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path: root/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities
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14 files changed, 0 insertions, 1021 deletions
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Character.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Character.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c18d726a4bfd..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Character.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Character
-  ( Character(..)
-  , characterName
-  , inventory
-  , characterDamage
-  , characterHitpoints'
-  , characterHitpoints
-  , hitpointRecoveryRate
-  , speed
-    -- * Inventory
-  , Inventory(..)
-  , backpack
-  , wielded
-  , items
-    -- ** Wielded items
-  , Wielded(..)
-  , hands
-  , leftHand
-  , rightHand
-  , inLeftHand
-  , inRightHand
-  , doubleHanded
-  , wieldedItems
-  , WieldedItem(..)
-  , wieldedItem
-  , wieldableItem
-  , asWieldedItem
-    -- *
-  , mkCharacter
-  , pickUpItem
-  , isDead
-  , damage
-  ) where
-import Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Brick
-import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-import           Data.Coerce (coerce)
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import           Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Vector ()
-import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
-import           Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Item
-import           Xanthous.Data
-                 ( TicksPerTile, Hitpoints, Per, Ticks, (|*|), positioned
-                 , Positioned(..)
-                 )
-import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes (WieldableItem, wieldable)
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes as Raw
-data WieldedItem = WieldedItem
-  { _wieldedItem :: Item
-  , _wieldableItem :: WieldableItem
-    -- ^ Invariant: item ^. itemType . wieldable ≡ Just wieldableItem
-  }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-           WieldedItem
-makeFieldsNoPrefix ''WieldedItem
-asWieldedItem :: Prism' Item WieldedItem
-asWieldedItem = prism' hither yon
- where
-   yon item = WieldedItem item <$> item ^. itemType . wieldable
-   hither (WieldedItem item _) = item
-instance Brain WieldedItem where
-  step ticks (Positioned p wi) =
-    over positioned (\i -> WieldedItem i $ wi ^. wieldableItem)
-    <$> step ticks (Positioned p $ wi ^. wieldedItem)
-instance Draw WieldedItem where
-  draw = draw . view wieldedItem
-instance Entity WieldedItem where
-  entityAttributes = entityAttributes . view wieldedItem
-  description = description . view wieldedItem
-  entityChar = entityChar . view wieldedItem
-instance Arbitrary WieldedItem where
-  arbitrary = genericArbitrary <&> \wi ->
-    wi & wieldedItem . itemType . wieldable ?~ wi ^. wieldableItem
-data Wielded
-  = DoubleHanded WieldedItem
-  | Hands { _leftHand :: !(Maybe WieldedItem)
-          , _rightHand :: !(Maybe WieldedItem)
-          }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Wielded
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ 'SumEnc 'ObjWithSingleField ]
-           Wielded
-hands :: Prism' Wielded (Maybe WieldedItem, Maybe WieldedItem)
-hands = prism' (uncurry Hands) $ \case
-  Hands l r -> Just (l, r)
-  _ -> Nothing
-leftHand :: Traversal' Wielded WieldedItem
-leftHand = hands . _1 . _Just
-inLeftHand :: WieldedItem -> Wielded
-inLeftHand wi = Hands (Just wi) Nothing
-rightHand :: Traversal' Wielded WieldedItem
-rightHand = hands . _2 . _Just
-inRightHand :: WieldedItem -> Wielded
-inRightHand wi = Hands Nothing (Just wi)
-doubleHanded :: Prism' Wielded WieldedItem
-doubleHanded = prism' DoubleHanded $ \case
-  DoubleHanded i -> Just i
-  _ -> Nothing
-wieldedItems :: Traversal' Wielded WieldedItem
-wieldedItems k (DoubleHanded wielded) = DoubleHanded <$> k wielded
-wieldedItems k (Hands l r) = Hands <$> _Just k l <*> _Just k r
-data Inventory = Inventory
-  { _backpack :: Vector Item
-  , _wielded :: Wielded
-  }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Inventory
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-           Inventory
-makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Inventory
-items :: Traversal' Inventory Item
-items k (Inventory bp w) = Inventory
-  <$> traversed k bp
-  <*> (wieldedItems . wieldedItem) k w
-type instance Element Inventory = Item
-instance MonoFunctor Inventory where
