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path: root/users/Profpatsch/writers
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/Profpatsch/writers')
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/writers/default.nix b/users/Profpatsch/writers/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fb69231a143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/writers/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  bins = depot.nix.getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ "s6-mkdir" "s6-cat" "s6-ln" "s6-ls" "s6-touch" ]
+    // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "printf" ];
+  inherit (depot.nix.yants) defun struct restrict attrs list string drv any;
+  inherit (depot.nix) drvSeqL;
+  FlakeError =
+    restrict
+      "flake error"
+      (s: lib.any (prefix: (builtins.substring 0 1 s) == prefix)
+        [ "E" "W" ])
+      string;
+  Libraries = defun [ (attrs any) (list drv) ];
+  pythonPackages = pkgs.python310Packages;
+  buildPythonPackages = pkgs.buildPackages.python310Packages;
+  python = pythonPackages.python;
+  python3 =
+    { name
+    , libraries ? (_: [ ])
+    , flakeIgnore ? [ ]
+    }:
+    let
+    in
+    pkgs.writers.makePythonWriter python pythonPackages buildPythonPackages name {
+      libraries = Libraries libraries pythonPackages;
+      flakeIgnore =
+        let
+          ignoreTheseErrors = [
+            # whitespace after {
+            "E201"
+            # whitespace before }
+            "E202"
+            # fuck 4-space indentation
+            "E121"
+            "E111"
+            # who cares about blank lines …
+            # … at end of files
+            "W391"
+            # … between functions
+            "E302"
+            "E305"
+            # … if there’s too many of them
+            "E303"
+            # or lines that are too long
+            "E501"
+          ];
+        in
+        list FlakeError (ignoreTheseErrors ++ flakeIgnore);
+    };
+  # TODO: add the same flake check as the pyhon3 writer
+  python3Lib = { name, libraries ? (_: [ ]) }: moduleString:
+    let
+      srcTree = depot.nix.runExecline.local name { stdin = moduleString; } [
+        "importas"
+        "out"
+        "out"
+        "if"
+        [ bins.s6-mkdir "-p" "\${out}/${name}" ]
+        "if"
+        [
+          "redirfd"
+          "-w"
+          "1"
+          "\${out}/setup.py"
+          bins.printf
+          ''
+            from distutils.core import setup
+            setup(
+              name='%s',
+              packages=['%s']
+            )
+          ''
+          name
+          name
+        ]
+        "if"
+        [
+          # redirect stdin to the init py
+          "redirfd"
+          "-w"
+          "1"
+          "\${out}/${name}/__init__.py"
+          bins.s6-cat
+        ]
+      ];
+    in
+    pythonPackages.buildPythonPackage {
+      inherit name;
+      src = srcTree;
+      propagatedBuildInputs = libraries pythonPackages;
+      doCheck = false;
+    };
+  ghcBins = libraries: depot.nix.getBins (pkgs.ghc.withPackages (_: libraries)) [ "runghc" ];
+  writeHaskellInteractive = name: { libraries, ghcArgs ? [ ] }: path:
+    depot.nix.writeExecline name { } ([
+      (ghcBins libraries).runghc
+      "--"
+    ] ++ ghcArgs ++ [
+      "--"
+      path
+    ]);
+  inherit
+    python3
+    python3Lib
+    writeHaskellInteractive
+    ;
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/writers/tests/default.nix b/users/Profpatsch/writers/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..879aae82f7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/writers/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (depot.users.Profpatsch.writers)
+    python3Lib
+    python3
+    ;
+  inherit (pkgs)
+    coreutils
+    ;
+  run = drv: depot.nix.runExecline.local "run-${drv.name}" { } [
+    "if"
+    [ drv ]
+    "importas"
+    "out"
+    "out"
+    "${coreutils}/bin/touch"
+    "$out"
+  ];
+  pythonTransitiveLib = python3Lib
+    {
+      name = "transitive";
+    } ''
+    def transitive(s):
+      return s + " 1 2 3"
+  '';
+  pythonTestLib = python3Lib
+    {
+      name = "test_lib";
+      libraries = _: [ pythonTransitiveLib ];
+    } ''
+    import transitive
+    def test():
+      return transitive.transitive("test")
+  '';
+  pythonWithLib = run (python3
+    {
+      name = "python-with-lib";
+      libraries = _: [ pythonTestLib ];
+    } ''
+    import test_lib
+    assert test_lib.test() == "test 1 2 3"
+  '');
+depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets {
+  inherit
+    pythonWithLib
+    ;