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path: root/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Orphans.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Orphans.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Orphans.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Orphans.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe9708edbe0..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Orphans.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
-module Xanthous.Orphans
-  ( ppTemplate
-  ) where
-import           Xanthous.Prelude hiding (elements, (.=))
-import           Data.Aeson
-import           Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch)
-import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
-import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes
-import           Brick.Widgets.Edit
-import           Data.Text.Zipper.Generic (GenericTextZipper)
-import           Brick.Widgets.Core (getName)
-import           System.Random.Internal (StdGen (..))
-import           System.Random.SplitMix (SMGen ())
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import           "quickcheck-instances" Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
-import           Text.Megaparsec (errorBundlePretty)
-import           Text.Megaparsec.Pos
-import           Text.Mustache
-import           Text.Mustache.Type ( showKey )
-import           Control.Monad.State
-import           Linear
-import           Xanthous.Util.JSON
-import           Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-instance forall s a.
-  ( Cons s s a a
-  , IsSequence s
-  , Element s ~ a
-  ) => Cons (NonNull s) (NonNull s) a a where
-  _Cons = prism hither yon
-    where
-      hither :: (a, NonNull s) -> NonNull s
-      hither (a, ns) =
-        let s = toNullable ns
-        in impureNonNull $ a <| s
-      yon :: NonNull s -> Either (NonNull s) (a, NonNull s)
-      yon ns = case nuncons ns of
-        (_, Nothing) -> Left ns
-        (x, Just xs) -> Right (x, xs)
-instance forall a. Cons (NonEmpty a) (NonEmpty a) a a where
-  _Cons = prism hither yon
-    where
-      hither :: (a, NonEmpty a) -> NonEmpty a
-      hither (a, x :| xs) = a :| (x : xs)
-      yon :: NonEmpty a -> Either (NonEmpty a) (a, NonEmpty a)
-      yon ns@(x :| xs) = case xs of
-        (y : ys) -> Right (x, y :| ys)
-        [] -> Left ns
-instance Arbitrary PName where
-  arbitrary = PName . pack <$> listOf1 (elements ['a'..'z'])
-instance Arbitrary Key where
-  arbitrary = Key <$> listOf1 arbSafeText
-    where arbSafeText = pack <$> listOf1 (elements ['a'..'z'])
-  shrink (Key []) = error "unreachable"
-  shrink k@(Key [_]) = pure k
-  shrink (Key (p:ps)) = Key . (p :) <$> shrink ps
-instance Arbitrary Pos where
-  arbitrary = mkPos . succ . abs <$> arbitrary
-  shrink (unPos -> 1) = []
-  shrink (unPos -> x) = mkPos <$> [x..1]
-instance Arbitrary Node where
-  arbitrary = sized node
-    where
-      node n | n > 0 = oneof $ leaves ++ branches (n `div` 2)
-      node _ = oneof leaves
-      branches n =
-        [ Section <$> arbitrary <*> subnodes n
-        , InvertedSection <$> arbitrary <*> subnodes n
-        ]
-      subnodes = fmap concatTextBlocks . listOf . node
-      leaves =
-        [ TextBlock . pack <$> listOf1 (elements ['a'..'z'])
-        , EscapedVar <$> arbitrary
-        , UnescapedVar <$> arbitrary
-        -- TODO fix pretty-printing of mustache partials
-        -- , Partial <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-        ]
-  shrink = genericShrink
-concatTextBlocks :: [Node] -> [Node]
-concatTextBlocks [] = []
-concatTextBlocks [x] = [x]
-concatTextBlocks (TextBlock txt₁ : TextBlock txt₂ : xs)
-  = concatTextBlocks $ TextBlock (txt₁ <> txt₂) : concatTextBlocks xs
-concatTextBlocks (x : xs) = x : concatTextBlocks xs
-instance Arbitrary Template where
-  arbitrary = do
-    template <- concatTextBlocks <$> arbitrary
-    -- templateName <- arbitrary
-    -- rest <- arbitrary
-    let templateName = "template"
-        rest = mempty
-    pure $ Template
-      { templateActual = templateName
-      , templateCache = rest & at templateName ?~ template
-      }
-  shrink (Template actual cache) =
-    let Just tpl = cache ^. at actual
-    in do
-      cache' <- shrink cache
-      tpl' <- shrink tpl
-      actual' <- shrink actual
-      pure $ Template
-        { templateActual = actual'
-        , templateCache = cache' & at actual' ?~ tpl'
-        }
-instance CoArbitrary Template where
-  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . ppTemplate
-instance Function Template where
-  function = functionMap ppTemplate parseTemplatePartial
-    where
-      parseTemplatePartial txt
-        = compileMustacheText "template" txt ^?! _Right
-ppNode :: Map PName [Node] -> Node -> Text
-ppNode _ (TextBlock txt) = txt
-ppNode _ (EscapedVar k) = "{{" <> showKey k <> "}}"
-ppNode ctx (Section k body) =
-  let sk = showKey k
-  in "{{#" <> sk <> "}}" <> foldMap (ppNode ctx) body <> "{{/" <> sk <> "}}"
-ppNode _ (UnescapedVar k) = "{{{" <> showKey k <> "}}}"
-ppNode ctx (InvertedSection k body) =
-  let sk = showKey k
-  in "{{^" <> sk <> "}}" <> foldMap (ppNode ctx) body <> "{{/" <> sk <> "}}"
-ppNode _ (Partial n _) = "{{> " <> unPName n <> "}}"
-ppTemplate :: Template -> Text
-ppTemplate (Template actual cache) =
-  case cache ^. at actual of
-    Nothing -> error "Template not found?"