-  omap = over items
-instance MonoFoldable Inventory where
-  ofoldMap = foldMapOf items
-  ofoldr = foldrOf items
-  ofoldl' = foldlOf' items
-  otoList = toListOf items
-  oall = allOf items
-  oany = anyOf items
-  onull = nullOf items
-  ofoldr1Ex = foldr1Of items
-  ofoldl1Ex' = foldl1Of' items
-  headEx = headEx . toListOf items
-  lastEx = lastEx . toListOf items
-instance MonoTraversable Inventory where
-  otraverse = traverseOf items
-instance Semigroup Inventory where
-  inv₁ <> inv₂ =
-    let backpack' = inv₁ ^. backpack <> inv₂ ^. backpack
-        (wielded', backpack'') = case (inv₁ ^. wielded, inv₂ ^. wielded) of
-          (wielded₁, wielded₂@(DoubleHanded _)) ->
-            (wielded₂, backpack' <> fromList (wielded₁ ^.. wieldedItems . wieldedItem))
-          (wielded₁, wielded₂@(Hands (Just _) (Just _))) ->
-            (wielded₂, backpack' <> fromList (wielded₁ ^.. wieldedItems . wieldedItem))
-          (wielded₁, Hands Nothing Nothing) -> (wielded₁, backpack')
-          (Hands Nothing Nothing, wielded₂) -> (wielded₂, backpack')
-          (Hands (Just l₁) Nothing, Hands Nothing (Just r₂)) ->
-            (Hands (Just l₁) (Just r₂), backpack')
-          (wielded₁@(DoubleHanded _), wielded₂) ->
-            (wielded₁, backpack' <> fromList (wielded₂ ^.. wieldedItems . wieldedItem))
-          (Hands Nothing (Just r₁), Hands Nothing (Just r₂)) ->
-            (Hands Nothing (Just r₂), r₁ ^. wieldedItem <| backpack')
-          (Hands Nothing r₁, Hands (Just l₂) Nothing) ->
-            (Hands (Just l₂) r₁, backpack')
-          (Hands (Just l₁) Nothing, Hands (Just l₂) Nothing) ->
-            (Hands (Just l₂) Nothing, l₁ ^. wieldedItem <| backpack')
-          (Hands (Just l₁) (Just r₁), Hands Nothing (Just r₂)) ->
-            (Hands (Just l₁) (Just r₂), r₁ ^. wieldedItem <| backpack')
-          (Hands (Just l₁) (Just r₁), Hands (Just l₂) Nothing) ->
-            (Hands (Just l₂) (Just r₁), l₁ ^. wieldedItem <| backpack')
-    in Inventory backpack'' wielded'
-instance Monoid Inventory where
-  mempty = Inventory mempty $ Hands Nothing Nothing
-data Character = Character
-  { _inventory :: !Inventory
-  , _characterName :: !(Maybe Text)
-  , _characterHitpoints' :: !Double
-  , _speed :: TicksPerTile
-  }
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-           Character
-makeLenses ''Character
-characterHitpoints :: Character -> Hitpoints
-characterHitpoints = views characterHitpoints' floor
-scrollOffset :: Int
-scrollOffset = 5
-instance Draw Character where
-  draw _ = visibleRegion rloc rreg $ str "@"
-    where
-      rloc = Location (negate scrollOffset, negate scrollOffset)
-      rreg = (2 * scrollOffset, 2 * scrollOffset)
-  drawPriority = const maxBound -- Character should always be on top, for now
-instance Brain Character where
-  step ticks = (pure .) $ positioned . characterHitpoints' %~ \hp ->
-    if hp > fromIntegral initialHitpoints
-    then hp
-    else hp + hitpointRecoveryRate |*| ticks
-instance Entity Character where
-  description _ = "yourself"
-  entityChar _ = "@"
-instance Arbitrary Character where
-  arbitrary = genericArbitrary
-initialHitpoints :: Hitpoints
-initialHitpoints = 10
-hitpointRecoveryRate :: Double `Per` Ticks
-hitpointRecoveryRate = 1.0 / (15 * coerce defaultSpeed)
-defaultSpeed :: TicksPerTile
-defaultSpeed = 100
-mkCharacter :: Character
-mkCharacter = Character
-  { _inventory = mempty
-  , _characterName = Nothing
-  , _characterHitpoints' = fromIntegral initialHitpoints
-  , _speed = defaultSpeed
-  }
-defaultCharacterDamage :: Hitpoints
-defaultCharacterDamage = 1
--- | Returns the damage that the character currently does with an attack
--- TODO use double-handed/left-hand/right-hand here
-characterDamage :: Character -> Hitpoints
-  = fromMaybe defaultCharacterDamage
-  . preview (inventory . wielded . wieldedItems . wieldableItem . Raw.damage)
-isDead :: Character -> Bool
-isDead = (== 0) . characterHitpoints
-pickUpItem :: Item -> Character -> Character
-pickUpItem it = inventory . backpack %~ (it <|)
-damage :: Hitpoints -> Character -> Character
-damage (fromIntegral -> amount) = characterHitpoints' %~ \case
-  n | n <= amount -> 0
-    | otherwise  -> n - amount
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs
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index e95e9f0b985b..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Creature
-  ( -- * Creature
-    Creature(..)
