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path: root/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools')
4 files changed, 739 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/Main.hs b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5f958a38a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Main where
+import OpenlabTools qualified
+main :: IO ()
+main = OpenlabTools.main
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/default.nix b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e4aa3ebfa96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  #   bins = depot.nix.getBins pkgs.sqlite ["sqlite3"];
+  openlab-tools = pkgs.haskellPackages.mkDerivation {
+    pname = "openlab-tools";
+    version = "0.1.0";
+    src = depot.users.Profpatsch.exactSource ./. [
+      ./openlab-tools.cabal
+      ./Main.hs
+      ./src/OpenlabTools.hs
+    ];
+    libraryHaskellDepends = [
+      depot.users.Profpatsch.my-prelude
+      depot.users.Profpatsch.my-webstuff
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-prelude
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-label
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-json
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-error-tree
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-field-parser
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-pretty
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-run-command
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.aeson-better-errors
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.blaze-html
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.deepseq
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.case-insensitive
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.hs-opentelemetry-sdk
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.http-conduit
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.http-types
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.ihp-hsx
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.monad-logger
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.selective
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.unliftio
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.wai-extra
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.warp
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.tagsoup
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.time
+    ];
+    isExecutable = true;
+    isLibrary = false;
+    license = lib.licenses.mit;
+  };
+  bins = depot.nix.getBins openlab-tools [ "openlab-tools" ];
+depot.nix.writeExecline "openlab-tools-wrapped" { } [
+  "importas"
+  "-i"
+  "PATH"
+  "PATH"
+  "export"
+  "PATH"
+  "${pkgs.postgresql}/bin:$${PATH}"
+  "export"
+  (pkgs.linkFarm "openlab-tools-tools" [
+    {
+      name = "pg_format";
+      path = "${pkgs.pgformatter}/bin/pg_format";
+    }
+  ])
+  bins.openlab-tools
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/openlab-tools.cabal b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/openlab-tools.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..461c53776746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/openlab-tools.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+cabal-version:      3.0
+name:               openlab-tools
+author:             Profpatsch
+maintainer:         mail@profpatsch.de
+common common-options
+  ghc-options:
+      -Wall
+      -Wno-type-defaults
+      -Wunused-packages
+      -Wredundant-constraints
+      -fwarn-missing-deriving-strategies
+  -- See https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/exts.html
+  -- for a description of all these extensions
+  default-extensions:
+      -- Infer Applicative instead of Monad where possible
+    ApplicativeDo
+    -- Allow literal strings to be Text
+    OverloadedStrings
+    -- Syntactic sugar improvements
+    LambdaCase
+    MultiWayIf
+    -- Makes the (deprecated) usage of * instead of Data.Kind.Type an error
+    NoStarIsType
+    -- Convenient and crucial to deal with ambiguous field names, commonly
+    -- known as RecordDotSyntax
+    OverloadedRecordDot
+    -- does not export record fields as functions, use OverloadedRecordDot to access instead
+    NoFieldSelectors
+    -- Record punning
+    RecordWildCards
+    -- Improved Deriving
+    DerivingStrategies
+    DerivingVia
+    -- Type-level strings
+    DataKinds
+    -- to enable the `type` keyword in import lists (ormolu uses this automatically)
+    ExplicitNamespaces
+  default-language: GHC2021
+    import: common-options
+    hs-source-dirs: src
+    exposed-modules:
+       OpenlabTools
+    build-depends:
+        base >=4.15 && <5,
+        text,
+        my-prelude,
+        my-webstuff,
+        pa-prelude,
+        pa-error-tree,
+        pa-label,
+        pa-json,
+        pa-field-parser,
+        pa-pretty,
+        pa-run-command,
+        aeson-better-errors,
+        aeson,
+        blaze-html,
+        bytestring,
+        containers,
+        deepseq,
+        unordered-containers,
+        exceptions,
+        filepath,
+        hs-opentelemetry-sdk,
+        hs-opentelemetry-api,
+        http-conduit,
+        http-types,
+        ihp-hsx,
+        monad-logger,
+        mtl,
+        network-uri,
+        scientific,
+        selective,
+        unliftio,
+        wai-extra,
+        wai,
+        warp,
+        tagsoup,
+        time,
+        stm,
+        case-insensitive
+executable openlab-tools
+    import: common-options
+    main-is: Main.hs
+    ghc-options:
+      -threaded
+    build-depends:
+        base >=4.15 && <5,
+        openlab-tools
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/src/OpenlabTools.hs b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/src/OpenlabTools.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fe51aba1885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools/src/OpenlabTools.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module OpenlabTools where
+import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (atomically, readTVarIO)
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, deepseq)
+import Control.Monad.Logger qualified as Logger
+import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Aeson.BetterErrors qualified as Json
+import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CaseInsensitive
+import Data.Error.Tree
+import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
+import Data.List qualified as List
+import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
+import Data.Text qualified as Text
+import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime (utctDayTime), diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
+import Data.Time qualified as Time
+import Data.Time.Clock (addUTCTime)
+import Data.Time.Format qualified as Time.Format
+import Debug.Trace
+import FieldParser (FieldParser' (..))
