_UNTRACKED_DIRTY" == 0 ]] && local umode="-uno" || local umode="-unormal"
-	command test -n "$(git status --porcelain --ignore-submodules ${umode})"
-	(($? == 0)) && echo '*'
-prompt_pure_git_wip() {
-	is_git_repo || return
-	local subject="$(command git show --pretty=%s --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
-	[ "$subject" == 'wip' ] && echo '[WIP]'
-# displays the exec time of the last command if set threshold was exceeded
-prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time() {
-	local stop=$EPOCHSECONDS
-	local start=${cmd_timestamp:-$stop}
-	integer elapsed=$stop-$start
-	(($elapsed > ${PURE_CMD_MAX_EXEC_TIME:=5})) && prompt_pure_human_time $elapsed
-prompt_pure_preexec() {
-	cmd_timestamp=$EPOCHSECONDS
-	# shows the current dir and executed command in the title when a process is active
-	print -Pn "\e]0;"
-	echo -nE "$PWD:t: $2"
-	print -Pn "\a"
-# string length ignoring ansi escapes
-prompt_pure_string_length() {
-	echo ${#${(S%%)1//(\%([KF1]|)\{*\}|\%[Bbkf])}}
-prompt_pure_nix_info() {
-	local packages_info=''
-	if [[ -z $NIX_SHELL_PACKAGES ]]; then
-		packages_info='[nix-shell]'
-	else
-		packages_info="{ $NIX_SHELL_PACKAGES }"
-	fi
-	case $IN_NIX_SHELL in
-		'pure')
-			echo "$fg_bold[green][nix-shell] "
-			;;
-		'impure')
-			echo "$fg_bold[magenta][nix-shell] "
-			;;
-		*) ;;
-	esac
-prompt_pure_precmd() {
-	if [[ "$TERM" == "dumb" ]]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	# shows the full path in the title
-	print -Pn '\e]0;%~\a'
-	# git info
-	vcs_info
-	local prompt_pure_preprompt="\n$(prompt_pure_nix_info)$fg_bold[green]$prompt_pure_username%F{blue}%~%F{yellow}$vcs_info_msg_0_`prompt_pure_git_dirty` $fg_no_bold[red]`prompt_pure_git_wip`%f %F{yellow}`prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time`%f "
-	print -P $prompt_pure_preprompt
-	# check async if there is anything to pull
-	# (( ${PURE_GIT_PULL:-1} )) && {
-	# 	# check if we're in a git repo
-	# 	command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null &&
-	# 	# make sure working tree is not $HOME
-	# 	[[ "$(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" != "$HOME" ]] &&
-	# 	# check check if there is anything to pull
-	# 	command git fetch &>/dev/null &&
-	# 	# check if there is an upstream configured for this branch
-	# 	command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @'{u}' &>/dev/null && {
-	# 		local arrows=''
-	# 		(( $(command git rev-list --right-only --count HEAD...@'{u}' 2>/dev/null) > 0 )) && arrows='โ‡ฃ'
-	# 		(( $(command git rev-list --left-only --count HEAD...@'{u}' 2>/dev/null) > 0 )) && arrows+='โ‡ก'
-	# 		print -Pn "\e7\e[A\e[1G\e[`prompt_pure_string_length $prompt_pure_preprompt`C%F{cyan}${arrows}%f\e8"
-	# 	}
-	# } &!
-	# reset value since `preexec` isn't always triggered
-	unset cmd_timestamp
-prompt_pure_setup() {
-	# prevent percentage showing up
-	# if output doesn't end with a newline
-	export PROMPT_EOL_MARK=''
-	prompt_opts=(cr subst percent)
-	zmodload zsh/datetime
-	autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
-	autoload -Uz vcs_info
-	add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_pure_precmd
-	add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_pure_preexec
-	zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git
-	zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' formats ' %b'
-	zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats ' %b|%a'
-	# show username@host if logged in through SSH
-	[[ "$SSH_CONNECTION" != '' ]] && prompt_pure_username='%n@%m '
-	# prompt turns red if the previous command didn't exit with 0
-	PROMPT='%(?.%F{green}.%F{red})โฏ%f '
-prompt_pure_setup "$@"
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/rtlsdr.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/rtlsdr.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c8a404a1f49e..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/rtlsdr.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  nixpkgs-gnuradio = import
-    (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-      owner = "doronbehar";
-      repo = "nixpkgs";
-      rev = "712561aa5f10bfe6112a1726a912585612a70d1f";
-      sha256 = "04yqflbwjcfl9vlplphpj82csqqz9k6m3nj1ybhwgmsc4by7vivl";
-    })
-    { };
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    rtl-sdr
-    nixpkgs-gnuradio.gnuradio
-    nixpkgs-gnuradio.gnuradio.plugins.osmosdr
-    nixpkgs-gnuradio.gqrx
-  ];
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/shell.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/shell.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d8d5884ce8d..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/shell.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  shellAliases = rec {
-    # NixOS stuff
-    hms = "home-manager switch";
-    nor = "sudo nixos-rebuild switch";
-    nrs = nor;
-    nrb = "sudo nixos-rebuild boot";
-    ncg = "nix-collect-garbage";
-    vihome = "vim ~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix && home-manager switch";
-    virc = "vim ~/code/system/home/modules/shell.nix && home-manager switch && source ~/.zshrc";
-    visystem = "sudo vim /etc/nixos/configuration.nix && sudo nixos-rebuild switch";
-    # Nix
-    ns = "nix-shell";
-    nb = "nix build -f .";
-    nbl = "nix build -f . --builders ''"; # nix build local
-    lwo = "lorri watch --once";
-    # Docker and friends
-    "dcu" = "docker-compose up";
-    "dcud" = "docker-compose up -d";
-    "dc" = "docker-compose";
-    "dcr" = "docker-compose restart";
-    "dclf" = "docker-compose logs -f";
-    "dck" = "docker";
-    "dockerclean" = "dockercleancontainers && dockercleanimages";
-    "dockercleanimages" = "docker images -a --no-trunc | grep none | awk '{print \$$3}' | xargs -L 1 -r docker rmi";
-    "dockercleancontainers" = "docker ps -a --no-trunc| grep 'Exit' | awk '{print \$$1}' | xargs -L 1 -r docker rm";
-    # Directories
-    stck = "dirs -v";
-    b = "cd ~1";
-    ".." = "cd ..";
-    "..." = "cd ../..";
-    "...." = "cd ../../..";
-    "....." = "cd ../../../..";
-    # Aliases from old config
-    "http" = "http --style solarized";
-    "grep" = "grep $GREP_OPTIONS";
-    "bak" = "~/bin/backup.sh";
-    "xmm" = "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap";
-    "asdflkj" = "asdf";
-    "asdf" = "asdfghjkl";
-    "asdfghjkl" = "echo \"Having some trouble?\"";
-    "ift" = "sudo iftop -i wlp3s0";
-    "first" = "awk '{print \$$1}'";
-    "cmt" = "git log --oneline | fzf-tmux | awk '{print \$$1}'";
-    "workmon" = "xrandr --output DP-2 --pos 1440x900 --primary";
-    "vi" = "vim";
-    "adbdev" = "adb devices";
-    "adbcon" = "adb connect $GNEX_IP";
-    "mpalb" = "mpc search album";
-    "mpart" = "mpc search artist";
-    "mps" = "mpc search";
-    "mpa" = "mpc add";
-    "mpt" = "mpc toggle";
-    "mpl" = "mpc playlist";
-    "dsstore" = "find . -name '*.DS_Store' -type f -ls -delete";
-    "df" = "df -h";
-    "fs" = "stat -f '%z bytes'";
-    "ll" = "ls -al";
-    "la" = "ls -a";
-  };
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    zsh
-    autojump
-  ];
-  home.sessionVariables = {
-    EDITOR = "vim";
-    LS_COLORS = "no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.wav=01;35:";
-    BROWSER = "firefox";
-    BAT_THEME = "ansi-light";
-  };
-  programs.bash = {
-    enable = true;
-    inherit shellAliases;
-  };
-  programs.zsh = {
-    enable = true;
-    enableAutosuggestions = true;
-    autocd = true;
-    inherit shellAliases;
-    history = rec {
-      save = 100000;
-      size = save;
-    };
-    oh-my-zsh = {
-      enable = true;
-      plugins = [
-        "battery"
-        "colorize"
-        "command-not-found"
-        "github"
-        "gitignore"
-        "postgres"
-        "systemd"
-        "themes"
-        "vi-mode"
-      ];
-      custom = "${pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
-        name = "oh-my-zsh-custom";
-        unpackPhase = ":";
-        installPhase = ''
-          mkdir -p $out/themes
-          mkdir -p $out/custom/plugins
-          ln -s ${./pure.zsh-theme} $out/themes/pure.zsh-theme
-        '';
-      }}";
-      theme = "pure";
-    };
-    plugins = [{
-      name = "pure-theme";
-      src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "sindresorhus";
-        repo = "pure";
-        rev = "0a92b02dd4172f6c64fdc9b81fe6cd4bddb0a23b";
-        sha256 = "0l8jqhmmjn7p32hdjnv121xsjnqd2c0plhzgydv2yzrmqgyvx7cc";
-      };
-    }];
-    initExtraFirst = ''
-      if [[ "$TERM" = "dumb" ]]; then
-        return
-      fi
-    '';
-    initExtraBeforeCompInit = ''
-      zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored _correct _approximate
-      zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list \'\' 'm:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]} m:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]} r:|[._- :]=** r:|=**' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
