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path: root/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite')
3 files changed, 290 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/JbovlasteSqlite.hs b/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/JbovlasteSqlite.hs
index 3d2811865a77..3fdd3076ed55 100644
--- a/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/JbovlasteSqlite.hs
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/JbovlasteSqlite.hs
@@ -2,27 +2,136 @@
 module Main where
+import Control.Category qualified
+import Control.Category qualified as Cat
+import Control.Selective (Selective)
 import Data.ByteString.Internal qualified as Bytes
 import Data.Error.Tree
+import Data.Functor.Compose
 import Data.List qualified as List
 import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Data.Monoid (First (..))
+import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
+import Data.Semigroupoid qualified as Semigroupoid
 import Data.Text qualified as Text
 import Data.Text.IO qualified as Text
+import FieldParser (FieldParser)
+import FieldParser qualified as Field
 import Label
 import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude
+import Pretty
 import Text.XML (def)
 import Text.XML qualified as Xml
+import Validation (partitionValidations)
+import Prelude hiding (maybe)
+import Prelude qualified
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   f <- file
-    & filterElementsRec noUsers
-    & downTo (T2 (label @"maxdepth" 5) (label @"maxlistitems" 20))
+    & filterDown
     & toTree
     & prettyErrorTree
     & Text.putStrLn
+filterDown :: Xml.Element -> Xml.Element
+filterDown el =
+  el
+    & filterElementsRec noUsers
+    & downTo (T2 (label @"maxdepth" 5) (label @"maxlistitems" 30))
+data Valsi = Valsi
+  { definition :: Text,
+    definitionId :: Natural,
+    typ :: Text,
+    selmaho :: Maybe Text,
+    notes :: Maybe Text,
+    glosswords :: [T2 "word" Text "sense" (Maybe Text)],
+    keywords :: [T3 "word" Text "place" Natural "sense" (Maybe Text)]
+  }
+  deriving stock (Show)
+test :: IO ()
+test = do
+  f <- file
+  parseJbovlasteXml f
+    & \case
+      Left errs -> Text.putStrLn $ prettyErrorTree errs
+      Right el -> do
+        el & traverse_ printPretty
+parseJbovlasteXml :: HasField "documentRoot" r Xml.Element => r -> Either ErrorTree [Valsi]
+parseJbovlasteXml xml =
+  xml.documentRoot
+    & runParse
+      "uh oh"
+      ( ( element "dictionary" <&> (.elementNodes) <&> mapMaybe nodeElementMay
+        )
+          >>> ( ( find
+                    ( element "direction"
+                        >>> ( ( do
+                                  (attribute "from" >>> exactly showToText "lojban")
+                                  *> (attribute "to" >>> exactly showToText "English")
+                                  *> Cat.id
+                              )
+                            )
+                    )
+                    >>> dimap
+                      (\x -> x.elementNodes <&> nodeElementMay)
+                      (catMaybes)
+                      ( multiple
+                          (\idx _ -> [fmt|{idx}|])
+                          ( maybe $
+                              (element "valsi")
+                                >>> do
+                                  let subNodes =
+                                        ( Cat.id
+                                            <&> (.elementNodes)
+                                            <&> mapMaybe nodeElementMay
+                                        )
+                                  let subElementContent elName =
+                                        subNodes
+                                          >>> ( (find (element elName))
+                                                  <&> (.elementNodes)
+                                              )
+                                          >>> exactlyOne
+                                          >>> content
+                                  let optionalSubElementContent elName =
+                                        subNodes
+                                          >>> ((findAll (element elName) >>> zeroOrOne))
+                                          >>> (maybe (lmap (.elementNodes) exactlyOne >>> content))
+                                  typ <- attribute "type"
+                                  selmaho <- optionalSubElementContent "selmaho"
+                                  definition <- subElementContent "definition"
+                                  definitionId <- subElementContent "definitionid" >>> fieldParser Field.decimalNatural
+                                  notes <- optionalSubElementContent "notes"
+                                  glosswords <-
+                                    (subNodes >>> findAll (element "glossword"))
+                                      >>> ( multiple (\idx _ -> [fmt|{idx}|]) $ do
+                                              word <- label @"word" <$> (attribute "word")
