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path: root/users/aspen/bbbg/src/bbbg/discord/auth.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/aspen/bbbg/src/bbbg/discord/auth.clj')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/aspen/bbbg/src/bbbg/discord/auth.clj b/users/aspen/bbbg/src/bbbg/discord/auth.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..35bc580e3933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/aspen/bbbg/src/bbbg/discord/auth.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(ns bbbg.discord.auth
+  (:require
+   [bbbg.discord :as discord]
+   [bbbg.util.core :as u]
+   [bbbg.util.dev-secrets :refer [secret]]
+   clj-time.coerce
+   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
+   [config.core :refer [env]]
+   [ring.middleware.oauth2 :refer [wrap-oauth2]]))
+(s/def ::client-id string?)
+(s/def ::client-secret string?)
+(s/def ::bbbg-guild-id string?)
+(s/def ::bbbg-organizer-role string?)
+(s/def ::config (s/keys :req [::client-id
+                              ::client-secret
+                              ::bbbg-guild-id
+                              ::bbbg-organizer-role]))
+(defn env->config []
+  (s/assert
+   ::config
+   {::client-id (:discord-client-id env)
+    ::client-secret (:discord-client-secret env)
+    ::bbbg-guild-id (:bbbg-guild-id env "841295283564052510")
+    ::bbbg-organizer-role (:bbbg-organizer-role
+                           env
+                           ;; TODO this might not be the right id
+                           "908428000817725470")}))
+(defn dev-config []
+  (s/assert
+   ::config
+   {::client-id (secret "bbbg/discord-client-id")
+    ::client-secret (secret "bbbg/discord-client-secret")
+    ::bbbg-guild-id "841295283564052510"
+    ::bbbg-organizer-role "908428000817725470"}))
+(def access-token-url
+  "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token")
+(def authorization-url
+  "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize")
+(def revoke-url
+  "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token/revoke")
+(def scopes ["guilds"
+             "guilds.members.read"
+             "identify"])
+(defn discord-oauth-profile [{:keys [base-url] :as env}]
+  {:authorize-uri authorization-url
+   :access-token-uri access-token-url
+   :client-id (::client-id env)
+   :client-secret (::client-secret env)
+   :scopes scopes
+   :launch-uri "/auth/discord"
+   :redirect-uri (str base-url "/auth/discord/redirect")
+   :landing-uri (str base-url "/auth/success")})
+  (-> "https://bbbg-staging.gws.fyi/auth/login"
+      (java.net.URI/create)
+      (.resolve "https://bbbg.gws.fyi/auth/discord/redirect")
+      str)
+  )
+(defn wrap-discord-auth [handler env]
+  (wrap-oauth2 handler {:discord (discord-oauth-profile env)}))
+(defn check-discord-auth
+  "Check that the user with the given token has the correct level of discord
+  auth"
+  [{::keys [bbbg-guild-id bbbg-organizer-role]} token]
+  (and (some (comp #{bbbg-guild-id} :id)
+             (discord/guilds token))
+       (some #{bbbg-organizer-role}
+             (:roles (discord/guild-member token bbbg-guild-id)))))
+  (#'ring.middleware.oauth2/valid-profile?
+   (discord-oauth-profile
+    (dev-config)))
+  )