-      zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 5
-      zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache yes
-      zstyle ':completion::complete:grunt::options:' expire 1
-      zstyle ':completion:*' prompt '%e errors'
-      # zstyle :compinstall filename '~/.zshrc'
-      autoload -Uz compinit
-    '';
-    initExtra = ''
-      if [[ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]]; then
-        source ${./zshrc}
-        source ${pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-          owner = "zsh-users";
-          repo = "zsh-syntax-highlighting";
-          rev = "7678a8a22780141617f809002eeccf054bf8f448";
-          sha256 = "0xh4fbd54kvwwpqvabk8lpw7m80phxdzrd75q3y874jw0xx1a9q6";
-        }}/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
-        source ${pkgs.autojump}/share/autojump/autojump.zsh
-        source ${pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-          owner = "chisui";
-          repo = "zsh-nix-shell";
-          rev = "a65382a353eaee5a98f068c330947c032a1263bb";
-          sha256 = "0l41ac5b7p8yyjvpfp438kw7zl9dblrpd7icjg1v3ig3xy87zv0n";
-        }}/nix-shell.plugin.zsh
-        export RPS1=""
-        autoload -U promptinit; promptinit
-        prompt pure
-      fi
-      if [[ "$TERM" == "dumb" ]]; then
-        unsetopt zle
-        unsetopt prompt_cr
-        unsetopt prompt_subst
-        unset zle_bracketed_paste
-        export PS1='$ '
-      fi
-    '';
-  };
-  programs.fzf = {
-    enable = true;
-    enableBashIntegration = true;
-    enableZshIntegration = true;
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/tarsnap.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/tarsnap.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 87002610cbcf..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/tarsnap.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    tarsnap
-  ];
-  home.file.".tarsnaprc".text = ''
-    ### Recommended options
-    # Tarsnap cache directory
-    cachedir /home/grfn/.cache/tarsnap
-    # Tarsnap key file
-    keyfile /home/grfn/.private/tarsnap.key
-    # Don't archive files which have the nodump flag set.
-    nodump
-    # Print statistics when creating or deleting archives.
-    print-stats
-    # Create a checkpoint once per GB of uploaded data.
-    checkpoint-bytes 1G
-    ### Commonly useful options
-    # Use SI prefixes to make numbers printed by --print-stats more readable.
-    humanize-numbers
-    ### Other options, not applicable to most systems
-    # Aggressive network behaviour: Use multiple TCP connections when
-    # writing archives.  Use of this option is recommended only in
-    # cases where TCP congestion control is known to be the limiting
-    # factor in upload performance.
-    #aggressive-networking
-    # Exclude files and directories matching specified patterns.
-    # Only one file or directory per command; multiple "exclude"
-    # commands may be given.
-    #exclude
-    # Include only files and directories matching specified patterns.
-    # Only one file or directory per command; multiple "include"
-    # commands may be given.
-    #include
-    # Attempt to reduce tarsnap memory consumption.  This option
-    # will slow down the process of creating archives, but may help
-    # on systems where the average size of files being backed up is
-    # less than 1 MB.
-    #lowmem
-    # Try even harder to reduce tarsnap memory consumption.  This can
-    # significantly slow down tarsnap, but reduces its memory usage
-    # by an additional factor of 2 beyond what the lowmem option does.
-    #verylowmem
-    # Snapshot time.  Use this option if you are backing up files
-    # from a filesystem snapshot rather than from a "live" filesystem.
-    #snaptime <file>
-  '';
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/tmux.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/tmux.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index adbaa02f32f9..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/tmux.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  programs.tmux = {
-    enable = true;
-    customPaneNavigationAndResize = true;
-    keyMode = "vi";
-    newSession = true;
-    prefix = "C-a";
-    shell = "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh";
-    shortcut = "a";
-    extraConfig = ''
-      set -g status-bg "colour0"
-      set -g message-command-fg "colour7"
-      set -g status-justify "centre"
-      set -g status-left-length "100"
-      set -g status "on"
-      set -g pane-active-border-fg "colour14"
-      set -g message-bg "colour11"
-      set -g status-right-length "100"
-      set -g status-right-attr "none"
-      set -g message-fg "colour7"
-      set -g message-command-bg "colour11"
-      set -g status-attr "none"
-      # set -g status-utf8 "on"
-      set -g pane-border-fg "colour11"
-      set -g status-left-attr "none"
-      setw -g window-status-fg "colour10"
-      setw -g window-status-attr "none"
-      setw -g window-status-activity-bg "colour0"
-      setw -g window-status-activity-attr "none"
-      setw -g window-status-activity-fg "colour14"
-      setw -g window-status-separator ""
-      setw -g window-status-bg "colour0"
-      set -g status-left "#[fg=colour15,bg=colour14,bold] #S #[fg=colour14,bg=colour11,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ#[fg=colour7,bg=colour11] #F #[fg=colour11,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ#[fg=colour10,bg=colour0] #W #[fg=colour0,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ"
-      set -g status-right "#{battery_status_bg} Batt: #{battery_percentage} #{battery_remain} | #[fg=colour0,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฒ#[fg=colour10,bg=colour0] %a #[fg=colour11,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฒ#[fg=colour7,bg=colour11] %b %d ๎‚ณ %R #[fg=colour14,bg=colour11,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฒ#[fg=colour15,bg=colour14] #H "
-      setw -g window-status-format "#[fg=colour0,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ#[default] #I ๎‚ฑ #W #[fg=colour0,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ"
-      setw -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=colour0,bg=colour11,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ#[fg=colour7,bg=colour11] #I ๎‚ฑ #W #[fg=colour11,bg=colour0,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]๎‚ฐ"
-    '';
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/twitter.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/twitter.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index ab5647e418aa..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/twitter.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
-  imports = [
-    ./lib/zshFunctions.nix
-  ];
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    t
-  ];
-  home.sessionVariables = {
-    TWITTER_WHOAMI = "glittershark1";
-  };
-  programs.zsh = {
-    shellAliases = {
-      "mytl" = "t tl $TWITTER_WHOAMI";
-    };
-    functions = {
-      favelast = "t fave $(t tl -l $1 | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1)";
-      rtlast = "t rt $(t tl -l $1 | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1)";
-      tthread = "t reply $(t tl -l $TWITTER_WHOAMI | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1) $@";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/vim.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/vim.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index b87cb09ad125..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/vim.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
-  programs.neovim = {
-    enable = true;
-    viAlias = true;
-    vimAlias = true;
-    plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
-      ctrlp
-      deoplete-nvim
-      syntastic
-      vim-abolish
-      vim-airline
-      vim-airline-themes
-      vim-bufferline
-      vim-closetag
-      # vim-colors-solarized
-      # solarized
-      (pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
-        pname = "vim-colors-solarized";
-        version = "git";
-        src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-          owner = "glittershark";
-          repo = "vim-colors-solarized";
-          rev = "4857c3221ec3f2693a45855154cb61a2cefb514d";
-          sha256 = "0kqp5w14g7adaiinmixm7z3x4w74lv1lcgbqjbirx760f0wivf9y";
-        };
-      })
-      vim-commentary
-      vim-dispatch
-      vim-endwise
-      vim-repeat
-      vim-fugitive
-      vim-markdown
-      vim-nix
-      vim-rhubarb
-      vim-sexp
-      vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people
-      vim-sleuth
-      vim-startify