+import FieldParser qualified as Field
+import GHC.Records (HasField (..))
+import GHC.Stack qualified
+import IHP.HSX.QQ (hsx)
+import Json qualified
+import Label
+import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit qualified as Http
+import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as Http
+import Network.HTTP.Types
+import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as Http
+import Network.Wai qualified as Wai
+import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
+import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as Wai
+import OpenTelemetry.Trace qualified as Otel hiding (getTracer, inSpan, inSpan')
+import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Core qualified as Otel hiding (inSpan, inSpan')
+import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Monad qualified as Otel
+import Parse (Parse)
+import Parse qualified
+import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude
+import Pretty
+import System.Environment qualified as Env
+import System.IO qualified as IO
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty qualified as Html.Pretty
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 qualified as Html
+import Text.Blaze.Html5 qualified as Html
+import Text.HTML.TagSoup qualified as Soup
+import UnliftIO hiding (Handler, newTVarIO)
+import Prelude hiding (span, until)
+mapallSpaceOla :: Text
+mapallSpaceOla = "https://mapall.space/heatmap/show.php?id=OpenLab+Augsburg"
+mainPage :: Html.Html
+mainPage =
+  Html.docTypeHtml
+    [hsx|
+          <head>
+            <title>Openlab Augsburg Tools</title>
+            <meta charset="utf-8">
+            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+          </head>
+          <body>
+            <p>Welcome to the OpenLab Augsburg tools thingy. The idea is to provide some services that can be embedded into our other pages.</p>
+            <h2>What’s there</h2>
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                A <a href="snips/table-opening-hours-last-week">table displaying the opening hours last week</a>, courtesy of <a href={mapallSpaceOla}>mapall.space</a>.
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            <h2>Show me the code/how to contribute</h2>
+            <p>The source code can be found <a href="https://code.tvl.fyi/tree/users/Profpatsch/openlab-tools">in my user dir in the tvl repo</a>.</p>
+            <p>To build the server, clone the repository from <a href="https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git">https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git</a>.
+            Then <code>cd</code> into <code>users/Profpatsch</code>, run <code>nix-shell</code>.
+            </p>
+            <p>You can now run the server with <code>cabal repl openlab-tools/`</code> by executing the <code>main</code> function inside the GHC repl. It starts on port <code>9099</code>.
+            <br>
+            To try out changes to the code, stop the server with <kbd><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>z</kbd></kbd> and type <code>:reload</code>, then <code>main</code> again.
+            <br>
+            Finally, from within <code>users/Profpatsch</code> you can start a working development environment by installing <var>vscode</var> or <var>vscodium</var> and the <var>Haskell</var> extension. Then run <code>code .</code> from within the directory.
+            </p>
+            <p>Once you have a patch, <a href="https://matrix.to/#/@profpatsch:augsburg.one">contact me on Matrix</a> or DM me at <code>irc/libera</code>, nick <code>Profpatsch</code>.
