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1 files changed, 127 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Postgres/MonadPostgres.hs b/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Postgres/MonadPostgres.hs
index 61428205c15f..b0f00de422e0 100644
--- a/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Postgres/MonadPostgres.hs
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Postgres/MonadPostgres.hs
@@ -7,11 +7,17 @@ module Postgres.MonadPostgres where
 import AtLeast (AtLeast)
 import Control.Exception
+  ( Exception (displayException),
+    Handler (Handler),
+    catches,
+    try,
+  )
 import Control.Foldl qualified as Fold
 import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack (MonadLogger, logDebug, logWarn)
 import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (ask), ReaderT (..))
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
 import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
+import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
 import Data.Error.Tree
 import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
 import Data.Int (Int64)
@@ -28,6 +34,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow qualified as PG
 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (ToField)
 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow (ToRow (toRow))
 import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Query (..))
+import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle)
 import GHC.Records (getField)
 import Label
 import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Core qualified as Otel hiding (inSpan, inSpan')
@@ -39,7 +46,9 @@ import Pretty (showPretty)
 import Seconds
 import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
 import Tool
-import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (withRunInIO))
+import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (withRunInIO), bracket, hClose)
+import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import UnliftIO.Process (ProcessHandle)
 import UnliftIO.Process qualified as Process
 import UnliftIO.Resource qualified as Resource
 import Prelude hiding (init, span)
@@ -405,6 +414,74 @@ withPGTransaction connPool f =
     (\conn -> Postgres.withTransaction conn (f conn))
+-- | `pg_formatter` is a perl script that does not support any kind of streaming.
+-- Thus we initialize a pool with a bunch of these scripts running, waiting for input. This way we can have somewhat fast SQL formatting.
+-- Call `initPgFormatPool` to initialize, then use `withPgFormat` to format some sql.
+data PgFormatPool = PgFormatPool
+  { pool :: Pool PgFormatProcess,
+    pgFormat :: Tool
+  }
+data PgFormatProcess = PgFormatProcess
+  { stdinHdl :: Handle,
+    stdoutHdl :: Handle,
+    procHdl :: ProcessHandle
+  }
+initPgFormatPool :: (HasField "pgFormat" tools Tool) => tools -> IO PgFormatPool
+initPgFormatPool tools = do
+  pool <-
+    Pool.newPool
+      ( Pool.defaultPoolConfig
+          (pgFormatStartCommandWaitForInput tools)
+          ( \pgFmt -> do
+              Process.terminateProcess pgFmt.procHdl
+              -- make sure we don’t leave any zombies
+              _ <- forkIO $ do
+                _ <- Process.waitForProcess pgFmt.procHdl
+                pure ()
+              pure ()
+          )
+          -- unused resource time
+          100
+          -- number of resources
+          3
+      )
+  -- fill the pool with resources
+  let go =
+        Pool.tryWithResource pool (\_ -> go) >>= \case
+          Nothing -> pure ()
+          Just () -> pure ()
+  _ <- go
+  pure (PgFormatPool {pool, pgFormat = tools.pgFormat})
+destroyPgFormatPool :: PgFormatPool -> IO ()
+destroyPgFormatPool pool = Pool.destroyAllResources pool.pool
+-- | Format the given SQL with pg_formatter. Will use the pool of already running formatters to speed up execution.