-      vim-surround
-      vim-unimpaired
-      vinegar
-    ];
-    extraConfig = ''
-      source ${./vimrc}
-    '';
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/vimrc b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/vimrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e33b5e2bee7..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/vimrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1121 +0,0 @@
-" vim:set fdm=marker fmr={{{,}}} ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab:
-" Basic Options {{{
-set nocompatible
-set modeline
-set modelines=10
-syntax enable
-filetype plugin indent on
-set ruler
-set showcmd
-set number
-set incsearch
-set smartcase
-set ignorecase
-set scrolloff=10
-set tabstop=4
-set shiftwidth=4
-set softtabstop=4
-set nosmartindent
-set expandtab
-set noerrorbells visualbell t_vb=
-set laststatus=2
-set hidden
-let mapleader = ','
-let maplocalleader = '\'
-set undofile
-" set undodir=~/.vim/undo
-set wildignore=*.pyc,*.o,.git
-set clipboard=unnamedplus
-" set backupdir=$HOME/.vim/backup
-" set directory=$HOME/.vim/tmp
-set foldmarker={{{,}}}
-set colorcolumn=+1
-set concealcursor=
-set formatoptions+=j
-set wildmenu
-set wildmode=longest,list:full
-set noincsearch
-" }}}
-" GUI options {{{
-set go-=m
-set go-=T
-set go-=r
-set go-=L
-set go-=e
-set guifont=Meslo\ LG\ S\ DZ\ 9
-" }}}
-" Colors {{{
-" set t_Co=256
-fu! ReverseBackground()
-  if &bg=="light"
-    se bg=dark
-  else
-    se bg=light
-  endif
-com! BgToggle call ReverseBackground()
-nm <F12> :BgToggle<CR>
-set background=light
-colorscheme solarized
-" }}}
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" CtrlP {{{
-let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
-      \ 'dir': '(node_modules|target)'
-      \ }
-let g:ctrlp_max_files = 0
-let g:ctrlp_max_depth = 100
-" }}}
-" YouCompleteMe {{{
-let g:ycm_semantic_triggers =  {
-      \   'c' : ['->', '.'],
-      \   'objc' : ['->', '.'],
-      \   'ocaml' : ['.', '#'],
-      \   'cpp,objcpp' : ['->', '.', '::'],
-      \   'perl' : ['->'],
-      \   'php' : ['->', '::'],
-      \   'cs,java,javascript,d,python,perl6,scala,vb,elixir,go' : ['.'],
-      \   'vim' : ['re![_a-zA-Z]+[_\w]*\.'],
-      \   'lua' : ['.', ':'],
-      \   'erlang' : [':'],
-      \   'clojure' : [],
-      \   'haskell' : ['re!.*', '.', ' ', '(']
-      \ }
-      " \   'haskell' : ['.', '(', ' ']
-      " \   'ruby' : ['.', '::'],
-      " \   'clojure' : ['(', '.', '/', '[']
-" }}}
-" Neocomplete {{{
-if !has('nvim')
-  " Use neocomplete.
-  let g:neocomplete#enable_at_startup = 1
-  " Use smartcase.
-  let g:neocomplete#enable_smart_case = 1
-  " Set minimum syntax keyword length.
-  let g:neocomplete#sources#syntax#min_keyword_length = 3
-  let g:neocomplete#lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\*ku\*'
-  " Define dictionary.
-  " let g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries = {
-  "     \ 'default' : '',
-  "     \ 'vimshell' : $HOME.'/.vimshell_hist',
-  "     \ 'scheme' : $HOME.'/.gosh_completions'
-  "     \ }
-  " Define keyword.
-  if !exists('g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns')
-      let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns = {}
-  endif
-  let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns['default'] = '\h\w*'
-  " Plugin key-mappings.
-  inoremap <expr><C-g>     neocomplete#undo_completion()
-  inoremap <expr><C-l>     neocomplete#complete_common_string()
-  " Recommended key-mappings.
-  " <CR>: close popup and save indent.
-  inoremap <silent> <CR> <C-r>=<SID>my_cr_function()<CR>
-  function! s:my_cr_function()
-    return (pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "" ) . "\<CR>"
-    " For no inserting <CR> key.
-    "return pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<CR>"
-  endfunction
-  " <TAB>: completion.
-  inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
-  " <C-h>, <BS>: close popup and delete backword char.
-  inoremap <expr><C-h> neocomplete#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
-  inoremap <expr><BS> neocomplete#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
-  " Close popup by <Space>.
-  "inoremap <expr><Space> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<Space>"
-  " AutoComplPop like behavior.
-  "let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select = 1
-  " Shell like behavior(not recommended).
-  "set completeopt+=longest
-  "let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select = 1
-  "let g:neocomplete#disable_auto_complete = 1
-  "inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<Down>" : "\<C-x>\<C-u>"
-  " Enable omni completion.
-  " autocmd FileType css setlocal omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
-  " autocmd FileType html,markdown setlocal omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
-  " autocmd FileType javascript setlocal omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
-  " autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
-  " autocmd FileType xml setlocal omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags
-  " Enable heavy omni completion.
-  if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns')
-    let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {}
-  endif
-" }}}
-" Deoplete {{{
-if has('nvim')
-  let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
-  inoremap <silent> <CR> <C-r>=<SID>my_cr_function()<CR>
-  function! s:my_cr_function()
-    return (pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "" ) . "\<CR>"
-    " For no inserting <CR> key.
-    "return pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<CR>"
-  endfunction
-  " <TAB>: completion.
-  inoremap <expr><TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
-  inoremap <expr><S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<TAB>"
-" }}}
-" Neovim Terminal mode {{{
-if has('nvim')
-  tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
-  nnoremap \\ :tabedit term://zsh<CR>
-  nnoremap q\ :call <SID>OpenRepl()<CR>
-  if !exists('g:repl_size')
-    let g:repl_size=9
-  endif
-  function! s:OpenRepl() " {{{
-    " Check if buffer exists and is open
-    if exists('s:repl_bufname') && bufexists(s:repl_bufname) && bufwinnr(s:repl_bufname) >=? 0
-      " If so, just switch to it
-      execute bufwinnr(s:repl_bufname) . 'wincmd' 'w'
-      norm i
-      return
-    endif
-    if !exists('b:console')
-      let b:console=$SHELL
-    endif
-    let l:console_cmd = b:console
-    execute 'bot' g:repl_size . 'new'
-    set winfixheight nobuflisted
-    call termopen(l:console_cmd)
-    let s:repl_bufname = bufname('%')
-    norm i
-  endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" Tagbar options {{{
-let g:tagbar_autoclose = 1
-let g:tagbar_autofocus = 1
-let g:tagbar_compact = 1
-" }}}
-" delimitMate options {{{
-let g:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
-" }}}
-" UltiSnips options {{{
-let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = '<c-j>'
-   "g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger          <c-j>
-   "g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger         <c-k>
-" }}}
-" VDebug Options {{{
-let g:vdebug_options = {'server': ''}
-" }}}
-" Statusline {{{
-let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1
-if !exists('g:airline_symbols')
-  let g:airline_symbols = {}
-let g:airline_symbols.space = "\ua0"
-let g:airline#extensions#tagbar#flags = 'f'
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers = 0
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tabs = 1
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_min_count = 2
-let g:airline#extensions#tmuxline#enabled = 0
-let g:tmuxline_theme = 'airline'
-let g:tmuxline_preset = 'full'
-"set statusline=
-"set statusline+=%2*[%n%H%M%R%W]%*\              " flags and buf no
-"set statusline+=%-40f%<\                        " path
-"set statusline+=%=%40{fugitive#statusline()}\   " Vim status
-"set statusline+=%1*%y%*%*\                      " file type
-"set statusline+=%10((%l,%c)%)\                  " line and column
-"set statusline+=%P                              " percentage of file
-" }}}
-" Code review mode {{{
-fun! GetFontName()
-  return substitute(&guifont, '^\(.\{-}\)[0-9]*$', '\1', '')
-fun! <SID>CodeReviewMode()
-  let &guifont = GetFontName() . ' 15'
-com! CodeReviewMode call <SID>CodeReviewMode()
-" }}}
-" Syntastic {{{
-let g:syntastic_enable_signs = 0
-" Python {{{
-let g:syntastic_python_checkers = ['flake8']
-let g:syntastic_python_flake8_post_args = "--ignore=E101,E223,E224,E301,E302,E303,E501,E701,W,F401,E111,E261"
-" }}}
-" Javascript {{{
-let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
-let g:flow#autoclose = 1
-let g:flow#enable = 1
-" augroup syntastic_javascript_jsx
-"   autocmd!
