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path: root/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Json/Enc.hs
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1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Json/Enc.hs b/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Json/Enc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c7cd6e4635e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/my-prelude/src/Json/Enc.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+module Json.Enc where
+import Data.Aeson (Encoding, Value (..))
+import Data.Aeson qualified as Json
+import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty qualified as Aeson.Pretty
+import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as AesonEnc
+import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as Json.Enc
+import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as Json.Encoding
+import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as Key
+import Data.Aeson.KeyMap (KeyMap)
+import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
+import Data.ByteString.Base64 qualified as Base64
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LazyBytes
+import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrdOn)
+import Data.Int (Int64)
+import Data.List qualified as List
+import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
+import Data.Scientific
+import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
+import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as Lazy
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as Text.Builder
+import Data.Time qualified as Time
+import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 qualified as ISO8601
+import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
+import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude
+-- | A JSON encoder.
+-- It is faster than going through 'Value', because 'Encoding' is just a wrapper around a @Bytes.Builder@.
+-- But the @aeson@ interface for 'Encoding' is extremely bad, so let’s build a better one.
+newtype Enc = Enc {unEnc :: Encoding}
+  deriving (Num, Fractional) via (NumLiteralOnly "Enc" Enc)
+instance Show Enc where
+  show e = e.unEnc & Json.Encoding.encodingToLazyByteString & bytesToTextUtf8UnsafeLazy & show
+-- | You can create an @Enc any@ that renders a json string value with @OverloadedStrings@.
+instance IsString Enc where
+  fromString = Enc . AesonEnc.string
+-- | You can create an @Enc any@ that renders a json number value with an integer literal.
+instance IntegerLiteral Enc where
+  integerLiteral = Enc . AesonEnc.integer
+-- | You can create an @Enc any@ that renders a json number value with an floating point literal.
+-- __ATTN__: Bear in mind that this will crash on repeating rationals, so only use for literals in code!
+instance RationalLiteral Enc where
+  rationalLiteral r = Enc $ AesonEnc.scientific (r & fromRational @Scientific)
+-- | Convert an 'Enc' to a strict UTF8-bytestring which is valid JSON (minified).
+encToBytesUtf8 :: Enc -> ByteString
+encToBytesUtf8 enc = enc & encToBytesUtf8Lazy & toStrictBytes
+-- | Convert an 'Enc' to a lazy UTF8-bytestring which is valid JSON (minified).
+encToBytesUtf8Lazy :: Enc -> LazyBytes.ByteString
+encToBytesUtf8Lazy enc = enc.unEnc & Json.Enc.encodingToLazyByteString
+-- | Convert an 'Enc' to a strict Text which is valid JSON (prettyfied).
+-- __ATTN__: will re-parse the json through 'Json.Value', so only use for user-interactions like pretty-printing.
+encToTextPretty :: Enc -> Text
+encToTextPretty enc =
+  enc
+    & encToTextPrettyLazy
+    & toStrict
+-- | Convert an 'Enc' to a lazy Text which is valid JSON (prettyfied).
+-- __ATTN__: will re-parse the json through 'Json.Value', so only use for user-interactions like pretty-printing.
+encToTextPrettyLazy :: Enc -> Lazy.Text
+encToTextPrettyLazy enc =
+  enc
+    & encToBytesUtf8Lazy
+    & Json.decode @Json.Value
+    & annotate "the json parser can’t parse json encodings??"
+    & unwrapError
+    & Aeson.Pretty.encodePrettyToTextBuilder
+    & Text.Builder.toLazyText
+-- | Embed a 'Json.Encoding' verbatim (it’s a valid JSON value)
+encoding :: Encoding -> Enc
+encoding = Enc
+-- | Encode a 'Json.Value' verbatim (it’s a valid JSON value)
+value :: Value -> Enc
+value = Enc . AesonEnc.value
+-- | Encode an empty json list
+emptyArray :: Enc
+emptyArray = Enc AesonEnc.emptyArray_
+-- | Encode an empty json dict
+emptyObject :: Enc
+emptyObject = Enc AesonEnc.emptyObject_
+-- | Encode a 'Text' as a json string
+text :: Text -> Enc
+text = Enc . AesonEnc.text
+-- | Encode a lazy 'Text' as a json string
+lazyText :: Lazy.Text -> Enc
+lazyText = Enc . AesonEnc.lazyText
+-- | Encode a 'ByteString' as a base64-encoded json string
+base64Bytes :: ByteString -> Enc
+base64Bytes = Enc . AesonEnc.text . bytesToTextUtf8Unsafe . Base64.encode
+-- | Encode a 'Text' as a base64-encoded json string
+base64 :: Text -> Enc
+base64 = Enc . AesonEnc.text . bytesToTextUtf8Unsafe . Base64.encode . textToBytesUtf8
+-- | Encode a 'Prelude.String' as a json string
+string :: String -> Enc
+string = Enc . AesonEnc.string
+-- | Encode as json @null@ if 'Nothing', else use the given encoder for @Just a@
+nullOr :: (a -> Enc) -> Maybe a -> Enc
+nullOr inner = \case
+  Nothing -> Enc AesonEnc.null_
+  Just a -> inner a
+-- | Encode a list as a json list
+list :: (a -> Enc) -> [a] -> Enc
+list f = Enc . AesonEnc.list (\a -> (f a).unEnc)
+-- | Encode a 'NonEmpty' as a json list.
+nonEmpty :: (a -> Enc) -> NonEmpty a -> Enc
+nonEmpty f = list f . toList
+-- | Encode the given list of keys and their encoders as json dict.