+            </p>
+          </body>
+        |]
+debug :: Bool
+debug = False
+runApp :: IO ()
+runApp = withTracer $ \tracer -> do
+  let renderHtml =
+        if debug
+          then Html.Pretty.renderHtml >>> stringToText >>> textToBytesUtf8 >>> toLazyBytes
+          else Html.renderHtml
+  let runApplication ::
+        (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLogger m) =>
+        ( Wai.Request ->
+          (Wai.Response -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) ->
+          m Wai.ResponseReceived
+        ) ->
+        m ()
+      runApplication app = do
+        withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> Warp.run 9099 $ \req respond -> do
+          let catchAppException act =
+                try act >>= \case
+                  Right a -> pure a
+                  Left (AppException err) -> do
+                    runInIO (logError err)
+                    respond (Wai.responseLBS Http.status500 [] "")
+          liftIO $ catchAppException (runInIO $ app req (\resp -> liftIO $ respond resp))
+  let appT :: AppT IO () = do
+        let h extra res = Wai.responseLBS Http.ok200 (("Content-Type", "text/html") : extra) res
+        runHandlers
+          runApplication
+          [ Handler
+              { path = "",
+                body =
+                  Body
+                    (pure ())
+                    (\((), _) -> pure $ h [] (renderHtml mainPage))
+              },
+            Handler
+              { path = "snips/table-opening-hours-last-week",
+                body =
+                  Body
+                    ((label @"ifModifiedSince" <$> parseIfModifiedSince))
+                    ( \(req', cache) -> do
+                        now <- liftIO getCurrentTime <&> mkSecondTime
+                        new <- updateCacheIfNewer now cache heatmap
+                        let cacheToHeaders =
+                              [ ("Last-Modified", new.lastModified & formatHeaderTime),
+                                ("Expires", new.until & formatHeaderTime),
+                                ( "Cache-Control",
+                                  let maxAge = new.until `diffSecondTime` now
+                                   in [fmt|max-age={maxAge & floor @NominalDiffTime @Int  & show}, immutable|]
+                                )
+                              ]
+                        if
+                            -- If the last cache update is newer or equal to the requested version, we can tell the browser it’s fine
+                            | Just modifiedSince <- req'.ifModifiedSince,
+                              modifiedSince >= new.lastModified ->
+                                pure $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status304 cacheToHeaders ""
+                            | otherwise ->
+                                pure $ h cacheToHeaders (new.result & toLazyBytes)
+                    )
+              }
+          ]
+  runReaderT (appT :: AppT IO ()).unAppT Context {..}
+  where
+    -- "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Last-Modified#syntax"
+    headerFormat = "%a, %d %b %0Y %T GMT"
+    formatHeaderTime (SecondTime t) =
+      t
+        & Time.Format.formatTime
+          @UTCTime
+          Time.Format.defaultTimeLocale
+          headerFormat
+        & stringToText
+        & textToBytesUtf8
+    parseHeaderTime =
+      Field.utf8
+        >>> ( FieldParser $ \t ->
+                t
+                  & textToString
+                  & Time.Format.parseTimeM
+                    @Maybe
+                    @UTCTime
+                    {-no leading whitespace -} False
+                    Time.Format.defaultTimeLocale
+                    headerFormat
+                  & annotate [fmt|Cannot parse header timestamp "{t}"|]
+            )
+    parseIfModifiedSince :: Parse Wai.Request (Maybe SecondTime)
+    parseIfModifiedSince =
+      lmap
+        ( (.requestHeaders)
+            >>> findMaybe
+              ( \(h, v) ->
+                  if "If-Modified-Since" == CaseInsensitive.mk h then Just v else Nothing
+              )
+        )
+        (Parse.maybe $ Parse.fieldParser parseHeaderTime)
+        & rmap (fmap mkSecondTime)
+parseRequest :: (MonadThrow f, MonadIO f) => Otel.Span -> Parse from a -> from -> f a
+parseRequest span parser req =
+  Parse.runParse "Unable to parse the HTTP request" parser req
+    & assertM span id
+heatmap :: AppT IO ByteString
+heatmap = do
+  Http.httpBS [fmt|GET {mapallSpaceOla}|]
+    <&> (.responseBody)
+    <&> Soup.parseTags
+    <&> Soup.canonicalizeTags
+    <&> findHeatmap
+    <&> fromMaybe (htmlToTags [hsx|<p>Uh oh! could not fetch the table from <a href={mapallSpaceOla}>{mapallSpaceOla}</a></p>|])
+    <&> Soup.renderTags
+  where
+    firstSection f t = t & Soup.sections f & listToMaybe
+    match :: Soup.Tag ByteString -> Soup.Tag ByteString -> Bool
+    match x (t :: Soup.Tag ByteString) = (Soup.~==) @ByteString t x
+    findHeatmap t =
+      t
+        & firstSection (match (Soup.TagOpen ("") [("class", "heatmap")]))
+        >>= firstSection (match (Soup.TagOpen "table" []))
+        <&> getTable
+        <&> (<> htmlToTags [hsx|<figcaption>source: <a href={mapallSpaceOla} target="_blank">mapall.space</a></figcaption>|])
+        <&> wrapTagStream (T2 (label @"el" "figure") (label @"attrs" []))
+    -- get the table from opening tag to closing tag (allowing nested tables)
+    getTable = go 0
+      where
+        go _ [] = []
+        go d (el : els)
+          | match (Soup.TagOpen "table" []) el = el : go (d + 1) els
+          | match (Soup.TagClose "table") el = if d <= 1 then [el] else el : go (traceShowId $ d - 1) els
+          | otherwise = el : go d els
+    htmlToTags :: Html.Html -> [Soup.Tag ByteString]
+    htmlToTags h = h & Html.renderHtml & toStrictBytes & Soup.parseTags
+    -- TODO: this is dog-slow because of the whole list recreation!