-"   autocmd BufReadPre,BufNewFile *.js
-"   autocmd BufReadPre,BufNewFile *.jsx
-"         \ let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['jsxhint']
-" augroup END
-" }}}
-" Haml {{{
-let g:syntastic_haml_checkers = ['haml_lint']
-" }}}
-" Html {{{
-let g:syntastic_html_checkers = []
-" }}}
-" Ruby {{{
-let g:syntastic_ruby_checkers = ['rubocop']
-" }}}
-" SASS/SCSS {{{
-let g:syntastic_scss_checkers = ['scss_lint']
-" }}}
-" Haskell {{{
-" let g:syntastic_haskell_checkers = ['ghc-mod']
-" }}}
-" Elixir {{{
-let g:syntastic_elixir_checkers = ['elixir']
-let g:syntastic_enable_elixir_checker = 1
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" Bufferline {{{
-let g:bufferline_echo=0
-" }}}
-" Eclim {{{
-let g:EclimCompletionMethod = 'omnifunc'
-augroup eclim
-  au!
-  au FileType java call <SID>JavaSetup()
-  au FileType java set textwidth=120
-augroup END
-function! s:JavaSetup() abort
-  noremap <C-I> :JavaImport<CR>
-  nnoremap K :JavaDocPreview<CR>
-  nnoremap ]d :JavaSearchContext<CR>
-  nnoremap [d :JavaSearchContext<CR>
-  nnoremap g<CR> :JUnit<CR>
-  nnoremap g\ :Mvn test<CR>
-" }}}
-" Signify options {{{
-let g:signify_mapping_next_hunk = ']h'
-let g:signify_mapping_prev_hunk = '[h'
-let g:signify_vcs_list          = ['git']
-let g:signify_sign_change       = '~'
-let g:signify_sign_delete       = '-'
-" }}}
-" Simplenote {{{
-let g:SimplenoteFiletype = 'markdown'
-let g:SimplenoteSortOrder = 'pinned,modifydate,tagged,createdate'
-let g:SimplenoteVertical = 1
-nnoremap <Leader>nn :Simplenote -n<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>nl :Simplenote -l<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>nw :Simplenote -l work<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>nt :Simplenote -t<CR>
-" }}}
-" Emmet {{{
-" Expand abbreviation
-let g:user_emmet_leader_key = '<C-y>'
-" }}}
-" Startify {{{
-let g:startify_bookmarks=[ '~/.vimrc',  '~/.zshrc' ]
-" }}}
-" Abolish {{{
-let g:abolish_save_file = expand('~/.vim/after/plugin/abolish.vim')
-" }}}
-" Rails projections {{{
-if !exists('g:rails_projections')
-  let g:rails_projections = {}
-call extend(g:rails_projections, {
-      \ "config/routes.rb": { "command": "routes" },
-      \ "config/structure.sql": { "command": "structure" }
-      \ }, 'keep')
-if !exists('g:rails_gem_projections')
-  let g:rails_gem_projections = {}
-call extend(g:rails_gem_projections, {
-      \ "active_model_serializers": {
-      \   "app/serializers/*_serializer.rb": {
-      \     "command": "serializer",
-      \     "template": "class %SSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer\nend",
-      \     "affinity": "model"}},
-      \ "react-rails": {
-      \   "app/assets/javascripts/components/*.jsx": {
-      \     "command": "component",
-      \     "template": "var %S = window.%S = React.createClass({\n  render: function() {\n  }\n});",
-      \     "alternate": "spec/javascripts/components/%s_spec.jsx" },
-      \   "spec/javascripts/components/*_spec.jsx": {
-      \     "alternate": "app/assets/javascripts/components/{}.jsx" }},
-      \ "rspec": {
-      \    "spec/**/support/*.rb": {
-      \      "command": "support"}},
-      \ "cucumber": {
-      \   "features/*.feature": {
-      \     "command": "feature",
-      \     "template": "Feature: %h"},
-      \   "features/support/*.rb": {
-      \     "command": "support"},
-      \   "features/support/env.rb": {
-      \     "command": "support"},
-      \   "features/step_definitions/*_steps.rb": {
-      \     "command": "steps"}},
-      \ "carrierwave": {
-      \   "app/uploaders/*_uploader.rb": {
-      \     "command": "uploader",
-      \     "template": "class %SUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base\nend"}},
-      \ "draper": {
-      \   "app/decorators/*_decorator.rb": {
-      \     "command": "decorator",
-      \     "affinity": "model",
-      \     "template": "class %SDecorator < Draper::Decorator\nend"}},
-      \ "fabrication": {
-      \   "spec/fabricators/*_fabricator.rb": {
-      \     "command": ["fabricator", "factory"],
-      \     "alternate": "app/models/%s.rb",
-      \     "related": "db/schema.rb#%p",
-      \     "test": "spec/models/%s_spec.rb",
-      \     "template": "Fabricator :%s do\nend",
-      \     "affinity": "model"}},
-      \ "factory_girl": {
-      \   "spec/factories/*.rb": {
-      \     "command": "factory",
-      \     "alternate": "app/models/%i.rb",
-      \     "related": "db/structure.sql#%s",
-      \     "test": "spec/models/%s_spec.rb",
-      \     "template": "FactoryGirl.define do\n  factory :%i do\n  end\nend",
-      \     "affinity": "model"},
-      \   "spec/factories.rb": {
-      \      "command": "factory"},
-      \   "test/factories.rb": {
-      \      "command": "factory"}}
-      \ }, 'keep')
-" }}}
-" Other projections {{{
-let g:projectionist_heuristics = {
-      \ "config.ru&docker-compose.yml&app/&config/&OWNERS": {
-      \   "app/jobs/*.rb": {
-      \     "type": "job",
-      \     "alternate": "spec/jobs/{}_spec.rb"
-      \   },
-      \   "app/models/*.rb": {
-      \     "type": "model",
-      \     "alternate": "spec/models/{}_spec.rb"
-      \   },
-      \   "app/resources/*_resource.rb": {
-      \     "type": "resource",
-      \     "alternate": "spec/resources/{}_resource_spec.rb"
-      \   },
-      \   "config/*.yml": {
-      \     "type": "config"
-      \   },
-      \   "spec/*_spec.rb": {
-      \     "type": "spec",
-      \     "alternate": "app/{}.rb"
-      \   },
-      \   "spec/factories/*.rb": {
-      \     "type": "factory",
-      \   }
-      \ },
-      \ "svc-gateway.cabal": {
-      \   "src/*.hs": {
-      \     "type": "src",
-      \     "alternate": "test/{}Spec.hs"
-      \  },
-      \   "test/*Spec.hs": {
-      \     "type": "spec",
-      \     "alternate": "src/{}.hs",
-      \     "template": [
-      \       "module Gateway.Resource.HierarchySpec (main, spec) where",
-      \       "",
-      \       "import Prelude",
-      \       "import Test.Hspec",
-      \       "import Data.Aeson",
-      \       "",
-      \       "import Gateway.Resource.Hierarchy",
-      \       "",
-      \       "main :: IO ()",
-      \       "main = hspec spec",
-      \       "",
-      \       "spec :: Spec",
-      \       "spec = do",
-      \       "    describe \"something\" $ undefined"
-      \    ]
-      \  },
-      \  "svc-gateway.cabal": {
-      \    "type": "cabal"
-      \  }
-      \ },
-      \ "package.json&.flowconfig": {
-      \   "src/*.*": {
-      \     "type": "src",
-      \     "alternate": "test/{}_spec.js"
-      \   }
-      \ },
-      \ "pom.xml&src/main/clj/|src/main/cljs": {
-      \   "*": {
-      \     "start": "USE_NREPL=1 bin/run -m elephant.dev-system" ,
-      \     "connect": "nrepl://localhost:5554",
-      \     "piggieback": "(figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/repl-env)"
-      \   },
-      \   "pom.xml": { "type": "pom" },
-      \   "src/main/clj/*.clj": {
-      \     "alternate": "src/test/clj/{}_test.clj",
-      \     "template": ["(ns {dot|hyphenate})"]
-      \   },
-      \   "src/test/clj/*_test.clj": {