-    -- ** Lenses
-  , creatureType
-  , hitpoints
-  , hippocampus
-    -- ** Creature functions
-  , newWithType
-  , damage
-  , isDead
-  , visionRadius
-    -- * Hippocampus
-  , Hippocampus(..)
-    -- ** Lenses
-  , destination
-    -- ** Destination
-  , Destination(..)
-  , destinationFromPos
-    -- *** Lenses
-  , destinationPosition
-  , destinationProgress
-  ) where
-import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
-import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-import           Xanthous.AI.Gormlak
-import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes hiding
-                 (Creature, description, damage)
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes as Raw
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-import           Xanthous.Data
-import           Xanthous.Data.Entities
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Creature.Hippocampus
-data Creature = Creature
-  { _creatureType :: !CreatureType
-  , _hitpoints    :: !Hitpoints
-  , _hippocampus  :: !Hippocampus
-  }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Draw via DrawRawCharPriority "_creatureType" 1000 Creature
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       Creature
-instance Arbitrary Creature where arbitrary = genericArbitrary
-makeLenses ''Creature
-instance HasVisionRadius Creature where
-  visionRadius = const 50 -- TODO
-instance Brain Creature where
-  step = brainVia GormlakBrain
-  entityCanMove = const True
-instance Entity Creature where
-  entityAttributes _ = defaultEntityAttributes
-    & blocksObject .~ True
-  description = view $ creatureType . Raw.description
-  entityChar = view $ creatureType . char
-  entityCollision = const $ Just Combat
-newWithType :: CreatureType -> Creature
-newWithType _creatureType =
-  let _hitpoints = _creatureType ^. maxHitpoints
-      _hippocampus = initialHippocampus
-  in Creature {..}
-damage :: Hitpoints -> Creature -> Creature
-damage amount = hitpoints %~ \hp ->
-  if hp <= amount
-  then 0
-  else hp - amount
-isDead :: Creature -> Bool
-isDead = views hitpoints (== 0)
-{-# ANN module ("Hlint: ignore Use newtype instead of data" :: String) #-}
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature/Hippocampus.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature/Hippocampus.hs
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index 501a5b597221..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Creature/Hippocampus.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Creature.Hippocampus
-  (-- * Hippocampus
-    Hippocampus(..)
-  , initialHippocampus
-    -- ** Lenses
-  , destination
-    -- ** Destination
-  , Destination(..)
-  , destinationFromPos
-    -- *** Lenses
-  , destinationPosition
-  , destinationProgress
-  )
-import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic
-import           Xanthous.Data
-import           Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-data Destination = Destination
-  { _destinationPosition :: !Position
-    -- | The progress towards the destination, tracked as an offset from the
-    -- creature's original position.