+withPgFormat :: PgFormatPool -> ByteString -> IO (ExitCode, ByteString)
+withPgFormat pool sqlStatement = do
+  bracket
+    (Pool.takeResource pool.pool)
+    ( \(a, localPool) -> do
+        -- we always destroy the resource, because the process exited
+        Pool.destroyResource pool.pool localPool a
+        -- create a new process to keep the pool “warm”
+        new <- pgFormatStartCommandWaitForInput pool
+        Pool.putResource localPool new
+    )
+    ( \(pgFmt, _localPool) -> do
+        ByteString.hPut pgFmt.stdinHdl sqlStatement
+        -- close stdin to make pg_formatter format (it exits …)
+        -- issue: https://github.com/darold/pgFormatter/issues/333
+        hClose pgFmt.stdinHdl
+        formatted <- ByteString.hGetContents pgFmt.stdoutHdl
+        exitCode <- Process.waitForProcess pgFmt.procHdl
+        pure (exitCode, formatted)
+    )
 runPGTransactionImpl ::
   (MonadUnliftIO m) =>
   m (Pool Postgres.Connection) ->
@@ -664,21 +741,50 @@ pgFormatQueryByteString tools queryBytes = do
         (queryBytes & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & textToString)
-    case exitCode of
-      ExitSuccess -> pure (stdout & stringToText)
-      ExitFailure status -> do
-        logWarn [fmt|pg_format failed with status {status} while formatting the query, using original query string. Is there a syntax error?|]
-        logDebug
-          ( prettyErrorTree
-              ( nestedMultiError
-                  "pg_format output"
-                  ( nestedError "stdout" (singleError (stdout & stringToText & newError))
-                      :| [(nestedError "stderr" (singleError (stderr & stringToText & newError)))]
-                  )
-              )
+    handlePgFormatExitCode exitCode stdout stderr queryBytes
+pgFormatStartCommandWaitForInput ::
+  ( MonadIO m,
+    HasField "pgFormat" tools Tool,
+    MonadFail m
+  ) =>
+  tools ->
+  m PgFormatProcess
+pgFormatStartCommandWaitForInput tools = do
+  do
+    (Just stdinHdl, Just stdoutHdl, Nothing, procHdl) <-
+      Process.createProcess
+        ( ( Process.proc
+              tools.pgFormat.toolPath
+              [ "--no-rcfile",
+                "-"
+              ]
-        logDebug [fmt|pg_format stdout: stderr|]
-        pure (queryBytes & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient)
+            { Process.std_in = Process.CreatePipe,
+              Process.std_out = Process.CreatePipe,
+              Process.std_err = Process.Inherit
+            }
+        )
+    pure PgFormatProcess {..}
+handlePgFormatExitCode :: (MonadLogger m) => ExitCode -> String -> String -> ByteString -> m Text
+handlePgFormatExitCode exitCode stdout stderr queryBytes =
+  case exitCode of
+    ExitSuccess -> pure (stdout & stringToText)
+    ExitFailure status -> do
+      logWarn [fmt|pg_format failed with status {status} while formatting the query, using original query string. Is there a syntax error?|]
+      logDebug
+        ( prettyErrorTree
+            ( nestedMultiError
+                "pg_format output"
+                ( nestedError "stdout" (singleError (stdout & stringToText & newError))
+                    :| [(nestedError "stderr" (singleError (stderr & stringToText & newError)))]
+                )
+            )
+        )
+      logDebug [fmt|pg_format stdout: stderr|]
+      pure (queryBytes & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient)
 data DebugLogDatabaseQueries
   = -- | Do not log the database queries
@@ -710,10 +816,12 @@ traceQueryIfEnabled ::
   Transaction m ()
 traceQueryIfEnabled tools span logDatabaseQueries qry params = do
   -- In case we have query logging enabled, we want to do that
-  let formattedQuery = case params of
-        HasNoParams -> pgFormatQueryNoParams' tools qry
-        HasSingleParam p -> pgFormatQuery' tools qry p
-        HasMultiParams ps -> pgFormatQueryMany' tools qry ps
+  let formattedQuery =
+        Otel.inSpan "Postgres Query Formatting" Otel.defaultSpanArguments $
+          case params of
+            HasNoParams -> pgFormatQueryNoParams' tools qry
+            HasSingleParam p -> pgFormatQuery' tools qry p
+            HasMultiParams ps -> pgFormatQueryMany' tools qry ps
   let doLog errs =