-      \     "alternate": "src/main/clj/{}.clj",
-      \     "dispatch": ":RunTests {dot|hyphenate}-test",
-      \     "template": ["(ns {dot|hyphenate}-test",
-      \                  "  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))"]
-      \   },
-      \   "src/main/cljs/*.cljs": {
-      \     "alternate": "src/test/cljs/{}_test.cljs"
-      \   },
-      \   "src/main/cljs/*_test.cljs": {
-      \     "alternate": "src/main/cljs/{}.cljs",
-      \     "dispatch": ":RunTests {dot|hyphenate}-test"
-      \   },
-      \   "src/main/clj/*.cljc": {
-      \     "alternate": "src/test/clj/{}_test.cljc"
-      \   },
-      \   "src/main/clj/*_test.cljc": {
-      \     "alternate": "src/test/clj/{}.cljc",
-      \     "dispatch": ":RunTests {dot|hyphenate}-test"
-      \   }
-      \ }}
-" }}}
-" AutoPairs {{{
-let g:AutoPairsCenterLine = 0
-" }}}
-" Filetypes {{{
-" Python {{{
-aug Python
-  au!
-  au FileType python set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab
-aug END
-let g:python_highlight_all=1
-" }}}
-" PHP {{{
-aug PHP
-  au!
-  "au FileType php setlocal fdm=marker fmr={{{,}}}
-aug END " }}}
-" Mail {{{
-aug Mail
-  au FileType mail setlocal spell
-aug END " }}}
-" Haskell {{{
-let g:haskell_conceal_wide = 1
-let g:haskellmode_completion_ghc = 0
-let g:necoghc_enable_detailed_browse = 1
-augroup Haskell
-  autocmd!
-  autocmd FileType haskell setlocal textwidth=110 shiftwidth=2
-  autocmd FileType haskell setlocal omnifunc=necoghc#omnifunc
-  autocmd FileType haskell call <SID>HaskellSetup()
-  autocmd FileType haskell setlocal keywordprg=hoogle\ -cie
-augroup END
-function! s:HaskellSetup()
-  set sw=4
-  " compiler cabal
-  " let b:start='cabal run'
-  " let b:console='cabal repl'
-  " let b:dispatch='cabal test'
-  compiler stack
-  let b:start='stack run'
-  let b:console='stack ghci'
-  let b:dispatch='stack test'
-  nnoremap <buffer> gy :HdevtoolsType<CR>
-  nnoremap <buffer> yu :HdevtoolsClear<CR>
-" }}}
-" Ruby {{{
-function! s:RSpecSyntax()
-  syn keyword rspecMethod describe context it its specify shared_context
-        \ shared_examples shared_examples_for shared_context include_examples
-        \ include_context it_should_behave_like it_behaves_like before after
-        \ around fixtures controller_name helper_name scenario feature
-        \ background given described_class
-  syn match rspecMethod '\<let\>!\='
-  syn match rspecMethod '\<subject\>!\='
-  syn keyword rspecMethod violated pending expect expect_any_instance_of allow
-        \ allow_any_instance_of double instance_double mock mock_model
-        \ stub_model xit
-  syn match rspecMethod '\.\@<!\<stub\>!\@!'
-  call s:RSpecHiDefaults()
-function! s:RSpecHiDefaults()
-  hi def link rspecMethod rubyFunction
-augroup Ruby
-  au!
-  " au FileType ruby let b:surround_114 = "\\(module|class,def,if,unless,case,while,until,begin,do) \r end"
-  " au FileType ruby set fdm=syntax
-  au FileType ruby set tw=110
-  au FileType ruby set omnifunc=
-  au FileType ruby nnoremap <buffer> gy orequire 'pry'; binding.pry<ESC>^
-  au FileType ruby nnoremap <buffer> gY Orequire 'pry'; binding.pry<ESC>^
-  au FileType ruby nnoremap <buffer> yu :g/require 'pry'; binding.pry/d<CR>
-  au BufNewFile,BufRead *_spec.rb call <SID>RSpecSyntax()
-augroup END
-let ruby_operators = 1
-let ruby_space_errors = 1
-let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1
-command! -range ConvertHashSyntax <line1>,<line2>s/:(\S{-})(\s{-})=> /\1:\2/
-" }}}
-" Clojure {{{
-aug Clojure
-  au!
-  autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap <C-S> :Slamhound<CR>
-  autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap <silent> gr :w <bar> Require <bar> e<CR>
-  let g:clojure_align_multiline_strings = 1
-  let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns =
-        \ ['^with', '^def', '^let', '^fact']
-  let g:clojure_special_indent_words =
-        \ 'deftype,defrecord,reify,proxy,extend-type,extend-protocol,letfn,html'
-  autocmd FileType clojure setlocal textwidth=80
-  autocmd FileType clojure setlocal lispwords+=GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE |
-        \ setlocal lispwords+=context,select
-  autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.cljx setfiletype clojure
-  autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.cljx setlocal omnifunc=
-  autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.cljs setlocal omnifunc=
-  autocmd FileType clojure call <SID>TangentInit()
-  autocmd FileType clojure call <SID>sexp_mappings()
-  autocmd BufRead *.cljc ClojureHighlightReferences
-  autocmd FileType clojure let b:AutoPairs = {
-        \ '"': '"',
-        \ '{': '}',
-        \ '(': ')',
-        \ '[': ']'}
-        " Don't auto-pair quote reader macros
-        " \'`': '`',
-        " \ '''': '''',
-  autocmd User ProjectionistActivate call s:projectionist_connect()
-  function! s:projectionist_connect() abort
-    let connected = !empty(fireplace#path())
-    if !connected
-      for [root, value] in projectionist#query('connect')
-        try
-          silent execute "FireplaceConnect" value root
-          let connected = 1
-          break
-        catch /.*Connection refused.*/
-        endtry
-      endfor
-    endif
-    " if connected && exists(':Piggieback')
-    "   for [root, value] in projectionist#query('piggieback')
-    "     silent execute "Piggieback" value
-    "     break
-    "   endfor
-    " endif
-  endfunction
-  " autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.cljx setlocal omnifunc=
-  " autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.cljs setlocal omnifunc=
-  autocmd FileType clojure let b:console='lein repl'
-  autocmd FileType clojure call <SID>ClojureMaps()
-  function! s:ClojureMaps() abort
-    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :call search('^(def', 'Wzb')<CR>
-    nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :call search('^(def', 'Wz')<CR>
-  endfunction
-  command! Scratch call <SID>OpenScratch()
-  autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap <buffer> \s :Scratch<CR>
-  let g:scratch_buffer_name = 'SCRATCH'
-  function! s:OpenScratch()
-    if bufwinnr(g:scratch_buffer_name) > 0
-      execute bufwinnr(g:scratch_buffer_name) . 'wincmd' 'w'
-      return
-    endif
-    vsplit SCRATCH
-    set buftype=nofile
-    set filetype=clojure
-    let b:scratch = 1
-  endfunction
-aug END
-function! s:sexp_mappings() abort
-  if !exists('g:sexp_loaded')
-    return
-  endif
-  nmap <buffer> cfo <Plug>(sexp_raise_list)
-  nmap <buffer> cfO <Plug>(sexp_raise_element)
-  nmap <buffer> cfe <Plug>(sexp_raise_element)
-function! s:TangentInit() abort
-  set textwidth=80
-  command! TReset    call fireplace#session_eval('(user/reset)')
-  command! TGo       call fireplace#session_eval('(user/go)')
-  command! TMigrate  call fireplace#session_eval('(user/migrate)')
-  command! TRollback call fireplace#session_eval('(user/rollback)')
-  nnoremap g\ :TReset<CR>
-" }}}
-" Go {{{
-let g:go_highlight_functions = 1
-let g:go_highlight_methods = 1
-let g:go_highlight_structs = 1
-let g:go_highlight_operators = 1
-let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 1
-augroup Go
-  autocmd!