+    wrapTagStream ::
+      T2 "el" ByteString "attrs" [Soup.Attribute ByteString] ->
+      [Soup.Tag ByteString] ->
+      [Soup.Tag ByteString]
+    wrapTagStream tag inner = (Soup.TagOpen (tag.el) tag.attrs : inner) <> [Soup.TagClose tag.el]
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+  runApp
+-- ( do
+--     -- todo: trace that to the init functions as well
+--     Otel.inSpan "whatcd-resolver main function" Otel.defaultSpanArguments $ do
+--       _ <- runTransaction migrate
+--       htmlUi
+-- )
+data Handler m = Handler
+  { path :: Text,
+    body :: Body m
+  }
+data Body m
+  = forall a.
+    Body
+      (Parse Wai.Request a)
+      ((a, TVar (Cache ByteString)) -> m Wai.Response)
+runHandlers ::
+  (Otel.MonadTracer m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
+  -- ( (Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) -> m Wai.ResponseReceived) ->
+  --   m ()
+  -- ) ->
+  ( (Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> m a) -> m a) ->
+    m ()
+  ) ->
+  [Handler m] ->
+  m ()
+runHandlers runApplication handlers = do
+  withCaches ::
+    [ T2
+        "handler"
+        (Handler m)
+        "cache"
+        (TVar (Cache ByteString))
+    ] <-
+    handlers
+      & traverse
+        ( \h -> do
+            cache <- liftIO $ newCache h.path "nothing yet"
+            pure $ T2 (label @"handler" h) (label @"cache" cache)
+        )
+  runApplication $ \req respond -> do
+    let mHandler =
+          withCaches
+            & List.find
+              ( \h ->
+                  (h.handler.path)
+                    == (req & Wai.pathInfo & Text.intercalate "/")
+              )
+    case mHandler of
+      Nothing -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status404 [] "nothing here (yet)"
+      Just handler -> do
+        inSpan' "TODO" $ \span -> do
+          case handler.handler.body of
+            Body parse runHandler -> do
+              req' <- req & parseRequest span parse
+              resp <- runHandler (req', handler.cache)
+              respond resp
+inSpan :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Otel.MonadTracer m) => Text -> m a -> m a
+inSpan name = Otel.inSpan name Otel.defaultSpanArguments
+inSpan' :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Otel.MonadTracer m) => Text -> (Otel.Span -> m a) -> m a
+-- inSpan' name =  Otel.inSpan' name Otel.defaultSpanArguments
+inSpan' _name act = act (error "todo telemetry disabled")
+zipT2 ::
+  forall l1 l2 t1 t2.