-    --
-    -- When this value reaches >= 1, the creature has reached their destination
-  , _destinationProgress :: !Tiles
-  }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       Destination
-instance Arbitrary Destination where arbitrary = genericArbitrary
-makeLenses ''Destination
-destinationFromPos :: Position -> Destination
-destinationFromPos _destinationPosition =
-  let _destinationProgress = 0
-  in Destination{..}
-data Hippocampus = Hippocampus
-  { _destination :: !(Maybe Destination)
-  }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Hippocampus
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       Hippocampus
-makeLenses ''Hippocampus
-initialHippocampus :: Hippocampus
-initialHippocampus = Hippocampus Nothing
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Draw/Util.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Draw/Util.hs
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index aa6c5fa4fc47..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Draw/Util.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module Xanthous.Entities.Draw.Util where
-import Xanthous.Prelude
-import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
-import Brick.Types (Edges(..))
-borderFromEdges :: BorderStyle -> Edges Bool -> Char
-borderFromEdges bstyle edges = ($ bstyle) $ case edges of
-  Edges False False  False False -> const '☐'
-  Edges True  False  False False -> bsVertical
-  Edges False True   False False -> bsVertical
-  Edges False False  True  False -> bsHorizontal
-  Edges False False  False True  -> bsHorizontal
-  Edges True  True   False False -> bsVertical
-  Edges True  False  True  False -> bsCornerBR
-  Edges True  False  False True  -> bsCornerBL
-  Edges False True   True  False -> bsCornerTR
-  Edges False True   False True  -> bsCornerTL
-  Edges False False  True  True  -> bsHorizontal
-  Edges False True   True  True  -> bsIntersectT
-  Edges True  False  True  True  -> bsIntersectB
-  Edges True  True   False True  -> bsIntersectL
-  Edges True  True   True  False -> bsIntersectR
-  Edges True  True   True  True  -> bsIntersectFull
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Entities.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Entities.hs
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index a0c037a1b4ed..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Entities.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Entities () where
-import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Gen as Gen
-import           Data.Aeson
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Character
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Item
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Creature
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Environment
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Marker
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-import           Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-instance Arbitrary SomeEntity where
-  arbitrary = Gen.oneof
-    [ SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Character
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Item
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Creature
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Wall
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Door
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @GroundMessage
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Staircase
-    , SomeEntity <$> arbitrary @Marker
-    ]
-instance FromJSON SomeEntity where
-  parseJSON = withObject "Entity" $ \obj -> do
-    (entityType :: Text) <- obj .: "type"
-    case entityType of
-      "Character" -> SomeEntity @Character <$> obj .: "data"
-      "Item" -> SomeEntity @Item <$> obj .: "data"
-      "Creature" -> SomeEntity @Creature <$> obj .: "data"
-      "Wall" -> SomeEntity @Wall <$> obj .: "data"
-      "Door" -> SomeEntity @Door <$> obj .: "data"
-      "GroundMessage" -> SomeEntity @GroundMessage <$> obj .: "data"
-      "Staircase" -> SomeEntity @Staircase <$> obj .: "data"
-      "Marker" -> SomeEntity @Marker <$> obj .: "data"
-      _ -> fail . unpack $ "Invalid entity type \"" <> entityType <> "\""
-deriving via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ] GameLevel
-  instance FromJSON GameLevel
-deriving via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ] GameState
-  instance FromJSON GameState
-instance Entity SomeEntity where
-  entityAttributes (SomeEntity ent) = entityAttributes ent
-  description (SomeEntity ent) = description ent
-  entityChar (SomeEntity ent) = entityChar ent
-  entityCollision (SomeEntity ent) = entityCollision ent
-instance Function SomeEntity where
-  function = functionJSON
-instance CoArbitrary SomeEntity where
-  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . encode
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Entities.hs-boot b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Entities.hs-boot
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index 519a862c6a5a..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Entities.hs-boot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Entities where
-import Test.QuickCheck
-import Data.Aeson
-import Xanthous.Game.State (SomeEntity, GameState, Entity)
-instance Arbitrary SomeEntity
-instance Function SomeEntity
-instance CoArbitrary SomeEntity
-instance FromJSON SomeEntity
-instance Entity SomeEntity
-instance FromJSON GameState
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Environment.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Environment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b45a91eabed2..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Environment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Environment
-  (
-    -- * Walls
-    Wall(..)
-    -- * Doors
-  , Door(..)