-    Just nodes -> foldMap (ppNode cache) nodes
-instance ToJSON Template where
-  toJSON = String . ppTemplate
-instance FromJSON Template where
-  parseJSON
-    = withText "Template"
-    $ either (fail . errorBundlePretty) pure
-    . compileMustacheText "template"
-deriving anyclass instance NFData Node
-deriving anyclass instance NFData Template
-instance FromJSON Color where
-  parseJSON (String "black")         = pure black
-  parseJSON (String "red")           = pure red
-  parseJSON (String "green")         = pure green
-  parseJSON (String "yellow")        = pure yellow
-  parseJSON (String "blue")          = pure blue
-  parseJSON (String "magenta")       = pure magenta
-  parseJSON (String "cyan")          = pure cyan
-  parseJSON (String "white")         = pure white
-  parseJSON (String "brightBlack")   = pure brightBlack
-  parseJSON (String "brightRed")     = pure brightRed
-  parseJSON (String "brightGreen")   = pure brightGreen
-  parseJSON (String "brightYellow")  = pure brightYellow
-  parseJSON (String "brightBlue")    = pure brightBlue
-  parseJSON (String "brightMagenta") = pure brightMagenta
-  parseJSON (String "brightCyan")    = pure brightCyan
-  parseJSON (String "brightWhite")   = pure brightWhite
-  parseJSON n@(Number _)             = Color240 <$> parseJSON n
-  parseJSON x                        = typeMismatch "Color" x
-instance ToJSON Color where
-  toJSON color
-    | color == black         = "black"
-    | color == red           = "red"
-    | color == green         = "green"
-    | color == yellow        = "yellow"
-    | color == blue          = "blue"
-    | color == magenta       = "magenta"
-    | color == cyan          = "cyan"
-    | color == white         = "white"
-    | color == brightBlack   = "brightBlack"
-    | color == brightRed     = "brightRed"
-    | color == brightGreen   = "brightGreen"
-    | color == brightYellow  = "brightYellow"
-    | color == brightBlue    = "brightBlue"
-    | color == brightMagenta = "brightMagenta"
-    | color == brightCyan    = "brightCyan"
-    | color == brightWhite   = "brightWhite"
-    | Color240 num <- color  = toJSON num
-    | otherwise             = error $ "unimplemented: " <> show color
-instance (Eq a, Show a, Read a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (MaybeDefault a) where
-  parseJSON Null                   = pure Default
-  parseJSON (String "keepCurrent") = pure KeepCurrent
-  parseJSON x                      = SetTo <$> parseJSON x
-instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (MaybeDefault a) where
-  toJSON Default     = Null
-  toJSON KeepCurrent = String "keepCurrent"
-  toJSON (SetTo x)   = toJSON x
-instance Arbitrary Color where
-  arbitrary = oneof [ Color240 <$> choose (0, 239)
-                    , ISOColor <$> choose (0, 15)
-                    ]
-deriving anyclass instance CoArbitrary Color
-deriving anyclass instance Function Color
-instance (Eq a, Show a, Read a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (MaybeDefault a) where
-  arbitrary = oneof [ pure Default
-                    , pure KeepCurrent
-                    , SetTo <$> arbitrary
-                    ]
-instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (MaybeDefault a) where
-  coarbitrary Default = variant @Int 1
-  coarbitrary KeepCurrent = variant @Int 2
-  coarbitrary (SetTo x) = variant @Int 3 . coarbitrary x
-instance (Eq a, Show a, Read a, Function a) => Function (MaybeDefault a) where
-  function = functionShow
-instance Arbitrary Attr where
-  arbitrary = do
-    attrStyle <- arbitrary
-    attrForeColor <- arbitrary
-    attrBackColor <- arbitrary
-    attrURL <- arbitrary
-    pure Attr {..}
-deriving anyclass instance CoArbitrary Attr
-deriving anyclass instance Function Attr
-instance ToJSON Attr where
-  toJSON Attr{..} = object
