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path: root/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util')
6 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/core.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d458aa5592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+(ns bbbg.util.core
+  (:require
+   [clojure.java.shell :refer [sh]]
+   [clojure.string :as str])
+  (:import
+   java.util.UUID))
+(defn remove-nils
+  "Remove all keys with nil values from m"
+  [m]
+  (let [!m (transient m)]
+    (doseq [[k v] m]
+      (when (nil? v)
+        (dissoc! !m k)))
+    (persistent! !m)))
+(defn alongside
+  "Apply a pair of functions to the first and second element of a two element
+  vector, respectively. The two argument form partially applies, such that:
+  ((alongside f g) xy) ≡ (alongside f g xy)
+  This is equivalent to (***) in haskell's Control.Arrow"
+  ([f g] (partial alongside f g))
+  ([f g [x y]] [(f x) (g y)]))
+(defn map-kv
+  "Map a pair of functions over the keys and values of a map, respectively.
+  Preserves metadata on the incoming map.
+  The two argument form returns a transducer that yields map-entries.
+  (partial map-kv identity identity) ≡ identity"
+  ([kf vf]
+   (map (fn [[k v]]
+          ;; important to return a map-entry here so that callers down the road
+          ;; can use `key` or `val`
+          (first {(kf k) (vf v)}))))
+  ([kf vf m]
+   (into (empty m) (map-kv kf vf) m)))
+(defn filter-kv
+  "Returns a map containing the elements of m for which (f k v) returns logical
+  true. The one-argument form returns a transducer that yields map entries"
+  ([f] (filter (partial apply f)))
+  ([f m]
+   (into (empty m) (filter-kv f) m)))
+(defn map-keys
+  "Map f over the keys of m. Preserves metadata on the incoming map. The
+  one-argument form returns a transducer that yields map-entries."
+  ([f] (map-kv f identity))
+  ([f m] (map-kv f identity m)))
+(defn keep-keys
+  "Map f over the keys of m, keeping only those entries for which f does not
+  return nil. Preserves metadata on the incoming map. The one-argument form
+  returns a transducer that yields map-entries."
+  ([f] (keep (fn [[k v]] (when-let [k' (f k)]
+                          (first {k' v})))))
+  ([f m] (into (empty m) (keep-keys f) m)))
+(defn map-vals
+  "Map f over the values of m. Preserves metadata on the incoming map. The
+  one-argument form returns a transducer that yields map-entries."
+  ([f] (map-kv identity f))
+  ([f m] (map-kv identity f m)))
+(defn map-keys-recursive [f x]
+  (cond
+    (map? x) (map-kv f (partial map-keys-recursive f) x)
+    (sequential? x) (map (partial map-keys-recursive f) x)
+    :else x))
+(defn denamespace [x]
+  (if (keyword? x)
+    (keyword (name x))
+    (map-keys-recursive denamespace x)))
+(defn reverse-merge
+  "Like `clojure.core/merge`, except duplicate keys from maps earlier in the
+  argument list take precedence
+    => (merge {:x 1} {:x 2})
+    {:x 2}
+    => (sut/reverse-merge {:x 1} {:x 2})
+    {:x 1}"
+  [& ms]
+  (apply merge (reverse ms)))
+(defn invert-map
+  "Invert the keys and vals of m. Behavior with duplicate vals is undefined.
+  => (sut/invert-map {:x 1 :y 2})
+  {1 :x 2 :y}"
+  [m]
+  (into {} (map (comp vec reverse)) m))
+(defn ->uuid
+  "Converts x to uuid, returning nil if x is nil or empty"
+  [x]
+  (cond
+    (not x) nil
+    (uuid? x) x
+    (and (string? x) (seq x))
+    (UUID/fromString x)))
+(defn key-by
+  "Create a map from a seq obtaining keys via f
+    => (sut/key-by :x [{:x 1} {:x 2 :y 3}])
+    {1 {:x 1}, 2 {:x 2 :y 3}}"
+  [f l]
+  (into {} (map (juxt f identity)) l))
+(defn distinct-by
+  "Like clojure.core/distinct, but can take a function f by which
+  distinctiveness is calculated"
+  [distinction-fn coll]
+  (let [step (fn step [xs seen]
+               (lazy-seq
+                ((fn [[f :as xs] seen]
+                   (when-let [s (seq xs)]
+                     (if (contains? seen (distinction-fn f))
+                       (recur (rest s) seen)
+                       (cons f (step (rest s) (conj seen (distinction-fn f)))))))
+                 xs seen)))]
+    (step coll #{})))
+(defn pass [n]
+  (let [{:keys [exit out err]} (sh "pass" n)]
+    (if (= 0 exit)
+      (str/trim out)
+      (throw (Exception.