-  autocmd FileType go setlocal omnifunc=go#complete#Complete
-  autocmd FileType go setlocal foldmethod=syntax
-  autocmd FileType go setlocal foldlevel=100
-  autocmd FileType go nnoremap <buffer> <F9> :GoTest<CR>
-  autocmd FileType go inoremap <buffer> <F9> <ESC>:GoTest<CR>i
-augroup END
-" }}}
-" RAML {{{
-function! s:buffer_syntax() " {{{
-  syn keyword ramlRAML          RAML             contained
-  syn match   ramlVersionString '^#%RAML \d\.\d' contains=ramlRAML
-endfunction " }}}
-augroup RAML
-  autocmd!
-  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.raml set filetype=yaml
-  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.raml call s:buffer_syntax()
-augroup END
-hi def link ramlVersionString Special
-hi def link ramlRAML Error
-" }}}
-" Mustache/Handlebars {{{
-let g:mustache_abbreviations = 1
-" }}}
-" Netrw {{{
-augroup netrw
-  autocmd!
-  autocmd FileType netrw nnoremap <buffer> Q :Rexplore<CR>
-  " Hee hee, oil and vinegar
-  function! s:setup_oil() abort
-    nnoremap <buffer> q <C-6>
-    xnoremap <buffer> q <C-6>
-  endfunction
-augroup END
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" Remove trailing whitespace {{{
-fun! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
-  let l = line(".")
-  let c = col(".")
-  %s/\s\+$//e
-  call cursor(l, c)
-augroup striptrailingwhitespaces " {{{
-autocmd FileType c,cpp,java,php,ruby,python,sql,javascript,sh,jst,less,haskell,haml,coffee,scss,clojure,objc,elixir,yaml,json,eruby
-  \ autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
-augroup END " }}}
-" }}}
-" Goyo {{{
-let g:limelight_conceal_ctermfg = "10"
-let g:limelight_conceal_guifg = "#586e75"
-autocmd! User GoyoEnter Limelight
-autocmd! User GoyoLeave Limelight!
-" }}}
-" Commands {{{
-" Edit temporary SQL files {{{
-let s:curr_sql = 0
-fun! <SID>EditSqlTempFile()
-  let l:fname = '/tmp/q' . s:curr_sql . '.sql'
-  execute 'edit' l:fname
-  let s:curr_sql = s:curr_sql + 1
-com! EditSqlTempFile call <SID>EditSqlTempFile()
-" }}}
-" Double Indentation
-command! -range DoubleIndentation <line1>,<line2>s/^\(\s.\{-}\)\(\S\)/\1\1\2/
-" Quick-and-dirty fix capitalization of sql files
-command! -range FixSqlCapitalization <line1>,<line2>v/\v(^\s*--.*$)|(TG_)/norm guu
-" VimPipe Commands {{{
-" let g:sql_type_default = 'pgsql'
-command! SqlLive let b:vimpipe_command="vagrant ssh -c '~/mysql'"
-command! SqlRails let b:vimpipe_command="bin/rails dbconsole"
-command! SqlHeroku let b:vimpipe_command="heroku pg:psql"
-command! SqlEntities let b:vimpipe_command="psql -h 127.1 entities nomi"
-command! SqlUsers let b:vimpipe_command="psql -h 127.1 users nomi"
-command! SqlTangent let b:vimpipe_command="psql -h local.docker tangent super"
-" }}}
-" Git commands {{{
-command! -nargs=* Gpf Gpush -f <args>
-command! -nargs=* Gcv Gcommit --verbose <args>
-" }}}
-" Focus dispatch to only the last failures
-command! -nargs=* FocusFailures FocusDispatch rspec --only-failures <args>
-" }}}
-" Autocommands {{{
-augroup fugitive " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead fugitive://* set bufhidden=delete
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup omni " {{{
-  au!
-  " autocmd FileType javascript setlocal omnifunc=tern#Complete
-  "autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
-  autocmd FileType php setlocal omnifunc=
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup sql " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd FileType sql                 let b:vimpipe_command="psql -h landlordsny_development landlordsny"
-  autocmd FileType sql                 let b:vimpipe_filetype="postgresql"
-  autocmd FileType sql                 set syntax=postgresql
-  autocmd FileType postgresql          set nowrap
-  autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.sql set syntax=pgsql
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup markdown " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd FileType markdown let b:vimpipe_command='markdown'
-  autocmd FileType markdown let b:vimpipe_filetype='html'
-  autocmd FileType markdown set tw=80
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup typescript " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd FileType typescript let b:vimpipe_command='tsc'
-  autocmd FileType typescript let b:vimpipe_filetype='javascript'
-  autocmd FileType typescript TSSstarthere
-  autocmd FileType typescript nnoremap <buffer> gd :TSSdef<CR>
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup jsx " {{{
-  au!
-  " autocmd FileType jsx set syntax=javascript
-  autocmd FileType javascript set filetype=javascript.jsx
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup nicefoldmethod " {{{
-  au!
-  " Don't screw up folds when inserting text that might affect them, until
-  " leaving insert mode. Foldmethod is local to the window. Protect against
-  " screwing up folding when switching between windows.
-  autocmd InsertEnter *
-    \ if !exists('w:last_fdm') |
-    \   let w:last_fdm=&foldmethod |
-    \   setlocal foldmethod=manual |
-    \ endif
-  autocmd InsertLeave,WinLeave *
-    \ if exists('w:last_fdm') |
-    \    let &l:foldmethod=w:last_fdm |
-    \    unlet w:last_fdm |
-    \ endif
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup visualbell " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd GUIEnter * set visualbell t_vb=
-augroup END
-" }}}
-augroup quickfix " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd QuickFixCmdPost grep cwindow
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup php " {{{
-  au!
-augroup END  "}}}
-augroup rubylang " {{{
-  au!
-  autocmd FileType ruby compiler rake
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup javascript "{{{
-  au!
-  autocmd FileType javascript let &errorformat =
-        \ '%E%.%#%n) %s:,' .
-        \ '%C%.%#Error: %m,' .
-        \ '%C%.%#at %s (%f:%l:%c),' .
-        \ '%Z%.%#at %s (%f:%l:%c),' .
-        \ '%-G%.%#,'
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup git " {{{
-  autocmd!