-  , open
-  , closed
-  , locked
-  , unlockedDoor
-    -- * Messages
-  , GroundMessage(..)
-    -- * Stairs
-  , Staircase(..)
-  ) where
-import Xanthous.Prelude
-import Test.QuickCheck
-import Brick (str)
-import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style (unicode)
-import Brick.Types (Edges(..))
-import Data.Aeson
-import Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-import Xanthous.Entities.Draw.Util
-import Xanthous.Data
-import Xanthous.Data.Entities
-import Xanthous.Game.State
-import Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-data Wall = Wall
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Enum)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-instance ToJSON Wall where
-  toJSON = const $ String "Wall"
-instance FromJSON Wall where
-  parseJSON = withText "Wall" $ \case
-    "Wall" -> pure Wall
-    _      -> fail "Invalid Wall: expected Wall"
-instance Brain Wall where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Entity Wall where
-  entityAttributes _ = defaultEntityAttributes
-    & blocksVision .~ True
-    & blocksObject .~ True
-  description _ = "a wall"
-  entityChar _ = "┼"
-instance Arbitrary Wall where
-  arbitrary = pure Wall
-wallEdges :: (MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ SomeEntity)
-          => Neighbors mono -> Edges Bool
-wallEdges neighs = any (entityIs @Wall) <$> edges neighs
-instance Draw Wall where
-  drawWithNeighbors neighs _wall =
-    str . pure . borderFromEdges unicode $ wallEdges neighs
-data Door = Door
-  { _open   :: Bool
-  , _locked :: Bool
-  }
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function, ToJSON, FromJSON)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Door
-makeLenses ''Door
-instance Draw Door where
-  drawWithNeighbors neighs door
-    = str . pure . ($ door ^. open) $ case wallEdges neighs of
-        Edges True  False  False False -> vertDoor
-        Edges False True   False False -> vertDoor
-        Edges True  True   False False -> vertDoor
-        Edges False False  True  False -> horizDoor
-        Edges False False  False True  -> horizDoor
-        Edges False False  True  True  -> horizDoor
-        _                              -> allsidesDoor
-    where
-      horizDoor True = '␣'
-      horizDoor False = 'ᚔ'
-      vertDoor True = '['
-      vertDoor False = 'ǂ'
-      allsidesDoor True = '+'
-      allsidesDoor False = '▥'
-instance Brain Door where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Entity Door where
-  entityAttributes door = defaultEntityAttributes
-    & blocksVision .~ not (door ^. open)
-  description door | door ^. open = "an open door"
-                   | otherwise    = "a closed door"
-  entityChar _ = "d"
-  entityCollision door | door ^. open = Nothing
-                       | otherwise = Just Stop
-closed :: Lens' Door Bool
-closed = open . involuted not
--- | A closed, unlocked door
-unlockedDoor :: Door
-unlockedDoor = Door
-  { _open = False
-  , _locked = False
-  }
-newtype GroundMessage = GroundMessage Text
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary GroundMessage
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ 'TagSingleConstructors 'True
-                        , 'SumEnc 'ObjWithSingleField
-                        ]
-           GroundMessage
-  deriving Draw
-       via DrawStyledCharacter ('Just 'Yellow) 'Nothing "≈"
-           GroundMessage
-instance Brain GroundMessage where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Entity GroundMessage where
-  description = const "a message on the ground. Press r. to read it."
-  entityChar = const "≈"
-  entityCollision = const Nothing
-data Staircase = UpStaircase | DownStaircase
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary Staircase
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ 'TagSingleConstructors 'True
-                        , 'SumEnc 'ObjWithSingleField
-                        ]
-           Staircase
-instance Brain Staircase where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Draw Staircase where
-  draw UpStaircase = str "<"
-  draw DownStaircase = str ">"
-instance Entity Staircase where
-  description UpStaircase = "a staircase leading upwards"
-  description DownStaircase = "a staircase leading downwards"
-  entityChar UpStaircase = "<"
-  entityChar DownStaircase = ">"
-  entityCollision = const Nothing
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs
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index b50a5eab809d..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Item.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Item
-  ( Item(..)