+              (format "`pass` command failed\nStandard output:%s\nStandard Error:%s"
+                      out
+                      err))))))
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/dev_secrets.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/dev_secrets.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88f1b50caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/dev_secrets.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(ns bbbg.util.dev-secrets
+  "Utility library for loading secrets during development from multiple
+  backends.
+  # Supported backends
+  - [Pass][0] (the default)
+        (bbbg.util.dev-secrets/set-backend! :pass)
+    Loads all secrets by shelling out to `pass <secret-name>`
+    [0]: https://www.passwordstore.org/
+  - Directory
+        (bbbg.util.dev-secrets/set-backend! [:dir \"/path/to/secret/directory\"])
+     Loads all secrets by reading the secret name as a (plaintext!) file rooted
+     at the given directory"
+  (:require [bbbg.util.core :as u]
+            [clojure.string :as str]
+            [clojure.java.io :as io]))
+(def ^:dynamic *secret-backend* :pass)
+(defn set-backend!
+  "Change the default secret-backend"
+  [backend]
+  (alter-var-root #'*secret-backend* (constantly backend)))
+(defmulti ^:private load-secret
+  (fn [backend _secret]
+    (if (coll? backend) (first backend) backend)))
+(defmethod load-secret :pass [_ secret]
+  (u/pass secret))
+(defmethod load-secret :dir [[_ dir] secret]
+  (str/trim (slurp (io/file dir secret))))
+(defn secret
+  "Load the value for the given `secret-name' from the currently selected
+  backend"
+  [secret-name]
+  (load-secret *secret-backend* secret-name))
+  (secret "bbbg/discord-client-id")
+  (binding [*secret-backend* [:dir "/tmp/bbbg-secrets"]]
+    (secret "bbbg/discord-client-id"))
+  (set-backend! [:dir "/tmp/bbbg-secrets"])
+  (secret "bbbg/discord-client-id")
+  (set-backend! :pass)
+  (secret "bbbg/discord-client-id")
+  )
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/display.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/display.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40716632a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/display.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(ns bbbg.util.display
+  (:require
+   [bbbg.util.time :as t])
+  (:import
+   [java.time.format DateTimeFormatter FormatStyle]))
+(defn format-date
+  ([d] (format-date d FormatStyle/MEDIUM))
+  ([d ^FormatStyle format-style]
+   (let [formatter (DateTimeFormatter/ofLocalizedDate format-style)]
+     (.format (t/->LocalDate d) formatter))))
+(defn pluralize
+  ([n sing plur]
+   (str (or n 0) " " (if (= 1 n) sing plur)))
+  ([n sing]
+   (pluralize n sing (str sing "s"))))
+  (format-date #inst "2021-12-19T05:00:00.000-00:00")
+  (format-date #inst "2021-12-19T05:00:00.000-00:00"
+               FormatStyle/FULL)
+  )
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/spec.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/spec.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89ac926699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/spec.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(ns bbbg.util.spec
+  (:require [expound.alpha :as exp]
+            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
+(defn assert!
+  ([spec s] (assert! "Spec assertion failed" spec s))
+  ([message spec x]
+   (if (s/valid? spec x)
+     x
+     (throw (ex-info
+             (str message
+                  "\n"
+                  (exp/expound-str spec x))
+             (assoc (s/explain-data spec x)
+                    ::s/failure
+                    ::s/assertion-failed))))))
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/sql.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/sql.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..988959fd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/sql.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(ns bbbg.util.sql
+  (:require [honeysql.core :as hsql]))
+(defn count-where [cond]
+  (hsql/call :count (hsql/call :case cond #sql/raw "1" :else nil)))
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/time.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/time.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0278f89f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/util/time.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+(ns bbbg.util.time
+  "Utilities for dealing with date/time"
+  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
+            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
+            [java-time :as jt])
+  (:import [java.time
+            LocalDateTime LocalTime OffsetDateTime ZoneId ZoneOffset
+            LocalDate Year]
+           [java.time.format DateTimeFormatter DateTimeParseException]
+           java.util.Calendar
+           org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils))
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defprotocol ToOffsetDateTime
+  (->OffsetDateTime [this]
+    "Coerces its argument to a `java.time.OffsetDateTime`"))
+(extend-protocol ToOffsetDateTime
+  OffsetDateTime
+  (->OffsetDateTime [odt] odt)
+  java.util.Date
+  (->OffsetDateTime [d]
+    (-> d
+        .toInstant
+        (OffsetDateTime/ofInstant (ZoneId/of "UTC")))))
+(defprotocol ToLocalTime (->LocalTime [this]))
+(extend-protocol ToLocalTime
+  LocalTime
+  (->LocalTime [lt] lt)
+  java.sql.Time
+  (->LocalTime [t]
+    (let [^Calendar cal (doto (Calendar/getInstance)
+                          (.setTime t))]
+      (LocalTime/of
+       (.get cal Calendar/HOUR_OF_DAY)
+       (.get cal Calendar/MINUTE)
+       (.get cal Calendar/SECOND))))
+  java.util.Date
+  (->LocalTime [d]
+    (-> d .toInstant (LocalTime/ofInstant (ZoneId/of "UTC")))))
+(defn local-time? [x] (satisfies? ToLocalTime x))
+(s/def ::local-time
+  (s/with-gen local-time?