-  autocmd FileType gitcommit set textwidth=72
-augroup END
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" Leader commands {{{
-" Edit specific files {{{
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>ev :split $MYVIMRC<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>eb :split ~/.vim_bundles<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>es :UltiSnipsEdit<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>ea :split ~/.vim/after/plugin/abolish.vim<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>sv :so $MYVIMRC<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>sb :so ~/.vim_bundles<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <leader>sa :so ~/.vim/after/plugin/abolish.vim<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>el :EditSqlTempFile<CR>
-" }}}
-" Toggle navigation panels {{{
-nnoremap <Leader>l :TagbarToggle<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>mb :MBEToggle<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>u :GundoToggle<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>t :CtrlP<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>z :FZF<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>b :CtrlPBuffer<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>a :CtrlPTag<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>r :CtrlPGitBranch<CR>
-" }}}
-" CtrlP {{{
-let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
-      \ 'dir': 'node_modules',
-      \ }
-" }}}
-" Git leader commands {{{
-noremap <Leader>g :Git<SPACE>
-noremap <Leader>gu :Gpull<CR>
-noremap <Leader>gp :Gpush<CR>
-noremap <Leader>s :Gstatus<CR>
-noremap <Leader>cv :Gcommit --verbose<CR>
-noremap <Leader>ca :Gcommit --verbose --amend<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>dl :diffg LOCAL<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>dr :diffg REMOTE<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>db :diffg BASE<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>du :diffu<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>dg :diffg<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>d2 :diffg //2<CR>:diffu<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>d3 :diffg //3<CR>:diffu<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>yt :SignifyToggle<CR>
-" }}}
-" Breakpoint Leader Commands {{{
-nnoremap <Leader>x :Breakpoint<CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>dx :BreakpointRemove *<CR>
-" }}}
-" Tabularize {{{
-  " Leader Commands {{{
-  nnoremap <localleader>t= :Tabularize /=<CR>
-  vmap <localleader>t= :Tabularize /=<CR>
-  nnoremap <localleader>t> :Tabularize /=><CR>
-  vmap <localleader>t> :Tabularize /=><CR>
-  " }}}
-  " => Aligning {{{
-  function! s:rocketalign()
-    let l:p = '^.*=>\s.*$'
-    echo l:p
-    if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') =~# '^.*=' &&
-                \ (getline(line('.')-1) =~# l:p || getline(line('.')+1) =~# l:p)
-      let column = strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^=>]','','g'))
-      let position = strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*=>\s*\zs.*'))
-      Tabularize/=>/l1
-      normal! $
-      call search(repeat('[^=>]*=>',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.'))
-    endif
-  endfunction
-  "inoremap <buffer> <space>=><space> =><Esc>:call <SID>rocketalign()<CR>a
-  " }}}
-  " = Aligning {{{
-  function! s:eqalign()
-    let l:p = '^.*=\s.*$'
-    if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') =~# '^.*=' &&
-                \ (getline(line('.')-1) =~# l:p || getline(line('.')+1) =~# l:p)
-      let column = strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^=]','','g'))
-      let position = strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*=\s*\zs.*'))
-      Tabularize/=/l1
-      normal! $
-      call search(repeat('[^=]*=',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.'))
-    endif
-  endfunction
-  "inoremap <buffer><silent> <space>=<space> =<Esc>:call <SID>eqalign()<CR>a
-  " }}}
-  " : Aligning {{{
-  function! s:colonalign()
-    let l:p : '^.*:\s.*$'
-    if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') :~# '^.*:' &&
-                \ (getline(line('.')-1) :~# l:p || getline(line('.')+1) :~# l:p)
-      let column : strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^:]','','g'))
-      let position : strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*:\s*\zs.*'))
-      Tabularize/:/l1
-      normal! $
-      call search(repeat('[^:]*:',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.'))
-    endif
-  endfunction
-  "inoremap <buffer><silent> <space>:<space> :<Esc>:call <SID>colonalign()<CR>a
-  " }}}
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" Mappings {{{
-" 'delete current'
-nnoremap dc 0d$
-nnoremap com :silent !tmux set status<CR>
-nnoremap <F9>  :Make<CR>
-nnoremap g<CR> :Dispatch<CR>
-nnoremap g\ :Start<CR>
-inoremap <F9> <ESC>:Make<CR>i
-" Navigate buffers {{{
-nnoremap gb :bn<CR>
-nnoremap gB :bp<CR>
-" }}}
-" Window Navigation {{{
-nnoremap <space>w <C-w>
-nnoremap <space>h <C-w>h
-nnoremap <space>j <C-w>j
-nnoremap <space>k <C-w>k
-nnoremap <space>l <C-w>l
-nnoremap <space>z <C-w>z
-" }}}
-" Sort with motion {{{
-if !exists("g:sort_motion_flags")
-  let g:sort_motion_flags = ""
-function! s:sort_motion(mode) abort
-  if a:mode == 'line'
-    execute "'[,']sort " . g:sort_motion_flags
-  elseif a:mode == 'char'
-    execute "normal! `[v`]y"
-    let sorted = join(sort(split(@@, ', ')), ', ')
-    execute "normal! v`]c" . sorted
-  elseif a:mode == 'V' || a:mode == ''
-    execute "'<,'>sort " . g:sort_motion_flags
-  endif
-function! s:sort_lines()
-  let beginning = line('.')
-  let end = v:count + beginning - 1
-  execute beginning . ',' . end . 'sort'
-xnoremap <silent> <Plug>SortMotionVisual :<C-U>call <SID>sort_motion(visualmode())<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>SortMotion :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>sort_motion<CR>g@
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>SortLines :<C-U>call <SID>sort_lines()<CR>
-map go <Plug>SortMotion
-vmap go <Plug>SortMotionVisual
-map goo <Plug>SortLines
-" }}}
-" }}}
-let g:hare_executable = 'cabal exec -- ghc-hare'
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/zshrc b/users/grfn/system/home/modules/zshrc
deleted file mode 100644
index a12173d6842d..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/modules/zshrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set fdm=marker fmr={{{,}}}:
-stty -ixon
-# Compinstall {{{
-zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored _correct _approximate
-zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]} m:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]} r:|[._- :]=** r:|=**' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
-zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 5
-zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache yes
-zstyle ':completion::complete:grunt::options:' expire 1
-zstyle ':completion:*' prompt '%e errors'
-zstyle :compinstall filename '~/.zshrc'
-autoload -Uz compinit
-# }}}
-# Zsh-newuser-install {{{
-setopt appendhistory autocd extendedglob notify autopushd
-unsetopt beep nomatch
-bindkey -v
-# }}}
-# Basic options {{{
-set -o vi
-umask 022
-# export PATH=~/.local/bin:~/.cabal/bin:$PATH:~/code/go/bin:~/bin:~/npm/bin:~/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin:~/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin:/home/smith/bin
-# }}}
-# Zsh highlight highlighters {{{
-ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=(main brackets pattern root)
-# }}}
-# More basic options {{{
-setopt no_hist_verify
-setopt histignorespace
-# }}}
-# Utility Functions {{{
-# Set the terminal's title bar.