-  , itemType
-  , newWithType
-  , isEdible
-  ) where
-import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-import           Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes hiding (Item, description, isEdible)
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes as Raw
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-data Item = Item
-  { _itemType :: ItemType
-  }
-  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Draw via DrawRawChar "_itemType" Item
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       Item
-makeLenses ''Item
-{-# ANN Item ("HLint: ignore Use newtype instead of data" :: String )#-}
--- deriving via (Brainless Item) instance Brain Item
-instance Brain Item where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Arbitrary Item where
-  arbitrary = Item <$> arbitrary
-instance Entity Item where
-  description = view $ itemType . Raw.description
-  entityChar = view $ itemType . Raw.char
-  entityCollision = const Nothing
-newWithType :: ItemType -> Item
-newWithType = Item
-isEdible :: Item -> Bool
-isEdible = Raw.isEdible . view itemType
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Marker.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Marker.hs
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index 14d02872ed4e..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Marker.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-module Xanthous.Entities.Marker ( Marker(..) ) where
-import Xanthous.Prelude
-import           Data.Aeson
-import           Test.QuickCheck
-import qualified Graphics.Vty.Attributes as Vty
-import qualified Graphics.Vty.Image as Vty
-import           Brick.Widgets.Core (raw)
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-import           Xanthous.Data.Entities (EntityAttributes(..))
--- | Mark on the map - for use in debugging / development only.
-newtype Marker = Marker Text
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid, ToJSON, FromJSON, Arbitrary) via Text
-instance Brain Marker where step = brainVia Brainless
-instance Entity Marker where
-  entityAttributes = const EntityAttributes
-    { _blocksVision = False
-    , _blocksObject = False
-    , _collision = Stop
-    }
-  description (Marker m) = "[M] " <> m
-  entityChar = const $ "X" & style .~ markerStyle
-  entityCollision = const Nothing
-instance Draw Marker where
-  draw = const . raw $ Vty.char markerStyle 'X'
-  drawPriority = const maxBound
-markerStyle :: Vty.Attr
-markerStyle = Vty.defAttr
-  `Vty.withForeColor` Vty.red
-  `Vty.withBackColor` Vty.black
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 30039662f071..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/RawTypes.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
-  (
-    EntityRaw(..)
-  , _Creature
-  , _Item
-    -- * Creatures
-  , CreatureType(..)
-  , hostile
-    -- * Items
-  , ItemType(..)
-    -- ** Item sub-types
-    -- *** Edible
-  , EdibleItem(..)
-  , isEdible
-    -- *** Wieldable
-  , WieldableItem(..)
-  , isWieldable
-    -- * Lens classes
-  , HasAttackMessage(..)
-  , HasChar(..)
-  , HasDamage(..)
-  , HasDescription(..)
-  , HasEatMessage(..)
-  , HasEdible(..)
-  , HasFriendly(..)
-  , HasHitpointsHealed(..)
-  , HasLongDescription(..)
-  , HasMaxHitpoints(..)
-  , HasName(..)
-  , HasSpeed(..)
-  , HasWieldable(..)
-  ) where
-import Xanthous.Prelude
-import Test.QuickCheck
-import Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-import Xanthous.Messages (Message(..))
-import Xanthous.Data (TicksPerTile, Hitpoints)
-import Xanthous.Data.EntityChar
-import Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-data CreatureType = CreatureType
-  { _name         :: !Text
-  , _description  :: !Text
-  , _char         :: !EntityChar
-  , _maxHitpoints :: !Hitpoints
-  , _friendly     :: !Bool
-  , _speed        :: !TicksPerTile
-  }
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary CreatureType
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       CreatureType
-makeFieldsNoPrefix ''CreatureType
-hostile :: Lens' CreatureType Bool
-hostile = friendly . involuted not
-data EdibleItem = EdibleItem
-  { _hitpointsHealed :: Int
-  , _eatMessage :: Maybe Message
-  }
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary EdibleItem
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       EdibleItem
-makeFieldsNoPrefix ''EdibleItem
-data WieldableItem = WieldableItem
-  { _damage :: !Hitpoints
-  , _attackMessage :: !(Maybe Message)
-  }
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary WieldableItem
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       WieldableItem
-makeFieldsNoPrefix ''WieldableItem
-data ItemType = ItemType
-  { _name            :: Text
-  , _description     :: Text
-  , _longDescription :: Text
-  , _char            :: EntityChar
-  , _edible          :: Maybe EdibleItem
-  , _wieldable       :: Maybe WieldableItem
-  }
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary ItemType
-  deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ FieldLabelModifier '[Drop 1] ]
-                       ItemType
-makeFieldsNoPrefix ''ItemType
--- | Can this item be eaten?