+  ( HasField l1 (T2 l1 [t1] l2 [t2]) [t1],
+    HasField l2 (T2 l1 [t1] l2 [t2]) [t2]
+  ) =>
+  T2 l1 [t1] l2 [t2] ->
+  [T2 l1 t1 l2 t2]
+zipT2 xs =
+  zipWith
+    (\t1 t2 -> T2 (label @l1 t1) (label @l2 t2))
+    (getField @l1 xs)
+    (getField @l2 xs)
+unzipT2 :: forall l1 t1 l2 t2. [T2 l1 t1 l2 t2] -> T2 l1 [t1] l2 [t2]
+unzipT2 xs = xs <&> toTup & unzip & fromTup
+  where
+    toTup :: forall a b. T2 a t1 b t2 -> (t1, t2)
+    toTup (T2 a b) = (getField @a a, getField @b b)
+    fromTup :: (a, b) -> T2 l1 a l2 b
+    fromTup (t1, t2) = T2 (label @l1 t1) (label @l2 t2)
+unzipT3 :: forall l1 t1 l2 t2 l3 t3. [T3 l1 t1 l2 t2 l3 t3] -> T3 l1 [t1] l2 [t2] l3 [t3]
+unzipT3 xs = xs <&> toTup & unzip3 & fromTup
+  where
+    toTup :: forall a b c. T3 a t1 b t2 c t3 -> (t1, t2, t3)
+    toTup (T3 a b c) = (getField @a a, getField @b b, getField @c c)
+    fromTup :: (a, b, c) -> T3 l1 a l2 b l3 c
+    fromTup (t1, t2, t3) = T3 (label @l1 t1) (label @l2 t2) (label @l3 t3)
+newtype Optional a = OptionalInternal (Maybe a)
+mkOptional :: a -> Optional a
+mkOptional defaultValue = OptionalInternal $ Just defaultValue
+defaults :: Optional a
+defaults = OptionalInternal Nothing
+instance HasField "withDefault" (Optional a) (a -> a) where
+  getField (OptionalInternal m) defaultValue = case m of
+    Nothing -> defaultValue
+    Just a -> a
+httpJson ::
+  ( MonadIO m,
+    MonadThrow m
+  ) =>
+  (Optional (Label "contentType" ByteString)) ->
+  Otel.Span ->
+  Json.Parse ErrorTree b ->
+  Http.Request ->
+  m b
+httpJson opts span parser req = do
+  let opts' = opts.withDefault (label @"contentType" "application/json")
+  Http.httpBS req
+    >>= assertM
+      span
+      ( \resp -> do
+          let statusCode = resp & Http.responseStatus & (.statusCode)
+              contentType =
+                resp
+                  & Http.responseHeaders
+                  & List.lookup "content-type"
+                  <&> Wai.parseContentType
+                  <&> (\(ct, _mimeAttributes) -> ct)
+          if
+              | statusCode == 200,
+                Just ct <- contentType,
+                ct == opts'.contentType ->
+                  Right $ (resp & Http.responseBody)
+              | statusCode == 200,
+                Just otherType <- contentType ->
+                  Left [fmt|Server returned a non-json body, with content-type "{otherType}"|]
+              | statusCode == 200,
+                Nothing <- contentType ->
+                  Left [fmt|Server returned a body with unspecified content type|]
+              | code <- statusCode -> Left [fmt|Server returned an non-200 error code, code {code}: {resp & showPretty}|]
+      )
+    >>= assertM
+      span
+      ( \body ->
+          Json.parseStrict parser body
+            & first (Json.parseErrorTree "could not parse redacted response")
+      )
+assertM :: (MonadThrow f, MonadIO f) => Otel.Span -> (t -> Either ErrorTree a) -> t -> f a
+assertM span f v = case f v of
+  Right a -> pure a
+  Left err -> appThrowTree span err
+-- | UTC time that is only specific to the second
+newtype SecondTime = SecondTime {unSecondTime :: UTCTime}
+  deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord)
+mkSecondTime :: UTCTime -> SecondTime
+mkSecondTime utcTime = SecondTime utcTime {utctDayTime = Time.secondsToDiffTime $ floor utcTime.utctDayTime}
+diffSecondTime :: SecondTime -> SecondTime -> NominalDiffTime
+diffSecondTime (SecondTime a) (SecondTime b) = diffUTCTime a b
+data Cache a = Cache
+  { name :: !Text,
+    until :: !SecondTime,
+    lastModified :: !SecondTime,
+    result :: !a
+  }
+  deriving (Show)
+newCache :: Text -> a -> IO (TVar (Cache a))
+newCache name result = do
+  let until = mkSecondTime $ Time.UTCTime {utctDay = Time.ModifiedJulianDay 1, utctDayTime = 1}
+  let lastModified = until
+  newTVarIO $ Cache {..}
+updateCache :: (NFData a, Eq a) => SecondTime -> TVar (Cache a) -> a -> STM (Cache a)
+updateCache now cache result' = do
+  -- make sure we don’t hold onto the world by deepseq-ing and evaluating to WHNF
+  let !result = deepseq result' result'
+  let until = mkSecondTime $ (5 * 60) `addUTCTime` now.unSecondTime
+  !toWrite <- do
+    old <- readTVar cache
+    let name = old.name
+    -- only update the lastModified time iff the content changed (this is helpful for HTTP caching with If-Modified-Since)
+    if old.result == result
+      then do
+        let lastModified = old.lastModified
+        pure $ Cache {..}
+      else do
+        let lastModified = now
+        pure $ Cache {..}
+  _ <- writeTVar cache $! toWrite
+  pure toWrite
+-- | Run the given action iff the cache is stale, otherwise just return the item from the cache.