-    [ "style" .= maybeDefaultToJSONWith styleToJSON attrStyle
-    , "foreground" .= attrForeColor
-    , "background" .= attrBackColor
-    , "url" .= attrURL
-    ]
-    where
-      maybeDefaultToJSONWith _ Default = Null
-      maybeDefaultToJSONWith _ KeepCurrent = String "keepCurrent"
-      maybeDefaultToJSONWith tj (SetTo x) = tj x
-      styleToJSON style
-        | style == standout     = "standout"
-        | style == underline    = "underline"
-        | style == reverseVideo = "reverseVideo"
-        | style == blink        = "blink"
-        | style == dim          = "dim"
-        | style == bold         = "bold"
-        | style == italic       = "italic"
-        | otherwise            = toJSON style
-instance FromJSON Attr where
-  parseJSON = withObject "Attr" $ \obj -> do
-    attrStyle <- parseStyle =<< obj .:? "style" .!= Default
-    attrForeColor <- obj .:? "foreground" .!= Default
-    attrBackColor <- obj .:? "background" .!= Default
-    attrURL <- obj .:? "url" .!= Default
-    pure Attr{..}
-    where
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "standout"))     = pure (SetTo standout)
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "underline"))    = pure (SetTo underline)
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "reverseVideo")) = pure (SetTo reverseVideo)
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "blink"))        = pure (SetTo blink)
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "dim"))          = pure (SetTo dim)
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "bold"))         = pure (SetTo bold)
-      parseStyle (SetTo (String "italic"))       = pure (SetTo italic)
-      parseStyle (SetTo n@(Number _))            = SetTo <$> parseJSON n
-      parseStyle (SetTo v)                       = typeMismatch "Style" v
-      parseStyle Default                         = pure Default
-      parseStyle KeepCurrent                     = pure KeepCurrent
-deriving stock instance Ord Color
-deriving stock instance Ord a => Ord (MaybeDefault a)
-deriving stock instance Ord Attr
-instance NFData a => NFData (NonNull a) where
-  rnf xs = xs `seq` toNullable xs `deepseq` ()
-instance forall t name. (NFData t, Monoid t, NFData name)
-                 => NFData (Editor t name) where
-  rnf ed = getName @_ @name ed `deepseq` getEditContents ed `deepseq` ()
-deriving via (ReadShowJSON SMGen) instance ToJSON SMGen
-deriving via (ReadShowJSON SMGen) instance FromJSON SMGen
-instance ToJSON StdGen where
-  toJSON = toJSON . unStdGen
-  toEncoding = toEncoding . unStdGen
-instance FromJSON StdGen where
-  parseJSON = fmap StdGen . parseJSON
-instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (NonNull a) where
-  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . toNullable
-instance (MonoFoldable a, Function a) => Function (NonNull a) where
-  function = functionMap toNullable $ fromMaybe (error "null") . fromNullable
-instance (Arbitrary t, Arbitrary n, GenericTextZipper t)
-       => Arbitrary (Editor t n) where
-  arbitrary = editor <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-instance forall t n. (CoArbitrary t, CoArbitrary n, Monoid t)
-              => CoArbitrary (Editor t n) where
-  coarbitrary ed = coarbitrary (getName @_ @n ed, getEditContents ed)
-instance CoArbitrary StdGen where
-  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . show
-instance Function StdGen where
-  function = functionMap unStdGen StdGen
-instance Function SMGen where
-  function = functionShow
-deriving newtype instance (Arbitrary s, CoArbitrary (m (a, s)))
-            => CoArbitrary (StateT s m a)
-deriving via (GenericArbitrary (V2 a)) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (V2 a)
-instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (V2 a)
-instance Function a => Function (V2 a)