-isEdible :: ItemType -> Bool
-isEdible = has $ edible . _Just
--- | Can this item be used as a weapon?
-isWieldable :: ItemType -> Bool
-isWieldable = has $ wieldable . _Just
-data EntityRaw
-  = Creature CreatureType
-  | Item ItemType
-  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
-  deriving anyclass (NFData)
-  deriving Arbitrary via GenericArbitrary EntityRaw
-  deriving (FromJSON)
-       via WithOptions '[ SumEnc ObjWithSingleField ]
-                       EntityRaw
-makePrisms ''EntityRaw
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs
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index d4cae7ccc299..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Xanthous.Entities.Raws
-  ( raws
-  , raw
-  , RawType(..)
-  , rawsWithType
-  , entityFromRaw
-  ) where
-import           Data.FileEmbed
-import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
-import           Xanthous.Prelude
-import           System.FilePath.Posix
-import           Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
-import           Xanthous.Game.State
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Creature as Creature
-import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Item as Item
-import           Xanthous.AI.Gormlak ()
-rawRaws :: [(FilePath, ByteString)]
-rawRaws = $(embedDir "src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws")
-raws :: HashMap Text EntityRaw
-  = mapFromList
-  . map (bimap
-         (pack . takeBaseName)
-         (either (error . Yaml.prettyPrintParseException) id
-          . Yaml.decodeEither'))
-  $ rawRaws
-raw :: Text -> Maybe EntityRaw
-raw n = raws ^. at n
-class RawType (a :: Type) where
-  _RawType :: Prism' EntityRaw a
-instance RawType CreatureType where
-  _RawType = prism' Creature $ \case
-    Creature c -> Just c
-    _ -> Nothing
-instance RawType ItemType where
-  _RawType = prism' Item $ \case
-    Item i -> Just i
-    _ -> Nothing
-rawsWithType :: forall a. RawType a => HashMap Text a
-rawsWithType = mapFromList . itoListOf (ifolded . _RawType) $ raws
-entityFromRaw :: EntityRaw -> SomeEntity
-entityFromRaw (Creature creatureType)
-  = SomeEntity $ Creature.newWithType creatureType
-entityFromRaw (Item itemType)
-  = SomeEntity $ Item.newWithType itemType
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/gormlak.yaml b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/gormlak.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eac895190b3..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/gormlak.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  name: gormlak
-  description: a gormlak
-  longDescription: |
-    A chittering imp-like creature with bright yellow horns. It adores shiny objects
-    and gathers in swarms.
-  char:
-    char: g
-    style:
-      foreground: red
-  maxHitpoints: 5
-  speed: 125
-  friendly: false
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/noodles.yaml b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/noodles.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f19dce91d1..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/noodles.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  name: noodles
-  description: "a big bowl o' noodles"
-  longDescription: You know exactly what kind of noodles
-  char:
-    char: 'n'
-    style:
-      foreground: yellow
-  edible:
-    hitpointsHealed: 2
-    eatMessage:
-      - You slurp up the noodles. Yumm!
diff --git a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/stick.yaml b/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/stick.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7fde4d8b02..000000000000
--- a/users/glittershark/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Entities/Raws/stick.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  name: stick
-  description: a wooden stick
-  longDescription: A sturdy branch broken off from some sort of tree
-  char:
-    char: ∤
-    style:
-      foreground: yellow
-  wieldable:
-    damage: 2
-    attackMessage:
-      - You bonk the {{creature.creatureType.name}} over the head with your stick.
-      - You bash the {{creature.creatureType.name}} on the noggin with your stick.
-      - You whack the {{creature.creatureType.name}} with your stick.