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path: root/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/handlers/attendees.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/handlers/attendees.clj')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/handlers/attendees.clj b/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/handlers/attendees.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index ce84b88e97..0000000000
--- a/users/grfn/bbbg/src/bbbg/handlers/attendees.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-(ns bbbg.handlers.attendees
-  (:require
-   [bbbg.attendee :as attendee]
-   [bbbg.attendee-check :as attendee-check]
-   [bbbg.db :as db]
-   [bbbg.db.attendee :as db.attendee]
-   [bbbg.db.attendee-check :as db.attendee-check]
-   [bbbg.db.event :as db.event]
-   [bbbg.event :as event]
-   [bbbg.handlers.core :refer [page-response wrap-auth-required]]
-   [bbbg.user :as user]
-   [bbbg.util.display :refer [format-date]]
-   [bbbg.views.flash :as flash]
-   [cheshire.core :as json]
-   [compojure.coercions :refer [as-uuid]]
-   [compojure.core :refer [GET POST routes]]
-   [honeysql.helpers :refer [merge-where]]
-   [ring.util.response :refer [content-type not-found redirect response]])
-  (:import
-   java.util.UUID))
-(defn- attendees-page [{:keys [attendees q edit-notes]}]
-  [:div.page
-   [:form.search-form {:method :get :action "/attendees"}
-    [:input.search-input
-     {:type "search"
-      :name "q"
-      :value q
-      :title "Search Attendees"}]
-    [:input {:type "submit"
-             :value "Search Attendees"}]]
-   [:table.attendees
-    [:thead
-     [:tr
-      [:th "Meetup Name"]
-      [:th "Discord Name"]
-      [:th "Events RSVPd"]
-      [:th "Events Attended"]
-      [:th "No-Shows"]
-      [:th "Last Vaccination Check"]
-      [:th "Notes"]]]
-    [:tbody
-     (for [attendee (sort-by
-                     (comp #{edit-notes} ::attendee/id)
-                     (comp - compare)
-                     attendees)
-           :let [id (::attendee/id attendee)]]
-       [:tr
-        [:td.attendee-name (::attendee/meetup-name attendee)]
-        [:td
-         [:label.mobile-label "Discord Name: "]
-         (or (not-empty (::attendee/discord-name attendee))
-             "—")]
-        [:td
-         [:label.mobile-label "Events RSVPd: "]
-         (:events-rsvpd attendee)]
-        [:td
-         [:label.mobile-label "Events Attended: "]
-         (:events-attended attendee)]
-        [:td
-         [:label.mobile-label "No-shows: "]
-         (:no-shows attendee)]
-        [:td
-         [:label.mobile-label "Last Vaccination Check: "]
-         (if-let [last-check (:last-check attendee)]
-           (str "✔️ "(-> last-check
-                        ::attendee-check/checked-at
-                        format-date)
-                ", by "
-                (get-in last-check [:user ::user/username]))
-           (list
-            [:span {:title "Not Checked"}
-             "❌"]
-            " "
-            [:a {:href (str "/attendees/" id "/checks/edit")}
-             "Edit"] ))]
-        (if (= edit-notes id)
-          [:td
-           [:form.organizer-notes {:method :post
-                                   :action (str "/attendees/" id "/notes")}
-            [:div.form-group
-             [:input {:type :text :name "notes"
-                      :value (::attendee/organizer-notes attendee)
-                      :autofocus true}]]
-            [:div.form-group
-             [:input {:type "Submit" :value "Save Notes"}]]]]
-          [:td
-           [:p
-            (::attendee/organizer-notes attendee)]
-           [:p
-            [:a {:href (str "/attendees?edit-notes=" id)}
-             "Edit Notes"]]])])]]])
-(defn attendees-routes [{:keys [db]}]
-  (routes
-   (wrap-auth-required
-    (routes
-     (GET "/attendees" [q edit-notes]
-       (let [attendees (db/list db (cond-> (db.attendee/with-stats)
-                                     q (db.attendee/search q)))
-             attendees (db.attendee-check/attendees-with-last-checks
-                        db
-                        attendees)
-             edit-notes (some-> edit-notes UUID/fromString)]
-         (page-response (attendees-page {:attendees attendees
-                                         :q q
-                                         :edit-notes edit-notes}))))
-     (POST "/attendees/:id/notes" [id :<< as-uuid notes]
-       (if (seq (db/update! db
-                            :attendee
-                            {::attendee/organizer-notes notes}
-                            [:= :id id]))
-         (-> (redirect "/attendees")
-             (flash/add-flash
-              #:flash{:type :success
-                      :message "Notes updated successfully"}))
-         (not-found "Attendee not found")))))
-   (GET "/attendees.json" [q event_id attended]
-     (let [results
-           (db/list
-            db
-            (cond->
-                (if q
-                  (db.attendee/search q)
-                  {:select [:attendee.*] :from [:attendee]})
-                event_id (db.attendee/for-event event_id)
-                (some? attended)
-                (merge-where
-                 (case attended
-                   "true" :attended
-                   "false" [:or [:= :attended nil] [:not :attended]]))))]
-       (-> {:results results}
-           json/generate-string
-           response
-           (content-type "application/json"))))
-   (POST "/event_attendees" [event_id attendee_id]
-     (if (and (db/exists? db {:select [:id] :from [:event] :where [:= :id event_id]})
-              (db/exists? db {:select [:id] :from [:attendee] :where [:= :id attendee_id]}))
-       (do
-         (db.event/attended! db {::event/id event_id
-                                 ::attendee/id attendee_id})
-         (-> (redirect (str "/signup-forms/" event_id))
-             (flash/add-flash
-              #:flash{:type :success
-                      :message "Thank you for signing in! Enjoy the event."})))
-       (response "Something went wrong")))))
-  (def db (:db bbbg.core/system))
-  (db/list db :attendee)
-  (db/list db
-           (->
-            (db.attendee/search "gr")
-            (db.attendee/for-event #uuid "9f4f3eae-3317-41a7-843c-81bcae52aebf")))
-  (honeysql.format/format
-   (->
-    (db.attendee/search "gr")
-    (db.attendee/for-event #uuid "9f4f3eae-3317-41a7-843c-81bcae52aebf")))
-  )