+                                              sense <- label @"sense" <$> (attributeMay "sense")
+                                              pure $ T2 word sense
+                                          )
+                                  keywords <-
+                                    (subNodes >>> findAll (element "keyword"))
+                                      >>> ( multiple (\idx _ -> [fmt|{idx}|]) $ do
+                                              word <- label @"word" <$> (attribute "word")
+                                              place <- label @"place" <$> (attribute "place" >>> fieldParser Field.decimalNatural)
+                                              sense <- label @"sense" <$> (attributeMay "sense")
+                                              pure $ T3 word place sense
+                                          )
+                                  pure $ Valsi {..}
+                          )
+                      )
+                )
+              )
+      )
 file :: IO Xml.Document
 file = Xml.readFile def "./jbovlaste-en.xml"
@@ -75,15 +184,10 @@ downTo n el =
 toTree :: Xml.Element -> ErrorTree
 toTree el = do
-  let outer =
-        if not $ null el.elementAttributes
-          then [fmt|<{name el.elementName}: {attrs el.elementAttributes}>|]
-          else [fmt|<{name el.elementName}>|]
   case el.elementNodes & filter (not . isEmptyContent) & nonEmpty of
-    Nothing -> singleError (newError outer)
-    Just (n :| []) | not $ isElementNode n -> singleError $ errorContext outer (nodeErrorNoElement n)
-    Just nodes -> nestedMultiError (newError outer) (nodes <&> node)
+    Nothing -> singleError (newError (prettyXmlElement el))
+    Just (n :| []) | not $ isElementNode n -> singleError $ errorContext (prettyXmlElement el) (nodeErrorNoElement n)
+    Just nodes -> nestedMultiError (newError (prettyXmlElement el)) (nodes <&> node)
     isEmptyContent = \case
       Xml.NodeContent c -> c & Text.all Bytes.isSpaceChar8
@@ -104,7 +208,175 @@ toTree el = do
       Xml.NodeComment c -> [fmt|<!-- {c} -->|]
       Xml.NodeElement _ -> error "NodeElement not allowed here"
-    name :: Xml.Name -> Text
-    name n = [fmt|{n.namePrefix & fromMaybe ""}{n.nameLocalName}|]
+prettyXmlName :: Xml.Name -> Text
+prettyXmlName n = [fmt|{n.namePrefix & fromMaybe ""}{n.nameLocalName}|]
+prettyXmlElement :: Xml.Element -> Text
+prettyXmlElement el =
+  if not $ null el.elementAttributes
+    then [fmt|<{prettyXmlName el.elementName}: {attrs el.elementAttributes}>|]
+    else [fmt|<{prettyXmlName el.elementName}>|]
+  where
     attrs :: Map Xml.Name Text -> Text
-    attrs a = a & Map.toList <&> (\(k, v) -> [fmt|{name k}={v}|]) & Text.intercalate ", " & \s -> [fmt|({s})|]
+    attrs a = a & Map.toList <&> (\(k, v) -> [fmt|{prettyXmlName k}={v}|]) & Text.intercalate ", " & \s -> [fmt|({s})|]
+nodeElementMay :: Xml.Node -> Maybe Xml.Element
+nodeElementMay = \case
+  Xml.NodeElement el -> Just el
+  _ -> Nothing
+newtype Context = Context (Maybe [Text])
+  deriving stock (Show)
+  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (First [Text])
+newtype Parse from to = Parse ((Context, from) -> Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree) (Context, to))
+  deriving
+    (Functor, Applicative, Selective)
+    via ( Compose
+            ( Compose
+                ((->) (Context, from))
+                (Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree))
+            )
+            ((,) Context)
+        )
+instance Semigroupoid Parse where
+  o p2 p1 = Parse $ \from -> case runParse' p1 from of
+    Failure err -> Failure err
+    Success to1 -> runParse' p2 to1
+instance Category Parse where
+  (.) = Semigroupoid.o
+  id = Parse $ \t -> Success t
+instance Profunctor Parse where
+  lmap f (Parse p) = Parse $ lmap (second f) p
+  rmap = (<$>)
+runParse :: Error -> Parse from to -> from -> Either ErrorTree to
+runParse errMsg parser t =
+  (Context (Just ["$"]), t)
+    & runParse' parser
+    <&> snd
+    & first (nestedMultiError errMsg)
+    & validationToEither
+runParse' :: Parse from to -> (Context, from) -> Validation (NonEmpty ErrorTree) (Context, to)
+runParse' (Parse f) from = f from
+showContext :: Context -> Text
+showContext (Context context) = context & fromMaybe [] & List.reverse & Text.intercalate "."
+addContext :: Text -> Context -> Context
+addContext x (Context mxs) = Context (Just $ x : (mxs & fromMaybe []))
+element :: Text -> Parse Xml.Element Xml.Element
+element name = Parse $ \(ctx, el) ->
+  if el.elementName.nameLocalName == name
+    then Success (ctx & addContext (prettyXmlName el.elementName), el)
+    else Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected element named <{name}> but got {el & prettyXmlElement} at {showContext ctx}|]
+content :: Parse Xml.Node Text
+content = Parse $ \(ctx, node) -> case node of
+  Xml.NodeContent t -> Success (ctx, t)
+  -- TODO: give an example of the node content?