+updateCacheIfNewer :: (MonadUnliftIO m, NFData b, Eq b) => SecondTime -> TVar (Cache b) -> m b -> m (Cache b)
+updateCacheIfNewer now cache act = withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> do
+  old <- readTVarIO cache
+  if old.until < now
+    then do
+      res <- runInIO act
+      atomically $ updateCache now cache res
+    else pure old
+-- pgFormat <- readTools (label @"toolsEnvVar" "OPENLAB_TOOLS_TOOLS") (readTool "pg_format")
+-- let config = label @"logDatabaseQueries" LogDatabaseQueries
+-- pgConnPool <-
+--   Pool.newPool $
+--     Pool.defaultPoolConfig
+--       {- resource init action -} (Postgres.connectPostgreSQL (db & TmpPg.toConnectionString))
+--       {- resource destruction -} Postgres.close
+--       {- unusedResourceOpenTime -} 10
+--       {- max resources across all stripes -} 20
+-- transmissionSessionId <- newEmptyMVar
+-- let newAppT = do
+--       logInfo [fmt|Running with config: {showPretty config}|]
+--       logInfo [fmt|Connected to database at {db & TmpPg.toDataDirectory} on socket {db & TmpPg.toConnectionString}|]
+--       appT
+-- runReaderT newAppT.unAppT Context {..}
+withTracer :: (Otel.Tracer -> IO c) -> IO c
+withTracer f = do
+  setDefaultEnv "OTEL_SERVICE_NAME" "whatcd-resolver"
+  bracket
+    -- Install the SDK, pulling configuration from the environment
+    Otel.initializeGlobalTracerProvider
+    -- Ensure that any spans that haven't been exported yet are flushed
+    Otel.shutdownTracerProvider
+    -- Get a tracer so you can create spans
+    (\tracerProvider -> f $ Otel.makeTracer tracerProvider "whatcd-resolver" Otel.tracerOptions)
+setDefaultEnv :: String -> String -> IO ()
+setDefaultEnv envName defaultValue = do
+  Env.lookupEnv envName >>= \case
+    Just _env -> pure ()
+    Nothing -> Env.setEnv envName defaultValue
+data Context = Context
+  { tracer :: Otel.Tracer
+  }
+newtype AppT m a = AppT {unAppT :: ReaderT Context m a}
+  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadUnliftIO, MonadThrow)
+data AppException = AppException Text
+  deriving stock (Show)
+  deriving anyclass (Exception)
+-- | A specialized variant of @addEvent@ that records attributes conforming to
+-- the OpenTelemetry specification's
+-- <https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/49c2f56f3c0468ceb2b69518bcadadd96e0a5a8b/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/exceptions.md semantic conventions>
+-- @since
+recordException ::
+  ( MonadIO m,
+    HasField "message" r Text,
+    HasField "type_" r Text
+  ) =>
+  Otel.Span ->
+  r ->
+  m ()
+recordException span dat = liftIO $ do
+  callStack <- GHC.Stack.whoCreated dat.message
+  newEventTimestamp <- Just <$> Otel.getTimestamp
+  Otel.addEvent span $
+    Otel.NewEvent
+      { newEventName = "exception",
+        newEventAttributes =
+          HashMap.fromList
+            [ ("exception.type", Otel.toAttribute @Text dat.type_),
+              ("exception.message", Otel.toAttribute @Text dat.message),
+              ("exception.stacktrace", Otel.toAttribute @Text $ Text.unlines $ map stringToText callStack)
+            ],
+        ..
+      }
+appThrowTree :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Otel.Span -> ErrorTree -> m a
+appThrowTree span exc = do
+  let msg = prettyErrorTree exc
+  -- recordException
+  --   span
+  --   ( T2
+  --       (label @"type_" "AppException")
+  --       (label @"message" msg)
+  --   )
+  throwM $ AppException msg
+orAppThrowTree :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Otel.Span -> Either ErrorTree a -> m a
+orAppThrowTree span = \case
+  Left err -> appThrowTree span err
+  Right a -> pure a
+instance (MonadIO m) => MonadLogger (AppT m) where
+  monadLoggerLog loc src lvl msg = liftIO $ Logger.defaultOutput IO.stderr loc src lvl (Logger.toLogStr msg)
+instance (Monad m) => Otel.MonadTracer (AppT m) where
+  getTracer = AppT $ asks (.tracer)