-function titlebar() {
-echo -ne "\033]0;$*\007"
-function quiet() {
-"$@" >/dev/null
-function quieter() {
-"$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
-# From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370047/#370255
-function path_remove() {
-# convert it to an array
-unset IFS
-# perform any array operations to remove elements from the array
-# output the new array
-echo "${t[*]}"
-# }}}
-# Force screen to use zsh {{{
-# }}}
-# Environment {{{
-# }}}
-# Directory Stuff {{{
-# Always use color output for `ls`
-# Directory listing
-# Easier navigation: .., ..., -
-# File size
-# Recursively delete `.DS_Store` files
-# Create a new directory and enter it
-function md() {
-  mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$@"
-# }}}
-# MPD/MPC stuff {{{
-function mp() {
-# Test if drive is already mounted
-if ! lsblk | grep /media/external >/dev/null; then
-  if ! sudo mount /media/external; then
-    echo "External drive not plugged in, or could not mount"
-    return 1
-  fi
-if (mpc >/dev/null 2>&1); then
-  ncmpcpp
-  mpd &&
-    (pgrep mpdscribble || mpdscribble) &&
-    ncmpcpp
-# kill mp
-function kmp() {
-killall ncmpcpp
-mpd --kill
-local files
-if (files=$(lsof 2>&1 | grep -v docker | grep external)); then
-  echo
-  echo "==> Still processes using external drive:"
-  echo
-  echo $files
-  sudo umount /media/external
-function mppal() {
-mpc search album "$1" | mpc add &&
-  mpc play;
-# }}}
-# Git stuff {{{
-# function ga() { git add "${@:-.}"; } # Add all files by default
-# Add non-whitespace changes
-# function gc() { git checkout "${@:-master}"; } # Checkout master by default
-# open all changed files (that still actually exist) in the editor
-function ged() {
-local files=()
-for f in $(git diff --name-only "$@"); do
-  [[ -e "$f" ]] && files=("${files[@]}" "$f")
-local n=${#files[@]}
-echo "Opening $n $([[ "$@" ]] || echo "modified ")file$([[ $n != 1 ]] && \
-  echo s)${@:+ modified in }$@"
-q "${files[@]}"
-# git find-replace
-function gfr() {
-if [[ "$#" == "0" ]]; then
-  echo 'Usage:'
-  echo ' gg_replace term replacement file_mask'
-  echo
-  echo 'Example:'
-  echo ' gg_replace cappuchino cappuccino *.html'
-  echo
-  find=$1; shift
-  replace=$1; shift
-  if [[ "$#" = "0" ]]; then
-    set -- ' ' $@
-  fi
-  while [[ "$#" -gt "0" ]]; do
-    for file in `git grep -l $find -- $1`; do
-      sed -e "s/$find/$replace/g" -i'' $file
-    done
-    shift
-  done
-function vconflicts() {
-$EDITOR $(git status --porcelain | awk '/^UU/ { print $2 }')
-# }}}
-# fzf {{{
-v() {
-  local file
-  file=$(fzf-tmux --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0)
-  [ -n "$file" ] && ${EDITOR:-vim} "$file"
-c() {
-  local dir
-  dir=$(find ${1:-*} -path '*/\.*' -prune -o -type d -print 2> /dev/null | fzf +m) && cd "$dir"
-co() {
-  local branch
-  branch=$(git branch -a | sed -s "s/\s*\**//g" | fzf --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0) && git checkout "$branch"
-# fh - repeat history
-# h() {
-#   eval $(([ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ] && fc -l 1 || history) | fzf +s | sed 's/ *[0-9]* *//')
-# }
-# fkill - kill process
-fkill() {
-  ps -ef | sed 1d | fzf-tmux -m | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -${1:-9}
-# }}}
-# Tmux utils {{{
-kill_detached() {
-  for sess in $(tmux ls | grep -v attached | sed -s "s/:.*$//"); do
-    tmux kill-session -t $sess;
-  done
-# }}}
-# Docker {{{
-# dbp foo/bar .
-function dbp () {
-  docker build -t $1 ${@:2} && docker push $1
-# }}}
-# Twitter! {{{
-# favelast <username>
-function favelast() {
-  t fave $(t tl -l $1 | head -n1 | first)
-function rtlast() {
-  t rt $(t tl -l $1 | head -n1 | first)
-function tthread() {
-  t reply $(t tl -l $TWITTER_WHOAMI | head -n1 | first) $@
-# }}}
-# Geeknote {{{
-gnc() {
-  gn create --title $1 --content '' &&
-    gn find --count=1 "$1"
-    gn edit 1
-# }}}
-# Misc aliases {{{
-function fw() { # fix white
-  local substitution
-  local substitution='s/\x1b\[90m/\x1b[92m/g'
-  $@ > >(perl -pe "$substitution") 2> >(perl -pe "$substitution" 1>&2)
-# }}}
-# Grep options {{{
-# }}}
-# Run docker containers {{{
-    # -d \
-    # -v $HOME/.pentadactyl:/home/firefox/.pentadactyl:rw \
-    # -v $HOME/.pentadactylrc:/home/firefox/.pentadactylrc:rw \
-    # -v $HOME/.mozilla:/home/firefox/.mozilla:rw \
-    # -v $HOME/.config:/home/firefox/.config \
-    # -v $HOME/Downloads:/home/firefox/Downloads:rw \
-    # -v /etc/fonts:/etc/fonts \
-    # -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-    # -v /dev/snd:/dev/snd \
-    # --net=host \
-    # -e uid=$(id -u) \
-    # -e gid=$(id -g) \
-    # -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
-    # --name firefox \
-    # --rm -it \
-    # glittershark/firefox
-# }}}
-# Change cursor shape on insert/normal mode {{{
-# (https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/433273/64261)
-_fix_cursor() {
-   echo -ne '\e[5 q'
-function zle-keymap-select {
-  if [[ ${KEYMAP} == vicmd ]] ||
-       [[ $1 = 'block' ]]; then
-  echo -ne '\e[1 q'
-  elif [[ ${KEYMAP} == main ]] ||
-         [[ ${KEYMAP} == viins ]] ||
-         [[ ${KEYMAP} = '' ]] ||
-         [[ $1 = 'beam' ]]; then
-  echo -ne '\e[5 q'
-  fi
-zle -N zle-keymap-select
-# }}}
-[ -f ./.localrc ] && source ./.localrc
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/platforms/darwin.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/platforms/darwin.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index f98b80f26915..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/platforms/darwin.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib;
-  config = {
-    home.packages = with pkgs; [
-      coreutils
-      gnupg
-      pinentry_mac
-    ];
-    home.activation.linkApplications = lib.hm.dag.entryAfter [ "writeBoundary" ] ''
-      $DRY_RUN_CMD ln -sf $VERBOSE_ARG \
-        ~/.nix-profile/Applications/* ~/Applications/
-    '';
-    programs.zsh.initExtra = ''
-      export NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels:$NIX_PATH
-      if [[ "$TERM" == "alacritty" ]]; then
-        export TERM="xterm-256color"
-      fi
-    '';
-  };
diff --git a/users/grfn/system/home/platforms/linux.nix b/users/grfn/system/home/platforms/linux.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e4e02b451b3..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/system/home/platforms/linux.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
-  depot = config.lib.depot;
-  imports = [
-    ../modules/alacritty.nix
-    ../modules/alsi.nix
-    ../modules/development.nix
-    ../modules/emacs.nix
-    ../modules/email.nix
-    ../modules/firefox.nix
-    ../modules/games.nix
-    ../modules/shell.nix
-    ../modules/tarsnap.nix
-    ../modules/vim.nix
-  ];
-  xsession.enable = true;
-  home.packages = with pkgs; [
-    # Desktop stuff
-    arandr
-    firefox
-    feh
-    chromium
-    xclip
-    xorg.xev
-    picom
-    peek
-    signal-desktop
-    apvlv # pdf viewer
-    vlc
-    irssi
-    gnutls
-    pandoc
-    barrier
-    depot.tools.nsfv-setup
-    gimp # TODO(grfn): use glimpse once it build again
-    # System utilities
-    powertop
-    usbutils
-    pciutils
-    gdmap
-    lsof
-    tree
-    nmap
-    iftop
-    # Security
-    gnupg
-    keybase
-    openssl
-    yubikey-manager
-    # TODO(grfn): lagging behind yubikey-manager and doesn't support cryptography >= 39
-    # yubikey-manager-qt
-    # Spotify...etc
-    spotify
-    playerctl
-  ];
-  services.redshift = {
-    enable = true;
-    provider = "geoclue2";
-  };
-  services.pasystray.enable = true;
-  services.gpg-agent = {
-    enable = true;
-    # previous default has been removed from nixpkgs
-    pinentryFlavor = "qt";
-  };
-  programs.zsh.initExtra = ''
-    [[ ! $IN_NIX_SHELL && "$TERM" != "dumb" ]] && alsi -l
-  '';
-  services.lorri.enable = true;
-  services.dropbox = {
-    enable = true;
-  };