+  n -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected a content node, but got a {n & nodeType} node, at {showContext ctx}|]
+    where
+      nodeType = \case
+        Xml.NodeContent _ -> "content" :: Text
+        Xml.NodeComment _ -> "comment"
+        Xml.NodeInstruction _ -> "instruction"
+        Xml.NodeElement _ -> "element"
+attribute :: Text -> Parse Xml.Element Text
+attribute name = Parse $ \(ctx, el) ->
+  case el.elementAttributes & Map.mapKeys (.nameLocalName) & Map.lookup name of
+    Just a -> Success (ctx & addContext [fmt|{{attr:{name}}}|], a)
+    Nothing -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Attribute "{name}" missing at {showContext ctx}|]
+attributeMay :: Text -> Parse Xml.Element (Maybe Text)
+attributeMay name = Parse $ \(ctx, el) ->
+  case el.elementAttributes & Map.mapKeys (.nameLocalName) & Map.lookup name of
+    Just a -> Success (ctx & addContext [fmt|{{attr:{name}}}|], Just a)
+    Nothing -> Success (ctx, Nothing)
+-- | 'oneOf' but only one value possible
+exactly :: Eq from => (from -> Text) -> from -> Parse from from
+exactly errDisplay from = Parse $ \(ctx, from') ->
+  if from == from'
+    then Success (ctx, from')
+    else Failure $ singleton [fmt|Field has to be exactly {errDisplay from}, was: {errDisplay from'} at {showContext ctx}|]
+multiple :: (Natural -> a1 -> Error) -> Parse a1 a2 -> Parse [a1] [a2]
+multiple errorFn inner = dimap nonEmpty (Prelude.maybe [] toList) (maybe $ multipleNE errorFn inner)
+multipleNE :: (Natural -> from -> Error) -> Parse from to -> Parse (NonEmpty from) (NonEmpty to)
+multipleNE errorFn inner = Parse $ \(ctx, from) ->
+  from
+    & zipIndex
+    & traverse (\(idx, f) -> runParse' inner (ctx, f) & first (singleton . nestedMultiError (errorFn idx f)))
+    -- we assume that, since the same parser is used everywhere, the context will be the same as well (TODO: correct?)
+    & second (\((ctx', y) :| ys) -> (ctx', y :| (snd <$> ys)))
+maybe :: Parse from to -> Parse (Maybe from) (Maybe to)
+maybe inner = Parse $ \(ctx, m) -> case m of
+  Nothing -> Success (ctx, Nothing)
+  Just a -> runParse' inner (ctx, a) & second (fmap Just)
+exactlyOne :: Parse [from] from
+exactlyOne = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) -> case xs of
+  [] -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected exactly 1 element, but got 0, at {ctx & showContext}|]
+  [one] -> Success (ctx, one)
+  _more -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected exactly 1 element, but got 2, at {ctx & showContext}|]
+zeroOrOne :: Parse [from] (Maybe from)
+zeroOrOne = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) -> case xs of
+  [] -> Success (ctx, Nothing)
+  [one] -> Success (ctx, Just one)
+  _more -> Failure $ singleton [fmt|Expected exactly 1 element, but got 2, at {ctx & showContext}|]
+find :: Parse from to -> Parse [from] to
+find inner = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) -> case xs of
+  [] -> failure [fmt|Wanted to get the first sub-parser that succeeds, but there were no elements in the list, at {ctx & showContext}|]
+  (y : ys) -> runParse' (findNE' inner) (ctx, y :| ys)
+findNE' :: Parse from to -> Parse (NonEmpty from) to
+findNE' inner = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) ->
+  xs
+    <&> (\x -> runParse' inner (ctx, x))
+    & traverse1
+      ( \case
+          Success a -> Left a
+          Failure e -> Right e
+      )
+    & \case
+      Left a -> Success a
+      Right errs ->
+        errs
+          & zipIndex
+          <&> (\(idx, errs') -> nestedMultiError [fmt|{idx}|] errs')
+          & nestedMultiError [fmt|None of these sub-parsers succeeded|]
+          & singleton
+          & Failure
+findAll :: Parse from to -> Parse [from] [to]
+findAll inner = Parse $ \(ctx, xs) ->
+  xs
+    <&> (\x -> runParse' inner (ctx, x))
+    & partitionValidations
+    & \case
+      (_miss, []) ->
+        -- in this case we just arbitrarily forward the original context …
+        Success (ctx, [])
+      (_miss, (hitCtx, hit) : hits) -> Success (hitCtx, hit : (hits <&> snd))
+fieldParser :: FieldParser from to -> Parse from to
+fieldParser fp = Parse $ \(ctx, from) -> case Field.runFieldParser fp from of
+  Right a -> Success (ctx, a)
+  Left err -> Failure $ singleton (singleError err)
+zipNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty (a, b)
+zipNonEmpty (x :| xs) (y :| ys) = (x, y) :| zip xs ys
+zipIndex :: NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty (Natural, b)
+zipIndex = zipNonEmpty (1 :| [2 :: Natural ..])
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/default.nix b/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/default.nix
index cccd3d934e6d..5769ca65ca50 100644
--- a/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/default.nix
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/default.nix
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ let
+      pkgs.haskellPackages.pa-field-parser
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/jbovlaste-sqlite.cabal b/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/jbovlaste-sqlite.cabal
index 973009bda1af..36510fd8a558 100644
--- a/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/jbovlaste-sqlite.cabal
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/jbovlaste-sqlite/jbovlaste-sqlite.cabal
@@ -61,8 +61,12 @@ executable jbovlaste-sqlite
+        pa-field-parser,
+        selective,
+        semigroupoids,
+        validation-selective,