+    #(gen/let [hour (gen/choose 0 23)
+               minute (gen/choose 0 59)
+               second (gen/choose 0 59)
+               nanos gen/nat]
+       (LocalTime/of hour minute second nanos))))
+(defprotocol ToLocalDate (->LocalDate [this]))
+(extend-protocol ToLocalDate
+  LocalDate
+  (->LocalDate [ld] ld)
+  java.sql.Date
+  (->LocalDate [sd] (.toLocalDate sd))
+  java.util.Date
+  (->LocalDate [d]
+    (-> d .toInstant (LocalDate/ofInstant (ZoneId/of "UTC")))))
+(defn local-date? [x] (satisfies? ToLocalDate x))
+(s/def ::local-date
+  (s/with-gen local-date?
+    #(gen/let [year (gen/choose Year/MIN_VALUE Year/MAX_VALUE)
+               day (gen/choose 1 (if (.isLeap (Year/of year))
+                                   366
+                                   365))]
+       (LocalDate/ofYearDay year day))))
+(extend-protocol Inst
+  OffsetDateTime
+  (inst-ms* [zdt]
+    (inst-ms* (.toInstant zdt)))
+  LocalDateTime
+  (inst-ms* [^LocalDateTime ldt]
+    (inst-ms* (.toInstant ldt ZoneOffset/UTC))))
+(let [formatter DateTimeFormatter/ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME]
+  (defn ^OffsetDateTime parse-iso-8601
+    "Parse s as an iso-8601 datetime, returning nil if invalid"
+    [^String s]
+    (try
+      (OffsetDateTime/parse s formatter)
+      (catch DateTimeParseException _ nil)))
+  (defn format-iso-8601
+    "Format dt, which can be an OffsetDateTime or java.util.Date, as iso-8601"
+    [dt]
+    (some->> dt ->OffsetDateTime (.format formatter))))
+(let [formatter DateTimeFormatter/ISO_TIME]
+  (defn parse-iso-8601-time
+    "Parse s as an iso-8601 timestamp, returning nil if invalid"
+    [^String s]
+    (try
+      (LocalTime/parse s formatter)
+      (catch DateTimeParseException _ nil)))
+  (defn format-iso-8601-time
+    "Format lt, which can be a LocalTime or java.sql.Time, as an iso-8601
+    formatted timestamp without a date."
+    [lt]
+    (some->> lt ->LocalTime (.format formatter))))
+(defmethod print-dup LocalTime [t w]
+  (binding [*out* w]
+    (print "#local-time ")
+    (print (str "\"" (format-iso-8601-time t) "\""))))
+(defmethod print-method LocalTime [t w]
+  (print-dup t w))
+(let [formatter DateTimeFormatter/ISO_LOCAL_DATE]
+  (defn parse-iso-8601-date
+    "Parse s as an iso-8601 date, returning nil if invalid"
+    [^String s]
+    (try
+      (LocalDate/parse s formatter)
+      (catch DateTimeParseException _ nil)))
+  (defn format-iso-8601-date
+    "Format lt, which can be a LocalDate, as an iso-8601 formatted date without
+    a timestamp."
+    [lt]
+    (some->> lt ->LocalDate (.format formatter))))
+(defmethod print-dup LocalDate [t w]
+  (binding [*out* w]
+    (print "#local-date ")
+    (print (str "\"" (format-iso-8601-date t) "\""))))
+(defmethod print-method LocalDate [t w]
+  (print-dup t w))
+(defn ^String human-format-duration
+  "Human-format the given duration"
+  [^java.time.Duration dur]
+  (DurationFormatUtils/formatDurationWords (Math/abs (.toMillis dur)) true true))
+  (human-format-duration (jt/hours 5))
+  (human-format-duration (jt/plus (jt/hours 5) (jt/minutes 7)))
+  )