+-- If the list contains the same key multiple times, the first value in the list is retained:
+-- @
+-- (object [ ("foo", 42), ("foo", 23) ])
+-- ~= "{\"foo\":42}"
+-- @
+object :: (Foldable t) => t (Text, Enc) -> Enc
+object m =
+  Enc $
+    AesonEnc.dict
+      AesonEnc.text
+      (\recEnc -> recEnc.unEnc)
+      (\f -> List.foldr (\(k, v) -> f k v))
+      (nubOrdOn fst $ toList m)
+-- | A tag/value encoder; See 'choice'
+data Choice = Choice Text Enc
+-- | Encode a sum type as a @Choice@, an object with a @tag@/@value@ pair,
+-- which is the conventional json sum type representation in our codebase.
+-- @
+-- foo :: Maybe Text -> Enc
+-- foo = choice $ \case
+--   Nothing -> Choice "no" emptyObject ()
+--   Just t -> Choice "yes" text t
+-- ex = foo Nothing == "{\"tag\": \"no\", \"value\": {}}"
+-- ex2 = foo (Just "hi") == "{\"tag\": \"yes\", \"value\": \"hi\"}"
+-- @
+choice :: (from -> Choice) -> from -> Enc
+choice f from = case f from of
+  Choice key encA -> singleChoice key encA
+-- | Like 'choice', but simply encode a single possibility into a @tag/value@ object.
+-- This can be useful, but if you want to match on an enum, use 'choice' instead.
+singleChoice :: Text -> Enc -> Enc
+singleChoice key encA =
+  Enc $
+    AesonEnc.pairs $
+      mconcat
+        [ AesonEnc.pair "tag" (AesonEnc.text key),
+          AesonEnc.pair "value" encA.unEnc
+        ]
+-- | Encode a 'Map' as a json dict
+-- We can’t really set the key to anything but text (We don’t keep the tag of 'Encoding')
+-- so instead we allow anything that’s coercible from text as map key (i.e. newtypes).
+map :: forall k v. (Coercible k Text) => (v -> Enc) -> Map k v -> Enc
+map valEnc m =
+  Enc $
+    AesonEnc.dict
+      (AesonEnc.text . coerce @k @Text)
+      (\v -> (valEnc v).unEnc)
+      Map.foldrWithKey
+      m
+-- | Encode a 'KeyMap' as a json dict
+keyMap :: (v -> Enc) -> KeyMap v -> Enc
+keyMap valEnc m =
+  Enc $
+    AesonEnc.dict
+      (AesonEnc.text . Key.toText)
+      (\v -> (valEnc v).unEnc)
+      KeyMap.foldrWithKey
+      m
+-- | Encode 'Json.Null'
+null :: Enc
+null = Enc AesonEnc.null_
+-- | Encode a 'Prelude.Bool' as a json boolean
+bool :: Bool -> Enc
+bool = Enc . AesonEnc.bool
+-- | Encode an 'Integer' as a json number.
+-- TODO: is it okay to just encode an arbitrarily-sized integer into json?
+integer :: Integer -> Enc
+integer = Enc . AesonEnc.integer
+-- | Encode a 'Scientific' as a json number.
+scientific :: Scientific -> Enc
+scientific = Enc . AesonEnc.scientific
+-- | Encode a 'Natural' as a json number.
+natural :: Natural -> Enc
+natural = integer . toInteger @Natural
+-- | Encode an 'Int' as a json number.
+int :: Int -> Enc
+int = Enc . AesonEnc.int
+-- | Encode an 'Int64' as a json number.
+int64 :: Int64 -> Enc
+int64 = Enc . AesonEnc.int64
+-- | Encode 'Time.UTCTime' as a json string, as an ISO8601 timestamp with timezone (@yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]Z@)
+utcTime :: Time.UTCTime -> Enc
+utcTime =
+  text . stringToText . ISO8601.iso8601Show @Time.UTCTime
+-- | Implement this class if you want your type to only implement the part of 'Num'
+-- that allows creating them from Integer-literals, then derive Num via 'NumLiteralOnly':
+-- @
+-- data Foo = Foo Integer
+--   deriving (Num) via (NumLiteralOnly "Foo" Foo)
+-- instance IntegerLiteral Foo where
+--  integerLiteral i = Foo i
+-- @
+class IntegerLiteral a where
+  integerLiteral :: Integer -> a
+-- | The same as 'IntegerLiteral' but for floating point literals.
+class RationalLiteral a where
+  rationalLiteral :: Rational -> a
+-- | Helper class for @deriving (Num) via …@, implements only literal syntax for integer and floating point numbers,
+-- and throws descriptive runtime errors for any other methods in 'Num'.
+-- See 'IntegerLiteral' and 'RationalLiteral' for examples.
+newtype NumLiteralOnly (sym :: Symbol) num = NumLiteralOnly num
+instance (IntegerLiteral num, KnownSymbol sym) => Num (NumLiteralOnly sym num) where
+  fromInteger = NumLiteralOnly . integerLiteral
+  (+) = error [fmt|Only use as numeric literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to add (+) (NumLiteralOnly)|]
+  (*) = error [fmt|Only use as numeric literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to multiply (*) (NumLiteralOnly)|]
+  (-) = error [fmt|Only use as numeric literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to subtract (-) (NumLiteralOnly)|]
+  abs = error [fmt|Only use as numeric literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to use `abs` (NumLiteralOnly)|]
+  signum = error [fmt|Only use as numeric literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to use `signum` (NumLiteralOnly)|]
+instance (IntegerLiteral num, RationalLiteral num, KnownSymbol sym) => Fractional (NumLiteralOnly sym num) where
+  fromRational = NumLiteralOnly . rationalLiteral
+  recip = error [fmt|Only use as rational literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to use `recip` (NumLiteralOnly)|]
+  (/) = error [fmt|Only use as numeric literal allowed for {symbolVal (Proxy @sym)}, you tried to divide (/) (NumLiteralOnly)|]